HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-17, Page 20 D. HeTAGGART
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Adverts, R --T 1 t d
H. T. RANCt •
Notary Public Conveyancer.
Pthano'ial, Real Estate and Fire In-
entance Agent, Representing Fire
InSnrance Companies. '
Division Court Office, Clinton.
r, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc,
Office: .
Office Hours; -1.3e to 3.30 p.in„ 7.30
to 9.00 -p.m. Sundays, 12:30 to 1-30
Other hours by appointment only. ,
Office and Resicenoe. •Vfctorla St.
Office liours-2 to 4,1 to 8.
, Other hours by appointment.
Office Hours '
.10 to 3.30 'p.m. 7.30 to 9,00.p.m.
Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m.
Other hours by appointment.
• Phones
Oflice,218W Residence, 218J
Moo and Residence:
Huron Street , Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by- the late 'Ur.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes xanotneci and .Glasses Fitted.
Dk: A Newton 'Brady, .Bayfield
Gra.duate Dublin 'University; Ireland,
Late Extern Assistant Master, Ro-
tunda, Heepital for Women and Claild.
°face at residence lately occupied by
Mrs. Parsons.
Hours: -9 to 10 a.m. 6 to 7 Pm.
Sundays -1 to '2 p.m.
, Osteopathetle Physician.,
Licentiate Iowa and Miohigan State
Hoards of Medictil Examiners, Acute
apd clironic 'diseases treated. Spinal
adjustments given to remove the cense
of dieeate. At the Graham House,
Clintori, every Tuesday foienoon.
Graduatte Royal College of Dental Sur.
, goons and Toronto University,
Hat,' office hours at' 13ayfield In old
Poet Office Buildfug, MendaYi Ysrel-
nesday, PrIday and Saturday Preen 1
t0.5:30 rem. ' '
i3eaforthe-Monday, Wednesday, Fri-
. • • , , ,
.daY-.P..tiaiSatliocike--- a. • - „
Mitcheit-l'oesdaY and Saturday alter-
'nodn. teens.
Phone 49 'Seaforth, Ont.
Of Winghain, Will be at the Rotten-
: bury House, CIOitot, en Monday and
Thursday -forenoons from 9 to 12 each
week, ' • •
Disemes 'of all kinds suecesefully
handled. 6.22.'24
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commits-
. sioner, etc. -
- District. Agent
The Ontario aud Equitable Life
and Accident Insurance Co.
West VVawanosb Mutual Piro
Insurance CO.
Established 1878..
Preeident, J-ohn A. Kincar-
dine; Vice -President, L. Salkeld,
Goderichi Secretery, Thoe. G. Allen,
Dungannon. Total /Mount of insur-
ance nearly e1e,000,000, In ton years
number - of policies have iecreased
from 2,700 to 4,500, Piet rate of be
per $1.000. Cash on hand IVAN.
H. L. Salkeld - • eioderkm, Ont.
.1. Turner, _Clinton, Local Agent.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of, H uron.
Correeponclence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangemeats on he made
foe Sales Date at me News -Record,
Clintote-or by calling' Phone'. 208.
Charges Moderate and Sa.tisfaeticin
PIC! ates rans en 5 ver-
tiseznents, 10 cents per nonpareil
line for firist insertion and 6 cents
per line for each subdequent laser;
tion. Small advertkeenentS not to
exceed one inch, such° as ''Lost,"
"St•raYea," or "Stolen," etc., ineerted
once for -36 cents, and each subse-
-aeuene insertion 15 cents,
'Comammications Intended for publi-
cation must, as a guarantee df good
fai.th, be accompanied by the name of
the writer.
I-IA1,14 M. a. CLARK,
Proprieter. Editor.
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Olirit011 50 follows:
Going- East, depart 6.25 a.m.
Sof,falo ind Goderich D2lv.5.2
Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m.
ar. 6.08 dp*, 6.51 p.m.
" " ar., 10.04 p.m.
London, Huron eBruce Div.
Going South, ar. 7.66 dm 7.56 a.m.
4.15 p.m.
Going North, depart, 6.50 Pm,
II II " .,11.05 11.12 a.m.
