The Clinton News Record, 1924-06-26, Page 5•
e� 1rtt3ttte days' are going`;
jutckly. ".'i ,Tu'esday next is 1,
fihe fifty -e lith;birthciay'oJ'`e,
hope t11osa Ij"Inaal'111 'Coit is
It look up 110'601 ,Scrib while in
Gres and be able to tell ns about it
1t1 ey return.
0 fi 0
$' 1'rinee of i4Tales, -`The Smilino.
nice,' was 11 htc years of ige on
Tuesday. "`Prince : Char ming" rs'
getting on, isn't he?
1'hysicians say we ;cat too rauch;�
salt. But think how much averse se o{i-
tive'd be if 'I'm hadn t forllred the lialzrt
of taking, some' flu s try th °aat ',oJ1
o1 salt,
Toronto citizens. hai;e' to go tg the
-postofcc for :their mail these days:
rt like Clinton citizens; And they
have e to wait a goof cieal,lotnger while
1 25 being sorted, too.
It is
said that many of the men
tvhc, lett Canada for the United
States earlier in the year are Rock-
ing Bach to their' native land. ' Let's
give them as warn a welcome as we
car, ande : f+. _
see v w o cant' keep them
snare, \,
Dr, `Chas.: W. Eliot,' president -em-,
matins of Hai -wird, ' who is such an
• ardent teetotallei ' did: root' become
one until i ntrl h0 was eighty-three years
of age. There's still. a chance of
our old friend Y.R. changing :his
views,: S wonder ?
N. 5 0. *
Those members of Parliament who.
are going to the Wenrbley,Exhibitio n,
at the country's expense, probably a-
greed. that they might as weII have
a good tine while they can, They'll
never have another chance at the
public treasury.
''` i'
The'fappers are discarding their
canes,' it is said, They were bound
to do' so. •. No; girl could be- expect -
.ed to handle a cane graeefally while
siie wield a' mirror in: one hand and a
powder puff in' the other.. ' Very few.
eaties, .Vere seen in 'Clinton at any
time: ""„^
We shouldn't like to say positively..
that such is the: case, but anyway, it
look s
s if
a the Government' which has
never. been over fond of•the Oivil. Ser-
vice Commission, might have allowed
the present crisis 'to cone on to; has-
ten the end of the Civil Service Com-
It was; one of the ironies of fate,
.surely, 'that while Premier ,W.. • L.
Mackenzie King 'was at Yale, where a•
n degree of Doctor of. Laws was con-
ferred upon him "espcleially for"con-
structive•work in connection with the
problems of. labor and industrial
peace," that the postal workers, em-
ployees'of the govet•nment.of why?eh
is he is the head, :should go' on strike,
onto, with a population of 550,-
000, has only 175 prisoners at its jail
Sarni, and 85 in jail. '....The number
in the jail "has been stationary for
:tour years; the 'poiralatioit at the jail.
farm has •decreased from 247'in 1922
lo 175 in 1' �y, and only 18 are held
��..�f,o�'•. B:O.T .A., ofpennes. , It is an
"" lueriy'city; arid'.iiore'orderl under
;prohibition,'. than 'ever before. --Tor-
onto- onto; .Star".
4 * 4
A Eridgeburg gardener thinks that
moonshine, from the river' where it
had .been dumped' by an officer, lies
made -one of. the cauliflowers in his
`garden put, on an abnormal growth.
'If moonshine will make vegetables
grow it ought all to, be used for that
purpose. Superintendent Chant is
r' convinced that the' electric lights in
' the window of the Hydro Shop make
his plants grow. We've tried to
r convince. him it is the warmth but-
:' he thinks it is the light, so there
you. are.
• 1 * 0 ,' '•
When the trouble With the postal
workers was daily becomingmore
- acute and it Iooked as if it were corn-,
in • to a
g head the Government sat
down helplessly, saying' • it could"do
nothing against.. the decision of the
Civil .Service. The Government has
Ibetii known in more than one case'
to ignore the recon,;lnendetio is of the
Civil. Service, refusing or, neglecting,.
i�'to� confirm:eippointments' made by
That was when the appointments did,
. not,please the Governinent, In this
, ease the Civil. . Service ' •Commission''
might be put in the wrong befole.the:
public, Anyway, ,"the • Government
eemed to think it,. ,good' 'policy , to;
"pass the „buck." to` the Civil, Service C nisi'
o s 1Y
-commission. Many a ori' '`
d `i
va i
ed ,,ate,
ther' ], �• 1
f liti
0 o tic i
. » *;
The postal strike ,hasxio°
Clinton to any - great e,.ttent."-- ' The
:.Toronto train corning up-on,Friday
and the seine train going down that
,afternoon•.had no mair clerk aboard.
