The Clinton News Record, 1924-06-05, Page 5'baxtson editor of the
Goderich i x nazi }vas last -Week again
;„elected president of the North .Ilui•-
t Lrbe>al Association We never
iiir that man ,being a Liber-.
ws'n ,
,yonder ing howJ, it came
ti -411 a good :mar should
Peace tack is heard on all sides but
who is sapposedte haze dis-
erect the "Diabolic Ray a 'gas
th it' is thought ttould, prove
ome` weapon war,:; is , being•
lith' after by, all ;the governments
e world as diligently, or perhaps
di1igentl +, than if he :had: dia.
oitered a, sure preventiveof war,
A Calgary magistrate =sentenced.
the first man convicted„ of ,bootleg-
ging under the new Alberta liquor
law to six month, in jail without the
option of a fine, ' A few such senten-
ees under the 0.T.A. might have,
the effect of instilling into the minds
of some people a more wholesome re
pect'for the'law. Bootleggers care
nothing for a fine.
Some of our. ,"readers;; .no doubt,
pride themselves . on their skill as'
fishermen, Yesterday a citizen told
us, with some;+comniendable ilride,'
that he ,had bad .speckled trout for
-dinner•. Well, here's something for
tjient to chew on, a; man up near the
Soo the other day, caught a speckled
trout • measuring twenty-three inches
and weighing ten_:pounds,
r * fi
Scientists ase now working on mus-
tard gas 'he a etre` for tuberculosis
and other diseases :of the lungs and
bronchial tubes. Mustard gas was:
one of the most' dreaded gasses used
during the war and was responsible
for much suffering among soldiers.
• If it can now good ac.
count; made •to give life instead of
death, health .instead of disease, it
will be at least one gain dut of many
- losses.
Fire broke out in the Free Press
4 ; office, London, inf Saturday afternoon;
doing $2000 or $3000 worth of dam-
age. The fire was confined to 'the
second, or editorial "floor. We are
glad the fire was -so speedily. eontrol-
1ed.It did not interfere with the
publishing of any edition" but it no
doubt caused much inconvenience and
double • to. those interedted, The
News -Record had .a little experience
of the same sort a' few months ago.
ry ave.*
ThenWetasliwin. Times,' which is
edited and published by M'r. Victor
C. French, an old Clinton boy, only
son 0-11irs. F. French of town, came
but last week with'twenty pagesof• .
welkprynted shatter. It was a sort
of a "Home -Town" or' "Buy—at—:tom"
edition and set. fort;; in 'very 'a'ttrac-
tive form the advantages of• Wetas
kievin, illustrated by many excellent
• cuts. It was,afine output and the:
bsspess . men of the city supported
the publisher well in his enterprize,
carryingmany page's" of very attrac-
tive advertising. , •
The sonigivhat startling 'Announce-
ment was ade. in a daily,paper this.
week 'that'm:he 'sun ,was .beginning to
show cracks anal was likely to split
in two. Pref. Chant of Toronto
;says this is not at all:likely. Ile
Lays the earth 'shows cracks, too, •but
It doesn't fall apart, We're inclined
, to agree with Professor Chant. He's'
a; pretty leyelLheaded man, being a
" brother of our own good citizen, H.
'13, Chant, and'he's as likely to know
• as anybody., The sun ghas 'been hang
ing-together• for a good many years
• now and will •proleaibly last our'time,
set, # s
Many, •rien"spapersi are smoothing'
over I3on.-Jamesltltlydock's action in
'^withdrawing $4000' from the Honie
Bank -just before if closed its doors,
rhe; having ,bettonte aware of the con-
dition of the ibarik owing to his anent-
' `bership. au the, ;Dominion 'Cabinet It
is contended by'the newspaper writ-
ers that itis just what anybody
"Would 'have done' ..Itis what anyone'
would feel like doing, 'no doubt; but
If a man wished to act in a strictly:
"'honourable way he would not take ad-
vantage cf.kuowledge he had -gained'
as a cabinet nPisister to save'hi rise
'`from loss `when .he 'could' not,: ••if
...,others oflike danger,• • It would "Tree
well for Canada to keep a high stan-
-dard of 'honour for her public' men,
and, at least so it seems tous,.:it-d's
not 'encouraging this high sense gf
'honour, to cot clone ` ef'
of ,.mooch'over,
such acts, :The fact that Mr. Mtn:dock
, -has hail to' return the money to the
liquidator does not aff
his action: ect In alny way
Much' Criticism has been indtilgecl
`in, regarding a portrait , Ifni
George whtclt is :ll�rng ex ite'd i i
"the Roya1-Acadenty this year;:..,. A
'reproduction'of'':ttie ,portrait in the
London Illustrated News" ives:
Very good idea of the portrait g one a
and to,
plaizi.folk, 115* Canadians, eSpecialiy
those of us who halm not been pies:
entell' at court, its a rather fantastic
looking picture." He is dressed in
the uniform of a .Knight 05 the Gas'-
- '505, .with robes; silic•°tiglsts; etc. and
'his crown lies
on a chair at his side as
df it had become oppressive and he
'had removed it. - The a • ru'
st, Mr. Ar-
tbur'Sims, defends his work, mazn-
tainr'ifn• that it is a good Niceness: Ire
says he hadonly two or threeshort
;,ittirrgs and admits he
had another
reran sit while he painted they logs.
