HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-19, Page 1rk,
NE 1OEh, *94
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„ • ,
e• • • •
E,ato5egee, to • 27.°'
25c.. e0 ,
.Lie Ios
'atria Vitt• ,1a6e atad dilver.
These to delight the heat of.a June lasecre ,
CHINA.—A large aesortment of. Ching to choose from, from Dinner
OU x. GLASS-1.,emcinade, Sete, Sherbert Sets, Water Jigs, Berty
Bowls, Celery Dishes, Vases, etc.
SILVER—Tea Sete, Coffee Sets, Vases, Bread Teaya. Sandwich and
eend Cake Plates. Kverything in Spoone, Knives, peeks, etc., and
last but Tiot least, plain and fancy Wedding Rings.
. Ye' Ilii clr
weller and Optician Phone 174w , Residence 174J •
' Yi. ,1
What can This McClary Electric Range
Do For You ?
IT CAN AND WILL save you
hours of work.
e •
IT WILL give you more and
More leisure hours\
IT WILL improve your health.
IT WILL bring to your kitchen
an atmosphere that is de-
lightful to work in.
IT WILL reduce your cooking
and baking costs..
IT WILL emaneiiate you from
oven watehing,
On July 3rd, 4th and 5th, a PROFESSIONAL DEMONSTRATOR
will be at the Hydro Shop to show you.
how this can be accomplished
For Every
The moment a man steps into a suit Of Hatchway Underwear, •
feels its hutfunles'S comfort, sees its .senoeth fit, he becomes can-
ecione of a new sense of ease and perfect freedom -'-a new habit,
orme. ' It's Hatchway fer hini„--
Haichway Buttor''Underwear for Life".
You` don't kneeti whatunderviear" comftlet ie until -Yea awea '-
Hatchway. It fits yotIr figure perfectly without being pulled or
buttoned into shape; it is no trouble, no bother, has no buttons to
lose or break, and carmot buneh or bind, and is cheaper te launder.
Let Your Next Suit be Hatchway
.1aar. arid Mesa .Janses.Livermore en- Mrs Miller ',announces the
tertained a feW of their felendel on .engage-ii/ent, of, titer !Youngest dangle-,
Thilesday ;evening bonolir of the ,ter,, Irene leteleYabo,Mr, James
ttvetty-fiftli anniversary of their Johnston son otMe. eand,Mrs.'isti
wniaasrlhage,,er.o.stilAt sttd 9±1 and Jstii 14 TWi404,v'Cle to ttabini:,6 of p'11.0,Iettell!cittyllet,thi,y9
vermeee were the recipients' of ,many month.
hearty Congratulations and good • •
• ' d .A. VATET:4I•13,E.AD
wishes and also of wally' Ian somie • , .,„
gifts.; , , ' • , ,MISs•lalePonaldi :who, has conducted
E1011/1E' PAPE11:
..p00A,Gplaw:i,:-,ANTpT..04,t31r):,,. ,, r.
O''.Gitiering,,,,Int,..,A, griCultural conlAriittee*
maimin'the.eeee•ie'WelleiCtown -in .',..,..... .• . ' 24 'Clintohlat Thursday .
"..,Peareeln, a Toronto, dal y, as , ,
C.linten,,,,being., aaset „ea 'a forterepae:. - , .,.,.._ a ', : ' '- , „a ., ' . ' • . „. . , ,". , * . ,. ,, •
arid, kiis.,:'Qedyge E...,DAia,''-. • ''''. CRADING AND IMPROVEMENT ,OF ' QUALITY OF PRODUCT '.
