HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-05, Page 8resell s Silver or Cut Glassis the most suitable, . It is more—satisfactory and will be appreciated as it is always in good taste We invite you to inspect our collection of,Slive,R•, Cut Mass, etc., Wedding and Engagement Rings, Watches, Clocks and Wrist Watches well and Optician imummaxamommammemam LANKY ILL TICS Real Novelty �n j \ , Narraw Neckwear:, SON Next ;Hovey's Drug Store echweeeseennereeennereniessev Sellkg like` hot cakes. Just the Tie for young men and most suitable for low collars now in. vogue. Give the boys what they want -LANKY BILL TIES Congoleum , Rug Sale continued for one week. Order now and save money. Piumstee•I" Bros. PIIONE 2S • SMALL PROFIT•eS. MOUE BUSINESS isuesserosenesiammet The Man Who Knows good clothes when he sees:;them, knows that they were made at this establishment.. If you have:. not es yet picked out your • Spring Suit.. come to tis, as we 'have all the latestnovelties and • designs, and can make up a suit which, 'will be un the minute, in ever,''respect. COME' AND INVESTIGATE. WE INVITE YOUR „, t PATRONAGE , Davis & H-Iernnati PHONE .224-W 'VETERAN TAILORS 1 pa c7gramatorimomststerwrosszor Co s.i Us 4boiit Your Painting Needs ralAe17 e,.ong- e aname% r Give your out. ofdate furniture tthit new -style wnem ,f (Teich' We also carry a coo e c let line � P a • of Brandram Henderson Paints and Varnishes Sun Varnish and Sun 'Varliish Stains' - Also a complete line of Brushes, Linseed Oil and Turpentine Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING LOOK ! ! Weareready for all orders of spring work, Papering, Painting and decorating.' We have a large assortment of papers and we ask you to see our books before buying. You will save money by ordering your paper from us. All worts Guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Orders left wzt Mrs. Robt: Armstrong, Huron street wilh,re- ceive prompt attention, PHONE 234 ring 2 KAY & POTTER is gathered everythiiag that is dearest and best in lite. lime is the center from which all the -varied concerns and business of life start forth. Any thing that can contribute to the beatt- ty and comfort and peace of Home is deserving of attention and thought.' In this direction let wall paper enter your thoughts. Our new spring stock will soon be ready for your inspection. 1.e::m fig Fair:' Co,: Often the'Cheapest—Always the Best Reeve Middleton is attending'connty •ceeineil at"Goderich this, week Miss Rosa ,Sehoenhals was in"London tfor'a•few days over the week -end. Bra ata" Mrs. Mair of ChesIey were guests of friends in town over the week -end. Miss Clefts Ford of the Alma College std, St. Thomas,war home over the week -end. Dr.._ Kay' of Lapeer was called to town this week owing to the ser- ious, illness of Mrs. J. Giblbings. Miss McDonald was called home to --Weeds-00e this -week owing to the illness of her father, Mr. and Mrs, Fenleon of St. Augus- tine motored down this week to vis- it their aunt, Mrs. J. McConnell. Mrs. A. A. Hill and .daughter . of Edmonton are visiting with Mrs. B. Hill and Mrs. Frank Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kemp motored to. •Dundalk on Saturday 'to -visit /Mrs, Kemp's brother, Mr. John !Rath.• ,Mr._,W. S. Downs visited relatives in London, Iona and St. Thomas last week, returning borne on Sat- urday. Misses Bertha and Mary Webster of Londesboro spent the week -end as the guests of their aunt, Mrs. E. G, Saville. Miss Josie Medd of Wheatley is vis- iting her uncle, Mr, J. G. Medd of , town, and. with other relatives in the vicinity. • • Mr. . Harry Ball, who has just passe] successfully his second year at the Western University; is home for the long vacation. Mrs. Lashbrook and little Miss Rita of Mitchell are visiting this week withthe lady's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. -E. Pielcard, Miss Enema Higgins, who has com- pleted an honour coarse at the Tor- onto University, is holidaying at