HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-22, Page 8CLIC TO \'c ,Lltrl DING JEWELLRY STORE ddin, Prcsets Silver' o. Cid Glass is the most suitable. it is it ore!satisfactory and will be appreciated as it is 'always ie good taste Ve'invite you to inspect MI' toliection of Silver°, Cut glass;. etc,, We'd.ding and. Engagement Rings, �datclies, Clei ks and Wrist Wr etches I, .mJ SON Jeweller- and Optician Next -Hovey's Drug Stord NICY ear Novelty in arrow Neekweair Selling like hot cakes. Just the Tie for young men and most suitable for low -collars now in vogue. Give the boys. what they want —LANKY BILL TIES Congoleum Rug Sale 'continued for one week. 'Order now and save money. Plumsteel Virus:;: SMALL ,PROFITS PUIONE 25, :MORE BUSINESS; 1 aleanma The Who knows good' -clothes when he sees them, knows that they were made at this establishment. If you have. not as yet picked out your Spring Suit; come to us, as we have all the latest novelties and designs, and can make up a suit which .will be up to the minute in every,respect... ' COME AN-] INVESTIGATE. WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE Davis & Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W Around tie Home :fi.nt,w Lexis -Record is gathered elring that isdearest aufel best in life. Ironic is the center iron which all the varied concerns and business of life start forth. Any- thing that iry-thing-that can contribute to the, beau- ty and comfort and peace of Home is deserving of 'attention and thought. In this direction let wall, paper enter your thoughts. 0ur new spring stock will soon be ready for your inspection. 1 Trio W.. Fair Co. Often the Cheapt—Always the Best, Mrs. A. !J. Grigg and Mise Helen -'spent the week -end in London. . Miss Susie Sloman of Toronto is vis• iting at her home in town this week. Miss' Washington has been spending Mae past week with HohnesvilIe friends. Mr. -and Mrs, Russel McCaig et Guelph spent the week -end with Clinton friends, , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lavis spent a few days in.Kitchener, Toronto and, Oshawa this week. Miss. Charmer of the Knitting ...Com- pany's Com pany s staff was' at her home in London over the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Guninghame and children and Mr. J. Caning hame motored—to London on Fri- day. • Ms. and Mrs. Norman Garrett of . Wroxeter were week end,:visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. S. McCool. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson'R-ath,of' Strat- ford spent the week -end as the 'guests of the former's mother, Mrs. L. Bath, Miss Lannigan af'Toronto accompan- ied Miss Irwin from Toronto on 'Saturday and remained over until Monday. Mrs, T. H. Watt has been in Gode- rich this week owing to the death Mrs. the late) • ester, ( of hers , Dr. A. Taylor. Mrs. W. P. Watson' and: Master ;Walter of Port Whitby are spend- ing a couple of ..weeks with Iva. end Mrs. Wm. Stevens., ' Mrs. Gordon Johnston "and children of Bt. Catharines, spent the week- end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovett. 1VIrs. (Dr.) J. A, Macdonald and Mr. D. Macdonald of Toronto were the guests over the week -end of Dr. and Mks. J. C. Gandier of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke and Mrs. A. A. Holmes ,intend going down to •St. Thomas to attend the May- Day, ay:Day• exercises in connection With Anna College on Friday. Messrs. E. Wendell, B:. Lawson and W . Mutch were in Stratford yes- terday attending a lacrosse meet- ing, when the schedule was arrang- ed for this season's games. Mrs. Southcombe, whb had :been with her sister, Miss Washington, ;for a week, was called to Stouffville last --Friday owing to the illness of her brother, the Rev, George Washing-. ton. . Mr. Thomas T. Carter is visiting his son, George, who is employed in the Ideal Bakery, Toronto. Ile al- so intends visiting in Hamilton, Whitby and Niagara before re- turning home. • Mi. and Mrs, John Howson. of Los Angeles, Cal., are on their way home by• motor, stopping off at many places enroute. It is a long journey and will no doubt prove a very interesting one. Miss Bessie Irwin, who has been re- cuperating at• Clifton Springs- af- ter undergoing- some serious oper- ations, arrived home on Saturday evening and will 'spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin, Mrs. J. 