HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-17, Page 5appy' this
cl a reduction in
Otifig 40,000
Ins day and
• d 74,, Ca +•4
yes -
gen. 'a: sig 01' rc,-
..thbf the new Union
Opened,' surely ,
gi season' is' open, Ey-
'Heoines word ,of n
owxiart 1,.atheli of Our niany
lakes ',& 4is1 ,Greater care should
'be , taken Sffair inor on' the wa
especially by those who. cannot
' Whisky adsare agadn appearing
In the newspapers of Alberta, They
' have disappeared from the newspa-
' pers of Ontario- and will n t a -1;
appear while,the Ontario Temperance
. Act stands Do the ' of On -
barrio 'want our newspaperagain
frown, with such ads?, .
'We've never' seen two .0100118 in the
sicY et one time but julY conies nehr
achieving the Marvel, 'having, two new
moons in the month. There was a
new moon on the 2nd and will be all,.
other en the 31st: , It is said to be e
. great number of.- yeare since such ,a
thing happened before.' .
Doctors now claim that the -only
child has mOre brains, than the child'
with several brothers and sisters.
Considering what we are, just fancy
what mental giants most of us might
- have ,been„ if we hadn't had to divide
.up our braihs with a whole lot -of
hrother., and sisters!
* _
Some people effect to believe that
women haven't much influence in. pole
itics, even though they have a vote,
but it eves a woman who- eanninated
the winning candidate at the Demo-
cratic convention in New York the
other day, breaking a cleadloek which 1.
had lasted foo'days.-
* *
TOTOrit0 is to have its viaduct eind v
the use ,of its new union station. Thir s
seenis almost too good to be true to a
the inhabitants of that bailiwick, and a
we should_ be neighborly enough to I
•'rejoice with them. That tinfoil. eta- f
• tion has been an =enfant long t
enough. It time it was put to w
some geed use.
,Cancidian e4itoes now touring Great a
'attain were entertained by the xing' B
and Queen at a garden a:art' the 111
other day. No doubt they imagine in
theyaaie having a fine time but tbey 13
needn't think they're having all the A.
fun. We were at the Baird Re -un- a
ion last eveth and could Rave gone to B
- the Ford picnic at Byfield yesterday w
ia we'd wanted to,
e1tinuod fl'om Page )
Ozt speabers' dwell upon the many
ativantages derived Irom contact with
4.The Master " the man who for so
Many years \ViCldecl eneh an IDE -ammo
on the eon muility, was that those of
us who had never Wended "Baird!
Schooland had'neyer bad the privil-
ege of knowing the kindly scholar
who had so long ruled -there, had had
but a Poor -4tali in
sA basket ball game w-as.played.dne-.
ibg •the afternoon between' the ,prw
sent, mem:bur-sr, eP th0 section. and` for:
mei, ,pupils, the former whining". Ten-
niS, baseball and football was also
indulged in during the afternoon, and
evening ,
One accident inarred the day when
Eenneth Stewart, son -of Mr. and
Mrs. Fenwick Stewart, fell while en-
gaged in a ball game -and broke his
The Clinten Pipe Band enlivened
the proceedings 'during,' the' after-
noon with many a merry tune on
their pipes, which just suited the
occasion. 'their music came in • for
many compliments.
, II 11 Tf
, Mrs, Baird„the gentle, dignified wi-
dow of the "Master," Was ilreSent on
,this occasion and many,. tokens 01'
love and respect were paid to her as
well as to the memory of her excel).
tiodal 'htsband •
' 11 Tf tr
So hysy have we been talking about
other things that we have left to the
very last any mention of the won-
derful provision made for the enter-
tainment of the guests by the, ladies.
The supper to which all satdown was
served with' the lavishness of true
Scottish hospitality. We 'should say
that With all the studying of the
spelling book anti the eateehisnf the
ladies of 13aird'5 neighborhood have
not neglected the essential study of
the culinary art.
11 II 11 11
Mr. • W. olVfeEwen ivas president
and Mr. Fenwick Stewart 'secretary
of the eonunittee responsible for this
unique. home -gathering and they and
the other members' or the committee
are certainly to be congratulated up-
on its unqualified success.
' -1111 11,11 '.
register*wasacept mid 1Via. J. H.