,en .gzig 6,111eiiti.,,o; 4.e,teri.r.,.0.61;11,e600d tl,ciughle.,..:,. „.,,--, , :..„.,:. ,,:o.E1011 •E, elvf,AR.E. ET IN9'W2ILL:: A, SSIST ACIRICULTQR E'
;tbr• laatlileate to Mr- $ :-...Tartes. ARM' '• ... • • '.,. ' -' ' ' a: ' .. . .• - ' . .. . : - ' ' ' . ' • ' ' ' '
j3.'• Yotiri,,est:sen.of Ray,and afro- S; • .' ' .'*. '.- ' * ' ' ' * • • ": ' " '''' • * ' .... .- - ' ' ' '
, le , h . n,,,,,,e „ ee ee,„„ae.,ise,otoat hei.o.101,. the . „ e, ae-an, Teeontoe . The . 211arplitii8 ; ' '_,,:phe ,'-gathering Of aarinere to meet revedakiwilf;esbihethiencntyver.oir of
of t
CELEBRATION Oare.A.UGUST,. 4t , a -”rulnarY'''''' 'u''' *". " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IvAallaiatealk,,,O,..,,P1\7"aO:' '3-, WY. :••,.' at...N. ,a.*'W., ,ea•fr.-"' :t.ohde,bAyg.'tlhaea.itt,01•ertilagie9n810''eiteteeeenn*"9"-eig°11ilitc-1' revenme shmeld ,ptit, an assessinent on
Aiegust 4th. .., No 'Pedile. are haifig 'father , • . Mr.,. Idatiota113:'diedi,. • on '
scioFic.;:1.it'ut' as'ti,lIcalefehae.ietiobn!iiliai CI ll'illl'it°4::111:: -Ptpc'iitillJtitPtriwigh°0'°.1°1;e7e-W.'"lhiniiiel-t'esW,etairisdlti'i°:ceir ao*cf.;6111.1ieedi- .'7i .4 FIN. E.,:.E.X.' .IIIBIT , '', e '' ,'", •I'valseiheeell.sletehillia'eCgillelte.°)IliterWitIT'ilV.alraftYy .1fewialtaaetlat.'hlim'vsfoeutlet:sidc'6i-1,1tvolfitehr:e4Y:nvieoon4,cialeeill'afliera, , .1
spayed 4Y:the' Athletic, Asseeiation• .1YleticlaY. -week, ,
ler froin asfriendan Einelanclea lady 'tee.. ',.' a ' , . ' „ • • ' as mueli benefit as those closer to it.",
ed Mid willing to .assist mid., askecl tp•aeveninge. - Friendseeympatheze • with .
held' in Clinton. 'All those intereat-. •
'Kelleher& tetuenedia.fewn:Yesterday. 'who. tent many years ine,Canada: and
,•the'.,fulleral taking
who -feels' that. this is•.'her reel hate,- 1scia. ' etele Who has haciehydro installed ±oe .,
to make thisne' of the best clays ever place :the, following. Wednesday., 'Miss, A Clinton ladl, eneeeti.s,. had a lee., eoe the points taken in. by the coms[ite.
'Reeye C.' G. Middleton of -•Cliii- ..
in the council:them-. ,her. in liar .15eteavement.- ' a ...• 'thongh by birth end connectien.ahe thceight. 'to their:. prebleing and. were .
' • Iteesioa- an :intelligent .gathering., al- serne.years„ told the
emmittee how
Men "and wonien who'hacl ,graen,
wee eerved...... He' said the. present
attend a*meetilig. is, flgeisie :who said she had . made ready ..fo 'give.' othere the .benefit. Of his equipment is smath, Mr.
aWelsh of near Exetea told of the
bee at ...erg t, o'clock on Feld _ even- - •.• . - . .
leibitiOn at Wembley and was exceed-
ing, as a PrOgzanl' wille arranged , - , - ea. • . . • two *Or three visits to the .EmpleeeExe .their. conclusions and to:absorb what-
ingly proud oe Canada's exhibit. She clutions of others. * ,. • •,
installation of hycleoeon his farm at
cost is from $7 to .$80 per year,. but
the showing of this DominiOn was by
said it was generally •conceded. that .ever benefit they could faone*the coin ,
a 'cost of .$1,075, ineluding a 600-
far the best, while as for berself the T.he keynote Of evidence put .bee
horsepower motor. ,.Mr'. Middleton ,
was sure of, it. . .aofe."-the:•acomenittee Wee* '"Greditga
and "Improved tanality.i.' Mr. Tarn -
thought that if the 'committee would
' ' • third and•fourth .class stuff- put on the bring before the povermilerit.the need '
bull of ,Grey seid there* was too numb
of electrifying. the L. II. and E.