-The legs seem to have come in for
',the most criticism, soolia the
criticism ar , blv
is just as the arList;adiuitsts
,they are not realh
Y the ,King's legs.
;It shouldn't be allowed,' this substi-
tuting'of somebody else's legs for She
King's, now, should it?:. "It is not a
remarkably good likeness, we should
say, although we've never seen
but judging ?Ids
Majesty, J g e•frain•`tlte many
photographs V✓o.'.have.seen this nor -
"t p
tunes :array seem
occasion; we niUcli prefer'
ng George in his tweeds,
o ,Nnueh more like the rest
believe he looks more
Last week The News -Record, in its
small ads, department, carried Iwo
advertisements pf lost brooches. ; On
Friday a telephone call carne .in° re-
garding the finding of; one of the
pins and °on Saturday it was left in,
this olTis . On 'Monday.morning an-
alibi° Pin was-hzought it, which was
"not- however the one advertised for,
and a roan who :had sent in an ad, for„
stray cattle,. arranging for three in-
sertions, telephoned us to kill the ad •
as hiscattle had 'been found.
The Sunday World of June lst:`itad
a picture of jytlliatit Tong, cornet,
player, who is this week appearing
wi li the :hippodrome Symphony" Or-
chestra in Toronto• Mr. Tong, bet-
ter known as "Willie," who will be re.
raonaberedas_ an exceedingly clever
cornet player when a ,bey in Clinton,
a few years ago when he and' his fa-
ther resided -here, has been engaged
as cornet soloist..with Souoa's :band,
.being chosen from overone hundred.
applicants.. Mr. . Tong, together with.
his father;. was a'iiwentbzr" of. with.
Clinton band while in town. f1e
plays Herbert Clark's solo, "Southern
Cross" at 'the Hippodrome this week.
The town council en Monday ev-
ening passed' a motion authorizing
the -moving of the band stand from
the Iittle -point upon which it has
been boiling over for the past number
of years to the park beside the town'
hall, where it stood previously.
Some yearsago wi;err:the square
was levelled, sodded and planted to
shrubs, etc., the stand was moved off
and the fountain placed in the centre.•
To put the stand back now -would spoil
the whole.' appearance of the park,
without making it more convenient
for the people A few -seats could lie
placed but only a limited number,
coialdbe seated in the park, unless on
band night dozens',of seats could be
placed,, -close together, as for a con'
cert. ,
It must ,be admitted that the .pres-
ent site is ,not a good one. The -stand
sits out there like a wart on -the end
of a Wren's nose and the only thing to
be said in favor of the location is that
there' is 'some room for the 'parkiaig
of ears in•the vicinity. The bandsmen
say that it is hard to play their in-
struments against the 'brick well to
the eolith, which :can be readily un-
Why not move tho bandstand to
Recreation Park:, which' • is the best.
and most logical plane: for a, band
stand? It' is not far away; it, can
be reached froth diffeftnt .angles of
the town; there would be ample'reein
to set it so as to give thelplayers the
advantage of a good' position; there'
would be plenty of room for any num-
ber•of cars to Bark themselves con-
veniently about ,so as to .hear the
music and. those who -have no cars
would have the advantage of being
able to sit down eomfortaubly to lis-
ten, cs thing 'they have never been,
able to do, The stand wouhd then
be there on big days when it IS need-
ed, instead of the band having to`oo-
aupy '•a rough platform knocked 'tip
for the otlasion.
