HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-29, Page 20, D. IstfeTAalaititatta . • Dv4t- osr,, NEWS R., CORD .., , TAGGART seate,e1TON. ONTARIO a - - Terme at faubscrIption,-12.09 aer year ' BA.NKEHRS in advance, to aatatetee,eeereatas: $2.50 to the 1.1.81,or other foreign , ••=7:":9", , ettSgat,aantaataaa/a : a 'A general BankIng Bo 1o$ tram -tact - ed. Notes. Discounteeta .Grafts %poet!. Interest Allowed ou Depoits._ Sate Notes Purchaeel ea. • I T. RANCE ' Notary Public, stonveyancee, Financial; Real Estate and Ora In - 'Sureties Agent. 'Repreeenting 14 Flre insuranee companies. Division Coma Office, Cunt"' W 'BRYDONE eiarrister, soacitar. Notary Pubtle, tea. 61.0Ale. BLOCK - • CLINTON DR. J. C. GAMIER Office Hours: -1:30 to 3.30 'pen., 7.30 ,10 9.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment oelY. 'Office and Residence — yictorla St. .DR. WOODS • • rosonitni ,practlie at his residence, teMce Hours: -9 to 10 a.m. and 1 to 2 Pan. Sundays, 2. to 2 pane for cone suitation. DR. H. S. BROWN, L.M.C.c. Ofilce Hours 1.30 to 8.30 p.m. 7.80 to 9.00 Po• n- Sandays 1.00 to 2.0051.511. - Other hours by appointment. Phcaee Office, 218W ',Residence, 2181 DR. PERCIVAL HEARN 'Office end Reeldencee Huron atreet Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the• late Dr. 0, W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. coaattion. No Paaar ahasontemeed anal all arrears ere Paid the aPtion of. the ,:Publiehera Tho date to which staere, eabscriletton.i. Paid PI '4enotad. on .tho Beteta="Translent &yea. tisemente, 10 eciets per -Montle -reit lino.for first insertioa 8nd.6 cots Per Ilne for each eubsequant Inset, Small advertisements not to exceed ope inch„ tech as eleetam 'strayed," or "Stolen,!' etc.. 'escorted once 'for 85 cente, aed oars Mabee. fluent ineertion 15 centg. • Comionications intended for publa cation 1:01.1fit, as a guarantee of good eaith, be accompanied, by the manse ee 025 V G. 86. HALL, at, Oleatialre Proprietor. • Mater, -TIME; TABLE "Trains atilt arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: ' Buffalo and Goderieh Div. Going East, deparb 6.25 a.m. " " . 2.62 p.m. Going Meet er. 11.10 AID. ar. 6.08 dp. 6.51 pan. t4 ea. 10.94 p.m. London, Huron & Bruce Div, Going South, ar, 7.66 dp 7.56 a.m. o s an JUST PICR. YOURSELF UP I This orninAvNyBouCiOh UN. d aiod on 11 - your way, So eager were you. -to get out,o your play, Net seeing the stone that lay right in yoUi: path Till down you fell, plump, while you sputtered in \mat . But did you he there till the play hour was gone? Not you. You just aicked yourself ,up and went on. In life as in play, you will find it the same As you hurry along to take part in .the game. You will stumble and fall wheee some hidden stone lies And rest there a bit, ill indignant surprise. - But will you stay down till the players are gone? ' No, „indeed. You' must pick yourself ' up and go on. —By F. Jones Iladly. HOLE BALL IS A GAME RUSSIAN BOYS PLAY. This is a good game to play in Dr. A. PieWtthi Brady Bayfie.ld Graduate Dublin University," Ireland. Late Extern Assistant' Master, Ro- tunda Hospital for Women and Chil- dren, Dublin. Office at residence lately occulaba by Mrs. Parsons. Hours 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to '1 p.m. ,Sundays 1 to 2 p.m. • DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic Physician Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Bard of Medical Examiners. Acute and chronic diseases, treated. Spinal adjustments given to remove the cause of disease, At the Graham House, Clinton, every Tuesday forenoon. 60-3MP. 44 4/ 4 10,pi COIng North, depart. 6.50 .pm. ." " 1L05, " 11.13 fain. . - DR. - MdNNES" • Chfrop rector Of Wingliam, will be at the Rotten - burs; Eomse, Clinten, ou Monday and Thursday ferenoone from 9 to 12 each week. • . Diseases of all kinds successfallY handled. . • 5-211-'24 meadow or backyard, if a alteep,olf the grase. warning does not Prevent the diggino.'nj hol El inthe ground There should be 119 man holes as theie are layers each hole having a number. "irnitieo 1w2ohleichis obigto.neeniesu,ggholtfo, foarrnlbaasaicoafl may be thrown.' ef."