HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-19, Page 5ntertast ..to-Yt)u alaci Ale The. Ontartei,..griatiltural C011ege.„' %ielpli, ;its jubilee', 'last, eft, with ° Sun has Changed is ioraa i'rom„, an eight to a sixteen page. Paper ancUcontes out.,noWjaa a \Toek- ly instead a '-zeini-Weeltly.- '-."A -third Party May be 'neC'es'attry " aays,the -Schenectady '(1V11611.,) Ga- 44ette no • .tWO. platfotans 'could ..,e , long enough to hold all.the, grouches." . - "Two ministers who had formerly, oeen printersi; devils' and knew' how to- ;set type," -says the ,Orillia Packet, "receindr nelPecT-the , editor of The 'Creemorc Star to get,T his paper .out When he was . short-handed." We Pi,e- stinte one. of these was Oar ,old friend, the Rey. Harvey Ciiklough;`i6•Miq Cree'v1M;e who learned his trace in Tho News -Record office and who spent .several .years "at -the case," before .talting 511) his studies preparatory to -entering the Anglican aninistry, At Listowel the other night some- one deliberately drove- Vet the tulip beds in the Public achael.groundig de§;-, Lroying them: ..Pretty 'low-down he'. haviour :for, anyone jii,this_PPpeSad-' ly eglightenx1 countrY,".waSW4?,-f-n, Clinton there -are 'cfnuPliiiiits tioW 'OUP then -of.:,floWett.,,lieds being' s -tripped;: but it ik nmartY done -by peoPle,Who'i want the fleNieifk:a;MTWhe' aagen would rather 'steal thein than grow ' 'them. That's'Pretty low-down, too. The' people; -1Y/t. takg the trouble to grow flowers 'Shbuld,,have the fun of giving them 'away, The 34,030 withdrawn from. the Home Bank a femr hours before its doors-cIosed in August last by Seines Murdock, Minister td Labor in the King Government, was deposited in a • branch of the Royal )3ank a feiir doors down the street, in the name of Miss • Sadie McCool, who has been his retary ,for some time. ,Tbis fact' was brought out at the investigation • before the Qommission last week but an spite of everything Ile N as acqtut- ted of ell blame, We fear that "Honest James" has fallen from the, high position he toek when viorlibig for the return `of the King Govern- ment. At least his actions now do not eorrespond with the highione of his speeches ern. . Auburn A play entitlec("I Can't flord is to be, given in the Forester's hall on Thursday evening, June 26 by the young people of Benmiller, under the auspices of the League of the Meth°. • diet chureh. . Mrs. A. Bennet of St. Thomas came home for the celebration of the golden wedding, anniversary of her pkirents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Straughen, which took piece on Tuesday, June 17th at the homeof their son, Wil - hat being the family home. All the -members of the fennly wero , present occept the youngest son, who :vas unable to attend owing to illness in his borne.' A- union Sunday school picnic bee been arraeged for and will be held an the grounds of Mr. A. Jaekson, near -the ehOPPing mill, an the ag- Yeete)moon of, Friday, J.une 27th. A program of sports, Paces, etc..., is be. ,ing arranged by the conneittee. All members of the different Sundey Schools are expected' to come, bring alont their families ana baskets and have a good thne together. ' •A servite will be held. next Sab- bath evening in the Presbyterian church at 7:30. The their will rem: der special music. ' Thu minister -Will preach. This w1,11 be the last of these evening seeviels in the Pres. byterian church tail August, The Atiburn Wonian's Institute held h,.very interesting meeting in the Forester's hall en'Menclai. The We- 'anan's Institute from Lentiesboro weee present and assisted in the pro- geain. • Mrs, Patterson of qadshill gave a splendid address on "The In- stitute as a Factor in the Communi- ty." Lim* was served by the Au. bum /aclMs. Mr. ,and Mrs. G. Millioh of Zion spent Sunday with friends here. ' Mrs. John Ferguson is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, ...C. Taylor of 'St. Helena, Nkrs. 0. E. Etrait is visiting tit • Clinton. . Jgr. A. J. Ferguson