This.was the only train that' failed trio
:handle mail, -the London branch being
equipped with .nail oifcials'each trip, •
Some nail has been a bit dptlayed'but
the inconvenience here has not been
acute at all. The strike, while not
>'yet' over, seems to be petering' out,
•and when it is over the workers may
be"�in a. worse position, rather, than a
'better one. The tine was very in
oppdrtune, .as there are :many stu-
dents just now looking for something
'to- occupy; them during the' vacation
"period ,and- no doubt many of them
were' twilling to take on the work and
w 11 quickly learn to Blake thernselvee
It is as well -that "public 'servants n
{should remember that:strikes on their'
-.;cart, tying up business and interfer- ,
:inn: with the business of every other
--citizen Of', the country, cannot £ail to
he 'unpopular with' the nubile.' The+
`lease of the strikers would need to tT,pe1
ti very Blear' and just one, indeed, to
enlist the sympathies of the public tot
[the extent
[the . t that -.they world , submit.
glidly to ''the inconveniences' of a
�neial st flee
-u, k of mail handlers for .
And just r°
t t fa this"n•easo
Arid, J n therGo _,
,erninent should'ice n his s
g esp0crak rotten- -(
tioii'to the ;grievances ofvi"t 4,,i lliy; i"xlie g
••ees so 'that they "inight nbt ! lit` Fin- `' l3 edn
, •gust=ccs for ' : which.- there -is .. "no re- lieac
Tess,;,.In the case of ;the '•postal+
e 'of opinion"
of their 'cla
11lost ev rl?l4 e whey
s ereroatiy';to waik',co •
nen ryvrilli r to take. on the work,
ntchener, for instance, where
here were seventeen carriers, there
c•er n -
One hundred hien to apply Por
their jobs. There here w e
v rc a hundred
men to• h
n w om those seventeen jobs
looked good: Ind lteady, Or, to pu't
it differently,there" were one mfrs ed
men worse off than the carriers.
Another ,thin • which public em-
ployees should bear: in miner:is that.
the Gov eramenl of, a counfry:.'cannot.
ilpv any set of its employees to hold
ri;stip a the: point of a gun and make
it deliver`:., , The Government` should
be willing •to meet representatives .of
any branch 01 the service• and dis-
cuss any grievance tinder which they
may consider they are vvorlcing_. bit
no' Ggv ernment can allow aiy; band.
of workers to take -it by the throat,:
'Tile work of the country nsust be cav-
illed on, . Jt is, however, regrettable
that a member of 'the cabinet, the
Minister of Labor and: a former .1a--
bor leader, to whom the'workers.ap-
pealed should have used language
unbefitting to his position and which
added to the bitterns of the present
situation. A main who cannot con-
trol himself in a tisk 'is not, fit for
a position ,of trust, or, to control the
the affairs of others.
pre-' ter of the late Saltine] Reid who `is
inns. =left to mourn a kind Ind
band. IJ,s .aged neuter.. '.22rs.•
lle • clear, there
e the
oster, . V un three` brothria ' r
pier- a .our sisters, Dan,. Kitchener, Geor
Windsor, l c
n Mrs. Robert. Camer
MAW New .wltes
no iimtte what ki
riff } w at .Ind of a day it is you -
vvlll •n` ve '• find Pl'
A splendid day, which called mit
large. -audiences, marked the anni-
versary of :y Bethany Preebyteriann
oh r h
nC o ie '
htl B
a ieltl ch •
ax •e.
. Yf Neigh -
church congregations turned
out enthusiastically, also,"to ` hear,
special music provided' -by the church
choir; who. were greatly and ably as-
sisted by a male quartette from Clin-
ton, and also to hear, two ropsing, ang
inspiring :spiritual messages, morn-
ing. and evening, preached by Rev.