IVacEwan, who had 'charge of it; was
my' biesy 'cal afternoon, eating his
upper even with . -the book at, his el -
ow, trying to get at 'many sigatures
s could. We give below a partial
ist of those who attended, especisilly
rom distant points; heading it by
he names of the Baird family who
ere present:
1VE's . George Baird, -.sr, Nis* -Chris-
tine Baird, George T. end Mrs. Baird
ncl family, Mr. and, Mrs, Thomas.
aird, Stewart Baird, Mrjand Mrs:
los. B. Baird, all el enema reside
the vicinity. T. T. ancl Mrs.
aird, aTighlandl Park, Mich.; George
. ncl Mrs. Baird, Detroit, Mich.;
nd Mrs, Win. Baird, Ferndale; P,
•, and Naas, Moffat .,and .babe, Dash-
ood; John Lane, --111):s. Lane and fa-
it, St' .Coltunban• Miss Ethel Lane.,
*a* .
A Berlin doetor is trying to searL
women in.to letting'their heir. grow, Jo
by :telling them that if they continue D
bobbing, itathey'lt giefiv beards. Care- 1VI
-4.vtlinfra Women are made of sterner ai
f-eetiff 'than to be scared so easily, howl.1-1
Any old German doctor vehO R
fh7d<s isa :can scare a Canacjian,,flaa- W
--perainto letting her hair .grow.tentil Ca
She's good'and-readyliee anhther tali M
think coming. , .
* 40* t, •-•••
The'Re-cliatt"ibution.131.11 has. passeti" mi
the Comm sins 'BY it many, changes Rd
. are made but Huron escapee ehatige, Mr
although many ridings CI,V0 chringed No
disappecia altogether, York cortaity
loses' one ridina.while Grenvillea I. an
nox. and Addington, E. Peterboth, Pe
•orie Hastingsa one Elgin,. Duifevin and Jo
'N.• Ontario disappear eatogetlier. ,He
'end °Maid° 'will have, :the Di
.saine •nmelber ;northers as -before, Fo
although Some' tidings .disappar,' but Co
:the *West gains considerably. . Ter- bet
-onto will have- nine instehd ' of' six • D.
members,. There' will -be '245 seats 'Sae
in the., house .fitistosaga , gt3, , •
, a
La ste year thaa Ocinadian National Ed
'Exhibition cueatittee eetit out little click
thermetheterlorto newspaper editors IC
and °Ilia hangs on the wall of the of- Ew
;fire this :Minute and'Tegisters eighty- =Hi)
, one,, with the afternoon sun pouring Cle
.iri. This year theyesent out ever- Mrs
sharp Pencils, •witheareffich; nci, doubt, God
-they alf"airoceed to write moi
few"Jt;ind . words- Omit their batty. Cud
big fair. , Well, oneaean't help say- Wo
ing Mee .16,theut itaff one, Mit
says aiiything -far 'Certainly Mrs
ie no aloticheof ` if Ern
we, ever."6".rieb we'd go to Torerito en' la,id
- the firS,t fair.`"and StayoniTor
til thela4' 'was...headed.- ,GeO
for . home .fold and the' last reele• land
will - say,' that ,fanaaignisalliVie;Ye to fain
be the- beginiffng _ the end-' atif a JOS0
pleasaiit mann-nem thart Ale
ance against it and. We alwayS',,heave Yale
sigh,:'when they itart-,adVertising' lVlrs
• Ross
Dueing the ,sunimer,weather-there on;
is no holiday more enjoyable, per- Issa
hap, ,'especially for .those who love J. .
- the 'great out-cloors, than a hhliday Tayl
• .epeet Motoring about „with- conipara-, and
tive leisureness, through ,the-beattl:' Stew
ful country that is Onta).qo. We IVIeT
hope sOnie day, (a -kind fate send it Olin
nolgtoo late for 00 to enjoy it) to Neil
tali° ear:m.11)1e of weeks, with a trusty Legg
• and a congenial chum or two, and, A,
tnble about among :the , many lovely ,McD
snots , ;we already 'wet- of, some we Mrs.
