HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-06-05, Page 41 acsawatassiamearcesetercestita oor ~ ;S T d• in Cl triton by Clinto tk ' Celebrated People ANO ani al:d see a sample Doherry'. " au may also use it, Try the slew Mask. of 5ratiila - are a targe ass:artil e i r Lit - °"fig . '0,N i...• , ale CLINTON MRS. NELLIE M'GT+UNd; ON GOVERNMENT 'S LE IN 13. C. Mrs: McClung, well known in On- tario as a lectrer and authoress, has. been living in:British Columbia, and has this to say of its much vaun- ted Gover•lnneot Sale law: "The liquor interests, even with all their money; can never win a via - tory over the: forces of intelligence and morality, if only the people know the truth about, that vague think, called Government 'Control. 1- "Here in B.C. there is no `Control' about it. The Government ads as 'the distributors• for the`bretvers.and distillers. :' As one of .the Pollee Com- missioners of this Oita (Victoria) puts it—`The: Governtttents, policy is to alcoholize the people for profit. It is a policy of saturation, rather than control.," Self A They Can "Iii Government reports the Ib'usin ens is called ''good,' where the sales are large. One member- of %he. Li- quor Control Board. is advocating the dotting of this city with Liquor Stores kept open all night. p p g He says,: -Now thatw are e in the booze business, we ]night as well get in godd and plenty; for that is the only way to compete with the ,Bootlegger,' "Bootleggers under Government Control ! !; Yes, indeed. According to the B.C.Press this is 'the'Boat- legger's Paradise.' Hundreds of places in 'Vancouver sell liquor, open- ly and flagrantly in defiance of the law." Better Have the .017 Balls "I have no hesitation itt Saying that' Government ` Control, as seen here, is worse than, the :ol bar sys- tem. Dozens of people ' n an have told nee rimyp i c3uvee would v welcome con e the . oleu• tin of the what they have: h and he fegivee'as reasons: Y give as (1) -"The women would 'Cite bars as they.1 the not ernment Liquor Stores,' t o Government (2)—"It would be easy to get eon- victkons against the nien who the law under a • violatee; private system • for the Government would have no reason forsheltering them. , (3)—`Those would be more sire sts for drunkenness:' No business wants to penalize 12 ` I er Its lawn customers . Th Go ve ,note n t ' Tb been the. ' h ' g uor. . seller, e r , and the tow;ri cons:talbie, finds the • dual capacity confusing. ItHas Not -1 'In brief—this s new liquor system. t has not lowered the taxes. Vancouver citizens spend $8.00, on liquor in or- der der to get $1.00 back "St has not saved the homes, I hear weird and terrible tales of home drinking. "It has not decreased • tin drug evil. `Hand": in hand with violations ,of, the Drink Act, go;'violatiogt of the Narcotic Drug Act --until it does look as thcaugh':•unless. our people can be aroused to the danger, the Anglo- Saxo r 'race is: doomed." MAI'TLAND LEAGUE *BASEBALL SCHEDULi Following is the schedule of 'the Maitland Baseball League for the: present season: May 28th, June 27th; Goderieh Township at Auburn. May 80th, June - 27th: Dungannon at Westfield. June 4th, July 4th: Auburn at D4n- gannon. June 4th, July 4th: 'Westfield at Goderieh Township. ° June 6th, July 9th: Dungannon .at Auburn, June 6th, July9 h• t . Gode •i i ch Town- ship at Westfield, June 13th, July lath: 1;ungannon at Goderieh Township. - June 14th, July 19th; .Westfield 'at Auburn. June 1.6th, ^Jbly 23rd: Westfield at Dungannon. June 16th, July 23rd: Auburn' at; Goderieh Township. June 20th, July 30th; Goderieh Township at Dungannon. June 20th; July 30th: Auburn at Westfield. • , PRECISELY' Aunt—Can u 3 o ettplain wireless tel_ egraphy to tae, Arthur? - r' Arthur.