spent last week in Detroit. Mrs. Mahon of Thaniesville is spending a Ow weeks with 'her par- ents 1VIr. and ;Mrs. T. Straughan. The Woman'S-Ilissionary ,Society of the Methodist -church were enter- tained at the •home of Mrs. Pleetzer on Thursday last. A'_eplentlidasiro- gram of readings, addresses and music was enjoyed, after which games, were played. , Over sixty members., •of the congregation were served a sumptrious repast by Mrs. Plaetzer, sr., and ales. Plaetzer. A very enjoyable time was spent and Mrs. Plaetzer, sr., was made a life mem. her of the Society. t • godericit Townshiti • A happY crowd of' aliont twenty - 'five young people, belonging to Sher- -on Methodist church and young pea- -pies' societies, ,were •entevtained ,at- a reception on Tharsda-y evening•last at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Bond, of the 8th, concession of Gode- •-rich township. Mr, and /Ws. Beim have been just recently married. 'After a beautiful and' appropriale ad - ;dress given by Miss Lillian Potter, the bride and groom were presented with a dainty casserole, • After an leYaMe evening. spent with games atisi conteste, and good things to eat, the' delighteg, crowd disbanded. " Mr, and Mrs. George W. ,pear - son and two little daughters left on last for their home in Wayne, Mich ., after spending' two weeks -with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robt., ,Peareon. Mrs, Angus Cole accompanied them home, 'after slang her eieter, Mrs Hicks, and ether, Mr. W, Cole -and • other . . pteis in the vim:ad:ye, , nron cuicittili•Nery/iRettord • • • •' • ocial Service CounCil Met in Clinton COLD, WET OR FINE luesday, our call birs etvif. if 'ye,,u order by phore.or other-' . no ..matter ,kind .4 day it is You wili.'always Phone NO. ,WiSe .qoake Om slos 7o to st000 "Proinpt .,SeritZa .and 'C,P.Mtpay :111,', IAn emphatic protest. Ivas' iMad Tuesday by' the' Moral Reform le sif Thiren county against the Ontario Goverrmient interfering in 'any way with the cause of:Prohibition. This county is generally recognized as be- ing enthusiastic -in introducing file best legislation available 011 any question that ,affects it's, citizens 'and in the Matter of Prohlbition it may be recalled that Huron had the. bene- fits of Prohibition through the_ Can- .aaa Temperance Act several years before the' 0 .T A. came into ..force. The large delegation in attendance at the annual Social SerVice Council convention, which was[held in Wes= ley chooch, Clinton; Tuesday, was unanimena sfl doe:taring, that the 0. TA,ws doing what it was intend, ed. to 'do, viz., make continual pro- gress in the -onward march towards the final' overthrew, of ' the liquor e as the youth of 'oday zo he the aders men and women- of tomorrow. We recommend that, in our homes Das, and Sunday schaels and church es,more teaching be given on the clan ger of the liquor trafilc, the cigareft and tobacco habit, and good ,clea morals, believing that malty youn people of -today are not :fully fseize of these, Vital truths in all their re alities.,` That this item bo read ii all the chinches in the cotmly, , That the President and SecreLar,t of the'•Httron COunty Social Service Council appoint a 'committee ev- ery municipality who shall have charge of the Work in ,that locality and look after' the finances. , That said, committee be subject to comity officers. The addresses of the President and Field Secretary, j. A. ,Irwin, and A. T Cooper, werd' optimistic and en- • thusiastic, ,4-60ut.'theubenefita secured tebne the. facts ,prepented:theziorgl.t.tdRtioic -will have 'the-'41earq' p.ipport of all COL•oPeQailugi-'cillirales',Yee any cam- b'e:,.1449d .bY.5the :aiklAectiteS „ Government • control as they in.,Btitish Coluinbia was, ez,tplai ,the, ReV. H. E.