Already. know and S0,1110,1 w.e've,..only• Mar
heard of;' resting , when we're tired ,to;
, and rettirnin'th when the 'holidays end lane,
wil h .-hoth mind 'aini body refreshed., and
'And, as if just TOT people who ,want Tear
to do that sort of thioz and need 'a ,C3ord
guide, A. A. Briggs,' adverOsing char
,Oanager of the Dunlop, Tire Co , has Mrs,
r,tist issued a 'new type e road guide. gavel
A -is in thelform Of a book which bit Spea
, easily carried: II; gives. Maps Mrs.
e different distriet,„ sihowina, the Stan
,-'-pto be travelled and on the Miss
k:lati.ge,2Fives the Interesting lea- L.
"O1l'aces shown. Anyone; McCl
Na1.11"; -91eta,
11tunlop Teaila ,"a 'reel es- Gran
They sell it for fifty 'cents, Clint
iss tines= Lane, =Prank Lam; Cherie
due' and WillianClenea sBrucefield
lin and Mrs. 'Snyder, Brudefield
avid anq Mre. Elliott, Clinton; Mrs
ary Rost," Clinton; George It
id Mrs, Elliott; Clinton; Mrs. Fran
ow and two sons, Toronte; nom
eid,,IVIrs. Reia'and Miss Edna Reid
alt‘n; 'Arthur. Canthlon, and Mrs
nteIon, 'Clanton; RobertAllunter an
rs. Hunter, Clinton; John Cuirrin
d Elyth; Miss Bessie Smith
inton; Mb's. E. Sehoenhale and' fa
1y, Clinton; 11. Rt Ross and Mrs
as, Sehforth; t. Bedford at
•BecIfeed, Sault 'Ste: il,/arie;• .A.
tta 1Vfrs Nott aria Mrs.. E.. Kearns
ult Ste, 'Waite; George iStewae
d Mao. BtewartaSettforth•
aeock, Miss M. R. Clark: Clinton
hn Craig "and Hanneh 111i 'Gkaig
nhall; Rev. I-1, R. Diehl .and Mrs.
ehl,,Adelaide;• la Forrest, Mrs.,
rrest and Beth lirorrest, Varna; ,Fd
tton 'and IVIrs,..Cotton Detroit; Ro-
t,;.'hicla, and IA's. irick, Clinton;
P. McGregor, Mrs. ;McGregor,
forth; T...E. Mason, Mrs, -Mason,
d, Miza Marion, Sumenirbill; John
eiaiat'-ancf'aafrs. Steevara Bayfield;
na Alexander, Toronto; T. R, But:
et; MB',, Eugenia ate Butehart,
D., Red a1a1c, Iowa; .1a6V. J. Mc -
em •MTSi MeEivem and family,
leaale,e0r114 Miss' Jean' Mustard,
velarid, Ohio; Frank Saunders end
• Saunclets, and Mits. Win, Glen, -
mach; Win, Cudmore, Mrs. dud-
Seaforth; .Sam Cuclinore, Mts.
more, kippeneT. Workman, MTS. ,
rkinan, Kicppen; John' V. Diehl,
. plintorii Robert ,MeLaren,
McLaren, Hensall; Sieihn, Greet
cefieldi Katherne W. Leckie, Me-
e L..;,',Graliani;' Edith 13, Leckie,
Bi.anclon;"Forett; Mrs.
rge Branner, Ifilda.'Brenner, Mid-
, '3. RosS, Hensel:11;
es.Brpagoot,,Mrs. Broacifoot and
hly,:Seaforth"; janies -Hi Martin,
ph. J. .Martin end Mrs, Martha
x. Robertson andalVIrs. Robertson,
a Mich. . Richard Macken • end
. Macken, "-Forrest; Frederick
arid. -family,' Dungannon; A,
ion and lyLrs. Gordon,. Sheppard. -
J. McGregor; 13rooklya, N.Y.;
e Dodd, 'Clinton; Wdlliarn- Taylor,
Ross Taylor, Joseph Taylor, 'Ida
or, Science Hill; T. Clatworthy
Clatworthy, ,Lonclon; Ida
aet, Sault Ste. 'Melte; Elizabeth"
evish, Clinton; Minnie Weikel',
ton; F'. C. Neil, IVIrs. F. .0,
and Ross Neil, London; Cecil
, Mrs, G; LeggaBouglas Legg;