You should talwayalceopn
bottle of Chamberlain's,
Stomach end Liver Tablets
on the shelf. The little folk
so often need a mild and
safe cathartic and tha cis
appreciate Chamberlain's
instead of nom:emus alb, and
mixtures. For utorn c h
troubles and tonstipatioo. give °nein:it before
coins tdb.d. drugglets. 24c, or senate
612010186 CO., TORONTO 10
Thq 'Renee Aho is Always Right
HaseFew Friends; They; Fight
StlY :of His; Plow of
, Ofarmation.
Ide looks at you With interest, or
amusement, or pity; but neVer with
aespect. you are, tie hini, an inferior
being a whose' highest-raiseione_es to
listen to him aaid.te be insttuctild by
- • -
It never occure to him that he can
be in the wrong. .Even if he, embraces
one'of Your Own ideas hea -will speedily
eIbthei ft with his own perionalitet anti
massif, ofe k's hie own, Bp will even
believe that it ieehie own, for it is in-
conc.:dyable to -him that- he can be
He luny-- heaa-
m•en. }Ie./nary be a man who cares
nothing for 'dralis, but rather glories
in his sensible disregard of the con-
ventione. He does; not belong to any
speoial class or ereed, 'beyond the
Ingie ca.tegory of those who know
they are alwaye right.
If he Is a Wettetiessed young111011
he will insiat that drese is importent,
and will be.sorry for those who see no
virtue In an immaculate tie. If ho -is
badly dressed he will tell you that it's
the man inside the 'clothes who counth,
and, for the take of peace, sio. not eon -
tread him.
. The Only Way.'
If he es rich. be will be delighted at
any time to point out the sane road
he bee trave/led towards his riches -
quite unaided; of emirate, by OuCk. If
he Is Door he wile declare that money
be the root of ell evil; and thathe has
never tried to amass any,
• As' /Chu/gnaw; man he will defacribe
his eaysteme and processes, and: pity
you if- You place art ebove ;roman -erre.
.As tuilet be will inform you that
'Perner, Gould or could not paint„and
w4at. you think will not matter in the
least. .
And you, if you are wiee, Will let
him nin oleitird, will not crow swords
wide him, for there le no more thank -
lees te7sk then that, of attempting to
coevert a elan' who is always, ri.ght,
Ile cannot he converted, While you
are presenting your argument/0 he is
hieelly listening to tb.em, but le "think-
.1,ag of 'what he will say aS soon es You
seep. The only way to make e 'point
With hio‘ le to he rude, And a Peint
that is mede, in rudeness is not worth
making. • -
Then how will you deel with him?
There is. only one way-ey.old him.
Guaranteed. When the man who Is always 'right
finds himself alone Ise begins to think,
ie the sane conteructive eunishuient
he Call reeelVe, The Dimishment of
havIng no audience,
Taking Liberties. With. a
Visitor's Fate. '.
The naive, frankness of 'childhood is
ofteg a source 'efnbarra.seinent to
adults' and especially to parents; but
sometimes. it happens that the unlucky
paeent, ..trying -to extricate himself
from the frying pan in. which her eiff-
sPriegls indiscretion" base 'placed. -her,
tienbl,se. plop! -into the fire. The" Hos,
ton Herald -reports finch: aasekee:
.016rayman; a elan efa much arralst-
elloehabettlanits; WaseiVitio his ,Wife re'
calving 'a call fropiste partsiriener, The
clergynian'e.arreill daughter, aged, nine;
clinton; Ont. ,
, General Fire and Life Insurance. Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, rave Stock,
Autornobilseand Sickness and Accident
Insuraece. Huron and Erie and Cane -
da Trust Bonds. Atorointments made
, to meet parties at Rrncefielf1; Varna
andetayfield. 'Phone 57.
The IllicKillop Initial .
Fire insurance Colaipan' y
Head Office, Seaferth, Ont.
DI RECTO i'LlY: ' ,
President, James Connolly, Goderielli
Viae, Janis Evans, Beechweeicle 60.-
Treaeureie Thee, E. '1.77 -aye, Plaakat 1.