The town"' band stand in almost
any town you go into is located in
the town park, when the town ,is'for-
tunate enough to possess a park. The.
public -street is. about the worst place
one .canthink *5, 5 or band ooneert.
Clinton has never had the -nese of
its town'park that it might have had
simply ;because' it.✓s only on "big
days" that it pis put to use. Set up
the :baba stand in it and putit In
good shape so that it will be com-
fortable for the :' players, put the
grand stand in good shape so that it
will be safe and comfortable "for the
citizens, throw open the gates on band
nigh5and iet the whole town and sur -
Wounding continunitY enjoy the ntueic.
The financial report for the .month.
Was as follows:
Street Account
Paysheet $301.10
Staten :, & Perdue, Hardware..
S. J. • Andrews, tile #8
x0 ;37
W. `G. Coble, work on drain . 7:00.
C. Hellyar, drain trap 1.50
E. Ward,- coal, 360 152.15'
Dominion -Road Machinery Co.,
Sweeper Brooni 34.40
The Hurpn . Specialty Casting`
Co., casting for ciusher',.'•14.25
Barrett :: 1 r
bb s.Ta•'
Co.,, rota. O'
R. Be` l ,P.G7.r7
ll,„Engine Threshing Co.,
wort; on Wheels
.Eleetrie- 7 fight Account • .
P.U. C,, street Iighting, May157.00
P.U. C., lighting ;towm hall, , 6„64,
3, Copp, painting signs•,,..'.:. '4.00
Sutter & .Perdue, 'Hardware11.15
Clinton H. & F, Co.,,hardware 2,61'
A.Seeley;, work ori scales ', :.15.50
E, _Ward, coal,-' 41.790 lbs, $16
per ton .334.35
. 5.00
D. E Closet Account
J. Steep, 'salary: for- Ma:. ; . 70.00'.
Cemetery Aceo nt
R. Hunter, salary Tor 11I ;y 71,43.
R. Horsely salary i�9'i5 days 43,75-.
Salaries Account
L. Stong, salary`for'
May :: 70.83
L,' Stong 'collecting amusement
E. Grealis,salary for May . 54.1.7
Printing Account.. ,
W,. II, Kerr & Son • , . 14.25
Grants Account
P:LI,0, lights for 'hospital..” 2.54
Fire and Water Account
W,Burton, team at fire •
Ii'ellyar, repairing p t nozzle�,�
Bell' Telephoneg 1., 50
Rent and account • . 4;52:.
Postage Ac`
Postage and Revenue ..
Insurance .Account.
Weiland Fire Insurance, r
P • G Prem. 18.00
Park Account"
R. Warrener, Posts .: 4.,7.0
Paysheet 4:8
Street Oil -Accor t •
Barrett n
Co., Tarvia . i ... ...974.61
i seems to leave senlething 4e' Paysheet
D++, Shari
News -Reword
t'a1rlly been
t t L . 237.7C
I" of Health A.couint
• Stong, market scales 28,35
;hall rent expenses et Conven. 15.00
.: zl.o
55. IIutiter, sale of hots,,,,,,. '30,00
Care in perpetuity, 105.00
Work .32,50,
BROOMS—fir McKillop on May. 26th, -
to Mr. and Mrs, C. Broome; a'son:
C'HISHOLM-In Colborne township
(Leeburnj, on May 28th, to Mr>,
,and Mrs. Thos, Chisholm, a clangh
l'I%AI;SDN—In Grey township,
May 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, R. 3:
Pearson, a daughter,
McMEGNEY—In Ford, Ont., en May
28th, to the Rev. S. E. and Mrs.
Mt,liegney;. 108 Lawrence Road,.a
11"'c;�.Yarai X225
BOND—COOPER—Iii Clinton, on
June 4th,, by the Rev: J. Snow-
deit, 'Anni'e. Francesyounger.
daughter .of Mr. aanc1 Mrs., .George•
A. Cooper, to Albert E. Bond, all,
of . Goclerleh township. '
GO'ULD IITISTON' '- t Lakeside,.
