The Clinton News Record, 1924-07-03, Page 8•
• • , • ,/,;: ,
Clinton Ne ws-Record
'',4,111r;•te,lr'rrl .
' .•
. •
• A yatch purChased r3m 'is '''eaD,s
, reliable tinleriiece. We can sell you
a watch that is reliable and ia a case
that is, gnaranteed •
rf your watch or dock needs re -
i. pairing yve can do the work and give
satisfaction. We can also repair jew-,
elery and rings , ,
'Jeweller and Optieiaa
Next' Hovey's Drug Store,
TI 0•
Real. Novelty in
arleow NeelKwear
Selling like hot cakes. Just the Tie for young •
men and most suitable for low collars • now in
Give the boys what they want—LANKY BILL TIES
Congoleurn Rug Sale continued foi one
week. Order now and save money.
steel Bros.
PHONE .25.
We- are ready for all orders' of spring Work,. Papering;. Painting
and decorating. . We have' a large assortment of papers and we' ask
• .
you to see our books before buying. •
You will save money ordering your paper from us. ' •
.A11 work Guaranteed. .Priees. reasonable. . •
orders left with Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, 'Huron . street will re-
ceive proniPt attention. ' ' PHONE 234 ring 2
. ,
s g4inired,, p-cs•rytIling tbat. icicares
and best in life. Home is the center
from which all the varied concerns'
and.busiiiess: of life, F; Cart forth. Amy
ithing that can contribute to the beau-
•ty,and conifort and peace of 1-Iome'is
deserving of attention and thought.,
In this direction let wall paper enter
yOur thodghts. ,Our new spring stock,
will soon be ready for you): inspection:
7118 -II Fair Co:
Often the Cheapest--Alwaye the Best
Mos in tDotinon d,
�f Hensall
Miss Mary Moir of Maple Lake
home for the summer vacation.
MrvillHe tojs°pYllenecIr ahawshigleo'nw-ie ttlio hlignisteh
Miss Edith'Hodgens of Toronto spe
the week -end with Clinton friend
Miss Lottie'Sloman' of 'Toronto spe
Doinition Day at her -home
. town. 's
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wasnian of To
auto are Visiting their parents
town. ,
Mr. Chas. 'floi'ey of the Royal Ba
• hstoalffdaySt.rathroY, was home over t
.111.iss Mildred Cook of Toronto II
• been visiting Clinton friends t
past week.
Miss Gertrude Fowler, Who .1.9,s bee
teaching at Lucknow, it home f
, the holidays.
1VEss Annie Lawrence, who has "bee
teachinj at Cayuga, is, honie fo
os- the holiday period.
Miss BessiesSloinan of New York
spendinga le* -weeks' vacation
with her mother, Mos. Sioman, sr,
of town.
Supt, H. B. Chant was in Niagara
Falls last week attending the an
nual convention •of Municipal V-
ectrie ;Utilities Association.' • •
Rev. C. J, and Mrs. PIO:mho:me and
Miss Ruth left Tuesday for their
. summer horn& at Hillsboro. They
will be. absent all the month of
Mr. -pd. Lindsay. •of Ilespeler spent
the week -end as the guest of his
• gramlmothera. Perdue of town/
and with other friends in, the vi-
Reeve J. F. Johnston of Ashfield,
, Mrs., Johnston and Master ;Meth
" Johnston visited Councillor E. W.
and, Mrs. Johnston of Clinton on
Mr..ang,Mrs. E. J. Jenkin a aridson,
Master, George,, of London, spent a
few days over the week -end and
holiday with relatives in Clinton
and vieinity.
Mrs: A. .A. Hill and daughter cif Ed:
mouton, Alta., who have been vis relatives in town for the past
few weeks; •left IVIonday to visit
in St. Thomas,
Mr. and 1VIrs. George Watts deft
'yesterday on a 'trip to the Coast.•
They will visit at several points
on the way and will be absent two
or three monthe.
