HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-19, Page 7HEALTH Al
Provincial Ooard,of<•rleaitii, Ontario:
fidleton vein be glad to answer questions of FTubiio Hca
e�^o ttirounb ibis column, Address him at'Spadins House,
t, Toronto."
Tr0 Iiow do cotmnunioable or iifcetiou§ cups, spoons, 'etc:). (e) ':LCliciont�
try �1;.,1000t" PEKOE,
,q''� diseases. spread `I That is a i'
RIO ROSE O .a` NGL Ph KOl�a khat pnz;sles tine l y zn_ iiia, andrightly el la g l .of facts regarding ealsest and
a,'ior the questiozi is one of t� t 1'' d
Journeying Oft.
Our Field representative has just re-
turneiT from an extensivo'taur embrac-
ng nearly ,twenty towns 'and villages
in north-west Ontario and brings in-
teresting reports of Scouting and Cub -
Plug In these pIaces so far away and
for that reason not often visited.
Calling first at Byug Inlet, where
there' is a very nee troolb,`he-was.in-
formed that the tal1,fiag staff in the
centre' of the•vlllage and the notice
board, Belong to: the troor When the
leader desires a. meeting tlae flag is
raised .,and 'proves an unfailing an:
In Sturgeon Rills he fou»'d'th& troop
in posaegsion Of ;one of ,the'f fMet pos.
elbia meeting places ori"y"" troop; could
hope to possess, and beet of alt It has'
been put into shape entirely by the
Colxiposed of.Pure °Para Eub-
ber Melly i'oraus.
Rides Easy as Mr. bollbles
Mileage of. Caaiz gg.
Aero C'
Cushion Inner Tire
Rubber Co., Ltd.
Windham• Ont.
boys during the !linter. They propos
to have a great opening ceremony
shortly and yoµ may bo s aro it will U
a real Scouty time.
Cubs are well`known for their keen
ness,but at Gorniston he considers he
found the limit. Never saw such te
group, on the qui vivo and jump tvvary
moment. He. could not 'answer their
Inqulrles 'quick' enough, What great
'Scouts they must be some day!,
Our representative sn.ys be saw in
Sudbury the most completely' uniform-
ed ,Troop yet. Amused .to find ninny
boys with two belts on, for some wise
purpose, he thought.
Journeying to Manitoulin, the Indian
name for Great Spirit, he found„ that
In spite of isolation ,the bays olt the
Island Word showing -evidence of :the
great' Scout spirit, and looking ahead
to much: real •Scouting.
Then OD to the pulp town of Espan-
ole, where leader Vontoin had his gal-
lant;.Scouts, :Gibs, with leading -citi-
sonslined np`,in splendid' array:: Words
`fail" to.convey to readers the immense-
'important citizen training work
seen and'telt, here Here you And
Canadksnization at its best.
Space will not peanit more than
passing, references to some places
called at, -finishing with. the Soo, Port
McNicall, Penetang and Midland:
the Soo 'there is evidence of a great
forward move. Our representative's
notice": was drawn to one young Scent
Who that day saved one of" hid school
chums from being burned,. by his alert-
ness to do the right filing at the right
moment. Playing with a match, this
chum's: clothes caught on fire, which
would have ended more seriously had
'not" the Scout-mipped out his handker-
chief, 'repeatedly soaking• It from a
pool' of water, and quenched the are.
After all, there is nothing in the
world exactly like. Seoutin, `and it is
doing_its work making'
Mau who never shame their mothers,
Men Who never fail their brothers,
True,' however false are others.