—well f , f you had. a very long dog, reaching .from •'London; to Liverpool, and you trod on its tail in. Leaden, it would (bark in. Liverpool, That's telegraphy; and - wireless is precisely the same' only 'without the dog„ ---,•Tho Passing Show (London). (o ` .,The News -Record makes a s `e eta zt p Y of -tui tutting out finely el executed Y ed e - wd d" in stationery. g Our prices, ton, are very reasonable, considering the qual_ ity of material and workmanship. The Mows -Record will renow, your daily paper at a saving of'enst and rouble you. Let us have your re- tewal orders. eRedpath AVQV ATTRACTIONS INCLUDING GreatComedy. Success li ce Plantation. Jubilee Singers The Marko Company Coa pany Magicians Columb . E atepta ne The Mel Trio Special Children's Programs. Notably Lectnra ... i s ®n Tinel Subjects Clint1G DAYS n, July 7 last weal nT2•:;0 Fora , oait$ Ga ter'har Rcv. Win''lcsor iit1Cp? 313. George Beadle, who a spent_ the weeks en. here. .MassSterlh ; Burry of- St, Joins, .c n,foundland, who has ;'just gradu- 01ed•'as a Deaconess-at;the National .Cr funis,; Sahooh is visiting Miss; Rae (ndie7 Ihe.+Iit 111;1 Therrien Assistant, Secretary of • tine • Grande-Ligne ,iyiis sion, n^ill preach in the; Baptist church on Sunday afternoon'. An offering will. be taken for the work Mrs. Win. Anderson of the village has •been very sick for the past week or ten days •and ' is not. 'making head- way tpwercls recovery as fast' as her many 7ssends would wish.. - Mr. Thos. Butt had r ' tl e nvsi'ortune recently, while 'cranking the motor truck, to br•eaic . his wrist. We are glad. to say he' is recovering rapidly and win soon be all right for running the truck( again. 4 Mr,' VTw, Ivison has had the ,walls of his House done over with prepared shingles, green in color, which adds very much tb the warmth of the house and gives it a neat appearance, Mr.. John Mellis' of Detroit, ac- cotnpanied by his wife and family, arrived. in ' Kippen on Friday last, corning Ily motor car to spend a few days under•, the parental' roof. \MO'. .Mellis,, who is in the job printing busi- ness in the City -of, -the -Straits, is an old Kippen boy anti'. does not f to retyrtt occasionally to the olii home et Rev. a of Rev, 1 s (cordon; 2` iyloa and C, tiy.':Dctroit Tor the week knit Muich o7 TO once spent at her home lie c, Strauj has ha's„purchased a Ugh: and Me. P', ltd sedans. lS .Hanes ire, 11 o)ji thle week. ' . attvta?td iVIr•.. T3. ling it Deti;oit, at+; their. hone McKillop Township Mrs. W. Hunter and daughtera-dau h r, Hallett- visited with her .daughter, Mrs. B. Hablcirk, on the north- road, Tuesday u d last. s Y a t. .. Ma. John Hart has been awarded contract of hauling 100 yds gravel on. the grid and 3rd, opposite rote 26,, at 28c; per yard. Mr. Foster Fowler has the other contract of 75 yards on the sal -Celine, opposite Sohn Powell's and John Mc-, Dowell's farms, ,Messrs. ,W. Morrison and So Webster are making wonderful in provements on the grounds of t Maitland Bank Ceutetery,.wNch ad greatly to its anlaetive' hppearan from the: load. - Mr. and luras. 'Geo, Johnston and son"Gordon, of Varna spent .Sunday with Mr. a n i Mesa . P.- Mr. Tohn McMii1" Coleman.; t:till, bur veteran marl courier, liar purchased a new. driver'•front Mr. Joe. -'McFarlane' sheeting of. stttut0 was held Ili.; hall.,`'f ,Thus' day a rata eightvppesent. Ths'y via§ given. atter.Which ,Mips mouth, Mr's. 