HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-17, Page 1, • , „ , , ,8"7"-;',77.7 1/ ".';.:•i[: CLINTON, ONTARIO, TEWRSDAY, JULY 117thsnl 924' MARKETS ' 1\M-- heaL1j. 33ticeytheat •75c. Barle# 55c. ' •".. • , "' • Oati 45e.. Egge..21e.',te 25e55 Butter p0c.o5 IslierRogs Q: 25 hina (dui. .'la -aild Silver. - 'These to delight the heart of a June Bride • - CHINA—A large assoatment of China to eltooSe, from, fT0112. Dirmer CUT GLASS—Lemonade Sets, Sherbert Sets, 'Water jugs, Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes, Vases, etc. , SILVER—Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Vases, Bread Trays. Sandwich and and Cake Plates. Everything in Spoons, Knives, Forks, etc., And last but not least, plain and fancy Wedding Rings. Yi e gar W. • Jeweller and Optician • •Phone 174w ' Residence 1743 :Imaimelli.11,011•1411•MMINMEOPme• •••••••IaMin.y. Hydro Power During the Summer weather, when range and furnace firea are not going, the matter of hot baths is a problem in 'many &Ines Also it is often diffucult to have plenty of hot water for washing, dish- washing, Etc - We have the solution. We have here a Standard Kitchen Holler where - the water is heated by Hydro Come in and see how it is operated Hot water at any time, in any quantity. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY.—IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Clinton roMeasel.S.N.S0•71.11000110110141•111•1M. Our Motto• AMONVO ommrfralleillgiallimi•IN•WOr For Every Man. Rot WfiatherS uogestiolls 44..J Away on your outing or staying at home, you'll need scene cool Outfitting for the summer 'months. • We've a Splendid Line of • Mau's Belongings Cool Soft Shirts in English Broadcloths, Irish Poplins, Dish Balloon Cloth, •Tobaaelo Cloth, and shirts of English Woven Fabrice. i$1..50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.25. Cool Athletic Underwear in Hatchway, or the, regular style if You Prefer it. • * $1.50 and $2.00 per suit Two-piece Summer Suits, in Tropical Worsteds, Homespuns, Pain Beech, etc. $16,509 $1800, • $22 50 • Outing Trousers , orneepuns, Creain Flainteis;eta $5.00 $6,50, $950. Light Sweater Coa!s, in plain attl—nfenei Patteane;.;t7".P st` etelapg,e, Golfing, Bowling, de. , , ' " ;• ' • , , . 0" ,Mens' 'Bathing, Suits cottonand woollens, plain or with contre,sting stripeS, • • 50 tO $3.75; ticaiv.and Panama, ingr•at.varietY. 'A Correct etyle-for eVer f e 1 ' I II. 0, B. COMING • The ITuron Comity Old Boys' A.s- . . sae:atoll of Toronto will rtm an ex- cursion for the Seaforth Olc. Bo3re.` Reunion. on SalsardaY, Augast and, ' Special .train leaves Tmonto at•2 p.m. and •arrives at Seaforth 6.25 Clinton, .6;47. rpsu. connecting 'With the train for tthe.north and Cs'oclerich 715 p , • To esteid confusion the cemmittee speetally i:eqiieetsa that tickets he .procured ht. once ab the - Can. 'National Ry, ticket Mlle% oor- neeKing and YOnge Streets. LAIVSON--STONG , A quiet Int( pretty' wedding took place on Vlecluesday morning, July 16th, at Wesley parsonage, when, Graze Lenore, only daughter of -Mr. and MTS. Lei Sten, became the bride of Gordon Merriott Lawson, son of Mr, Luke Lawson, all of Clinton'. The bride was smartly gowned in navy canton crepe, trimmed with rose 'buds, and' carried a bouquet of Sun- set roses and maiden hair fern. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Vi- ola Wise, who were a 'pretty midnight birte,.canton frock and a corsage bou- quet of red rose buds. • The bride- groom was attended by Mr. Clifton J, Proctor. The Rev. A. A. Holmes officiated. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mre. Lawson left on a wed- ding, trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. On their return they will reside in Clinton. The friends of the young couple ex- tend hearty good wishes' for a happy and prosperous future. STRATFORD WINS THIS ONE On Friday night last our boys jour- neyed to Stratford, where a very ex- citing game of lacrosse was played. The score at the end of the game stood .5 to 2 in favor of Stratford, but this score does not indicate the play by any means. • The first period opened with hard checking, being quite prevalent in both team. After several minutes of play the 'Clinton boys broke away and J, Mutch scored the first goal. Stratford, however, name back strong and the score stood 2-1 for them at the end of the first period. At the opening of the, second per- iod the Clinton boys started a strong offensive play and R. Middleton bale'. ed