HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-29, Page 8Clil,ton News.Re nrd
URSD::Y• MAY 29t1
or Cut Glass is the most so table, ` It is :n�orelsatisfactory
and well be appreciated as i is always in good taste
Ve invite you to inspect our collection of Silver, Cut glass, etc.;
'Wedding and Engagement Rings,
Watches, Clocks and Wrist Watches
2'eweiler and Optician
Nest 13[ovey's Drug Mori
1 e 1 Novelty. i
arrow eek ear
Selling like hot cakes. Just the Tie for young
men and most- suitable for low collars • ow in
- 'vogue:
Give the boys what they want -LANKY BILL TIES
l `
Congoleum Rug Sale continued for one
week. Order' now and save, nnoney:
Piumsteet Bros.
PHONE 25.a
The Man Who Knows
,,good -clothes when he sees them,
knows that they were made at
this establishment, If you havo;'
notasff,yet nicked out your
Spring -Ault, come to us, as we,
have all the latest novelties and"
designs, and can make up a suit
which will be un to the minute
in every respect. •
Davis & Herman
d: the .;
is gathered everything that is decreer
and best in lie Ilome is the center
from v hiclr all the varied concerns
•and business of life stare forth. Any-
thing that can contribute to the beau-
ty and comfort and peace of Home
deserving of attention and thought.
In this direction let wall paper enter
your thoughts. Our new spring stock
will soon be ready for your inspection.
The .: ® . FairEa.
Often the Cheapest -=Always the Best,
Mr. 'Mervin - Elliott spent the week-.'
end and holiday at 'his home in
town. .
Mss Etta Hardy was hone freni
London for Victoria Day and the
week -end.
Miss Margaket Cree, „purse -in -train..
ing, in London, was home for the
week -end. '
Mr. aiid Mrs. T. W. Hawkiirs'spent
the. holiday and week -end with
Hamilton friends.
Miss Dora Sehoenhals. spent a few'
days over the week -end with Miss'.
Eva Bouek'of Toronto.
Mrs. Hugh Maguire Arid children of
Wallaceburg are visiting this- week
with Mrs. J. llIaguir'e.
Mr. C. P. 'Shephrd of St. Thomas
spent the holiday and week -end at
the home of his mot1 er, •
Mr. and Mrs.' E. Brown,_Petrolia,
snotored�, here and spent the week-
end at Mrs. A. Neilans'.
Mr'. and Mrs. °scar "B•lanchard of
Detroit are visiting at the lady's
another's, Mrs. M. Pickett.
Mrs. Janes Flynn and Mrs.. T. O'-
0011110), attended the funeral of "a
relative'in Detroit this week.
Mrs. Alex. Neilans spent a few
days last week in lietrolia with her
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Latornell,and
family were in' town on Victoria
Day. They were motoring through
to Teeswater.
Mr. 7ae.k Bawden and Mr. Small of
the Hamilton Normal spent • the
holiday . and week -end at the for-
mer's hone in. town.
Mr. and: Mrs. Cecil Shannon and
Miss Marion Shannon of Hamilton
'visited over,the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Morrison.
Mr,' and Mrs. Rossiter of Londpn
and Miss Miller of Paris were the
guests' of Mr. and Mrs. W. J,
Miller over the week -end.
Dr. Turnbull of Winnipeg, a former
teacher in S. S. No. 10, Goderich
township, called on friends in Clin-
ton and Vicinity on Monday.,
M7,' and Mrs. Wl, G. 0lstady of
'Brantford motored up and spent
the -holiday and week -end as the
guests of Miss Jennie Robertson:
Mr. and'"M1s. Ray Rumball and lit
;tle son visited over the" week -end
and holiday with the former's sine-
ther, Mrs. C. Rumball. They.
motored from Windsor'.
Mr. and Mrs.' J. E. Shepherd and'
little Miss Alison •of Toronto spent
the holiday and a'few' days' over
the week -end at the home of. the
'former's mother . in town.
Mr. P. J. Reynolds, of Clinton, has
been spending a week with his :sig.
ter in Goderich, His`nrany friends
are glad. to, hear that his health is
iinlproving.—+Goderieh Signal.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore spent
the holiday and week -end with
their parents, Moh and Mrs. F.
Whitmore of Goderich township
and Mr, and Mss. R. A. Hearn of
town. -
Mrs. Barry Twitchell and little Miss
Betty came up from Windsor with
Ray and Mrs Rumball• on
Saturday and spent the week -end
with the lady's sister, Mrs. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John Howson -arrived
from Los Angeles, Cal„ on l+riday
evening, having motored all the
way. They spent about a inonth
on the way, stopping off -at various'
points en route.
t�nsnit tis 3!bOflt
louF Painting 1cedS
'lire Any e aflame/.
give your Out
Dfdu.te furniture
Shot new -style
onomel gni.*
We also carry a complete line
1of Brandram Henderson'Paints
and Varnishes.