•••••••. 1.. • WORLD'S GREATEST LIBRARY G. S. ATKINSON D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate Royal College et Dote: Sur. aeons and Tothato Unlvereity DENTAL 'SURGEON Bas oMce hours at Bayfield In old Post Ofnee Building, Monday., Wed• uesday, Friday and Saturday trom 1 to 5.30 P.m. Bachplayer should drnw a number. The players throw from a straight line drawn ten feet from the first hole, Count out to see who s ha1l bo the first thrower. The bole tnto which the ball goes counts as many points for the player asthe number of the hole indieates. Suppose the ball goes into hole five —that meant that the player receives five points. It means also_ that the player holding number five must play next. If this player's ball lands in hole two, hie score for the play is two, and the player hold- ing the two number is next to cast the ball. - When a player 'faila to •score, the next one to play is decided by count- ing out. Continue playing until some- one reaches the 'grand score which a may be either twenty-five or fifty: LONDON IN AERIAL AGE SEEN AS CITY, OF ROOFED STREETS The British Museum Library is the first library of the modern world. Like inteny other Brittsh institutions It Owes match of its greatness to a for- eigner, Anthony Point a renegade Rattail. Born at IViodena in 1797, Pan- ful became a student at Penne, and then joined a revolutionary movement In his native dollY. • The revolution failed and Panizzi fled; first to SwRzarriand ancl then acmes Europe, arriving in a clestitute condition in Dondon. Ile became a teacher of Italian, received eh ap- pointmeat at the'library, and came in- to'pewer as its keeper in the first you of Queen Victoria's reign. What Panizzi Did. At that time the library, -which haa been founded in 1753, was languishing for want oe intelligent supervision. It contained it valuable cellection of some 250,000' books, but the Catalogu- ing and arrangements for reterente were bail.• . When Pasant left its service, some thirty years later, it contained 650,000 velum* housed under aesingle dome. Thie dome, which ie seeond only in, size to- that of St: Peter's, Rome, was one of the „many Meyer ideas of Panizzi, 'who was altogether a remark- able characters. He was , knighted seine time before hiadea,th in 1879. The difficulties of eatolegning a libr- ary are not generally recognized. Be- fore the corning of Pahlzzi there had been many unsu.ccessful attempts to eVolVe a ratisfactory way of classify- ing the collection, but it was not until 1889 that it system, called the "Ninety- one Rules," Was devised. The first attempt to make a cata- logue on this uew system was unsuc- cessful, and led to an eruaite squab - tile. In 1848 the catalogue consieted. of forty- eight volumes, all -printed. This, -however, wets still far frena at- taining petfectiom ad the "slip" sys- tem was thtally, evolved .by two offi- ciate of the Museum. All entries were printed on small slips, which could easily be transferred. This "slip" Idea was really the eore- runer of the modem card index eye. tem. The general eatalogue of to -day conalsts of rather more than a thous - mad voluraes, and there is an excellent subject index. . • Treasures of the Ages. 03 Prof. A. M. Low, the distinguished the heart of 'London. He is frustrated London eativersity philosopher, who at every point by "spires, pinnacles besides posase.seing•greatelearning has and domes, by roofs of ridiculously the vision which permits aim to make small size, all of tvhich make it itnpos- application of eeientific Principles to the needs of everyday life, has been specueating on the ehanges to be wrought in London's life as the air- plane becomes more popular. DR. W. R. NIMMO CHI ROPRACTOR • CLINTON— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10 to 12 am., 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 0 pae. SEAFORTH— Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1010 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.M.,, 7 to 9 pen. Phohe 68 • - Clinton, Ont. CFIARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, `Notary Public, CoMmts. 