HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-19, Page 8•
Silver or Cut Class is the most. suitable. It 1me satisfactoq
and will be appreciated as it is always in good taste
We invite you to inspect our collection of $Siiver, Cut glass, etc.,
Wedding and Engagement Rings,
Watches, Clocks and Wrist Watches
R. H. J kINS N
Jeweller and OPtiCian Ne* Hovey's Drug Store
LANitilf IILL Ti
Real Novelty
1\TaiPi3ow Neel&Nvar'
'Seiling like hot cakes. Just the Tiefor young
men and most suitable for "low collars now in
vogue. .
Give the boys what they want-r-I.ARKY BILL TIES
Congoleura Rug Sale continued for one,
week. Order now and save money.
Plumsteel Bros.
The Man Who Knows
gooa clothes when be sees them,
knows that they were made at,
this establishment. If you have
not as yet pieked out your
Spring Suit, conic to us, as we
have all the latest novelties and
designs, and eat make up a suit
which will be lin to the minute
in every respect,
Davis St Herman
'Th'e 'anamet.
Qivo your out.
of -dote furniture
fhb* new -style
eno.rnel flag
We also carry a complete line
of 13randram Henilerson Paints
and Varnishes
'Sun Varnish and
Sun Varnith Stains
Also a complete line of
Brushes, Linseed Oil and
Sutter & Perdue
We are ready for all orders of spring woelt, Papering, Painting
and decorating. We have a lenge assortment of papers and we ask
you to see our hooks before buying.
You will save money by ordering your Paper from us.
All work an±ec1J Pricee reassnebld.
. •
Orders left -with Mrs. Rebt.,,Armstrong, Huron street will re-
ceive ProMPt attention.' PHON,T 234 ring 2
Je gathern'd everything that is dearet
and bast in life. Home is the center
from whiell all the varied concerns
and business of life start forth,
thing that can contribute to the "Nall-
tY and comfort and peace of Home is
deserving of attention and thought.
In this direction let wall paper enter
your thou2,hts. Our -nez$1.1 spring stock
will soon be ready for your inspection,
Tile W Fair Go
Often the Cheapest --Always the Best
ChtAfl N4aitis../tecpx,d
Mr .• Alex, Eagleson' ie beliclaying in
Miss Emene Doan of Buffalo is home
. for the sunnher vacation.
Miss 11/Itint of Montreal is this, week •
the guest of Mies Bessie IrWin. ,
Mr. George Holland,is renewing old _
friendships at Springfleidethis week.'
Mrs, (Dr.) Gunn hae. returned froen
a visit with her 'daughter in Wind-,
Mr. Stewart Scott is holidaying at his
home in town, that of Postmaster'
Scott. •
Miss Edith Johnston, late of town -
bas gone to Goclerich for the sum-.
ener Inonthe. e
Mrs. Wm. Ford and Misc3,Foster are•
spending this week with Stanley
township 'friends.
Miss Marion Andrews nd ..her aunt,
Mrs. Leonard, visited friends in
Blyth on Tuesday,. ,
Mies Ward leaves this week, for her
home at Roekwille, .Maryland,' for
the summer vacation,
Mr. *Bell of Detroit, formerly man-
ager of the 'Dominion Store here,
it holidaying in 'town.
Mrs. Q. Llewellyn .Bilkey and Miss
10haelotte left on Friday to visit the
foemer'emother in New York Cr.
Miss A. Crookes, a 1924 graduate of
Victoria Hospital, London, is spend-
' ing a week with Med, Lucy Thomp-
Mrs. Will Newcombe of Vancouver,
111.0., visited for a few days last
week with Dr. and Mrs. J, S;
Mrs, I. A. Mahon of London spent
a few days this week with her pat-
ents, M. and Mrs.. J. Me-
Mrs. W. D. 'Fair has been in Sea -
forth this week on account of the
death of het sister, Mrs, James
Watson. ' • •
1tiiss McDonald, -who was called hoind
-on aceourit of the illness and setb-
seqeent death of her father, te-
turned to town yesterdify evening,
Mrs. L. Gleason of Mitchell is thp
guest of Mrs. A. J. McMurray.
, Mrs, Mclefurray and Mrs. Gleason
visited V.Ingham friends on Fri -
Mr. and Mss. Wme Emigh of White..
. wood, Sask.,Me: Arthur Emigh
of Buffalo anMiss Alice Emigh of
Blyth spetit 'Wednesday with thd
Misses Bawden.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp motored to
'London, Putnam and Ingersoll 'Fist
week to visit frier:cis . . Mr. and
Mrs. Kemp celebrated the twenty-
- fifth annivegsary of their mar:gage.
on Saturda
.Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Andrews of Tor-
onto motored up the other. day to
visit the foemer's- parents, Magis-
trate and Mrs. Andrews, They
called at Kitchener and brought
with them; their little niece, Mise
Marion Gilliese
M. Fred G. Thompson, who has just
completed his eourse in medicince
at Western UniversitY, London,
and has been admitted to the On-
tario College of Physicians _and
Surgeons, has been visiting el, his
Milne in town.
