The Clinton News Record, 1924-07-10, Page 71 kP 'cwr s who want the very beat use _ . � ROSg Q 1 G PE OE ':a aA9�PA IDBS ➢7p.tq.B�"�+6p.J�'gC�d AfppI ON 1J.,4 DR, 3, 3. MIDPL ON Provincial 18oard of Health, ()Marl&. E'Y2dttlaton will in glad to answer questions Oh- Publto Emaitii euts. through Chia column. , Address him h$ lid I%o[aee, •$ a Z Cra>scont, Toronto What do you Want to knowaboutfever cases for a period of about six public .health? Is there any particu- weeks or until all discharges from the lar phase of the work that interests nose, throat and ears have cleared up?' yon? These are questions that I can The aftereet1eets of scarlet fever• are only answer if you write and tell me: middle -ear disease and kidney disease. Sometimes I get very good _sugges- These should be carefully guarded tions from correspondents who want :against, for in the case of middle -ear to know something definite about a disease; deafness often results, and in communicable diseaseor the questipn the case aflodney disease thepatient of pure water, child welfare, goitre, sometimes becomes a semi -invalid for and many other topics of interest to life. the public. A few days ago I receiv, As regards measles, the'niost cern- ed the ern-ed^the following interesting question: mon after-effects are pneumonia and What is the difference, if any, be- tuberculosis, The coryza or cold" -in tweets scarlet fever and scarlatina? the head which is -generally one of the What are the s mptoms'of these dise early eymptoras ..of measles should eases? ,Is it the law to quarantine never be neglected . The infection Scarlet feve ,eases for six weeks? Are may spread down the bronchial tubes there any fey/ eases of measles?" and cause broncho -pneumonia. Tubera There is no difference between .sear. 0010315 also results not infrequently let fever and scarlatina, The latter from an attack of measles. The high name ie only used by the public to death rate from measles should be a denote a mile- attack of the disease warning to parents and guardians not. butit should ba kept •ip mind that a to think of thedisease as a trifling mild attack is just as Infectious as 4 one that the child will eventually get more severe one. The symptoms are and soon get over. It is really one tore throat, headache, rise`in.temeer- of the most serious disease, of child stare, nausea,. vemiting - "strawberry life and no -matter how mild the syrup tongue," swollen neck glands and the toms may be, a doctor should always ecce -red, or,;pin-p()int rash, , be in attendance to guard against the It is the law to quarantine scarlet possibility of serious complications, The Allyysrery of Scent. No ono should write of hunting without alluding to the important quer- tion of scent, To ignore the subject is gravely unconventional,• if not' ,worse. That at least is the excuse llhteh Miss E. E. Somerville offers for quoting this incemprehenusible incident in her memoirs oe Irish life: We were hunting ih . g the bilis,' It wigs a bright and sunny 'day 'with a light and vanishing touch of frost. The jieunele were drawing slang the :south- , ern ,side of a high hill covered with short rough grass and heather; with furze oraices here and there among the racks, We had not "found," but the heunds were busy "feathering" and. Were obviously cure that a fox had I,een about. Then one of the field rode up. to me and said with: the toy ',calm that so often masks the fullness ofde •1 " n r b T bora s your fox; =miter!" lie Hinted. with his whip toe bet/lettingthat loolced like n rat atY ten Tying tin- der a furze busk. A foil Iciotas I Hest feared dead, ERIE sr, E LE but very much'allve, I ,cracked n»Y whip athim, and he 'slid away over the hill, crossing after half a dozen Yards er go a wide blackened patch where furze had been burnt. In an !natant we brought the hounds tc the Plane where he had lain. They made no outcry." They were interested, but no more titan that. We took them on and crossed -the burnt patch; and, sun denly on its- farther verge they ail put. their heads dower and went away with: a shout, and we had ,a brilliant forty minutes, till the fox beat us on the: edge of the sen, and got Safe into a slit in the chills. Why should the bed of the fox have been less odorous than his light feat, end why did the hounds not acknow- ledge him tnitil ,he had crossed the burnt bit of hill? These things are a mystery. 