HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-26, Page 7Spectatof•'s °Tric
and the choice3t of Red Rose Teas .i3' the :
Provincial, Board of Health, Ontario
n. Middleton *will be glad tle answer questions on Public Health malis
tern through'this'eclumn. Address hips a Elg$dltaa Boase, 13padlrr—,
Crescent, Toronto.' -
relents •in'England erijoy a xerttii•k-
able innnunity from cancer, tuber-
ulosis and influenza, according to re-
cent investigations made by 'the' Min-
istry of Health, ' It •is because they
at no neat in the monasteries, but
onsume a great .deal of fresh•vege-
tables_ and fruit?
S. 1 on
-YI o sunup of, th
kt n Cop e
British. Ministry of Health, Copeman,
making- an- investigation at the Car-
thusien, Monastery at Cowfold,near
_ Horsham, Sussex. He states that so
far ap. he has been able. to ascertain,
the monks there appeared to be .extra-
ordinarily healthy! HePointedout
that no rneat was eaten in -the nronas-
,; tory, but the monks, eat a great deal
of fruit and vegetables. Green salads
are `among the .most important- items
of their diet. Lilte the monks on .the
continent they also make large dietary
use of dandelion and chicory.
There is no doubt," said Dr:' Cope-
man, "that .middle-aged people should
eat plenty of fruit and vegetables like
the monks. Most 'of the monks at
Cowfold are middle-aged, but there
are some old ones. I saw, one who is
nearly a hundred years old employed
on "carting stones." Dr. Copeman
added that convents are not so free
from disease and that there is a good
deal. of consumption in convents, espe-
cially in the very poor ogres, The pro-
curator of the monastery states' that
the ministry bas begun. a detailed
study of the dietary hahrts of .the
monks with a view to applying
fruitarian principles- to the treatment
of cancer, The opinions steadily
gaining ground among medical'.auth-
orities that the kind of toed- we eat
has a great influence on our health
and our freedom from or susceptibil-
ity to disease.
Dr. Adam Wright,'•Chairman l the
,Provincial Board of Health, Ontario,
bas given this matter of, diet as :a
preventive of ` cancer much ' thought.
Ile holds the oppinion and it Is gaining
ground, tbatathe l7a•eventjon of lbtes-
tinal stasis is an important factor in
the prevention of'etoniach and intes-
tinal cancers:
As cancer seems to be increasing in
this country, according to statistics,
it is readily seen that the question of
diet In fighting 'this dreadful malady
is extremely important.
Canada Needs Her Forests.
Lumber and pulpwood hieve for year's
:been Iooked upon " as the ,chief pre -
duets of our forests,with the result
that Tittle attentiion has been given: to.
the smaller and not very essential pro -
duets. Canada's forested areas are
represented'in so many articles of use
that it wonid be useless to try "to
- enumaiate them, bast a Raw' outstand-
ingones may be mentioned, says the
Natural Resources Intelligence Ser.
vice of the Department -of the Interior
at Ottawa.
British Columbia estimates that this
Year 6,000,000 fruit boxes will be re-
quired to provide for the province's
apple crop,.
Nova. Scotia uses over 1,500,000 bar-
rels .each year to .ship apples, the
barrels averaging about 1 staves
each, : One Nova Scotia plant last year
had a eontract. for -10,000,000 staves.
It requires 12,000,000
eqvire now ti
es each
year {o euPP1Y the Canadian railways
for upkeep alone, •
alolaphone and teleg?,aphooiupanies
use one million Poles each year.