Sun Varnish and
Sun Varnish Stains
Also a complete line of
Brushes, Linseed Oil and
Sutter & Perdue
We are ready for all orders of spring worts, Papering, Painting
and decorating.' We have a .large assortment of papers and we -ask
you to see our books before buying.
You will save money by ordering your: paper from Us.
All work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable. a
Orders left with Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, Huron stree.
t: will
prompt attention. PHONE 234 ring 2
aloes s
rig Special in Tea ---Black blended tea, good value, per 1b .48c
PIu.rsley.Blend,, great value' for the rrnoney per lb 58c
Our Own'Special Blend, money back if not satisfied, lb 65c
Call in our Groceteria and get a sample of any of above values
The Canning Season Inas Started
Granulated Sugar, 11°lbs for $1,09 (to one customer)
10 lbs Rolled Oats 38c
10 Bars all kinds Soap . 72c
Villa and:'Lernon Essences, per jug'5c ..
Prunes 2 lbs for 25c
3 pkgs McLaren's Jelly Powder for 25c
Other Bargains and Special, prices all over the Store
London, Corn Flakes 2 for 23c
Shredded, Wheat .. 2:for 25e
Corn Meal 5 lbs 25c
Wheat Flakes 3 lbs for 25c.
'Laundry Starch.2 lbs 19c
Pinzentoes, per. tin
Canned Corn 2 for
Canned Peas 2 for
Kellogs Bran 2 for
Macaroni 2 lbs for
35e '"
Surprise Soap, special' offer this week, bring your. coupons
here, whieh we will be glad to redeem., 5 bars 25-c with coupons
Big sale of Pineapples by the doz still on
Cash & Corry likAir
2 Deliveries wIttemmAtowoomvAitivoitmitoworoomosvedwoitoorewommogvAmootemomomivio
0 Nell
estillghouze Rallge Display
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Phoenix and.,
children motored up from 'Hamilton
and spent tl;e week -end and holi-
day at the home of Mrs. Phoenix's
• another and sisters, ;Ml's. R. J. and
the Musses Cluff.
Mr.•and- Mrs. -P. E. Lumley and
daughters, "Misses Dorothy and
Marion, motored up from Glencoe
at the week -end and are the guests
of Mi. end Mrs. Angus McKinnon,
Ontario street.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. McKenzie
anditwo sons, Edwin and Wilfrid of
Toronto spent the, week; end as the
guests of the former's parent's; Mr.
and Mrs': T. McKenzie of town.
They made the trip .by motor.
Mo. Henry Cole and Miss Mildred
Evans are here from Brantford
• this week, having accompanied the
• remains of the late Miss' Sophia
Cole. Mr, Cole will remain for a
time and later conte aplates'going
to California.
Mr. S. J. Waddell of Simeoe, who,
worked for Messrs, Corbett and
Boles in the early eighties, was in
town on Tuesday and looked up a
number of his old associates. Ile
finds the town very much changed,
however, in well nigh forty years.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and little
slaughter, Miss Grace, accompan-
ied Mr, and Mrs. Kaiser on their
motor trip to California. last week.
Mr. Wheeler has not been enjoy-
ing very good'•Irealth for some tine
and it is hoped the change will be
The beautiful, large, -porcelain
enamelled oven of the Westing-
house Electric Range' is a mas-
terpiece of efficiency.,
It has two heating units of
1300 watts capacity, for baking,
roasting or broiling.
Come-ii3,• and get "acquainted
r swhat,can be
accowithmplishehedand. byee its user
Mrs. Banes and ,Mrs, W. J. An-
drew, attended ,branch meeting in St.
Thomas this week.
Mrs. H, 'Fremlin :and Miss May
Ferguson of :Clinton 'spent the holi-
day with their parents; Mr. and
-3.' Ferguson..
Ma F. Plaetzer spent the week-
end at his home here.,,
'1Vir. Raymond Rednioncl has IA: -
chased a new Ford coulee. • -
The` service in the . Presbyterian
church was well attended on Sunday
evening, Rev. J. W. Hedley of Vic-
toria s, reet church, • Goderich, preach_
ed'- a splendid sermon:' on the parable
of the Prodigal Son. A Malechoir
tools charge of the singing and ren-
dered good music. • -
Mr. W. J. Andrew went to Tor-
onto for the holiday to visit friends.
Mr. Ellevin Killough is visiting
friends in. Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munroe, also
Mrs. Gibbs of iiensall . spent the
week -end visiting friends here.
Mrs. IVT. Monroe left on Friday to
visit friends in Guelph.
`'Mo, and Mrs. J. Jackson of Port
Burwell are visiting the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Wagner of
Toronto, motored ' up on Saturday, to
visit Miss Kate Wagner."
Miss Pierce is visiting friends in
Mr: Win. Straughan has purchased
a new overland car. .