• Pire eters : George "MeCartney, ea,
° , e'll • m°02eger, Seatalstb; .7. G -a walked up te the vislt,or 'ante _gazing
rieve, Wal tog ; Wm. Ring, Sea,teeth ; intently:, at rheil; 'a eid e
, meDwers,,giaten; Itobor.t. 091110.6i i'O'ary.i Hutlarenie you Itomele!" ' I
Harlock; John Brannireeir,"Brodhagen; • e 'so ' . • ' ' •
,com.„01)..y, Her mealier, ot -emote, was horpfleJ,
Agents; Alex Leitch, Clinton; ./. W. 4°4, g6ughtl to nxIcl° ti'''' Iniehl''''f. ''''31
Too, Goderlch; Ed. Ilirichrey, 'pea. well tie sbe c6eld, "WhY, -Laura!" 81'..0
14)1th; W. 01)650BY, EgOsoltdville; It; said: '."What ,,40 yseu ht.uail 7'l
C. Jarrenth, Brosibagen. ;The-tee:ea Laura' Stan -in -keyed:
.Ay money to be pall In. may he only• melt -meant it for a Joke."'
aaid.to aloorisb Clothing .Co., Clinteu, Which *aula have been ne foronmate
or at Cuttet-Grocery, Goderiale , . -, , , .,, b 1 ., for, ,., but
Partie,s desiring to egoot Insuranpe at aaaa41aa5 aailla o. • wi"..eu '' •
traesaet ether beelpees will loa the !Pother lashed o'sastrousi",' °'''
Itly'attended to eaa applicator/a to ward; , ..
,y ' f the abeye efeeere kddresse, ee 'aIeell, 11, wonld hgvo been. a mot
elr roslosetive Pest )0�8. 1„.4ossos 1),Aper loop if you had said, "How peel,
nspeetee by the /iliac Or who Ilyes t . yen erels, .
staaesa t tb e- s none. - •
. oys .- and Trvi:,
13 en' C. 11.0)InseU .' `.T'afi'ooe(17,t9ate, kop.
ornoit kuovsei Justiou
..an a says 1-rd'Od s, ap4r
f it's that monkey " said thd King
s0 .
thee 'bottles he eats '8 heartyls
you night00 we go lac,. ecause (fp In the Ottawa Kiver country one a day ' workhard and deeps ''Si1-- -
a men.ke,y, AS about the oldest thing hot July day we wOre making a long ,, e„,Arneegtriyatef:e'l'e'o*mbeimeariad,. wrillIe5•; ' ‘e'lizI
PAGES TWO . FIN, 1) SOMETI,IING -frroo7nh..ie'le,tetsee to tree throughthe, there is." 's, , ,, : '00'WP-streaw taff,v.e,' req'clarry0ii'gbothe ' ravrheotroolusbhle,do.obietiilutahdaut tniaorewci towere°limwehr,o,
haTdbbeeteInvoiiiii„tivtleenptaogetsh,eTcliy 'g adieTs ' i(1•1 eo,:tiFiedl,letwhei;ge ttinhiee Sa°tU nl:Its tStoWtehl le af609tth a: 1tn] noat:i dill). e. '11•;renkl-iLayt:' Your.hron brought ,,,eobtrnYe' etlai en v ia':Y' ecia,,n ° epal8t.t-Wae• e,nswItaslotraegtebhe's'i(oIef, ''EiRt(to'n.liniut-arieciii'fildivi::1;.89981:18Z,'E1cVdaZbe'etilem1:0111,:grlie.t:0, -0.1,,
the royal ' carriage and sternly thrust the mountain. There they stood in thing ne cY° has eVer -
outside. They sat' tw I-rg tones disthay, for the mountain was as bare
NEW. - • I b , 'I' - Tony and pad bowed low Gude more. Indian guide and I , ' ,
And once -your eye looks upon it no scraped the side along a dead
seen before. water, when in ' some indunesrpm9e-ec Geb Hoed's, axLd way Hood's. flee
laughter. They turned their pockets
the it:, T '
floor, for the oceanrbed is strewn with,
and looked .'shoePisrlY at°'''eaa-.'he ether' -•11.,1a- ro'clt,and almost as straight as a eY-,Are 11-1%IltehNii.eti: hseeep•ititllaedga:1•nP. rearl'at from' l'trilbItsirv'erbaelsi,d'aegglield P11. The
inThtehete.ett '
the' were sorry for th9 trick they lad'Wall. !The monkey, who had run down
played en the King. . , 3:, , I the trunkof a tree and dashed to their ' i- "
h s pocket," cimcked it and 'held' the V2,2 -of the 'canoe. in a case of this '
two nuts in the Palm of his. hand luind the average canoeist would have , FORTUNES wArriNG
It was Tony's f alt. When he had •'"ide.1 .1,3,,,e-0,-c'n.: te'' chaItel.. 1°.1-fd.IT' It ..was under' the King's nose. -. been infazied to know how to repair.