The . Chautauqua, which :opena in market by the faemers.,'"I .would not
eut down production" he said, .aBet railway, "which would serve several
I would produce the amount in half eordities of the best farming district
Clinton cial July 7th, will be held 00
the Public school grounds, instead of the neither of animals," He thought ileirOnotanrt•iao;.1-toheaygwreoautldiabv%dro.ii
the Collegiate grounds, as heretofore. •pg Wee-
coMmelsory grading would he a bene- tn
The committee , has just received
You cannot keep and half .fin- Councillor Soweaby of Goderich
tranship thought that tradesmen as
4' ish
can two. animals as cheaply as you properly finish one, he contended tv.ell as farmers shonal be brought in
word fiom the. Government that no '
war tax will be collected this year, and then the'price for two is net sat -
by the Government. He told of his
the entire proceeds going to the hos- istietoey. difficulty in getting some 'building
pintal fund, so when buyitsg a ticket
the extrewar tax need not be added. Mr. D. deuteron, the yeteratiabuy- done on his farm and seemed. to think
. ., •
The sale of tickets seems to- be go- er, -complained thatit was.difficult to tradesmen were getting the best of
it Reeve evOentrIVnolejyust of at e
to reports from the committee. get an even geed° of beans. ' He
thonght insproved machinery • should
much -Wrong 'with' farming except
Mg on very well, "indeed, according
did not seem to think theee was so
be brought into 'the country for this
that there was too much epread be -
INCREASED HOSPITAL GRANT 'purpose. He.. said, also, that, there
tween what the farMer received for
A very pretty wedding w.as. solemn-. would have . been a good market for
his viaducts and what the consuMer
ized at eight o'clock on Monday morn -
and Mrs. Mason interviewed the
• Dr, GandierMrs. W. Manning beans in Huron but for the imported
had to pay, and also that the farmer
The death occurred in Seaforth on lig, June 9th, in St. Cecilia church,
had to pay too high proportionally
Tiz'esday, of Margaret, wife of Mr. Toronto, when Helen Marie, eldest county council last week, asking for
an inereaeed grant to the Clinton. beans brought in at 'Montreal than
stuff. • fie said there 'were omore
, , . for what he lad to buy. He said he
James Watson, who Ilea been in in- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David
Public Hospital. Representatives year. were grown in Hueon `county last
saw little use in inceeasing produe-
health.. for some time. • braWford ei Dublin, formerly of ,Cliii-'
were present • from other hospital
bion of eggs while American eggs
eldest daughter 'of the late John Les- 101 Pacific Aver, Toronto were join-
The late Mee. Watson was the ten, and Joseph Gerrard Gibson of
cil was. urged to brieg the grant tip
boards in the county and the coun-' ' There were in all nineteen witnes-
lie.of Clinton and spent her 'childhood ed in holy:Matrimony by Rev. Father
to $1,000, what it was last year, it ses and the members of the commit_ Were
'G. W. Layton gave figures
were a/lowed to flood the Canadian
and girlhood 'here. She •taught Petrie: ; • .,
.. having•been cut to $500, This was tee did little except listen to the evi-
shelving a falling off in rural popu-
sehool here and alsoin Seaforth prior ' The bride. looked ' charming in 45 dence put forward, putting in a ques-
lation. Huron county's population
not done but 'an additional $250 was tion -now and then to make the mean -
had declined steadily, the figures be-
haemeade her home. in •Seafoeth. She :gette dress, tVith leege leghorn hat,
to her marriage lilt ijnee that she beautiaul powder blue beaded goer -
given, bringina
Applies to. all the hospitals in the
e it up to $750, This , ing ' more clear.