the twine on a peat pass from N. Cook, tying the score. A few min- utes later Stratford scored, snaking it 3-2 in favor of the home team, at the end of the second, In the 3rd period Stratford changed their centre plaYer and this proved to be to, their advantage as he scored the first and. assisted in their laet counter. • The last period of the game saw no scoring, both teams checking 'closely. With five minutes to go G. Elliott, the'Clinton,, goalie, had the misfor- tune to turn his ankle and he was ta- ken off the field, beitig replaced by E. Wendorf. A few 'minutes later the gong sounded, ending the game with Stratford the victors. The return gatne will be played in Clinton, on Thursday, this evening, and although beaten in Stratford our boys feel quite confided of winning with the hearty support from the lo- cal fans. 'Clinton needs to Win this game in order to be tie for the first 11lace. \ The Stratford Beaeon-Herald com- ments as follows on the game: "Playing a steady, heady game Stratfordts Intermediate Lacrosse ex- ponents. defeated 'the Clinton aggre- gation by a .score of 5-2, at the Col- legiate Flats, last night.- By so do- ing they tied with Wingham for Bast" place in the group and are assured of a place -in the group plaYoff. The return game will be -played in Clinton on Thursday next, July 17. . . "Stratford held the visitors score- less after the setond quarter and al- lowed the visitors but one goal in each of the first two. Honors about the nets were more evenly divided than the score might indicate, Turcett, in goal for Stretford, deserves much of the credit for the shaWing of his team. Incirvecluial stars on eithee. team. would be hard' tochoose hitt "Scotty" 'Brown and MaDdatiett etood. out for the homesters while T. Match and R. 1Vliddleton were good fa' Clin- "In last night's game weight and 'ex- perience told against the visitors. They were outweighed man for man. "At the opening of the game Clin- ton, for a short time pressed on the Stratford goal and kept the play in the homesters territory, The spurt ended with a neat count by J. Match, after five minutes of play. The tally gave the Stratford crew slew life and neat combination from! Murray to "Scotty" Bream everiea the score. The tying coant was made a few se- conds after the first, In the dying minutes of this .period "Scotty" Brown took:a pass behind the 'Visitors nets, fought his way through the defenee afirput Stratford in the lead, -2-L "Although Clinton seemingly had the greater part of the „play in the second quarter, the half-time score 'was 8-2 favor of 'Stratford. 'R. 1/Iiddletori made it two -all an the last half -of the periad. 'McDermott put Stratford in the lead, when, after a pretty piece of stick handling he 'whipped .one into the Clinton nets." Clinton Position • Stratford G. Elliott ,Turcott • W, Mitch . "Sky" Ilaeabn, G. ,Middleton..Cover ........11. Yourig• C. Fulford Def.,., J. Seebach • R.1Middleion,2nd pa ..F, Tennant F. Elliott ....Centre "Kruger" Sinith N. Gook ..2nd Home,H. MeDermott K, Roberti:M. ,let Home , .B, LaVelle H. Lawson ..Outside McCaedle 3. b4utelyn ."Seatty" Brown Fetlford Sae' E., Putnam M. Sehoeiffials ..Subs Putattm 4, Nediger ;.• .1, ,..W, Sproat Refebee—W Heuning Walkerton:" • ENGAGEMENT. ANNOONCED • Mr, arid '3,1is.'.Edv;attl, Wr'..,Rodee Way semonnce 'the. epgragesPept of t4lvir eirYf L. al rieg:gt':daln. g trait, the anarriage`to lake Plare, this. Month. • . ,. '•• o • FLINERAI, OF 11 JIlNKINS • The funeral - of he late ' Rowland Hill, Jenkins took -place from his late residence, 'the sixteenth concession of 'Cloderith' townehip, on Xatday after - 710011 laet, beinglargely atthndedby relatives, old,' friends and neighbors.' The serviees were conducted by the Rev. A: A, Ilolmee, pastor of Wes- ley church, of which deceased was' #1, 'member, and the ,pallbeaaere were:. • Messrs. F: Leonard, H, 3. Hibbs, H. 3.. Thompson, Robert Welsb,, J. B. Lindsay and Robert Ferris, In! terraent was. made IR Clinton ,ceme- tery. • . 'Amongst, those from other plaees who attended the funeral were:, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Holland, and IVIr. and Mrs. Rowe and: Mr. Will Rowe, Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hol- land, Winthrop; Messrs: TV': and A. Hicks and bliss Lily Hicks, Mitchell; Mr. and MTS. 3. 3. Washington and •Mr. and Mrs. E. 0.. Erratt, Auburn; .Mrs. Smith and her, son and daugh- ter; Mr. Sidney Smith and sie Smith, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, London. 