HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-22, Page 54i Couatyseem," - -abiding citizens.. Te gaol 45 itow empty, the last -pri- ung man who was in fora M, bong .released' the other ilowell'.has been appointed present the League of Nations anada at tin convention o" these e$`t:es1et Lyons, France.. Re hag ^ re and is Yyo11-qualified The Hon, J. S. ,Martin humped his head on. the `fop of his. ear the other day going over a,rough road and had to go •to bed :for .some .day,. He'll have to see that 'that road is/smooth- . elf a bit. She Robert Bolden has :been asked to become chairman .of a commission to settle the boundary :between Ulster and theTrish Free State, If any- body can settle `such a question w, believe Sir Robert` can, but it hardly seems :fair to asic him. . `• Mrs. Philipson, /who shared 'with °Lady Astor the honour_ of being the first lady members • oe izhe British House of. Common's, has tined of bee job and is about toresign, eA news- paper dispatch says; "Hog raising. ' is her specialty." She evidently thought she'd rather sit in. parliament 'than raise hogs, but when she'd tried it a while she; changed her anincl. There's nothing like experience, • yy We have heard considerable from. •'time to time of; the Canadian Nation_ al Railways having to compete -with the wealthy rO.1 R., whose board can manage its affairs toheeit itself without interference or restriction from the Government. But just ;ce_ cently President Beatty of the C.P. It. told'.: his board that he must be •given a free hand if he was to make his road compete with ehe as the 'Government was rbetand it and gave it whatever it asked ,for. tad that's that. • Here's our old friend, Faced C. El- ford, Dominion Poultry Husbandman, over in' Spain lunohing with ' kings and, queens and off -handedly making presents of, prize chickens to royalty. People who stick to the old-fashioned notion that chicken -raising is et "wo: man's job" will have to revise it. It • seems to be a job that if you do it • well may take you far and one which a men has no need to be ashamed of. leer.' Elford has also brought about the arrangement: that the next W'orld's Poultry Congress; in 1927, will be held in Ottawa, Thisis help- ing, to "put: Canada on the map," to use a somewhat hackneyed phrase. Goderich District Women's Missionary Society The thirty-second annual conven- tion of the Goderich District Women's Missionary Society, held in the Me- thodist church, Seaforth, on the af_ terneon and evening of Wednesddy, May 14th; was most, stuecessful, there -++ 'being one hundred and eighty-six del- egates in attendance, One of the smaller societies, Constance, sent the largest number of delegates. , The afternoon session, which open- ed at 1:30 'pane' began with a hymn and invocation, followed by a Strip tune lesson and devotional exeroises by; 42iss Bessie Porter; of Londesboro. The minutes of the previous ,meeting' were read by thee.Seeretary- easur- er, Mrs, H. Fowler, of Clinton.`Mrs, W. J. .Andrew of Auburn, District Superintendent, took charge of the 'business discussion, An invitation t 0 "hold the meeting, in Holnresville was accepted. Prayers- were offered by Mrs, McKinley and ' Mrs. 'Campbell, The Secretaries of the'various Auxi1: iaries, Circles and: Mission Bands. ?read: very interesting a;eports of the work accom�'li ` p •shod by their own so- ei.ties during' the past y,gar, Mrs, Corless and Mrs. Fitzsimons sang 'a pleasing vocal duet, .after which Mrs. •Ibloorhouse of , Clinton, gave spine • 'helpful suggesstions ' on "How to Malce Our Meeting Interesting." Wo need more workers,-shesaid, but most of all a larger attendance tb make •.our meetings interesting Our Sa- viour gave His life for us; is it too much to ask that we give twelve -hours •a year to this work? The meetings should rbe opened and closed on time. A c'bntest'is it ;splendid • thing, giving the name of our leis- •sionaiies, etc. -Sometimes we arc` troubled by a disease called' "Rids," caused by improper diet, same pray- ers, seem songs, same women on the programme: ; We should have new' epicey programmes. • In the absence of Mrs. Peters, of• Dungannon, Mrs. Andrew read a pa- per prepared by, her on "How to Der 'terest Girls in ,the Circles"•in which she emphasized. the advisability of getting some point of contact rind `finding some special work for each to Miss F. Mooney, of Goderich,` in 8 eheet address , on ' How to Interest the Boys and Girls in the lassion 1;aixi rioted the. importance of hex- -jug a leader, who is vitally interest- sedin missions and is able to get a sympathetic insight into the, life of he • hi t children. . Mrs. S. Sher}vood; of Coewe,:told how their Auxiliary works its strangers' secretary. Miss Rae Ancleew, . daughter of 'the District Superintendent, gave an ,informing address on "Our Work in the' Fred Victor Mission" in Toronto, where: she is in charge of one of the ,departments, 'after which a quartette by the Constance ladies was much en_ •joyed. Miss 2.