HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-03, Page 4, • • •,. , • PP.:iiN'S* STORE NEWS ishcrncN Conlpleie line, o ods, flotiks9 Heels of allkinds ° A. T. 000 E CLINTON • Abri', • Me: W. McNabb and danghter, Margaret, are visiting at the home of Mr. andMrs. W. J. Andre*. Mrs. XeIlwain and children or Landon are visiting the lady's par ents, M. and Mrs. A. Asquthe Mr. and Mrs. John 111eRae of Brace 11/fines are visiting Mrs. Meore and other. friends in the village. Mr. •and Mrs t Mex. -Maiming of Cooksville are visiting. friends here. M. Elwin Raitliby of Guelph spent the week -end With his parents, Mr. arid Mese George•taithby. Mr.' and Mrs. Ee Lear visited hero last week: , ' . . • Wee Hill and Mr, and Mrs. G. Owing to anniVersary services be ing 'held at Smith's rim.presbyterian chureh next Sunday therewill be no service in Knox' church that day. A congregational garden party will be held on . the grounds of Knox church and manse Friday 'evening. July 4th. A strawberry supper will be served from 5:3() to 8' p.m . The programme will be given by de Cline ton Kiltie Mend and Mr. Eariaey McGee. Mr. and Mrs, Jones and son, James, of Windeor are visiting their cousin; W. 3, Andreee, Mr, R. Decker of Ducknow spent the ,week -end with Ales. Helwig The -Union Sunday school picnic, which Wee held on -the 'river flat last Friday, was a great success. The weather' was beautiful and the large crowd which attended enjoyed' the sports'. 'The young people of the Methodist Sunday schood spent a very enjoyable time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X. Andrew on Monday evening. At 5:30 Wednesday 'afternoon at the hdine of the bride's parents, con, 4, East Wawauosh, the marriage was quietly solemnized of Violet, youngeee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bre. charam, to Mr, Stanley, Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of the Gth concession, East. Wawanosh, P. Banes officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, was beautifully dressed in. white erepe-de- °Ilene, with bead and ribbon trim- mings and carried a bouquet of 0, phelia lames and mindenhair .fern. After the *ceiemoriy., sat down to a sumptuous repast. The bride was the recipient of ninny beautiful gifts, among them being a tray, and pyrex casserole hem her S.,e1S, teacher and clas$. iVkr. and Mrs..' Cook will ,re- side on the gremen's' farm, fith con- cession East' Wawanosh. 'We tend our best wishes. Sturdy, wholl` have beep yisitieg friends at St.; Catharines, returned home on Tuesaey. Mr. and Mee, E. jenkins of Lon- don /and R. al0 Miss M. Jdiikins of Clinton\ spent' Monday with friends heto. Master CanWeron IVIcNahb of Tor.. onto is visiting at the home of W. J. Andrew. itippan. Mr. 'setae Jarrott, our local grain buyer, met with a severe and painful accident on Friday evening last, while tying up his pours in the stable, one of -them hooked him in the' eye with .her horn. Mr: Jarrett went next morning to London. to consult a spe- cialist, returning on Monday. It is not known at time of writing whether he will lose the sight of the injuted eye or not. It is to be sincerely hoped that when the swollen parts are ,recluced and the inflanimation has subsided that the sight will be found alright. • Me. and Mrs, WI. J. Beer of Ex- eter motored up on Sunday afternoon and spent a few hours 'with Mr. Alex. McKenzie. ' Mr. Thos. Butt and wife spent Sunday in 'Clinton, visiting. at the home of the latter's parents. Mr. Wm. Cooper anti family went to Grand Bend on the lat. Our postmaster, Mr. Edgar Butt, and wife, Mrs'. Thos, Butt and Mr. Robert Dayinan spent the afternoon of the 1st at Grand Bend, Our village was very quiet on the first,of July our national holiday. ,A good many event to other places, The writer well remembers the first cele- bratioa 1867, having spent it in Goderich, and had the privilege of being , in the same town fifty years later, The first celebration was the year following the•Tenian Raid, and