'McMurchie went to Toronto last week to be ,present at a concert given in Massey, hall Thursday' ev- ening .by the Canadian Academy: of Music at which her daughter, Miss ,lean- MolVturchie was one of the performer§. - Mr. Willis Cooper left for Toronto -on-Tuesday and on gaturdav saiis, in company with a friend, for Eng- land and France. He will he ab;- isent •a 'couple of'monthh and will take, in the architectural beauties of many of the large cities of Eng- land and France. Mr. J. W. Stevenson and Miss Bes- sie Morrish 'went to Stratford on Monday to attend a Conservatory concert by Miss Margaret Ste- venson,/pianist, Mr. Leo. Smith, cellist, and Mr. F. E. Blatchforcl, violinist. erliss Stevenson is a niece of Mr. Stevenson's and has visited in Clinton. bout. ends give_ your out ofdate furniture. .-thut *Qw. styie enP.mel finish We also carry a complete line of Brandram Henderson Paints and Varnishes Sun Varnish and Sun: Varnish 'Stains Also a complete line of Brushes, Linseed Oil ,and Turpentine Sutter & Perdue' HARDWARE PLUMVIBING ELECTRIC WIRING., We are ready for all orders of spring work, 1�apering, Palating: papers decorating. We have a large assortment of and we ask you to see our books before buying. You will save money by ordering your paper from us. All work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Orders left with Mrs, Robt. Armstrong, Huron street will re- ceiverola t attention. PHONE -234 ring 2 n n KAY POTTER 1 THURSDAY; % JAY d2nd, 1924. .On recount of the 24th coming on Saturday, :for the con- vernience of our costo ers and friends, we will open up our Groceteria Department from 11 to 12 in the forenoon and from` 4 to 6 in the afternoon. e will have no delive y on Saturday, but, will deliver. Friday evening lcol .r, Is for au 24 1' 1 In our Fruit y®'epartrnent Pineapples for canning are selling fast all sizes from 15c to 35c, special price by 'th.e dozen Oranges,' for the 24th of. lay, per doz 24c Salted:', Peanuts for the 24th of May 24c Fresh Strawberries, Head Lettuce; cucumbers New Carrots Asparagus and Ca,bb'ages rs Groceteria Department fir ' •ag _24 t1 :10 lb Rolled Oats 38c'. 10 Bars soap 72c Vanilla and Lemon Essences in little jugs 1'5c 11 lbs granulated Sugar $1.00 to 9ne customer Black tea per lb 48c. Hur sley tea : per 1b 58c Cooke* Meats eparment Cooked ham, Jellied tongue, Roast Pork, Jellied Hock Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays Cash & Carrg 2 DeliveriesRoMmouivettoNVOeigkOANANOtivaatoitimv, 1 hon 4 composed the troupe: Monte Ray, M. Milliken; Tod Hunter, Lee O'Brien Otis 'Ilammnerhead, . (Grandpa), Len Wagner; , Policee.; ,Officer McCormick, Gordon Surerus;: Lucy Hunter, Ida` Rutledge; Dorothy May, Iva Kalb- fleisch; Mrs. Pansy Hopscotch, Leila Seibert; Marie Ribeau, Thelma Os- wald;, Kloompy, Meda Surents. This romance ' of Chicago life was given in three ,acts interspersed be- tween curtains by musical numbers of which were, a duet by Miss. Siebert and Miss Rutledge and a solo preced- ing act 3, by Miss Rutledge. Soino critics concluded this to be the best amateur play they had ever witnessed. Mi. A. T. Cooper 'df Clinton, county representative of• the Ontario Temperance Movement, gave three splendid addresses in the interests oT his work, on the Bayfield Methodist circuit, last' Sunday, addressing and- iences at Bethel, Sharon and Bay. field appointments. After hearing such facts in support of the present Temperance Act, there should be no sane, logieal.nor convincing convic- tions im the minds of hearers to fall back and support the adoption of a• weaker- law; which would inerease 11- censciousness, license sin and jeopar- dize