'loner, atm REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HURON STREET - CLINTON M. T. CORLESS CLINTON,. ONT. District 'Agent , . Tee Ontario and Equitable Life and Aeeident Insurance 00. sible for him even to attempt a land- ing. But sinless it is possible to -land in the ceatre of -the metropolis, half the value of the, airplane as a swift method of transit, over small dis- • Deprived of aoth crown and kingdom, the formertEmpress Zita of Aue- tria.finds herself a widow at 30, with eight children to look after. At the bit is the 11 -year-old Archduke Eranzabseph Otto, - Here are the high spots in his vision -trances as well as laygo. is gone. of London. in the -new air age: s"Waere their are we to build our Safe, Swift airplanes in the _near eanding places? The parka will be tae future at a cost not exceeding $300. first to v. There will'ae an out - Airplanes capable of lording In a ery, no doubt, against- sugh a proposal. We shall be told we are choking the lungs of London and secehdly that we are destroying beautiful places. The answer the first is that if ave made a landing ground of Hyde Park its value all principal streets to afford tweeting as an open breathing space would be 'facilities in no way diminished. The answer to specs' not rattail larger than their oven dimensions. • Abolishment of London's parks in order to supply landing lields. ' Roofs ultimately ta be placed over HOW FAST DO YOU GROW? The average baby ale -nineteen alul a half inches in length at birth, and during its first year of life grows nine inches. If he—or She—kept up this rate of growth for seventy year,s, the result -would be giant sixty-four feet In height. e. As a matter ot fact, the rate of growth slows down amazingly after the_ first year. Between the ages of one and two a child grows only t ree 8,nd a half inches, and. during its' third year two and a half inches. After that the rate comes dowa to an average of one anda half inches for the next thir- teen years. Traffic regulations to prevent over- crowding of maehines in the air. Wireless control of airplanes. Intimate establishment et cables so that alrplanes and motorbars tan travel along without gasoline, draw" Ing their power electrically from obles. West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1878 • a-Piaesidett, Sohn A. Moltenzie, Kinc.ar- disae; Vice -President, H. L. Salkeld, Goderich;' Secretary, ,Thee, G. .Allen; Dungannon. Total ameunt 3ef insur- ance nearly 512,000,000. In ten rears nunibet of policies have increased from 2,70(3 to 4,500. Mat rate of e2 per $1000. Cash on hand 521,000. H. L. Salkeld Goderlch, Ont. J. Turner, Clinton, Local Agent GEORGE ELLIOTT Licerised Auctioneer for the County • of Huron. Correspondence astomptly answered, ftnneediate`arrangements mut be made for Sales Date at, The Neves -Record, Clinton, or by tailing Phone 203. • Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Question ef, improvements.' "We are not far,", old Prof. Lbw, "from the day when we 'shall be able toebuy a safe, swift airplane for some- thing like, 460 (0300). It is simply a question of certain obirichis improve- ments, contained with maes produc- tion. • . "Such a maclaine would be of egad horeepower (whicli will actually' give as Much as 27 h.p.) It would have a. slam of wings of perhaps forty feet. It would be comparatively cheap speculate, The conditIone I have Oa- th run, for there would be few upkeep I gested Ivill probably be all that: we the second is that even if Hyde Park had eny claims to beauty, which it has not, there is an even more beauti- eul thing