Mr. James Dunford and Master Rogs
of Toronto visited the former'
daughters, Mrs. W. E. Pickett of
town and Mrs. W. H. Moffat of
the London road, for. a few days
during the past week.
Miss Margaret Cree of Vietoria Hos-,
pital, London, visited her hinne in -
town over the weekend. Miss
Margaret successfully Passed her
probationery examinations* and is
now a nurse -in -training.
Mr. and Mrs. Veiteh of Meaford
' `were in town for a day or so last
"week. Mr. Veitch was formerly
accountant in the localabranth of
the Maisons Bank and both he and
MVs. Leitch had a large circle of
friends here. '
l\lrs. Cluff is visiting in Ham-
ilton and Port Robinson for a few
•ivcree,lca.; , Oluif motored down
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs 1Vlis-
ener, who had ,been visiting Mr.
encl_ Mrs . Geo. Hardie,,,of Gode-
-"rich township/.
iss Rena Pickett left Tuesday on a
trip to 'Edmonton, where' she will
ba the guest 'Of " Miss Louise
Holmes. Miss Pickett will be in
Ednionten for the 'annual Exhihi-
tion-'next Week. She Will be ab-
sent for a month. '•
r. and Mrs. Wilfrid Tanner and
Miss , Agnes Walker of Kingston
have' ,been" with the /tidies' par-
ents, Mr. and bios. W. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Tanner have gone t�
Kingston where the former will
take -a-summer- course.
-Rev. Dr. Stewart left for his home
in Toronto on Thursday Iasia-after
.having spent a fortnight with Clin-
ton and -Stanley township. friends.
'• Dr. Stewart's old .frialids ore, al,.
ways, delighted- to ,wekome .him
haek to. the comniunity of which
he was an honourecl.member for so
many years. • -
Miss Ethel Holmes, daughter of Rev.
A. N. and 3/Irs. Holmes, who has
been attending .Alrna College, St. -
Thomas, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Hones and Miss Minota
Weiehel daughter daughter ef Mr. W. H.
Weiehel, IVI.P.. of Waterloo, won a
prize at,the College for having the
neatest aoubie roaai `in the school,
at the annual Convocation, recently
held. Miss Holmes took a- high
standing in her work at the school,
obtaining, First Class. honours 'in
ba‘dcetry and in public health and
home mining and honours in Phys-
ical " education These subject
S -
0 -
Orsh rualiolAT cakes'r. • 20c ac
13111e 13ird.Maish. box es'
aith prer bottle,
. r . • r•
. .
picni. Hams, per lb, - -* SPECIALS IN TEA ;• • • • -
- Tr.H. • r,TT.•:•-••••-•:..-..,..,t•:-,11.41strther,thitigfOrpieniCS•Tr.• • • •
Sardines, 2 tins for . . ,, . ,,,, ...:.." ..... ......., 25c. Hursley Tea , .... . -
Kipfer Snacks, 3 tins for ... • .... .. :,.... 25c. O'Neil's Special,per lb , • ' ''' '''''' s ••••"' ' ' . ... '65c'
Campbell's Sonp, per *Un— ,..,....... ...„ .. . ... .. . . ... 15c. Ask for a Sample ....
Large Bottle Catsup ..... ........ .- .. . ,:. , „......29c. O'Neil's Best Coffee, per lb. „, - . ... ..... ,....60c.
Corn Flakes, 2 plcgs‘., for .....25c. . . 'pearneal Roll Rolled Oats, 10 lbs. lei- .......38c,
' Loose 'Cocoa, 2 Tbs. for .....25c, . Seedless. Raisins, 2 lbs. for ...,25c. 5 lb Pail of H 80c.
S. W. Biscuits, 2 pkgd..for ....25p. ..., Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. for. .25c.., Large Sealers of Marmalade 65c,
Peamdal Bacon ' '„ Anunonioa Powder, 3 pkg. ..,.25c. Jelly Powder, 3 plcgs. for .. , 25c,
' New Cheese, per lb. ...........23e.
