HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-03, Page 51 3rd f l `t,t'erest to "You and life „}rc Zurich 'Herald is .holidaying weer; the editor 1 c and family his' saki ire a a_iator• r:` trip down Niagara ells way. e wh uiiitt o r iii e m away ytoin beCE lUaO S'a ca r. n - late for, recreation," re' •idrls an exchange, would have no•,. clay at all for retire ttion i8 it were; azot for those whd'go.,to cIurch. I'r'e never known a clog to: wag Els tail in glee he dicho't•feel, Nor quit his old-time Ciend to rag At some nr.ire ifigaenf al::heel.' The yello}3 est 'cur Lever knew Was, to the boy :ivlio loved`him, true." ` ' Some people seek} to think that school teachers have a pretty hard tiara but ,for our part we'd trade places with almost anyischool teach- '•er. of our acquaintance for -the •next' two months. A Chicagoprofessor declares that the age -long question is at last set- tled, that the ,hen domes from the eggs' not the egg front the hen. He may e right, but you'll notice that when, you don't keep a hen you get no, The Pantie of Wales announced at a Dominion Day dinner in London on Tuesday that he was coming :to ,Can ads again this fall. 'Nobckl?efinds • a warmer welcome in this Dominion than ."The Prince." May his 'stay he al long e • mi . . a * After a stormy passage the Church Union Bill has practically been pass- ed as presented, the-amendment,ad- ded in committee being killed flay an amendment carried bythe House. It aright have passed its third reading on Monday exeept that the -dour set, apart for private bills had expired, having been taken up by iliseussion, and the members refused to extend' the time.; It domes up again Friday evening andif nothing interferes will probably get its third and final read- ing. ,fin The -postal strike is over, the work- •. ers at Toronto, Montreal; and Windsor going back to work. Monday.. Some anisthnderstanding occured as to the :terms offered by the Government: Mr. - Murdoe1, Minister of Labor, carne up to'Toronto to confer, and the leaders there got ' the idea that he offered to pay :theist for time lost dur- ing the strike, He denies having made such a promise and blames the newspapers for giving out a wrong impression. Ali the workers are bank, anyway, and: the Government will look into their grievances. Had this been done a month or two ago: a .Strike might have been avoided. The story goes that the crowd at a garden party in London recently, sur - 1 rounded the. British Premier, Ramsay Macdonald; and that in<the growd and cohsfnsion•he was kissed be* a Caine: ' -dign lady.: We hope it`washt't one of the ladles, of the' newspaper party' w , notouring a' ' bo tad. ,B o. �ut.n ,We're , e e sure it wasn't. The wives of:week- 13;,Re't'spaper editors in Canada" are tartoo-sensible for that sort of -non sense. They would be more likely to inquire about his attitude on Im- perial relations or.soniething of -that sort.' But who was this Canadian> woman who was so carried away by her admiration for the Labor Prem. * :, * *" Two Listowel merchants were fined last, week for •neglecting to grade eggs taken in from. farmers. It ap- pears that many have been neglecting this little rcquireinent and after the -sitting' of the-coutt a meeting of the merchants %Yas held and the matter talked over but it was decided noth- ing could be done, the law it plain and 'it will be