Miss, Florence Rorke is in St, Thomas
this week attending the graduatic:n
.'", exeepises. in connection -.with Alma
College, of which, her. sister, Miss
Dorothy, is a pupil-. Mr. and
Illre, Rorke motor clown tomorrow
/to bring their daughters home.
Mrs. Landesborough and her son,
Mr. W. C. Landepboeough, of Poet
Credit have been -visiting Mrs. G.
Stanbury and Illiss Landesborough
during the past week. Mr. Lan-
- desborough has just successfully
completed his fl:Ctle year, in medi-
cine. , ' .
Mr. S. B. Stothersewas in Guelph
last week taking in the festivities
in connection with the celebration
of the 0 . A. 0 . jubilee. .1th. came
ep Wednesday evening to lbe in
town for the meeting of the ATI -
cultural Enquiry Coreinittee- on
Thursday. . . . •
Mies Einem 'Higgins, 'who Was grad-
. uated from Toronto University en-
ceetly, has , gode to Toeorito, arid'
taken ay position in the lereneh-
Translateon Depattment of the, T.
Eaton do. i Miss' Higgins sin-
eialized in languages 'during her
Unthetsity ,C.01.11.8C. . '
Mr. James Glasford anal Mr. and
114es. John Glasford of Chatham
\ ,epent the week -end with the latter's
parents; Mr. and Mrs, John -Wet;
kills of, town. ----The two former
returned to Chatham Monday but
Mrs, Glasford and little, son, Don-
ald, sire remaining for a few weeks.
Mrs. J. P. Wasman leaves this,after
noon for Sputh Porcupine, where
she will join her daughter, l'-1153,
Ettiyle, and together they ,intsod
taking . a trip to -the Coast-.
Wasman 'has a brother and a sis-
Ler in Vanonverj,' the former of
,- 55150111 she nae. not; sCen ,±01',0Yer,,,
thirty years. ,
On Saturday, June 21,in the evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock,
we. will give to each purchaser of one dollar's worth of groc-
eries t. hall lb of "O'Neil!s Special Tea" provided -these goods
ai.e-ipurchased at the Gr()ceteria, and• carried away; Our reg-
• ular two week's and niontlily customers -are also eriti.tled to
• Ilalf.a lb of tea ,
Week tri
Special,Brh' ck Tea per lb 48c
Hursley.r.r:ea per ihT58c
(C)'Nej.l's Special Blend • - per.lb 65c
Seedless Raisins 2 lb for 25c
Seeded Raisins 2 lb for 25c
Grape Nuts per pkg 17c
Rolled Wheat 2 for , 28c
Puffed Rice 2 for 35c
Annirionia Powder 3 for 23c
New Cheese 23c
Jelly Powders 3 for 25c
Our Own Baking
Powder 23c
Fresh Strawberries, Beans, Cucumbers
Beets.and New. Cabbages
Fresh Fish, Tuesdays and Fridays
Cash & Carrg •
. 2Deliveri
e To Neil rki
(Continued from Page 1)
the. bean growers of Michigan were
being put out of the market by Jap-
anese and South Arnerieantheane un-
til the growers had a 'duty impotied,
He said 111 .Michigan and Ontario,
conditions were much the same and
an excellent quality of beans could
be Traduced,. Re said, alsoe that
his machine would tutu out beans as
clean as Jap beans and of a much
better flavor': •
On several occasions when a speak-
er made what was considered 'a good
"hit" the audience applauded warm-
ly but It was a well-behaved audience,
indeed, and was said to be one of the
best gatheriegs the committee bad
mot to date., ., , '
In the itornirtg the members of
the etunnittee visited the local
branch of the Gunn, Langlois
Company, and were shown through
the plant, egg -candling, feeding,
plucking, etc. They also motored to
Gederich and were shown through the
Big Mill ana Niisitect"the Revell moul-
trY farm and R. R. Sloan's ora-
ards, Lack of time alone prevent-
ed them visiting several other fasnns
in the locality. The members of
the -committee expressed themieivea
as greatly pleased with the prosper-
ous appearance of this distriet. These
little jaunts were arranged nutter the
(*salon of Mr.s S. B. Stothers, Dis-
trict Representative, who also assis-
ted it arranging for many of the
speakers in the afternoon. .