'W0 wear away quite t ' y $ WO inches of shoe leather in a year. A pair of boots that would "last . a lifetime" would,consequentiy; have to be pro- Vided with soles from 8 feet to 0 feet thick. AE 011 E LAC F,fi aiu uctell Trouble . • Vanishes and Montreal Man Gains 14 Lbs. On Four Bottles. "%Ince I began' taking this weedor- ful Taisiao I teem to be getting young- er Seery day, I have gained 14 peunde on four bottles, and everybody' • speaks about haw we'll leek." The above eta:.temeut wag msde, re- cently,- -bY Eugene •Xreftage, proprietor Prince of Wales Xrotel barber shop, Montreal, Canada, one of the most ex-, Zit/el-ire - tonsorial parloae in title city,, • 4r, Lepage further said.; e'Steenach'.trouble had almost cow pl ete,l Y wrecked my health, X was: p. mere shadow of my former half and 30 ruse -down and neewone I thought 2 would have te'give up my work, "Teeelie seen bad mo el&tleg every thing, //Reaping like a Iog at night and feeling as line as ono could ask to feel. ,lily anty regret ,to that I did not learn About Tsnlac long betere I did." Taniac Vegetable PiIIs Tanlaa is'tor aside by all geoid drag - gists, -Accept no substitute. Over 40 'For Ccnstipation, Million, Mottle � sold, Made end eturere f Ta by the ylann:?aetul•eI•s of Tanlasi. ,_ L IT r: You will see the shield -shape trade mark in hardware stores everywhere. You won't gee it en cheap, inferior goods. It goes only on household utensils of thehighest quality, yet selling' at moderato prices, because of the tremendous quantities Bold each Year. Choose.cooleing and bakltrg utensils that;.. carry this trade merle. Choose SMP Enameled .Ware, .with, its very hard, smooth snrfaeo. 'heats faster, aerate easier,- bet- e/arts na metallic flavor, causes uo danger. ictus acid re-actier:h. Ask for. odd Three finishes: Pearl Ware, i:1val coats' of pearly grey enamel insidcand out. Diamond Aare, three coats, light blue and wince out Sick', white lining. Crystal Ware, three coats,pure white inside and out, with Royal 1114.94 nr ecSiiPE- DfirAWaDn METAL �fTili)6DL`.�"„',, !GO, w,ruired MON'reeAL. YORONIO WINNIPEG;- EOee:se-ON VANCOUVER CALGARY: of 169 A REAL TONIC Is a lotl7itiful Supply of ;Rich Health -Giving 131001. C, VER°NIi ENT SENDS AN Sufferers from what medical men EXPEDITIONi j epeak of as uervoue dcbtlity Bad :them,' M elves tired, morose, low•spirlved .and' unable to keep their minds on .any - To Establish Police Ofbcee thjz;p, Any scrxlden noise hurts lii„e a 1 Witbin 800 Miles of the blew, They ase full of griundless North Pole. in carrying out the tack of estab- lishing the eevorelgnty of the British crown- in the Arctic islands which form the nortberznm,ost part of the -Do- minion of Canada, and which in size are equal to the combined territory of 1 Saskatchewan and Alberta, the ,North West Territories .Branch of the Cana- dian Department of the Interior sent the government steamer, the Arctic, last autumn, to within 800 miles of the North Polo to establish permanent police posts and police offices. Theso expeditions, which" culminated during 1923 in the establishment. of a polios post at Cape Sabine, on the easltern coast of 1lIesmero Isiund, haVO•been used also for the purpose -Of conducting examinations of the coun- try by competent scientists and en- gineers. At the present time Major Burwash 1>3 tarryinng�'' out an examleation-lute the Iutturer resources of Bafiin Land and the islands iminedtately to the West." Ile will continue this invests- gation pntil next autumn, .Whenthe. Arctic;will pick hint up' at Cumber-' land Sdund on the east coast of Bailin Land and bring him back to civilize. In order to expedite- the opening up of this country a second •voseel, the Franklin, will be taken over by the 'department, and will make its first voyage this summer. Three Posts' Established. The three posts which have been es- tabiisbed ere