11 11 Mrs. Jenkins and her family -wish to convey to their friends and neigh- bors their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympaty shown them in their bereavement.. CIIALTTATIQUA 1924 Chautauqua, which came to a close on Thursday evening last, after four busy days, was conceded by many to have been the best eourse put on in Clinton for two or three years, at least. , Moaday's programs consisted of musical selections giveri in the after -- noon by the Melody Trio, who also gave a half hour's eritertainment in the evening,' -and the magic and Mys- tery stunts of The Marko Co. in the evening. It was a good beginning, the music being very pleasing and Mr. Marko clever with his tricks of magic, many of his tricks complete- ly bafflihg the audience. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day mornings Miss Mack Inet the chil- dren, over one hundred being pres- ent on each occasion, telling them stories ' and assisting them to drama- tize Mother Goose rhymes, etc, This was a very popular feature of the course and Miss Mack made nuiny friends among the young people. Se- veral of the grown-ups attended these morning gatherings and enjoyed them very much. Tuesday afternoon. the Columbus Entertainers,two clever young ladies; gave a pleasing 'entertainment of mu- sic, song and story. In the evening Mr. Geoffrey F. Morgan gave his lecture, "Success, with Ease," which might have been more appropriately called "Success with E's", as he gave as the requisites of success "Energy," "Enterprise," "Enthusiasm," and "E- thics." It was a good lecture and 'was, delivered in a most entertaining manner. Wednesday afternoon Mr. Bhaskar Hivale, a native of India who was ed- ucated at Oxford, gave his lecture, "The New India," which was instruc- tive and interesting. He has a most. pleasing Manner and delivery and a very niee little fund of humour which he indulged sparingly (but entertain- ingly. He told of wishing to see two things when he carne to Canada, not the ordinary thingwhich we us- ually thew our visitors, bat twe things .about which he, waS 'curious—. snow arid -"hot dogs," The former he says he Ibves, eonsiders beautiful' and of which 'he never tilos, but the latter, one taste was enough. No more "hot dog" for him. He told of the eustoms and -ideals of his own conntry and, while he spoke highly of British rule .in India, he hinted that 13 was ide opinion that a greater measure of self-goveanment 'Would be rbeneficial. Alter the lec- time 'many of the audience met the lecturer and he was delighted to anetver any of the questions put to him:- Mr.- Rival° made an extreme -- 1y good- impression. In the evening, the play',.-"Cappy Ricks," founded anon the book of the same name, was put on .and was very mirth. enjoyed., Some thought it the best Chautauqua 'play yet'presented Clinton. ' • On 'Thursday afternoon the: Plan- tation 'Jubilee Siagdeagave."‘a short concert an'd Marshall Louis Merfins gave his lecture-reCital, "The Gold at the Rainibow'e End," reciting 'inithy of his own poems. In the evening .the Jubilee Singers gave the' whole programot,' ,Theee were fear, two men. aud,two women, and they had well-trained • yoices, and gave' a most pletsing .pregram, Taken as a whole the -progranis were .god. • •• ' 0. W. Heinrieks.was the stip- eriatenderit.in tharge-und Mss Mack reinairred in town all week,•also..' For the first time- in Clinton, the Chautatiqui'ebnimitthe ran'a little be- hind., • This may be accounted for te some eXtent, by the epicleinic. of Measles in- towirand vicinity foa ecrine. Weeks prior to the event, :Which tire - vented Many people pitying, tjakets; ItMay also have been account of 'thie,..fret that -the Girls' Auxiliery:WaS not aesponsible ,this year and:clid. not, take tmthe whole rtaskpf talc- ete, nn13 iriust be admitted that -for the .fitst three years these young la' thee, .did yeoman service 111 this res- pect. However, the totnanittee has' 'again. signed:lip for peat Year an ib is expected that a .streingorgaffiCation will be ;feigned ' next .yea M4 Chis tanqua will again ;hap in' Other respectS.,. AMONG TI -IR CITURCI-I S Sa.lvation• Army 11 a.nt.,'Iloliness xrieding; 3 p.fa, Sanday,echool; 7:30 p.m., great Sal- vation meeting, . ) • July' 23rd, 8 p,ap., special visit of staff Capt. Raven and Capt. Tame]. of Toronto. EVeayboclet welcome. VETERANS' PICNIC . - Veterans of the Great War resident in the county of Huron, ' with theiv wives and friends, will hold a mole- ster picnic at jowett's Grove, Hay- field, on Wednesday, • August 13th. The arrangements are in the hands of a: committee headed by Major R.