and 'terrorize a 'motor -ridden land. Eagiielei The programme presented in the town hall last Friday evening, by the Zurich Young Peoples' Dramatic., Society, was a great success and drew a good audience of highly pleasea and amused spectators, from this lo= caiity and, also from the home town of the troupe. The chief feature of the programme was a play entitled, "The Adventures''' of Grandpa," which was sol well managed that it kept the audience tenseand expectant with excitement, merriment and chuckles, throughout each act. Tice outstandv ing ehaireeteristics' of the play was romance! rollicking huuionr,'and dar- ing intrigue, punctuated with amaz- ing surprises. The following cast of cheracters; GET YOUR MEALS AT THE COM- MERCIAL INN ON MAY 24th When visiting, Clinton on the. 24th try the Commercial Inn, the late''Hos pital building, _Victoria street, meals 35c. MENTI FOR 24th Dinner Roast .Beef, Horse Radish Sauce Roast Pork, Apple Sauce. Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Pars- nips, Beans in Tomato ,Sauce. Rhubarb Pie, Cherry_ Pie, Custard Pie, Queen's Pudding. Brown and White Bread, Rolls and Butter. Tea or Coffee. - Auburn .Rev. W. R. Alp has purchased a new, Ford coupe. . . The Methodist Sundagy school field its annual election of officers on Monday evening, All the teachers and officers were -re-elected for ano- ther year. r Rev. P. and Mrs, Banes attend- ed the District `meeting in Goderich on Wednesday and Thus°day of this week: The play "Safety First," which was presented. by a Sunday school class from Knox, church, 'Goderich, was well attended and much enjoyed. The proceed§' go to the "Knox Helpers" class of. the Presbyterian church here.. Our merchants are keeping Wed- nesday .afternoon as a holiday, and all places of business will be closed on .Wednesday at noon during May, June, July and August. The 'Sacrament; of the Lord's Sup- per will be administered in Knox church next Sunday morning. Pre- paratory.service will be held on Fri -` day evening at 8 o'clock An evening service will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday at half past seven. The Rev. J. W. Medley, of , Victoria street Mthodist church, Goderich, wil condi}et the service. A men's choir will render special music. (Received too date for last week) "Mother's Day services were .held in the churches here last Sunday, a special feature being Mother's choirs, The funeral of the late Mr. Hill, was held from his home hereon Mon' clay afternoon and was largely at- tended. Rev., E. Parker, assisted by Rev. W. R. Alp and Rev, P. Banes, conducted the services.. Mr. Hill leaves to mourn their loss, his wife and .one son, Mr. Nelson Hill. His daughter, Mrs. F. Hibbert pre- deceased him two months since, The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved odes. The .service held in the Presbyter- ian church last Sunday was well at- tended. These services are to be held - every se"toner Sabbath evening alternately with the service in the Methodist church. The Woman's Institute will hold heir May meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Mogridge on Tuesday, -May 20th.. This is the annual election of officers,. Stanley Township Mr. and 1VIrs. John Scotchmer spent Sunday last with friends in Clinton. • Mr. Alfred Westlake spent .,the week -end in Toronto. 1. Glad to report that Mr. Lorne Epps is recovering nicely after an attack of poison ivy. - Mr. Wm. 