the writer also reinemberS the exalt - Mg times in 1866. Fifty Years later found us engaged in the stirring scenes of the greatest war of all time. That the dove of peace May in the future hover over the Jand of the Maple Leaf is the earnest wish of this torrespondent, Staknmeriiiii Mr. and Mrs. James Macdonald and child and Mrs. Eaben and am, Master Ernest klaben, of. Chicago vis - lied at the home of the former's bro- ther, Mr, John Macdonald of the Base line last week - AMAZING SPECTACULAR ENTERTAINMENT FIRST 'NIGHT Dotniition Redpath AU 8 Splendid Attractic3rts Ju y 7' 9 Season 'Tickets $.(f)f.l. Sold b$.° :1`. E. EtoveY, Clinton, Ont. i;It01fla N oliS -1(e,i.,‘' PPEitt-IVEDDING IILTLI,JETT 11 ' '1".'&5144/nstailto':' Mss Mai'c $iivoe:-. who has been ' ON JUNE 25th tearhill • lt Sudbury sQhP01,3'cilr, Tor' the' tor -g; 'vs': A very PrOttS. -Wedding was cation, , ' ' ' ii'ed' on. WedrfesdaY' ev6ning; ' Juno 1 , . , . Mr. Alvin. Townthend, who recent- ,25th at the ,hinne oX MT, ' and Mrs, ly graduated from Qi-laen'5 tchiveri- H. 'Wal.the::.i': 'Rirerviel: farm tY will' 'honour', Pahl, a holidaY at lett, wheiv their eldest.,. dauglAte'r, Ms home -in this township and at the 'camarim E., ,was ..unil,ed In mar_ ,beginniug of the. school soar- tali,9s 1 riage to 'James 'B, Jaclisonalsm of a position on the CoTegiate sialTYit 1 Finliat., Ott. ' .. 1 ..„., 1 The ceremony 'was performed be Much improvement is appa-rent on „,,,,,-g PeoPies '-'4.gur.,' °I' i Ilealli a rose -trimmed arch banked all sides in the grove this ,yea:. ciin- Sharcin. rhui,oh piel, izt bhe home of.,4 with SezMs, by 110v. W. 11.. 0.1p of pared with Its previous •aecommoda Miss Irene Miley -on Wednesday of Auburn' in the presence or, the 101.. tion in the matteinof swings for the last weak and,: IP,...vieW ol: hc'-' ,2aming mediate' relatives ' of the Contracting. children, 'new seats and tables and marriage: Presented her with a hull parties, To ,the strains of Mendel- many 'Words Of praise,. attested the dozen CoMmunity Plate lcuive, All eseeias weddinei piarh, pilayed hy .g•rowinge,popularity of tins ideal pie-, PFesent. Pent a Very'elajoYahle even- Mrs. (Bev,) -Alp, fhe bride. entered Mc ground,' ing and when the company yvas the parlor leaning on the ,arm of her • The ladies, Of course, as tesual ',c breakeep, UJ • many expressions of father„ who :gave her away, , ,She tributod the greatest'. donation to - good , will were given tie, popular loolc.-6d , charming, u a froi. of, salld suCcess' of the day by ;the gene's On Sa brideete-be, Julie 2810, a pretty 1,evaonrtecnsi ecoegoeg,,o 1.,boeuaccilleiedt., toil gwolecle,theaanrat inonodorclanilisttoy apordovaielilonwshomsapdoek.ef6'rg,, 'wedding t.obk: place at Ontario street Isoses and lily of the valley., She wore them their due meed of Pl'aiSe pmzsonage, Clinton, at eleven o'clock-, when Irena Ruby, Youngest daughe the bridegroom's girt a 'string • it also•Waeden Erwin ,encl County cl 02 of rms.liGieei;ergbes,olealoillelerthaendiltpieletoet, peaels. During 'register,. 'Miss M. Jackson' sang,' "0 efforts..in making the day a succe the. Signing ' of, ,..,t1.1.o Holnian Were not f orgetten . fel' th Mr, James Johos.to, son of Mr. and, perfect Love.” After reeeivink A hearty vote of ,thanks moved xre, • Ed.'Johnston of Huiletr, congratulations the patty repaired to Ex -Warden W. H. Kerr Of ,Brtlee The 'bride was becomingly dressed ' the dining room where the wedding, ad seconded by Ex„w,arden ..P, iilillatscahn,dancra‘elpveoraenad eloiart,sozeitILsoletiotieest otof ecreehPlae:eaelveams'atisoenis.v.edA'fatielii"itlhle)bwikeddaiinigd ,tpw°olgolliwacisalrindielneticioittleicel !aches and. .t Ophelia 'roses' and maidenhab: fern, supper 'Mr. 'and' Mi'. Jackson left The populerity of this picnic w Miss Beth Rogerson and Mr. Lloyd for. Toronto, Ilamiltot and Niagara ; shown by the large attendance of Miller were the 'atteidants. - The 'bt111,0eWInbrFidie• "entelhavveellivinetg:wiiitlhascingf‘C'11;i0lireoft Nlara;:detihity'e'tillg'inelli111.:sreSliltalnifin°00°110te ceremony was Performed hy thd-IleV.