HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-12, Page 1�i�1i x$ I zzu d ale 1' ,'lf m $6c �'tl JAAG BBk d�lI tib tr3 'et CHMJTI EUWA U4kE THE MARrl:r s Wheat $1,00, Buckwheat 75c. Barley 55e. aw -4^ cam. Oats 415`c. P.n.s 20e to 25c. Batter 23e, to 25e,. Live Hogs $7.00 `to $77.50. J!wee `C!iina9., ut Slags6 aNd Jiiver These to delight the heayt oi` a June Bride CIIINA—A large assortment ofChina to choose from, from Dinner Sets -down, _ CLT GLASS=Lensonade Sets, "Sherbert >Sets, Water Jugs„ Berry Bowls, Celery 'Dishes, Vases, etc.' • SILVPR—Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Vases,, Bread Trays, Sandwich and and Cake PIatos. Everything in Spoons,,wlinives,„Forlcs, etc., and last but not least, plain and fancy Wedding Rings, Jeweller and Opj;ician' Yiellqar Phone 174w Residence 1743 Savings Bank Acccuntlor .. YourMoney, A. Saar Depcsif Box for Your 'Valuables. 0314 t,s Treasure! LONG AGO, men seeldnga safe and ' secret depository for their "nioney,and plate, dug a hole in the ground and bur- ied their treasure, often to lose it from one cause or another. TODAY, even after centuries of pro- gress and enlightenment, there still are people who prefer to hide their money in "secret" places, only to lose it by fire or theft. The safest depository foryour money and valuables is the one everybody knows about • . The Bank.. THE ROYAL RANK. OF CANADA R. E. MANNING MANAGER. CLINTON Val l'VIotto For E • Veer Man ather's to June 15th 1 June fifteenth is Father's Daft so we have made ag•p ecial effort to please Father. Our neckvvear counter looks like a flower bed.:.. filled with assorted blossoms. e 1 •pp,., Se � •Yat 1 Ve Father tQ, he,Fath Father e who want§ jus- tice to his spit can find .::his -ti es here. Prices Range50c 75c IA00 . 1 _. � .25 x[+1.50 i;NGAGE117ENT ANNOUNCED it GAG1i EN1 ANNOUNCED IVIr. and Mrs. las, T. Keys an- Mr. aud:Mr•s. Jas. C. Forbes an- nounce the engagement of their iounce the engagement of"their eld- younger daughter, i)e91a Rose, to tii%dl_ °st daughter, Hilda- M,, to 'Norman liam I. Clarke, sen of Mr. and Mrs, M. Tyndall on of Mr. and Mas. Launcelot; Clarice, Varna marriage to, Lorne Tyndall, - all, of , Hallett, the. take place the latter part of June. nairiage .to take 'place quietly ,an Tune. KEEP 7;P BREHD CLEAN. • We have , -heard :somecriticism al .the handling of .bread which. is boughf in from outside points. The retail dealers in/town,are obliged to wrap their bread before selling but the bread coshing in' 18 Iiot wrapped and is often exposed to dust made by passing autos as.the wagons stand open on the street, Creat care should be taken •in the handling of foodstuffs. 'HOLY NAME RALLY " On Sunday afternoon there was a rally of the Holy Notes Society of .this district in Clinton, members be ing',present from the pari hes olhDub- lin, Seaforth, St. Coltunban, Logan 'and'Clinton, - It was estimated that about six hundred men. and boys were present,. I The .parade formed at Recreation Park: and marched up through the town, leaded by the Clinton. Kiltie Band' in full uniform, ,r+,.our young cadets in uniform car- •vied the flag, just; immediately fol- lowing the band, and as the ;process Sion reached the memorial tablet Ar- thur Farroh, a returned man,:;placed a lovely wreath of roses and ferns below it, the whole , procession pas - 'Sing it with hared heads. After this -carne Mayor Jackson, Cola • Conibe, Col. Rance and the priests, Rev. Fathers White of Dube lin, Goetz of Seafortli,'Danzer,of St. Colunsban, Kelly of Logan; Gaffney' of Cfinton-and''Father Mahoney, Pro- fessor of Scripture at St. Peter'; Seminary Loi]don, who was the prea- cher of the day. • 'Extra seats ` were placeid in St.- Joseph's . church, making as much room as ,possible to -accommodate the Crowd, but even then it , was not possible to take in all who wished to be present at the, service. The church was filled with the men of the So- eiety,'th'e choir occupied the gallery, and the aforementioned priests each ,tool, some, part in the service. The Rev, leather Mahoney preach- ed giving a moatilnpressive and prac- tical address, *which : was listened to with the closesttatteption by the great congregation: of.nlen and boys, He took for his text -the words of Jesus; "Not every one who saith to me Lord,' Load, shall enter into•the Kingdom of 4Tieavet but hien that doeth..the will of my Father who is in Reaves." Fa= they Mahoney.