HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-10, Page 8y k� OSS Y1 i�arellaSe leans isle timepiece "iJe can sell yogi 'atcb twat is reinahi that is. gaarantee€l OUR .k) j.RING.DEPARTMENT >f your watch or 'clock needs re- p airing we can do the work and give satisfaction. We can(also repair jew.- elery and .rings and in a caser eweller and Opticia OP/hisir N Next Bovey, s Drug Stord mss•.. L t ILL i -~ Narro r Tek e :r Selling like ' hot ' cakes. Just the Tie for young men ,and most . suitable for low collars now in vogue. Give' the boys what they want—LANKY BILL; TIES Congoleumn Rug Sale; continued for,.one • week Order now and• save 'money, P,lumsteel Bros. PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS • MORE BUSINESS .C. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges Fixtures, Bulbs, I'roi s,'Fans and other �. Appliances ' ' Wiring and Repairs.' Phone 151w The C ntral Grocery .STRAWBERRIES This is the week to get your supply of Strawberries for preserving Leave orders early.,. Prompt attention to all orders Moreg Jordon THE CENTRAL GROCERY Phone 144 The - Man Who Knows good clothes when he sees them knows that they were made at this establishment. ' If you have. not as yet picked out ,' your Spring Suit, come to us,as we" have all the latest noveltiescand designs, and can make up a suit which will be un to the minute in every respect. COME `AND INVESTIGATE. WE IN .7ITE YOUR PATRONAGE vis Herman VETERAN TAILORS 'PHONE 224-W as s Us bout II Nur;iainting Needs i rat _ _ env �fe`hatiee, VIVO 'yotitQuf, `. •6tdb'te' fiernitur 'a s! w.st'ykk `gr0urf el finish We also carry a complete line of rB and d ram Henderson. Pialnts' and Varnishes -Sun Varnish and Suri Varnish Stains Also a complete line of Brushes, Linseed Oil and Turpentine Sutter JTIA1l'.DWARF PLIJMBIN Pe 'Cl1.1e ELECTRIC Wl)HNG.. athered civet;ath ig that is dearest; and bestmrlife. Id :mire .the center`: iron«vh ch all ..the varied concerns a ? ;b?a,a s'4% Iiif shirt forth. Any thing that can contribute to the beau- ty and comfort and peace of. Home i:; d serving of attention and thought. In this"dirrAlon let wall paper enter, your thoughts.' Our -no -sir ' spring atncic will soon be ready for: roar inspection.: s; Trio W.11 Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss• Mary Cl.lidley -;of Toronto ,• Is' home for the summer .' vacation: Mrs. Brugeman of Cheeley is visiting . her daughter, Mrs. 1l.` Wendorf:_of town. Miss Luella Walkinsha-cw of Toronto spent the week -end at her Borne in Miss Helen Sellery of M'adison,iWis.; is ;the guest of her ii eee, Mrs. A. T. Coopers • Ray. J' E. Hogg tobk itis fan ily to their summer home -at Southamp- 'ton last week. Misses Madeline and Eleanor Burns of Toronto visited last week with Miss Ruby Irwin. -Miss Mary McBrien of near Seafortli visited #riends in town the begin- ning of :the week. Miss Bessie Porter{: 'of Londestboro is spending; the week as the guest of Miss Wasbiugten,- Miss Clete Ford left last week for Limtierlost Lodge, lviuskoka; where • she will spend a Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Miller - and son of Godetich visited Mr. R.. Mil1ei: and Miss Jean on .Saturday, Mrs. Fair. and little -Miss Tillie of Toronto are -visiting ,the lady's`. es- - ter, Mrs. W': H. fiellyar. - -Mr. and Mrs. Morley Counter and babe of Buffalo are visiting the •former's parents, in town, Miss. _Shirley Bawden left Monday for Sarnia; where she'will be the guest of "Mrs. Milton, Cook for a week or ten days: /Vii. and Mrs. E. A. Crosse olid son are visiting at: the home of ^ the Iady's parents; Dr. • William and Mrs. Gunn. Miss Norma Bentley of ,London has been spending the past weela or SO with her sister, -Mrs.' Morgan Ag., new of town. .Miss Gertrude Weilis, who has been ' teaching in the Midland Collegiate returned hoihelast week for' the va- cation' period: Miss Roselle, Sehoenhals of the focal Bell Telephone staff is spending a' ' vacation With her sister, Mrs. Mil- ton Cook of Sarnia. Messrs; Jack ",Maughan and Robt. 