C. McDetigall, and Mrs. A. C.
• Aylmer;- Thos. Lane and
Lane, Seaforth; hilrs; G. Elliott,
garet and jaekie ElliotL. Toren
Misses E. A. and Agnes IVEaclar-
Clifford Lobb, Mrs. Lobb
family, Robert Pearson, Mrs. R.,
son and Leslie Pearson, Clinton;
on Waldron, K. C.; toronto; Ki-
d Bond and Mrs. Bond; Godericlm
Margaret A. Smith ,and Mar -
Smith, Detroit; Mrs.' Isabella
r, Will Spear and Mrs. Spear,
Neil -McMillan, Highgate; Goo,
bury and Mrs. Stanbnry, Clinton;
M. Gilmore'Cleveland, 0,; Rev.
W, Diehl, Port, Burwell; James
ymont, Mrs. McClyroont ancrVi-
Varna;Williahi Genet and Mrs,
Cliritori; ,Mrs. Robert Fisher,
on; Mrs Fred Weir and family,
SW/It Current; Mr., and Afrs 13ent-
ley and son, California; Harold, limes,
Toronto,:sW11 Tebbuti. and MrS, Tub -
butt, Qodoiih 0. L. Paisley, Mrs'.
Paisley and Elmeh- Paisley, Clinton;
• Stanley • Jackson and Mrs.Jackson;
Canfield; H. bleByien, Mr McBrien
and Miss Marion, The. Fraser and
Irl'rs. Fraser, Cliitton; Mes, T. Mua-
• lard and family, Toronto; J, 43. Mus-
tard and family, Brucefield; Bev. ,J,
K. Hogg, Clint 011; Stewart
strong, Harnepayna; Rev. C. CI. Ar-
mour, Mrs. Armour and IVIiss Elean.
or Armour, Andrew Scott and Mrs.
Scot!, •Brucefield; Dr. Gratia, Mao.
qunn and D., Cantelon, C,linton; Win.
Cantelon, ,Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
'11 13 11
In the evening a -program was eat
on, the platform having been lighted
Lor the oceasion., The program op-
ened with community singing, fol..
lowed by a butterfly dri/1 by twelve
young ladies, costumed in gold and
black as follows: Annie Stewart, Bet-,
ty Stewart; Mary Stewart; Clara
Politer; Hazel Potter; 'Edna Reid;
Kate IVIcgregor; Eleanor MeEweil;
Marion McEweri; IVfyrtle Pearson;
Annette 'Sinclair; Mrs. W. Moffat.:
This was followed by a ,p)ay. in throe
acts entitled: "Aunt Jerushy on -the
Warpath." Cast of ,charac.ters:
Hiram Fish, village constable.:
Frank IVIcGregor.
Jerushy Fish, HiraM's wife: Mary
E. Stewart.
Sufficiency', .their son: Clifford
SteWart. '
Elder Sniffle's, a hypocrite::Walter
Stelly Etta Snapper, a maiden lady
.141yrtle Peaason,
•Sis Popkins, Aunt Jerushy's maid
Betty Stewart.
Bill Barker, Showman: Wan. Sin-
Elsie ,Barker, Bill's Marioni
Madame Reno de Beno, Fortune
teller: Mrs., W. Moffatt.
Chorus Girls, Annie Stewart, Clara
Potter, „Hazel Potter, Margaret Mc-
Gregor, Edna Reid.
-Between acts Mrs. Frank Saundeas
of Goclerich and Miss Annie Stewart,
sang solos.
The day's activities were brought
to a 'close by singing "God Save thee
Ring." - '
I,AWSON—STONG--In Clinton, on
July 161li, ley the Rev. A. A.
Hohnes, Grade -Lenore, ord3r daugh-
ter of Mr. and 1Vrrs. Levi Stong,
to Gordon Merxiott Lawson, son of
Mr. Luke Lawson, all of 'Clinton.
Joseph's church, Clikon, on july
10th, by' the Rev. Father Gaffney;
Elba Ja, daughter of 11/r. and Mrs.
John • Shanahan, to Charles B.
McMILLAINT—In Goderich on Only 7th
to'IVIr. and Mrs. W. McMillan,
a son.
REYNOLDS—In Exeter on July atle,
to Mr. and Mrs". Luther Reynolds,
a son.
SNELL--Iri Exeter, on july 4th, to
Mr. and Mrs. William Snell, a
daughter. •
JONES—Li .,Exeter, oh July rd, to
Mr. end 'Me's. J. Hubert Jones, A
PENHALE—In Stephen, on .July
• To Mr. and Mrs. Gotdon• Penhale,
a Son.