First ten customers buying one dollar's worth of Groceries
-will secure' one half lb tea O'Neil'(s Special) free
in our Groceteria Saturday evening ,
Fresh from the lake Salthoti Trout, Per lb 20c
Fresh Stawberries,- Beans, Cucumbers, Beets, - New Cabbages
. Buy a -photo- card and get your photo for 25c - '
Further announcements -next week, "
Cash & Carry ,. .
2 Deliveries IP O'Neil
, •
People You Know
Mrs. Ernest- Jackson of Goderieh
• spent a few. days last week as the
guest of her sister/ Mrs..3. Liver-
Mrs.' Martha Livermore and her
daughter, IVIrs. Fred Hayward of
San Diego, Cal., who have been in
London the .past fortnight, visiting
Mrs. Livermore's other daughters,
advs. Robt. Shepher4 'and Mrs,
Ralph Bezzo, returned home Sun-
day. '
Mn, and Mrs. Marlin Shavand tire
'daughters and Mr., and Mi. Earl.
Shaw of Kleinburg visited the la-
dies' sister, Mrs. H. Carter, over
the holiday. They also -visited
their nieces, 1VIrs, 3: -E. Pepper of
Staitley‘and Mrs. M. Crich of
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua" Cook of Sar-
nia. spent a few days over. the
week -end as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T, H. Cook. They -motored
up with Mr. and Mrs, T. Dunbar.
Mr. Cook is with the Imperial Oil
Co. and looks a,if life was being
very good to him.
Service will be held on Sunday af-
ternoon at'hall past one during July
and August, and' Sunday school at
hall past two, Rev. Mr. Osborne
will, preach next Sunday' and during
•Strawbdry picking is the order of
the day, even on -Sundays, with a
number of our villagers.
Clifford Colclough and Mrs. Thuell
and 1VIrs. D. Tudor spat Wednes-
day afternoon as the, guests of the
ladies',uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
3,as. Snell. c •
' •
Stanlell Township
Ur. and Mrs. Peter Moffat and
child of Easliwood are- here visiting.
relatives for the summer. Mr.
fatt had the misfortune te-injure his
knee a few weelis ago while playing
football /JO he is going around on
crutches. 'His friends boae he will
beoon l's own man again.
_ Promotion examination results in-
- S.S. NO, 4. .
Sr. 3rd tc,rr...4th--1-1oriours: Fran-
ces IVIossop; Mary Armstrong: Pass:
wish'to-announce to the !citisens
of Clinton and surrounding communi-
ty that I have leased the store lately
'occupied by the Cockshutt agent, next
door to Aiken's harness shop, and will
conduct a Phimbing; tinsinithing and
general hardWare business there.
To those with wItoin I have been
doing business for years I extend an
invitation to visit me in my ' new
quartere and respectfully solicit a
full share of public 'patronage:"
The supplying of your plumbing,
tinamithing and hardware needs will
be my chief concern during every
business day in the year.
ni eg late course. •
t41){!Pn .additl°11 t() regtl. Tliontas- W. Hawkins.
lack Seotchmer; Nellie Paterson;
Clarence liohner,
Sr.' 2nd to Jr. 3rd--Passlifillie
MCClinchey; Gladwin Westlake,
Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Honours: John
Annatrong. Pass; Maria Rohner.
Jr. 1st to Jr. and—lionours:Marie
XeClinehey, Pass: -Logan Cleave,
Prinier—Beatrice Houston.; Gordon
Scotehmer; Anna Cleave; Keith West-
V. J. Musselman, Teacher
• /
Hay: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trnem-
ner Celebrated silver wedding on
June 21st.
Order your berries early this year
and not be disappointed, Owing to
a shortage of some other small fruits
the demand far strawberries for can-
ning will greatly exceed the supply.
I will an excellent quality of
fruit fpr sale this year and the prices
will be right. `•
I can do with a number of good
strawberry pickers.