'Il Moon :and Mie served 1 trach, The London Road Dramatic Society will` present ,`their play, "I Can't Af- ford It," inthe coiinnunity'"hall on June 12th; tinder the auspices of the Women Institute. Mr. and :Mrs, 'George Tro}will or Guelph trsiter, a week at the borne of the 3ornrer's cousin, Me: Henry A- dams near-Londesboi•o, 0 es ville Word was received Isere on Monday of the death et Mr. W, B•. Po,ste>, along thee' esident.;of Co 00010 Mr, Forster died on Sunday at the home of• his -son, lI, R Forster' ter of M 1skham. 113 11nin (beer in taiIii ghealth for:sorno time, and for. the past three w,eolirs had' been very, low. Mr. 0; It• Forster ,had been :to 'Markham to' see his father just the week before Ire died; 4' Mn.Forster was well kiiow7- throughout all this section, as he had lived, for many years, on his fain. ov- erlooking, the -1VI iitland;-_and was held. In esteem for his Many :eXcellent'qual- ities,, He was in his sevent - ' g y elgth year and is survived`' by three• sons: 0.;13. of Colborne, 3. II. of `Gode-' rich ;and ll: R•. of Markham. - "' His wife died on Sunday,'May 12th,. 1918, six years ago',i He has one brother in Toronto. ' I7,e was a member of the' Canadian Order of ' Chosen ,Friends. The funeral took place 'at -,Mark ham on Tuesday, the remains being laid beside those of his wife. Mr ,• 0. R r ?Forster went to Markham t be, pa;esent:.for the fulieral, o Tuckersmititl Township Mi. and Mrs. Percy Cole of S ruse- lawn Faris, near BruceiigI7, had- for their guests on 'Sunday Mr :'and Mrs., Robert' Cole and two sons and •Mr,' and I rs„ Warwick Cole and little daughter, Lillian, of Goderieh town- ship, and Mr. and Mis, 'Bert. .Cor and.ehildren of, Stanley. COnstance Mrs. George ,Brown hAs moved in- to Clinton. - 'New'sof Eila'p peniell'gs she +Coutnii and '•' hn• ° C'oderich: A. meeting was held on he Friday evening .to consider the advis- ds ability of building a new town hall. ca. The attendance was good, as many! being .present as the old hall would accommodate, rather the 'council. Chamber as the hall was- not fit:to meet in, and pnly two voted "against undeataktng'"the .building, Robert McKay some little time ago offered $1200; towards building a hall: and it is expected that the -matter , will ,be taken up serious/at by the sound Seaforth; A musicale was given by the St. Joseph School of Music, Sea - forth,.' on Friday evening, when a Mtge audience :was present. Pres-.‘ nta e kaon of'- certificates and ':medals was made by Rev. Father Goetz to yl is. Edith h r' G rev e Rena , R Sb$i ' d Jack ac Ca w- Campbell, e l I Lydia dto. ll Bei d, d Gertrude de Do - w :racy, Annie Hanna, Mary lane, 112ar- garet "Cardur, 'Mary McLeod, : and 'the Dominion silver medal for•vk'olin playing 'was awarded Jack Campbell. Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs, John Gov- enlock of' Seaforth; Ontatdo, announce the • engagement of their younger daughter, Margaret Rae, to • ivIr. Charles Arthur Butler, younger son of Ili'. and Mrs. Arthur W, 'Butler of St. Catharines, ' aian es, Ontario marriage to take place latter part sal June. Seaforth: The first game an the J senior series'of the W.F.A. was held 'in• the -recreation grounds Saturday, even, Brucefield- defeating Seaforth, 1-0. The game -was witnessed .by a large crowd ofspectators. Seaforth used a few juniors. - Seaforth--Sills,, goal; Allan 'geld and Reg, -Reid, backs; S. , Dolnvage, Matthews and Datasofi Reid, half- backs; Dale and Catneehan right wings; Wright and Fitzgerald, left wings;: C. Dohnage, centre Blucefield IIi11 goal; J.