bee home in town. Air. F7; Livermore, who has con}. pleted his course at the Toronto University, has been at his home in town during the past week. Mrs. W. S. Downs was hi St. T1iom. as last week representing the On- tario Street W.M.S. at the London Conference Brandh meetipg- Mrs. J. E. Hogg has returned from Montreal, -where she attended the Dominion Council of the W.M.S. of the -•Presbyterian Chureh.in Cam: ada. - Mr. Johnston of Fort Wililan visited° his grandmother, Mrs. John Len- inerton,fora couple of days this` eek, going on to Kincardine this orning. Miss Marion Gibbings is spending a few weeks at home, She's taking lip a special subject at the 'Colleg- iateand will write on it at the coming examinations. Mr, and Mrs. James A. Miller and Masten Fred and Mr. and Mrs o- Thos. Churchill Motored to Handle ton Saturday to spend the week -end at the home of theformer's. daugh- ter, Mrs,' J. •Ii . Simpson, Man . d Mrs. H. M cClic YrM here r, and MTS eCiacherty and Mise 1Vi Mair motored ,up from Detroit and spent the week -end' as the guests of the latter's parents, Mee; W. M, Aiken, Masters Willard and Arthur and Baby Florence aro. spending a couple of weeks with friends at .their former home, Al- lenford, and at Owen Sound. Rev. J. M, Hunter of Conde, S. Da-: kota, who had been attending Gen_' eral Conference, spent a'ceeple of days this :week at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. E. Pickard: Mrs. S. G. Castle and little Baugh= `ter, Nora retdrned:home last week after spending a few days in St. Catharines with her daughters,. Mrs. Owen Sauvage and Miss Mil- dred Livermore. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Flv y $ el n: left this morning for Tor- onto. Mr. Halt will attend the. hneeting of the Canadian Weekly Newspapermen's Association, which is in session there the last three days of this week. Rev, Dr, Mark Ruinball of Morden, Man., visited frons . Saturday until Tuesday morning, yeith his . sisters, Miss Georgie Rumball, Mrs. W. Pickard and Mrs, J. A. Ford, He was on his way to ,the meeting of the General Assenmbly, at Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrse Jelin Cadzow anti two daughters of Niagara Falls visited the former's aunt, Mrs, Watt of Fulton street the past week. " Mr,. Cadzow also called on Mr. and Mrs .J. McConnell, who were his neighbors: in boyhood days in Hul- lett townshiu.' Mr. W. B. Laing, of Site City, Iowa Mrs. Allen. of Ottawa and :Mrs,' C. C. Ranee and Mrs. (Dr. ),,Belden of Toronto; were in town last week, having ,come to attend the funeral of, the late Mrs, Laing. " t41r,. Leine, aceoinpanied the retrains oC` his wife: from Iowa: Compare our .,prices ---fort Quality and Service Big' leaders i.n Tea and Sugar 11 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1,00 (to one customer) Special Black `'Tea per lb 48c Hursley Tea per lb 58c ONeil s Special Blend per lb 65c'. Ask us for a sample of- any of above Tea Call` and inspect bur Groceteria Specials Courtier Brand Salmon per lb. 35c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs ,25c Red -Salmon, half pound tin... , , ,e9c _ Seeded Raaisies 2 lbs. ... ...25c Pilchards, i/2: lb , , . 19e Grape Nuts, ... ......17c Puffed 'Wheat, 2 pkgs. 28c New Cheese, per lb. 23c Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs, 35e, Picnic Hams, per lb....... 1 Aininonia Powders, 3 -for. 23e I,,ife Buoy, 3 .. 23c. 1j Soap. Chips, 2 for .. , 23ce, Charm, 2 pkgs. , Brooms, 4 string, Brooms, 5 . string . O'Cedar Polish Rinse, 3 packages for Toro. Tablets 6 for Clothes -Pins, 3 doz, for • 24c 50e 74e 48e 24e ..,. 10e Back Bacon, per lb ..25c Pea Meal per lb. , , , 29e 0 Nail's highest grade coffee; ,per lb. 60c: Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. for SOc Jelly Powders, all flavors, 3.for 25c Our own Baking PoWder'lb tins 23c We will still redeem Surprise Soap Coupons Strawberries, Green Beans, Asparagus, Carrots, Fresh Fish Tuesday and Saturdays,, ` Beets A Cash Carrg Phone 2 1eeS®O'NeH48 Mrs..A, I,. Trick of .London visited over the wedlc=end with her sister, Mrs., C. J. Wallis. . Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins, . of Clinton were visitors in town on Wednesday.-Goderich Signal, . Misses Madelon Shaw and Isobel Draper spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs.' Helen Quinn, Londesboyo, Mr. A. _ J, Tyndall is attending the• +Conference at Wfindsor.this week as a delegate from ,the Goderich, Methodist District. Mr. Harry .Lawrence,' teller in the Molsons Bank here, will relieve for a couple. of weeks in the Zurich branch:—E'xetex Advocate: Mrs. Abner Cosens of Wingham, :foe- . moldy Miss Sarah Turner ,of town, spent Friday last as the guest of Miss Minnie Rudd, and calldd on several pther friends. Major Oittaby and wife of Brantford Miss Robertson and Mr.. •Stevenson of Clinton, spent a few hours of +Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, R. N. Creeele-Exeter. Times. - Miss Helen Keenleyside of Regina, Sask., :who graduatesi lads pear from Toronto University,' was the +guest during the past 'week of Mrs. Janes McMurchie.' Miss Keen- leyside sails for England very Shortly. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse and Rev.. A. A. Holmes are in 'Windsor this week attending the eannual Meet- ings of the London Conference, Mr: Moorhouse, being a member of the stationing committee, left Monday morning. SaUeidd. • A number of Detroit visitors took advantage of Decoration Day in the United States oil Friday to spend the week -end. in Bayfield. In the death: o£ itobt., McDonald; Mr.' .and M'rs. Percy Dymond ante whichc rre o cu don Ma 24th at hfs da'u titer Detroit .Y 4 o nisi e 1 s. visited the lady's fY parents; Mr, and Mrs. Tippett over home in the village, Courtwright loses theweek-end and on their return one of its most respected''citizens,'. Mas . Tippett aetotrgpanied them The sad passing of one so early in life home, and so dearlyloved filled frill the cup Mr. and Mrs. Minter and Mr. and of sorrow and wounded the hearts' of Mrs: Fox of Detroit were guests at dear :ones whieh time alone can heal. the Albion and Mls, Newman and , Deceased was born in Hullett town.' son and daughter of Detroit were at ship, being the only son of •Mrs. Jane the Commercial. McDonald, and. his wife was, for - Messes. G. and H. Westoneand G. mealy Miss Margaret !Badour, of Blair of Detroit'spent the` week -end Goderich township. He was iri his at their homes:here, usual good health- until Thursday at Mr. Thomas 'Johnston of Dakota, inid=night he was• �trieken with Pal' who had been attending :the General alysis and passed peacefully away on Assembly; at Grand Rapids, Mich,;) Saturday. The funerel was ;held has been visiting at Mr , C. Parlter's, from St. Oharles church, at 10 0e. Miss Louise Parker and •Mrs. 'Snaith clock on Tuesday morning. There - Of London spent the week -end. at the were four priests in the Sanctuary parental home Mrs. A. Brown has been visiting at Owen 'Sbund. Mr, and Mrs. II, Ie, Moorhouse and daughter. cif London are at their summer cottage here. ' Miss McIntyre has taken up her abode with Mrs.McLeod for the :sum Hier: Mr. and Mrs, G. Gillies. of Tor- onto are this week the guests of Mr. J. Gairdner. , We are prepared to fill your needs :in PLANTS, VEGETABLES; FLOWERS Touiato Plants Annuals. Cabbages ' Geraniums Cauliflowers ; Cannes Celery Salvia, Etc. Thousands of plants now ready to sell direct from hotbeds. Tomatoes 10e doz., . 