Phone 33-W. 6041
Notable Singing
Featuring ".
Just one of
Splendid Attractions
4 - Big Days
July 78 91-0
Season Ticket's Only $2.00
The Month- of June
Is the time when new homes are being furnished, so we cordial-
ly invite you to inspect mir large stock of all the necessitiea for
that new home, Assuring you of the very lowest price$ Possible.
' We. Have
. _
Linoleum, Cdrigoleurn Rugs, Carpet Rugs of all kinds with a well
assorted stock of furniture -that cannot help but please both the '
eye ,and the purse.' .
Don't forget this store when you're looking for useful weddirig
Coal' Oil Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and
Toasters. • Amp.
Keep your lawns right by using the celebrated TayIor-Forbes
lawn mower. ,
Extra special price on Barn and Garage Paint $2.00 per gallon,
A. few odd shades of Sherwin Williams Paints. It will pay you to
look theseover. a '
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co.
61unit:tire phone: ILE STORES WITIf STQt1I
Hardware 195
Preserving season is looming -up, you will soon require sugar in
quantities, be sursyou buy when th e market is best to your advantage.
Ripe Tomatoes 'and Strawberries are now growing plentiful and rea-
sonble in price. '
Oranges and Bananas are Much in demand -and we have a good sup --
ply or -fresh, well colored fruit- to of ferN at low prices.
THE C, & S..GROCERS Phorn 125
1 A Bargain in Wood
' We have secured a quantity of good body 12 inch hardwood,
equal to and better than the wood we have been selling out of our
yard at $6.00 per cord, which we can sell at
.$20.00 per load of 4 cords
Being principally Maple and Beech this is truly a mighty
good buy, and as the mine price of coal is advancing each month,
I would strongly recommend to each family in Town to lake in
n „
a Ioad or two of this
Real. Bargain -
This price will be good only for orders deliverefl ' direct
from the bush and as the same wood will sell for a muco higher
figure from our yard next winter, it will be real economy to
Order Now
iVitiStard Coal CO.
•The Man Who Knows
good clothes when he sees them,
knows. that they were made at
•this establishment. If you have
--a:---- not aa yet picked out your,
if (1 Spring Suit: dome to; us, as we
,,l'a have all the latest novelties and
•designs, and can make up a suit
_Which Will .be on to the minute
in every respect. ",
' •
Davis & Herman
..". . a. .
otisul Us Bonet
174)nr Pal ting. 110eds
, .. ..,............................
!Th e Aug-4Ce
2 0=11
dname i
. ..
We also carry a complete line
of Brandram Ittenderson Paints
' and Varnishes
t,,' your. out,
. 4,,
ottaiit i furniture
'Mut Irviw-stYle
entuntel finish
Varnish and
Sun Varnish Stains
Also a complete line of
Brushes, Linseed Oil and
Turpentine ..
Sutter & Perdue
We- are ready for all orders' of spring Work,. Papering;. Painting
and decorating. . We have' a large assortment of papers and we' ask
• .
you to see our books before buying. •
You will save money ordering your paper from us. ' •
.A11 work Guaranteed. .Priees. reasonable. . •
orders left with Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, 'Huron . street will re-
ceive proniPt attention. ' ' PHONE 234 ring 2
. ,
s g4inired,, p-cs•rytIling tbat. icicares
and best in life. Home is the center
from which all the varied concerns'
and.busiiiess: of life, F; Cart forth. Amy
ithing that can contribute to the beau-
•ty,and conifort and peace of 1-Iome'is
deserving of attention and thought.,
In this direction let wall paper enter
yOur thodghts. ,Our new spring stock,
will soon be ready for you): inspection:
7118 -II Fair Co:
Often the Cheapest--Alwaye the Best
Mos in tDotinon d,
�f Hensall
Miss Mary Moir of Maple Lake
home for the summer vacation.