May 22nd,:by Rev, J. E. Hpinfes,'
p „e£ North -Street Methodist
' Chureh,''Goderich, Bertha Andrews
daughter g of the late John
Andrews, to George P, Gould, of
Goderieh'; •
BendiVIethodist ehuteli,, on ` Nfay
24tH, `by Rev. L. W. , Hill of Park-
, hill; Irene Mite Handfo"rd, daugditer
of the Iate Thomas E. and Mrs.
Handfed, of Exeter, to James
:George tittle.
;home of the bride's parents,.'Msr-
ris township, by the,yRev, T'.' C.
Wilkinson, ,Bluevale, cousin of the
.. bride, on May, James Carr
Procter, to. Hazel Helen, only
- daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. W. R.
- Wilkinson, all of Morrig township.
thodist parsonagh,'Mitchell, by the
Rev. H., A. Moyer, on May 24th,
Vance Sanderson, of Wingham, to
Lola, eldest daughter of • Mrs. Ida
Willis, Brussels..
ALBOT DEWAR—At the Manse,
Bayfield, on June, 3rd, by the SSev.
Alred • Maofarlane, Eva L., only
daughter•'of Mr. and Mrs, Georgy
Dewar, to- Wrilbiain Talbot, son of
1VI•i'. 'and Mrs. W. II.: Talbot, all
of Stanley township. -
CARTWdiIG$T—In Clinton, on June,
4h, Elizabeth 1l cNevin, widow of-
tbe late John Cartwright of Dun-
gannon,- aged 90 years.
The funeral will take place from
ti genome of Mrs. Argent, North
S..eset, on Friday afternoon at 2.$0
to Dung'annon ,Cemetery.
ALDSWORT.g=In Stanley township,
on .June 3rd,'Elizabeth McDonald,
'wife of Mr, Lewis Aldsworth, ag-
ed 63 years.
FORSTDR—In Maolkhaiit, township,
on June 1st, W. B. 'Forster of Col-
borne towtisltip, • in lire 7855 year: ,
WALLACE—In Memorial Hospital,
• Seaforth, ' on May 26511, Helen
Cairns, wife of James' Wallace, ag-
ed '47 years.
MCMICTTAEL-Ii Cleveland, Ohio, on.
• May 23rd, Beit R. McMichael son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. McMichael;
Seaforth, aged 44 years, 6 inonthe
and'11 days.
Rrucetieki '
Mr. Lawrence Iiurlburt, son of the
late Dr. Hnrlburt, known to many in.
this vicinity as a„former practicioner
With the late Dr James Stewart, cal-
led =Me. and Mrs. A. T. Scott Fen
day last. It is_forty-two years since
Dr. Huflburt moved with his family
to Mitchell, where he practised his
profession for 'many years, later go-
ing to Oregon.Mr. 11urtburt was a .
draughtsman in shipbuilding but is
now a traveller for store furniture
and resides in Tomas,.,. Ile tau a
sister .practising Detroit.: Two
members of the fancily still reside in
Mr, Wtn; 'IVleintosli, the obliging'
'aird capable clerk, who has managed
Mr.. A. T. Scott's business :since his
accident in r'ebruary is leaving this
week' for Loring, N. O., where he' has
token a position, in a• general store,,
which he ,has filled, successfully . for.
the summer months for the •past few
years, "`
• 1VIr, Ross -Scott of the Iia Statio -
;arg Go., London, has returned 'and nS
taking,. charge -of his father's business
Dr. and Mrs,. Aikenhead of Tor-
onto are guests at the home of •1V,ir:. Stanley,' •
Sfurse Rh
ea Tiouatt motored.
with Mr. anal Mrs, Dodds of London
and spent Sunday at her,
•Miss A. Rattenbury,: who hasen
'a few titonths with ,friends' in, Toronto,
Bttrliliton and Hamilton hat retarnad
Mr.' and Mrs. Driver accompanied
by Mus, Rouatt, spent Tuesday, the
King's ,birthday in London.
Mr+..M53 .. eD'
onald of the L `
road, son of Mr. James' McDonald;
is not; enjoying', good health at •pies
en a,
11Ir, and Mrs. ':Ed,. Munn of IIen-
sall^spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
George Swan.
Dr. William Aikenhead, of Toronto
spent the week -end with his ,brother
Nurse- Jamieson is now on aa
c se
at Brussels.