Wetaskiwin, Alta., on
June 29th, to Rev. and Mrs. W.
Tr. Irwin, a daughter.
JOHNSTON—In East Wawkinosh, on
July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs., Stanley
Johnston, a daughter.
- •
JOHNS -In Clinton, nu July llth,Em-
' ilia -johns; daughter of the late
Robert John a of Tuckersmith.
PECK—In ,Stanley township, on
ly. 176th, Henry • Peck, • aged 73
-years- ,
.DOB/E---In 'West Wawanosh, on July
. 12th, William Dobie, in his 77th
The strawberry festival put on •IleY
the Methodist church in Miss Ache-
sonIe lawn on 'Tuesday evening prov-
ed th he a great success,. The ev-
erilleg was ideal and a great' crowd
gathered. The ladies provided, a
woriderfuleaupper, as they always cha
and it was very meth enjoyed. The
Clinton Kittle Baud furnished exceL
Ient ratisie, thtoughout the, evening.
aUffeid .
• Mr:' 'and Mrs; 'George. Reid, Miss
Idargaxet and Master 13iller Reid ee
Saskatchewan; the Misses Eva* and
Alice_Stinson and Mr. Alfred Pilate):
of -Toronto and Mr. Dick Cunningham
of Denfield arvvisiting at the heme
of Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. Stinsge.'
Yesterday was the.claY.of the Ford
picnic, when vast 'crowds of people
gathered from far and near and a
very happy eime was spent, in spite
of the Tact taht the rain marred the
enjoyment to seine e.xtent. Many
people declared that it was the lar-
gest crowd ever seen set Bayfiehl, and
that is -certainly saying a good deal.
-A fine prograin a sports was run oft
but we are unable to give the list this
-Week. The, committee in charge
..ave to be coegeatelated on the ane -
cess of _their labors, •
Result of promotion examinations
Bayfield. Public school, Jenior room:
Jaa• ard to Sr. ard—Margaret El-
liott, Jessie Lindsay, Agees Kerr,
John Brown, Jean Foster, -Grafton
Weston. • -
Sr. and to Jr, 3rd.—Dorts Gcmin-
hardt, Berthena Sturgeon, Eva Stur-
geon, Harold McLeod, •
,Ti. and to Sr. 2nd—Mary Wid-
combe, Craig Kerr,- Jack Lindsay,
Kenneth Merrier, Geant %%Reside,
Pt. 1. --Emma Sturgeon, Edith Mm -
nor; Louis Wild, Jean Whiteeide.
Sr. Primer—Izabel Osmond, Thel-
ma Parker, James Sturgeon, -Brown
Lindsay, Keith Gemiehardt, '
j'x Themer—Tom Castle, Mervin
Elliott. Sandy. Mustard, `Fred Sky --
goon'. John Wild.
--Anna Woods Teacher.
no inatter 0 -hat kirrd" di' a day- it is will; always find our Phone Ice.
111 awaiting yew:, call: MTS. Housewife if you order by phone or other,
wise make Our -store Your store. "Promp(t Service and Courtesy to all,
young or old. •
Dave you noticed' and taken advantage of our each days specials,
Friday and Saturday, tiliS Week; 3 Bars of Soap any b -rand 20c
2 lbs. of Pule Lard ,32c 3 to One CUSiOMer,
1 lb. of Bacon . , , , .22c 2 pkgs. of Lux
Just a few mentioned here. See our blackboard in window for rue -
thee -peci,ls Kindly get yoiir orders in early.
Music will be sappPliedby Phelan's Orehestra 63)
. .
Saturday evening , -
Bulk, per bb. ....,:.60e, -up
Packages, .. • . .... 36c. up '
. . ,
W,oriclerful -Sundaes and Sodas
macle Nuileon's Ice .Cream
, . , .
solvillizrzp NEW
Midget 'Jelly Rolls-anci fee Crean). .•
• A Real Treat
F. B OWN &
Carpet and 1g Cleananq
Having the best Pectrk Rug Washer ever made for cleaning
Rugs and carpets, I am prepared to clean a limited number
during the summer.montlis . All work guaranteed 'and will.
call for and deliver all rugs, etc. or may fie left at residence,
, Huron Street .