'Peterkin of 'Toronto motored 'up Saturday and spent the week -end as the guests of Mrs. T. Jackson. Mrs. J. T. Bich spent last week +visiting Tnekerslnith friends, anu • this week she has Mrs.` Whitfield +Crich of Tuckersmith as her guest. Miss•Nellie Holmes,df Wellesley Hos, pital;' Toronto, is holidaying •at the hoina of her -parents, Rev: A. A. • and Mrs. Holmes, Wesley parson- age. Miss: E Hemp, of Bruce Mines, who hair been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. IKentip, went to Tor- ontb this week to read exam.. pa- ' 'pers. Miss Jean Wilkinson of Toronto made a ibrief visit with Miss Nell Holmes. this Week .while on her, way to Bayfield, where she is spending her vacation. Mr. and Mrs,. Geo-. N. Datil and little son of Chicago were'veek-en\T visitors •with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mason, Mill steert. Mr. Dahl is Mrs. Mason's nephew. Mrs; C E. Smyth and daughter, "Miss Etta, and Mr. Phil. DeWitt .of :'Spring. Lake, Mich., were the. guests last week of Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Mason • of Mill street. • Mr. W. M. Erwin, principal of the C,C.h. has gone to Toronto to fin- ish a course in physical training which he started last year. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin and little Miss Janet will spend August at Grims- by, Mr. and. 'Mrs. W. E. Miller and ' family •of Royal Oak,-Mieh., and Mr.. and Mrs. A, R;; MoBrien and, IVLiss'Olive of"Essex motored over last Friday, and visited Mr. R -Miller and Miss Jean of "town, also with Mr. John Harvey of Loncles- boro' and Mr, and •Mrs. W. J. Marion of Mullett. Mr. and Mrs. 'J. 17. Brooks of Mit- chell and : their Iittle` grandson, • Master Jack ,.:Brooks of Toronto, and Mas. Vivian' of. Mitchell spent Friday last as the guests of 'Mrs. Broolcs .paren;ts'. ,,J•VIr. and "Mrs. Wnr.;.Cantelon On their• retltrn, they were accompanied by Mas. ;W. Pickard, who' is spending a ' few days in Mitchell. Mr: William 'Cantelon of Saskatoon has been visiting his' brothers and ' sisters Messrs. Arthur and 11. II. Cantelon and Mrs. D. Oantelon•and' "Miss S. •Cantelon'. Mr. Conte- Torr is a son `of 'the late Adam Can- teldn'-of. Goderich township and it' is thirty-two years since he' last Visited the scenes of his boyhood. It is thirty-five years sinco he ,went west; • Ide is head travelling agent of the John` I/eer Machine Co.; :of. Saskatoon and be and his wife have „just returned from'' California, where they went, for the isenefiit of . -the latter's health. l .. w sug es tons: i rearacheese and LeiLuces and wiches, - .ellog 's bran, Custa pie and 'milk, 'Corn flakes with. Strawberries and Creamy sr aba1 :crackers and iil:ilk Soup (Use ban instead of. crackers Egg salad, Fruit Gelatine: and Tea rhes .eIhhgg's bran: for 25c S. W. - biscuits 2 for 2, 'e K .ellog's° corn flakes 2 for 25c Rolled Oats 10 lbs 38c Graham wafers Jelly -Powder Hurslex tea - O'Neil, s special per lb 30c - 3 pk,vs 25c per lb 58c per lb 65c Will fill all orders for Strawberries at market price Special price by the crate Nl ' r r • •' IlEAKF-AST Try o our C..arid B. little chip marmalade 30c •Large sealers = per jar 65c Grab apple je1lly Per jar 30c Bodley's marsh: mallow cakes in white, pink, and 'e11c w 20c Marsh' -mallow cream; per bottle Buy "a photo card and get •your photo