Dr, McNair of London. The' pastor'
Rev, Alfred Illacfarlane, was .greatly
pleased 'with the results of the an-
niversary services and voiced the
sentiments of the people, when ,he
thanked elle who helped make. then.
such a 'success.
The ;Bayfield, seniors played two'
more games in the If.C.B.A. series
last week, one at Wingham, vs. the
Winghacn team and one at Bayfield-
Agricultural ral
g Park
vs, Gode •'
t .The
scores a
e were 4.3
and 8-6 respectively,
Bayfield losing. ~The boys are do-
ing better and there' is no practice so
good as actual" experience. Bay-
field seniors play •Goderich-at Gode-
.rich• on 'Friday afternoon.
Dr. 'end Mrs, Metcalf have taken
up their permanent residence in Bay-
- The •1st.Battalion, .Pert Regiinent
Band of Stratford,'under\the direc-
tion'of Sergeant, T.. E. Lean -nen,
will put on two band concerts on
Sunday, June 2911s. The afternoon
program et.3 p.m. at the Ritz Ho-
tel .gardens will consist of the follow.
ipg numbers:
O. .
Canada; March, The Sharp-
shootex•, Eilenberg; Overture, Impet
uo, ielgood; Selection, Indian Mai-
den, Fulton; Marcleav, Forest 4Vliis-
pars, `Loser; Cornet solo, God Send
you back, to Me, Adams; Selection,
Irish Melodies, Fillmore; Baearoile,
Les. Coutes D'$oifnian Offenbach;
Selection, Faust, Gounod; Descrip-
tive, A, Military 'Church Parade,
Huuie; March, Sons of the Brave,`Al-
fred; God Save the King.
The evening peogeaiu will' consist
of the ;following nuniliei's:
O Canada;; ltfarch, With Sward
and 'Lance;: Starke; ••aOveature; The
Honeymoon, Sutton; . Selection, Our
.Miss • 'Gibbs, Douglas;. Gavotte, Le
Clotches, De St.. Malo, Weiner;, An-
dante In. G. Minor; `Selection, Gems
of. Scotland, Godfrey; Trio, Gloaming
Beyer; --Indian 'Romance, I•Iobnnlolso,
Reeves; Selection, H. M. S, Pilin-
fore, Suulivan^,• March, My Reghnent,
Alfred, • God Save the Ring.
,The local Orangemen of L,O,L.
No. 24 with the visiting lodges; will
parade to the Methodist church on
Sunday morning next at 10:30, where
a special Ora�n,ge• and patriotic ser-'
vice will be' held. The pastor; Mr.
Robert A Parldnson, will; preach his
farewell sermon to the members of
his congregations On all ;appoint
•ments of that circuit and to the 'Cr..:
angemen of -this ,community, before;
leaving to pursue fux;tlier studies:
The citizens of Bayfield are pre-.
paring' for•the Foid'picruc held:-
an'July 16th, ,'Plans have; been coni-
pleted by the -committee to stage one, •
Of:the e greatest sporting events in the
history Of this popular• summer re -34
,sort: : THe Ford dealers have given;'
their support to this event'maktirg it•;
the Onimal Foad.:Piantc Gver 111496,
<lpeoplc are expoob ed`•here• on .r my '
°161x,.•'"A Idrger.45, $fr prizes.ligve:
`been co�i2piked b';tho Colniruttee;..
On June -18, at; his home on lot 22
Bayfield road' Stanley, there ,• passed'.
away one of the [most respected resi-
'oi'-'tile coinnnunity in the person
of Malcolm McNaughton. His fa-
ther settled on: thia,farin many years
ago, and there Malcolm was born
on May 4th, 1869, and' lived through-
out his whole life:; • He was .a,'iran
possessed of many sterling qualities
of mind and heart, which endeared
hint to alb who cane in contact 'with
him. `' Quiet'and reserved bynature,
kindly and helpful • in •disposition he
was one who made many •friends and
few -enemies, and his passing will be
lamented. by a large circle of'acquain-
tances. Annan of'his high charac-
ter ems.a great' asset to the commun-
ity'and he, always took a deep inter-
est in everything; that.•tehded to-
Kardc its moral: and social better
room, ,:' He was a sincere`; Christian
and a' faithful elder in the Preshx-
terian church,• Varna, where his ab -
send, n will l leave a great Ul�itic. 'Por.