ing 61,820 in 1901, 52,800 in 1911 and
ii Survived by her husband, Otto Son trimmed to match, and carried Sweet-eounty.. "a". . Me. T. kelifillan had prepared a
47,088 according to the 1921 census
Leslie, of the Bank of Cohnnerce staff, heart, roses and lily -the -valley. The lengthy paper, which he read. Ile
figures. This wakes decrease of 25
Toronto, and two dttughters: Gretta, :bridesmaid, IAMB Mary Crawford, eis- BIB,LE .SOCIETY MEETS deprecated the discussion of tariff
matters at former sittings of the cons -
per cent. in 20 years, Increased
Mrs. la, I. Scheldrup of Regina, ter of the bride, looked equally capta,
taxation he said was another cause
Sask., and Miss IVIavion, who left vating in a rase beaded georgette, and The annual meeting of the Clinton rnittee but he did not let the upper -
a complaint., T'axes had incteased. •
her poet at the Feed (Ont.) Hospi- large white ha. The groom's bro- branch of the Upper Canada Bible tunny pass of getting in a little tat -
by four and a lialf times in Huron in
tal to come house to nurse her mother. these Mr. John Gibson was best man. Society was held in Ontario Street iff talk himself.' Ile also objected to
the past 30 years,
Two ..breithees and two sisters also During* the signing oe the register, church, on.Tuesday 'evening, June putting so meth money into road -
Ile also cited figures'to show that
16th, president in the chair. Rey. building, saying that the roads
prices of aarm products were below
survive: ,John Leslie of Oakland, Cale Miss .0olellon; renderedativo-beautiful
James Leslie of ,New York City, Mrs. soros. - • J. S. Harrington gave an interest- the money spent by these did not find
ing illustrated address on japan and brought totleists into the •country but
those of other commodities in Imre-
(Rev..) Dr.) Patteeson, Sarnia, and The greoni!sgift to the" bride was -
the following executive was elected: ite way into the pockets of the far -
tion to pee -war standards. He gave .
Mrs. W. D.. Fair of Clinton. • ' a brownefox fur and to the soloist a
President: Rev. Ernest Parke, • 'iners. Mr .Meillillan also accused
as a reason for this that eve are ear -
The. funeral takes place this after- diamond bar pin. '' . '
Sec. -Treasurer: W. A. Vodden. the Government oa extravagance, cit -eying too much overhead. He thought
noon at Seaforth. . •
r ..e. happy eouple and friend a proceeded
church, Alex. Welsh; Wesley,•ehureh, of the committee at "$15 per clay and
WAS too much individual , work, too
knee the , wedding ceremony the
. Representatives: Ontario Street ing as an instance the appointment
distribution cost too molt. There
Thos. Whitea :Baptist thureh, D. IC.' committee are allowed $15 per daY,
tion, too, was a prohlem. Young
to. ,the. lionie of. the groom's mother,
W. II. Ilellyar; St. ?mil's church, expenses." The members of the
little co-operation, The credit quese
Mitchell lacrosse team plays here where a dainty wedding breakfast
wag" towed, then the happy couple.
Prior; *Willis church, John Duihl; S. including expenses, but Mr. Mealia
tonight. . •
• .
left for a weelc's honeythoon among
army, Fred Livermore. Lan chose to misunderstand. On be-
iilritleolitlienint -09::rncli:ieednite
The exterior of the .Public libraey
. ,
. the Thousand Islands' and it Montreal
and others points Ea and upon their
. . THE, COIVIIVIITTEE PERSONNEL . for Soutb'llueon, what he was allow- ireencietii d
ing asked. by Mr. Tretvartha, M. P.P P.
ltmessedovneeqlstiorionientehnittr; ttoitiveasrecl L-Tiftiinegs‘
men starting farming often expel',
' - Me: Anios Castle . has- sold his .
is receiving a, coat of paint. • - ,
vesidence .on Vietovia 'street to Mr. . ,_
a navy , taalored suit With hat to
The bride's travelling costume was The following were the members of
return will' reside in Toronto,
se glicultural Enquiry Committee,
. appointed by the Drury .Government h
Mr, 1VIcalillan replied that he had got
ed waien lie seaved on ',a comm ission
were not well -enough known. .