C. IL VENNER Clinton
Phone 151w
We'Pay Cash
Our plant is now eomplete and we solicit your shipments a eggs
whether large or smell. Come and see them graded.
We buy live poultry twelve months of the year. It 'will pay you
to advise us what you have to sell. At present, market old Ilens,
old Roosters, late hatched and spur Chickens. '
All our eggs are bought on Goverifthent grades and all poultry
according to size and quality. We are here to serve you.
011111115,, Laing' sIS &9 Limited
N. W. Trevvartha, Manager Clinton Branch
Day Phone'190
Night Phone 214 W
Bindler Twne
The seasons are swinging arouraKand harvest time is just
around the earner.We have an excellent brand of twine this
season, manufactured •Icy am all -Canadian firm in the new 8 -pound
bail and also in the miller sized 5 --pound ban.
Maple Leaf Flour .
Fdrinerly sold under the brand name Cream of the West. Every
bag is guaranteed. 1VIonarch Pastry flour is a high grade Farley
Patent flour and our Many users cannot speak too highly of it. We
have the exclusive agency for these taro brands of flour.
Purity, Five Roses, Five' jeiVela have/ and Pie Crust always on
dmeet Lard ana Easifirst.
Office Phone 199
Night 141 and 129
Stanleg Township
Miss Freda Fowler of 'Guelph is
the guest this week of Zetta Jack-
son. , • •
Mr. and 1VIrS. Stanley jackson of
Canfield came tip last Week te attend
the Baird Re -union and spent several
days with tlie fOrmer's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, ;lames Jackson.
Mr. and 1Virs, Albert , Nott and
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford. motOred down
from Sault Ste. Marie last week to
be present at the Baird Reaunion
Mee. G.:Ellie-4 aiaa.,IVIiit aSargal"et
and Master, Jaelciraemd 'Mrs. Frank
I -ow and
Glen and g-nlify'liaiiiard,`-`of Torontb;
have (been visiting relatives in T11
,,LOndon Road
. ,
FIT. • Gordon Waldr.oii, 0,, Tor-
onto, -was a guest' at the old 11,ome
On the .London road ler the Resunion.
-in "The " eeetion last WCelt,
One .Ey last Week a, peaceful citi-
zen- of this comnrimity was dri'ving•
quietly into Clinton; when 'a 0,01'
..SW04,3t past,, sweeping a. wheel of the
driver's buggy oft' as it went. '
tmeately .the horse' ;was very. quiet,
otherwise. a bad adeident might.have.
been, the reeeilt, The -autoist, eve ,
underst.and, paede the &image, caused,
by the collision: art worad be well,
.howevea, fox, motor' drivers' to exer-
else eyerY care to avoid" accidents.
hIld Albert Nott of Sault
Ste, ,Meiaie are hothaniotoring,mlosbOo
with ' Mr and ,.1.Vars'. Ed. Bedford for
the Re -Union. ' Mr. Nott
everything rathei:' dull at the -Soo.
Isaac Dodd was the oldest' pu-
pil of thealVIaster at the Re-maioa 'last
Thursday. ' • •
Quito a number from around Imee
attended the Orange eelebration at
Goclerich on Saturday. Mr, Thos.
Pollard Pipecl for the Hensall Lodge.
Mrs. Miller of Michigan is visiting
at Kim. Miller Adams' and with other
Mr. J. H. Scott shipped a carload
of his cattle to -Toronto on Saturday,
' to be shipped to England.
An assistant in 'the Clinton Pest -
°flied. Apply to the. undersigned.
James Scott,. Postmaster.
Ont. • 62-3.
edelich Races
;fat..i.COtlerich rai'!es. Wed-
ye;g4ra. Tthkeo
n inisSes.
. For Salo
The former Joyner property. Five,
thorned cottage -with lerge sunamom,
Electric light..., and, town • water, in
house. .3 acre* of .good, land. and, all
kinds of arta, trees., Will be -sold
reasonablya; ApPly• tot Mr's • McCal-
hut,' Commercial Inn; Clinton. 03e1-1'.
The Voters' List, 1924, for thb town-
ship. of StanleY, county of Huron.
