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The Clinton News Record, 1924-05-29, Page 7
ixo_ nu of .the.,,lnpfl Live p Scout )ji'ogif or :unothei"j of two, ,but nocone ,re•ilire'd t'tat? ndrtiou'.cas at;.bud as ttie411,, a:` His death therefore carne no"st`.I ane';pectedly: '''Assistant Seoutaiaster: Wooing was,out of town at the'time, , but on returning on, the day of the funeral found that the -Patrol Loaders and Scouts bad made all arrangements for a Boy Scout funeral for their late ORANGE PEKO1', ,(?.UAllirY makes Fier tea and o1r e el' it 1' Y 15R. J. ,lw MIDDTCN' '- -F°raivincialidoarii of Health, ontarie ' °'' answer es 2 Health IIi46t ai.adciloten -svili be ,niad.to a qu flans ea Public C,eria,througii.this^coluren. Address hint at 13padina House, Spathe CresuOlt Toronto Many people )think of the stomach as the place where food is digested, but in' reality it is the mouth where digestion begins. When food has been kept long enoughin the month to be thoroughly,mixed with the saliva,: -an important part -ta the digestion pro- cess lids already. occurred, When. the food is well chewed it gets /nixed `with the mouth, juices,: and this is one rea- son why ;complete mastication of the food is necessary. Every part of the digestive: tract has its own role to 1111 in the process of digestion. If the mouth does not do its part by mixing the food. with saliva, the stomach is ovarbnrderre� •n doing extra work.. Whatthe does the mouth actual: ly do in the, digestive process, : It .con- verts starch into sugar through the action of :the saliva, This is ono the first steps, and if the ;south does not do this work the stomach has to do it. That the stomach is able and does take on the functions of the teeth and mouth does not alter the tact that this work -of re -digestion should be accomplished by .chewing. For sooner or later the stomach work- ing overtime will cease to do its work properly and When it gives out the owner finds himself te"victim of some sort of . indigestion. Thorough` masti- cation is necessary for other reasons. The longer the toed is -retained in the mouth and the longer it is chewed, the `more chance the taste nerves have to come in contact with it; and when the palate is satisfied' the appetite is appeased and the desirefor food goes. In this way one does not needto eat so much food to remove the sense of hunger. The. same mouthful -of food retained in the mouth for sixty sec - ends will go nearly' as far toward satisfying the taste nerves as two mouthfuls retained in the mouth thirty seconds each. It can thus be exmastication of a on that thorough "food is a preventive of overeating, and it may be said that overeating is one of the dietary sins of the age. The savory taste of food in addition to the motion. of the jaws and cheeks facilitates the flow of saliva. It is necessary that the mouth juices be incorporated with the food while still in the mouth. Chewing of gum or other substances between meal% cre- ates an undue flow of saliva at a time when the salivary glands should be at rest: The result is a shortage of that necessary fluid when the next meal time arrives. With The BOY Getting Ready for Camps. "Camp"- Is the big tiiiiigs which `le occupying the minds of Boy Scouts ' lust -now, and almost•, every troop tliroughout'the province Is already at work making plans for its big sum- moi• outing on some lake, some stream or "up in the woods:' . Tha big- gest Scout camp this year will prob- ably be ""Camp Teetonkah (meaning bi -lo a the s d of Hamilton oc a• g g) m A s i tion. r At the present time a fine new dining half and reeyeation.building is being built. at Camp Teetonkas, which is near Port Maitland, on'Lake Erie. It ie to be 50 feet by 30 feat and will - have a Sue stone fireplace. The new all is t . bea memorial h o m m la1 to the late a Sir John 1-lendrle, who was :au active worker and supporter of Hahiilton Scouting for many years and` at one time was' Patron of the Ontario Pro - valeta Council, Loyalty Parade Fine Spectacle. Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs of Chat- ham participated on May Day in one of the #finest spectacles ever staged "in the Maple City. • Over 1,000 boys, all over the:age of nine years, took part In a loyalty demonstration, marched the principal' streets of the city In a monster parade, and listened to ad- dresses of a patriotic and -highly edu- cationaI nature ey men thoroughly in- terested. in the welfare of the grow- ing youth of the land. The Scouts had it splendid float in the parade, besides drone hundred per cent.•attendance' of their members. Toronto Scouts Increase., Scouting In Toronto continues to grow apace. The annual reports sub- mitted to the local association recent- ly show that. the number og troops in the Queen City has ellmbed to 83•and Cub Packs to 40. Tho total meinber- ship is now in excess Of 6,400. A pleasing feature of the annual meet- ing was the presentation by Previa- dill Commissioner 55. A. Leureneo of the Boy Scout Gilt Cress to King's, Scout Ernest King of the eOth Toren to Troop for saving a boy from drown - ing rown ing in the Don. River last sunnier, Ernie Bing Is a flue type of older Scout, nearing his eighteenth birth- day, at which time he is to becolite an Assistant Scoutmaster in his troop. Scouts In U.E.L. Celebration, The Boy Societe of Belleville are to play a big Inert in the United Empire Loyalist celebrations to be held in Belleville next month. Trenton Loses Scoutmaster. Through the death of 1%lr'. C. A. Gal- loway recently Scouts of thelst Tren- ton Troop lost their Scoutmaster. Mr. Galloway had .been ill for well over it year, and was undergoing treat- ments which he expected would keep TTW E PL T L Lee Tells How It Restored Strength and Overcaine Stomach TI'ouble. "If 1 should live to be 100 years old I will always praise' Tanlac for the splendid health it Imo brought' me," is the grateful statement of Witham Lee, 218 St. Andrew St.; Ottawa, Ont., a well known employee of the. Public Works Dept, of this city, "Nine years of stomach trouble brought me dawn to only 7.03 lbs., a mere skeleton of myself. I suffered about all the miseries that go with. indigestion and get so nervous that YEE SAYS ET EVERY TEST many nights I paced the floor and longed for morning to come. "Tani= helped me from tee very start and 7. bottles brought back my health and strength and ran my weight up 1'7 lbs. besides. In fact,' I feel tie strong and wen now as If 1 .bad never been ?Mole a'day, I will gladly praise Tenlac to anyone wanting: to know more about it from fine." • Tanlao is for pile by all good drug- gists. Acoeeit no substitute. Over 40 million bottles seed, Tanlao Vegetable Pills; for consti- pation, ;dada and recommended by the manufacturers of TANLA.C;' r ustaro e s � ; v Mustard neutralizes the richness of fat foods and makes them easier to; digest. Mustard enables you to enjoys • to food' whiotherwise Lind assimilate .. would burden the digestive organs. ees 6.YEoRQi iN Al "'`• dAlnS'M°7[V.ACrr Folder and Time Fable showing list of $edor�ts, Pouting, Fishing, Camping,. etc. he planning your -192.4 ;Vacation Write Boit 6,2`, midland, :O leader. Rev. Mr. Cranston (flmplai of the Troop;; conducted the services Simcoe Scouts Help the Birds.' The Boy Scouts of; Sine oe s titre troops havo undertaken the construe t,on and erection of birdhouses In Lyn wood Park, under thd'direction of the local parks board. 'Pito board ishope ful that`bird;life May bo fostered i this way alit/ also thatchildren of tit community • will, ,learn'sonmething -o bird life and more of the love of.na. ture. This Is an activity which coul well be followed by, Spouts of other communities. n e 0 f • d TOO ZANY 1101E CARES One Rea ten'. 1 o.Manyo S Wl y S � men Are Weak and Run -Down. :.the work of the woman in the home makes greater demands on her vitali- ty than men realize, and there is al- ways something more to do: No won- der -women's, backs ache, and their nerves are worn out. No wonder why they get depressed and Irritable, suf- fer from 'headaches, Arad' always feel out of sorts. But of course all women are not like that. What is the differ- ence? A woman with plenty of healthy red blood in: her veins finds work in the hone easy; her vitality is at par. This points the way to health in women who feel run down and degreseed. •Malce new rich blood.: You can do it with Dr. Williams' Pinlo Pills. 