enforced. It seems to be something of a hardship, and :farmers and dealers + alike •complain of the inconvenience of it, but it, would hppear`to be one of the best. ways of helping the,farmer to a stable market for one of his most im- portant products. The, grading law is .probably here to stay, At meeting of the Agricultural•;, Com- mittee fin Clinton a fortnight or so ago several farmers - advocated the; compulsory grading o cattle, hogs, etc., as well as_aggs.. It IS admit- tedly the surest way of bringing up the quality; and ,thus the price, of farm products. That it causes' more or less inconvenience it must be ad- mitted but probablyithat will in time cure itself, ti•,R .A Our congratulations are -extended to The Free Press, London, which eel- ' •ebrated its seventy fifth birthday on Saturday. last, issuing' a special 32 - ,page edition in honour of -the evnt. The Free Press, which was founded as a weekly in 1849 by William Suther- land, was at first, published as a Re - :form paper. The „daily was _launched in 1855, the " year `London became a city. Mo, Josiah Blackburn ecquir- ed the paper in 1852 and it has been directed by members of that family up to the present. Its editors since • that tine have been: Josiah Black- burn; + Malcolm Bremner, Alfred F., Miller and Arthur R, :pard, its pres- 'eht'able editor, who is the only son -of the Rev. J. E. and. Mrs. Ford of Codexich forinehly-of.'0linten, WI-re W. E. Elliott,` who "for the past fif:, teen year e has been reporting the big events of Western Ontario for The 'Fame 'Press," to quoad from the spe- •eial birthday edition, is a 'son of Mr; G. M. Elliott of Goderich. Mr. • 81liott zs very well known in. Clin- ton, as he always comes along when -there's anything of interest going on here. He's 4 racy, ;and pleasing writer' and sawn of. the: bright read- ` ablenes e its., news -columns is clue 'to his'r ady si En.: For .many -:-years 'now Tne hide° Press hal stip orteci Gt Onsei caoGe• Brucef'e t ld Th+nnpeon --left for,. -his Vloose Jaw on. Monday ,ai_ ng friends about here for• bonze ter me Mis week far ,or,onto to attend the fun - al • of, the little son of Tti8r,,, and Mrs. Alice Rattenbury' left :lass' VeGowan,. Rev, . C. G. Aentoni anjl McConnell of .'Henson exchanged pul- pits' -on Sunday morning. Mr. Mc- Connell taught the bible class' in the s ii Sands y dhool w hit xea g acceptance and preached an inspiring sermon which was listened to by a large congregation.' ' :The Rev Mo. Ar - men/ mo r Li /needled i to the Odd dd c d P otos rn the evening, talchsg Tor his subject Christ calling his' disciples, accdi'ding' to the account in the first chapter:, of Mark. They, the ' disciples. were just plain fishermen, he s<sid, but they responed'; to. the call: of Chris; and their names • have come down to us through the centuries. He iimde. a particular ,appeal to ;young men., Every yossgg man wished to make the, best success of his life but" a real, suceessonly cell be made when,'a full., surrender is made oC the heart and life to Chided.' : Mere church mem- bership, he declared, did not always' imp]y, true discipleship.. • .Marriages. JOHNSTON=M1!LLER-At the On- ' tario' street- parsonage, : Clinton,' on June .28th, by the Rev, C. J. Moorhouse, Irene Ruby, younger daughter of the -late George Millen' and Mrs, Miller of-Goderich town- ship, to James Johnston, son of Mr. and MVIrs. Edward d;ohnstoti• of ITul- lett. TOWN'SHEND -TRICK - ..A•t1 Co - borne: street ''Methodist church, London on June 28th, by the 'Rev, Mr; Uren, Hattie.