HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-10, Page 3P �,; „� • CANADIANS FLOCK-TO, a s ,fro f C9ast,4 , THE OLD COUNTRY' jctliie .S Tests made ,some time ago vtitii froclaY from two of the ‘Capa liz`eton ca'liczieg have pro= reused a splendid brio$;which is being used at the Sydney steel, plant,' `There are other purposes to which this clay has been applied end hundreds, o' tons are used, each mciuth.: St. John, N ,-It. is understood that plane . are under 'way- for the establishment here of a -cigarette manufacturing plant, and' a plant for the canning of fruit. ' The establish - meat of these two_new:industries, ac- eording to a'reliah1e.aiithority,;is as- sured, providing that certain conces- sions are made by the city and the railways. Quebec, nue The population' of the City of Quebec, exclusive of 'sub= urbs, reaches 119;488, -divided by na- tionalities as fellows: French- Can- adians, 104,969; Irish, 6,029; .English, 5,490: ' Toronto, Ont. -The value of, min- eral' production . of Ontario for the first quarter of the current year, as. shown- by a report of the Dept. of Mines, has increased 92,333,000 over the corresponding -quarter of last year, the totals being $11,575,151 and $9,211,853, respectively: Silver was the only metal of importance to record decreased production, during the 'per- iod l under review. Winnipeg;' Mane --It , is reported that there ara no ea. uectors workin g hi ilie eral district this year, andel lih'lytb total amber eel men engaged in mI s,ccivities 3s not less than 000, The 1'vige Lake district 3s what le known as the Southeastern'Menitoba literal. Area and lies east of Lake Winnipeg and norbh of the Winnipeg, River, Regina, Sasie-The total value of farm livestock in the Province of Sas- p katchowien' is placed at 9115,240,900, according to the latest reportof the Provincial Dept, el Agriculture Since the year 1906 the number of horses in the province' has increased from 240,- 566 to 1,152,49; niilch cows from 112,618- to 456,006; other cattle from 472,254 tee 1,046,780; all cattle from 472,25.i to 1,502,786; sheep from 12.1, 290 to 191,937; and swine from 123,- 916 23;916 to 563,069. Edmonton, Alta. -Sheridan Law, rence brought out furs from the Fort 1 Vermillion district, ia the far north, valued at .922,000. They include sil- ver, cross and red fox, otter, wolf, wolverine, beaver, mink and muskrat, Vancouver, B.C.-The Vancouver Board of Harbor Commissioners has asked'•for competitive plans for con- struction of another ;one million bush- els annex to number one elevator„ This Will give the plant a -storage capacity of three million bushels. WEST INDIES -`BARRED BY U.S. QUOTA LA'V'U Denied 'Unrestricted Privileges of the British Self -Governing ,Dominions. A despatch from. Washington says: -Immigration officials have cor- a portion of the north -south' trans- rected information given out at See- continental railway. Preneiee Gun, in retary 'Davis' office that the British conference with the Federal Minister quota restrictions will not - operate of. Works, claimed the completion of against British subjects of the West the line should precede all other Com- Indian possessions monwealth projects, and understood Australia to Undertake New TEanscontinental Railway A s de's atch"from Adelaide sa :- p d Y, It is understood the Federal Govern- ment has definitely promised the South, Australian Government to undertake the construction of at least Under: the regulations of,. the new the Minjster gave Ms assent subject g to the eonditions which the. Govern - Act, Commissioner -General Husband h - explained, the quota exemptiones of the meat is'considering, When tbenort l.Vesterne Hemisphere napplianly to° ern territory was transferred' by the self-governing inio s f the` South Australia to. the' Common - f ga ng Do n o British Empire, which means that the - wealth, Validating Act gave'' South West . Indian. Islands, possessed by "Australia first claim to construction Great Britain and the other European of the first big railway by theFederal powers fail within the quota restric- tions. Assistant Immigration Commission- er Sibray asked for a ruling from the Labor Department on the status of the , British: West' Indies. It was stated at Secretary Davis' office :that they would remain exempt from quotas; as they were under the old The feet that the insular posses- sions do not have the unrestricted privileges : of the British self-govern- ing Dominions will mean a cheek on negro immigration from the West In- -dies to New York. , Government. - Channel Tunnel Scheme Vetoed by British Cabinet A despatch - from London says; -- The British Cabinet,- accepting the views of its military and naval advis- ers, is understood to have decided against the construction of. a Channel tunnel between England and France. The supporters of the' scheme will, hgwever, press for a public inquiry, and for an explicit statement of the. strategical objections taken by the de- fence authorities to the project. • A photograph of the old Bible and prayer book presented' to Rev: D. N. Morden, pastor of St. James' Square Presbyterian Church, Toronto, by D.