at Cumberland -Sound and Ponde Inlet, on Baffin Island, mad; at Cape Sabinc,„far to the north on, Ellesmere Island. . The necessity for the establishment of the post on EllesmereIsland was made manifest by tile rapid depletion of the Meek ox herds which have their habitat there. It became k8ewn that the government regulations, under which a musk-ox oanhiot'bo'killed ex- cept in the face et starvation were -be- ing flouted grossly by Eskimos from Greenland and other foreigners who could *nee. the marrow channel-- Smith Sound and 2 eenedy Cllarine1- In the 'winter months, Ieill Um music oxen and return with the pelts• to `their native emitter Incidentally, Green - /end has liar outstripped the nonthern Canadian =lends in the exportation of furs. Pollee to Enforce -Rules. . The government decided that it, was - time to acquaint the Greenlanders with the fact that Canasta is a country with .arigid customs bar, 1 cr and if they desireto take Canadian furs beak with them, they niustemeet, the re- guireenentsof the lam. Renee the es. tablishment. of a Royal Canadlan Mounted Police post at Cape Sabine, Inspector Wilcox'andeeix other rank are stationed there. This ,summer the department benne to establish more poste oh some of the Islands further to the west. 'Bathurst Island Lae $en marked but as, one of the islande beet suited for the purpose because e£ lei central position, Pride.. - Why' do I rise at the dawn's early Light; To clean the oar after a rain? When I'm pedfectly sure it will be, be - fere night, Quite dirty and dusty agaih. Why do I hetten to. give it a bath, To -polish it alter a -ride? pa much rather follow the easier path, But I can't—it's a matter et pride.' Why do I hunt for a rattle ar ngneak, Ie a most inaccessible east? -Why am I willing to wort[ for a week, When the weather. is-tere1bly.hote: It's net "that 1 love ail' the grease and the grime; - ' That a something 'I cannot abide;y lIloreover, the job takes a lot of my time. - It's merely.a matter of pride, A may be .known by the car he • will keep— The way that he keeps it, Tenearre 4 Perhaps it Is one so remarkably cheap, Or else an .expensive machine. It isn't the money expended that counts, ' It, ieuft the price that's the guide; It's really Ole care: that fie gives -that amounts, • To the strength of 'his perhenal pride. . Harbjd S. Osborne, fears and cannot sleep at night. Their bands tremble, the logs feel as 11 they will give away following a walk or any exertion, and the mind IC greatly dia- turbed by .the most trivial incidents, ' Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives' is. a -terrible mistake, 'The only reel nerve tonic is a good supply of rich, red blood. To secure this new,' rich bleed use,Dr. Williams' Plpk Pille which have a :direct action on the blood and through it, stimulate every nerve and organ in the: body. Mrs. Alpheus Merritt, Penwlcic, Ont.. gives her experleuce with this medicine as fellows:—"I bad a. nervous breakdown and was in the Welland County Hos.. pital_for soslle tinte.. Ai 3 was not proving my husband took;me out and took: inc up to cly mother's, I doctor- ed there but it did not Help me.' Then I returned home, adil was again under a doctor's care, but with no betterre, sults, I would tremble aind get numb all over, and the least.'noiee would af- fect me. Evia. quite unable to do: MY housework, and was in a terrible con- ditie . Finally I was advised to try Dr. • Williams• Pink Pills, and am thankful that I did so, as after taking about 'a dozen' boxes I was again' a healthy. woman. I have used the tells, Mune while nursing nay baby, with equally good results,:and,.I etrongly advise otherailing, woinen to, Or them." a• You can get these -Wire through any,. dealer. in medicine, or by. mail et 50 cents a box .from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,' Brockville, Ont. Life's Meanings Complicate and Wide. Life's meanings. complicate and wide Into a narrow compass come As' we a oath the sea .whose solemn tide Must -bear tut home., A bleak -blown stretch before our eyes, Some sterile rods of bleak -blown shore, ' And wemust leave iamiilag