The coalmines of Nova Scotia use
one`million trees, or 26,000,000 lineal
feet of timber, -each;year' for mine
There were over 13,000,000 boxes
and packing cases made' in 1020, also
nearly 1,000,000 cheese and butter
The forests, after supplying all this
material, will. contiuue to do so from
normal growth, provided they are pro
tested from fire, Forest area are des-
troying more .timber annually than Is
used for commercial purposes. 'Save
the forest and save the wood -using in-
Try This One on Dad,
The new scholar told the rest of the
children about a funny little log cabin
in the bush where he used to live. "In.
side were two rooms in whlch were
half a .dozen "chairs, three lamps and
two 'beds. How many people lived" in
-the oabin" One boy guessed two,
but the new boy replied, "one mafi
more." Then some one guessed three
and again he:•male the same reply
There was one man and his name wae•
St. John Lady Was . Nervous
and Had Severe Indigestion
That Caused Ynfense Pain„
"It has been nearly tiro years since
I took Tanlao, but I am more grateful
to the medicine than ever for I• have
. felt. just fine to tilts very day," recent-
ly declared Mrs. Lena Ifnox, 61 1111.
Hard Street, St, John, N:B. •
"Per three years, indigestion and
nervousnese_eaused me such agony. it
beggars description, I Was actually
afraid to eat; at night I would lie
• awake nervous and sleepless for 'hours
and finally became BO weak and thin`
X was alhio2t shadow, -
"But Tanlad gave me-a:;aglendid apl
petite, ,Cahn ponies .-o' d, :at:digeetion
that, lo xlmply ayorfeot. '1 sieeP the
whole night through and have gained
such weight strength gsnd oncrgysthat
1 always feel at my best-"
Taniac is for sale `by all good drug-
gists. Accept mo substitute; Over '40
million bottles sold
Tanlac Vegetable Pih3
Per Constipation,
Made and 'Recommended by the
Manufacturersof. Tanlee,
'n e
tv .
$Did you know that mustard not only,
�I1ves mare zest and haver -to meats,
but also stimulates your digestion?
Because it aids assimitation it adds
nourishment to_ foods.
k�"i t'g+.
Folder and Time Table sh¢wing list of
Pr ese ts, l3ciatingr 'is lin t'gFnping, etc.
When lath n your 191.24
i) . � Sr � VaeatiOn
write Box136,2, Midland, Ort
Why Camp?
Many•.perents each year'asic just
why so.sssiich emphasis is laid on the
stiinmer' Scout camp. Here are Rome
of the reasons:
The Boy Scout camp satisfies ; Llrat
"get ,away: from home" urge Which
from time to time stfr'5 In;the heart of
practically every normal boy; par,
tiostlarly the `gypsy" in him, restive
after the restrictions of, the winter and
the -school,, that longs for the free
spaces, the simple, dough life - of -the
camp and the conxpany•of a`•'gang".of
hie kind. it:,tf this'iinpulse, unwisely
timet, that ltlis produced runaway boys,
with resulting broken homes, broken
hearts and wrecked .careers.
Invariably= the boy returns borne
from a Scout camp" ,wmew ith aewD
pa•eciation of lois lionyo,' his brothers
and sisters and his parents, and !gen-
erally broadenaa outlook -on life,
Capitalizes ,Wanderlust:
The Boy -Scout camp not only satin -
lies wanderlust; it capitalizes the itre
poise tbrollgh a play -learn program
with definite character -forming 'objec-
tives. .as self-control,' selirespeet,
thought' for 'others, good &portarnan-
ship, mental alertness and physical flt-
nese, Tlre' eamp antidotes the: champ -
ter -Weakening- effect of the many la
b`or=seving conveniences or the toren
and city of today, and teaches' some-
thing of the self-reliance of our pioneer
Canadian forefather's.'
True Value and "Mental Muscle."
The Sat a'onai! on as£'arttridola
Laciw kfaw'' itelici; Caine.
owe my present goon health' to
r. Stililllam-' Pink Phis," sty,e-.11Yra.�
Annie Trolte pie, 'Brandon, .Man., who
tells of'7iee now found hearth as irl
ltovs:- ";rime )sore ago. I had an . s.t
tack of pnenlonia`and it deft me In a
'`-torrtbly weakoneilsand ran -down ste,te,,.
To sum up, in an ntige of much drift-
ing and loose thinking, much lack of
reverence and respect among young
people, the Scout camp helps the boy
to develop a sense of true values,
Often your camping Scout will be
compelled to act entirely on his bwn,
following trail sign, map reading and
Making,preparing a meal without
utensils. During his First Class jour-
ney, if he is ready for that, he will
face a whole catalogue of tests Which
develop "mental mueole" and a ca-
pacity for original thinking and gen-
eral self-reliance.