• Mustard ,and E. Mustard,' a ` ul backs; MCD" oral d Nic t ] olsoii and Ross, half- back Wright and Aikenhead, right wings; Lantlesborough and Mc a tvin C rtnev, left wings; Lindsay, centre, Wfngham: Mrs. , John Campbell, Carling Street, announces the engage. anent` of her (laughter, Harriett, Jean, to Mr. 1 ; A. Thompson, son of Mrs. E. J. Thompson and the late ,Mr. W. R. Thompson,. Teeswater, Ont, Colborne:. The British Welcome and Welfare. League • Inas .erected a neat monument over the grave 'of Charles Bulpitt in the Colborne cemetery, Wing -h cru Maitland Lodge I.0.0. F. decorated the -graves of their conn= rade. s in Wingham cemetery on Sun- day afternoon last. The town band• headed the parade to the cemetery. Turnberry There passed away on May 23rd an Old resident of Turn - berry township• in the person of, Wil- liam Mundell, in his -eighty-fifth Year. The deceased was born` 111 Scotland but tante to, Canada in 1857 and to Turnberry in 1861, residing in this township. 'until his death. He is survived by his 'wife and a family of eeh1. llama The' following is 'the report of the Varna selfool for.themonth. of May: Sr.4th..--.Tack Y 4 h. J self '. Rat , y noird; Irene' Chuter; Clayton Elliott_ Irene John- ston, Mable Pilgrim, Millard Robert. Jr 4th -- Jea n Foster; Rachel Johnston, Margaret Johnzltoil. - ':Sr. 3rd,—Gordon Raymond; Hazel` Steep, e p, Orrin Dowson..' Jr, 3rd., -,john -Durrant; Anther' Johnson, Mary ander; Ada Steep; Ruth 171liott, Sr. 2nd, --Glen Cblelough;, David Hodge; 'hos Cinder. Jr. 2nd,—Albert `Durrant,• Thomp- son GiElliotto elou h Dll g' , l Muter Vera Steep Alvin• Elliott. > 1st ertrude M0Linchey,`Wralter Johnston. Sr Piime%Wiili'Austin, Jr Primer—Muriel Elliott; Ebner Johnston;';Lloyd Johnston; Milan El- liott, ' No• on roll' 35, average attendance "04. -F. 1t ..\Welsh, Teaehbr•. Stanieg Township A 'wedding of 'much interest was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse Bayfield, at high noon ' on Tuesday, June u e r 3d w e I hn Miss. Eva L. Dewar, onrl daughter f Y of Mr. e Stanley• George Dewar towarshlp wits united inr•ntai,i riage to 1411 Will Talbot,ton of Mr. and Mrs W,H.Talbot, Sauble line, Rev. • Alfred Macfarlane performed' the .ceremony. The bride' was -charm- ingly gowned in sand silk georgette -with hat to match and bore a corsage bouquet of -lily-of-the-valley and ferns. After congra nlations the young couple left in their: Maxwell coach for .Niagara, Buffalo, Detroit anti oth- er points. 'The many frieiic}s of the ' your couple join -in wishing y them Years of happiness air p many and prosperity, the, se sate 80'd strnngthon ,.:OtoPgans ;.: of gestion dnd_•, mination...aches,n'.appctit5 iodi ynmacs, lt correct ca slttipatioin..` h dyl act• Plrroa,ptly pleasantly,' ya yet.thbroughly, Tomorrow AI, mIr,,t Season Tickets $2.00, - (Sales tax extra Got a 26cf :Box Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, 0 'Wsyghani: Mi. --George Haney; fa- ther of Councillor W.' H. Haney of W.inghpn lied last week alter an ill- ness of Sbine:years. Morris ToWnshipi The marriage of O-lazeI, Ifelen,.: daughter of Mr,' and Mrs: C B. Wilkinson, took place at their residence, the 4th concession- of Morhis, on May%21st, Ito Mr. Charles Proctor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Proctor, • ' Wroxeter: The Presbyterian chtrel was 1e -opened' on Sunday, with spe- cial- services morning and ,evening. Revs G. S, Scott of Holstein was the Specie/ preacher. .On Monday even- g Boned tc,a-,nieetin,'vay d by n ;program". • t W. G. Patterson,, been ire the jeweler:) business ingliatin tor ever thirty years, eft last, week' for' Detroit. • He and' .r, ipatfei•son will be mtieh missed.`_. g lass The following . is i1e'iBowhr 'Club officers for 1921; Ion President, Amos Tipling>•Hon, Vice President, T. HGibson Presi- dent, J 137, Hanna; Vice President, Rel II, 1V,. Snell Secretary Trea- surer, C. 17 W,iI nisprr GlotmciS Committee, A. E. .Lloyd, Josh Ilirst and 13.',A. Spottan; Tournament Coni- mittec W7 R. Hamilton, A.'-1, Cr.`aw.