for' 25c c 2525c h, Cash i& Carry r one 2 De verses s . e d 48 o ,l ti Poultry. Improvement • Meetings Will be held• next week at the place listed -(below, where' dem- onstrations will be given in the cul - 'Clinton, of which Mr. Jenkins was a member, conrntencing at two o'clock. Interment will be tirade lin Clinton cemetery. linf It IfInc inter - g o po'u ry. - you a ested in this work, kindly arrange to attend as this is the onl'Y work the. Department is, doing in this section, this year. Frank E. Powell, Clinton, July 17th, at'2:30 P.M." S. -B. Stothers, Rep- resentative .for Huron County. 62-1 Well Known Citizen of Goderich Town ship Passes on On Tuesday there passed away an- other of the pioneers of Goderich township in the person of Rowland Hill Jenkins. , ' Dorn' April 17th, 1844,. at Bridge- water; now Holmesville, he spent the earlier •;part of his ,life in that'vicin- ity, later settling on the 16th conces- sion, where he carriedon as a suc- cessful farmer , until, failing health forced him to give .up the strenuous work of the farm. . The late ,Mr. Jenkins, was a vet- • Bran of the Fenian Raid and could recall Many a stirring' event 51 those threatening days in 1866. In poli- tics he oli-tics:he was a- staunch Conservative' 'and the history -making .days` of Sir. John' A. Macdonald were'. often re- called with pride. During the latter years of his life he took Oro active part in politics. On January '16th, 1869, 'Mr. Jen- kins ` was united in marriage with Elizabeth holland, who, together with their' three sons and three daughters, survives him. Tho children are: Harney and .Ideal/art : of Goderich township, George of 'Clinton, Mrs. T. R. Wallace, Godorich, Mrs. W. J. Stevens, Goderich township an(1 Mrs; R, N. Welsh; London.' Two sisters, Mrs;, G, Jenkins, Goderich and Mrs, R. Ferris of Huliett, also survive. The funeral takes place tomorrow, Friday, afternoon from the hone on the sixteenth, the service,. which will be conducted by the Rev. A,' A. Holmes, pastor of Wesley church, STRAWBERRIES Order your berries early this year and not be disappointed, Owing to shortage of some other small fruits the demand for strawberries for can- ning will greatly exceedthe supply. Twill have an excellent quality of fruit for sale this year and the prices. will be right. I can do with a number of good strawberry pickers. FR9eNIi W. 'ANDREWS, ,CLINTON Phone 33-W. 60-tf rinouncement I wish to announce to the citizens of Clinton` and surrounding communi- ty tha)thl have leased the store lately oeoupied by the Coekshntt agent, next door to Aiken's harness shop, and will conduct a plumbing, tinsmithing and general hardware business there. To those with whom I' have been doing business for years I extend an • invitation to visit me iii any new quarters aald . respectfully ,solicit a full share' of public patronage. ' .The supplying of your • plumbing, tinsmithing' and' hardware needs will Inc any.chief concern dining every business• day in the year. , Thomas W. Hawkins Phone "'244 IVO ;.'Ts the time when new homes arq,being furnished, so we cordial- ly invite you to inspect our large stock . of all the necessities for that new home. Assuring you of the very lowest prices possible. • We Have Linoleum .Cmagoleini Rugs, Carpet Rugs of•aI1 kinds with.a well assorted('stock of furniture that cannot help butplease both the eye and the purse. Don't forget this store when you're looking for useful,. wedding gifts. ToaCoal 011 Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and sters. Keep your lawns right by using the celebrated Taylor -Forbes lawn mower;,, f}4. Extra special price on Ram and Garage l,'aint12.00 per gallon. A few