;many years he: had been a great suf-!
;ferer, and "bore his sufferings with
ekemplery ' Christian ` patience and
rude: During the past few weeks,;
offerings ;oeeafne more 7acute and
redually" grew: weaker` until fast:
esdag- ,he 'passed quietly --arid"
'-''ace to his eternal rest.
1898 he married Annie d I
1 .1,awaiting:Your. call:. Mr's. hI `w .2 ncLour one No.
ge orrs'eva=ifs ,I ymi'oider b5" phone or Rther-
wise al
Hensall,: Mrs..John Sparcok 1VIr
Charles Stelk,'Lottie and Edward ,of
0ij til ce Our store Jour stole, prompt Service and .Courtesy to all,:`
young or old."
Varna also survive.
The funeral pal tog;. place from the
home to' B u � ,
nd s cemetery on Friday,
June 24th., The ;services were con-
ducted by.Rev,'• Alfred' Macfarlane,
Hayfield, 'assisted by Rei Jas. ,Foote
',Exeter, an old looyhood?s eenrpiinion,
and the :Iarge assemblage of mour-
ners testified to the esteem iii which'
the'deceased was -held.
ibmonpst those ,froin a clistance
Who were here for it,he'finteral were:
'Mr, •John and Mt'.' Richard McNaugh-'
ton_ London; Mc�sJohnston, Gode-
tick Mrs`. S Jk1 coir, . Lethhrrdge;•
"31'Tr 'and Mrs'• -George Foster of 4V'nnci
sor and :112r. and Mrs. D. , II, Mc-
Naughton and +thiee sons of Kitch-
The sympathy ;of the ,community
is extended to the ,widow, the • mot dr
and the other .relatives in their sore'`
Mrs.: Malcolm McNaughton wish-
es to thank her Many kind friends
and neighbors for their .services and
sympathy ' shown during her recent
dad' ibereayement,. also for the 'floral
tributes. •
p`helate ,John VJlayrless, an old, time
resident of Huron county, being born.
in ,,Efanley township, lot 19,fBayfteld
the villager? of ,Varna
in the year 1845, was the first soli
beim' 10 Mr. and. Mrs.21Jarnes Wan-'
:less after -"arriving , in Canada froin
Scotland in the year• 1841.
...Some three years ago the deceased
was, advised -by his physician to un-.
der.go an operation for internal trou-
ble, but he never regained his health,
going to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon
don ,'sotiie four weeks ago for the se-
cond operation he passed away .on
June 18th, 1924.
'Mr.: Wanless_received 'his educa-
tion. in the old log school hose in
Varna, and in .a few short years had
to "turn in and help clear'the home-
stead. '
?n 1871 he married Sarah Rife 61
the ,township ,of' Hay and settled
down on the old homestead, where he
spent all his life.
There •were -born to him ode daugh-
Elizabeth, eth and €n three sons, Ed-
ward, d Ga
rnet and Earl, who -still
survive except Edward who died in
1819, his daughter being the wife of
'George Turnbull' of Seaforth,
He took.` a very active part in pol-
itical affairs, especially in Temper-
ance. reform •and was most enthus-
iastic in Helping advance the.many
'different measures and plebioites
Which came before the country on
that subject. In matters pertain-
ing to religion he ,belonged: to the
Methodist Church and was one of the
outstanding members for over forty-
five years, belonging to both the offi-
cial and trustee boards" of the Varna
church for a number of years, and
was. a very active worker in all
phases' of church work. The preach-
er always received a very warm wel-
at his home where in his friend-
liness and geniality he tried to en-
courage • thein with good Cheer' •and
also . help share their burdens, He
was honest and upright •in all his
dealings with men.- • -
itn all his suffering and pain Mr.
'Wanless: showed great patience and
cheerfulness and. was truly resigned
to the will of his heavenly Father.
The funeral took place on Friday,.
June 20th, to. Bafrd's cemetery, ser-
vices being conducted in the
church by Rev,,. R. E. Irwin of Sea
forth end, the Rev. 3. J'. Durrant,
pastor.. The pallbearers were: J.