As to Health.
There is no place where boys have
less sickness and where general
health is so much improved: The
clean, pure air, much bright sun by
day and dewwaslred breezes at, night,
daily games, swimming and other
water -sports, all properly supervised,
whet appetites • for', plain, wholesome
food. Regular hours for sleep anal
eanly rising also contribute to health
-and the joy of living whish keeps boys
growing and well. '
Thrift is Taught.
Thrift is taught in prepaygtion for
camp through the earning and saving
o fit e r
t runts necessary.`
In camp many
Scouts first learn the real value of
money, throughthe strictregulation
of the amount whlah,.may be spent.
each day for Dandy or other luxuries,
if these are available; and in an in-
creasing number of well conducted
camps, ,particularly the larger camps,
a oanlp hank teaches every Scout bow
to bandle a Fant account. The fact
that every clay living coats somebody
cash, is -brought home to the boy when
the per -meal and per -day Dots of the
camp are being worked out.
.SobO'-Linles Song.
Hob -CP -Link Is calling,. calling!,
Hark! I hear hint say
While the morning light is falling
Qoldexe o'er the way:
"Haab o' Unman,. Bob o' Linoeln,
Bob o' Lincoln, I,
Singing Iove'songe to my Princess
And the summer sky ".
Now he's swinging en a thistle;
Noir hos, rocking to and; fro;
Note I hear him whittle, whistle
Flute -like high and low:
"Prinoess,.Princese,'mid the blossoms
Of your pretty nest,•
You I'm singing to, my dearest;
You I love the beatl"
"You're the .soul of all my mu le
As you fold your wing
Softly o'er the little cherubs '
In the round nest's ring!
You're my song, niy serenading
All' -the live -long day; '
'You're my carol. in the evening
And my morning last" •
Ah, his golden head he's tilting
Silently' and, long; ,
Then the purple blossom lilting
Trembles with his song: ,
"Wino is happy in the clover
'Heath the beaming sky?
Bob o"Lincolns Bob sr' Lincoln,
glob a' Lincoln, I."
- h'eslia Clare Manchester.
I never loved,your plains,
Your gentle 'valleys,
Your drowsy country Tepee
And pleach-es1 alleys.
I want my hills! the trail'
That scorns the holfow,
Up; up the ragged shale,
When few will follow,
Up, over the wooded crest
And mossy boulder; •
'With strong thigh, heating chest,
.And swinging shoulder
So'let pre hold buy. ;pay,.
Bynothing IaIted,.
Until at close of day
stand exalted.
High on my bills of 'dr m—
boar hula thsit know met
And,` tbelr, bow fair -will seam
'The lands below me.
Iiow pure at vesper-t}ine
The far bells'•, Chiming—
God. give
himing-God.'give me hills to climb,
Aurl strength for climb:nal
---;Arthur Guiterman,
IMtinard's i itlim4rt for Act}r`t1 a1ld Pe ins
T tial unable to walk fora long "time -
as Ili-ad..-practicallyloot the use of. My
begs, anil'hhad to be carried upstairs..
for I -had ;-not the -strength to go my
self. 1 Ilecame despondent ever- my
condition ;for I had ir1Cd many reale
diea, u'biclr failed to held me While
tills wretched cenditlon a lady
friend urged me to give Dr. -Williams'
Pink Pills a trial: and 1 procured a sup -
p13',, After taking the pills for awhile
1 could see that I was growing strong
eta andk, gladly eputlnued their use
until i littd fully regained, my old-time
health and strength. Now if I feel at
all rundown at any time 1 at -once, take
Dr-'. Williams' 'Pink Pills, and they
never tail nye. I'can therefore warmly
recommend themto others- who may
be run down."
There is no -better tonic. than ,pr.
Williams' Pink bilis to improve the
blood 'and bring back strength after
acute diseases larch as fevers, prima
monis,- influenza, etc. Given a fair
trial they will not disappoint you.