lends -and skies Forgvorinore. Earth, with your, countless„ gentle ways, . Sky, with your limitless. desire; Talc° of us tenderst lave, sine/ere-et praise, Plre we retire., IMO, with your meanings comelieste, Your sorrow and your _bltthenese both, . How are we fain to prove our untried fate Pastoral l Pictures. New' far we loatlrl lEAS 1 T4icrK A Card Mystery • Iiand 0 pack of card§ to tator and turn your back. Ask fo shulile the cards and then :select one of the -last ten garde the. paok, -remembering its num from the bottom .of the pack note di/an/Minn the order of cards. Ask her to hand you cards. Pace her and put the ca behind your back. • Ask the s tater to mention any number !ween ten and twenty. Whetev number he mentions, count one le than that number•'from the Motto of the pack and put them on' t op without,distue'bing their.ord Ilitring the cards • into view, aga a and carl to the g npectator'e' atte tion the fact that no one exceptin W111'he'raelf knows bust where his ca 7.'4 Ask bine to ebearve that yo do not manipulate the cards in an way and then ask her to 'tell yo the number' from the bottom: tit selected card was. Starting with the, numhar follow ing -, the number she gives yo count to -the llrst number she ga you, dealing off a card for each count. The last, card .dealt will b the selected°`ear . I you folio the instructions, the trielg-will w r Itself, ° (OMp thee euLand paste if, with. other of the serhe . in` a scrapbook.) pee. lien' to in ber but the the rule P be- or; Se m'. he er. in n 8 rd u Y• n' a u, v0 ale W k 4 SPLENDID LAXATIVE. FOIL THE 'BABY • Mothers should constantly be on guard to keep baby's Mabo Ywal$} working g freely l and ,his stomach tive Y mach. meet, for nine - tenths of the ailments from which lit- tle ittle ones suffer are caused by derange. manta of the stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid laxative for the baby. They ars mild but thoroegh; contain neither•bpiatea neer narootice, and are absolutely guar anteed. to be safe and efficient for eltheethe newborn babe or the grew - leg child. By tieir action_ en the bowels and'-atosuach they drive out constipation 'tine indigestion! break up beide and simple fevers-and:make the dreaded teething period 'seer. The Tablets are sold by medicine -dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dri ` Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock• villa, Ont.- •. A. fleld-of ripe wheat ilei Son ' . , r .....k 8lewing' brown do the breeze, $, ,+ 4 flock of fat sheep This Is a song men made ':' Dozing under the trees, Of long toil and little shade; ' An orchard .1i/eh fruit This ;is a song with the bite Bending low to' the ground, Of hard stats and a blank night,-- The corn in the,slrock A eong'•men cams to know Aad the pumpkins around. With starring aver plow or bee - At roads where none had need -to go,- Platen* of .plenti A slitting speech they poured 1,Vsalth that is sere. From sighs long stored, Not midden riches, Pruni laughter caved 1111 it Waal golden. This is a ldong oP slower, olden, Vanished life, Our"songs are bright With rippling p1'ay of haste and eight; Smoothly Omit' sighing reins, their ' laughter, And neither leaves tin echo alter. Th.ey Imes naslow repulse of gloom, .1 No aostasy of purpie bloom,• No peace, no hate of hopeless wrongs, Out of our life we make opr songs, -Frank Ernest dill, Company. There -wail a man lived up this lane Whom no one ever went to see. Me nevero-walked but In a rain, ` And then Indifferently. A dog Was al*aye chained ahead, - And trotted allow, as, if to Brief The road, fer him; people esti Therefore he was blind, .But there were eon/6 who, said he saw; The animal' was only tent POT,O0rinfort"and he lay a paw "'Besidehtm when he slept. A; lark Van Docren. GREEN TEA IMPORTS LARGER. - Statistics.fronl'Ottawa straw that_iii 1923; 553,977 pounds "mioro Green Tea were hiciught into Canada than in 1921, and 900,728 pounds more than in 1922. The reasotf given le- that the fine quality Green Teas of India and 'Gee - ion have displaced the .interior. Japan .Love Song. and China Greens which, due to their low