E. Earnweil A. Ings, M. Deihl,: S.
Moffett, W. Forest and IL Stephen-
8 ;Attractions including' ---.8
Big Days
J 1
'Season Tickets
leets oil .wesamomptionnemnismennummimemwsm
Rave you; noticed and taken ad vantage of "our each days s pedals.
Friday' and Saturday; vY this tree P.
ars ,o a
3 f ,Soar a
bxr u
2 lbs :.of Pure'Lard I y I „20c
3 to one
t t e
1 lb'. of Bacon n
22c 2 pkgs. of T ax 21e
Jost a fete mentioned -here. See= a
ui'blackboard in windo
they specials. Kindly get yore• orders•in early.
or' fur
PlIolle 111
Trg a Loa
'At *onto. Graces or ': e'livered
II.�Q�N �
ops. The kind d that pleases'
Good Bread
Phone 1
r.:VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans aid other
Wiring and.Repairs. -
� Phone 1�5Iev
The Central 'Grocerg
You will find us ready t o serve you in out new, quarters as eilicient-
iy, as in the old. •
Fresh ru
h f itsa nd ' '
A fell.„
stock k of
ce .res
always on hand.. �, t'
' Following is a list of grocery steles - or this week -end;
Dates, 3 lbs. for 25e p f twee c end:
Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for .• Tompkins per tin 20e
26c Tomatoeser tin , ., .... .
P 20c
Figs, 2 lbs. -for
25a Peas, per tin 16e
Prunes, 1 1h. for - 15e Corn
Apricots, 2 lbs, for 35c 11ut ' 2 for . , ..._ 25
.:... , , , ,,; .c
ch Cleanser, 2 for 25e
Mi rleg Jordon. '
Phone 144
oils. or Sotie
Sevenroonled Frame Nouse in good .repair, on the east side of
Albert street, Clinton. Sun room attached,good g d $tone cellar,. town
water. One quarter acre lot with-fruitstrees
Apply on premises to Mrs. Long. 59,tf
Pam Cash
Our plant is now complete and we solicit your shipments,, of eggs ,
whether large or small. Conie and see theni.gradd.
We buy live poultry' twelve months of.the year. • It willa
P Y you
to advise us what you have to -sell, At present, market old Hens,
old Roosters, late hatched and spur Chickens,
All our eggs • lire bought lin. Government grades and all poultry
according to size arid auality,- W&,are here to serve you,
Gurtn; Langlois l(D1S & Co. Limited
N. W. 'T'rewvartha, Manager Clinton Branch
Day Phone 100 Niglit Phone 214 W
Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, White Middlings
Purity, Five Roses, Maple Leaf Flour .
Monarch and 'Pie crust Pastry-
BabChick '
Baby Scratch, Pin head' Oatmeal and
Blatchford's chick mash
Corn Turi �-
aln el
p, g , ,5or gli
um, Millet and Rape Seen`
Offncei'Plrone 199
Night' 141 and. 1:29
To the Ladies • of Clinton....
and Surrounding Country
Having; a Standard Electric .Was hing and `,Reriova i
Haying t ng'. - Cleaner, _ I
am prepar,ed to clean Rugs,:. Carnets, etc.. This- is•;not a vaceum cleaner
at is 'a washer. and" ,uarantee' not guaranteed a to, 'in'uiel�he f '
] tnest` ,Rugs,;' Called
for and delivered,' - ,.:. •,
H. VINNE" : Cl'nto 1111
Phone 151w
111tNAUGI-ITON -• In Stanley. anley<town-
, 'town, on June '18th; .IVlelcolm ➢ c -
Naughton, aged 50 years,
CA13R -At Bru`cefieldyon June' 21'11
Thomas Carr, aged ''62 years.