-Elizalbeth,. daugh- ter a:F 1VIr. and Mrs.' Levi Thick, London, formerly of Goderich.town- slu ,to Fletcher Townsend d of L on_ ROBSOM-SLOMAN-In. London, on June 28th, by the Rev. L. Bartlett of Yarmouth- Centre, Ohara M. 4, Slomnn, daughter of Mr. Joseph Sloman and niece of Mr. John Slo- • anan,• to Abner Robson. COOS-BUCHANAN-In"East Wa wanosh, on Inns 25th, by the,Rev. P. Banes, Violet, younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Bu- chanan, to Stanley Cook, son of di8r. and Mrs. Fred Cook, all, of East Wawanogh. JACKSON -WAGNER--At "River- view Farm," Hullett, on June 25th, by the Rev, W. R. Alp of Au- burn, -Catherine E., daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. H_ Wagner, to Jas.1 B. Jackson, son of Mr. and"Mrs. W. Jackson, of Hallett township. KELLY =HOLMES -In, St. Paul's church, winghahn, on June 25th, by Rev. H. W. 'Smell, Sydney: Elwood, only daughter of Dudley Holmes, I4.C. aiid Mrs, Holmes to Dr. W. .Moore .Kell of Mo e y ntxeaI, son of Mr: and .Mrs. E. H.' Kelly, of Huntingdon, Quebec, . HEADON-EDGAR-At the home 0f the bride's parents, Mr ,. .and '"Mrs. Jas: A Edgar, Victoria street, Winghant, on June 25th, by the Rev. J. La .Bioach of Stratford, Evelyn Anderson Edgar to Andrew R, Iieadan of Detroit. BROWN EDGAR -At the Ilona of the 4bride's parents, 2nd' concession of 'Hetrick, on June 25th, by the Rev, A. Laing, Mabel', daughter' of Mr, and Mars. Alex. Edgar, to William Watson, Brown, eldest son of Mi , . and Mrs. George Brown of Listowel. SCOTT-B0WMAN-In Toronto on June 18th, at the home of the 'bride's' parent's, by Rev." Mit. Me - Taggart, Lieut. "P. George Scott, D.D.S., Boboaygeon, ' Ont., to Margaret Lavine, youngest'daagh- ter of Mr: and Mrs. James Bow- line/1 , formerly of Brussels. ' McGAIBE-TITHRLOW-At' Victoria street parsonage, Goderich, on June 18th, by the Rev. J. W. Hedley, Mary Myrtle, eldest daughter 'of' Mr.. and Mrs: Hugh Thurlow, • Col- borne township, to Charles James,' eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. James' McCabe, Goderich township. • Births MCINTOSH-In _Clinton, hospital on Tune 24th, to the'Re','W: D, and Mrs, •McIntosh' of Milton, formerly of - Brucefietd,, a':son; TISOMPSON--e•Ihh . Stanley, . on :Janie 20th, to'• Mr. and Mrs: James` Thompson,'h son, HOLLAND -In Stanley, township, on June 29th; to Mr. and Mrs. Clifferd R. Hollaild, .a'„son, I1;Ei'S--In Stanley township, on June 21st,, to Mr: and.Mrs•.Glifford H.. Keys, i} son-=Bruce,`T.iplady Keys., PLUNKETT -' In'kiullett' township,- ' on 'Jane 25th, . to Mr., and Mrs: PIunkett, a sell,'., • - ANDERSON - 'At, i,ol gwood;- on June - 20th °to Mr: and., Mrs. A. - Anderson,' fornteriY o£; Clinton, a daughter; Llda gIa-1 e " ST OAN Tii Meltilloli* Juno list , to MI and tl'Iis;' James ;Sloan, 100 daughter: ,:,• FLANNERY - In Tuckersihiith on June 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Flannery; a -daughter, - DEVI;IREATIX ,In.8Puckersinith,• on' June 19th, to Mi' and Mrs. John Devereatix; a "daughter.. PROUTY-'In Stephen, on June 24th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Prouty, a Deaths C00K--T0 Clinton, on June lI 26th, Ar- `:thur Cool:, aged 79 years and 9 , months. '.,•- DIXON-At` Bayfield on June 28th Matilda 'Burdiek,: wife of William Dixon,. aged 60 years,. `i1A;FTi;L=At.