- ford It. A. Currie; 1J Somers, L. C. Young MVIearbo.shili Canvassers, assers, Dr. A. I Irvan},'hc to choo ehis com- mittee. The membership fee is to be $5 00 and an effort will b "'made to have t-weelely,toui•nament conducted each ''Phursday even -ng, Walton; At the nigting of Mait- land Preebytcrv, held in:Walton last' week thodist• a Bel_, o unite a Pres_ r first Nfetho- ry ex- Wal- -or x- ]lodiiv , Wal- for the the committee on res meats 'reported that`' the `Me and -• Presbyterian churches grave 01111 Calvin had agreed_ -t and form a union charge with . byterian stir inter in charge To four years, to be :followed by a dist minister. The . Presbyte pressed their thanks to the Met -minister and church ofiieitils-at ton for the' use o'f their church meeting of Presbytery. Brussel s•1VIr.ThoiiisonoftlteB• 'sols Produce Emporium has installed cold -storage plant which is now nstinlin Worlirig• 'order, Exeter: Ma•. a ITarr ' Staff, Lawrence of the Molsons 'Batik staff aExeter, re- lieving for is couple of,lveelcs at Zur- ich. Exeter:,' At Ingersoll on Miss Irene Ilandford, daughte the late Thomas Handford of Exeter, was ulaited in marriage with Mr. G. Little of Ingersoll, . The bride's father ' briden and mother, were .married.. in the sante •church many years ago and two ladies Who were present at this former wedding were, also present at the: weddin on May 24th, Exotert Another old Exeter boyas reached a high -Position in his chose calling, 117r,. W. A. McTa n recently made general m ggart .being &Cagier n the Security Life Insurance 'Compe`ny of Canada. Mr. l%lcVaggaibt has for years been, a member of the Toronto Board of Education, Blyths The Methodists held "Fa- ther's Day °. services on Sunday week; the pastor'preaehing appropriate ser mons and a men's choir leading the singing ging at the Morning cervi g all Sea forth: Mxs. ' J'anies Walla 'Sea forth died ]asst week, fallowin operation. - . Mr, and 'gra. W resided until about four -years ag Tu-ekersiuith. •She is survived b husband, one daughter, Mas. C., Harringan of Wallaceburg,- her then and severalbrothers and sist Egmondville: Rev.' W, D. 'MVIeD ald`\was in Atwood last week un ing •a soldiers' memorial, Goderieh: The Baptist church oderich celebrated their eighteenth nniversary.an Sunday week, the Rev, A•. H. 'Pr•onrow of Brantford being he special preacher. Exeter: .Mr. Bert Ilernick of Ex- er had,,a narrow escape from los- vhetheeight of .an eye the, other 'cla n some molten metal splashed up an strtiekr him in the eye, p 1lacKiklop:; Mr.'and 1Ylrs, Broome of is:;townahip emu: mace the . engage- Incst of their daughter, Bessie Agnes' lift. Russel D. Anderson soli, r• `and - Mrs. D. a of etrolea. C. •t 5idersoin or Tit Marriage 1r eat, this Month. age takes place Seaforth: Bert Rs ItleMichael s Mr. w o M ,and Mrs William Mc1Vlchaenl this town, wit d' le t week foklowin to Canton, ide no, • ,McMichael z g a •motor & prohibi- t was federal prohibl; . c t inspector at Cleveland and was his way to Canton on official basi- s when his coupe was strack by a dial ata dangerous crossing. He d for several hours after the :te- nt 'but rover regained conscious- The remains were brought of O1 burl al the funeral . ' take e in Seaforth en Tuesday of last err. - oder7eh: The L.O.,B,A, is moving new -rooms over the Union:Bank.. wise hold chard parade to Knox ch on -the last Sunday evening in Jule• • Y 24th 1' of , Visitors, 'however, will 'be welcome on any. day. TIM dvision is as follows: r---- ColurrAbu >< r finersat Chautauqua Here. 