3 doz. for 25e Cablbage 10e dos„ 8 doz. for, 25c Just receiied, Cemetery vases for cut Flowers, 40e. each bur greenhouses will be -pen to vis- itors each evening this week, .We twill be pleased to show' you our stock. Special attention given to Funeral and Weddings orders. ' J. Cuninghaine, ' Florist Telephones: House 176w, Store -31 57-1, tago of Mrs. McMillan of London is nearing completion. Mss. Stott is enlarging her cottage and as building a new one for the caretaker, Miss Kennedy of Stratford is starting to new cottage. '"Mr. L. Clark of Stanley is building a eottage.on the Varna road and several others are preparing to (build, Mr, Elder of Seaforth had been engaged repairing and remodelling the cottages in Jewett's Grove.. Hullett Township A practise (baseball game was playa; ‘ed between" Bayfield and. Goderich, township on Friday evening, the for-. finer winning en a score of 12-6. A return match will be played on Friday evening this week, The play, "Safety First," put on in. the town hall on Friday evening by the Agricultural Society, Clinton, was very much appreciated by all who witnessed it. The actors certainly did theil parts well and the large aud- ience enjoyed it very much. 31r. and Mrs, Saucier and family and Mr. II. N. Erwin of Kitchener spent a fevr days', in town last week A lot al building is being done here. this' year again: Two cottages for Stratford citizens are being built on Flynn; the flats emir the lake,.'. The cot- Flynn, for 'Solemn High -Mass, Rev. Father LaBelle, pastor, Celebrant; Rev. Fath- er Brennan, London, Deacon; Rev, d Father Pococke, London, sub. Deacon; Rev. Father. Brennan, Wallaceberg, Master of ceremonies,` Rev. Father Brennan of London delivered a most eloquent sermon. The attendance and solemn ceremonies were a wonder- ful tribute to the deceased. He is survived by his wife, his aged mother and three sisters. The following is the report of S.S. S., No. 2, Hullett, for the month of May. The names are in order of merit: Primer 'Reta Carbert; Margaret Morrison. 1st—Jinx Reynolds; Earl Reynolds; Agnes`,Morrison,' ' Jr, 3rd—Margaret Cahbai t; Agnes Carbert; Elizabeth Morrison; Theo, Flynn; Harry' Reynolds; Gerald Brown. Sr. aid—Edna Flynn„' Jr, 3rd—Many Reynolds; ,Tim Car herr:. Sr. 4th--Clenic'.nt Reynolds; Tom Rose :Reynolds ; Margaret; —M. I', Flynn, 'Teacher 'The.• ooh Of ne Is the time when new homes are being furnished, so eve cordial- ly invite you ;to inspect our large stock of all the necessities for that new hone. Assuring .you ` of the very lowest prices.possible. Rave Linoleum, Congoleem Rugs; Carpet Rugs o£ all, kinds with a well as,sorted stock of furniture that cannot help'but please! both the eye, an4 the purse.,. Don't forget 'this store when you're looking for useful wedding gifts.. Coal Oil Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons end Toasters. Keep your lawns right by using the. celebrated Taylor -Forbes lawn mower. T • .Extra special price on Bain and Garage Paint, $2.00 per gallon. A Jew odd shades of Sherwin Williams paints. It will Tay you to look these over. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 CURRELL & SHIRLEY T Specials for Friday and Saturday 5 lbs. Rolled Oats ...20c 11 lbs, of best Granulated Sugar 2 lbs. Prunes .. ..,.°25c .e1.0o' 3'McLsren's Jelly Powders .. .25c Tea and Coffee of the best Quality 2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat......25e nc S Lett e New • P gCabbage, Sweet Or -- 6 ib. Corn Meal ........ . ,25e anges, Large Bananas, Juicy 'e 2 Tins of Aylmer 'Corn 35e Grape Fruit • 2 Tins of Aylmer Peas 35e 2 pkgs. Kellogg,s Bran . .25e Leave your` FISH O'RDERS for 1 lb. Cooked Ham . , .. .... ,50e Thursday's delivery, THE COC RRa & S. G RS 1,M1110.1•6* .611.015.1111MM11101.11101111016.11111•11201161•940,11. Phone 125 A Bargain in Wood We have secured a quantity of good body 12 inch hardwood,. equal to and better than the wood we have been selling out of out yard at $6.00 per cord, which we can sell at 20.00 per _ loadof 4 cords . . Being principally Maple and Beech this , is truly 'a mighty;; goad buy, and as the mine price of coal is advancing each month, I would strongly recommend,to each family in Town to take in a load or two of this Real Bargain This price will be good only for orders . delivered direct from the bush and as the same wood -will sell for a Hauch higher figure from our yard next winter, it will be real economy to Order Now u star ' Coat