-Goderich , _Alae 27th, Marion Parsons, -wife of Perey Naf_' tel and only sister of H. B. Par- sons, Walkorville,; and Lionel G. Parsons. of Coderxch. PROMOTION .EXAIb RESULTS :ITV CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL. Div, (II) to DIv:. (I).:. -Honors:` .Reggie • Noble; - Margaret', MVlcLeod,: Lottie Livermore; Cizoweii; Roy Cook; Susie Castle; Dorothy 'Mulch; 3farian.-Scruton; Cyril hale; ::.Everett:: Downs; Ben Corless,' Morris Bozell, William ..McGill , Jim Kennedy' • Pass on Examination; Bill Jack- son; John • Peekitt;: Edith. Hunt; •W.+sync ,Razoll Iii ace. Bi>;gaet;,•Dar ty Watkins; Deloris Hamas; Hugh Haw- kins; Jack Elliott; ;Ernest Brown, Pass on yes' e tboritt Trene'Doher- ty; Paul Hovey; Eileen Rumball; An,: ha Taylor; Douglas Ifennody; ;Frank Pale; Harold Taylor;, Bruce Teskorr,; Fla Ciro n NgW -.Rcexrd Recanir iiendecl: Jiiiz Cl.awen; Bill, NfcChnclley,• .Russell `,Miller; Gordon .Marshall. -Isobel Drop er.' Di v .I TIS toDiv. ( �:, 1 tours: Margaret Plumsteel; Helen Manning; Robbie Hale; Susie Livermore; .Char- lie 1 Andrews; . Isobel Iii ar i ai gg Edward; Rorke; Brenton II l C 1 ar Jean n Tw 3. lord J,eair Muteh; Janet ItleTagsut;, Gordon Cudhaor e; Ross ;Carter; . Jin: Turner Pass Carrie Lavis; Billy Watkins; Bessie Livermore;harry- Ireland; Rath' Cartwright.; Violet. 1VIor.•rison; Kenneth Pickett; Frank Mer -wan;' Ada Jfulfosd; Beth Cartwrigh}t;.]1Iar- ion -Pickett; Grace • Seeley\; Bert Glidden; Barrett Taylor; Dorothy' Steep; -Harry Plumsteel. , Promoted on years. work: Kelso •Streets; Gerald Ilolmes; Edna'Elliott Kathleen Nicicle; Wilbur Cudiitore. ' -E, L. Ford.' Div. (IV) to DIV, (III)-IHonours Joe'Gendier; Dorothy Watts; Grace IIeliyar; Mary ,Andrews; Grace Fitz_ simons; Lloyd' Rnmball;' Pearl Chur- chill; Tittle 'Swinuank;'Norman Liver- more; Billy Draper,.. Passed on .:year's . 'work: Jack Suiith .' Muriel ,(Downs; Laurence Plumsteel; Ehler; Bartliff; Kathleen Cameron; Norma .Streets; -Isabel Lawson; EII}tlood'•.„ Campbell;: Irene Layton, Archie Dale, Ernest Hovey; r; n n c his-` ni t 1 1;. nt e' o> s ob e a Helen beeper._ on ;Finals .k'rank Hoops Jack Graing•er,•'--Harold Glazier; Du can'Cartwriglit; Rabin Lavis,, Recommended:: Carl - Furniss' Do ald Levy; Helen Deeves; Ruth Cast' Below"'Pass: Stewart Cook; Mab Cast' Mom Twyford; Josue Fitzsi ons; Beatrice Mc 1' Cin hey. --A'. Pantile - Div. (V) .to Div, : (IV)-Flonors Owen' Cambs; Jim Nickles Havel()Gaudier;. Kenneth. Elliott; Eddie E Boit; Stella beeves; Thelma Bal Minlue Hudson;- Emily Seruton;:Ii Doherty; Marian Smith; laabell Cantelon; Wilhelmine Trewartha Lorne Brown; Mary Crooks,` Passed - on year's work owing t illness:.Josie .Carte*; Reggie Cook Harriet Kennedy; ' osephine Harrt George Rumball• Joe Doherty; -B Carter; Mildred Cooper; shark Johnson. .Exam. 