'Through many seasons of appearances In musical entertainment word, the well-known Colnmbps Entertainers, who will tie heard at the t u u h ppeaon the a q a eke, have become one of the talented companies appearing p}atform,.on the The company consists: of MissBeatrice pianist. pianist and unperson• &tor, .and' MIss Miriam ;Hoover, violinist and pianist. Their' programs include e Uoth:c classical ? al and poPulii1• instrumental numbers. The introcluctlon,of character sketches by Miss Bau limas ' rlety, Stories in Italian and e r g adweinteresting va, negro o dialects are also given; as well as Selection from well-known modern writers. s The Columbus Ilntertainera will he recognized lm of premier artist' ent r g mediately as a company ' e t,tinen 6. I •, ce of g an apace o, in some o£ your Y her they would melte the tri to Detroit Thursday, June1241o. Essex, Kent, Lambton,; EIgin, Middlesex, Oxford, Norfolk,-Biant, Halditnand, Went- worth, Lincoln and Welland. Friday, June 13th, --Huron, Bruce, Grey, "Perth, Waterloo, - Wellington, Halton, Peel, Dufferin, Sinicoe, York, Ontario, Durham, Victoria, Northum- berland and'all other eastern coun- ties. • WELL' UNDER CENTROL Publisher The N Ii News -Record, , C nton,' Ont " Dear Sir: W'e'hays learned a ne d th at `Someone has grculated a story in yourterritory to the effect that the smallpox situation in Detroit • was. serious 'enough to make people doubtful as to whether or not of the disease. W1)1 you kindly publish this letter 1n your paler, so that those who have heard anything of the rumor mention- ed, may understand -the situation as it exists. t Yours very truly, N. F. MacLean, General Passenger Agent • g Have you tried The News -Record's' small ads. for selling? They bring results. i CkNiIIIII111111111111111111111111FIlUNUNIlUlnIUfUIIUUIIfUIIIIIIIIIiIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIUIIlUl111!11 7 I I A, ' p j trio- on the Greyhound June 10th. alas. You need have no hesitancy in pub-. ( ' lisp' on- .ing t} story' to' the effect that the veil- smallpox situation is absolutely un-, der control of the Board of Health of 616Y 0 a t et in i a th to NS P ett of of 'las 1YT7 tion oh ne ra live aide mess IliOn t plan we G into They ebur Jun of the city of Detroit. • There have been recently only a very few new cases, and they are confined to a certain area. The situation at no time has been considered serious enough top ut at4aratt kn in t e 9e@'ec. t on the teary service between. Detroit and Windsor, and approximately 12,000 people are ntoviug both ways across the river daily, without. restrictions - of ` any kind, which would not She if the au- thorities on both shies of the river were not fully satisfied that therewas no danger of contagion. As a mat- ter of feet, more than 500,000 people. have been vaccinated, in the last few weeks, and recently they have been vaccinating about 50;000 persons daily which leads •• the Commissioner' of Pubki b e Health i h ' to state` that rho epi- dentie, if at any time it could have b'tlen called such, wily be absolutely stamped out, o:, confined to the pros-, est cases within the next week. Strenuous measures have been taken to aecbnip kish this, and no expense j I Ma customers like to has been spared in establishing vac ciliation stations in all .parts of the city. a On Thursday ant. A i White .Stan,Line had the Public' the Health Commis- sioner furnish sufficient doctors and nurses& vaccinate every employee ofthis company, so that all who ride on our steamers may' feel that there is no possibility of coming in contact with a single person who has not been properly vaccinated. Never at any time, or in any city, have such vigorous measures been taken by the authorities to eradicate, all signs of the danger of the spread GUELPH II ON WEEK OF! JUNE "01.11 The Semi -,Centennial Celebration will be held at the Ontario Agrlcul- turai College