than layde Park and that Is progrees—the mrogresa of the human brain. . • , "Hyde Park and its kindrea%Pacea, however, will some be exhaustea and we 'Mall have to turn elsewhere. It will then be apparent that a Vest ua- touched field is waiting for us above the ,great unroofed 'maces of Regent Street. Throw a roof across Regent Street anta you -would havetone of the finest 1,andIng Pleeeg in the world, In the very centre of.the British Empire. "Whether the eveole Of London will one day hove to 'be uniformly roofed, whether there may be one vast eoofing covering the city, 11 15 not for me to Years of Greatest Growth. Trona sixteen yeareaonwards the rate of growth continues to diminish During his seiente,enth 'year a bo grows one and a quarter inches; dur ing his eighteenth, -one inc . nineteenth sees him grow three -nor ters of an Inca, and the twentieth hal an inch, ' at, Tile average Young man does no attain his full height until he is twen Waive years- of age; but the rote of in crease durieg the five preceding yeaa enly one-fifth of an inch a year, The height of a full-grown and web proportioned man should be six an three-quarter times the length of 11 feet; that of a woman, six.and• a qua ter the length of hoe feet. Different puts of the body grow different retes. The lege double length by the ' mid of the third yea and triple by the end of tiie twelft When growth ceases, they are II times ao long as at birth. Before t ago of ten the foot is shoiter than t 'length -Of the head; at .ten they a equal; after ten the foot is -longer th the head, ehalivea '�.bl1x1d ila Resets ap,oal , gaeeteserIlla Mandrake Yellow Dock 'Dandelion Blue Flats Piesissewa GUaiRG Juniper Berriee, Canaan WiId Cherry nald other excellent tonics, thus malt-, big one of the most suceessful ot ell 'eriedicines; 4Get only Hoed's. A third game le the •, Pregreasiye Hike. The loader lays out course that includes several stations froth oho • quarter to three quarters of a mile apaitt--stores or rosideuCCB Of ac- quaintances. On a, preliminary' trip theleader leaves „at, eac10 station oral wifften instructions -where the linters are next to proceed. As a rule the torelteeperi or householders are quite willing to relay the instructions. It lends interest to have waiting at onie 'stations ores eats aka .8, bag ' of des -sal -mute or a boa of cookies. • Experience has proved teat suck plane acideehougli. zest Lo make hiking realgame, though otherwise it often has so little attraction that many boye and girls miss the physical benefits that it confers. Music .a Precious Asset. IVIaking a- Game of Walking. A man who was about to ,start -on ten -mile walk with one of his ye -pig "How much even a little musical as - sone first prepared spine twenty white complislanent means to young men balls about tee eize of baseballe, made was effectivelY demonstrated during of excelsior wrapped in white paper, the war," says o. writer in Canadian. and numbered them consecutively in. Home Journal.' "The boys in a regi - plain black eguaest He also bought- ment who were definitely eure of pope - several small gifts, none wortb more earity Were thoets Who could play seine than fifteen cents, and, numbered them instrument or ether, or sing a song. • _ in the same way, - It was found that a great many had . . , Then before he began the walk he Um gift Of playing the piano by ear; ' rode over the route of it in a motor car but thelad who .could really splay am- end threw the belle out at different familiar compogitions ,atid could vary places,. but all on one side iye the .the -usualfare by something 'high- . class' once it a while, was, honoree. Before he started on the hike with "Nor did the soldiers always insist I his son,' lee told the boy that he had on something lively; I have heard of . 