HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-26, Page 8ar
Silver or Cut -Class is the` most suitable. is rnore satisfactory
and will be appreciates as it is .always in good taste
We •invite yoat to inspect our collection irt,Silver, Cut glass, etc,,
r�teddiag and Engagement Rings,
Watches, Cloths ard:Wrist Watches
3'ewel'er and Optieian
Next Hovey's Drug Store;
is gather ed everything that is clearest.
and 'best in life. Ilome is the center
from which all the, vaidecl concerns
and business of life start forth., Any
tiling that can contribute to she. beau-
ty and comfort and peace a Honie is
i, deservingof attention and thought,
IIn this direetion let, wall paper enter
your thoughts. Our new spring stock 1
will soon be ready for your inspection:
Real Novelty in
Narrow -Nec wear
Selling like hot cakes. Just the Tie for young
men and most suitable for low collars now in
Give the boys what they want -LANKY 'BILL TIES
Congoleum Rug. Sale continued for one
Week. Order now and save money.
steel Brow
Who Knows
good clothes when he seesthein,
knows that they were made at
this establishment; If you -I -ave
not as yet picked out: your
Spring Suit, . eome to us; as we
have all the latest novelties and
designs, and can nfake up a suit
which will be on to the minute
in evefy respect.
sett QTS SAout
kith! Needs
e7iie /4ny--. e aflame".
Qive yQue O%*
€ relate '(irtilure
that WW- tyk
ermen ei ffr9l�h
We also' carry a complete line
of Brandrani Henderson Paints
and Varnishes
Sun Varnish and
Sun Varnish Stains.
Also a complete line of
Brushes, Linseed Oil and
Sutter Perdue
We are ready for, all orders of spring work, Papering; Painting
and decorating': We have a large assortment of papers and we ask
you to see' tor books before buying.
You will save money by orderiag•your"-paper from
All; work Guaranteed. ' Prices reasonable,
Orders left with Mrs. Rebt. Armstrong, Huron tstreet will re-
ceive prompt attention. PFIONE 234 ripg 2
Fair Co
Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet•
ensue onunielIHo1
• itidf illi,.
-Miss Bath. McMath of Inglewood is
•home -for the vacation time,
Miss Mary Walls spent the Weec-
encl with friends at Ailsa Craig
Mr and Mrs.' Percy -Ladd motored
to Toronto and spent the week-
end. "
Mrs. Merritt Nediger: and little son
spent the week -end with London
friends, •
air. Chas. Redmond of Belleville vis-
ited"•1VIr. and Mrs.' J,, B. Levis on
Friday last. ,
Miss Clete Ford of the, staff of Alma
College, St. Thomas, is home for
the summer Vacation.
Mrs. Chas. Shanahan visited over
the week -end with,her sister, Mrs,
I. A. Mahon of London.,
Mr. Jack Bowden, who has been at-
tending Normal at Hamilton, is
home for the vacation. '
Miss Jessie O'Neil of the Kitchener
Collegiate Institute staff' is home
for the suiniher vacation.
Mr. Stewart McBrien, who has been.
teaching up in the Bruce' Peninsula,
is hone forthe holidays.
Miss Jean Hobbs of the Clinton Col-
legiate Institute staff" left yester-
day, for her home at Thorridale.
Miss Washington spent the week -end
as the guest ofIVlra. Tainblyn and
Miss Bessie Porter of Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Zinn a Lanes
visited over the week -end with the
Tatter's sister,.NXr:'and Mrs. II. L.
Wise of Goderich .township.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bvans of Tor-
onto were in town on Saturday.
They motored up and went on to
Goderich on Saturday evening. -
Messrs. 11.M. Gould,and J. A. Sut-
ter attended the annual meeting of
the Grand .Lodge, I.O.O.F. at
Guelph last week es delegates from
the local lodge.
Ms.. W. Pickard returned Tuesday.
after spending a weep with Mrs,
(Rev.). R. J. McCormick of Lon-
don at her su(nmer cottage at Kin-
Mr., Charles CanteIon and his, friend,
Mr. Robert Brooks, of Toronto are
spending 'their vacation at' the
home of the•foriner's brother, Mr..
D. W. L. Cantelon.
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Cornish . and
Miss Dorothy were at ,rucefield
over the week -end, being called
there by the illness and death of
Mrs. Cornish's father, the late
Thomas Garr:
Messrs. D. W. L. and Charles Can-
telon and Mr. Jolrn Gantelon of
"Lucknow, were called home' to Tor-
onto' on Tuesday morning' on ac-
count of the ,505505.1 illness of their
mother, Mrs. Peter Cantelon.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Carless, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, Mrs.