` said there. were two, things necessary for. the -Christian, .faith and „works. A man must 'be- lieve to' be saved and without faith it is impossible' to please God. • But then.he must act ore that faith; faith. is a dead thing unlessit .produces works. Good won;ke indicate a Christian. •God's weeks, in creation and Isis ` providences; indieate ' His goodness. Christ's life find death proved His love, Jesus, did Works which no ons else doted do; it was this' which brought Hint•to-earth. Jesus, said: "The tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire," and "By "their fruits,.• ye shall; know . theme' - The Christian life, is net a theory; it is living a life. , +^x -- The greatest enemy Christ has is the .t npraetical +Christian,' Father• Ma-: honey:,satd The man who does not live ,accordingi to his belief is a trai- tor to his God. There may not be any compromise in the things of ,Christ;; We must "render unto Cae- ser the things that be Caeser's end unto God the things -which be God's." Gather• Mahoney saidthat he must confine himself to Catholics 10 this talk but• that what he was saying wee. equally applicable to all Christians. • There are no "Liberal Catholics" he. ,said. Some were very lax in their 'living and yet were readyeto fight for their Church. He said. the Church did not need pugilistic members, What the Church needed were nien who lived their faith, who were a moral force.. There are those who deny their faith by their works, Al- though they may ,go to church And partake of the ,Sacraments.: The ,watchword should be "nem- Ca_ tholicitv." , lie spoke op the: organization of the Holy 'Nam.e- Society. , It was •net.a•show of force, he said, it was a - purely feligious organization, it had no other object than a profession o the belief in the Divinity of Christ and the desire for the extension of ,His •I(.isgdoen. The three -fold fruit' would-obe, Prayer, Attentlhnce on the Sacraments and Living out our Faith:: Ts was needful to possess this .belief• in the Divinity. of Christ; it was lbeing questioned in some quar- ters, and this demonstration today was a profession in the belief that Christ was God. There is only one name, that of Jesus, whereby we,may be saved,,and it was in honour of that name that this society was formed, A inenmher of the FlolyName Society refuses to profane the name of Christ; he avoids telling the foul story, he' keeps this life pure. 13e said it was possible for every man to live a pure .life and ,that his hearers wore under obligation, to aiin to live purely. They_ must avoid occasions of sin;' they 'must keep the ;Sabbath.. He urged t them e , to remember that the ,Sabbath was twenty-four hours long arid said. there -;?vas- need to 'keep from doing questionable things on the- Sabbath D ty. He .urged them to, go" to con- fession'as often as it Was- necessary and to -partake of the Holy, Cowman4 ion 'at least monthly. Be enjoined upon them the need of prayer and,of observing the ` conditions ''of prayer . ,He recalled to them that •-this waft Pentecostal Sunday, the birthday of the Chuidh, and said it was .necessary to support nsisaions, that as this country oras once dependoolt on other lands rfor preacher's of the gospel so in* }'re srsoul t send the gospel : to A• Holy Nance man should a�yti keep his promises, . to live Rh andhi to"Iet light shine etheeeekelee the visitors " in nee< -.4,fteluilth in the church' BROWN—COOPER A quiet 'wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morrish, on Wednesday, June:llth, at twelve o'clock; when Miss Mary Fran- cos (Minnie) -Cooper was united in marriage tq • Mr. Wiliiasis Camplheli o Bx 0 Wn. The Rev. Alex. StewartD ,D. of Toronto performed the ceremony, as sisted by ;the Rev, J. E. .Hoeg - Only the immediate relatives' and friends were present. LONDON BOWLERS HERE A couple of rinks of bowlers cause up from London yesterday to play -a friendly game on the lodal green, a ladies' and a gentlemen's rink. The ladies' visiting rink consisted of Mrs. Leigh, Mrs. Tennant, Mrs.: Render - son, Mrs. ;McLeod, skip. They played. a twelve -end game -with Mrs. Zapfe, Miss Grainger, Miss Irwin 'and Mrs. MCMurchie, skip, the local' rink be- ing 108 up on the round. They then played a nine -end game with Miss Robertson, Mrs. Herman, Mrs. Bey - done and Miss Howson, skip, 'the lo- cals being 34 up on the round. Pour links played in the gentle- man's tournament, three Clinton rinks skipped by J'. E. Hovey, Dr. Axon, and J, Taylor, :and •One London e.