iron n-ol a try,: an pre} imp plu maps'
importance, r Next comes the ptohleun i hothr oC cages of illnc s and of deaths;
e of preventing the spread of corn- I studying the collected data," requiring
munieabie diseases a matter of even n_otrfu.ation hy' OPsans, sending
e greater irnportance Most or the corn- sanitary inspectors to Follow up the
municabie. diseases are spread by.di- cases reported, making a house -:to- ,
- rect contact and by direct it fection,, house inspection of the, entire cit.: '�"- Po� '—m •=•=a
that is by tran ference of the infec- `(d) Carefut^'instruction of't e, ener i ' '
tion from one individual to another. �'iiubtic, oj! teaclrexs in sclioels; q fore- . EASY l'RIC S
Dr. Paul Gerhard -says that` in the men'in, factories, o#, superiit`tehdente a
prevention and control of outbreaks,Ior large" department etoz'as of .the � ' or Even
the .whole , municipal tnachiner atirie l managers, et
h YI a ah , c.. in Mose and.�.�..,e-^-'-..-••<,-b,,..qm,�.:
(ealth, police, city engineering San!' mouth hygiene should ;by means of bulletins
ttippublic traffic departments)' pimphlets popularly written lit,hold:in readiness well -considered pre crature..(e)- ohth, h
Prouipii destruction
ventive measures, -The extent and all infectiou6 matter: warning against
nature ,of theso, necessarily. „depend a careless; disposal of : nasal dig-'
upon the character of the community. charges.
Pi rural district or a small town ob. Equally important 'administrative
.viously demand a somewhat different; control measures to he ; taken at the.
treatment than a metropolis. In all 'first outbreak of ' tan epidemic : are'
important liesures 'efrorts are con- thelisolation of the sick, the provision
centrated along the. Following lines: oft a'sufficient number: of hospital
(a) The prevention of droplet-.infec- beds; the avoidance of- crowded g tin
tion by snes;2iug, coughing, spitting, erings, and the efficient warming (in
hand.shaitdng, etc.. Such droplets are winter)'and ventilation t s, of Homes, of
scattered about to a distance of sev- faces stores; workshops, and means of
eras feet, and every drop may carry communication.
the germ. (b) The control of'sputum, These ..,,Are general
the avoidance of hand contamination which are"necessarygeneral consitheasn re
and the contamination of eatin • and specific, e, urwhich-before have more
drinkingp m asanes which toc be
utensils (dishes, glasses, _taken when an outbreak does occur.
The a est
Statistics trete Ottawa show that in
1923, 66077 pounds more Green. "Tea
were brought into Canada than
1921, and 908,728' pounds more than in•
1922. The reason given Is that the
fine quality Green Teas of India ,and
Ceylon have displaced the Inferior
Japan and China Greens which, due to
their low price, were imported h`bavily
some years ago. Salado. Tea Company
is the, largest importer of India and
Oeykes Green Teas,
Mlnard'c Liniment for Aches and I,sahts
When a man's cloals is threadbare
it is easy to pick a hole in it.
N one minute after ,
the egld Water and coffee is
put $tato a Jtletpelnt Percolator,
percolatio'commences. Shortly the
. coffee is rewdp Spar Ins andelear.
2 oro Ia no'thlpgto getout of order,
i6eHotpeidt itet laior is I rtltected b
qqa exelu va ne eta awlieh rhouid it earl`
de1tatl be nliolYed to "'boil dry," ',y
gist• thOt Would bo loaf remembered.
Par sof. by dealoreinerywhero . $143
I'!'otpoint Division et
L`unadian General Electric Co.
Mtn t:
six' ei fernt,..,t,:e„c,nl le f.:es 59,
SHIP Enameled Ware has
(tate smooth surface and polish of
file erocl cry.--raitlaout the break-
gage. - And it is so very easy to clean
s -'-just like china, and therefore
imakes light work of: pot washing.
Try this test. Take -aa - SMP
Enameled Ware Sauce pan and a
sauce pan of equal size.
Into each pour a quart of cold.
water. ,Put on tyle fire at the salve
tune'. The SMP §anee pals will e
bolting merrily when, the water
t e other 0 just fpeg.hiax ing,ta
s lin .
614 •
cypfParcqani$;a Near! of Stec 'k
rlluee niches/ Poor! Warn, ttwo coatsof pearly
Orr$- o artef angitic and out., -Diamond W.e, Rorie
oatsl linin bind and WJttta unfside,•n•hite flnbna',
Cry/Ito! Worn,.tltroa coats! ouzo white insisio And
out, with Royal Blue reams.
ru,i.lEgv'MSy`;AL PRODUCTS Co,
`, 105
I Am the Baby.
Iamthe $ABY.,
I am the youngest institution in .the
world—and end the oldest. '
The earth !s my heritage when I
come ionto being, and when I go I leave
it to the next generation of Babies.
lily mission is to leave- the earth a
better place than I Lound it,
With my Million little` brothers and'
sisters I can do this; if the World doe's
not 11 20se too many handicaps.