'scattered the. balls- and that finding one young Canadian officer, awarded \ any at them would brit% a reward. Oe. the V.C. posthumously .. tor suberb , reaching home the boy would be .en. bravery during the_great advance of titled to take the gifts that bore the the summer of 1918, who had a most same numbers as the balls he succeed. remarkable gift far playing on that ed inailuding. The boy succeeded In haunting, instrument; the ukulele.. FIe . finding fifteen of the balfs, and what •had (it was afterwards known), a real i otherwise might have been to him a conviction that he was never tO see Y somewhat tedious walk became eci In- Canada again, and the soft, 'mato- tereeting tliat he reached the end al- choly strains he lased...to evoke from his instrument were an expreasion of , his e premonition. He . undoubtedly gave solace to himself and mucli plea - sere to his comrades by his music, sad though it was. - "In the trenehes there wae no scoff- ing at music as a girl's accomplish - meet; It was eegarded as a precious asset; and so the growingtboyts whose ideas ofethe war are vague must be taught to regard it." ' expenses, and a eunning capacity of not less than 100 miles to the gallon, aThe airplanea of the future will be able to land in a space little larger than its own dimensiohs, either by the use of electric air brakes, or by land- ing ou highly mageetic "ground!" "Moat important of all for the gen- eral pu.blice it will be Bata 'Many ac- cidents of the present day are due to fires. That is haraly surprising, since the aviation spirit generally employed is more inflammable than ordinary gasoline. The airplane of the future, however, will not only contain engines of far greater horsepower than at present, but may be run on Mame a mixture of alcohol or heavy oil, with tiny engines -completely inclosed-, "Such it development Is bond to imply 8.-valst cliallge, not only in the machines thernselyee, but in the archi- tecture of Landing in London impossible. ••,0 B. R. HIGGINS Clieton, aria General Fire and Life assurance. Agent for, Hartford Windstorm, Liao Stools, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance, Huron ar'd Lime and Cana- da Trust Bonds, Appoitaments made to meet parties at Brucefield, Varna and Bayileltl. ,!Phone 57. Strange, indeed, 11 15 to sit at one of the desks, with their curious contra,- anees for the supporting of books, sled know that aroune and einem you are prieeless literary treasureb that only atintit a written commanaao be brought before you. The sum of human anew - ledge condensed into five million vol- umes! - On some Cif the thirty-seven miles of bookshelves are wanderful ex- amples of fifteentlacentury 13ibles front Mainz and Mabarin; MSS. In the hands of Eremite, Luther, Montaigne, and Durer; books -in Sinhalese and Syriac, Sanskrit and Icelandic. To read these Imoks come people Sons the four corners of the earth: There are many cosmopolitan centres ' London. but none so varied ansi strange as the reading -room of the 13r1• •The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Headi Office,,Seaforth, Ont. Ft Edte N -Y 'Presi,dent, Samos Conriolly„ Getteriela. Vice, Sainea Dimas, 'Briechyro4d; Seo- . Treasurer, Thos. R. HayS, Seafoith. thrusters.: ,Gcbrgo McCartney, Sea- ' forth; Seaforth; J. G. , Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seafortlit' Mor,'"AP'elt, Clinton; Robert Forriee, 1-larloeice John Bennetaalr, 1.1redhagen; jets. Connolly, Goderich. Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; S. W. Tho, Gotlerich; Hilichray, Sea. emits; W. tameney, Egmontivilie; R. G. Jatneuth, Broclhagen. Any money to be paid in may be paid to leiciorish Clothieg eica, Clinton, er Cutt's Grocery, Goderich, . Parties aosiring to affect Insurances er trateact other boa -less will be erentpay attended to on application to, HOY Of the above °inmate acidreseal to time' vespoetitre post office. Losses eimpeotea by the Director who lives neeeest the scene, Shall 11Y6 800. , "Another comalicatien peesents it- self—that ler ovdrerowaing in the air and collisions. • - "That, hotvever, is a