J. J. Connell, . • • .
M. Jordan hs moved his grocerY the recipients of many useful and Hon. Dr. David Jamieson al.L, And we sent in a report upon which as his opinion that it cost as 'much to
A. for ,South Grey, formerly speaker
Indeed, several of the speakees took
. ' match. lair, and Mrs. Gibson were which sat in Clinton last Thureclay: • $10 Per .day and necessary ekpenses. Mr. Coulter of Wawanoshgave it
stock .to the old MeKown stand, just costly gifts, Good wishes. follow
travellers as Mr. R. McMillan, whe
the Goveimment' acted and it is still sell an implement as to snake it,.
a crack at salesmen, or commercial
south of Hellyar's jeweleay 'store, and theme ' - . ° of the Legislature, -chairman of the
committee presided at the meeting. ale. E. R. Wigle, M.P.P. for
in operation," he added.
eame near the end and whose time
is now open forabininess.
The annual meeting of. the Mums present were N. W. Trewftethe, M.-
shotving that commercial travellers
Other members of. that committee Centre Huron took' occasion to put in
was limited, took up that • time in
The- tender of . Me, -Harry' Cook . e
Social Service Council, full account L.A. for aileron South; T. A; Thome- a word against hydro costs. . "Code -
cost this country a lot of money, "le
has been accelited for the repelling "
proceedings as furnished 'by theasee- eon, al,L.A. for Lanark North; Wm.
M,L. A . for York North ; A . rich pay e $45, Clinton $48, Brussels
"The Commercial Travelers' Association,"
of the. Salvation Army Hall, Which.- '
,$67 and Blyth $90. These are all
he said "costs this country over a
was damaged by nee . a sleet time
ago, . ,, retary to :be found an another,ageKeith,
. of this issue beought a large gather- Belanger, M.L.A. for Russell; J. G. be served," said Mr. Wigle.
e Lethbridge, al , la . A . for lefiddlesex points from which the' farmer would'
million dollars a day. Twelve do/ -
South Huron L . 0 .L . met hi Clin- ing to Clinton On TuesdaY, repeesen
M. al. Meltide, 1±1. L. A. avenge' cost to the fainter is $120
hotel bill, railway fare, carting their
ent frons different parts of the come: Goderich, • Blyth," Lahclesboro, Bruce- for Brant South. '
ton yesterday for their semi-annual tatives • being present front Exeter, West; W. D. Black, M.L,A. for a year as far as the confmission is
gatherihge a large.number being pees- Seafertb, Brussels, Hens:ill, Crediton, Addington;
. geld, Nippen, , Wingham, Winthrop,
AntoNo THE CHURCHES ... •• e
„.. „ . . ie going to cost ' to wire barn and.
concerned to saYnothing of what it .lars a day would not pay their wages,
ropes and the fee foe showrooms and
in the Maitland last Sunday when the towlithips. . •
ton willing to admit that he was a- ,
mong those caught fishing Ter. bass
ty. e • '
We haven't. /Out& anyone in Olin- Parkhill, Ilillsgreen, Egniorelville,
Ville,,Beintiller, liolmesville and. Tel: -
Hayfield, Dungannon; .Auharn, Elim-.
;seta besides many from . adjaeent ,.
11 a .01,,'Holiness •iteeting; 8 p.m.,
Salvation Ariny • lines, but while that le a large con- $1,080,000 a day is added to the east
. a bonus of 50 eer .cent. ou se,gondaey
house'. The Government hes given: .
tribution it does not mean very much of goods to consumers."
Mr. II, K. Revell a oodertch
boxes from railway station to show
Bible Class and Sunday, School; 7:30 •to the average faiener and does not
day beaore the Seaton opened.