Last. Sunday' h ".
tr e new pastor of Un-
ion church, 'Rev.: C- <G. :,Armour,
taught'the Bible class in the Sdnda
school with 'much acceptance. At
the morning church: service ,Mr. Ar-
mour said he was :always glad to ,see
the boys and girls: in the familypew
and assured tbe'niothers`thet b
tri -arms ,caused himno annoyance.
He said'he would try to speak a few
your 50558ise soak ooupons to our store: We redeem thein, '
5 bars Surprise Soap. for 25e.. and coupon,which will be distributed;to;.
your home this -week,...
For Finlay and S iturday only of this week, , Special cash prices.
2 lbs,- Pure lard . , .. , ..32c. 1 1,30, of Bacon
2 pkgs. GOrn :Fakes 21c. 1 Bottle e of
„1 Tr ez Ca
3 sun
p s. Jelly Powder 24c 2 pkgs. 1earlire 1175a.
and. other Imes.
h1I 'II,
JOHNSCN & CO'S 0CERY Phone 111
irrg a Loaf
r Cr
oceI`s or ci6.3i91r/erecl' _.
Assorted t
rs. The kind that pleases:
Cakes •: Cookies
Phe '
Phone 1
�, EIeC.tI°tC11a11 _
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
I'honetl FStw
.ter '
,We Fag Cas
Our plant is now complete and we solicit your shipments o
whether Iarge or,sinall. ` Come and see them graded.
We buy live poultry twelve months of the Fear.
to advise us what you hdve to sell It will old Hens,
. At uresent, market ens,
old Roosters, late hatched and spur Chickens.•
All our eggs are bought on Government
;according to size and quality, We Are here torserve you.
Gunn, Langlois & Co., LYniited
N. W. Trewartha, Manages Clinton Branch
Day Phone 180" Night Phone 214 W
Having taken over the greenhouse :of the
are now in position t t late' Thos. etae we
a P n o supply a full line of either Vegetabble or
Flower Plants,
Tomato -«Bonnie Best,Chalks Early Jewel, Stone (Main Crop),
ralso a few large plants in single pots.
_.. Cabbage --Early Winningstadt, Copenhagen Market.
IICauliflower—Early Snowball g a et'
Geraniums—'%or bedding or potting.
Salvia -In pots :for transplanting, •
Pansies --.Field grown, 2 year plants.
Asters :Aster Mums, Queen of the Market, Hearts of
Giant Ostrich, Victoria mixed, •
Wisconsin No. 7, Bayley, Golden. • Glow, White -Cap," Improved
Yeeaming Compton Early. Our stock is all No. 1 Government
Standard and of a choice quality.
,Also Millet, Sorghum and Dwarf Essex Rape.
Mangels and Turnips in practically all varieties also Garden
Seeds. La- owlets
C uGladiolus bulbs just in froth
o to ,garly and get,your choice.
i Holland, All Wanted varieties.
• e.
Ii SUPPLIES.Serateh,Feed, Chick Grit, Pin -
Hoppers and Water Founts.
Blatchford's C1licls' 1VIash ()hick
head ,Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Deed
0fiice P110ne'139 "
Night 141 'and 1.29
� w
words to the children each Sunday at
the malting" and wished them
to pay attention so; that they would be
able to tell their Sunday school tea-
eller' the following Sunday.what lm
hid tanked. about . Mr. Armour al-
so thanked the-. congpegation for ;their
kindness to'}iiniself and -'MTS. ..4 7ztour
and said 'they felt 'the need of :their
help, symp'atity aandprayers,` as
o e,. things •are wrought by mayor
than this world dreams,of," Ile said
he liked to see' the open bible ' .in
church: He cloned quoting; the_ words
'of the' 34it ter . 41 ani among ' you as
him ;that sertteth," ,, : Mrs. L. Mill
sang the' 5018'; "Jesus and Tlis Love."
In the evening 151r, Armour 'preached
most :impressively from the text
found in Rene 1:16, "I am not asham-
ed of the Gospel of Glirist, for' it' i•s
the, power of God unto Salvation."
The Sacrament of the Lard's Sup -
pen will be administered next Sunday
morning. Peeperatory service- will
he held on Friday evening at'seven
thirty'' -
Goderich Towns/110
1V1r•. acre; Mr, Arthuri
Ti cls 'and
Miss Vera Trick' of London spent the
weekend at the hone of their sister,
Mrs. Wm. W. Wise.