- R. Sloan. Games and sports are being organized and valuable prizes will be awarded. The Committee .extend an invita- tion to all Veterans to spend e day at l3ayfteld's beautiful Recreation Park, and renew old friendships. Vete:- .ans will be expected to bring their own baskets. For any further information please write to Major R. R. Sloan, Bayfield, Chairman of committee, or Lt. -Col., ,J.., W. Shaw, Clinton, Secretary. , SM,YTII—SILANAHAN St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, was the scene of a very pretty 'wedding 'en Wednesday moaning, when Rev. Father Gaffney united in marriage Charles B. Smyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smyth, and' Ella J., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john Shanahan. The bride who, was prettily gowned, in sand crepe de ehene with white picture hat, carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. Miss Anna Shanahan acted as bridesmaid, wearing a pretty frock of rose crepe, with leghorn hat and carried pink and white carnation, The gromai was assisted by his bro- ther Mr. Edward Smyth of Oshawa. ' Ave Marie was beautifully render- ed at the offetory by Mrs. Joseph Boyle, sister of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party and the guests mo- tored to the home of the bride where they partook of a dainty breakfast.. The out-of-town guests were; Mrs. Dudley of Whitby, Mrs, Win. Mar- shall of Toronto, Mrs, Gordon'. Smyth and Mr. Edward Smyth, of Oshatra, M. and Mrs.. Joseph Boyle of St. - Augustine.. The young couple left on a motor trip to Toronto and Oaliawa. The bride donned for the journey 'a suit of fawn tricotine with gloves and shoes to match and' a small French hat. The groora's gift to the bride was a beautiful wrist watch, to the brides- maid silver mesh purse, and to the groomsman, gold cuff-liks. LITTLE LOCALS Did you attend the Ford picnic at Bayfield yesterday? The Hospital Board has chosen Fri- day, October 24th, as the day of their annual baeaar. One of the attractions of Civic Holi- day in Clinton on' August 4th will be aL ubcaesneb. baseball between Goderich arid The Agricultural ,Society Dramatic Club will present their play "Safety - First" at Walton on the evening of July 25th. Miss Etta Hardy has taken a post - tion on 'the staff of the Tiverton school and IVLiss, Daisy Necliger takes charge of the Middleton school after the holidays. ' The Knitting Company is closed for stocktaking 4na the knitting room is also being re -decorated. When ready for work again it will be very cheer.- ful and bright. , Your rinks of Stratford lady howl- ers came up Saturday afternoon and played a like number on the local green. Nine games were played, thevisitoes winning five of them, though Ethe local ladies -were several pointa up. . Mr. A. Scott of Mary street has a very fine display of the old-fshioried flower, sweetwilliam, in his garden. He has other flowers such as fox- glove, etc., but the sweetwilliam present •predominates and it is cer- tainly very lovely.' , a. • Some Clinton people were at Grand Bend on Sunday and witnessed the drowning accident,when young Nor- man Elliott of St. IVIary'e was ear-. sled beyond his depth by an „under- tow: The lake was so rough that efforts for his rescue proved fruitless. The bocly has net yet been recovered. The News -Records had only reached Holmesville, last week when' a phone messafe.came tp J. Cnninghame, who had :advertised a kit 1eag he had found, that the owner had left word • there concerning Nothing like letting the,pemile know about thing% and The People'e Patier is the logical mode of comanunieation. Qtlto1op3mne has beeri kept busy 'this week laY people calling•up to, en- quire about .the entrance exam. re - Thee° resulte have not yet reachedz:tbie office. Wheu they do we shall put them into type as speedi- ly as possible and post them Up. We,regret that we •have not gotthem fer publication in this week's issue, The following ,nalites appear rod in the list of successfnl Natnial and College Of Reticatiennetuclents: Ers-, ltine 0..)11Yens• and, Alvin 35. Leon- „arcl at Collegiate nessistenta, Nor, mai, 1st class: F R. Hale, Etta Arl• WinaifredlIcKathatid class: Daisr-‘11Wi;;Fttlig- TH(E ItiOlVIE PAPER ,01(1 Pupils of the Fainolis "Bawd's” School Came Houle for Re -union Last Thursday., Thueeday was a 'gala day for the • , ' ", • Babel 'community, Stanley township, •vvben „ ae-mpion of the scholars el te4arps ogi'l'33mai:odrel•gSecell:olg"eewvaes held , . Invitationt had been sent out to about eight hundred peoPle, in all Partseof the courttay, andsomewhere about ,six handred resPeeded: It was a great gathering of the clans, as men and women, who, as »children, had' .gone to school: to "The Master," returned froni sojourning here, there and everywhere, bririgiag 'with them in many cases "the child- ree God' had given them in. the land of their eojournings.." There were many pleasant meeting's of old friend's who had not met in 'years, and many an exchange of reminiscences of the old, happy school clefs. For the most part it was the pupils 'of the late George Baird, who: re- tired ifs December, 1910, after teach- ing .continuously for fifty ,yecuts, who made Up the gatheting. A program of speaking was gone through in the afternoon, oommenc- lag with singing by the ,present school children. Mr. W.« McEwen; president of the committee, presided. Reeve G. B. Hanley was the first speaker anfl. he cordially welcomed the visitors back to their home com- munity, assuring them that the latchstring. was always on the out- side of the door for them. Mr,-: John McGregor of Brooklyn, N.Y., Rev. Harry Diehl of Adelaide, Dr. R.. R. Ross,' Seaforth; Dr. T. R, Butchart, Red Oke, Iowa; Rev. L, W. Diehl, Pert Bueweff; Rev, John Mchwen, Hillsdale,, and' MT.. Gordon Waldron, K. C., Toronto were the speakers. Eachone 'spoke tenderly, lovingly, of the. "Master," of his kindliness, his scholarliness, the won- derful influence he had had upon the lives og the youngpeople of the com- munity for over half a century. Mrs. G. Elliott of Toronto was the' only lady taking part in the ,program and she sang two ,beautiful solos which were very much appreciated. The late George Baird, the , man who was, as one. former pupil, said, the presiding geniusin the comMuni- ty for two generations, was both in Anchinlock, Ayrshire, Scotland, April and, 1841. He came to Canada in 1852 and began teaching in 1861., On' September 28th, 18'55, he was mar- ried, his wife still surviving. He resigned as teacher in Deeember, 1910 and February 4th, 1918,•hde- DEATH OF MISS JOHNS. Miss Emelia, Johns, following a stroke:which she suffered ten days or 80 previously; passed away on Friday last. . The deceased lady was a daughter of the kite Robert JOhne,of Tucker• smith and was born in that town- ship and lived there until about twen- ty-three years ago when she came into Clinton and had made her home here ever since. ' - She was a Methodist in 'religion, being a member of- Turner's church while in Tackerstnith and of Wee - ley church in Clinton. Site was a home -keeping• woman, though kindly and sociable and fond of her friends. She is survived by .one sister, Mrs. Sara E. Andrews, who was with her at the end, and by a nunther of ne- phews and nieces. „ The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, a short private service being held at the house, after which the remains were laid to rest in the family plot in:Turner's cemetery. The services were conducted iby the.Rev. A. A. Holmes and the pallbearers were six nephews of the -deceased: Messrs. Walter_and Fred Jackson, A. Seeley, B. Gibbings, and Ira W. and Hervey, johns'. MO. Sidney Johns of Seaforth and Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantfoth were here for the funeral. / SUCCESSFUL DrivioNsT,TanoN The twelfth of July delebration held in Goderich on" Saturday, when North and South Huron united, was one of the most successful dem- onstrations ever heldin „the ,district. Nearly forty lodges Were represented, The Clinton Kiltie Band teak the lead as a musical unit, and did wonderful service during the day. Pipe bands were also present 'from Wingham and Belgrave. W. J: Falconer, Master of South Huron I,odge, presided at the pi•ogram of Speeches in Court House Park, when Mayor GallOw, 15. 