'Itesuits,. Honours: Flor ence McCallum,'Harold Gibbs. Pass: Bert Ireland; Irene Venner Clara. Bali'; Charlie Peckitt; . Fred Miller, : H. Rodaway. Div. (VI) to Di. "(V) -Honors, •fox year: Beatrice 'Sharp, Dorothy Corless; Jessie Cameron; Raymond Cantelon; Clatyon Dixon; Ruth' Peck- itt; Isabelle Holmes; Jack One; Dor- othy Glazier; Lillian • Manningi, Passed on year's work pevntng to sickness: Bob. Dohterty;. Jack Dorsey; Frances Fitzsimons; Wdhitney Carter; Nolene Finch; ,Ruby Clement;' Mary Levis; Murray ..Dale; Clifford Ken- nedy. , Exam, results: Pass: Mttrray Cud - more; Rots Fitzsimons; John McGill; NoSTvel Furness;- May Vernier.' - TS. Courtice. Division (VIF) to Div, (,VI)-•Y•Ion- ours>. Gene Andrews; lVlarion West; Dorothy Cornish; Pete 'Cantelon; George Elliott; Tom Turner; Susie Steep; Tack Perdue; Giedys. Bezzo;' 'Cecil Holmes; 1Vlargaret' Carter;. Gor- don Hoy. Pass: Blanche Clement; Helen 'Rumball; Beecher Streets; -Beatrice .Brown; Dorothy Cools; George' Card well; Arthur Retell; Gordon Vernier; Frank Heard.;. Vera Jones; Kenneth, Jones; Frank Becker; Bud Harris, Recommended: Bill Steep; Doris Orrell;.: Margaret Tasker; George Twyford; Grace Levis. - Div: (VIII) to Div.' (VIP -Hon- ours: TtaroIel Johnston; Dora Grain- ger; Nora Fremlin; Jean Neilans; Mary Dorsey; George Campbell; Ger- trude Reid; Dorothy Steeps; Alice Taylor; Sadie Elliott;- Jin}hny Elliott; Fred Itovey;' ,Nornan Fitzsimons; George Levis; Doris Johns., Pass: Mary Turner; Victor Dober= ty; Jacic Nickie; Murray Draper; Clair Kennedy; Mary Cooper; Bruce Bartlift'; MaryV., Hart'f ; Nora Li- vermore; Murray Hanley; Rena Ho- vey; Ilex Hovey; Grace Finch; Fran- cis Carter; Reggie Smyth. --Eva 13, Carter. Invited for the. week -end -by Ja'izg Distance . It was Thursday afternoon ,.. in the country_ Hospitable ' Mrs. Martin seemed 'disap- pointed.' isap,pointed.• The week had slip- ped away before she knew it. No one had been invited up Tor- the : week -end;: and there -wasn't time in': which to write.. And :, the she thought of the telephone' -„Long Dia. - -bance What an inspirations In twenty minutes she knew , the. Smarts would come -- delighted delighted to •,.'' . and what train they ;,,would be on: Splendid! . - and she had ordered sem°' extra supplies from her gracc'<+s in town to -be shipped by, :express that night! .- What a •T l errsitnt week -end she will have `=-- thanks to / Long Distance!.: , • . Yom,;,. no matter wllat :kind of a day it is ; '. you will always' find our Phone No, 111 aWaiting your tall. Mrs. Hous ewifc lf' you order by phone or other- wise make Ou r • store Your c store. a on pi: Sertdee. end Courtesy to alI; young or old." Have you noticed and taken aken ad vantage g e of our 'each days ays specia l s c.•FirdaY and, Saturday, thist•ee•oB is ofSoaPnnY brand lbs. of Pure Lard <t cl ,3 2c 3 -t 0 oneu" c stow el 1;IU. of, Bacon ..... ... .:.....22c I 2 pkgs. of Lux ....,.,.. .....,21c,. Just: a few mentionede hex See our blackboard in window r ther specials, Kindly:fo• fur- . getyatu' orders in early. HIGI-IEST PRICBS<FOR BUTTER OR EGGS OUR STORE IS ;YOUTR: STORE c JO NC Trp aLoaf At Your Grocers or delivered , NEILSO Nt S C1-I0OLATES Assorted .S �e d Plavorsm The ' kind 'that pleases Good- Brad Cakes, Buns Cookies BAKER AND. CONFECTIONER ' Phone 1 C. H. VENNER, i *til d5../ Electrician, • Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans •and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs.' Phone 151'w .ftro*rmigsetoom*mettioffloselnammammzense, .1.1160121111 The Contra.; Grocerg • You will find us ready; to serve you in our new quarters' as efficient- • ly as in -the old, Fresh fruits and vegetables in season. A full stock of groceries always en hand,, Following i5 a list Jelly Poivders, 3 fa'r' Seedless Raisins'. lbs. Figs, 2 lbs. for Prunes, 1.,1b. for Apricots, 2 lbs, for of'grooery.staples for this week -end: .. ,25e. Pumpkin,per tin 15e Ifor . ,..