Mrs, A. L. Triels of London spent
the week -'end with Miss e Mary J.
kins and Mrs. C. J. Wallis of Olin -
Mr, 'and Mrs.
George W. Pear-
son and two little dangliters, Margar-
et and Verginia, of Wayne, Mich,,
are spending a'vacation '.with .the for-
mer's parents, 1VIr: and
Mts. s. Relit.
Pearson of.,the sixteenth. They came
by motor and were accompanied : by
gee Sale
Half -ton Ford truolc,• good eondition
for quick sale• , Eaol_Orich. 574f.
Play At L•eitdt.aboro'
The London' Itoad,Di.osg0tie Soeiet
will Present their, la ".I Cant;Af
' • y
ford It," in theeomncunity hall,' Lon-
desboio, under the auspices of- the
Women's Instituteon Thursday even-
ing June 12th, .Everybody welcome,
Admission 25e. 67-1.'
Mr. Angus. Coe h
Cole, Who is also •visiting
for '.a couple of weeks with relatives
in the vicinity.
The marriage tools place at the.
homeo:f: the Rev. T. J.- Snowdon,
Cliiiton,:yesterday forenoon 'at eleven
o'clock of Annie F. Cooper, R.N.,
younger daughter of: Mr. and Mrs,
George A. Cooper, and' M'r, Albert
E. Bond, both of this 'township.
The bride,, who is .a 'very popular.
young' lady, were' her. travelling suit
of navy-poriet twill;, wath liar to
match and carded a bouquet of love-
ly pink roses. She was given away
by her brother and the ceremony was
dperformed by the Rev. T. J. Snow -
Immediately- after, the ce '
Y reinbny
Mr. and Mrs. Bond left on a ;motor
trip to Toronto and : Niagara Falls.
On their return they will: reside on
the groom's farm on the eighth con
cession. They have the good wishes
of; their many friends for •o happy
wedded life,
The Unity Club`' wit
1 meet at clic
home of Mrs, 10, Farquhar on Tues-
day, next.
George die
o e H .
g u has
been vis-
iting g her sister, Mrs. TS
of Ripley..
eseeitieeGti5 I,'H Ieeei u ft,!1Heel,* 0110011.00 11 iP Ix pole; ,
upertest Produf
Jan -not be Exceihe
upertest Gasoline
Supertest Coal Oil
P®1ajjnne Motor Oil
32e' gallon
30c gallon
1.00 gallon
TryThera andbeC ;�®'.."
No IInore; snook 'CliilnnC
Y ys and wed article a � oil , y a� f orir�>ui�ras
out air lalnps and avoids burning wicks
Leas us eslllllIlml Imlllr 1 1111111111111111111135l3lI11111111111lIliI111111111511111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIl51111111111llII01I19 11118
I I Iql 811111111..
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. DeaVe orders at residence..
Phone 155.' EuronStreet.
olice t®•-
Ei ' ,9.r"
The Egg Pool is in operation.
duction isy55at t.
lame and quality is at s
best.April and May eggs are the very
finest to buten cold storage to be sold
at the told of the -market in the fall.
Support your own ; •organization,
THURSDAY of each weds at E. L.
MITTEL'S STORE. For information
regarding Egg Pool, apply to
Frank Powell r
E. L. Mittel;
Baby Chicks for Sale
From free range bred -to -lay single
comb White Leghorns and Barred
Rocks. Leghorns $15.00 per hundred
Barred Reeks $20.00 per hundred.
Our breeding; stock are all from heavy.
laying strains.
Custom hatching Sc. ,per egg,
E. J. Trewartha
Phone 22-611.. ; 5045.
To whom it inky coneern: •
The Special. Committee appointed
tp empire into and report on agricul-
tural and other" -economic conditions
in the Province will meet do the town
hall, Clinton, on Thursday, June, 12th,
at 2 p.m. ..
..11 who desire to supply informa-
tion or make representations useful
to the 'Committee concerning any
branch of Agriculture and industries
related thereto are hereby cordially
invited to 'attend.
Hon. Dr. Jamieson, Chairman.
56-2. P. F. Cronin, Secretary
House For Sale
6 -room house on Frederick street;
good garden and outbuildings; in
good condition. Mrs. H. H. McCool,
Goderich, or W. Brydone, Clinton.