- :17 tw'm eoat, and hat to match. The • first, fourteen of'the. seehrld group a Q. J. Moorehonse 112)-.1‘oi-tdleg lt.eheeenieaci h'aPiiadnsyon111eseeiVeqgi'lleftfs1,:oani glriethitlin-leinveWhofo hticleve etrihiiic;Yedg'trh9:Pee her 'father, . ' - ' .. . ficielme of -the people bitsending th Their manyeeiends.jein in hearati- to the county eouncil est congratulations. - • ' .; ' Of .these the most noticeable w 1v1r. Thomas ' E. Nays, of Seafor 'the. oldest living ex -warden if not t oldest councillor. • Mr. Fia.Ys w Warden, in 1879 and in. spite of . h eighty-six • years is ,still hale a COUNCIL 1 NIA... Al BAYFIELD The best yet waS the general 'diet of those Who attended, the J1u County 'Connell picnic in jewb grove, Dayfleld, On F1'ida'Y isi attendance was large e,rict repress; tive of • all parts of the county this was even outdone by thc, ant lam and general goodwill prevain , The Weather anan was particularly kind and the. day was ideal, }580_ 13 and ihadc one of the brightest speeches of,the day, besides winning tile Ex-17.ar(„ems .2,Indicap raee,, with yen Ex -Warden Caae1on a close second, tt's The local 1,1. P. P. of South Huron the Mr.9 N. W,,Trewartha, Siso WAs Ita„, S011t and. spoke kindly wpvcis .of en - 104 and approciltion ide good work M. ,the &unity .cotunci ; of ng the past and present and the splen- did. reputation enjoyed in the, Pro - v0100, by the ,good People olHuron county and thear chil-clren. At the .e1niclusio'n of the' principal spoets, ten bbeyrilognEh,xt,i(wefilotTei:idn_pego'esteLtyd e, Elliotts G:eovpi horl o- wartha and Warden Erwin,/ also 03 LObb, Young, Bailie, Lane abd W; Robertson,of the Signal. on- 'Mayor Gelidly of O'oelerich was pre - tile sent ancl spoke ePartietilaely , of the ous great benefits of the social life de - the valopecl , by euch. gatherings ,ancl. eon - v -e chided byeinviting all to attend .the :nd. unveiling the Soldiers' .Memorial erk Statue in Goderich .on'Donlinion Day. err . A.riother veteran ex -Councillor pre - 84. sdindtell^wichas'toltehTiph,°11,'Vahsc 4BotlIc'eldYef in els reminiscent mood of the old county he Ex -Wardens, Sparkman and Beav, ers of Exeter, alsoewere present but as had to leave early,' ex- A snappy beseball match eoncluded 11- the days sports ;between sides .chos- he en by Messrs. Sanders and }3eattie. nd The match was „umpired to the satis- of faction of all by Mr. J. B. Reynelds. lie The sides were as follows: Messrs, em Sanders, Hayes, C.e A. Robertson, Hubbard, 'Middleton, Patterson; John - as sten Dougfas and Young; „Messrs. th, Beattie, llicEwen, (J. L.) Baeker, isa Erwiri, McCuteheen, Jamieson, Me- as Ribbon, Coates. and M. Elliott; and is the score was 9-4 in favor of Mr. nd Beattie's olayers, , • Immediately after the ceremony theyoung couple left on 0-240101' trip to Kitchener and Toronto. Their many friends extend geed wishes for their happiness and prosperity, e, Mrs. Henry Murphy, and Miss Bes- sie have returned to their Home, Wil- low House Farm, after having, :nay - et!' with the former's son at Exeter, and visited other j.ilaces, for several months, , , • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bradley and family of St. , Catharines visited last week at the home of the lady's aunt, Mrs. YE' Murphy„ Master Jack 'Cita of the Bayfield line has been visiting thelionie of his ,grandmotheie ,Mrs. John Clutil. of Clinton. Mr. Leyvell Misoner of Port Robinson motored up and spent the week -end at the home of the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Gealge Ffudie: • They returned hone Tues- day. . The regular meeting of Unity Club is being put off next week On account of the Clinton Chautauqua. The meeting; will he held at the home of Mrs. Bert Murphy on July lith. The inarelaggetook place in,' Col- borne street Methodist church, Lon- don, on Saturday of Miss Hattie E. Trick, elder daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Levi