Now/ need PURE MILK and FRESH
When i am a "little older I shall
need good Schools in which to learn
the lessons of Life.
T want to live, laugh, _ love, work,
Ia a Bountiful Supply. of Rich
Health -Giving' ,Blood.
Sufferers Irons --what: medical men
speak of aa -nervous debility find !hent
serves tired, morose, Iow-spirited and
unable to keep their minds on auy-
thing. Any sudden noise hurts like a
blow. ',They are 'full of, groundless,
fears and cannot sleep. at night, •Their
hands tremble, the lege feel as if they
will give away following a Valk or
any exertion, and' the Mind is greatly
dieturlied by the moat trivial Incidents.
Doctoring the nerves with poison-
. I want . to hear :geoid music. -read oils, sedatives is a terrible mistake.
The only real nerve tonic lea good
I want to build Houses and ./loads supply of rich, red blood, To secure
and Railroads and pities. . this new, rich blood use Dr. Williams'
1,want to, walk in the weeds,'bethe In 'Pint[ Pills which have a direct action
the waters, and platin -the snow, en the blood and through It stimulate
I ane Yesterday, To -day and To -mor. every nerve and 'organ in the liody.
If you will make my' way easy„ now,
I will help you when I grow up„
' Lam your }I0P71-I Alil THE
PY Ili'' HE --Has the right food, Is.kept
dry and cleat, Sleeps alone in a quiet,
cool piaoe, Is given pure, cold water
to drink, Has a bath every day, Has
his. meals served' -on !tine, Breathes
fresh -air, day and night, is dressed ac-
cording to the weather, Is protected
good , books, sea beautiful pictuiles.
Mrs. Alpheus Merritt, Fenwielt, Ont.,
gives her' experieneo with this medi-
cine as foIleve:—"I bad a nervous
breakdown and was, in the Welland
County Hoepital for ome time. As, I
was not improving my. husband took
me cut and took' me' -up to cony moth-
er's. I doctored there but it did not
help ins, Then I returned home, and
was_again under a doctor's care, but
with no better results.. I would trem-
ble and get numb eli over, and the
least noise would; affect me, •'l' was
from flies and mosquitoes,; Is kept 'quite unable to 46 My'hdusework and
away from ' sick fonts and, crowds, wad in a terrible condition. Finally I
Does not have to be shown off for was advised to try pr: Willlame' Pink
visitors, Is NOT kissed on the mouth, Pills and she thankful that I did so,
even by his mother, es after taking about a dozen boxes I
BABY WILL BE UNHAPPY AND was again a healthy woenan. I. have
CROSS IP IEE -Is given a pacifier, Te •used the pills since while nursing my
taken up Whenever be -ries, Is kept up baby, with equally good results,: and
late, Is bounced up and down, Is'.dossti; I strongly advise ether ailing women
with medieinee, Is bothered by flies to.'trY ocean,"
and mosquitoee, Is allowed to go You can get these pills through any
thirsty, Is lad at the. family table, Is dealer in niedtclne, oa by mail at G0
not kept dry and clean, Is taken to the cents a box. from The Dr: Wiflalus'
movies, Is teased and made to stow 11ledto(ne Co., Brockville, Ont.
off, is not a FRESH AIR baby..'
It is easier to keep baby well than
to cure him, when he gets sick,
Only in Part,
4"Well, .AdelIe, Isere 'it is Saturday
night again," said the brisk little a •o•
SPLEIiD1II LAXATIVE - rnan who kept the one miliinery shop.
'FOR ayin the village. Adelle was her only Silt Rules of Success:
F 'THE BABY assistant and while she assisted sit a From the Oldest Book in the World.