House For Sale
Comfortable frame house on. North
street, half acre of ground. All
kings of fruit. Small stable, town
water'in house. Robert P. Fisher.
Rouse For Sale
Cottage on Huron street, roomy and
in good repair, Vo acre of garden.
Small a barn
on phaco. Possession at
once. Also. a buggy and cutting box,
Happy Thought range and a sliding.
bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss
B. Cantelon,•Rattenbury street. 39-05.
Ground Flax Seed For Sale
We have •a quantity of ground flax
seed, $2' per :bushel. Wtn, McDon-
ald, R. R. No. 2, Bhyneld. •Phone
15-603. 55-3
For Sale
New;Vias a }3
arras s' -
Y steal. 71 .
re' er, 0
ft; Massey -Harris 11 -hoe fertilizer
drill, nearly new. Apply to A."Ro-
bertsbn, Varna. 5145.
Buggy Wanted
A Imbiber -tired top buggy, in good
repair. Enquire at'News-Record of-
fice. 56-1.-p.
1924 Convention
The Burgh 'County. Social"
Service- Council will hold their
annual convention it Wesley
Church, Clinton, on
COMMITTEE, consisting,
of the Officers,. the Municipal
(, Chairman and Minister's, will
meet at 10' dint, and the general
session, will begin at 1:30 p.m.,
when the regular business of
the Conveintion will be discus-
sed, ,protninent among' 'which
will be prepartion for the conn-
ing' plebiscite.
=Supper will he served in the
Church at 6 o'clock, to be fel-
lowed by short addresses.
The evening .meeting will be-
gin' at 8 o'clock and be addres-
sed by prominent speakers.,'
All Church and Social Service
i` organizations are urged to send
, large .delegations.
J. A. IIRWIN,, President
W.- II, WILLIS, Secretary
A. T COOPER, Clinton;
Field Secretary,
Singer Sewing Machines
Fancily, Electric and D. R, Styles.
Also some second-hand machines,.
good as new. , OId machines taken
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you to look these over before
buying elsewhere." Repairing and
parts for all makes of machines.
Earl Steep. Jan. 1, 1924
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re.
paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned.,
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J, Jago
Boner Graduate Carey :Jones' Nair
tionaI School of Auctioneering, Ch14
Bred- Special course taken in Pure '
Live Stock, Real :;state, Mer-,
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat
isfaetion assured. Write : or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
9a. .88-tf-1923
19'1355. AYS STOVON E 3c, EGG :.
Onlers taken at residence, Phone 113
Well germinated Seed Corn hard
to "buy this yea; Iookc at gradingon
bags before.buying and buy noting
hut Ng.1 Govt. Standard. We have
a very, complete stock and our price
is low for this year.
Have just received a carload of
salt. Special prices ori large�quan-
We gaiety a complete line of , Tor-
onto Asphalt Roofing, before buying
you will find it to your advantage to
see our line and compare it with
others. Remember there is as much
difference in roofing as there is in
cedar shingles. We believed we have
the best and can prove,it to you.
Timothy, Alfalfa, lied Clover,
Alsike, Blue Grasse Orchard Grass,
and Sweet CIover always in stock.'
Pratts and, Blatchfords' Buttermilk
Marsh; Royal Purple , and Pioneer
Chick Foods. Garden Seeds in ;bulk,
Mangels and Turnips. Our stock
is complete and twenty years exper*
ience always at your service.
Phone 123 l
Flour and eed Merchants an -
Grain Buyers
Ick Farm
and 't
abg Chicks
Barred, Rocks, Rhode Island Reds
Anconas, Leghorns. ,
Custom hatching 5c. per egg. •
,Agent for Wishbone Valveless
Brooder and Model :coal burning
E. L. NlITTFLLCllnto
•-Phan: Office '236r2; Residence 213r3.
The demand for our butter. fa
creasing. •
To supply this demand we require
more cream. •
We request you to ship us 7(2743
crm a
Weguarantee you the Highest
Market •_ Prices' , }accurate teats and
prompt ° service.:
Our firm is known to0
y u and needle
no' further recoxu.atend. •
We pay allexpress charges, � g , furn+q
ish cream cana,'and pay twice'. end)/
month. ,' •
Write for sans or births:: Woman=
tion to the '
4 A, itAmmera,Icomvai.;