odd shades of Sherwin Williams Paints. It will pay you to look these over. Clinton Hardware and .Furniture Co. THE STORES WIT A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 wenueuraaz cURRELL S►_' WLEY. We have; now opened our Branch Store on Victoria Street and are prepared fo give our patrons service and satisfaction. Delivery from both stores to all pants of the town Orders sent with children and telephone orIers are given special attention. . We have no 'old stock. Every article new and of the Best Quality. We guarantee sixteen. ounces to the pound, Our prices are worthy of investigation. ': THE C,&S GROCERS Main Stare;= phone 125 •'Branch, Store, phone 242.' 1 SRANTONCOAL' 'After several years of interrupted "service onr Old ',Me Coal Companies, the D. L. & W. and D. &'H. are now shipping uscoal regularly. and ceal of stiperior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in Ontario for years, SUMMER. PRICES are :now on, and while it is' warns these days let: it remind you that when Hummer" cones Winter is sure to follow. '• LET US HAVE YOUR °RIPER. { y Place yonr, erdtr. with"the firer that has always 'made "a special effort to suppl,whatt. you etant: when` you want it, whether Winter 'or, Summer, much r little, Egg , 1 o ttle or Stove. ' We can : give you 'service on any of the following: g Grate Egg Stevie • Chestnut Pea Coal Cole • Pocahontas ll:lontes0d.Lul p; CaAnnnel SIt>kltacn` We also.; have on hand afresh' carload of CANADA CEMENT arid a variety of choice WOOD. At BRUCEFIELD YARD Nye have in stock .Chestnut, Stove, Coke, Cement; Lumber and Shingles. it t 1 s �r ,, - � v "a}`� .1 ,i . :•nom , '' - .,, ;. S4� 1 ;�`- rul '5'1; Fowerr,,, ���: ?urin .the Summer scather, when • ?.• range and furnace. fires are not going, the matter of hot baths is a problem in - many homes - Also it is often'' diffuculrto have isk- lent of hot :.water for washing,dish- P y... washing, 'Etc- We have the solution.. We have here 'a Standard Kitchen Boiler where the water is heated by Hydro Cone in and see how it is operated Hot water at any time, in anyquantity y USEYOUR OWN-UTILITY.—IT PAYS. HYDRO SHOP, Clinton Poultry. Improvement • Meetings Will be held• next week at the place listed -(below, where' dem- onstrations will be given in the cul - 'Clinton, of which Mr. Jenkins was a member, conrntencing at two o'clock. Interment will be tirade lin Clinton cemetery. linf It IfInc inter - g o po'u ry. - you a ested in this work, kindly arrange to attend as this is the onl'Y work the. Department is, doing in this section, this year. Frank E. Powell, Clinton, July 17th, at'2:30 P.M." S. -B. Stothers, Rep- resentative .for Huron County. 62-1 Well Known Citizen of Goderich Town ship Passes on On Tuesday there passed away an- other of the pioneers of Goderich township in the person of Rowland Hill Jenkins. , ' Dorn' April 17th, 1844,. at Bridge- water; now Holmesville, he spent the earlier •;part of his ,life in that'vicin- ity, later settling on the 16th conces- sion, where he carriedon as a suc- cessful farmer , until, failing health forced him to give .up the strenuous work of the farm. . The late ,Mr. Jenkins, was a vet- • Bran of the Fenian Raid and could recall Many a stirring' event 51 those threatening days in 1866. In poli- tics he oli-tics:he was a- staunch Conservative' 'and the history -making .days` of Sir. John' A. Macdonald were'. often re- called with pride. During the latter years of his life he took Oro active part in politics. On January '16th, 1869, 'Mr. Jen- kins ` was united in marriage with Elizabeth holland, who, together with their' three sons and three daughters, survives him. Tho children are: Harney and .Ideal/art : of Goderich township, George of 'Clinton, Mrs. T. R. Wallace, Godorich, Mrs. W. J. Stevens, Goderich township an(1 Mrs; R, N. Welsh; London.' Two sisters, Mrs;, G, Jenkins, Goderich and Mrs, R. Ferris of Huliett, also survive. The funeral takes place tomorrow, Friday, afternoon from the hone on the sixteenth, the service,. which will be conducted by the Rev. A,' A. Holmes, pastor of Wesley church, STRAWBERRIES Order your berries early this year and not be disappointed, Owing to shortage of some other small fruits the demand for strawberries for can- ning will greatly exceedthe supply. Twill have an excellent quality of fruit for sale this year and the prices. will be right. I can do with a number of good strawberry pickers. FR9eNIi W. 'ANDREWS, ,CLINTON Phone 33-W. 60-tf rinouncement I wish to announce to the citizens of Clinton` and surrounding communi- ty tha)thl have leased the store lately oeoupied by the Coekshntt agent, next door to Aiken's harness shop, and will conduct a plumbing, tinsmithing and general hardware business there. To those with whom I' have been doing business for years I extend an • invitation to visit me iii any new quarters aald . respectfully ,solicit a full share' of public patronage. ' .The supplying of your • plumbing, tinsmithing' and' hardware needs will Inc any.chief concern dining every business• day in the year. , Thomas W. Hawkins Phone "'244 IVO ;.'Ts the time when new homes arq,being furnished, so we cordial- ly invite you to inspect our large stock . of all the necessities for that new home. Assuring you of the very lowest prices possible. • We Have Linoleum .Cmagoleini Rugs, Carpet Rugs of•aI1 kinds with.a well assorted('stock of furniture that cannot help butplease both the eye and the purse. Don't forget this store when you're looking for useful,. wedding gifts. ToaCoal 011 Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and sters. Keep your lawns right by using the celebrated Taylor -Forbes lawn mower;,, f}4. Extra special price on Ram and Garage l,'aint12.00 per gallon. A few odd shades of Sherwin Williams Paints. It will pay you to look these over. Clinton Hardware and .Furniture Co. THE STORES WIT A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 wenueuraaz cURRELL S►_' WLEY. We have; now opened our Branch Store on Victoria Street and are prepared fo give our patrons service and satisfaction. Delivery from both stores to all pants of the town Orders sent with children and telephone orIers are given special attention. . We have no 'old stock. Every article new and of the Best Quality. We guarantee sixteen. ounces to the pound, Our prices are worthy of investigation. ': THE C,&S GROCERS Main Stare;= phone 125 •'Branch, Store, phone 242.' 1 SRANTONCOAL' 'After several years of interrupted "service onr Old ',Me Coal Companies, the D. L. & W. and D. &'H. are now shipping uscoal regularly. and ceal of stiperior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in Ontario for years, SUMMER. PRICES are :now on, and while it is' warns these days let: it remind you that when Hummer" cones Winter is sure to follow. '• LET US HAVE YOUR °RIPER. { y Place yonr, erdtr. with"the firer that has always 'made "a special effort to suppl,whatt. you etant: when` you want it, whether Winter 'or, Summer, much r little, Egg , 1 o ttle or Stove. ' We can : give you 'service on any of the following: g Grate Egg Stevie • Chestnut Pea Coal Cole • Pocahontas ll:lontes0d.Lul p; CaAnnnel SIt>kltacn` We also.; have on hand afresh' carload of CANADA CEMENT arid a variety of choice WOOD. At BRUCEFIELD YARD Nye have in stock .Chestnut, Stove, Coke, Cement; Lumber and Shingles.