IL Kennedy and Mrs. M. Colqu-
h'oun attended .the funeral of - the
date Thomas: Moore of Stratford,
the latter's brother, on Saturday.
Mr., and 'Mrs, William 'Rutledge, ac-
companied by Mr. "'Harry Sears,
motored irony New Castle, Indiana,
and are spending a two weeks' va-
cation at the home of the former's
parents, Mr: and Mrs . Wan. Rut-
Miss Daisy Nediger of Hamilton Nor-
naal,: , Misses: Etta Hardy, • Emily
Hunter and Winnre.`McMath' of
London Normal and Miss Dorothy
• Jeryis •of .Stratford... Normal 'are
home, having frnished-their res-
pective teacher -training courses.
Dr. J. W. Shaw was in Ottawa last
week attending a meeting of the
Medical Alumni Association of the
University of Toronto, which was
held at the 'Chaudiere:Golf Club.
Dr. Shaw was elected one of the
vice-presidents;, of the Association.
Messrs. N. W. Trewartha; •M,P.P.,
J. P. Sheppard, G. H. Elliott, W.
S. R. Holmes, D. "Cantelon, G. E.
Hall, G. G. Middleton and G. S.
Hanley attended the meeting of the
Lib. -Conservative Association for
South Huron -held 'in Hensall yes-
terday afternoon
Mr_ Thomas Archer ''bf London is
spending a few days in town with
his daughter Mrs. Rath of IHur-
on:street. 'Mr. and Mrs, Archer
have been rnakrirg their home at
465 Grey street Lander', for some
time past and:Mrs, Archer has vis-
itingher this summer, her sister,
Mrs. S. G, Bir•tch of San Francis-
co," Cal., whom she had not 'Seen
for forty-four years.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Livermore and
two children of ' Upland, Cal, ,. 'ere
here'Visiting their daughter, Mrs.
A, McCartney, and other -,friends
hereabouts. Mr. Livermore went
south some years ago on account
of his health and the sunny, climate
o£ California ,seemed to, suit him.
He has,a lemon groveat Upland
and is prospering very well, 'Mr.
Livermore reports also that.: Mr.
E. Rowcliffe, who went over last
year, also in search of" health, is
better' and is doing' very nicely;
'_� ® each person who buys one dollar's worth of groceries
IN OUR. GROCETERJA we €rill give a half 1.13 of " O'Neil's
Special Tea. " These goodsmust be purchased in 'our Groc
-eteria, between 8 and 10 in the'evening and carried Away.
e have extented the time one I..o e week. This is your last
chance' to secure a han a ib of tea, free
iBreak in a 'bovil yolks. of two eggs, add 1 teaspoonful of
salt, mustard, dust ,of paprika, •2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar; 2
'teaspodnfuls of lemon, 1 cup; of Mazola oil. Do not mix. Make
a stiff sauce of 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, I cup of flour 1 cup
water (boil ten minutes.) Add sauce while hot•to mixture `and:
beat all together until foamy.
Seedless Raisins,':2lbs. for. 25c..
Seeded Raisuis, 2 lbs, fore . .25c,
Annrronio Powder, 3 pogs, for • , . . ......
Kellogg's Bran,; 2`pkgs feu 25c
New Cheese, per lb.. ..:'.23a.,
Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs. .25c.
Our Own Baking Powder, tin.. , , . .... . , , .23c.,
DO • YOU know you can, get. Large' Plum Flavored". Meaty
Prunes for 30c per lb''at :O'Neils
DO YOU know- you can get smaller Prunes for only 10c per
lb at O'Neils ?
DO YOU know you can get a tin of Mazola oil, free ?
Sugar is advancing, special price by the bag
Fresh from the lake, .Salmon Trout
per lb 20c
Fresh Strawberries, Beans, Cucumbers, Beets, New Cabbages
Picnic Ham per lb 18c. Buy a.• photo card and _get a photo
for 25c. ` Further announcement next week
Cash & Carry
2 Deliveries
What can This McClary Electric Range
Do For You ?
IT CAN AND WILL save you
hours of work.
IT .WILL give yen more and
more leisure hours,
IT WILL improve your health.
IT WILL bring toyour kitchen
an atmosphere that is de-
lightful to work in.
IT WILL reduce your cooking
and baking costs.
IT WILL emancipate you, from
oven, Watching.