cauort sight o•f, the long, end ef the plain that even he did not mow now-
, thg„, were to climb ,euch a, hill All . "Did you ever see that before?" he his craft. We had absolutely nothing ' tO BE FOUND
'King's 'ermine,ro'be hangingeve , the , ' ' . ' as ce . " ,„ along vItti which to patch it.
edge of th'e' throne, he had beckoned a,„,t,' °nce,. 'Tad hagan ta -lam' -11 11-1).,ande The King bent 'forward until. his But this didn't worry' the Old °jib- 7. ' .
FitifZenthemillneuhtveYs iCaot,lealr,..owfh.errillocieulaitlingi a.l'il,odn'"..,-; whiipped .a.).0'...pea,i 001-: of ,bie
to. Tag, and the two hdd quickly tied ""w. b' ''‘Thig.,I1_1-c.11•M•b,ing pearl 14 h 0000 "Peanuts!" il 1 nost tOc' drcileh do dthet 1 lex lnut.ne. :•,,As sure
ablYgiale,ay,iiAalenzeidpd°1,.il'avigt.hir,laeth,ift:hu,ainmediniacitinal:f.°gIticleirsepila;ici. hoT1,37aaurne-eveeerl.'ejuntigiaigs faasscuinbajeticetn thfbat"
neck t :TIC looked hrst at Tad and as 1 wear, 'a crown." He grabbed at ,
thione,;he was jerked back so hard ;then at the rae•nk,eY".‘-'N'owl" he s4i'd' snatched Ins hand back and PoPPed about the ,sts'e of an ordinary newo- m0s't cd
favorite theme with the writers' of '
us, and- has' always been a
started dcrtyn. ihe marble.,steps of the` - - c ' • ...- - ' the, nut, but quick as a wink Tony striPned Off a square sheet of the bark
thai.liis jeweled-broviri felt off and Was Nothing at all haP-Pcned• the e• Tiln 1 ii . t e romance -perhaps Stevensoree inannr
badly' dented. 'And; now the pagds 1
' ' - 40 I ••• "What shall wo•'do?"-tho two pages ,
"You never saw one ' before, did
m,intois own Modth'I' paper Page, is 19 •ro ed boto a , , ...
cone 'the f3iZe6 and •liare 01 a maasa tal story is the inbsf encluttag and al
bark tied t'1,,htly . 4 luring at all the tales that still delight
Were to pay for their. foolishness. ' dried,,discouraged: Suddenly the men-
0They tire not,.to return. until they '. ''-' ' - ., ' ,....4 a
. , , . keY bogan'tiri sUiluril).le Up -the side of , H did ' - And,who ie to eld to be roused /lad
you?" Tad begged. • ' ocadlileiingstlri ioprno,f and fastened it with an. ehl and young. .
have found something absoititdly new,"
the King ordered; "Perim that' ill
•••• stchreammoeudetvpn.heBsuntp,paesd- bfacsotic..001:-ehe i_ ,ew. , ,
coldeimdi hntontt wfoarntsotmoetghoinbgaeakbsi:lu he hex. t p,re eedin .e wal: to etlai:e7tna sthiLlel,lewahebtyhearcliconuanarts.thoef ShOlad do nb.utrrieena- .