I3URSCI'IINSKI - n Clinton
June 22nd, Gottfried_ Kiirsehinslci,
' aged 73 years,'
n Stanley, township, on'
June' 18th, John Wanless, 'aged 75
yearC., ..1 f W9 4alfiillll%1
Make but few, explanations; the
character that cannot defend itself is
not worth, vindicating:
For• Sale • ., :;
Id few choice 8..RRoek chickens al-
so a nufnber of carpenter's'tools.'Ap-, Mrs, Eh Crich, Ontario street:
Strawberries For Sailor
''I will be able to1
fi 1 .ordersfor
fresh strawberries any time now W,
Marquis, phone 21-038. CO -2,
.+,,+•m"nti"11.elei',151 nli0IInlp,,1,laiJhjjijUupp11pp3ilulleillealle111e11+114
Cannot be Exeeliecl
Supertest Gasoline 3c gallon
perte5t Coal Oil 30c gallon
Polarjne '
$1.00 gallon
1 r;y..Them and be Convinced
O.F .:: t..
more •5 Wady y chiiiine s and
yevery. „particle of oil bairns
out of lamps and s avoidbur i
•. burning -wicks
1111115 p(itli II111lllll11111111' 1111911111111i111111111ih1IIII 111111111)311
1111111 IIIW3Iu3IIINIp 1101 i 1S19111mflflflll
v r
Agents lk!"aAe1ec9..,
The careful attention to our
customers' orders and the splen
ocic supplied did t
s ppl ed for years past
warrants, us in having a repre-
sentative or two in this county.
LiberalCommissons. Free Out..
fit.',Write at -once foie Exclusive
Partnership Dissolved
NOTICE IS ,ri illEBT•GIV'EN that
the partnership heretofore subsisting
bett6een us, tile undersigned, as Hard-
ware Mei-child; in the - Town iof
Clinton, has this day been dissolved.
bymutual consent.
debts ow-
g to the
said a •'
p rtneiship are to be
-paid to Hugh Miller at Clinton-afore-
linton.afore.said, and all claims• against the said.
partnership are to be presented to
the said Hugh Miller, -by whom the
satire willbe settled. -
DATED at Clinton; Ontario, this
20th day of June, A.D., 1924.
Witness, W. Brydone.
Hugh Miller, W. T. Hawkins. 60-8
Home Baked Goods Sale
The Women's Association of Wil,
lis church will hold a sale of home
,baked goods at the Hydro Shop on
Seturday afternoon, June 28111, com-
at 8 o'clock. leek.
Unreserved. Auction Sale
Of furniture and farm implements.
The undersigned auctioneer has been
iiistrutced to sell by public, auction at
=Mr. James Johnsones, ' Bayfield, on
Saturday, July 5th,; commencing at
1:30 q'clock -sharp the following:
Sideboard; extension table; 2 fall -
leaf tables; 0 wooden beds; 2 parlor
tables, 2'dressers; 2 commodes; couch;
washstand; arm chair; half dozen kit-.
ellen theirs; 8 rocking. chairs; dining -
room chairs; parlor chairs; 2 pair, bed.
springs; 2 stoves, Huron range, Ran-
cher stove; dishes; lamp; lantern;
clock; , good writing 'desk; with book
case; black -walnut bed' t �'th ebver
ings; metal bed; easy- leather ,chair-
patent springs 2' swivel chairs; easy'
plush chair; 2 willow rockers; 2 fol-
diing tables hanging hat rack; 2 pic-
ture frames with glass; oak stand;
fur neat; dishes; 1 -horse cultivator;
cow 3 , years old due October 1st;
spring wagon; set single harness; set
whifiltrees; set double harness; Fleury
plow; root' pulper; grindstone; mower.
used two years, and other articles.
Terms of•sale: under 110, cash, above
thisamount approved -joint notes ac-
cepted. G. Ii, Elliott, Auctioneer,
Wanted ni
A Protestant, professional, exper-
ienced teacher for S. S. No. 10 Gode-
rich' township, dorms to commence
September , 2nd, 1924. Personal ap-
plication preferred: .A,pply stating
qualifications and salary -to John R.
Middleton, Secretary -Treasurer, R.
R. No. 3, Clinton, Ont, • 59.2,"
Auction Sale
An auction sale of Household effects,
implements, ere., ,will be held on ,tiny
premises ses, ,Bayftcid, on ,Saturday, July
5th, at:;1;3b.; : Terns:: Sums. of $10
and. under, cash." Over, that amount
0 months credit given on approved
joint notes. James Johnston, pro-
prietor?* G. H. Elliott, auctioneer.
For Sale
The attractive and beautifully lo-
cated property belonging to C. D.