`, A. Valleau, during the 'United Umpire Loyalist celebration at Belleville. Tourists from the Dominion Atteneing Variety of Social. and Other Functions, A doepitch froln London says:- There aysi-There aro more Canadians in London to -day ,than a•i any other time in its hi foxy. The Dominion Day dinner. had a record attendance; :including Canadians` from every point of the, vprid, some of whom had come over from the continent specially for the occasion. ; Wembley is the Magnet which draws a great number of Can- adian visitors, anadianvisitors, hutotherfactors are the world power conference,: to which well known Dclstinion Hydro -Electric engineers are delegates; tlie_Congress of Empire Chambers of Commerce, which is' attended, by many officials of Canadian Boards of Trade, the visit of the weekly newspapei editors, the Risley shooting arid even the inter= national lifeboat conference, '• There was a Canadian competitor in` the early rounds of the tennis champion ships at Wimbledon and a Canadian entrant for -'the Diamond' Sculls at Henley.: There are also one hundred members of the Canadian Manufac- turers' Association here ' under the leadership of Col, Hatch, of Hamilton. A number of prominentjanadian law- yers are in London in connection with the Privy Counsel cases,' including E. L Newcombe, .)Dep. Minister of 'Jus- tice, who will Se joined by hundreds of others when the Bar Association. comes -here in a few weeks. Many of these Canadians have, been playing their; part in society during one of the most brilliant seasons London has known since -the war.' Many attended the Royal"Garden party and courts.. Duke of Argyll Acts , as Stonemason's Laborer Those • who would care to see a duke acting as,stonemason's laborer should go to Inverary Castle, Argyllshire, says a Glasgow despatch., Here, minus his coat' and waistcoat and with his sleeves rolled;up, the 52 -year-old Duke of Argyll is working daily on the erection of •a belfry in the castle grounds which is to house a fine,peal of .bells of great antiquity:•, Wearing kilt; 'Balmoral bonnet with bright red "toorie" and a gray woven shirt, the Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland can be seen carrying heavy stones and acting•. as assistant gener- ally to -the' skilled stonemasons, whose orders he accepts like any;:other work- man. And he keeps te trade union hours. • British Explorer Finds Site of -Ancient Phoenician Port ,Captain R. E. Cheesman,''fermerly private secretary to. Sir Percy Cox in Bagdad, has just returned from an expedition into Arabia in the un- ly eee see The photograph above shows, Sylvia SL, from Halifax, N.9., the only Cana- dian 'entey in the Bermuda cup race4ronr New London, Conn„ to Bermuda, a distance of 600' nautical miles, LONDON CONFERENCE AIMS AT ____ RAPID PACIFICATION ION OF EUROPE A despatch from Paris says: -The London conference on July 16 will try for a rapid,pacification of Europe according to the program unofficially reaching Paris. Prime Minister MacDonald has not issued the' official invitation yet, but a large opposition to it in Parliament as to hamper Premier Herriot. at London. Further doubt is raised here by the suspicion that a protocol signed at London will replace the Versailles Treaty in essential details. 