Mr. R. and Miss M. Jenkins of
Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Andrew on the 24th,
Rev. W. R. Alp- preached in Vic -
Coria street'church, Goderich, on Sun-
day evening.
Hullett Township
Ivan Ross and a friend from Vine-
land motored up to Blyth to ' attend
the funeral of his grandmother, the
late Mrs. N. T. Adanfs.
The Blyth Standard of recent date
had the following account of the
death of an old resident:
"A.notheresteemed resident . of,.
Blyth passed away on. May 7th, in the
person of Mrs. 'N. `T. Adams. She.
was born in Hngland, on November
2G,th, 1851; being the only child of
Isaac and Martha 141il1er. When six
years of age she ,sailed for Canada
With her parents, first settling in. Ayr.
and later in Harpurhay.
• On May 5th, 1875 she -was married
to her now bereft husband. They
resided on their 'farm, lot 12, eonces-
sion 7, Hullett until twelve years ago,
when they moved to Blyth: To this
union were born three sons,—Miller
of McMllop, Ernest, on the home-
c rsmith t and
T • Thomas, , uk
of e
three daughters,• Mas. Wan. Ross,
Mrs, Charles Parsons, of Hullett;
and Mrs. James Cook, of 'Yorkton,
The deceased was an Anglican and
the funeral was held' on Tuesday afternoon,,in Trinity church. The ser-
vice being conducted by. her rentor,
Rev.' W. B. Haaw.kins,. Rev, • Mr.
Brown, rector of Seaforth, and an in
timate friend, Rev. James Abery,
'Presbyterian minister of Londesboro.
The church was well-filled with loving
friends, who carne- to pay their last
respects to one Who had performed so
many deeds of kindness. She was
buried in Maitlarid;cernetery, the pall-
bearers being Messrs. F. Metcalf, Jos.
Taman, Blyth; WinAdams, Seaforth
Robt. Lawson,Wm. Clark - 'Wan. J.
McBrian, of Hullett. Wreaths and
sprays from the family, Trinity
Church Ladies' Guild, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Stevenson, W.C.T.U. and Miss
Ella Metcalf covered the "casket.
Mrs. Adams had been a great suf-
ferer for many years, and a year ago
suffered from a paralytic stroke from
which she never recovered. She bore;
her suffering with Christian fortitude.
She was very , much beloged by a.
large circle of friends. 'The widows
and orphans ahvays found in her a
true friend and -ready help'.: To the
bereaved thusband and family is ex-,
;tended sincere s3mnpathy."
Mr, and Mas. J. II. Johnston. and,
children of Clinton visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Farquhar of the Gravel Road.
Mrs: Raney .Armstrong and two
little daughters, Olive and Mabel; of
Rosetown, Sask., arrived last weer:
and •ere visiting' at the home of the
former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs, John Farquhar: They motor-
ed down froiu the west with friends
and will probably spend the summer
The' Month of Ju ice
Is the tone when new hones are being furnished, so we cordial-
'ly invite' you to inspect our laktge stock of all the necessities for
- that new home. Assuring you bf the very lowest prices possible.
We Have
Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs, Carpet Rugs' of all kinds with a well
assorted stock of furniture that cannot help but please both the
eye and the purse.
Don't forget this store when you're looking for useful wedding
Coal Oil Stoves and ovens, Gasoline Irons, Electric Irons and
Toasters,. '
Keep' your lawns right by using the celebrated Taylor -Forbes
lawn mower. '
Extra special price en Barn and -.Garage Paint $2.00 per gallon
A few odd shades of. Sherwin Williams Paints. It will payyou to
look these over.
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co..'.
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195
years of interrupted service our Old Line
the D. L. & W. and D. & H. are now shipping
arid coal of superior quality to anything that has b
dor years.•_
remind you
Place your order with' the firm that has always made ti'Special
effort to sdpply what you want when you"want it, whether Winter or
Summer, 'much or little, Egg br Stove.
We can give you service on any of the following:
After several Coal
Companies,us coal
regularly, a eenre-
celved in Ontario
are now on, and while it is warm these days let it that
,,when Summer conies Winter is sure to follow.
Crate • Coke
Egg c Pocahontas
Stove Domestic Lump
Chestnut Cannel
Pea Coal
Smitlltie�g •
We also have on hand a fresh carload of CANADA CEMENT
and a variety of choice WOOD.• At BRUCEFIELD YARD we have in stock Chestnut, Stove,
Coke, Cement, Lumber and Shingles.'
Jno. Ds ' Mustard Coal Co®
sPuy nom., and secure the best value. Quality
deteriorates near
dose of the :,aason.
We have a large supply. of Fesh. Pines and can supply your
requirements at low prices in all sizes.
Store open from 11 to 12 in forenoon and -from 4 to 6 in the
afternoon .of Saturday, May 24th.
....G ::, Phone 125