The etrike of perste,' 'Workers is On
inepector 'appeared unexpectedly, a
'bees of the ..:W..C.T. U. served a- ban -
church and,in' the evening 'the ineen- Scout parade FridaY. -
quet in the dining roont, when a large
number of the delegates sat down to
The meetings were,held in Wesley pan., Salvation meeting*. ' . elle chalet:lam you would take back favor of' coniti:Inelsosis'Yleageg;gerga,gd,sing•u.annfictj
Wesley 'Cliiirch ' • .
• The subject for the larotherhoocl ;le with yeti the . message that _the Gov_ tile enforcement of the law
eenment and eonimission will have to Penalizing
do more than they have if they want for food. He explained ' the egg
reduce his eosts enough, . I wish, towilellip spoke most emphatically in.
in the larger ceetres. Don't be sue -
a very nicelYeserved and 'appetiting' farmers to participate • in hydro to pool system and thought if it worked
prised if your Mail - delivery is ir-
meal. The C.G.I:T Acted as 'wait- Mihail Citizen,' Mid. *ill be inteo- the extent townspeople eartieipate. out as planned it should be a benefit
• •SundaY morning will .be; "The 'Ideal
regular. Postinasters have been in-
duced by the president,eMe. G. W. We want the farmer to paetidipate in to farmers. lie had faith enough
placee 01. . 'workers . tot reperting for -ere, •
strueted by the, Governs ,,. , T. tent' to fill .
Layton.. • ..' . all laboresaving devices and he can- in it to put in 11,000 dozen. He said
The pastor's morning .subjeet will not enter into aitch capital expenda if people were not making, a prOfit
ening: "Full Equipment for Service," tyre as $800- ot $400 to wive his place. on their poultry it must. be bechse
I don't know but the time has me. they didn't manage ,theni well. ' He
also spoke'..of the benefit tem enta
be; "The Duty oa a Watelntanae Ev-
. • Willis Church..
lele. Thos. Pease', told about bee
per will be observed ab the' morning
The Sacrament of the Lord's Spp-
eultizre and called the attention of
' ,Heebert N. Couch, who has just his felloty-fartimea 'the added fee-
. .. Mondville and Mr. .P . A. MeAllia-' service en Sunday. ' late-coneranun- , graduated from Toronto, winning the tility of orchards in -Which 'bees were
1. ter Brussels. It NV El S a very height
and interesting -bantmet and was en- o'clock, the Rev. W: D.. McDonald
ion serviee on Fiaday eVening 'at 8 Gold 'Medal in Classics, is a son of keel:I: R. R. ,siotili: sp
oke of the ap-
' Thursday evening laete .
e '
joyed by.those present. Rev. .111e. of Egmendyille being the,Ininister. ' to many. hereabouts. He is el lo ple industry in Hueon. Ile said
pal W ,. M. and Mts. Erwin and .th
Prine -
Moothouse and Mr, A, M. Roberbsen Sunday will he: "The Badge...of Ser- a coesin of Mr. Percy Couch of Kit- there, was little for Inin to say to a
a The paetor's evening .subject ot the Rev. Isaac douche wao...is known a
staff ,Of the Clinton dejlegiate Inatie
ehmier and Mrs. W. J. Roes of Provincial Governinent ementittee as,
-tube were entertained toacitimei.• et the
'to the ladies who prepared the ban- The, sethi-annual busieess inee'ting Totofito, fertnerlY..of Clinton. Mr. the 'Dominion Government governs
home of tw&of the students, R. 4nd
le Thompson of Goderich- township.
quet and to the church officials for Couch at had a brilliant academic everything which. affecte a' fruit.
of . Goderich moved a vote of thanks V.100' - ' ' '
CoVers were laid for eight. e
was heartily en'dorsed.