the week of June 9th to 18th. Thursday, June 12th, and Friday, June 13th, are designated as faxn7 ens. da s and 't ' ,Y di lsh hoped dt that- s.. roan a Y spossible 'of the farmers will attend. Both the 0,N,h. and the C.P.R. are offering their usual one-way 'first- class fare and one half for,'. panty of ten or more travelling together from any one point. This is caIle'd their Crab rate. The regulations of the Railway Commission also permit of their quoting a Demonstration rate of single fare arid one-half from all points to Guelph where rthe regular first cies; on,,e-wayfare, does not ex- ceed $8.00. for.indivfduals, No doubt a great niany_farnoeis- will; travel by motor. TIres • These iahe efat of those who' s are for•theUren- bat would like to attend. TTheby yiot n by organization of a ohtb of tenorr more take advantage of this rate.'' Thursday .and Friday, June 12th and 13th, ,have been designated as Far= mess' Days and it is,hoped a great. number of farmers will- arrange to attend the College at this time. Thursday .and Friday mornings a>•e to be largely given over to advanced lectures.by prominent men from, var- ious institutions across 'tire line as 'yell as from Canada which should be of special value•.to farmers: • A free luncheon will rbc given in the-gymnas- iuin to all those who come on II'ar- risers' Days• -Tire' ,afternoon' will he given, over to an: inspection of Col- Iege exhibits, buildings, stock, plots, holds and laboratories. At 1430, edoh dap there will be a pageant and parade of College Department floats and live stock and later in the after; - noon a programme of sports. The Province ,has been divided into two districts and it is preferred that peo- ple from designated districts come on the day set apart for their district, new accounts Don't overlook the' vil- lage e l; stores oft the line of railways. ,A salesman we know 'be- gan by whin; on- some of `there in a car to make the necessary arrange- ments. He hasn't seen his new customers since, . .At an a app r,to of dda d Y all hour. ,he regularly: 'calls up each by Long Dis- tance e fro m a' 21st he ' •d e preparand oor. gets their • ders. ' If he is' away, someone else carries out the sche,.. Jule for hien. deal with headquarters. 1e added- over 100 new ac- counts in a few montha =- says the business bulks targe , at the end of the pear, Every/ Pell Telephone is a - Long Distance Station, laniesemalanagagemiamessilinl Just What You've V l3eenWitisa" ' Pori F' t` i Annual I M' H m GR ® s. l'.XC UiI'$itSri 12 tand return. QLeavingT q • oderi.ch f t,:i i` Ju $3.50 round trip' $tt one way This is an event that, comes but office a year=dont' e mistier Take this restful, balmy lake ride to Detroit—visit the amusements; the great eat in aria ag da - I factories; s c res• and you can shop 1 there, too There'll home dancing and appetizing meals aboard. 'Be on deokwith'alPtho home folk. On. Tuesday, June 10, the Steamer Greyhound w,11 leave Goderieh at 9;30 a. m., stopping at Port Huron. 5 30 p ' m, and arriving Detroit at. p, ,ci,' gsawiti in Detroit over Wednesday and returning,leave for Goderieh Thursday, . -June 12th,. 1p.m. See `Cy Cobb and Babe Ruth +,- tThe `o sTiigcra will battle foripgse bail honors at Navin Bleld, Barak, on yewy w , Wednesday, June 11. his is your ry opportunity to see the two greatest "^^ - stars of,. baseball in action-- TY Cobb and Babe Ruth... • • 'l,l Last trip to Detroit leaves Coderic!t- I.. ^ a • ^ I3U 4i , err_: it; Friday, June, 13, 9;30 a. m, M O O H LI G• 1¢a Ja - Out, of Goderieh Monday, June.9 Adults 50c f- Children 25c 'Enjoy this delightful, time hour j. sail on beautiful -LpkeHuron. [in ei'n dance orehestrn aboard, WHITE STAR LINE