problem which could easily be bealt tvith by wirelese contrdi. Already innall electric powers can be transmittea over air gaps: It Is not unreasonable to suppose that those Powers can be greatly lacreased, We' may therefore look forward to the thee when airplanes and Motors can travel along without petrol, drawing their power electrically from cables under the earth 00 5051 and measaring the power they nse by meter. ,"Such a cable would itself form a definite airway. Airplanee could travel over it In fixed airways. at a; fixed 'might. Night flying would lose half its terrors tome foga would be of no account since the pilot would be automatically guided to his destine, 1most before he realized it. • 1 This game the man and his son [named the Recover. They' discovered t afterwards that it is well adapted to emus a group of boys if the members take turns in hunting for the balls. e They also tried other similar games, one of whicii they called the Hide and a Seek Hike. Tbe leader taltat a large- scale map of the surrounding terri- tory an 1 lays out a walk of as many is „ milds as the group tvish fo take. He a' then places the aumbered balls at dif- t ferent points and indicates their situa- 111„" tion'on the map. If he finds it hara exactly to indicate the enema= on the neap, he usee helpful symbols, such as for "dosto road," T, "near a tree," asked Paddy., or 14, "directly in line with house." If "A ehilling far the wire and nine. e gaoagoratotpiont is tohnoixotaetiigo o aletittle.11lltea,telasbai It Ial pence for deliveey outside the rallies," anowered the clerk. for each member, BO that, althOugh all "That li51 hanged!" retorted Paddy; search for the balls„ there is . no "Ye send the telegrapa an' I'll write an' scramble at any point. . leak lay friend to call fof It." NOT MIN'S NAMES WRITTEN s h. ve he he TO an Whore Qlrls Beet 'toys. Boys and girle groev differently. The year of ,greatest groWth in boys is us- ually tile sixteenth or saventhenth. ',That 18 to say, the woight increasee mobt during that Year. In girls the caiet increase is in the fourteenth year ' "At present no airmail can land hi tion. MUSIC AND THE TOIVIBS "OlF KINGS • From the Valley, of the Kings in In per Egypt, while exploration of the recently 'discovered tomb of Tutank Immo ho been yielding 110AV revele. teens of the culture es -well as the power of the Pharaohs, may yet coin° some momunental alsalosure for tbe naueical historian. Press clispatelles from Luxor, describing 'daily the ob- jects removed. from elle tomb, and brought to the light of day after four theusand years, have had a few ve- ferences to musical instruments, fifes, harps, and' cimbals, as among the ob. jects this unc,overed. "Evidently," ran 0110 Ii110 comraent, "the king was musical." far as research hes been able to es - 1 .1 tablish, masical notation wag un- known ad melodies were paesed on from indiviatialto individual, and from - memory .to memory. This is difficult 'Girls usually reach their full height at or about sixteen, mid their full weight at, twenty; boys, as hare seen, are Mower deaelopment. Boys are etronger than girls ftom, birth to the age of eleven; them girls become Superior ethysioally up to Sevesiteeileafter which age the tables are turnedaagain. Front November to April children gain little, either in height or weight; from Ain't to Stay they gain in lietglet, but not in. weight; white front July' to Nevember they put on vteighe but de not grow much in height. ' 'Eaelashes Doh't Last. Hair grewe at the tate. of .018 inch a day, but the life of each individual heir is on aif average only Mx years, Then it falls out. If hair never fell out and always went .011 growing, a womast seveaty years old would. have tresses ttearly thirty-eight feet , 01 81•37,w, steadily, lait are not loneeliveci„ They last only four to fivo monteS, 'then fall out, Their growth is alma': a one -twentieth of an inch Irish Logic. An Irishman wanted to sod it tele- gram to a friend. The clerk told ben the tharge would be ls. 9d. 