BABY moderate weekly wage was Ieainlu "God lies drawn plans and spen(floa-
--- to make and trine and sell hats. "Time tions by which men may, build their
Motbel% should constantly be on to close up. You have Heade a good Eves into successes," says John Edger-
gaard to keep baby's bowels working job of that turban for Mas. Willes, my ton, Preeddeitt of the National Assoeia-
freely and bis stomach sweet, for dear. 'New take 'this part of your tion of Manufacturers; "If,uzan Iives
uina•tenthe of the atlnloeits from week's pay and run away leonce." And and builds according to these plans he
-stitch little onee; suffer are caused by she put Me entail roil of MRS into tate cannot Pall."
derangements of the stomach and gib1's hand, T. IPe Mkt ruleth his spina is great
bowels, Baby's Own' Tablets are a Adelle saw at a glance that the bills er that he. that tateath a (ity. Pro -
splendid laxative for the nabs. They amounted to'the whole of her weekly verbs 16:22),
are mild but thorough; contain neith- we,g,e.' She bolted up, puzzled. "You 1I.—Be not deceived; God is not
ee• opiates nor narcotics, and are air. have Haid 010 - all you owe 'tor. the mocked;' tor whatsoever a man sew
aolntely guaranteed to be safe and week!" she protested, eth, that shall he also reap. (Gala--
efiloiont for either' the newborn babe `The little milliner laughed, "Maybe tions 0'7
or the growing child. By their actieh se, she agreed;'"but not'ali in that bit III,—As ave have opportunity, Iot us
on the bowels and stomach they eleive of money. If youweren't getting more do" good to ail'en.en..
out 'constipation , and Indigestion; pay then that, you woad be poorly off, g t be y 0:10),
break up oolde-and simple; fevers and 'child. 13ut every day, oyery week, yoel d011lg; E s' inodug season weary' in well
'Make the' dreaded ' teething ; lierieii are acquiring snore geld more: shill in if we doing;
not.l we 9). reap
easy. The Tablets are soisl by mean- yosjr work Isere. You. you lack
are.gtettio. ion; V,—Ifis 0011 th, you eth beraily and cine dealers ,or by mail at 26 cents: n -of real satisfaction outilf it too. You him ogle God that giveth itb.eraily and.,
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine are Fond of your walk; 1 can see that, upbraideth..not; and it shall be given.
Co,,,l3rockvllle, Out, 'like to think that, alilsough you are him. . (James 1;6)
Sure of His Rights.
'Phis little tale would be worthless
If, at evere- not fact.
.reecber (wlio had spent zip hour of
the Oltlzeusllip" ,lesson -talking shout
Bights/') ---'1-lave you any right's,
Tnhi, v"'
Ask a spectator to hold her
hands, fingers extended, behind her
back. Ask ber to close into the
palm an even number of fingers in
one hand and an odd number in the
Ask her to multiply the number
of fingers closed, in the right hand,
'by any odd number. Aek her to
multiply the number. closed inthelett hand. by any even number. She
is now' to add and to ten 'you the
right hand figure of the total. fm.
mediately you Will know in which
hand the•odd number of lingers -is
closed. • '
' If the number given Is even, the
odd number of fingers closed will
be in the,:right hand. 1t the num-,
ber given is odd the odd numbbr
wilt be in the left Band.
(Clip this out and paste 10 wish
other of the series, in a gorapbook.1
,,An Apology to Alfred.
As enypne kmoive wird has read that
brilliant but rather disconcerting
novel The Way of' All Flesh, Samuel
Butler was not a slavish admirer of
the institution of. the family. Ris_own
life at home had not been happy, and
we remember that ,in his Note-ooks
he referred to some Biblical charac•
ter—Melchizedek,. was it not? --as a
"really happy man --without father,
without mother 'and without descent."
Blit Butler, no .more than the test of
us, could get airing without affection.
He had a. few. doe friends and wan
meet faithful perhaps to tate least de=
There was a curious relationship
bstwaen.Butler and Lia lean servant
Alfred, What it was like can best be
illustrated by a letter that Alfred
wrote Bine in 1381.
Dear. Sir: I hope you arrived quite
Safe on Tuesday and 'Sound your sister
well , , I have a little complaint to
make. You never looked out of the
carriage to see me standing en the
platform as I always do. There was I
standing in the rain, and you never
looked at lie.
Yours truly, Alfred.
On reeeiying the letter Butler sent
an algology by telegram, and Alfred
,t -spited.:
Received telegram this, ,morning;
thank you. I :Mewed it to Mr, Jones;
and he laughed.' I forgive you.
John (wlto has apparently wool-
gathered for one beta.) -'-"Yes, sir,
Teacher (surprised)—"Two? .Why
JOltn-"A hand and a foot:
100Iring only to sa0on .money wage, Vh--Letevery man be swift to hear,
You are acquiring also the ski]] that slow to speak, slow to wrath. (Jambs
will. earn fol' you a good -.living later - -•
ou and'are having a daily share of the
Icy of work -well done."