MrvillHe tojs°pYllenecIr ahawshigleo'nw-ie ttlio hlignisteh
Miss Edith'Hodgens of Toronto spe
the week -end with Clinton friend
Miss Lottie'Sloman' of 'Toronto spe
Doinition Day at her -home
. town. 's
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wasnian of To
auto are Visiting their parents
town. ,
Mr. Chas. 'floi'ey of the Royal Ba
• hstoalffdaySt.rathroY, was home over t
.111.iss Mildred Cook of Toronto II
• been visiting Clinton friends t
past week.
Miss Gertrude Fowler, Who .1.9,s bee
teaching at Lucknow, it home f
, the holidays.
1VEss Annie Lawrence, who has "bee
teachinj at Cayuga, is, honie fo
os- the holiday period.
Miss BessiesSloinan of New York
spendinga le* -weeks' vacation
with her mother, Mos. Sioman, sr,
of town.
Supt, H. B. Chant was in Niagara
Falls last week attending the an
nual convention •of Municipal V-
ectrie ;Utilities Association.' • •
Rev. C. J, and Mrs. PIO:mho:me and
Miss Ruth left Tuesday for their
. summer horn& at Hillsboro. They
will be. absent all the month of
Mr. -pd. Lindsay. •of Ilespeler spent
the week -end as the guest of his
• gramlmothera. Perdue of town/
and with other friends in, the vi-
Reeve J. F. Johnston of Ashfield,
, Mrs., Johnston and Master ;Meth
" Johnston visited Councillor E. W.
and, Mrs. Johnston of Clinton on
Mr..ang,Mrs. E. J. Jenkin a aridson,
Master, George,, of London, spent a
few days over the week -end and
holiday with relatives in Clinton
and vieinity.
Mrs: A. .A. Hill and daughter cif Ed:
mouton, Alta., who have been vis relatives in town for the past
few weeks; •left IVIonday to visit
in St. Thomas,
Mr. and 1VIrs. George Watts deft
'yesterday on a 'trip to the Coast.•
They will visit at several points
on the way and will be absent two
or three monthe.
Mr. James Dunford and Master Rogs
of Toronto visited the former'
daughters, Mrs. W. E. Pickett of
town and Mrs. W. H. Moffat of
the London road, for. a few days
during the past week.
Miss Margaret Cree of Vietoria Hos-,
pital, London, visited her hinne in -
town over the weekend. Miss
Margaret successfully Passed her
probationery examinations* and is
now a nurse -in -training.
Mr. and Mrs. Veiteh of Meaford
' `were in town for a day or so last
"week. Mr. Veitch was formerly
accountant in the localabranth of
the Maisons Bank and both he and
MVs. Leitch had a large circle of
friends here. '
l\lrs. Cluff is visiting in Ham-
ilton and Port Robinson for a few
•ivcree,lca.; , Oluif motored down
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs 1Vlis-
ener, who had ,been visiting Mr.
encl_ Mrs . Geo. Hardie,,,of Gode-
-"rich township/.
iss Rena Pickett left Tuesday on a
trip to 'Edmonton, where' she will
ba the guest 'Of " Miss Louise
Holmes. Miss Pickett will be in
Ednionten for the 'annual Exhihi-
tion-'next Week. She Will be ab-
sent for a month. '•
r. and Mrs. Wilfrid Tanner and
Miss , Agnes Walker of Kingston
have' ,been" with the /tidies' par-
ents, Mr. and bios. W. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Tanner have gone t�
Kingston where the former will
take -a-summer- course.
-Rev. Dr. Stewart left for his home
in Toronto on Thursday Iasia-after
.having spent a fortnight with Clin-
ton and -Stanley township. friends.
'• Dr. Stewart's old .frialids ore, al,.
ways, delighted- to ,wekome .him
haek to. the comniunity of which
he was an honourecl.member for so
many years. • -
Miss Ethel Holmes, daughter of Rev.
A. N. and 3/Irs. Holmes, who has
been attending .Alrna College, St. -
Thomas, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Hones and Miss Minota
Weiehel daughter daughter ef Mr. W. H.