<25G 'hon toes 1 a ,,per tin ... , ", 200 25c Peas, per I tin .. 150 '15c Corn,'2 for ,.35c .. .......35o Dutch Cleanse'', 2 for 25c • c , r sHey Jordon ,THE CENTRAL GROCERY Phone 144 ilouser Sole y • Seven roomed Frame House in good repair, on the east side of Alber street,.' Clinton. Sun room attached, good stone 'cellar, town water. One quarter acre•lot with fruit trees Apply ori, premises to airs. Long. 59-tf e'. Crpet and Rug Cleaning Having the best Electric Rug Washer ever made for cleaning Rugs and Carpets, I am prepared to -clean a limited number - during the summer months . w All work guaranteed and will call for and deliver all rugs, etc. or may be left at residence, , Huron Street CVENNER,Clinton Cl Electrician Phone 181w We Paig Cash EGGS Our plant is now conipleteand, we solicit your•shiphnents .of eggs whether large or small.- Come and see them graded, gg POULTRY :, We buy live Poultry twelve months of the -year. It will pay your to advise us what You have to sell. At present; market old Hens,' old Roosters. Iate hatched and snur Chickens: CONDITIONS , : ,All our eggs are bought on Government y grades'an .an poultry aecording to size and quality. ,We are •sore to serve' 'and i P y (Gunn, Langlois dk p, a1 Limited • HEAD OFFICE 'MONTREAL, QUEBEC • N. W. '1l~ �r ewa1"iliAa, Mann er Gldelits�RA.I� �. g r AZcflt �. y Phone, 190 ' Nig'lit•I'hotxe 214 W Da :-.,... i L Bran, Shor[f, Low Grade Flour, White Middlings Purity, Five Roses, Maple Leaf Flour Monarda and Pie crust, Pastry , Baby' Chick Scratch, Pi(n-head aatn►eal and Blatchford's•'chick . mash - Seed Corn, or Turnip,' MaligeI; Sorghum, Millet" and ,Rape Seed JENKINS Office Phone 199' blight .•141'atid 129 Sea£orth: 'Mr, and Mi s W :'."' T Box' announce the mari:iago of then daughter; Henrietta," t6 11.1. .ITeniy Minett, ofToron't'o,at Sa}n' A,n Olean ,church, by •Raw Mr esIirydntii, •on June. 24th.. ZJanted , 1, Protestant teacher, for S. S. 1o. 1, ;Goderich-township. Dirties ..o continene0 September :2nd; 1924; Applications will be received up• to July ,22, -ids Wilfrad .Bi'• sin mit+ Standing Wheat'I or Salc T1 tc undersigned has,. 5`.icres Of Dawsons•Geldeu Chaf£','for •sale, and 5o nie; pastnee :land to:%i rept, also a ha ne } ou e,on iVlary`ctroet, Olinton, v✓liieli shc'.;-,vrll.. s61 ,Mrs; R. Brehm, con: 2, . 13tdlett township. - 61.-1p. Soi sale,: „L:0101 4'C,r ,gate e eltaie0 young milk 00500 ; Apply, to David Easoni, I pow memo' 1.sl,llills11101otIilli61iittsI8U•lall isori bIisJItf 1 1u36ttilbnluu11�41Gghliilul Ill 11 11 11 Onl�l��t ��aper�est PrUduets Canno t be Ex�elied Sepertest Gasolille, Sui)ertest Coal Polarine MotorOil 32c gallon' 30c $1.00 gallen Try; Them, and be Convinced No more smoky chimneys and every particle of oil burns out of lamps and avoids burning wicks ille i i �F4 , bL, 41 x' .M ardare •i CP GENERAL HARDWARE 1 TELEPHONE PHO7VE _53 U• PLUMBING AND, HEATING: CHT-NAIVIEL STORE' 1I mm!rmaluu I fllfIII�IiIii I 1 b 11 gllli I111U1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111Q 1111 IIII House for Sale Brick house on 'Princess street, 7 rooms and summer kitchen town water, also'softwater in kitchen, ce- menta !b seuient, furnace, electric light, '/a acre garden, with small fruits; stable. Apply to Miss Mabel Rath. - well; Varna. Phone 33-606, Clinton central. .62418 For Sate . Brass -trimmed iron bed, . wooden. bedstead, good, spring mattress; coal heater; Canada steel range; quantity of six and seven inch stove pipes; fruit jars; linoleum;, "curtain poles. Apply -to-Mrs. Farnham, Ratten- bury street. 