On July. 3rd; 4th and 5th; a PROFESSIONAL DEMONSTRATOR
will be at the Hydro Shop to show you -
how this can be accomplished
1 HYDRO SHOP; Minton
1VIr,. Jack Hinohley., of Stratford
was a caller in the village last; week
Mr. Theodore Dexter left on Pri
day morning' for Montreal and sails
from there on a visit to the. Old
NIrs. Stewart of Seaforth ,spent 'a
week 'yii:h. her ' daughter, Mrs, Roy
Mr,, and Mrs; Joe Riley spent Sun-
day in Brussels, as the guests of the
formner's sister, Mrs. Stephenson;
Mr. and Mrs. T. Pollard and Mist
Phoebe Wakefield, spent Sunday with
friends in Ethel.
The Ladies' Aid met Wednesday af-
ternoon at. the home of Mrs, Joe Ri-
1ey. ,
The Ladies. Aid of Winthrop ate
meeting this week at the ,home of
Mts. James Mann. - '
Q12. and Mrs, Russel Marks were
callers on 'Mr. and Mrs. James Mann
also Mr, and Mos: D. Tudor on Sun-
'Tuckersmitn Township
Today, Thursday, June 26th, Mr.
C. H. Holland, who lives just at the
outskirts of Seaforth, passes another
milestone, jest which one you would
never guess. Ile is a man who seems
to have found the fountain of Eternal,
Youth, he will -never grow old in
spirit- though he may in body, in tinie,
This evening Mr. arid• Mrs. J. P.
Cole entertain in his and Mrs? 1101 -
land's" honor, His friends extend
Congratulations and good wishes,
Egmondville: The funeral of the.
late Mrs. William' Archibald, who
died at the .age of seventy-eight
years, took place on Friday afternoon
last from her late residence to Mair
landbank cemetery. Mrs- Archibald'
was a daughter of the late Robert
McLean, a pioneer of the Mill Road,
Tuckersinith township, and oh her
marriage to the late William : Archi-
bald they went to live in McKillop,
where they resided until about tven-
ty,-five years; ago when they came to
live in Egrrionville. Three years ago
Mrs i,Archibald fell and fractured her
,hip, from which she had never' fully
Order .your berries early this year
O :
and not be disappointed. in w g t o
a shortage of some other small fruits
the demand for strawberries for eau:
/ling will g•eegtly exceed the supply.
I will have an excellent quality of
fruit for sale this year and -the prices
will be right. 't
I tan do with a number of good
strawberry piclsers ,
Phone 33-W. 60-tf
I wish to announce to the citizens
of Clinton and 'surrounding comrnuni
ty that I' have leased the store lately
occupied by the Cockshutt agent, next
door to Aiken's harness shop, and will`
conduct a plumbing, tinamithing and
general hardware business there.
To those with whom I have been
doing business for years I extend an
invitation to visit me in any, new
quarters' aped respectfully solicit a
full share of public patronage.
The supplying of your plumbing,
tinsmithing and hardware needs will
be my chief concern during' every
business day in the year,
Thomas lye Hawkins
recovered, Sheds survived by three
sons and three daguhters.
Gederich: Arrangements are being'
made for a celebration on. July 1st,
when the soldiers' mnemorial.will• he.
The s', ont ,i. of June
Is the time when new homes. are being furnished, so we cordial -
1Y invite you to inspect our Large stock ' of all the necessities for
that new home. Assuring you of the very lowest prices pessible.
We Have
Linoleum, Congoleum 'hugs, Carpet Rugs of all kinds with a well
'assorted stock of furniture that cannot help but please both the
eye and the purse.: .
Don't forget this store when you're looking for useful wedding
Coal Oil Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and
Toasters. '
Keep your lawns right by using the Celebrated Taylor -Forbes
lawn mower.
Extra special price on Ban and Garage Paint $2,00. per gallon.
A ;few odd shades of. Sherwin Williams' Paints, Itwill pay you to
look the`se over::. •
Clanton Hardware and Furniture Co.
Furniture Phone: 104
Hardware 195-
Preserving season is looming up , you will soon require sugar in •
quantities, be sureyou buy when th e market is.bestto your advantage..
Ripe Tomatoes and Strawberries are now growing:plentiful and yea
sonble in price.
Orangee and Bananas are snnoh in demand and we have a good sup- •
ply of fresh, well colored fruit to of fer at low prices.
Phone 125
.A; Bargain. in "Wood
We have secured a quantity of good body 12 inch hardwood,`
equal to and better than the wood we have been selling out of our
yard at $6.00 per cord, which we can sell at
$20.00 per load of 4 cords
Being principally Maple and Beech this is truly:.a nighty
good hay, and as the mine price of coal is advancing each mold,
1 would strongly recommend to each family in Town to take in
a load or, two of this.
Real Bargain
This price will be good only for orders delivered vered direct.
from the bush and as the same wood will sell for a much higher
figure from our yard nextwinter, it will be real economy to
Order` Now
Mustard :Coal Cf