keep -thern out of mischief for a
PS W t611th thile hq slippedito-the ground he ''' "
turned- 'on his side Theri -away he "I've read about then," said th? handful-dinwfnaict hold -of
if,haspnrutlei: avuenr1-
while." • . . . . .", . ' King, "but I never saw :7And now '
. sliding .up the mountain -up,
he added sorrowfully, "I shall never The horn was iilled with this ' n a. in lonely tropic .isles -of bidden gul-
lies, suulten-galleons, buccaneers and
, : pirates, and the -walking of the Plankt
even keow' how one tastes." the -canoe was turned on its side for'
At that, both pages shook with guni, an
Countlese -fortunes' lie on the sea-
repaiis. 'Pirstrliowever, the 'old In-
dia.' .split a long sliver from s', dead wreeke and treasure, and 10 6Ver We
strange • something- that nobody has -gen. to move upwafd. -
King's purple robe. The King irnrne- building a, small fire of birch bark and
sinvee near by, ',with me camp mu., and, are able to explore tho deeps, mankind,
inside out and, emptied them into the
diately, begin to inunch peanuts; he will be astounded at 'the' revelation.
munched far a . solid hour. The two
pages and .-the monkey looked on,
much pleased. . .
, "The monkey showed na where the
peanuts were," said Tony .and Tad,
.014lay,we keep -him, please?" .
.It was the King's turn to laugh. "If
you'll promiee not to tie my robe to
the curtain tiny more," he said.
"We will, Your IVIajesty,",said Tony
and Tad; and the King was so pleased
that he did net stop to. ask what they
meant. -Clara Peterson in Youth's
After a while Tony rose and brush- up to the very top, where he disap-
ed the (hist from his green -velvet peared over the edge. - -
trousers. The pages promptly lay down on
We must be loolrieg for that their' sides. Instantly they, too, be -
ever seen," he said. "Hold fast t the King's pearl!"
"What will it be?" Tad questioned cried Tad. -
sadly. , Faster and fatter they slid upward,
"HOW can 1 tell? But we must rind and at last" eiset over 'the top of the
it before night. Come on, vre'll, eat mountain they went. Then, faster
our,lunch.as w'e go." than ever, down, down, they dashed
The kinci-heartedecook had snatched en the, other side. '
half a dozen buns from the oven, pop- When they reached solid ground
ped them into a paper bag and thruet they scrambled to their feet. Behind
the bag into Tony'e hands as the foot- the towered the huge mountain; be -
men were hurrying him into the coach. fore them aOretched acres of seraggy,
After they had eaten, Tony started to level country:
blow up the "bag; he was bound to ,,"There's nothing new here," Mid
have fun, no matter what happened. Tony.
"What's that. rattling in the bag?" "We might ,just, as well have stayed
Tad asked.' on the other 'side of the mosintain,"
Tony turned the bag upside down said a .
and shook ',out a littha wad of -white The sun had Blipped ',down behind
paper. When he opened the *ad a the mountain; it Would soon be night.
small dark object dropped at their They looked; ruefully at each other
feet. 'Pad picked it up while Tony and wished/they had behaved them -
read the meesage that was written on selves and carried the King's train
the paper. courteously, as rightsminded pages
"This is all I could find to help should. Their cheats heaved under
you," the message ran. "It's the hill- their green -velvet tunics, but they
climbing pearl that the King once would not cry. -
gave me. Shut it tight in your left Seiddenly they saw that the monkey
hand and wish. EiiIy Hells, .the was acting queerly. He kept ruitning
Jester. s round and round with his nose to 'the
"That's fine!" said Tony. "Now -we :ground. .All at once he stopped and
can climb like monkeys." began. to dig. -
"Big what shall we elimb?" Tad Tohy .and Tad hurried over to see.
asked. The monkey was chattering io himself
Tony slipped the stone into his and 'sending up a shower of dirt. He
pocket. "New, See here, Tad," he said. was pulling hard on a -vine, He pull -
"Yon remember what the King said, ed so hard that it came out ot the
don'j you? We can't come back until ground he fell over backward,
isre'sha fond something absolutely new. ,The two boys laughed bo much they
Well, there's nothing new in this fiat almost fell over; too,
field. But if we keep on walking, "What ie it?" cried Tony.
maybe we shall And something. This Whatever it was the 'monkey began
pearl may be very utieful." to eat it. The boys tasked close. Ile
They buttoned" "their jackets and Was pulling eortie small pods from the
Started off.' After -a while, hearing a vine and- gobblinV"thern. hungrilyi
queer sound in a tree, they stopped Tony snatehed a 'pod arid opened it,
shot. He was very careful, tor It might"be
"I didn't -know a bird could chatter poisonous, he knew.
like thati"eohy.said..... "Tad, it's peanuts!" he cried. "I
"Maybe it's something absolutely read about them in a book the other
new," said Tad, brightening up. They day. We never had them in our
stared at the tree. At first they could kiegdore." '
see nothing, but .presently the branch-
es parted and a queer, wrinkled liltis
face peered down at them.