61-18. Straivberries For Sale I will be able to fill orders, • for fresh. strawberries any time now. W. Marquis,- phone 21-638, _ 60-2. Partnership Dissolved NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, as Hard- ware ardware Merchants, 6n the Town 'of Clinton, has this day been dissolved bymutual a consent. cons n . All debts aw- ing to the said partnership are to Ire pald to Hugh Miiter at Clinton afore- said, and all claims against the said partnership are .to' be presented to the said Hugh Miller,by whom the sante will be settled. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day Of 'June, A.)., 1924, Witness,W.. Brydone • Hugh Miller, W. T. Hawluns. 60-3 Unreserved Auction Sale Of furniture and farm. implements. The undersigned auctioneer has been instrutced to sell by public auction at Mr. James Johnson's, Bayfield, on Saturday, July 5th, commencing at 1:30 o'clock sharp the following, Sideboard; extension table; 2 fall - leaf' tables; 6'wooden beds; 2,paring tables, 2'slressers; 2 commodes; couch; washstand; arm chair; half dozen kit- chen chairs; 3 rocking chairs; dining - room chairs; parlor chairs; 2 pair bed springs; 2 stoves, Huron range, Ran- cher -stove; dishes; lamp; lantern; cloak; good writing desk with book ease; black walnut bed with cover- ings; metalbed; easy leather chair patent springs 2 swivel chairs; easy plush chair; 2 willow rockers; 2 fol. ding tables; hanging hat rack; 2 pia ture frames. with glass; oak . sf`and; fur mat; dishes; 1 -horse cultivator; cow 3 years old due October. ist; spring wagon; set single harness; set whiilitrecs; set double harness; Fleury plow; root pulper; grindstone; mower used. two years,'• and other articles. Terms of sale: under- 510, cash,`above this amount approved joint'notes•ac- eepted, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. • 60-1, Auction Sale An auction sale of household effects, implements, etc,, will':be held on my Premises, Bayfield, on Saturday, July 5th, at 1:30,•. Terms: Sunk of 810 and under, cash. Over, that amount 6 mouths credit given on approved joint notes. James Johnston, ,pro- prietor, G. H, .Elliott, auctioneer:' 59-3. For Sale - The" attractive and beautifully' :lo sated property belonging. to C. D.- .Bouck, situated en. High.' street Olin- tdn, The house has a beautiful out-, look, imposing in architectural ap- pearance, walls 13, inch solid' brick,' rooms large. Two manblefhre-places in den and parlor, hot andcold 'Wa- ter, ter, cement soft=water cistern in eel - lar, bathroom, electric lights, two ver_ and< ahs and sun poich, two stairways,.. cellar under whole house, .cement floor hot-air heating. . Lot '75 ft, frontage, double depth facing on High street and Townsend. " Fruit trees, garden and small: fruits. A bargain for quick' sale. : Write C. D. Houck ‘48 Standish Ave , Tor onto, Ont. 59-tf Ilohise and Lot For Sale Brick cottage, in good repair, cor ner of Dunlop and Fulton streets. 10 rooms, good cellar, modern con- veniences. . Conveniently.. situated. WiII be sold reasonably. Apply.to Miss E. McTavisli, Clinton. 