'It is it will contain four principal points: recognized 'that it is to sign a new 1. All must accept the experts' plan agreement, as the experts' plan is without reservations; . [outside the treaty,, but the' French 2. The conference wifl fix a date object that to renounce their right to for fure;tioning of the plan: f sanctions will weaken the power of 3, A date will be fixed two or three j the M. Her. weeks later for Franco-Belgian evac- es 'Herriot has refrained from ex uatjon of the Ruhr;" poetical opposition'hit but is hme-3conscious of political ; at home : if he At The Allies will agree not to ap- yields the right to coerce Germany ply sanctions in. case of future .Ger- into paying,- ! - man default unless a new body, not A despatch from London>..says: the' Reparation Commission, decides it The French, Belgian and Italian Gov-! i,s necessary; en -intents have agreed with the Brit - It is expected this new body will be ish that when the reparation experts' either out. of the League of Nations scheme is put into effect the -agent- or The' league ,court. This creates general ,for reparations, and the something .of a sensation here, as it chairman,,pf . the Transfer 'Committee Will mean clipping the wings of the shall be the same man. known territories of the Sultan of Reparation Commission, which the Nejd, says a London despatch, I French dominate. - He penetrated the great South Des- Former Premier Poincare's 'follow- ert es far as the mysterious oasis of --ors ,Pre preparing to fight . on this Jabrin, the position of which has long been a matter of .speculation' to gars.. graphers, The Bedouin who inhabit this inaccessible 'region are the Ah Murree -ea savage, little known tries and virtually pagan, being, possibly, the survivors of the pre -Arab popuu, lation. Another important discovery wa that of 'a ruined site, thezte` is ever reason to suppose, is that of Jerra,'an ancient Phoenician port on the Per As these' are the two epees that will have the most to do with repara- tions, the man who holds them will be practically dictator of the whole in. point and may succeed in rousing su8h demnjty question. l 'IRISH BY -Al ACTION ASSUMES, IMPORTANCE Because of Clain Set Up by Republican Leaders in B - Caampaign. ' Y A despatch from ,London save-- - ays:-- That the Irish Free Stkte: eonsiders her ,position in the Empire. the same as that 'of' Canada, and in matters of status takes Canada as her exemplar, has often been .noted, Hitherto, it has been the Free Staters who have taken this attitude and stressed the analogy' to prove that the Free State under Dominion :constitution enjoys aIlethe freedom she needs. Accord- ing to the Iatest' news from • Trelaid in connection with the impending by- electiofi , In Maya, . the Republicans, have now adopted the Canadian anal- ogy for more sinister rises: They are arguing that as under the treaty the Free State enjoys' the same status as Canada, she enjoys „Canada's .right, already admitted and defined by Brit- ish statesmen, to'secede from the Em.- pire and become an independent state. They aremaking this a contentious issue in Mayo and forthis and other reasons the by-electionis regarded as `scan Gate The position was that given 'byPtolemy in his geographical list about the middle of the second con- tury, since when all trace of it has been lost. ' Captain Chessman was, staying withthe-Sultan"bn Sand in Haug ' at the time of the latter's reported death. He was, in fact, in excellent health, New Zealand Farmers Ask for Agricultural State Banks A despatch 'from.. Wellington says: -Great pressure is being' ex- erted on the New -Zealand -Government to establish agricultural state, banks, the Agrarian interests urging here, as they Kaye done in 'Canada, and other agricultural countries, that farmers need furthercredit facilities. Mr. Wilfrid, the Opposition 'leader, moved a vote of censure on the Gov- ernment on Thursday on the ground of their failure `to extend pensions, and to promote other social and hu-. maniterjan legislation; to relieve soldier settlers; to solve, the housing and unemployment problems, and to establish agricultural state banks.. Mr. Stewart, the Minister of Cus- toms; in reply, defended New Zea-. •1arid's' sound . financial position, and contended .list the Australian exper- ience did not warrant the establish- meat of a state hank here; Th:: de- gate is preceeding but defeat of the Government is considered Highly im- probable'. E.P. Ranch Presents Pleasant Success of "Beam" Wireless, power; comparatively' inexpensive Abolishes High -Power Station rect high-speed" serviee with' the Most short wave stations will maintele di - distant` points; more words 'can be A despai"h' from London • says: - sent a day; -the system is directional, Following announcement by Senator and can be received 'only by stblaons William Marconi of the success of Iiia within 'the restricted' sector of the short wave,, low-power "beam" *ire- beam; economy in the coat of new less experiments, in both telegraphy stations, and in operaton•,due to the and telephony,'. Godfrey 'Isaacs; Bead low power. - , of the Marconi Company announced his iirnc will build no more high-power Norway's