You can get thepills from your drug-
gist, or they will bo sent by mail" at
50 cents 'a box by The Dr. Wi11i'ams'
Medicine ,Co., Brockville, Ont.
She Didn't Pay 'It.
Tie—"Do you mean to tell me you.
paid 3200 for that new hat?"
She—"Why of course not, dear/' DO
you think I'd be that foolish? I bad it
Personal Influence.
.A fele lines somewhere read, a sen-
tence .heard, may,shape a career or go
far to determine a character. Iiow of-
ten, In the retrospect of lite, we re-
call the timely, kindly utterance of ono
who, with a deep 'concern in oar wel-
fare, gave 112 the word of eynipathetio
'guidance—not of hectoring or lectur-
in —th
g at pointed the way ordied a.
light upon it!
Tiro importance Of the spoken or
written word'eannot be' ovirestlmated:
But behind all forms of language Is the
personal example as; a factor still mare
lnfiuential. Liffe itself is the para-
mount force to realm an impress upon
life, , Pinite andmortal as we are. the
contemplation of infinity, and Immor-
tality is often overwhelming, Then
we reach out to :clasp the bands of 1
other mortals like ourselves and find
our reassurance in the, ordinary hu-
man contacts and swinpathietf of every
day. We know that God la sonic -
where, wetting. But in His goodness
He has given us friends -that we may
see and know tamlllarly, creatures of
`eek -and -blood, so that wo may COM,
Winne with them and not merely with
"the world that is a wonder still"
Prom those round about us, as wolf
es from the far voices of an undis-
covered country, we takeour inspire -
Some of us are reluctant to" admit
how dependent we are on friends -and
companions in life's pilgrimage. We
Bice to believe than we stand secure
as the rbbted pines of the 81erras-,
fronting impertui'babiy the sunshine
or tiro thunder, the 'snows or the fey
blast. •- .'
But God, who madeus, did not build
us. go. "We need 'this 'Feat of the race..
We require friohdiaarid families. Our
very. "Independence" -;1s in reality an
intordependnee, If we have strength,
it is that we may help the weak and
serve the downcast. Often those who
appear sufficient unto themselves are
those most in need', of comfort and
healing—the • quiet, kindly. influence
Wet is In our bestowal, though we find
it hard to°behove thattl is Is se.
A spectator is asked^>.to 'mention'
an} n umber : of cards smaller than
lu, Tho
trucompanymherisun; a}itiledthe to .re-
memter•tlii's ' enn
elusion of the trick. The spectator
is then 'asked to deal three • heaps
or cards• 'on' Che table, the game
numberof cards to b'ein eachof
the heaps. While this is being
done the performer' turns his back
so .that- lie, cannot see how many
cards are 'dealt. ,His , hack still
turned, he directs the sectator to
,transfer cards from one heap to
another, continuing Until there are
in the middle heap cards equal to
the :number mentioned by the'spec-
tator. • This is done in this manner:
The trickster cl ter asks the spectator
t e' threecardsfrom •eachaof
Vie side heaps" and , put them on
the middle e
m dl (reap. The spectator to
then to count the number of cards
relnaiping In the left band heap.
She=is: to, remove that number:from
Che • middle heap and 'put, thom on
the right hand heap. This will
leave„nine carde,fa the middle' Kean
and the trickster will' have `little
difficulty in dfreoting resuovals
groin side heaps to the center heap
to obtain the proper number,
t (iii p this 8515 and pests 15. tMrh
other o1 the series, ft} o. scrapbook,)
Twonty-iive years ago, Green Tea.
was more popular than Black, but due
to the 'heavy importation of poor
quality Japan .and China Green Teas,.
the demand fell off. Oeylon and India
started producing Green Tea on a
large selsle only In recent years. That'
were of such fine quality and delicious
flavor that Green Tea drinkers im-
mediately recognized their superiority
and demanded them in ever increas-
ing quantities- Salads Tea Company
is practically the sole importer of Cey-
lon anti India Green Teas in Canada,
If You Would Se a Bankrupt_
In friendship, live for yourself alone,
In purse, spend everything' and then,
in spirit, admit that you are down
and out.