Weiehel, IVI.P.. of Waterloo, won a
prize at,the College for having the
neatest aoubie roaai `in the school,
at the annual Convocation, recently
held. Miss Holmes took a- high
standing in her work at the school,
obtaining, First Class. honours 'in
ba‘dcetry and in public health and
home mining and honours in Phys-
ical " education These subject
S -
0 -
Orsh rualiolAT cakes'r. • 20c ac
13111e 13ird.Maish. box es'
aith prer bottle,
. r . • r•
. .
picni. Hams, per lb, - -* SPECIALS IN TEA ;• • • • -
- Tr.H. • r,TT.•:•-••••-•:..-..,..,t•:-,11.41strther,thitigfOrpieniCS•Tr.• • • •
Sardines, 2 tins for . . ,, . ,,,, ...:.." ..... ......., 25c. Hursley Tea , .... . -
Kipfer Snacks, 3 tins for ... • .... .. :,.... 25c. O'Neil's Special,per lb , • ' ''' '''''' s ••••"' ' ' . ... '65c'
Campbell's Sonp, per *Un— ,..,....... ...„ .. . ... .. . . ... 15c. Ask for a Sample ....
Large Bottle Catsup ..... ........ .- .. . ,:. , „......29c. O'Neil's Best Coffee, per lb. „, - . ... ..... ,....60c.
Corn Flakes, 2 plcgs‘., for .....25c. . . 'pearneal Roll Rolled Oats, 10 lbs. lei- .......38c,
' Loose 'Cocoa, 2 Tbs. for .....25c, . Seedless. Raisins, 2 lbs. for ...,25c. 5 lb Pail of H 80c.
S. W. Biscuits, 2 pkgd..for ....25p. ..., Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. for. .25c.., Large Sealers of Marmalade 65c,
Peamdal Bacon ' '„ Anunonioa Powder, 3 pkg. ..,.25c. Jelly Powder, 3 plcgs. for .. , 25c,
' New Cheese, per lb. ...........23e.
First ten customers buying one dollar's worth of Groceries
-will secure' one half lb tea O'Neil'(s Special) free
in our Groceteria Saturday evening ,
Fresh from the lake Salthoti Trout, Per lb 20c
Fresh Stawberries,- Beans, Cucumbers, Beets, - New Cabbages
. Buy a -photo- card and get your photo for 25c - '
Further announcements -next week, "
Cash & Carry ,. .
2 Deliveries IP O'Neil
, •
People You Know
Mrs. Ernest- Jackson of Goderieh
• spent a few. days last week as the
guest of her sister/ Mrs..3. Liver-
Mrs.' Martha Livermore and her
daughter, IVIrs. Fred Hayward of
San Diego, Cal., who have been in
London the .past fortnight, visiting
Mrs. Livermore's other daughters,
advs. Robt. Shepher4 'and Mrs,
Ralph Bezzo, returned home Sun-
day. '
Mn, and Mrs. Marlin Shavand tire
'daughters and Mr., and Mi. Earl.
Shaw of Kleinburg visited the la-
dies' sister, Mrs. H. Carter, over
the holiday. They also -visited
their nieces, 1VIrs, 3: -E. Pepper of
Staitley‘and Mrs. M. Crich of
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua" Cook of Sar-
nia. spent a few days over. the
week -end as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T, H. Cook. They -motored
up with Mr. and Mrs, T. Dunbar.
Mr. Cook is with the Imperial Oil
Co. and looks a,if life was being
very good to him.
Service will be held on Sunday af-
ternoon at'hall past one during July
and August, and' Sunday school at
hall past two, Rev. Mr. Osborne
will, preach next Sunday' and during
•Strawbdry picking is the order of
the day, even on -Sundays, with a
number of our villagers.