Notice herehY given that I have
transmitted or delivered, 16 the, per-
sohs mentioned' iri Section' 9, of -the
- • ,
Ontario Voters' List Act the ,comes
the ,List. made „pursuant to tbe said
Act, of all persons appearing by -the
last r-Oised Assessment Roll of the
inuniCipality, of the township a Stan-
ley, to be entitled to vote in the said
niuMcipality at elections
Aesenibly - 'anit at' municipal
elections and the said list was first
posted in my office at Varna on tlie
lath day of July, 1924, and remains'
here for inspection, hereby eg11
upon all voters to examine the said
list and if any errors or omissions
are found therein to take immediate
proceedings to have .same eorreeted
according to law. Dathd at Varna, this
12th day of July, 1924. 3. E. I -Tarn -
well Municipal Cleric, 63-3,
kidge Roll 7c per foot
10 inch Eave Trough, , Sc per fobt
12 inch Eave Trough I0c per foot
3 inch Conductor Pipe 9c per foot
4 inch Conductor Pipe 12c per foot
Cistern Pumps open Spout $3.50 each
Cistern Pumps closed Spout $3. 75 `each
Kitchen Sinks 16 by 24 inches $6.00 each
,Kitchen Sinks 18 by 30 inches $6.50 each
A inch' Galv. Pipe 95 per foot
1 inch talv. Pipe lic per foot
1 inch Gaiv. Pipe 14c per foot
, 11' inch Galv. Pipe 135 per foot
11 inch Galv. Pipe- 23c per foot
2 inch Gar. Pipe -30c per foot
piiii..„N„ AND HEATING
sammenomem;mspomervaexualha.sarmapqramominc•A",.....! !ammasturaumaxace
Notice 'to Creditors
In the matter of William Henry
Rivers, formerly of Clinton, Ontario,
B lk S
Notice is hereby given that. the, a-
bove named William Henry Rivers
made a Bulk ,Sale, of his Confection-
ery business including equipment,
etc., to Charles. -James Ready of Ar-
kona,% Ontario rand by- and with the
consent of said vendor I have been
'iPpointed, Trustee under The Bulk
Sales Act (Optario) 1917. --
All persons having claims against
said William Henry Rivera are re-
quired to file said claims duly veri-
lied, with me on or before August
'4th, 1924, after which date, only
those claims of which I shall have
received notice will \be econsiclerdel.
Dated July '7th, 1924. "
W. E. Fitzgerald, Watford, Ont.,
Trustee. 62-3
Standing Wheat For Sale
undersignea hat 5 acres of
Dawson's Golden Chaff for sale, and
some 'pasture land to rent, also a
frame house on Mary street, Clinton,
which she will sell. les. R. Brown,
concession 2, Aullett township. 63-1-p
. Auction Sale
Of household effects, at the Com-
niercial Garage, Clinton, on Saturday,
July 1.9th at two o'clock, the follow-
ing: Dining room furniture; ,badrooni
suite; 3 lehther rocking chairs; 2
rugs; large leather chair; den table;
Heintzman piano; -writing desk, bur-
eau; 3 tables; 2 toileb,sets; Quebec
heater; coal oil heater; coal oil, stove;
2 tubs; curtains; blinds; „linoleum;
granite -wear; aishes,' ind other ar-
ticks too ninnerous to mention,
Terms: Cash. Mrs. A, Brainfield,
Proprietress, G. II, Elliott, Auc-
tioneer. - 62-1.
House For Sale
7 -roomed frame heuse in good re-
pair, on pie east side of Albert street,
Sun• room attached, good
stone cellar, town water. One quar-
ter acre lot, with friait trees. Apply,
_on premises to lybis.• Long, 59-11' .:
' House for Sale'
Brick house -on Princess street,
7 rooms and suminey kitchen, town
water, also soft water in kitchen, ce-
ment basement, furnaee, electric light,
la acre garden, with small fruits;
stable. Apply to Miss Mabel Rath -
Well, Varna, Phone 33-006, Clinton
central, 32-tf
For Salo '
Brass-trithmed iron' bed,. wooden
bedstead, good spring inattrosa; coal
heatere. Canad'a steel range; quantity.
of six and seven inch sto-ve pipes;
fruit jars; • linoleum; curtain poles.