• T1e Nvorker. man or woman, Allo
gets Ont 61 -bis Job only the` contents'
of the weakly, pay envelope, is poorly
Paid indeed, Vet' from tinotlior point
of view he its overpaid in money, for
the worker wile isn't 60' much in love
with his work, -that he' does it better
everyday and gets a large measure of
satisfaction out 'of 1t is ft poor work-
man. He probably doesn't'duIIy earn
tho indney in the pay, envelope.
You wind day.
With overy, rising of the sun
Think. Of your life as just begun.
The past has shtbved and betted 'deep
Ali yestoi•dn•yg-tllare let -'them sipepl
Nar soeit'to summon Uacji one ghost
Of that innumerable;host,
Concern yourself with. btitto-day,
Woo it aha Coach it to obey
your_ wish, and will. Since titre, began
To -day, has beau the trainf
d oman.
Slight Reduction in Sieht, But le his hlindhess end hie sorrow:
1st 1-TiFrh-Salaried• Man—"J'liay say Ho docks to yesterday- and, to-lnocro)y
they're going to reduce the tax on only
the part . of a man's income , that's You aucl' to -day! a soul' lhlblin'le
.earned." - d,
2nd o--"Otire.t GoshDo Sots ..- r And the groat pregnant hour of 1;inle.
. '
t;hinit th.sy ro 11!cely to Save a' tells W'th God
witbs the boas'1"� L , say; nt lo bindatom train,
o _forth, J say:, t-ttin; nttarn,
Mi;nard's Liniment for Headache:
A colt you ria§ break, but an old
horse yon never can,
'4o onky' business
Treat', Year fain!, -INCA Die -Lice, • Ono application
atlaCenteed to kcopyour font, rrao 500ln, Ilea for
e�sSi'at»• *a, - _ six m0, 0,1.
in t drop us a card: lr5
wnl mall you Dla•Li,, arra.
cleat ,t0 treat 200, Again.
whoa 1t :arrh a bay postman.
Al And ..'footage. Iroaoy
NA 15 it fails. Acord bolo
1p tot! pct oC et 050 liafora
Ie,elratleit, ant wanderrui
n lr 0.0 o0 t0rp CO rid gots plata,. Of rata, Woo and
gepkere wldlrout tho 'use of imine or polecat; dent
fro, with coal bex.: dgcnle ranted. •
Drawer 515, , • - Wiarton, Ont.,
A tablespoon et Mlnard's in cup
of molasses mixed with tho brdn
mash: will give quick -relief,
My Northern Lights. :.
The concert halls are crowded close,
The city streets are filled,
Their gleams out above, -below,
Life's, plass is swift and thrilled'
While from my farmhouse window
I watch, the Northern Lights go by,
The alugez''a voice In marvelous, trill
Warms every listening heart,
Or gazing wonderers gape and thrill.
At the magician's art;
From my good place ,beneath pod's
I see the Northern Lights Mame bdgh.
Far to'the-west the wheatdelds stand,
Eastward the'•thvobbing mart,
Oft to the south a golden land
Speaks calmness to 'the heart,
But more aliui;ieg far, to me,
Tie..•Northern Lights'deep mystery,
O Cityl' Itoep your tumult wild,
'The words and doede of men;
The night's blue bowl give' me instead,
The quiet stars—and then
Gllmni't;ing and, pule, now low, now
My Northern Lights ,against the sky,
• -Mrs, Cola L. Fountain,
Minard'e Liniment for Distemper.
A good companion snakes a heaven
out of hell •
When ordering goods, by mail send
a Dominion Express Menet' Order,
!Aute- Starter and Generator' Repair
669A Yonge- St, Toronto.
uniel ai
trim R
Let us send you circular "E"--
'7 Per Cent..2'lue Satety—places
you under no obligation ;what-
ever.. 'Write-6Sr it to -day,
Dominion Brokerage Co.
Thin Folks
If you tire weals, thin and nervous,
let your druggist supply you with
81tre-Phosphate. It it guaranteed to.
Increase weight and strength and re -
atom energy, 'Igoe and nerve force,
Price $1 per pkge, Arrow Chemical
Co., 26 Front 5t. Bast, Toronto, Ont.