'These pills• have the marvellous, property of building up the blood and toning up the nerves. 'Thet.Is proved by the case of Mrs. H. hlppinger, Scott -Street, Vancouver, B.C., who says;—"Dr. Wil. liams' Pink hills brought back my, health and strength and restored my nerves to normal condition after othermedielnes had failed. It was af- ter the birth df my second child ild that I became so anaemic and nervous that I thought I wield Iose; my mind as 'well as my strength. I tried seyeral lnedichies, but got no relief until fwas advised to try Dr.- Williams' Pink Pills. After using a few boxes, of these L coulde h s o a change.' I felt stronger; , my appetite was 'better, I slept better, and nay'nervee were stronger. I continued- the use of the pills for some time, and again found myeelf a well woman, aild I -can sin- cerely say that my health' has since been the best. I can cheerfully re- commend the pills to:. all weak, run down wothen." • You can get these pills. from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockeiile, .Ont, Hello! 0, don't you think la's, fine to know •A lot of folks who neer'Sello!" I don't mean on the telephone- I mean the kind you've al'waye known. How fine It is you can't quite know Till you're where no one says "Bello!" And asks you all about your folks Or tries to eivap a couple joke's, So when I walls the Heay.'niy etreet, I hope the saints I chance to meet. Won't: merely nod, but say "Hello!" Just lute' my neighobrs did below. . -Alice Crowell Hoffman osity. urran the Curran was says of nee, ed "cu w lead , Fissile "Cur " John Pliilpot,C was noted 10 hie day as one ofbrilliant Irish with. Vile Curr walking with a punctilious friend, Mr. Walter Jerrold in A Book Famous Wits, he met an acquaints who referred to something he call rosity," When the fella passed on the friend said "How that man murders the h language!"., "Not so bad, as murder," said Cur- ran; "he only knockedan 1 out." • He 1Vas Na Expert at That. "Well, he got into real trouble when lie married _throe •wives.;", "Slob; 1 did that much by "tarrying only 0115." GREEN TEA INIPOR TS EAR•GER. , Statistics front Ottawa show that In 1923 558,977 pounds more Green Tea were brought into Canada than in 1.921, and 906,728 pounds41nore than in 1922. The reason given is 'that the Rue quality, green Teas of fndia'and Ceylonhave displaced the inferior Tapas and Chinn Greens which, due to their low' price, were Imported heavily some years ago. ;Salads, Tea Company is the largest importer of -India and Ceylon'' Green Tests. The First' Spectacles. ,Although doubly e'02103ses'did' not boeome ponultii,111 Britain -until 1290, the •sinl3lo ghsn 'oat'reading glass was in common tine=lgng`befoi•e then, In thefonrteelaUl cel tt;ry _"9,0tacler tilout,b 1a1r10' common, werearticle' el 801110 costr `Aniifrequently formed xhf'rri1bjeci•o1 bequests 131 oils They, Wer0 ltattufa9tlir'eli `iargeiy - an the Continent -,--in in Italy,. Holland, and 13g-. varla-auto from ._tho beryl. Aohiotlnies :used in place of slabs the Gsimane de- rived their word "brine," ' j?oli'shnovelist, Feinkiowiam, gives• it'on authority that {he Bniperor Nero was In ter# kilobit of acing :eyogiassefb sill in the film, "Quo 'Vadis, Nero is con using hie *glass as a lorgnette There seems no definitely establish - d fact. to prove 'whthor this glass was a 1110110010 Qr a 46iblo glass mounted on a long dttc5l'at1Y9 Isol7Sle, This is an easy method of die- cove;{i9g the affe of a friend.. For_' this saint; Ioov:ever,''it is necessary that your friend be 'older than you. When you understand the trick you will sec that a few changes; nifty be "?ado in, the method for use if your friend is, younger than you. Subtract your own age from 89. Give this, number ,to your friend and ask frim to add hie tt ^n to It. Ask him "to take 'away the SSrat figure of the total and