Apply to—bit's, Farnham, Batten -
bury street. 61-tf,
, • ,Cottage For Sale '
9-ro0ri cotteige, in Spener' -Street,
in good repair, electric light, town
water, telephone; 31 acre /of, gar-
do.v.with .frait trees. Apply on
arreinfeee to %Ire,. M aleintyre. 62-4
For Sale ,
The attractive and beautifully •le-
ceted property belonging to C. D.
Boucle, situated on High street Clin-
ton. • The house has a eatitiful out-
look, impoejag in architecturai-. as.
pearcifice, walls -18 inch. 'solid brick,
rooms iarga; Two enalible fire -places
in tan 'and PUrlar, hot and cold wa-
'ter "iefeentasciaaavater 'Cistern in cele
•Iarabathroom, electric lights, two ver_
anclahi and -tun porch, two stairways,
cellar under Whole house, cement floor
hot-air lieetieg. Lot 75 ft, frontage,
double, depth facing on High street
anCTownsond. - Fruit trees, garden
antt. small. fruits. '
A bargain for quick Sale. Write
0. D. Bolick 43 Standith Ave., Tor-
onto, Ora. 59-11'.
House and Lot For Sale
'Brick cottage, 3m good a'eliair'500-
net' of Dunlap and Fulton streets.
10 rooms, good .cellar, modern con:.
venienced, Conveniently situated.
Will.be sold- reasonably. Apply to
Miss E. McTnvish, Clinton. ,58-41„
House For Sale
Comfortable frame house on North
street, half acre of ground. All
kirele ol fruit. Small Stable, town
water in hoesel Rethertc P. Fisher.
• For Sale
New Massey-Harria steel roller, 9
Et.; Massey -Harris 11 -lite fertilizer
drill, nearly'new. .Apply t'o A, Ro-
-bert,son, Varna. .5141',
Clothes Cleaned.,and 'Pressed
Clothee cleanesi pressed and re-
paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over ileard's barber shop.
W, 3', Ago, e--83-tf
We have a supply of Furnace, Steve,
Nut 'and Soft; Also some good dry,
Leave orders at residence.
• , E. WARD
Phone 155. Huron Street.
Agents Wanted
The careful attention to our
•,.cpstoniers' orders and the splen-
did stock supplied for years past
-warrants us in having a repre-
sentative or two in this county.
Liberal Commissons. Free Out -
at. Writd at once for Exclusive
House Por Sale
Cottage on Huron street, roomy and
in good .repair,. U. acre of garden.
Small barn on place. Possession at
once. Also a buggy and cutting box,
Happy Thought range and a sliding
bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss
B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 39-tf.
Singer Sewing MachineEt ' • t
Fancily, Electric and D. R. Styles.
Also Borne second-hand machines,
good as new. °Id machines taken
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you to look these over before
buying elsewhere, Repairing and
parts for all makes of machines.
Earl Steen, Jan. 1, 1924
Tionor Graduate Carey Jonesi Na-
tional School of Auctioneering, Chi -
cage. Special coUrse taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real Estate Mer-
chandise and Farm Sales. Estate,
keeping with prevailing. market Sat.
isfaction assured. Write or wire,
°scat 'Copp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
98, —88-t1'-1923
Orders taken at residence. Phone llf
germinated Seed Corn hard
to buy this year, look at grading on
bags before buying and buy nothing
but No, 1. Govt. Standard. ,We have
a very complete stock anti our price
is low for this year.
Have just received a carload of
salt Special prices on large quan-
We carry a complete line of Tor-
onto Asphalt Roofing, before -buying
you will find it to your advantage' to
•see our line and compare ft with
others. Remember there is as much
•diffetence in roofing as there aie
cedar shingles. We belieVed we have
the best and can prove it to you.
Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover,
Alsike, Blue Grass, Orchard Grass'
,and Sweet Clover always in Stock.
Pratts and /31atchfords Buttermilk
Marsh; Royal Purple and Pioneer
Chick Fods. Garden Seeds in bulk,
Mange's and Turnips. Our stoek
is complete and twenty years exper-
ience always at your service.
'Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merehents and
'Grain Buyers
The demand)for our butterls 1,43,0
.Tlipl'Y this demand we requir4
. more cream.,
We request you to ship as yom
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Pria-es, )accurate tenth artif
prompt service.
. Our firm is known to you noed
no further reconcuttend.
We pay all express charges, faro.
isWrite for cans or further intim*
, a.us and pay' tWiee eae