„ LiyibgStone ElinivilleCwho up to a year ago li B.0 ‚,os bringir4 'shout' conditi that were intiph -worse than under forniqk Tle stated t the Maderatien: League had cleft that GoVernment eentrol would duce drunkenness, eliminate booted ging and cenunaed ,gresiter resp for law, whereas, none of th ,things ehad• been accoMiilished and ehange is being demanded today the business interests as\ well as moral referra forces „of,thet Provin Rev. j. Bailey ot the Ontario P. hibitien' Union was present and shared the -workers With. clear; sa argainenti why we should insist "holding -what we have" and -world hard through "thorough, Qafiizati "towards the suppression of the man facture and- exportation of all quors as necessary -auxiliaries to t Prohibition of the Ontarie .Temp •since Act. , • ••• About one hundred and fifty per. sons attended a banquet eupPlied by the W•C-T.V., and after dinner speeches were enjoyed under the di- a•ection of Rev. 'Dr, Larkin of Sea - forth. • ' The following resolutions ,were carried: • - "We the members ef the Social Service Council of Huron dainty, ag- sembled in, convention at Clinton, Ontario this 17th day of June 1924 take this opportunity of voicing our prates% against any ehange being, made in the 0 .T ,A., that would in the smallest degree bring alma the weakening of the law as it now stentie O n the statute books. We feel that every fdir-minded person will admit that the said law. ,hadone and is now doing untold good, both—Mater- ially anti' morally. We have not yet heatd of any Creganization that promotes the avel.fato of the countr aSkieg foe a change. Koreover we feel that the liquor haibit having 'been engrained in the very fibre of soeisitY for centuries aye ned of ved ens the hat ned- re- eg- eet ese a by the ee. ro. in- ne 0/1 ng on 11--; 11 - he ex - many years must .elapse before total prohibition. law will have Uzi to make its full.Venefits known, ,Th necessary time lies not yet been al lowed and we therefore urge that n vote be taken on the question o changing the•law until sufficient time has been given to test the working of it thoroughly. If however, the Government, hav- ing been einpowerd by am Enabling Bill to submit the question to a vote of the electorate, should' decide to bring- on a plebiscite in the near -fu- ture, we will be prepared to meet the issue knowing that we are eup- porting a just cause. We think it is within our rights to -exliect that the vol be 12111<50, at the most rea. seeable time, that sufficient notice of the date be give.n, and that the •questions submitted to the elettors be so wended that rio confusion or ambiguity Shaft ayjee, • We express our approval -of the On. forcement of the 0.T.A: under the present Attorney general and pledge him 'our support in his earnest ef- fort in the strictest enforcement of That we place, on record our high- est appreciation -of the work •being done by Inspector Pellso,,v, who with- out fear or favag. always dischaig. ing his duties as a faithful public ser- vant, and solicit for him the moral support of both the members of Parliament in the different ridings et the eeenty a -s well ae the people in general. • • , , MakriageS TYNDALL-eFORBES—At the manse . iLondesborog on - „Tune - 17th, Hilda Wary: • eldeet Rauglifer. et Mita arid "Mrs. James 0, Poi:hese-to ...Nor. nail Me. Tyndall; :soh.- di 'and t i.e. Loren Tyndall, all of Mullett, CLARKE' a-- -KEYS At "Ingleside )Farin," Stanley, the home. ofethe Ibridea,,parentS, 4on -jund -18th,-",bY 'the Rev, jeeDurnant, ZOlisiR younger daughter.of •Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Keys, to W. Clarke, elder ison. of Mr, Mid 'Mrs, Imuncelot „Mark, all of ,gtabley fewnekip.. BA/RD 'AIKENHEA.D — At the niensee Brucefield, ;eine 18th, by the Rev. 0. ,Gordtin ,Armour, 'Margaret Ross Aiken/Mad,' daugh- ter'of th'e late James Aikenhead, to Themes Bidden Baird; son of '• the late Theinae'l3aird, all ef 'Stan- - , CLARK-40U-NG—At Goderich, or! --Attie 5-th, by the Rev.. C. N. Dew- , ey,' Gradia' Lillieha Young to" Jiamee Jesepir Claris, all of Goderiehh- SMITH—CHISIIOLly—At St. Peters eliureb; Goderich, 'on 'June 10th, by the Rev.. Father Chisholm, assisted by Rev. •Fathers Dean and Gratin, Helen Grace, daughter •of Kr: and Mrs. John Chisholm of Colborne townehip,-to-Walfrid Leo Smith of -Goderich.: • ,GIBSONCRAWFORD—In „Toronto, • on June Oth, :by Rey. -Father Petrie, 'Helen Marie, eldest daughter of lYle. and /Vies. David Crawford . of Dublin, formerly of Clinton, to Joe seph Gerrard Gibson of Toreeto, • Births RITHWELL--in Statiley townishiP on June Oth to Mr. and Nye. 