to add that.. figure to what romaine and to give you the result. -lnimediately`you will tell hini hie age. ` Ale that you have .to do Is to add your age to the number he' gives' you. For example: If you aro 17 years old, subtract 17 from 99. That will give you 82. Your friend,' who is 20, adds 82 to 20. That will give him 102. ' Taking 'away the first' figure leaves 02. Adding 1 to that gives 03 or 3. This number he gives yen. Add year age to It, 17 plus 3 andoa will e20. (Clip this out and paste ft. tniih other of the series, in'a scrapbook) God's Garden.. In a garden fair and beautiful, Daffodils 'With violets grew, With tee drooping scarlet fuchsias; On the roses fellethe misty dew. tip from the ground with the rain, Opening buds sweetly spring, • - The naked world is•,green again; On the sprays sweet birds sing. Allis so perfect in beauty, Transplanted again by IIis care, And we ponder the mysteries of ear tura As. we walk In Gods garden lair, - Barbara DeAndie. Betty's Enviable, l=ather. ' Three little girls, Mary, Louise and Betty, were playing dolls .one day when Mary, ''hose father was a noted minister, proudly remarked, "My fate• er always has D.D. after his .name." Louise, who ' was a physician's daughter, boastfully replied, "Illy fatie. er always has MOD. after his." Thereupon little . Betty, not to . be outdone, . quickly .declared, "Well, that's nothin'; my father always has C,O.D. after his name!" . No Sacrifice Trying t s a t 9 g D,stimulate her pupil's un- developed sense of gratitude the gots erneas said: "Now, Charlie, ought you not to be very grateful` to tee cow for the milk she gives you every morn- ing?" - "Oh I don't ow"reflect ed Charlie. "She has no se for it herself," t< His Safe'Plan. `"St is a wonderful opportunity, Mr. Pester, simply wonderful!" chirped the oil -stock salesman. "You can make your fortune in six months, and S neve/'_ invest money in anybody else's enthusiasm," rapidly interrupted old Festus Pester." WHEN BABY IS ILL When the baby is ill; when he erloe a great Ileal and no amount of atten- tion or petting makes him happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are .a mild but thorough laxative which re• gelate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and 'indigestion; break up' colds and simple fever and make teething easy. ,They are absolutely guaranteed to bo :free from opiates - and narcotics and Samba given to even the new-born babe with perfect safety and always with beneficial results., The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Onto Only Rare Babies Born With Teeth. ' M. Bolard, a surgeon of Bordeaux, France, ,recently reported to the local medical society a case .of twin boys, one of whom was born- with all his teeth and the'other having out a tooth twelve days, after birth. "This is a very rare occurrence, of which only about -fifty cases have been recorded 19 medical liteieture," e. Lon - doe physician told a Daiiiy Mail repro- seetetir e. tee nese to 113 regarded as a por- tent that the child wouldtgrow up with exceptidnalstiength or mental ability. King Richard III Louis XIV., the great philosopher Bigot, and Boyd 51 Poet .Weie, born' with teeth; Louls;XIV. had two tooth at birth: His0Hearing Reatoreda The invisiblo,.ear drurn.invented by A. 0. Leonard;' is a Miniature` Megaphone, Attlee inside the ear: en. tirely ;out -0'155M7 le restoring ,the: hearing of hundreds of people in New Yorkcity;Me. Leonard lriyented,tille arise; to relieve himself "of deafness feel bad noises, and it does; thiii 90 succ0llstuliy that go one could tell -he 'is a deaf men: 1` .IA etleotivc when deafness is, eau©ed by catarrh or by perforated pr wholly destroyed natural drums.' A rent est for information to A. O. ,Leonard,- Suite '431, 70 Fifth avenue. New York city, will bo gtvont. a prompt reply. • edvt 7'be. v=iolence that other. do to us is often leas painful than that `'wo put -upon ourselves, elfietteeei elelmect$.l,�ai Cuae - the f . CCO Or the ipe Influence: 1001 have seen a little pebble in the water lightly thrown,' .And it vanished,.: 011, •h.o1u