"It's a monkey," whispered Tony.
"What are you doing up there.?" he
The chattering began again.
Tony decided that the monkey must
a began to jutnp ep and down
and hout. "Thenwe have found some-
thing absolutely new!" 'he said.
Tad tasted one of theaneanuts arid
made a wry face.. "Can't "-we cook
them?" he asked. '
Fortunately, an his way out of the
castle, Toy had slipped, a few match -
be hungry. "Well, se are we," he es' into his pocket. Ile gathered some
said, for --by that 'time they were, sticks and made a little fire, while Tad
oc,eme down and travel with us 4nd gathered is pile 'of peanuts. •
maybe we can lind some food." ,After that they resisted peanuts,
The monkey came slowly dawn the with the reozikey %caging On, full -of
tree, hend over hand -or rather, hand curiosity. Then Tng jurimed to hie
under hard, lie logoked verO thin. fest, - , • .
"Are_ you absoltitely never Tad "Come on," he Bald. "We'll use the
asked anxiously when the monkey hill -climbing pearl and then make a
reached the ground. daeh for home, I know the way."
The monkey -chatterel some more. -With the help of thci monkey they
He seemed to be seeing that on the picked mhny snore 'peanute ahd Alla I tempting to capture the heazini a very
contrary he Was very old, • . their pockets. After that, they set rare' epeoles of water fowl, will come
"Then you won't do," said Tad in off for.the kingdene. as a surprise. '
a 'fled who. • -It was long after dark when at But the lioazin, with' its eseksto°
"Well, you come with ue anyway" length. 'the three travelers came in crest and its formidably powerful beak
tamarack twigs, he soon had the Rein. Riches or Death.
ter .lelazing, The resin in a spruce It is probable thee many of the moat.
splinter umiceat them the best wood far svonderful stories. of sunken treaSure
tlids purpose, ea the flame burnt long are but legends, but one need go no
farther back than the late war for
}Totaing the small end of the birch reality. Enosigh substantial staff *tee
berk cone over the tears. in the canvas sent belew during that long-dra.wn con-
flict to make a nation prosperous for
Dabble Your Feet in the
. Water. - • • '
Some to the rest meg/ and some far
To mountain and seaside, the lake or
the bay; -
And many, so many, just cooped tip
and tired
Where the cities ard 'fierce aad, the
pavementa are fireds---
just louging for something they know
. thee can't do -
But this thing you can -s -and it's fake
oft your oboe
Ahd dabble your feet in the water!
Why, it bringe haok ouch pictures of
far, vanished things -
A „brook, aad -green trees, and a
myriad wino
Of birds and of 1nsoots "that flash
' through the air -
And ,son toss yourself baiak in your
old °Moe chair,
And gaze through the window, and
altiee tura to bine,
And 411 fanoysyou're taking off. stook -
Ms and shoo
TO dabble smile feet in the water;
The tnintiows come peeking Yam hda
and your toe, •
And the meadows attach yonder, the
ooft beanies blow, '
And the bees are so busy, the bias-
, sem .so bright-- , '
You'ye forgotten the pity -well, may-
be not quite -
But sufficient to help you from feeling
so blue,
.4.5 7011 take'off your etooking and kick
off your shoe
, And dabble your feet in the water!
1Vlystery. Creatures of the
To those who imagine, as many do,
that Nataire has no farther surprises
In. store tor us in the elimpe of. new
animal's and birds, the news that an
expedition le in South America aa
Tony eaid. "Mid whatever we And
you can share." '.
SO on they weht, with the monkey
trudging along in silence between his
new friends,
"Do, you suppose," said Tad, "he
could tell us anything that we could
climb with the help of the pearl?"
The monkey raised a brown finger
aria pointed to a tall, bteep hill beyond
a thick wood.
Tho travelers ' plunged into.
underbrush, the pages much excited.