, .
arthips and the Governor -General's on baskets learrele, etc ,, meant no-
ne use of the church, etc., whicliH of the executive of the Huron Peeslsy-
teeialeof the W. m.,s. was held at the career,having .Won. two• Blake schole grower. The abolition of sales tax
..- The town bell has net been rung
At the evening. session a union cboir tartgemdnts.were begun for the Pres -
Manse, Clinton, on Monday.. •Ar.. Medal during his University Course. thing to ' the fruit -grower.: because
during ,the 'past week owing to. the
, byterial ' conference in September, /n October he goes to John Hopkins the cooper had to pay it and it was
illness of Mrs. 13 . Jervis, .whose ap- •
sang two which , . ;Which .is to take the form of .a. ,jubi- University to „specialize in Classical passed on as before. Transportation artments are next door. to , the town Jed in song and Miss Marion Gibbing's
precated. 1VPIss, Gibbings has:been
turbed by the o ,; , ,
many.tnnes a day,, , ..
Hall and whose rest was greatly .diS.-,, ,. , h 15555 m eh ap-
,, ,, absent ..froin Clinton since 'Iast ' au -
ringing f the bell sq
tunin'ainl. it was considered:*:a-. ti t;
'ea , • , Ontario Street ; Church.
Arebaeology. . . , ' ' • . •fecilitieea he said,' . had much to do
fruit alien and this the Onterio Gov- 'eijiiesbilineiell.te.dbitiuelcleosis‘ e• 0711.4,07.n -success Of
CoUndillor Fred, W:' Johnston, Mr. to again., ear her magmficent vbme. 7' Our Sfinday School :Ivill 'meet on
Mr ;-'4,, A. ,Irwin, who has Served Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. • Mr. Fred G.7Thompaoli),elilest son
N. W. Tretvartha •anct Mr, S. B.q.,
the Agricultural Enquiry Committee Yeats, asked to be relieved' of the of_
Stothers,- motored the .anembets of' as presWent of the Council' tot seme Morning subject: '•`The Christ:,ian.'s
Pe this year, . '',. ,ject:, "Why Christ Came ."•
Attitude to Wrong." DI -ening sub- .uated Irom Western University with, Pontation;etc., and Chairman Jamie -
of th e late Dr. Thompson, Was grad, seSneysecisymilse' sdpeeeniceerespteonleehi7cIto,enpitltranhis:
first class honors in ,a large nunider
to the , committee at Toronto'.
ce:;:laiLista.vionrttoe 10,71.1zitillrgi': n.dexs:inadin.eirti
.to Goderich and through Goderien, , . ,
at 7- &clock, - • . of subjects. Fred is now a full-.
organization and Mr. eTudson, a sales.
A. Irwin, Clinton; President W. G.
were as fello)vs: ,Hon. Presidna ,T, .
- The choir wes pleased to have 'one fledged doctor, and having been suc-
cessful in his council tests, is ready
ma'n. for . a Detroit firm manufactur-
. d for t se coining yeer Juniee Leagae on Friday evening
the .new ,bean-groevers'
and' Miss Clack of The, News -Record
Reeve 1Vliddleton, Mrs. Trewartha
, • . c , ... I., ' . on Sunday: Dr. .1-ered Thompson.
Medd, Exeter; Secreta • A '
. 1Y . f • of' their former members assist them for ,t,he practice of 'his chosen pro-,
. .
fession. However, Fred is anxious
ing an automatic bean picker, who
were' also. in the party?. , ,.
Robertson, ‘Goderich; Viee-Pcesident; sang a solo• at the evening service,
big, Machine was 113qing -d,,iscussed,
happened to be in the zradience when
Mr, and -11,b.*: John Johnston_ haVe . ooPei, Cimton; reasucer, A . M
an, Seaforth: J.,. B. MeLeen, ,Kippen;
G. • 14 . Elliott, GoderiCh; James, Cow- The choir peesented Mr, .B. Potter' to get more experienee before_start-
.in.g up; and -has', accepted a senior
was, 'call,ed to the front. He rather
moved this. -v,,eek. from Mary steeet
with 'Military, .hair', brushes, befeee interneship in Victorie Hospital, he happened
'adVertising opening but . made/
to the Cottage. they recently purelme-
ed aeons Mr. .J.. E. Johnson on Isafte,
Ai. T, Cooper,. -Ciinton'e Mrs: A. ' ies . lei:Se-Mg 'Ulan last 'weelc, - Ile• -wee „a, having held ,a position there last year"
whilo-, preeaeing for his, sinal exams:
ari. intereSting statement. Ha . said
he tins beiegfeeid eiree,y44,th,,ill u,grr, Blyth.' Represeetative.a.,•N,orth'
street. 7. Maajolenston has taken the Mrs- A. • kaGniee, Beassele; • mese. •,
Medeol house on Frederiela-streetefor ee
take peeeessier, Pf"the house' on Mary .