'An' heat do ye make that out?" That Egypt was the musical school- master of the ancient world is con- e, tbouglait may be neglected ceded by all who have traced the art I, itr.0";.Y.,a`aa6:tteatiett centurieg. It is back thrmigla the centuries. The, Jews I feet ef the musicians of the Nilo, and ''abc' 'maws its- loguage goes to it for brought tO flowering in the .time of Even withaat a not° writton IN BRITISH SOLDIERS' ALBUM The Dritisla Legion Album, Just pub- lished, ie a book of amique interest, says a London deapateli. No such volume has eVer been peoducea be - fere, and the Moceeds of the sale will be demoted to the behelit of British ex -service men Of all ranks, 'It contains a aollectiOn, which, has never been Paralleled, of autographs and passageg written in their own hand by the most famous people 01 1110 day end by -representative leaderlit every department oia human aetivity. Numerous Illestratione, cartoon's and eariartures, many of them in colors, add to the lure of the book. • There is it foreword by Fielcl Mar- shal Earl Haig, of 13emersycle, remind - Mg all that by "readinees to help liv- ing ex -service men, the depth mid sat - Orley of our rasped and gratitude to- ward the dead; toward fallen com- rades of ours, who, dying, left homes Ansi dear (mos destitute; towead those gallant hale 'who fell on, the theeshold to reconcile with the advanoement and of life can beet be manifested." the high intelligenee or the Egyptians. I amaltata All the greatest admirals arid 1150- 10 and art experts at the tonlb Nails grow MOTO rapidly than le gen- I naturee. Lord Ypres "alllettahls auto- erale, British and allied, who fought in the war, have coetributed their sig - orally supposea. The finger -nails rea 'graph nil the 'battlefield of the Marne mon tlie. • the celebratiou ot the, Marne vietore. leargonulater of Brussels. in September, 1922, on the occasion of new themselves M a little over four The brain weighs nine to ten oueces ., at birth When a man is fell grown At those same celebrations he obtain- ed the autoarapha of M. a'oincare anti General rilaunotary, 'Who, opened the Math) with the Sixth French arnlY 'and began the great etrolat the German flank.' Marshal Foch and Marghal jot - flee sign iu closely similar hands. Among the quotationg or original theualite are the Words of Prof. Git- bertatlurvare touching appeal: "Thege are, they which came out -of great tri- bulation; =Teta they shalt not hunger any Lloyd George writes: "Never in any aeneration have 50 many young men faced the, tormetts of Mutilation and the terrors of death for their couttry's honor and for the redemption of man- kind." , Before he dial the venerable Fred- erick Harrison feamed a last message to English. melt and womeu eutreating Glom; "To help atll service meu to en. Joy a fittleg life at hornet' Among the famous actrefsses is Miss Ellett 'rerry with her large, legible cript. The VIcteetans make it deep impreseion. Thomas Hardy's &Isma- ili:re ter ae firmly weittea as any atoung • Mae's. In the page ot Belgian names ' Is that`of Cardinal Mercier, alto signs with his title hi Englitila "Archbp, of Matinee," and of M. Max, the honoree of Tutanklatmeu have been" partleulaN ly impressed by the eitilitea as wen as tee beauty,of objects unearthed there recently, end have become convinced that, algyptiae eivilization reached ite zenith much earlier than he $ been re. them -lazed, 0110 written Mirage of Egyptian music a ""-----4.