•inic," skipped by Mr. McLeod. Each rink payed two games, ,1VIr. Taylor won both his games, with the largest plus score, Mr. Bovey won Ins, with a' slightlysmaller plus, while Dr. Axon and Mr, McLeod each lost their two games. AMONG THE CHURCHES Rev, H. JrUren.of Coiboene street church,->London,•feu the hew preside= of the London Methodist Confereecg Mr. Uren was stationed at Mitchell prior to moving to London and is `known to many people_here. The Goderrich Summer School, Me- thodist and Presbyterian for Gode- tich'District and Huron Presbytery,` will . be 'held from Sulk 21 to 28. 1j11 ll The' Girls 'Framing damp, interde- nominational, meets at Port Elgin July 16 to 26. - Ontario Street Church Beginning Sunday next and con- tinuing through the summer months, the Sunday school 'will meet et ten in. the: .forenoon, instead of two -thirty in the afternoon. The regular services will the held on Sunday, the pastor being it charge. Last Sunday morning the W.M.$•' took charge of the morning service. Mrs. Dawns, president, conducted the service 'end the choir was made up of member's of the Auxiliary. Miss Rae Andre* of Auburn, who has been tat ci n .a comae e of training as a dea- coness, g dA cones;gave scone of 0 her experiences h e1'le p aces in social service work in connection with the Fred Victor Misssion, Tor- onto, where 'she did her ' field work, Miss Andrew spoke very interestingly telling many- of the actual experien- ces feet with t as a social worker and was listened to with great attention. Ontario .Street Church The congregational picnic will` be held on Wednesday, July 23rd, in- stead of July'-1bth, as announced, Salvation Army 11 eau,, Holiness meeting; 7,810' p.m., Salvation meeting, Sunday school will ibe at 3 instead of 10 a.m. -during the, summate' Scout parade Friday, Wesley Church The paper given by Dr. 3. CT Gan- die1, "The Story of Healing” at- the Brotherhood meeting on Sunday ;iilor- ning last was very muds enjoyed by' those present.- ' On Sunday -muting next at ten o'clock the Brotherhood will . discuss "The Ideal Rural Citizen,"" the sub- ject to be introduced by Mr. J. P. Shepherd, The pastor's subjects .on Sunday' will be: "Morning: !'.Life and Imortal- ity Brought to Light by Jesus Christ." .Evening: A Repentance Which Caine, too. Late." Willis Church The subjectsfor next Sunday are: Morning, "The Conditions of Song." Evening, "Christian Certainties." Tho-executive•of Huron'Preslsytey- ial will meet on Monday, June 16th, at two o cldcli at the manse. The regular meeting of the itsission-- band° will be held on eibeday evening at o'clock' in theiectuie.eoom. _. The W.M.S. will hold its June meeting at the home ;of Mrs. John Pearson, Stanley, on Thursday atter noon, June .13th , Mrs. Turner, Will give a paper .ori OurSchoal,ITornos ' There will' also be reports of the Gen- eral Council at Montreal 'and theiPio-- vincial meei,ng at „Hamilton; Cars L. 0. L. NOTES South' Huron County lodge will meet in the local L, 0,; 74. rooms 00 Wednesday afternowl' next, June 18th,, at two o'clock. Scarlett Chapter Distriet: of Hullett will have a meeting in the Clinton L.O.L. rooms on Monday, evening next, Juii 16th. e Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the' bus- iness, meeting. Members are asked to provide, B. COLE'S ACCIDENT Mr. lien ,Cole had a had accident yesterday, which may result very seriously. IIe was fixing the roof of Mr,. Edgar Armstrong's house and on getting down he reached over to grasp a bit of tin or something, dost his balance and eel]. from the top of the ladder. , His back is severely, injured, His friends are hoping that -his injury may not be quite so serious as it looks at present. He is conscious and 'cheerful. FUNERAL OF MRS. CARTWRIGHT The funeral of the late Mrs. John, Cartwi •ia „ht, who entered into rest .on Wednesday of last week,took place from the ]lone of her 'niece, Mrs, Win. Argent, on