'Fred RI" Ratinvell, a daughter,—Lois Marie, Deaths CANTELON-1n Toronto, tin June 16th, Ann Cautelon, widow of the late William Cantelon, in her 96th year. ' WATSON.—In Seafdrth, on 414,017th, Margaret, wife of kb,james Wet - son of Seaforth and eldest daugh- ter (41 the late John Leslie of Gnu- ,. ton." ld Ornceflo. A large number a the, friends of Miss ltlargaret Aikenhead aseembled at the home of Mrs. A. MeQueen no Thursday evening last and presented 4 the bride-to-be "with a Miscellaheous shower. The gifts were numerous, O beautiful and 'costly and served.to preis in a measure the esteem, in 2 which this young lady is held by her z friends Miss Ar, Landesborough of Clinton Spent last' iyeek as the guest of her sister, Mrs, J.. McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty of 'Van- couver visited friends here last week. Mr. W. NI. McQueen of Toronto spent the •week.end. with his parents and friends here. The many friends hereabouts of Mr. W. G. Landesborough, former - y of Tuckersinith township' but 110W Of Port Credit will be pleased to learn that he has successfully passed his fifth year in medicine: He and his mother have been visiting friend in l3rucefield, Clinton 'and Tuckersinith during the past week. That we heartily endorse the work of our Field. Secreter/7 bar• A. 12. Cooper, believing, that the. high stan- dard of temperance, sentiment in Huron comity to be attributed to his untiring efforts along this line. We also hope, he may continue his secreteriaI duties in connection ivith. the Temperance work at the count', We 'Teel the great lack of inferina- tion regarding • the splendid results .accraing from, the Prohibition and in. View of the ..plebisite vote re- commein 00.3 peap e isa 03 as is Jargo supply of the posters shown today by the secnetany, also the eanie in- fos'rnatjon on the posteard size, or have said posters placed in a cons/Ac- t:101.2S place in all otir churches and Sunday school rooms and public That we cannot too strenglY ex- press our disapproval of the modern dance of which a public man said re- cently "In every day, in every way, it's getting worse and worse." We requesfi the parents in the home, the teachers in °Ur-, schools, the Members of ,our 'Munici1,a1 Councils and those Is p- .pbblie 'dancing: halls to guard the youth of our land from this pernicious form of amusement., Fos' 'Vire. Was. Forest. and Mr. L. and Mrs.. Fovst: and son. and Mr. and 1VIrs. Steer motored to Detroit to visit friends last week, ..- /Mr. D. O'Roulte, bur enterprising blacksmith; who, has. been. absent •Ser a week on ine honeYmeon,,retueeed home Saturday- with 'his brides: , welcome ,Mrs. OlRoti,ke isto Berieefield and extenda to, the syonniPeePla. geed,. wishes TOT '..,hap_pirieSs anclaProsperiteiJ The regular meeting' of the W.M: S. was ,held on -Wednesday of last week, twenty-four ladies answering to the roll call with a verse"of scrip- ture or an item of misisonerY inter- est, Mrs, Hazelwood presided, and Mrs, Zapfer read a 'chapter from the study book. ' Mts. S.utter' gave- a reading from the Presbyterian Re- cord ,telling of the need oi‘ mission - arias in India and Mrs, Hugh Mc- Gregor gave aapaper •setting forth theuses of the Misaionany .1:lessee- ger- A committee was appointed to aFrauge for the clothing of an cbotrcldiaj tg:.,Ktopr,j y . iT,2,gnei nt heejltlyun2eileatciineg, bp, will an open., one •arid, imdeations' be given .id thei're.