quiclly' it was out of sight and gone; 13nt tiro ripples from it 'widened, stretching outward more and Never ceasing in their ;notion till•they reached the other shore. Follows you •areA,casting: pebbles i l life's ocean day by day, Words and thoughts- and actions drop- ping, ro p ping, seen; to vanish by the way; But, as11 Iles ri > from them widen, each cue. bearseteanothergoasotil, Either nearenearerGod . .,or farther from Lire's rnal l, True, when words and actions vanish' they are gone. beyond recall, But they leave in silent motion wavec• of sweetness or of"gall, 'Tis a solemn thought, oh, weigh; it; none Can live to self alone; Lives .of ;others ere made: brighter or :made darker by our own. E'en. the 'thought we fully cherish, hidden deep' within our hearts,, By et power unseen some good or evil loth impart. Then guard• with care •the influence • you aro leaving day by slay, For 'Twill aid in moulding other lives when yours is passed away. All the Comforts of Home. "Good grief!' exclaimed Farmnerr G May -meadow, "what's all the noise over to Corntossels'?" "Why, that's Sid ronin' the truck up and down under the bedroom; win dews,". explained the hired_ man, "and Bill poundin' some sliest iron, and the, kids ringln' the dinnerbell ' and hoe lerin', ' ' hafre they Join' that fort" ' "So's the new city boarder can get soiree ,jeep.".. Simplified Anatomy. Mary ,had been spanked by her. smother. She was crying in the hall - weer when the minister entered. • "Well, well, what's the matter with. my little girl to -day?" he inquired. " : It hurts,ashe sobbed. "What hurts, my -dear?" Y "The,ba,bk of my lap." WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN or Tint AnyWorn,Shab- by Garment or Drapery. amond Dyes Each 15 -gent packrge et "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman tau dye or tint any old, worn, faded thing new, even if she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. The new night-watchman at the ob- servatory was watching some one us- ing the big telescope. Just then a star fell.- "Begorra,,' he said to hime self, "that telly euro is a crack shot." Avoid' loss when sending money by mail—Use Dbminien Express /Money Orders--khe safe, convenient, inexpen- sive way. jealousy maybe born with love, but it does not •always die with it. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Cat -tails have been found to yield flour, silk,_starch and sugar, and were used extensively during the war, in Central Europe. Government Bo N Ds Industrial Let us send you circ ear "Iii' - 7, Per Cent, Plus Safety—places you under no obligation what- ever., Write for it to day.' Dominion Brokerage Co. 821 FEDERAL elifiLDING. TORONTO ONTARIO es on F Nothing pays better; when properly teenaged. Send for Aar .catalogue of beekeepers' suppiage, Expert ad., vice freely given. yt Ruddy Manufacturing• Co., Ltd. k3rantford Ont. iCIIIIPPED HANDS Mlnard's is excellent for chapped hands and all skin diseases. A Real Detective. Sherlock and his, faithful Watson were strolling down Pieoadilly. "There's a woman In very short skirts just behind us,.y dear doctor," murmured the great detective. "Marvelous!" ;onthu,sed Watson, af- ter, he had corroborated the statement by a , glance behind. "Idow in the world did you over know without turn- ing:your head,?" "Purely elementar dear old'felloiw. y, I merely observed the people who are walking :towards us," Home of.Chestnut. The home of the chestnut is in the Mediterranean region, where chestnut trees havo been cultivated from early times. The real leader in industry to-da 'Y is not the man who , substitutes his own will and his own brain for the will apd intelligence of the crowd, but the one who releases the energies within:, the crowd So that the will of the crowd can be expressed. -Charles M. Schwab. Mlnard'a Liniment tar Dandruff. To be a great man one must know how to profit by the whole: of one's fortune. • Greatest Professional Opportunity Chiroilroctic Toren o College of Chiropractic 3 Charles St. West' Toronto The Mower aft uareatfeed Thematerials{roimneM ii 04(r,Ara�YJA utahrea way nieetdlm acy b e m ana dd e d3tisllctaty service. SaartiNow.riYname .i7elceenest cutler your mom* mon�can buy, «�iiuratniwrnn� ,-E1 ''. J ,.1..rt , In general, we only pritise heartily those who 'admire uo.' 