Friday, interment 'being in Dungannon cemetery. Mrs. Cartwright was born in. Scotland in 1884 and when quite . a young girl calve with her parents to •Canada, :set- tling 'in Hamilton. ' There she spent her early day's, later carrying w, az settling in Ashfield wherie she endure ed the teeny difficulties of 'pioneer' .days, Later Mr. and Ntrs, Cart- wright and fanury moved £o Bean don, Man., where they farmed for many ,years. After the death of her dmusband,• Mrs. Cartwright returned to Stratford, where see :made her home with her daughter, Mrs. W. Richardson, who then resided in tbae city. Mrs. Cartwright had visited in •Clin-' ton on several occasions and will be remembered by many. 'Mrs. Cart- wriglithad come to Clinton t0 'spend the; summer and was intending to vis- it relatives in Dungannon and Godo rich but a sheet time ago' she bad the norttlne o fall, anher hip, and tisfno hopetcould 'blbrea heldkiougt° for'ri- covery at her advanced age. Dur- ing her last days she was attended by her daughter, Mrs. W, Richardson, and niece, Mrs; B. Fowler of Dun - gannonr Those present at the funeral from a distance were; Mr. L. Richardson, and Mr, H, Sanderson, Detroit; Mr•. and 'Mr's. D.' 1vl'oNevin, Goderich• Mr. 'W. RNthardson, Sinieoe; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson, Strat- ford; Messrs. J, and A. lr'cNevin Goderich, o The RevJgg. o-'. E, Hotook Charge f the funeral services both at the - house acrd graveside, aseisted by the Rev, C. L. Biikey at the rhouse, mare. l fel dson wishes to thalilr all those who showed so mucic kind- mess during the illness and death o her mother, the late Mrs. John Cart weight.: LITTLE LOCALS " A new ferite has been 'erected a- round the bowling green: The Agriculture] Enquiry Conlnit.. tee is meeting in Clinton today. , The Covenant Bible class of Willis church had n picinic to Bayfield yes- 'terday, about the first' of the season. The Clinton Rlltie Band end a num- ber of other citizens went to' Gode- rieh. on Monday evening to take in the Mn 00 ]'h i . t o g the nGreyhound. h Y td. ?l;'l`"t.r's APE LACROSSE NOTES At the lacrosse game a V inghana yesterday afternoon, Winghis cefeat ed,•Clinton by a score sof 9-6, The line-up for Clinton was: Goal G. Elliott; po iui;, jv s.inteli; C. point, G. iVTiddleton; tat deience, J, iVeuteh; 2itd defence, R. Middle- ton; c iddleton•e nzi e F. Elliott;; e, o L 1sL home 17. Wendosi 2nd home N. Cool,; out- side home, W, Fulford; inside home, Hr Lawson. Subs,, J. Higgins, F. Match, , 5, Goderich Township } Mr., Howard: eVilltanis of Detroit spent a ..few days last week under the parental roof: Mrs. Lewis Aldworth of this town- ship passed away lastweek after a selttewhat lengthy • illness. -. Mrs, 'Aldworth, -whos» maiden naive was !Eliaalsleth .IllcDonald', ,was ,born in Hay township sixty-three years ago and, on' her marriage to Mr. 'A11." worth in 1881eshe came' to reside in Goderich township, on the Bayfield road a couple of miles north of Bay- field'.. She is survived be eher'huse Deed and,g family of two sons: Frank and ,Lloyd of Waterlyo, and four daughters: Mrs. • ' John Dempsey of this township, ltirs. L. Bernes of Morris township, Mrs. EI - mer Eastman of Waterloo and Miss Laura at home, Joseph McDonald; of Hay township; William McDonald of Detroit; Charles McDonald of':Bri- tish .Columbia;: John McDonald of Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. J. Gould ok Hay township, and Mrs, R. Campbell of Ingersoll, are surviving brothers and sisters ste s of the deceased. The funeral took place last Thursday from the -family residence. to Bayfield cem- etery.. Rev. A. Macfarlane was the clergyman offieiating.. All the sons and daughters were home, for the funeral: The sympathy of the community -goesout to the bereaved husband and family in their: bereeeement. HOlnjesvllie Rev. W. A. Walden and. Miss Mina hie Proctor bag& -treated themselves to new cars, - Mr. J. .R. Holmes went, to Detroit on the Greyhound.excarsiore Mrs, Leech; Mrs. Howell, sr.,, and Miss 'Mary Howell of Goderielr, and Miss Jennie Holmes of the Huron road, west, spent 'Tuesday as the guests of Miss D. A. ;Holmes of this village, Mrs.' Leech yesterday cele- brated bee eighty-sixth, birthday. She is rentatkably active, both physically .and mentally, ' for