'MeLinchey has moved on to the farm of Mg. James Johnston on the Sauble line, There passed away at his hone on the second concession of Stanley, on Sunday, May 18th, Ml. Walter J. Steven Mr, Stevens had been ill for some time and death was not unexpcted,`• He leaves to morp:n, their loss of a faithful husband and father, his wife, who was formerly. Muss Margaret' Tough of the Bron• son line, and,e,four' daughters, all. married. Three sisters also survive, 11 rs. H,. Talbot of the, Sauble •line, MI's. Murray, Tuckersrnith and Mrs. Routly of Woodham. .,Funeral took, place on Tuesday afternoon to Bay field cemetery." ' We are called upon this week to record the death of another resident of Stanley township in the person of Miss Sarah Orr, who passed away at her 'home on the Sauble line, on Thursday, May 15t11, - Miss Orr con, traded a cold three weeks ago,: which developed into pneuinonia4and':prov- ed too much for her frail strength to combat, never having been . robust, and §regardless of all .careful hands could do, she passed.. peacefully and quietly 'away on Thursday evening. She leaves to mourn, one sister, Ma's. Cooney of London, and four ,brothers, Robert of Bayfield, -John of Clinton' and Alexander and George at hdirie. Funeral •services were held at" the house on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 conducted by Rev. Mr. Macfarlano of Bayfield. The remains were laid at rest in Bayfield cemetery. Goderich Township, Treawrtha, Bsos, shipped two car loads of cattle to Toronto the other day for which they received a good price. They expect to have another couple of cars ready .in July. • Mr. W.' D. Connell is in Holland. Centre ;this week attending the fu -e neral of an uncle, David Connell, for- nerly, of Goderich township a id a brother of Mr: James: Connell of this township. Mr. R. S. Williams, manager of the Wingliam branch of the Bank of. Oonumerce, is .being ,promoted to the Collingwood ibranch. 1 Wiegleain peo. ale are very sorry to lose Mr. Wil- liams, who has proved liineself' a Pa- triotic and` energetic citizen during his. stay' in Wingham. mor Sonne Day the Sun Will Shine and you will be Busy House-cleaning but in the meantime it will pay you to look over our specials in Kroehler Chesterfield Suites, Davenport Beds in Tapestry and Lea- therette all guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction, giving a beauti- ful living room suite as well as bedroom if necessary. 'You may need new Beds, Springs or Matresses. We have some real special prices on the Old Rehable (Simmons) Products which. are built for sleep so why not end enjdir comfort. We are headquarters for Rugs in Congoleum and- Carpet, also Linoleum and Oil Cloth in all the best patterns. Hardware Department We are sole agents for the celebrated Sherwin Williams, Out- side and Inside paints Varnishes and Stains, the famous Campbell Floor Enamels and Liquid, Granite for floor§, linoleum, etc. We have a full stock of Farm and Garden Tools and the Taylor- Forbes Lawn Mowers all sizes and prices. , 'Just received a carload of Brantford Roofing, Slab Slate, Red and Green, Roll Roofing at all prices. Consult us before purchasing. Courtesy and Prompt Delivery Clinton Hardware and Fur iture Co. THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 SCRANTON COAL After several years of interrupted service our Old Line Coal Companies, the D. L. & W. and D. & H. are now shipping us coal regularly, and coal of superior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in Ontario for years. SUMMER PRICES are now on, and while it is warm these days let it remind you that when Summer conies Winter is sure to follow. ' LET US HAVE YOUR 0111 ER Place your order with the firth that has always made a special effort to supply what you want -when you want it, whether Winter or Summer, much or little, Egg br Stove.. - • \te' can give you service on any of the following: Grate ' ' Coke Egg . .Pocahontas Stove rlomlestic Lump Chestnut Cannel Pea Coat Senithing We' also have on hand a fresh carload of CANADA CEMENT and a variety of choice WOOD. At BRUCEFIELD YARD' we have in stock Chestnut, Stoves.' Coke, Cement, Lumber and Shingles. ...Inc. B. Mustard Coal Go.. CURRELL :ds SHIPLEY PINEAPPLES - THIS IS PINEAPPLE WEEK: Buy now and secure. the best value. Quality deteriorates near the close of "the sdason. We'ha-ce -a large supply of Fresh Pines and can supply your. requirements at low prices in all sizes., Store 'open ei from 11 to 12 in :forenoon -and from 4 to G' in the, afternoon of Saturday, May, 24th: THE C, &S. GROCERS Phone 125