In initiative, follow the line of least
In Influence, pay no attention to seff-
In happiness, always think of get.
ting joy instead of giving it.
Ie. heaitir
heed not e the ti
mely warn -
Jags which disease usually dispatches,
In Imagination, just ehttke,yom' flat
Aix the face of progress and shout, f"It
ean't,be done.”
A Railway's Rogponetbility,
Damages amounting to 4830 were
awarded in the Pails courts to a tra-
veler who sued the drench Eastern
Railway Company. He was attacked
is a train and injured by another Pas -
Bengal', and claimed that the railway
company wae responsible because -or -
the absence of light In the carriage.
Tate of the Eskimos.
• Eskimos: frequently build under-
ground houees of stone and rose the
jawbones of whales' for reeling ma.
We. David Gaigne, St. Godfrey, Que.,
writes;—"I 'kava used Baby's Own
Tablets, for my three little ones and
have found them such an excellent
medicine that I always keep them on
hand and would strongly advise all
other mothers to do the same thing,"
The Tablets are milk' but thorough
laxative which quickly relieve consti-
patton and indigestion, break up colds
and simple fevers and promote that
healthful refreshing sleep ,wlrlch,
makes the Wiley thrive. Tltey are sold
by all medicine ,dealers or by mail at
25 cents a lox from The'Dr:tWilliams'
Medioino Co., Brookville, Ont.
• Slow Down.
The plaintiff, a voluble Italian, talk-
ed as fast as his knowledge of Eng-
lish would permit;
Looking down et the official report-
er, the Italian noticed tor the first time
that his testimony was being reducet5
to writing' (the reporter was trying his
boat to keep up), and thereupon be
gun to talk faster than ever, until fin-
ally lie burst•fortlr:-
"Don't writ a "so fes'; I can't-akeep
up with you."
alMarti's Liniment for bistempen
Seale W
which keep .
s tide tobacco 1
origin. C
iSanufncturad bg Imperial Tobacco Cpmpaay of Canada Limited
The Deceiver. -
"Algernon is very interesting," said
Mr. Cumcrox's daughter:
"What does he talk about?" inquired
her father.
"Why, Ire's ever so well posted on
"Young woman," said Mr. Cumorox,
"don't you let hfm'de'c.xive you. Don't
you let trim make sport of your Ignor-
ance. There ain't no.. such !;took on
the market."
Dominion` Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices through, -
out Canada,
Soma one has just been defining
that elusive and often puzzling fellow,
the salesmen. "A real salesman," we
are told, `lis one part falls- and nine
parts of judgment to tell when to use
the one part of talk."
Mineral's Liniment for Sprains.
If a man be gracious unto stran-
gers it shows he is a citizen of the
World, and his heart is no island cut
off from other lands, but a continent
that joins them,—Bacon, -
i unicipai
Industrial ° (INDS
Let us solid you circular "Ii"—
Per dent, Flue uafoty—piaaes-
you under- no obligation- what-
ever. Write for it to•day,
Dominioiz Brokerage Co. .
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
WrtteMurine Co.,Chtcsgo,fotEyecnteBook
No Monkey Business
Peet Your towie with DIPS lea bee appndetlon
evetaulood to keep your towle free Iron Ito for
•.k .months..
851,m 110 moN]•]Y--..
net drop tie a card) we
will mall you pia -lice state.
dont to trent 900 Yowl',
When 18 ardree Soslpy noeta
5oten 1.Ot MOO,
book 11t.fla,0141 Q**
3Mlol Spoo Wur
rc scoot how to rid your plao•oq, rate,. hies sod;
Iroptwrs without the lee or trope as Donau 15.1
teed watt each. bar, Agents Named.
THE/ x IE-LIO :0 00.,
Drawer $6,. 'Marton, Ont.
ilie Mower
liars atanteell
guaranteeasuable and
entiaduiular r 10015100.
I 1a bu
A oa'liynpnis .
sriocanut ow.