58-tf. ]House For Sale Comfortable frame house on North street, half acro of ground. All kind fruit S of „Small stable, town`. water in house. r Robert P. Fisher, 37-tf, -For Sale New Massey -Harris steel roller, 9 tu.; Massey -Harris' 11 -hoe fertilizer drill,: nearly new. Apply'to A. Ro- bertson) 'Varna. 51-tf•• Clothes Cleaned and 'Pressed or Clothes cleaned pressed' and re. ' psrlred., Woolen goodsdry eaced. 1111 111 11111111 111111111111111111111111011111!1111+1111111 1111 COAL L We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut and asoft. Also s 0 meg o oddrY slabs. Leave orders at residence, E. WARD Phone 155. , Huron Street. Agents Wanted The: careful attention to our customers' orders and the splen- did stock supplied for years past warrants us in having a repos- sentative or two in this county. Liberal Coniniissons, Free Out- fit. 'Write at once for Exclusive Territory. THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES. 00-13. Rouse For Sale., Cottage on Huron street, roomy and. 111 good repair, 1/a acre' of garden. Small barn on place, Possession at once Also and cutting box, Happy Thought range and a sliding bed couch for sale, : Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 89-tf. Singer Sewing Machines Fatuity, EIectrie and D. R. Styles, Also : some second-hand machines, good as new. Old machines taken s a partptt3nnent. Easy terms.' It will pay you to look these over before buying elsewhere. 'Repairing and parts for all makes, of machines.. Earl Steen, ' Jan. 1, 1024 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na.. tional Sehoo& of Auctioneering, cago, Special course taken in Pure -Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market, Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Xlopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18. 93. •88-11'-1925 COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '; R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 111 • SEED CORN . Well germinated Seed Corn hard to buy this year, look at grading on bags before buying and buy nothing but No. 1 Govt, Standard. • We have a very complete stock and our price is lowy for this year. • SALT Have 'just received a carload of salt. Special 'prices on large 'quan- tities. ' Roolpirtio We 'carry a cohiiplete line. of Tor-' onto Asphalt Roofing, before'Uuying' ,you will find it to your advantage 'to see our lino" and compare It With others. Remember there is as much difference in roofing. es there' is in cedar shingles.' We 'believed we have the best and can prove it to you,' 'Timothy, 'Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, : Bine Grass, Orchard Grass, and Sweet Clover always in stock. Pratts and Blatebfords Buttermilk Marsh; Royal Purple and 'Pioneer Chick Foods. Garden Seeds in bulk, Mangels• and Turnips. Our stock is complete and twenty years expel- ience always at your service. J A. FORD & SOT - Phone 123 .j Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers ' . CREAM WANTEUq The demand :for our butter 11,1 is - creating: . To supply this demand w PP 7 e r®gniavti'. more cream. We ship to you request q y tp as you , cream., We 'guarantee you Ale Highest. Market Prices, accurate tests, and .• prompt service.. Our firm is known to you and needt no further recommend. , We pay all express .charges, turn.- •' ish cream cane`and pay. ttviee escil' month. Fs. Write for bans, or tor info