a womanof hes years and her many friends extend good wishes for hercontieued good health." In the absence of the pastor, who was attending Conference„the Sunday morning service was contracted by' inemibers of tate W,.M,S,;Mrs.v:Wal- den had cliarg'e and Miss flans reed a par of the a'ddressiof the dead of ' the l E, ,Church, delivered at the General Conference at Springfield, -re cently. The W.M.S. mete -at 'the home of Mrs. Bent Cox, the Cut Line, on. Wednesday. Yee. Andrew Holmes of the Huron road, west was 'a ea$senger on the Greyhound on its trip: back to.Dotroit on Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Mulholland is visiting her daughters in Detroit this. week, halting gone over on the Greyhound excursion.. Quite a number from this vicinity took itt the moonlight ' ght excursion at t i Goderich on Monday evening, ,Miss Christina- Whitman of Detroit is visiting her aunt, Mrs, A. Jervis. Mr. John Cudtbore, section fore- man, who had .his barn burned last sprin g•, :has a fine new steel barn e- ueeted in its place. John likes to do things right, l4 as. R• McCartney and her daugh- ter,',Mises Altalinda, went..to Niagara for over the weekend ank then to Whitby to be present at the Golden Jubilee of Whitby Ladies' College, which is being celebrated this ,week. After a short visit in, Toronto Mrs. McCartney intends going on to North Bay to visit hey 'sister, Mrs. 3. H. Lowery. Huron Social Service' ,Council will meet in Wesley church lecture room on Teggday next, June 17th, with - morning; afternoon mfrs evening sex-: 0ions, The baseball game between Bay- field and Clinton, to have been played here.onMonday evening was, called' off on account of the number of play- ers and. others going oil the Mood-- dight, Rev. Father Gaffney end the Holy Name Society of -St, Joseph's church wish to convey their: thanks and ap- preciation to the people of Clinton who so kindly assisted at their recent they, Mr, Digby' Dickson of Ripley, who was for .a• time a resident of Clinton, while as a student he -was ill charge of the Middleton-Holntesville parish, was ordained by Bishop Williams at Trinity church, Galt, on Sunday last: +At the regular meeting of the 1.0. O:F. on Tuosday evening the 'dele gates ta.the -Grand L dge at Guelph on June 19th and -20th, Messrs. Gould and Mutch, resigned, and Messrs. Sutter and G. E. 'Hall ,.were ap- pointed, A special meeting of the Hospi- tal .Board will be held in the :hoard room of the town haII on Saturday evening at eight o'cl(lc le to le -con- sider 1 natters regarding sports da August 4th: A full attendance is requested, On Saturday last two worthy Clin- ton couples,, Mr, and des. W. H. Hellyar and. Mr, and Mrs:: A. ,.E.',: Durnin, celebrated the twenty=fifth anniversary pi ,their weddings. Their friends extend, good wishes' and hope both couples will live • ,to celebrate their golden wedding anniversaries. Constance 111r• and Mrs, James Mann';and; gr,anddaugliter, Phyllis a +is'eek' ,.ti g rfxien' • iz d 1 y�..l '�•'"�is4, �atliX�n an,.,,,.•N-, , - ,-.M,,,�.�,r ler eof Hamilton 0'.' '5sitin ; - their. . ' aunt 14Ir Coel n the local eon_ will. leave the ;osto#ice ]a]fp st-,, .,fhere.•,wifQnoptu"giiurafi • o= Sunclgs" ion ei`tinglthem, two. school en Sunday. Auburn Ivry, George•Iianiilton has sold the ,ground between the Preobyterian manse and the station road to Mr, William Craig, ;who intends ,building ' 011 it this sunnier, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Farrow in De- troit.. A large crowd from here went to Goderich. 011 Monday evening to en- joy the moonlight trip on the Grey- hound. Mr. r.' 11 J. Wilson has purchased a new -Ford ear. Aliss S. Burry, who has been visit- ing trey friend Miss Rae Andrew, re- turned to her work in Toronto on Friday, '. The road men are putting in a new culvert and widening the road on. .the boundary between East and West ',VYatyciioso, just north of the village. • Mr, and Mrs. :Banes 'have return- ed after,. attending the Conference at Windsor.