11. Wigle, M.B,P .;- John Soynt, M. p . P.; George Spotten, Itev, J. W. Redley 'and Rev. 3. E. Holmes spoke. , IA/Ingham Lodge won the prige 'as the largest in the parade; Belgrave as the hest .dreseed lodge; Princese lyfary lodge, Goderich, as ' 'the best dressed ladies' lodge; Chilton for the best fife and dram bend; ()raage Rili, Revvick.:tawaship, as' the lodge coming the greatest. distance; Wilson A.ranstreng, Godevieh, •'as the best fifer, and Webster, V.arria, . as the best di-y.1131)1er. John,Fulton of Wale ton, 95' years of age, and 80 years an Orangemen took the pyiee for the oldest member in parade. Mr. David Beadom, Clinton's Yeller - able citizen, was of course .in the parade. He is older. -than Mr, -Ful- -3m» but did 'not join the Order at,so early an age. He.has been an adtive Orangeman for over seventy years, . Clinton Otangemeh :speak highlY Of the athommodateort abeordedathern.ts bhe COMity -to-WA-and say 'that it wns a ,verar pleaCant , day • as, well ap TH.e LATE GEORGE BAIRD parted this life. • Mr, Baird was a born teacher, , It was his delight to "bring his pupils on," not to make a show at examina- tion time, "but to.really see that they absorbed the knowledge which he was so anxious they should have. "It Was not a 'common' school at all," one of the 'speakers on Thursday remark- ed, "The school over which Master ' Baird presided was a university." IVIrn-Bhaskar Hivale, a native of 'India, who spoke at the Chautauqua in Clinton last week, remarked that in the English universities tho pie-. fessors have so little personal con- • tact with the students that their per- sonality counts for nothing in the forming of character. It was not so with the boys and girls who passed through the hands of the late George Baisd. He bit his impress deeply engraved upon the character of each. The 'story, of his .career in the corn- • munity about S. S. No, 1. StarileY, reminds one ` of the story of "The Dominie," in Ian MeLaren's "Beside. the Bonnie Brierhush." It was not only his influence in the. ' school room, powerful as that was, but his influence pervaded the entire community. "Did you know Master Baird?" a pretty young' matron, one whose school days must have been in the later yeaap of his eared as a teacher, enquired of the writer. We had to admit that we did not. "He was a wonderful man," she continued, "and he is not dead. His spiritis. just as much alive as ever in this community." We were not jut sure ' what she meant, but we certainly frit that to have lived to such purPose, • ' to have left such a record and such an ins.peess upon the lives of men and women was worth a man's living for.' Another matron, an older one, who has always lived in •the sanie come, inanity and whosechildren went to the same 5-61001 she did, said she al-. Ways looked to the A/faster when any., thing went wrong and told of sending for him once when her husband was absent from home and one of her children fell ill. Mr. Baird taught the Public school during the week and on Sunday he conducted a •Sunday school in the same schoolhouse. And he was just ' as strict about the boys and girls having their catechism correct on Sunday as that they,ehould have their spellings or arithmetic without miS-, takes on Monday. Baird's school on' the second of Stanley ,,i1 the third school building in the ection, but records do not -seem to have been kept as to the , date of the first forming of the sec- tion. The first school, however, was a log building on the Stanbury farm , on the London road, the farm 11()w oc copied by Mr. W. J. Falcand. Mr, Williams, Mr. Archie Cameron and Mr. Nichol Robinson, taught in the old school, which was a (mien school,. Mr, McKenzie' was the teacher whert the school was built on the second and continued to teach there. „Ile was followed by Mr. McFaal, then came Mr. Baird, who. taught for fifty years. The present building - was erected duribg Isis term Dur- ing the fourteen years since his re- tirement in 1910 there have been nine, teachers: Misses Elizabeth Mc- Ewen, Gertrude Sturdy, Jean Wylie, Jessie Aikenhead, Pearl Potter, Ida Taylor, 110". Peter Moffatt and 1Vlise Ida Taylor again and the present tea- cher, Miss Edna Reid. 11 11 11 11 It was a most intereeting gather- ing and many an incident of early days, under the rule of "The Master" Was recalled thy the ' °Id boys and girls of S. S. No. 1. ' 11 11 11 Several speakers rallied the chair-, oisn a lit -t1 on, his stat of single- .• blessedness, a bachelor is always con- siciered fair game for the jokesmith. • We should say that he made rather a rash statement, however, when hede- claaeci that it Wasa't 'his fault, that if any nice maiden would only show any inim clinaton to coe anywhere halfway she'd And Vender if lie stopped to reflect •that this is leap year and only a little over half gone,. ,iYes, we consider he was extremely rash, especially foa Scots: - Otte thought whieh was faced upon. the writer a we listened to the if; me stgeopstli dp'ponsttittkp ' (Continued Pftge ) 1 • e• . •