After a while they cameto a clearing;
there the enhiikey quickly clifirbed the
trunk of a maple tree and disappear-
sight of the tallrlighted dornekof the
King'is palace. They knocked loudly
on the gate.
The geard onened it a crack' and
peered out. ' •
"I tan't let oou in," he said, "un-
less you've -brought back something
absolutely new." • ,
"We hheme 'the pages replied. And
it's not the men -keys It's something
stranger than that." • ,
The gnard let them mid they
hizrried into the throne room. The
King Was pacing backward arid for-
ward with a worried look 'on his face.
Whee he saw Tad,aed Tony he' stop-
ed. .The boys could hcarlum leaping
. Ped short.,
sisr?... NELL. aF__
Nt4it)0\6.1 F Ztie.
t,INkizlE, he 3..
V'Jtl-AT E.. v R„ ricrr
11c-IPT IN 't,iok•A
pot) SA`.(5'
1)eAND oNtl
is by no humus the only mystery crea-
ture known to extol to -day. •
In the heart clf Ceetral Afriea, where
the jungle in many places has tevet
bean penetrated hy white men, there
ie to be found a etrange leopard,like
aninial strified after the resilient of a
zebra, ,theta so fox has evaded cleseifi-
cation by,,neteral history experts.'
What ise kiown 113 the hipmeheree
ie amithhe mysterions. beast that
roams the -African wilds. The natiVes
.havelOng apokeu 00 11 but it was not
untie a- few menthe, age that a white
,than, Mr. 19. E. Lee, made its. acquaint -
He saws the animal half -immersed in
a peel. Its -mouth, -check, and ears
Were'like those of a horse, but its head
'was like that of ahippopotamus, with
two long, erect' home on its stout.
The New Guinea - forests ate be-
lieved to be the, home of more than
ono -animal unknown to natural his,
tory; while the dense Dangles of Bor-
neo and 'Brazil:contain. others, among
them a long Aker -alike createre that
is mei to lie cap -able of flying.
•The Giant.tush Pig of Kenya Colony
is fincthor hong that is se rarely seen
tbPc. Pc exietenee Is doubted by sonic,'
:eels °ugh" ' 6eVeral reputa hlo travellers
claim tc.; li,av'e observed it.
, By Feeditlg Thera Cracked Corn?
TWO small boys. says the Argonaut,
once, halted before a, lorass plat o. on the
0 -ant of a. house whereon was in -
so bbol da bold' characters the word
"Chiropodist." -
' `,Chillupodist!" 'remarked one of
then:, porpleXed, ','What's that?'
ronlied-his companion, "a
chirrumallstis a' cliop wha L tea eh eg
Canaric.s to :whistle' "
1.on10n.Oldet: Than Florae.
Rome As' a Modurn city compared
with London. London Wag f ()gilded is
1108 B.C., while, ltome was not found-
ed until 735 13,d,
the guide applied the torch to it, and
in a short whilef a hot stream of
spruce gum wals running from the
bark. With.- the, small encl he applied
the hot pitch to all parts Of the tern
and frayed, canvas, afterwaede preset-
ing the can'vais down iirmlY in Plpee,
and last Of all smearing -great masses
of Idle gum aeound and in the crevices
where thecanvas-failed -to meet, In.
an hour's time We were ready for the
river again, . "
After a day's uee- this gum hardens
and becomes a very 'geed *sulastitute
for 'canoe cerneet.e. Care should be
Somewhere in the Pacific is a little
wheee thepirates atelod their
Imre A party of adventurers that •
went In search .ot it, belleeing they
had unearthed the secret on, an old
chart, was nester heard of again. "
An Australian nfluir Spent part of,
his life in Ake:linen-tiling to re -find a
mine his partner -found and died in
describing: bat he. never succeeded,
and, eventuallY the buslimen %tunable&
on. his siseletoa:
-A, party of Freach 'seientists rie7row-
used that the pa:rts treated..with tee
lieruce gni are not trodden en heavilY '8IYab
e:raeoliDed death front -thirst in the
seeking traceseof a lest cares
ounthetaot van Of •Peecious stakes , that never
reaohea TImbuctoo, mid was suePesed
will ptah;eern ,,b:nnioladeatngaserie0nteajae..teete;alled st4tohrraav, elebaetelntscwfrearcwiteile,liwanett'by
tho d iniseedMtubde
wells. ' • ..