„Ary threle, ,Helpers and all the' ladies •Of• the con, gregation. Mrs, (Rev. ). Ltinsly of Kippen and Mra„ A: Meateith assist with -the program, there,will be suitable and appropriate mesic ana imi„. A quiet wedding took place 'at: the manse at eleven o'clock yesterday - morning, Wednesday, when Margaret Ross Aikenheacl, was united in ear-" riage with Blr.,Thomas B ...Baird, son of the late Thomil's Baird. The bride wore her travelling snit of sand cloth with hat, shoes and gloves to •reateli and the couple were unattendeci. The ceremony was performed by Rey C. G. Armour and wa's "witeeeced oniY ,/Y. a' few Unenediate frienhe' Mr, and Mrs. Beira 'teft ,inunediately af- ter the ceremony on a /rioter trip. They have the good wishes of theie ,a e you not se and taken ad vantage Of our each clays specials: ;Friday anti Saturday, tills week: 3 Bars el Soap -any brand ,.,,,20c 2 lbsof pus Lard '.,,.52c, ' 3, to one eustomer., 1 lb. of Baccm ;22e. 2 pkgs. of Lux just ,a ,fewmentioned. here. Sia. our, .bluelcboarci li ysindowLor theisPecials. KindlY get your or 'clers in early.' , GHEST PRICEis FOli .131:JITER OR ,EGGS , ourz STORE:IS Youn sloRE CO'S. C:01-10CERY, Jot' rm,m..1..aorazmnizasia,.. -Sagat:,1011MT4-2iftaMtleeldtpligViSZ,B,V6W4igtera*Iil Ti a Loaf AtYo.3krCrcer, Or d(3:ivered NEILSON' S CHOCOLATES -ssorted.Flavors., The /ciao that_ pleasesi- oo Bread ookies BARER. AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 C. I:I.-, VE NE , Electrician_ ElectrfeRanges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other ' ' • Appliances, „ .4 - Wiring and Repairs., ' Phone-J5Ivv • Otieni4i New Grocery Stoie flaying moved my grocery stock to the store on- Albert St., formerly occupied by the late A.McKown, I am now ready • to serve all my old custothers and ,as many new ones (is will loiter me with their.patronagi , A full stock of fresh groceries ahvays on hand , All orders, phoned or otherwise, promptly attended 'o Pm a little farther North butwill be glad to see all my customers from the South as of old - Morieg Jordon THE CENTRAL GROCERY , Phone 144 Ws P Cash - tecbas1•10.1 EGGS Our plant is now complete and WC solicit your shipmen s of eggs whether large or small. Come and see them greded, OULTRY a We buy live Poultry twelve months of the year. It will pay you to advise us -AO you have to sell. At present, market old liens, • old Roosters, late hatched and spur Chickens. CONDITIONS -Sal our eggs are bolight on Government 'grades and all poultry According to sloe and quality. We are here to serve you. • Gunn, L nglois (Sic Co., Limited , HEAD OPFICE MONTREAL, QUEBEC AT., W. Trewartha, Manager Clinton Branch Day Phone 190 Night Phone 214 W belatilire2MEEIMIX4111.111=112=3:1114=====a25CONOMEIMAMWSRCGOZZIIEEMITIAIMEDEMMII NIOSIMENZIOMMIIMO Vraear.;e,Mnororacctsaat.orapellesax...11.3111.101a ,q1•10191.1011.14Mie a.:1,0,......rnImalstotonumerraga FLOUR AND FEED Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, White Middlings Purity, Five Roses', Maple Leaf Flour Monarck and Pie crust Pastry Baby Chick Scratch, Pin head Oatmeal and Blatchford's chick mash Seed Corn, Turnip, IVIangel, Sorghum, Millet and Rape Seed W JENKINS & SON Nfg•ht 141 and 129 Office Phone 199 peosemmorstmeawsnomakei.tilafilieresui newt Frame 'Rouse eood repair, on the east iide of Albert street, Clinton. Contains Six rooms and has sununer kitchen attached. Glassed In verandah, goodstonecellar, town water. Half acre of garden with several fruit trees. •.Apply on premises to Mrs. Long. 59---tf • To'the ,Ladies of Clinton and Surrounding Country Standard Electric Waslileg and Renovating, Cleaner, bs prePared to clean Rug, Carpets, etc. This hs not a vaceilin cleaner ise washer end gueranteed not -1; oeinjure the finest .Ruge, -coned C. 11. VENNER, ClilliOill Eleetrieian tert.a.ciehlOmkornMalianrsmoX.Irtil6.016;aracictaarnuraseer.M. Phone 151w, niarly friends for a happy ma-rnied The many friends of MC. Tlioinas Carr will be sorry to hear Ise is not improving as they would like. Mrs 0. 