No w en d er 5f nerib M'owe rs iii*
so popuIca• They cut no eaai . ,
-wad*ldh ankh little"paastr..
IlioAirla/oho/ IYon0mans4 ., awe: 04
,1,55102 SMART' PLAtda, BROCKvILIXOeil.`:,
Lift Off7-N0 Pains
Doesn't hurt one hill Drop sy initis
"Freceone" on an aching born, ' in'.
stoutly that corn stops hurting, then
shortly You lift It right off with Angara.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle ot.
"Froezone" for e. few Cents, ehtlicient
to reni0Ve overt' hard corn, soft corn,
or .coin between the'tooa and the foot
05110060, 'without soreness or irritation
"When you' have the good will of
your employees, and know how to gets
thein to give you their best e2Fortgf
that fact Of itself is bound to go c
long way toward keeping red figur
off your books-",
Minard's Liniment for Sprains. '
It takes ton pounds of common o mon sense
to , carry one. pound of learning.
Classified A ve '
d rtlsements
8� paint., For Barna, 'Garag'es,' Pao,,
tortes-, etc. :$8,76 gallon; 6 -gallon cans
516.00. Red, Black, "Reside'..Paint,
for Barns;; Roofs, Iron 0o-nerete,
6 -gallon cans, $8.00. .h re aid,
si arses norm- a
A. 0. Wells & Ca, Paimt. Manufactue•erm '
281Carriere St,, Montreal.
send for our Big Free Catalogue
showing 101 bargains -in Auto Sup-
Plies; lt.will save you money. Senty
or It to=day, Canadian' date Shp
Box 164, Niagara Fade•, Ontario. •
Walla 00r1,4.. 050 0411513 0005':own co,ext 0007
;ams ei �J
.Say "Bat' yer Aspirin"
INSIST! Unless you see the
"B'ayer Cross" on tablets you
are not getting the genuine
Bayer Aspirin proved safe by
millions and prescribed by phy,
sicians for 24 years.
Accept only st
Y A g
which contains proven directions
Bandy "Boyor" boxes of 12 tablet
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Asple1n It tho !bade mak (raelstoted int.
Cumin) of BOO btanafactvra of 000Do,
aeoticecldester at Sailcyiteeeld
!ave You Tried The New
C lticilra Shaving Stick?
'!'hie delicately medicated antiseptic
Soap produces a rich creamy hating
lather, enabling you to shave with-
out the olightest irritation. indis-
pensable for those who shave twice
dads. Properly used, it will prevent
ingrowing hairs.
Prka 25a,Stld everywhereor mailed Prig'
paid aponrece)ptof»»rice b Cnnadianne.
pot: 4ceikera, P;0.9os 8R6.1Flantrear."
Tells Bow Lydia E. Pinliham's Veg-
etable Compound Relieved Her of
Infli nuaatioa Ind Great Weakness
West St Sohn, N. B.— "I was in a
general 'run-down condition :following
the birth of zny twin boys. I hada great
deal of inflammation, with pains and
woalmess. Finally my doctor recent -
mended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. He said that your medicine
would be the only thing to build me up.
I am sure lee is right, for X- am` feeling
;suchbetter and am gaining in weight,
having gone down to eenety-three
pounds, I was ie. bed for over alnonth,.
-but am asp again now. I have recto -
mended -the Vegetable Compound to any,.
friends and give you. permiselonto use
my letter. "-eanis. E LMER A. Itexemn,'
82 Redr ey St, 'West :St. John, N. 13,
There are many worsen Who and theit
household dutiee ahi1ost unbearable ow-
ing to somewealrnesa-or derangement
The trouble may be slight, yet cause
such annoying symptoms as dragging
pains, weakness and a run-down feeling,
Lydia N. Pinicbanr'e Vegetable Com-
pound is a splendid medicine for such
conditions:It bee he many cases relieved
those symptoms by removing the cause
of them. tdt-s. Ritchie's experience is
'Set one of many.
You !night be interested in reading
itfrs.Pinkbana s Pri.vatoTe; t-Bootc upon
the ' Ailments of Women," You cans
et a copy 'free by writing the Lydia
32. ' .'i/yid:an:'; Medicine Go,,Cohourn,