In the evening the members of the
committee were the guests of Mr,
N. W. Trewartha and Mr. 0, G.
1VIiddleton at a little dinner at the
leattenbury House. A. number of
others also joined in this dinner- and
Mayor Jackson gave the visitors a
little Speech 02 welcome, to which -the
chairman made a suitable reply.
The committee went on to London
for Friday's sitting, • •
' "Ingleside Fenn," Stanley' town-
ship, -was the scene of a pretty event
yesterday when Zella R., younger
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. '2
K03t0, was united in marriage -to, W.
J. Clarke, elder son of Mr. and 11-Irs.
Launcelot Clarke.
Promptly at 11 d'clock the gritom
took his place on the pretty lawn in
front of the "Ivy Window," then, to
the strains of the wedding march, ap-
peared the bride, who was given in
marriage by her father. The only
attendant was little Miss Ralde Stur-
dy, niece of the bride, acting as- a
charming' little flower maiden. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
J. J, Durrant of Varna.
• Thp 3bride looked very dainty, be-
ing prettily gowned in silver. grey
georgette; trimmed with eilyer lace
„and pearls, with touches of ,powder
blue. The bridal veil was of torile ,
caught up..yvith loops of wide satin ,
ribbon and, heeded with pearls. ' A
special feathre of the bride's costume
was a .fataily heirloom broochThe
flowers "eartied by the bride was a
shower of Ophelia roses, lily -of -the -
valley and ferns.",
The winsome little flower maiden
wore a pretty frock of rose voile and
carried a besket of belio sweetpeae
and ferns. '
After the signing „of the register
the bride led the way to the dining
room, where an excellent repast was
served most capably by Miss Anca-
Stephenson ancl Mss Veva Dawson,
frietids of the brule.
The bride and geoOrn were the
ehlie.1its of any handsome gifte,
The growl -es gift to the beide was a
` . ' • •
chest of silver and to the flower Maid-
en. A gold wrist band.
Amid showers of good wishes and
showers of confetti from the asserh-
bled guests the bridal couple left' on
-a motor trip to Hamilton, Niagara
'Falls, Ridgeway and Buffalo. On
their return this popular couple will
reside oh the groom's farm, "Maple
Terrace," in the tenth concession of
Stanley. -They have -the good wishes
of A Very large circle of friends.
Previous to the wedding day a
showerwas given to the then bride-
to-be by a number of her girl friends,
when she was made the recipient of
many pretty and useful gifts,
r - -
South Huron Liberal-
,. Conservatives will meet
South Huron Lb. -Conservative As-
sociation for Domition pm:poses will
hold its animal meeting in town hall,
Hensall, n Wednesday, June 25th
commencing at 2 o'clock, p.m. A
full attendance is requested. E.
R. Dennis of London and other speak-
ers are expected. Ladies are epee-
inlited. 59-1.
Based on Peter B. Kyne's
amusing stories of " Coppy
Ricks." Fun, thrills, romance
A Metropolition Cast
One of 8 Big Attractions
Big Days - 4
itily 7 8 9 10
Season Tickets Only $2.00
The Month of June
Is the time `Mien new homes are being furnished, so we cordial-
ly invite you,to inspect our large stock of all the necessities for
that new home. Assuring you of the very lowest prices possible.
We Have
Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs, Carpet Rugs -of all kinds with a well
assorted stock of furniture that cannot help but please both the
eye and the purse. • .
Don't forget this store when you're leoldng for useful -wedding
gifts. •
Coal 011 Stovesand ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and
Kee9 Yourlawns right by =leg the celebrated Taylor -Forbes
lawn mower.
Extra special priee on Barn and Garage Paint $2.00 per gallon.
A few odd shades of Sherwin Williams Paints. It will pay you to
look these over. ' •
Clinton Hardware and Furniture- Co.
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 105
Preserving" teason 4s loomitg up , you will soon require sugar in
miantitiee, be sure you buy When the market is best to your advantage.
Ripe Tomatoes and Strawberries are .now growing plentiful and rea—
sonble in priee•
'Oranges and Bananas are much in demand and We heve a good sue -
life, of fresh, well colored fruit to Of fer at low prices.
. . .•
TilE* :Sz S. GROCERS Plione1125
A Bargain in Wood
We have secured a quantity of good body Itinch hardwood,
equal to and better than the wood we have been selling out of our
yard at $6.00 per cor,4, which we can sell at
$20.00 per.load of.4 cords
Being principally Maple and Beech this is truly Is mighty
good hu,Y and as the$mine price of coal it advancing eachmonth
I would strongly reCommend to each family in Town; to take in
a load or tWo of this
Real Bargain
•,9 • This price will be good only for orders delivered direct
from the.buskand as the seine wood will sell for a much higher
figure from our yard next winter, if will be real economy to
Order Now
rkilustaro:1 Coal Co.