price, were' imported heavily some It must have been the wind that etir- years ztgo. -Salida Tea Company• is red my Bair; the largest importer of India, and Cay But ail my will lin Green.Teas, Called it your fingers, not -the wind, Z would • not look, nor ever shiaI1.1 know, Iihether the torch that put a score of years To- deepest sleep, and rust beyond all ,sleep, Was your shy hand, er ,just some loaf, light wind, Nothing in all of love Was sweet like tuts* To let love sleep; • German. Marks. Editor, Investment -Counsel:, - 'Kindly answer the following:. Is. the German paper mark weeth any- thing et the•present time. Whet is its Parvalue In Cenedlan nnoney, Do you ,consider it will 'ever: be werrth pal value?=M•Z. Phe German paper`marlr baa, fallen tothe level -where flnanetal hooses do not -quote asst'vehee;".it 13 so IOW that To-iede alone ties curling, star -lit 'deep they are pr%iotically. :valuate -ea.' Ger And know 1 !nary is malting an attalnpt-te,build That love oaa go; ' l up a naw currency standard but the That there is rest between the day ead:.Gez•nran paper nusik will stili be. anti night, . Valueless even if a new system is built. Tlrat time may flow - up. The priming presees have stopped Like water singincg;torits stones be- the. grinding out of Millions- and tall- And-lauglring.low' lions 0f more ularke, but thdi[1 .ta the dight.• Cease soon norlgll 10 have aey.[iy valuenot —Pioronoo i. Janney. to those which had bosh already print-• ed. 'They will never be accorded par 0,3 vU b5 111. Writing—llri 0' tiollnr to n-eatnsnl, og-gland sampin.' ce 0!•11010, 00111 rt, WIi11', your nand<gU! addrogs, for d0scrlutiou nP thsnocfcr, voeattonai, np' er , tttid,p, np1nlen ,U+d marnlnso aha p rtuol, is ki I tatloa9 Ah 'Y,o11 t Cluvhgter' aerficc 4etesr -----n- en, s1 naiaoOlm Iso nut Ifs str8t, jklelnte t,Minares 5k,inent Hesis can. value la •Canaddee eerie/fey and the people who purchase them as a sipeeu- lance will be left with them on their hands as souvenirs Of a manatee: limen- Mal' folly. -Front the Can:Wei i Penn But real, safe; secure. But that which to me • 1h the best of the lamb, Are the gelds of alfalfa That stretch front the barn, West to the road=si do To the grove on the east, Where buff and White'`Guernseys Are waiting the feast. Knee deep -In clover Yea, waist deep, well nigh, Bright green in August, No ranter' how dry The season may be. The meadowlark sings, The gee bobolink • Replies as. it wings. • Picture of lileaty, Wealth to endure, Product of Nature And weal, safe, and sure. Pay your out-of-town aceounts by Dominion laziness 1Vloney Orders, f � }3o that is not gallant at twenty; strong at thirty, iiich:'at forty' and experienced 'at fifty, will" -never live to be gallant er strong or rich or prudent. Minerd'e Liniment for Rheumatism; One of the earliest of still popular novels, "Don Quixote," is 'else one of -the longest; it is estimated to eoetain 461,000. words. CCa hefier Ata w 6e1 01(1146 TOBACCO MISE! SLED giau ar h, pu✓JlnppK,p 9,1er;iti4r bit ^ !{um it, .agc�yit,a• Vnsl fn.' rmlirk:. the hvcr: tin/a!!. r hreavy ani/la paper ..a ,to bring you the full richness and mellow srm°bless of.:this,. arc.. Menuihciured by' 1MPSIIALTOBACCO CO. OF CANADA1 L MITRD' Prince of Medals. In the Woolwartb. Building,New -York, which is to -day the world's tall- est sky ggenaper, apps'o temeely a 'mil= lion pounds of copper was abed for reofl oorapgs, tfona,lifts, pipes,' and inteiee due - Probably Pew' laeople'. realize the. nunerbus uses to which copper can be put. Bat One thing is eerbaiu. If the supply failed we should soon be with- out electric lights and belle, tele phones, electric keens and tramcars— .to say nothing of copper coinage! At first [ ret ghtnce the amount o4 cop- per used in the building trade, in cone earison with the quantitiesof iron and steel, would seem to be negligible; butowhen one takes into consideration the fact that every motor -ear has any- thing from 1415. to 2001b. of the metal 15 its composition, and that there are about 3,00016. in every nelte y angina one can apprebiate the extent to welch the demand for itis increasing: Mlnerder Liniment Relieves Pain. Discourage fishing, hunting and trapping for the mere sport of lolling. Get rid of the steel trap, toy weapons •and War .games. Guts & Bruises I-Ie<•li quickly Aster a few applications of - JUTIGOEA RGE.PIMPLES On 'F'ace, Itched -and Burned. Lost a Groat Deal. of Sleep. "I ]iad pimples on my rate for several months. They were hard and largo, and the skin .wag; sore and red. The itching and burning almost set me cr4?y at night and I• lost a gre4 deal of deep. The brweringVer. ceased disfigurenrent: "1 trigs lune different remedies but fo6iid no reliehl. I. most de - dill E of help twhsp I tried Cuticula alp end Ointment abs ing short ` e 1 wire complete 'sealed." 'sealed." ed) Mies Ari le It ocher, Dox attpn, $edianolionram Clea the pores 'of im uritieeby daily tate el' t,`utictir Sohp'and we casionaliouchms of Cutleura`Oiner ment'ae needed to soften, soothe and heal, They are Ideal for the toilet, as is also Cuticura Talcum. pampl0 Bash frog b Mall. Aadresa Canndih�l Dopel: Dattoara, P• a Dox 0130., M,51cpa1. • rice Sb,sge, eiatmo,dau,3a30o,TalCumtOO. " Try our new Shaving Stick,.. Re who knows not the way to the sea should make the river his com- panion, For Sore Feet-.,Mlnard's L'igiment, Victor and vanquish never unite in a hearty agreements Lias • silted Advertisements WANTED -• CAR OpVNRRS TO • Ye send showing 10e.rbdrga Big in eAutoalSup Sup- . It will nave you money. Send for it to -day. o da y. Cnn adf an Auto she Box 154, Niagara Fulls, Ontarto, Psi Ur IN r fYJR oun EYES Refreshes 'Tired Eyes. Wri[8Murine Co.,Chleag6,forEyeChresook No Monkey RU8151063 1Croa1 3'001 totvls 111th DIo.I,l,c. One application Fuarautcod Ito hcop: 355, !min free from - Si, for. elX ,0103115, SEND , N0 lfOtlEY Just drop' w it meat AO loll ;man sou D1044ce 01851 to treat. 500 !mels, Whoa 1t &miter pay postman 51 - sad postage. Dtouey beer if It 011is, Secret' hoar to tell sex of 'alk' eye before incubation, and cloud errs nos en a rot 0o how 10 std 81cco of re gophers .without the we of taps or tots, ,ieh6 free .with d oh pet, agents ,[eaata1. " THE. DTZeLl010_.Cil., Drawer 55, Wldrton, Ont. BEF IBM CAME Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham0s' Vegetable Compound Sydenham, Ont. --"I took your Medicine before my baby Was borniendl it was a great`help to me as I was very joorly until I had started to take it, I ust felt as though I was tired out all he time and would .have weak, faint spells. My'nerves would bother mem- til I eould get little rest, night or day. X was told b a friend to take Lydia, E PInkhatti's by Compound, and I only took a fewbottlesand it helped me wonderfully. X would recommend it to any woman. I am doing what X can to recommend this good medicine. X will lend that little book you sent me to any one I can help.: You can with the great- est oflea e p sur use my name to regard to the Vegetable Compound if it will help others take it. 7!—Mrs. $A.P,vL1Y MILLI? QAN, Sydenhaan, Ont, Itis remarkable how many eases have been reported similar ,to this one. Many Women nre poorly at strep tinea and get into a weakened, run-riewri condition, when it is essential to the mother, as well as the : child, that her strength be • kept up. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is 'an-eicellent tonic. for thg mother at,.this time. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs and does not contain anyharrnful drugs.it maybe. taken in safet1_by the nursing mother, ®�d SLA GEORGIAN •, BAY' DISTRICT Folder and 'Title Table showing list of Resorts, Boating, Fishing, Camping, etc. When planning your 1924 ' Vacation write Box 02, Midland; Ont, , $" smArtrs •TA' 'Oo, n/F Acting A silent; easy working amide/iv. 1?/4 ,00m,o thet;c%f54ite6 rep/ace's G'ie wings type mode/ Pumps o///rinds �F/iryuids. Can bs d' -e iraea' r•`o*revent filsexii,Al • Easy toprirn,: ane'+:orpooar, v'it/r haose/w/o tools 'ass ITAT POUR tiARDW3RES30RE : •`� vJAMES hbyI 8 PANT .' 880acwuc O1 r' ISSUE Ne, itisdv net Ju.st gt ny t•.° people ole take pudwiththeir meals. Must. aidsirgestion �dAejps to;aseimi late meei tsi.t: rt. is afroevleryhabitetaol : y w..