Diamonds Mielaid. •
Malty an expeditfon has sought the
famed miees of 7fbng.Solemen. The
wonderful platiaum mine, said to have
been sliecoveratin' 1895 by a German
dootor, who died of exhaustion on
emerging from the Nalahari desert,
has never been, traced egain, though
at least two parties have some to
rin further search and several
solitary secret tracker e have never re -
The, Africa/2,2er still nelieves in the
"cave of gleaming gold" that Was des,
,eribed by an excited Kaffir in the
Krugersdorp; and in the Orange,River
couhtry a Boor.family have sought for
yeara for a parcel of diamonds handed
. .
hastily to one elf- their ancestors by '
an Englishman flying from pursuing
isuecrstted aansi letiPaP:ts-heedap hthavee elbueSr.
The Boer, finding the packet. contained
made with manufactured Cement.
Call of the Alpine.
Ten months of the year I keep delving
a ter gold,
With iny nose on. the grindstone, my'
nerves growing -old;
Like a, leech at hie dinner I atity on
the job
And grouch at the weather, with a
croak like a -frog;
But the balanee of time is one para-
dise rare, ,
"Ns two weeks In the mountable with
six to prepare, ' '
And Olsen:trill of edventUre ore,
ples ray breast,
Malmo me king at creation -by speoial
Clan Alpine's Great Chief sent a mess-
, age to me, •
flo Pm /molting my dunnage with
masterful glee; many big stones, anti -fearing the
In a week Pni away on our anneal mounted police, hid it and fergot the
Old -Gtouch ditapDears like the creek
of a whip, •
And the thought of old friends and
the new ones I'll meet
Has killed all emotions ,except joy
S0106 wherein Western China. there
Is believed to he a buried teMPle
where the Manchu 0511501-019. 131 the all
dynasties stored their precious stone, •
milaileteripte„ and other. treasures In
times..of tastable. If the Chineee knew
So I'm firmly convineed, that this of its eared whereabouts, they have
• elub`a atmosphere kept the secret- among theta.
Will dispel all that's bad from each ;solve% though many eartiee sea:saes,
o nieraber eaeli year. have 'been made by others.
Fir away in the mountains where big- ,
. flees 'abounds '
Man's.0. i'worthpouuasis :not , .rated ,dollare
The godIrtdoslour uetu„rese.is sifted from
Our frienaships are .real, witheut
traitish. or, gime:
There we live as our Maker intended
Back twheouf3ghl(Pitd' .
rulybuilding for one
commen gotid.
Thu a while mountainel abide, or true
' love 'cloth endure -
There is nothing ean equal the Alpine
Chilr'e lure.
D. Geddes.
Wiki se, • X
A. part ot. sunelelesed fields and Clog -
A Suecessful
That n stir the fairy. tassels of the
a rant windn ' raad meeesh rahystideoc-yesOser'c,onsideilef arra /thine, .1:
110 "1507
03' henelaII:ainu:d°881itttg°';et: whi el: the 11: " dEV1 'ho'revtael:8,1?•euagbt1;9d::::::::10:ff,14:4w1:'::°orh:tangs' Ir7s;
A.rol childreied laughter 10 green , •
A Sweetnoss weer &mot, through' ce01lymoves1 from a distant 'city, cor-
, crowd -lag years, reeponda frequently with lalary, who
•A lueclous crimn sosto.re of tree- was her • clesest drum. -A few days
sure rare, • _ ago Elinera received a letter from
A feast, nae" rather say 'tis royal Isla4yeintamwohinvechhesnheyosuaridb:irtha -ay comes,
The memory fills my eyes with sudden for I. went to send you 57, presoht. UT
birtIrday.ine,xt Tuesday." n
'What these Men Mice itoric,'Vo0 can dole -re ese•-eaeria• tide
c lessee!, e ff-
ix, ,,i,
. k.,..a.d Th„,„ A,„...14 . a' home you can easily'mauter theme%ric,tete eihf.'isebilein,ng_thlant,,aviesTe
Storleo of Succeae
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