Trick of London; formerly of Goderieh township, to Mr. Fletch- er .Townsend, formerly of Tucker - smith township, . The bride wore a handsome wed, ding gown of white romaine crepe -with 'trimmings of silk fringe and lace ansi. carried an armful, of 0- piselia rotes. .She arse wore the groom's gift, a handsome broach set with sappliires and pearls. M,iss Vera Trick; sister of the bride, was brides- maid. She was daintily gowned 01 pink crepe de chene mid bat and care tied pink and mauve sweetpeas,Mr, Crich o Thelcersmith •was beat man. the ceremony *as performed by the Rev. Mr. Uren, pester of Colborne street eluirch. 1111r; and Mrs. Town. send left on a motor and boat trip, the bride's going away coslanne be- ing a suit of navy blue with bodice, hat and shoes of grey. On, their retuen they will reside in London. 'Good wishes are extended, for a hap- py and prosperous future. Mrs. Arthur Andress of Madoek Junetion paid a short visit to Mr...and , Mrs. john Jervis last week, returning -1 home sin Friday accompanied 'by her niece, kiss Wannifred Jervis, who will visit relatives in Toronto and Belleville. She expects to be ab- sent about a month. The following is the report of the' protlotion examinations for S. S. No. p: Sr. Ord—Honours: Muriel Rutile; Margaret Evans. Pass: Mary GriggiN Jack Welsh; Alfred Evans. Below Pass; Frances pearSerk. Sr. gnd—Pas: Jean Miller; Rich- ard Evans; ,Dayrid Welsh; MarY Jr, find—Promoted at Eastei— Harold Yoe; japlc Gilbert; 'Evelyp, Wise; Marjorie Jantziee Albert Tear - son;' Bessie Welsh; Will Grigg. Primer—Eldon 'Yoe; Reginald Mil- ler; Elwin MeCtillagh.--t, M„ Pot- ter, teacher, , , • ELECTED- PRESIDENT TORONTO BOND EXCHANGE FRED G. Johnston, foimerly VI- Pres8det of G. A. Stimscizt Co., who has recently acdepted the ap- pointment as President and General Manager of the TORONTO BOND EXCHANGE. Mr, Johnston 'entered the bond and banking business over sixteen yeaes ago and has sJocialzed in Govern_ molt, Municipal and- Canadian Na- tional Railway Bonds. He is a. son of the late Judge Johnston of "Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario, and a nephew of W..33. Graham of Goderich, Ontario, and received MS education at Trinity :College, Port Hope and "Upper Cana -- de. College, Toronto. thillett TawnshiP Mr. and MI's: D. Woods and daughterPhyllis, of, Stratford 'were visitors a the hoine„of Ma, and Mrs. J. G. Cartwright' over the' holiday. Mr. Woods belong's td the Stratford Band, which is camping at Bayfield at, present. Exelort Mr. and Mrs. David Mack anneunce the engagement of their youegst daughter, • Alma Agnes, to Mr. Albert A. Davis,- only son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Willis H. Davis, 71 -Decarie Boulevard, Montreal, Qne., the „marriage to take place early in July. , , TONIGHT `Tintiorrow dilritrht NP?Tabloto stop tacit iiinclachas: relieve: bilious ettacko, tone and ragulato (Arnim:hi/9'4wpm'. make you- feel fine., . 0 Defter Than Pills Poi Wee 1990- , 41,44a.. Z . ''. , .40464. fete 250. VOX, rt. ,.: rirMkti '' 2$0,..,---,,,,,,.‘ - 114 17kV4,1.• . ,, 1s0 ODi s' ' ' sb' ''11,4 A - • f ro ej,' Iota ' It '55.‘,,,, 7 TITURSDAY, JULY 0,-2,i, 1924 Two very regrettable things rathev • marred'the' day'6 outing. IVrrs. Neel), sustained a very painful accident,:in tips copt 1.4ce in which she fraetur,,e(1 lier friger a and Alex. McRwen tool: a very "severe uniseulaz cramp in one of the receS, The following is a list of the :Mier events and their winners: ---2 Guessing Contest (Men)—Mr. \V, II. Coates, • Guessing Conteet (Ws- men)--.2-Mrs This. Ingles. Bean- bag theowing—Iltre. A. II. Nee)) and Mrs, 3,' J. McGutcheoil. Thread and Needle race—Mr, and Mrs, BT. Elliott, Peanut race --Mrs. (De, ). Grieve. Coat race—Mr. C. 0,, Ro., bertson and Miss 9, Petty. Men's vace--M, E oti 0, C. Baeker. TOs- sing the Caber—Mr, 0. 