13. Simpson has returned home from nursing a case ill Bayfield. Mrs. Benthren . of Hensall spent the week -end with her daughter: Mrs. C, ;D. Simpson. Mrs. D. Munroe haabeen quite ill for a few clays. Mrs'. H. Collins is twine from HeMnsva.11alliiadveMrre8t.runhed, ot130°Itilither°ving• ila°10 Stratford. 9 again and 'are :eith /heir daughter, e The friends of Mr. Wilson Mc- Cartney will be pleased to heap he is doing nicely efter undergoing an • operation for appendicitis 10 Seafortli Hospital. e Mrs. George Hill has returned home from visiting her friend, Mrs. (Dr ,) Rodgers of Foreet. „ Mrs. 3. McKenzie, we are pleased -Mee. C. D. 'Simpson. .aay, is improving, though slowly., Mre: MeNeil at St, Thomas ie a linditooloklitalidithillq110.1101101 IJieetelisafle IMO ee al-111ot b • , - ltifill'"011076711111i011100117001011Ont, xeelled • Supertest Gasoline 32c galon ' Supertest Coal Oil 30c gallon Polarine Motor Oil $1.00 gallon - Try Them and be Convinced lnor'e smoky clitinalley-s and every „partigle 'of oil leterns -out of lamps asid avoids blinding wicks GENERAL EARDWARE, TELEPHONE 53 • PLUMBING AND HEATING CHIelsTANIEL STORE 1111111110111101111110111S001100110011111.1111111101111111 guest at tbe,heme of.., Mr ; am1 Mrs -` Ja-.R.: Murdock of., Stanley, •-- 'Di'. ePeter..NMEwen of Detroit is hqre visiting his brother, Mr. John NicEiven, Bayfield road. a; • ,114rs. Nesbitt of Blythe is,a visitor •at .the home of Mrs.. Nesbitt. Mr , and Mrs. Robert Beaffie left for London Saturday to vtatt raja,. tives there. . Travelling from the OPeast through the...West Mr, Belittle reports a large harvest for the far- mers in thatpart. Con-lisl3 on to Strat•ford he says the gnam 'Istoy equally as web ih Huron county, Mr. Hugh Thomson anrlitr. McCartney of Meosejaw are °visit- ing at the homes of Kr. Alexander Thomen,, Stanley, and Mr, and Mrs. Jiemes Allen in Tuckersmith. 31r, McCartney is here to attend the graduation exercises of his daughter, who has 'been attending Guelph College and is graduating as a Dietitian. • fee'r. Thomas Care of the village, has been ill for some weeks is still - rather poorly. • • ; e Man Wanted . , Main:vented to do all lcinds• of farm work for next two or three months: Apply to Loren Tyndall,. R. R. No.'" 4, Phone 11 on 636. 69-2. Found in Clinton A grey suede lady's glove. Owner may have ,same by calling at The News -Record office and paying for this ad. - • 69.1 .4444.4.4.444.444444 Auction Sale A full San of household effects will be sold at the Commercial Inn on Saturday, June 28th, at 2p.m. E. S. Inkley, proprietor. 0, H. El- liott, auctioneer. 59-1. Keys iFound A bunch of keys picked'up en the street in Clinton, Oweer nasty have same by proving 'property and phying for this notice. 59-1. Wanted A Protestant, professional, exper- ienced teaeher foe S. S. No. 10 Gado - 'rich 'township, dutids to commence September 2nd5 1924: Personal ape plication preferred. • Apply stating qualifications and salary to John R. /Mac/Won, Seeretary-Treasurer, a.. R, No, 3, Clinton, Ont. • 59-2. • Plain Sewing and Washing I will do washing and plain sewing at honies Vies. Harry Niftier, Os- borne Street, Clinton, • 59-1-p. Auction Sale An auction sale of household effeets, implements, etc., will be held on my premises, -Bayfield, on Sattrday, ,Tuly 5th, at 1:80. Terms: Sums of .910 and under, .cash. Over that amount p months 'credit given on approved joint notes. James Johnstem pro- prietor, G. IL. Elliott, anetioneer. 59-8. For Sale The attractive and beautifully lo- cated property belonging. to C. '13. Houck, situated on High street Clin- ton. The house has a beautiful out- look, imposing in architectaral ap- pearance, walls 13 inch solid brick, rooms large. Two inanble fire -places in den and parlor, hot and cold wa- ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel- lar, bathroom, electric lights, two ver. andahs and -sun porch, two stairways, cellar under whole house, cement-I/eon hot-air heating. Lot 75 ft. frontage, double depth -facing on High street and Townsend. Fruit trees, garden and small 'fruits. A bargain for quiele sale. Write C. D.Botzek 43 Standish Ave., Tor- onto, Ont. • 59-12f. House and Lot For Sale Brick ,cottage, M. good ilepair, cor, ner 'of Dunlop and Fulton stimetS. '10' rooms, good cellar, modern con- veniences. Conveniently situated. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to ifliss E. IVieTavis4 Clinton.. 5341, For gale Reed baby's buggy, also Child's sul- - Apply to Mrs. Chas.•Slianahan Many street, Clinton. 58-2-p The GiArle'SuClillutiblel.of13-aWzaiallr' iS elnir8111 will hold 'a bazaar, on.:Mrs, aVIcDeit---• mid's lawn, opposite tbe chmeh, on, Friday, June 20th, There will he a sale of homemade baking, candy, h- prons and fancy work, also a Parcel - Post sale of 10c and 25e articles. Everybody come. 58-2 •• poi. gale • , Pord truck, good condition for quick sale, Ezirl Crich. 57-121.. " Itouse Fa/gale .Comfortable frame house on North , street, half acre' Of 'ground. -411 *in& of fruit. Small Stable,, water M house.-- Robert P. Fisher, 137-tf. 01111111111 11111101 101111111111111111,110111011010111 GO Whoenehaiv5e5.a supply of ,Furnace, Stovem, Nut and Soft. 'Also some good dry slabs. Leave orders at residence. B.. W.. ARDE.ipm -s:troot,. • 2, .13.0.11$13 For gale Cottage.en Huron street, -roomy and in,good „ repair, VA ,aere of garden. Small barn an -place. Possession at * 20nr. Also a' buggy and caiging box, Eappy Thought range and -a sliding 'bed couch for sale. Apply to 1Vliss R. dantelon, Rattenbury street. 39-tf, Around .Fkax Seed For Sale Vite have a quantity of ground flax seed, $2 per Valid. Vitni. MeD011.--. a. No. 2, Bayfiekl. Phone 15-603. -• . ' 55:3 For Sale Nev Massey-Earris steel roller, 9 ft.; Massey-Efarris 11 -hoe fertilizer drill, nearly new. Apply to A, Ro- bertson, Varna. ' 514f. ginger SeWihg Machines Family, Electric and D. R. Styles. -Also some sepond-hand 3114014.0k good as new. Old machines taken as ,part payznent. Easy terms. It will pay you .to look these over before buying 'elsewhere. Repairing and parts foroall makes of machines. Earl Steep. Jan, 1, 19g4- - Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothee cleaned pressed and ra- ptured. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Reard'e barber shop, W. J. Jago, —88-tf AUCTIONEER Metier Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Rmil Estate War- chanclise and Farm Sales. Iiates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Mop, Zurich, Ont, Phone 18. 98. —88-tf-1923 ;es COAL NUT, STOVE & EGG -ALWAYS ON RAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . R. J. MILLER • Orders taken ,ab residence. Phone. 11e SEED CORN Well germinated Seed Corn hard to buy this year, look sit grading on bags before buying and buy nothing but No. 1 Govt, Standard. We have A very eomplete stock and our price is low for this year. SALT Have just received a carload of saIt. Special pekes on large quan- tities. ROOFING We carry a complete line of Tor- onto Asphalt Roofing, before buying you will flud it to your advantage to see etc line and compare it with others. Remember there is as much difference in ,roofing as there -is in cedar shingles. We believed we have the best and can prove it to you. Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Blue Grass, Orchard Grass, and Sweet Clover always in stack. Watts and Blatchfords Buttermilk Marsh; Royal. ,Purple and Pioneer Chick Foods, Garden Seeds in bulk, Mangels and Turnips, Our stock is complete and twenty years exper- ience always at your service. 4 • • J. A. FORD & SON , Phone 123 , Fleur and Feed' liferchants and • • Grain Buyers -- '` CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter is 14. ereasing., - To supply this demand we iSquir4 more -cream.. We request yam. to ship us youa cretin. , We guarantee you the Ilighest Market Prices, )accurate testa and promPt ierviee. Our firm Is known to you and nee& no further recommend. ' We pay all express chargee, turn- ish cream =Da j!nd pay' twice omit Write for Ans or furthee Infornsn. rim to We THE SEAFORTLI CREAIIIRRY .4141 SAADVAtoi 114ANAORik