Capital to stations• Resume Old Nanne ; Osla 411 the stations of the future, tic- r. cording to present plans, will be - A , despatch • from Christiania under 25 kilowatts 10'power:, Both says: -Christiania, Norway's capital, Marconi -and Isaats' predict ,that a will revert to ils'ancient name. Oslo, substari i`al reduction in rated can be on January '1, next, The proposal,inada.eveten he new -stations aro in operation. which has been Iong discussed, was The four, advantages, arse:' 'Iow�finatlIy adopted by Parliament at a I recent,- dating. R SIGNED IN CANADA, imERCIAL PACTwrni REL��4,1d. �T .. A despatch from Ottawa says:- There was signed rat 'Laurier.IToiise on Thuitaday 'night. the "first ;treaty ever signed in^Canada, a=co4nlnercial treaty between Canada, and Beigi'um, in, which each dation' grants -to the other most=favored.nation. treatment on , its whole tariff schedules, The treaty follows'negotiatibtis extending over a considerable'" period, which were ' -begun dui•iiig the presence` of the Canadian Mbusters in Europe last year, andf are now brouglit'to arsuc- cessful conclusion. .Plenipotentiary. powers were aslred by Canada from, King- George for Hon. James A, Robb, Acting Minister of Finance, and'IHon. Dr. 13eland, and were received a .few days agoand on Thur sday night 'till treaty treatY was signed. haxon Selys, $elgianConsul-',Ucneral; acted for .-the• Ring of the .Belgians. Canada ektends'• to Belgium the benpfit ef`rts,'intermediiate tariff, and .receives feom'tBelgiupo;;most-tavored- nation treatment, which is ..wide var- iation frons„ firs regular tariffs;which is rather high:. Canadian iinn'orth from Belgium for the .year .ending 14[arch>were $6,340,- ,875,=and,expor•,ta to Belgium. $17,462,- 442, 17,462;442: Our' principal 'exports .. 'were grains (914,000000),.' automobiles ($200;000);. tires -(;108;000), canned salmon (9400,000), .asbestos ($400,- 000), rate tobacco,• implements, butter and cheese, Among the :imports were ,considerable 'quantities of 'glass, on which the ihiportatirn<will not prove injurious to our manufacturersy cis rho duty under the intermediate and gen- eral tariffs is, the same. It is understood that negotiations. are also under way for a 'SeineWhat� similar treaty, with the Netherlands., Aspect for Owner's Visit A despatch frdm .Calgary says: - ,,q0 far as we know, no --particular plans will be made for the visit of his Royal Highness the Prince of 'Wales," said Prof. W. L. Carlyle, manager of the, E.P. ranch, the other day; "It is probable that the Prince will make a quiet, visit, just as he did last year. We did not know that he was: coming, but we are delighted by' the announce - mein." P, ofessor, ,Carlyle didnot know when the Prince was coming, but as- sunied that the visitwould 'probably .rtes place in October; --Professor Carlylesaid that the Prince would "find some changes. The gardens • were improving, in accord- ance with the original plans; and •cat. tee and machinery sheds were being constructed,'- "But what will please the Pince," said Prof''Darlylo, "will be the lux- uriant grass and hay and the abuu- daiit crops I have never seen South- .: An iron worker liketo, •aphel a I .were, ern Alberta look better than -.it does wc'rkiug c,ir the Canadian end of the to -day." 'coarse of ei t.o ee ir. fraught with great signiflcanae for Ireland's immediate future, Fifty .Australian Lads to' Tour Canada Next Month A despatch from. Montreal says:-- Fiftyboys, ranging in age from 14 'OhON'li), Man wheat -Pio, 1 Nortb., $1.29%; No, Man. oats -Vo. 8 CW., 47e; No. 1 'sed, 6c. All the above, c,i.t„'bayorts, ,. Am, corn, track, Toronto -No. 2 yellow, 81,14. Ont rya --74 to 70c. Meas ---No, 2, 91.40 to 91.45.' ' + Millfeed-Del.. Montreal freights, brigs included Bram'per ton, 925; shorts, per ton, 927; middlings, 933; goad feed flour, per, bag, 91.80. Ont. wheat -No, 2 white, nominate' Ont, No. 2 white oats --39 to 41c. Ont. flour -Ninety • per cent„: pat., In jute bags, Montreal, prompt' -ship- ment, 95.80; Toronto basis, 95.80; bulk seaboard, nominal: Man. flour -1st' pats., in jute sacks, 97 per bbl.; 2nd -pats., 96.50. Hay -Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, track, Toronto, 917.50; No. 2, 917.50;, No; 3,,,,915; mixed 913; lower grades, $10'to912,, - •. Straw -Carlota, per ton, $9.50 to $10. Screenings -Standard, recleaned, 1. b,b.- Bay ports, per ton, .916. Cheese -New; largo; 19 to 19Vsc; twins, 19% to 20%c; triplets, 20%a to 21%c; Stiltons, 211 to 221%. Old, large, 23 to 24c; twins, 24 to 25c;;