Clifford Colclough and Mrs. Thuell
and 1VIrs. D. Tudor spat Wednes-
day afternoon as the, guests of the
ladies',uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
3,as. Snell. c •
' •
Stanlell Township
Ur. and Mrs. Peter Moffat and
child of Easliwood are- here visiting.
relatives for the summer. Mr.
fatt had the misfortune te-injure his
knee a few weelis ago while playing
football /JO he is going around on
crutches. 'His friends boae he will
beoon l's own man again.
_ Promotion examination results in-
- S.S. NO, 4. .
Sr. 3rd tc,rr...4th--1-1oriours: Fran-
ces IVIossop; Mary Armstrong: Pass:
wish'to-announce to the !citisens
of Clinton and surrounding communi-
ty that I have leased the store lately
'occupied by the Cockshutt agent, next
door to Aiken's harness shop, and will
conduct a Phimbing; tinsinithing and
general hardWare business there.
To those with wItoin I have been
doing business for years I extend an
invitation to visit me in my ' new
quartere and respectfully solicit a
full share of public 'patronage:"
The supplying of your plumbing,
tinamithing and hardware needs will
be my chief concern during every
business day in the year.
ni eg late course. •
t41){!Pn .additl°11 t() regtl. Tliontas- W. Hawkins.
lack Seotchmer; Nellie Paterson;
Clarence liohner,
Sr.' 2nd to Jr. 3rd--Passlifillie
MCClinchey; Gladwin Westlake,
Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Honours: John
Annatrong. Pass; Maria Rohner.
Jr. 1st to Jr. and—lionours:Marie
XeClinehey, Pass: -Logan Cleave,
Prinier—Beatrice Houston.; Gordon
Scotehmer; Anna Cleave; Keith West-
V. J. Musselman, Teacher
• /
Hay: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trnem-
ner Celebrated silver wedding on
June 21st.
Order your berries early this year
and not be disappointed, Owing to
a shortage of some other small fruits
the demand far strawberries for can-
ning will greatly exceed the supply.
I will an excellent quality of
fruit fpr sale this year and the prices
will be right. `•
I can do with a number of good
strawberry pickers.
Phone 33-W. 6041
Notable Singing
Featuring ".
Just one of
Splendid Attractions
4 - Big Days
July 78 91-0
Season Ticket's Only $2.00
The Month- of June
Is the time when new homes are being furnished, so we cordial-
ly invite you to inspect mir large stock of all the necessitiea for
that new home, Assuring you of the very lowest price$ Possible.
' We. Have
. _
Linoleum, Cdrigoleurn Rugs, Carpet Rugs of all kinds with a well
assorted stock of furniture -that cannot help but please both the '
eye ,and the purse.' .
Don't forget this store when you're looking for useful weddirig
Coal' Oil Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and
Toasters. • Amp.
Keep your lawns right by using the celebrated TayIor-Forbes
lawn mower. ,
Extra special price on Barn and Garage Paint $2.00 per gallon,
A. few odd shades of Sherwin Williams Paints. It will pay you to
look theseover. a '
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co.
61unit:tire phone: ILE STORES WITIf STQt1I
Hardware 195
Preserving season is looming -up, you will soon require sugar in
quantities, be sursyou buy when th e market is best to your advantage.
Ripe Tomatoes 'and Strawberries are now growing plentiful and rea-
sonble in price. '
Oranges and Bananas are Much in demand -and we have a good sup --
ply or -fresh, well colored fruit- to of ferN at low prices.
THE C, & S..GROCERS Phorn 125
1 A Bargain in Wood
' We have secured a quantity of good body 12 inch hardwood,
equal to and better than the wood we have been selling out of our
yard at $6.00 per cord, which we can sell at
.$20.00 per load of 4 cords
Being principally Maple and Beech this is truly a mighty
good buy, and as the mine price of coal is advancing each month,
I would strongly recommend to each family in Town to lake in
n „
a Ioad or two of this
Real. Bargain -
This price will be good only for orders deliverefl ' direct
from the bush and as the same wood will sell for a muco higher
figure from our yard next winter, it will be real economy to
Order Now
iVitiStard Coal CO.