------:"--- ' and ten eunees, . If, in the course of farther ' 1 ' me "a ng„ . aan bo found, and deeiphered, the die- __ The inf,,g,"...t ..rla"er' canoe ,anci woeld profit than the un- small boy aee. pan the youngese acivery will Be one of far more signal- A cevering ,of another mummy of an- of a large family accompanied- Ida other king, the probability now exeit- mother to 'me his married sister's new Gall never be restmed to a Imam/11y, aye 1.1t,aaal.7. After .barely glancing at the morn; soon he beatine a,beorbea in the crowdine, the hotels at Luxor. Life baby he waiidered Mat ronnd the ing -the touritits who, it ie said, bat mimic ()nee written. down never ecmtents ef the baby's baelcet. . Atter turning over the VariOILB dainty trIfiett that it cola:Mined I: e pickea up a powder puff, Turning 16 eis eister, he saia in shoelcea tones: "Isn't ebo rather yoring for that sort of thinga" Adjusted Compensation, his beain weighs about three pounds easeateat anal one ounce; n woman's, two pounds esteet there, to '31101111 agtan, whenever one in their period of bondagm 'sat at the learned much of what was later 111'1' ntes'1n30' el Sante of. Ttl6rd DO, ."Noeboubt, , . Geographa.. Tetteliere-NOW;' 'Wil ie, we've seen tlaatetlie cold, ,caraehtS at at' eame :from the polar tregioes— where do the hat air etneents. Willie—"Tia-e- in Washingleheatelon't , . they, ma'am?" Seam -ion arid ihe Temple, when 4,000 eausiciara participated In ritualistic "serviceslt 15 known that there was a pour:Bar as , a sacerdotal muffle among the Nile steeple; indeed, it. iS to be Dreamed teat- there, as . "Well" replied Nava with a rather bong been known; not 01117Y from 3311'The carrion crow, like many of • 000T parte ,30t earvines, hut front examination wild birds, is loyal to his mate as long, ,The swan mates for life. auez Canal yields an 3251320111l , of the insirunients thernaclveS. as lite lives. 1)on't 1.+1111i3f .eateersity; profit by it. at. music froni ancient .Egypt. known to . Mary and her big brother Heavy had ee exietence, .the poestbastY ,:re' a feW ,,,,,,,vgea Words, In liett anger she amita°'" caiginatahida has 00100e -aai'in brothersaw the performance: , malne.that M. the store o,f tneledy , of kicieed the cat, afoluint h'et. tn:vorite, to the 1VeStern World. through the "Mary, that eat ain't all Harry's e ,Teeee, there remains sonic !fragment m t it is part ate," he exclalined rearoa- elsewheremusic began with the ptp. thattwo, nhe have been as an sac' song. inaty pie rather than with the priests. me to King Tutankhamen , , ,., character of the instrurlicOts uSed has' • . Selamaistled air,. "I albite"' ' alarrY'e "No more headache for you ---take these" met Ina "smother" the headache without"romottIng the} canoe. Stake Chatuborlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thar not only cure tho headache Mit glee you a buoyant, licaltlaftil „feeling bounties. theY tono the Ittter, *Wooten the stomach and cleanse tke bowel.. Try them. • All Dye:mists, 25e., or be mall CHAIM:Mgt:AIN MEDICINE Co. Tomas, Oth , ,1.5 ,,,.: PK. ' ,',',VArtlg il ' I • y5'.t. 4"„ , - - '. ' 1' .: :4.' . ,. . , , c-14.10 ' •ig rap r ..,,,,,, 'As to 'the 113111110 al lbe music 05101)-01 MO of the pair dies the balmy neves.. profit og „e0,75e,000, , mid pleyed 131 to dawning Of IiiSeory there, oad be only conjecture; guislelI soinetaltat by the traditional tiirs bf the Jewsanti scene other 12111.530 120- 1101313:1 he of the ancient East. SO remates. A tp-retty 'resaectable social lefe exists among birds. They don't say most who talk mot. Noe do they de most. . One who lirls climbed the laddee shelled mat pullet op or kick it clown, - he Should °steed a kindly hared to the iellow. below. - are •:atee ,:seseeaataitaitetaiatvalf, aaate Rona Thom Start01 tor. no , • ooaazlS 0000) ' 00301031130 ' °L ell,1:111'gAsSooeoe; ro et:11.1:7, 'till!) ON AeYeZair ."" 31 14 5, 'Y A 1.0 41h 1,3131, ellhulbr aver ain ""''d 3rile0,1 1115103101 00 se • " ramiag oo. cessran _ i,. e thek: aleil lave wee, yolie-an tiol 553002 tore tirtto, " at home you Lan Malty master thasiocroto of scans that males Star entegment WI:ate:Mr your expetioneo bee lieon-whatOVAY s 1 you maY ba Canty nom-, whether or not you think you can salt- r j•ust anewer thlq question: Aro yes am-Mt:ono to earn 010,000 t t I will peon° to yo sii.ssis.,...ssicystemeteetme•Irre*