Bouck, situated on High street Clin-
ton. : The, house has a beautiful out-
loolc, imposing, in architectural ap-
pearance, walls 13 inch solid brick,
rooms large'. Two mnarble fire -places
in den and parlor, hot and coif NM -
ter, cement soft -water, cistern in cel-
lar, bathroom, electric lights, two ver-
andahs and sun porch, two stairways,
cellar under whole house, cement door.
hot-air heating. , Lot 76' ft. frontage
double depth facing on -High street
and Townsend. Fruit trees, garden'
and "small fruits,
A bargain for quick sale. Write
C. D. Bouck 43 Standish Ave.., Tor..
onto, Ont. 59-11.
House :and Lot For Sale
;Brick cottage, ;in good repair, cor-
ner r of Dunlop and Fiilton'sti•eets.
10 toopins, good -cellar, modern :con-
Conveniently i
n entl
Will be sold 'reasonably,' Apply to
Miss E. 14IcTatVish, Clinton. 58-1f.
House' For Sale
Comfortable frame house o -
e ohNorth
street, half • acre, of ground. All
kincrys of fruit. ,_, Small stable, town
water in house Robert 1?. Fisher.
- - - 37•'t£.
EiraliSO S0505nOimm,mmmmm,,,e,
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove
Nut` and• Soft.. ' Also sortie
good dry...
s. L
eave"oxders at residence.
Phone 155.. Huron Street,
Houii For Sale .
Cottage On Huron street, roomy and
in good repair,- 14 aere of garden.
Small barn on place, • Possession' at
one, Ta hought - buggy and cutting box,
Happy' g t range anda sliding
bed' couch for sale.. Apply to Miss
B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 39-4f.
Man Wanted•
Man wanted to do all kinds of farm
work for next two or three months.
Apply' to Loren Tyndall, R; R. No.
4, Phone 11 en 636.
S le
New Mass
Y Ii steel
ft,; .Massey -Harris 11 -hoe fertilizer•
drill, nearly new. Apply to. A.' Ro-
bertson, Varna. _ 514f.
• Singer Sewing Machines
Fainly, E1'ectrie':and D. R. Styles. 1'
Also' some second-hand 'machines,.
good. as new. •01d machines taken
as part payment. Easy terns. It
will pay you to Tools these over before
buying elsewhere. Repairing and
parts 'for . all :makes of machines.
Earl Steep. Jan. 1, 1924
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed andre-
paired. 'Woolen
goods dry •cleaned,
Rooms over Heard's• barber shop,
W. J. Jago, ' --334f
Honor Graduate Citrey Jopee' Na-
tional School of Auctioneering, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real. Estate, 'Mer(
chandiseand farm Sales. Rates -in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat.
isfaetion assured. Write or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Pherie 18-
93. , • 884f-1923.
Orders taken at residence. Phone lift•
Well germinated Seed Corin hard
to buy this year, leek at grading -on ,
bags -before buying and buy nothing
.but No. 1 Govt. Standard, We have
a: very complete stock ansi' 01122 price
is low for this year,
Have just received `a
carload d nSALT •
salt. Special prices on large quan-
We carry a complete line of Tor-
onto Asphalt Roofing, before buying
you will find it to your advantage to
see; our line and compare it with
others. . Bemenrberithere is as. ouch'
difference in roofing as there • is in
cedar shingles. We believed we have
the 'best and can prove it to you.
Timothy, 'Alfalfa, Red Clover,
Alsike,'Blue Grass, Oighard Grass,
and Sweet Clover always in stock:
:Pratts and •+Blatehfogds Buttermilk
Marsh; 'Royal Purple and Pioneer
Chick Foods. Garden Seeds in bulk,
Mangels and Turnips. ' : Our stock
is complete and twenty years exper-
ience always at your service. ,
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and'
Grain Buyers
The ,demand for our butter is Asp.
To supply this demand we:requbt(
wore; cream.
We request you to ship ns yens
Wea ran
ttv r tee ,you the Highest
Market Prices, f accurate testa : and
prompt ` service.'
Our firm, ia known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We: a 1l e
pay -all 1 xprean charges, fern. -
ish ere= cans and pap twice weir
Write for tans or butler inference.-
nfer ice.•.•tion to the
xB , 01C;2. iitANAG>