'keep. alinard'a Llnlmorlt:la the_ hoot Good taste springs more from judo meet than from intellect •Classnfaej Advertisements URB, BEAUTIFULLY .11'LUITY carded wool; sample, enough 1414 comforter; one dollar. Woollen N1iUs;, Georgetown, Ont.. f ARIES WANTED TO DO $'I,AIN and light sewing at home; .whole or spare time; good, pay. Work sent any distance,','` Charges maid. :• Send stamp for • particulars. National Manufacturing 'Co., Montreal. ()RIM EYES Refreshes Tired Eyes WrlteMurine Co,,Chitngo,fotEyeCnre9ook �-i.',i,,7r,�r,3s:s"t:•?.�`k:�',i��=:fit _ PIMPLES SPREAD OVER FOREHEAD Inflamed and tched Bad1y. Cuticura aled. " My trouble began with a break., Mg out of pimples at the edge of my hair which soon spread to my fore- head: • At first the pimples were very ',small but became larger and were in- flamed. They itched badly for awhile and were So embarrassing that I hated to go out. My Bair fell out. I read an advertisement;for Cu - daunt Soap and Ointment and sent for a free ''sample. 'I`purchased more, and in two or three weeks I was healed," (Signed) Miss Geor gia McMillan, 1913 Summit Blvd., Spokane,. Wash., July 10, 1923. Ilse Cuticuraforall tolletpurposea. Seapla S,oh Pre, br 508. Addreoo conodton noty oar annals, P. e. 8,0 8616, Moatre6l: • al ao. Hoa r0a cin flew Sher eo. S Oo,o 6e. siav' roc our hew Sherbet St;alr, MRS. ISE RS a ACHE Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkh4m's Vegetable • -Compound °' Branchton Ont. -" When I wrote to you for help my action was mostly prompted by curios- - Ky. I wondered if I, too, would benefit by your medicine. It was the mostrofit- able action IPhave ever taken, I heart- ily assure you, for through its results I am relieved of most of my sufferings. Z, have taken six boxes of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been so well before,. I had suffered from pains and other troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the 'Great War' period. I worked on munitions for two years, and, in the heavyliftingwhichmyworlc called 'for, I strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from which I have suffered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed. 5 had doctored for several years without getting per- manent relief, when 1 started to take your medicines."!—Mrs. rs. GoLDw114 :14Isg GrZEIa, Branehtoh, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. ?inkhorn Medi- cine Co.,Cobourg Ontario, for afreecopy' of Lydia E. Pinrkham's . Private Tir:ct Boole; aeon "All2li5ft0 of Women." C Say "Bayer" - Insist! i, For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatistri Lumbago Colds Acceptonlya • Ems"` Bayer . s.y r package whichcontainsrovendirece tions . Handy "Bayer" boxes of I2 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists Aspirin - is the trade maria (registered' In' -Canada). ofnarer Manufacture of Mono- atetieaatdeatei of aelleylleaeld To Women Who Do Their fiwn Works: Suppose you could save sig minutes every day in washing pots and pans—two minutes after every meal. • La la month, this would amount to a saving of three hours of this disagreeable, but necessary work. This saving can be made' by, using. SLP enameled kitchen utensils; as their smooth sanitary surface @Will got absorb dirt or grease. No scraping, scouring o11 polishing, is needed when you use diamond or Pearl Waw Soap, water and a dish towel is all yea need.: Ask for. "A Face of Porcelains and at Heart of uS'teal" Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pantrly grey enamel inside and out. Diamond Ware, three coats, lightt blue and white outside, white lining. Crystal Ware, - .' three coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal Blue edging. eHs MEET METAL PRODUCTT-a'°.®'`fuMrc kip N Ylid.AL iTOR0i4ro VWNN1PErr EDMONTON-VANCOl1V) R•'"Cq LGAIiV ,r P IsiiU4 Np- 2..5 t • ..�_p�:is'eyp':. �-/t s -d 1!`are t �t 101