streeti,,jpst vaeated by. Mr.' john ..., S. ennett, aVarigherrirdenter .
Huron 'W • Lyon,Linlesboto• S nth al.gaail.'s • '..' allaan ' . °-.. -...-
rfuron', 0,. ' Harvy, i • Elteteras 'a ' .1.0:11, be ' greatlY 'misled; an, .theachaire
',"0/7-Va/aedealad'.faitlifill member end
• ... •.,.. , ea. • .... .,
Se '' ' t a. "W' t / • ' 'WI et - f the , Pred"se Clinton* .!'atiencle hine
e and • miss elation .Gilsbings„ •sang
a 'Heels _aim/Ming a Week ab his home in
• toWiiaand a few' deem in Toronto he-
, . . , - , wish , ,
'fere' enMeing iipon 'his duties. ' '-
• (Continued on page 8)
hesitated, taking .advantage of the
lee a ••,,Tigieta!;yiety elliectively last-Sill:day ,, ".eveliyasucceee em•Ins ceeeer . •
!fhb following announcement, anz
then, Suggestions will be greatlY
appreciated by the Association. Clinton and Winghani played a
vote of baseball on.the keel diamona
• • • . • ,
LONDON on Monday which termed out to be
nearly a 'Whitewasb aor Wing same
Mee. Harvey Sundercock, who tin- the score at the end of the acne
dement an operation in a London standing, 12-2 in favor of Clinton.
hospital on Saturday week and was The Clinton lineup was as follows:
,doing' nicelie took a relapse and :Catcher, Elliott; pitcher, A.. .But -
passed away on ',Monday evening. Ilea les';' 1st base, W., Hovey; 2nd base,
little daughter Ruby was buried just N. Qeddee; ShOrtStOP, N'• 001t1 Srd
Ei few months ago. Besides her base, F. MeTaggare;* left.fielde F.
husband and daughter, Thelma, her Cantelon; centre, W; Fulford; right
father, Mr, Robert Hart of Winthrop, field, J. Higgins; sub., 1'. Mitch,
five sisters and three brothers are A game played helm by Seitieeth on
left. Mrs. Hanna of Seaforthi Friday evening turned opt rather
Mts. Angus Carmichael,',of Grey differently, Seaforth 'winning lin ai
townshipe Mrs.. Wilson Sundercock of eeore of 6-5. The „lineup Was prac-
Iltdlett; Mrs. "Alonzo *Sperling and tically the same.
Mrs, Joseph Hart of McKillem, and Clinton goes to Goderich on MQ11-
Harry, 'Win. and. Harold et home. day.
The body was brought to Clinton for
burial on Wednesday kilt. GIBSOleT---CRAWPORD
Rev. Dr, Laeltin of Seaforeh acted
duty this, inornieg. as ehaienien. and pleasing impenvee
Mr. J. C. Greig. of Seaforth, a after-dinner speeches were• given by
heath& of Mr. T. A. Greig and, of Rev. Nt. .Cragg ,,ancl IV/t- Welevood
Mrs. T'. Jackson of town, was one of Wing•hani; Mr. Re E. Via/ming et
of those injured when. g train left Clinton, Iliiss Haney "and Mr, G. M.
the rails neat Lindsay on Thursday Elliott, Godeeich; Rev, Ur. resign -
;jest, Fortunately he was not very son, Mclaillop; Rev. Me. MeTavish,
seriously injured. Cr,editon; R. Mr. McDonald, Eg-