11. Neeb, Mr. 1'. J. 1,,IcCutcheon. Best look- ing couple ---Mr. -Lane and Mr,s. John Douglas, Ex -Warden's race • with. handicap—Mr, T.' E. Hays, and' Mr. D, Oantelon. Notes e The Huron county couneinors and their wives, don't believe in or practice much guessing, as in guessing the weight of a package which -weighed '3 lbs. 13' ouleces, were frban 8 to 15 li)s, A tie between Mr. Beattie at 3 lbs. 10 ounces and Mr. Coates at, 4 lbs, was tossed for and won by Mr. Coates. In guessing the nem - her' of beans in a pitelier, which Was 837,. the guesses ranged from 150 to 1200 and the contest 'was won by Mac. Mrs. Ingles with a guess of 500. It is rumoured that the county councillors will mita' a baseball teane in next year's' EuroneCounty Leagne,' with Warden Erwin as 'pitcher and C.. A. Robertson as catcher. County Clerk•Iiolinan worked early and late and iri' between to make -ev- erybody happy end deserves muds. of the credit for the success of the day's outing. Canadian Teachers' Federation Convention at VietorM, B.C., Aug. 12-16 Here is a wonderful opportunity to view and, study the scenery of our glorious Dominion at first %and; to see the beauties of Ontario, the rolling prairies, the majestic mountains and the sparkling waters of the,great Pacific all in this very complete journey to the Convention centre. Special Low Fares from all Ontario Points A special train de Luxe of the Canadian National Railways carrying the most modern type of all -steel equipment, with radio set complete, leaves Toronto, July aeth. A number el optional routes /any be taken on the return ttle,. Pull information, also rail and sleeping ear tickets may be obtnincd from any of the following officers or the Public School Federation. TOR O • ' NTO---Mr. A. E. Bryson, 44 Silverthorn Ave. HAMILTON—Me. J. Coning, 98 Barnsdale Ave. I-1A1VIILTON--Mas Hazel G. Roberts, 107 Sanford Ave. South or arty Canadian National Ticket Office gaftemmeacest•maisnsemitrudausdartnmanownotemmaromovembestoemmnovetttmeweronesinarl em:Ovenuagonxematrora,,,,... releDIEStraMeiree922:1aleilev • • — _ — MISMSZETilgRaMOYM .S.SEralnaGana1ASCt Would you like to know how McClary's Electric Range Will give you more Leisure Hours, Better Food, at less Cooking Expense? Come to or S coital Denionstrati 'hag 3, 4 and 5 ate Adr,16.175 111 11 41' se,TP::§4.W.V-414074 tf'rftAv.,4,PW 4414, q." • ieeteee. • o ,•• ,.;;; 3k e.g During this special co-operative sale of IVIoClazy's Electeic Range We are giving these four ieces of beautiful durable enameleclevare. The Demonstration is for three days only, July 3, 4 uud 5 but we have continued the Special Offer of free enameledware sets given with the purchase of every MaClary's Electric Range, until July 19th, Now is your chance to get the best Electriciltange together with a handsome start towards a white enarneledware kitchen. MeClary's, No. 15 Electric Range has the famous oven and elements, operating on stored, heat; -occupies small sluice; has grey enameled cook ing tpp ancrporeelain enameled oven, is as easy, to keep clean as a china 4140,, oven has pull out elements; this range is equipped with reciprocating switches; will do the cooking, and baking for a large family. , This is the best value in Electric Ranges .yet offered to Clinton llouSe. There. 15 no need, for ,you to be a slave. 'to yoUr kitch611 now ---,just Minie in and talk over the Demon- . Wives, Mothere,, Sweethearts leek, " the 0Pen-Heavay feom the kitchent figdro Shop, Never Have We Made Such 7 An Offer • ASK THElBEMONSTRATOR ;„, Ma0lary's have improved the methods of electric cookery: • —bow MeOlary's Electric Oven acts as a fireless cooker, 7 -how it will do mosl of•your baking low evdn bake pies and cakes ' 'after the ctirrent is turned off,. • ,McClary's-;Toi:red" Protheted 'Elentents do mast of your cooking- ' on low -and heat your dishWater, • ,ter the curs'ent 10 tUrned,ofr, •---how' these features will save. money 'en Your hydxp . • ahead-::-Sunimer's here with nes sizzling heat and the desire' to get out iri .ELECTRIC RANGE SET )(01.1l„EREE; , • ' USE YOUR OWN UTILITY -a. • Cfintail IT PAYS --