Minard's, the great counter-trrtta'
ant, penetrates to the root of the
Pain- gaicl gives quiet relief.
oft handful :oi• the gills' who Told them -tiese iluffy'jiups may prove
a tough t anditll later for titer%driver of, the Chateau Prontenac dog team.
Mountie, the "famous loader of the Omit/tar team, is the Cather of this quartet
and four. beside WilbOia, auothcz member of fho team, the mother of them
Aar Beauvais will give them theirfirat 1esas'ons at Quebec next winter-,
a Ieg being their first lostd.
The drat w111 in the English Ian-
guage, now lodged in the Dirrbam
registry, is the will of a chandler,
who bequeathed candles to various
churches,'and some special ones that
Were -over nine feet high to the ea-'
thedral at York.
Mlnard's Liniment for .Headache.
greatness comes only to those who
•seek not how to avoid obstacles, but
to overcome' them.
Classified Advertisements
send for our Big Free Catalogue
showing 101 bargains in Auto Sup-
plies. It will save you money, Send
for it to -day, Canadian Auto Shopa
Box 164, Niagara Palls, Ontario. '
Mnn IT(e l 5iPp"rpp�rid�ptsg1o11et £ra00.
est thhat 1Deatn056 1-I,04 degas,-
Rin a
6 8 is th taro and Hcad Collo
^• �ui
Leo i ,,lyd as- <1
A aeethintt 1lenetratlnk oil that Ie
'varye eetivil Peet rublt back of,
tl)f ears and Insert In eaatrllo
Per !Ala averywhero 3525
1 Intemseinpp dooeriptivo
folder sontapon rowed
{t A.O.LEONARD,lno. , k,
70 613 hea,li.Y.
Could Not Put Hands in
Waters CuticuraHeals.
"A red rash broke oat in apart
on my hands. 1 did not pay mush
attention to it at first, but iator the
eruptloha greed larger and caused
so much itchingand burning that
I could not put my hands in water.
The irritation caused the to scratch
the affected parte.
"As soon ea I began to use Cu.
flaunt Soap, and Ointment -the
trouble began to get better. I con -
tinned the treatment and now I aur
completely heated." (Signed) rifts.
H. W.1)ay, Hillside P'arn1,W'eetey,
Me., Aug. 31, 1823.
Cutiouta ' Soap, Ointment arid
Talcum promote and maintain skin
purity, skin.comfort and skin health
often when all else fails.
Qampte aip1s urea by 1.5011, AAadram Cwalsr�
e�of uuatloero, r. o, 8.o C,xa, M0 trs+sl,
Parco Sint—eya fire,elnlman'trhand60aStick! .:1'ry-aur nosy Shaving* Sirs:&,
Mrs. Holmberg Tells How
Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable
Compound Helped Her
Alta. --"Froin the time /west
Its years old I would get such sick feel-
ings in the lower part of my abdomen,
followed by cramps and vomiting. This
]rept me,from my work (1 help my par-
ents on the farm) as I usually had to
go to bed for the rest of the day. Or rit
timed would have to walls the floor. 1:
suffered in this way until a friend' in-
duced mil to try Lydia El, PinIcham'a
Vegetable Compound, I have had very
satisfactory results so far and am ree-
ommending the Vegetable Compound to
my friends. 1 surely am glad I tried
it for, Y feel like `a different porson now.
that I don 't have ;these troubles:!'--•
ODELzn•-Obnir3Exd,Box 08,Viking, Alta.'
Letters like this establish the Merits '
of Lydia E, Piitleham'a•Vegetable Com-
pound. They tell of tbo re1QQf from such
Pairs and' ailments after taking it. --
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound,madefrom native rootsancl,'herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and today holds the record of being the
most successful 'remedy for fetnalo, ilia
in this country, and thousands of -NI-
unter'y testimonials' prove this fact.
VeIfi{: youetabio doubt that LydiaEoundwillh.Pienllpth ysnou,'a
write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi-
cine Co,, Cobourg, Ontario, for Wee.
Pin/cheat's private text -book and;rfs a
more about rt,,.
ISSUE Nor 21--2,