` The Auburn beeebzil team went to Dungannon Friday evening 'td play a game with the iboys of that village.: he sdori3 d/ 6-0 in favor of fife, of e •!feasts attootine'encl o , f, fisc games. ;r s Rae Andrew was in Clinton. on inday, givinP an address at; the morning, service in Ontario street Men, thodist church, which wit's' held un - the auspices'of the W. 1;S, of title. W, H. WEYMOUTH one of Hullett township's pioneers, who passed his eighty-ninth ,birthday on S to a Ida last. y Mr, Weymouth enjoys a good degree of health, takes" a lively interest in every day happen- ing's and has not lost Itis zest in life, His many friends will wish hint con- tinued happy years. Varna Mrs. Ephraim Howes of Ridgeway IS spending' few weeks with her parents, Mt, and Mrs, LanceIoc Clark of the Goshen line. A. number of the .youeg people of this viciinty took in the Greyhound excursion - in Goderich. on Monday night. , Messrs, John and leenrySteckley of the Bronson line shipped a good care.. load of fat tattle to Toronto last week - Mr,, and Mrs. William Talbot. have - returned home front their 'honeymoon trip to Niagara, Buffalo, and other points. The young couple' have the beet wishes of the community for fu- ture prosperity and happiness. Wedding 'bells will soon be. ringing on the Babylon line. -- We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mr, Mac. McNaughton, but hope to hear of his speedy re- covery. Y''t • -Bruceiield' The Toll y.:Circle met for their June meeting Thursday afternoon at 2:20 in the parlor of the church. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Aikenhead. • The roll call was re- eponded to by twenty-three ladies with a text bearing on deeds of 'great women of the bible. Miss Flora - SnlitTl took the topic from , the fifth. chapter of the study'.book,',which told of the new era of 'missions' in. North Formosa. After the.. passing' of Geo. ..- Leslie McKay the work was taken'up under the iClhristion leadersl?tip ref Wien. •Gould. After 'sen• years of studiee in Canada 'and the United States George Leeglio McNay soh of the, late- Dr. McKay, joined} hini in his ;work as teacher, in the middle echoer, going back with his bride, Jean Ross, a teacher and daughter of the late Rev: John Ross of Bruce - field;,,' Two readings .were given by Misses Ada MgBeth and Pearl Doug- las. . The Secretary, Mrs, Chapman, read a letter from I4);rs, (Rev.) Mc- Intosh of Milton in which she thank- ed the C11' • ole for their gift of a so- ciety pin aefllittle r enen 3A ace b e- fore going to Milton. The member's will always be pleased to hear from Mrs, -McIntosh. There was also a letter from Mrs, John A. McEwan, thanking them for their letter of sympathy in her recent bereavement. Current events consisted of an edi- torial read by Miss E. Bowen tell- ing of, the advent of our Diamond Jubilee by publishing a short history. of the three societies which now form the W.M.S. Thismet with instant approval by the 'board," Miss E, Laing, our historian wee asked to gather to - ether and compile the material for such a seetch.. , The name of this ' little book is "Our Jubilee Story," and was • ready for the members at the celebration of the sixtieth anniver- eery, held in Montreal, Thep book contains four chapters, the first tel.. ling' of the hitory, the second outlines the formation and Work, the third tells of the rise and progress and the fourth sulnmerizes the work of the W,M.S. and was written lbyMiss Laing since the amalgamation. The navies of four ladies who contributed to this sketch are; Mrs. Ephraim Scott, Mrs. G. H. 11, Robinson,,M s. .11. 117. Kipp and Nliss Laing. It is prettily bound and makes a nice gift or keepsake. _ Tee ' business part oe the meet'n was taken by the president. i•g The. Circle is agairy planning their' annual -sale, of b'oxk and will hold a handkerchief shower in July. We were pleased' to have with us Miss A. Foote of Victoria Hospital stair, a former member, also the return of our organist Miss Rattenbus'y. Tho meeti2 g closed by repeating the Miz- epls benediction, - Dr.. and Mrs, Rogel•s .of Forest motored up to Clinton Sunday and were guests` at the ]tome of De. and Melt, Gaudier. They also called on Brucefield friends. Miss Hill is ..visiting this -week in Forest, IIIc, A ; Beattie of Pond Mills and Mx A MtNivie of London Were vis- itof s at;. the home' OI'' Mr. "James Swan and other friends in tie unlace, Mr. and Mers Robert Beattie of Vancouver are spending a few day.9 with his sisters, Mrs. Wns. Scott end Miss At, Beattie, and ether reIetives here. •