° Courtipe, who is at present on furloug-h'from' Japaon, ayas the, principal speaker. , She dealt patti- cu' i;ly. with the work among the chil- dret}`in Japan, . -In almost every sta- tion rthere- are 'from tation:there-are'front two' to Tour kin- dergek,tens. There are 190, groups , wbq;,are.learniitg, the story of Jesus, 'Inc 's .wa .the . . � c u :'8 0 vl.. .' to 4 brl reni'whs"'f n oeh"'"' earts't7n "" � . es an p ant - , n=•ilciy�li@, z ssiv "school'Y 1 m1C h n advace, n e£ th•t x Geernn s A Uh n e i v � ent scliaols an d a cQT� uent ly is, , nue h n demand. , TIS0egeat whichthe 200 old r Snl•; re inattendance' nee is rowiitat such a rate that h ro t is almost a .trou- ble. There are 618 'pupils in the high', schools. 111185 rCourtice also spoke on the 'Evangelistic work in which he has been engaged for the past six years; The election ‘of oflieersr resu the present stair ben g=eapnoia follows District Supexinte.rden V . J. Andrew, auburn Ass Superintendent,? Mrs, Al B Myth; Secretary Treasuiei, M Fowler Clinton. The afternoon session closed a quiet half ,hour presided ov .Miss Holmes, of liolmcsville. 200 delegates 'partook el a del repast .provided by the ladles o .Methodist church. During tb hour• the pastor's wife, Mrs. R. ton Irwin in a few well chosen extended a warns welcome to eel egates to which 'Mrs: Iiedley Goderich, made a graceful reply Dhe :evening session conttnem, 7 pan., Rev. R. 'Fulton .Irwin pied the chair. , The de'vo'tion excises were ceondueted • :by Mis Thompson, of Donnybrook, and W. Walden, of Hohnesville, eng in prayer, Rev. Mr, Irwin in a remarks, \referred to the Won Missionaoy'Society as being the economically or t ally administered inti in the world, He made)appreci mention of'a lady connected with District •Society who had. not onl yen three sons in the Great War had also Memorialized 'their 1if making three ladies,life membe the work which they would have petrated had' they been permute -live. The choir'gave a well ren ed ,anthem after which the Di Superintendent, M'rs. • Andrew, a . very encouraging and" opti report of a successful -year. -There are 18 auxiliaries wi membership of 570, and 233 -life tit bees,a decrease of 1; and also 34 life members, with an'inerease 'o The auxiliary contributions Amon to $3,322.70, -an increase of $221 The banner auxiliaries are Go with 0' membership -of 15 and an ferie; of $106.19, ,being an aver per' capita of •$7:07 per member. S forth -membership .. 52, contiibu $352.09; .$6.77 per member and'. tario -street church, Clinton, :ha 'a membership of 124, an offering $5,25 'a' d an average per •Capita $5,71. Wesley church auxili Clinton sent the largest contributi $70.00, to"the,.rebuilding' of'the ,iA bu school, Japan.. If this • flint could hyo .been included, in ;the port this anxtliary would also h received honorable mention. The 1 of the Constance circler which been disbanded, is offset by ,:the - ganization of a- new circle. at D Bannon, There are now.£our sire with a membership of 137, contsib ing $351.70, and three Bands with -1 and an offering of ,$108. The total amounitraised lay the Go rich District of the Women's Missie dry Society was $3,863.21,: an inerea of $165.57. ,In addition.alinost ev auxiliary int a'; bale of ',clothing:, The following resolution, Moved Maes. R. Ie`: Irwin, Seconded' by M A. B. Carr, was passed .unaniniou ly: `That the members of the God rich Distritet of the Women's Missio ary Society, convened in the Seafont Methodist church, take this oppo tunity of vaicing a protest again any change being anade in 'the 0 terio, Tenzpecance Act that would. the smallest degree (bring, a ,bout°' relaxation -of the law as it now Stan in ,the statute books: We feel th every fair-minded, person will ad that the said law has done and is n doing` untold , good, both. material. and morally.",, A Mis and prem Iced in ted as t, Mrs Istant, Carr, -se II, eelth` er by About icious f the e 'tea Ful- worcls e del- , of ed at 5ceu- aI `ex - 5 111. .Rev. aged few non's most tution ative h: the- y but_ e by rs in per- d- t0 der - trice read mistic wit a ern - new f 1;' nted 27. Shen, 06 - age ea- ting On- ingv of ,ofc arY, on; ze- unt re- ave eat has me. un - les biut- 102 77. de- r. - Se e%'•,y by Me 5- 5- n• h i•• st n - the ds• at mit no quartette 'by Mis W. G. Willi s Beth Willis, Dr. le. .3. Burro Mr. W D. Bright was much ap ated. Miss S, Courtice, who .has -a very pleasing personality, resumed her 110,in- sMringtalkon Japan 0± the evening meeting. She said She was very proud to represent. the Women's Mis. sionarec Society to the people ofJa- pan and also to convey thegreetinge. of hundreds of young peoplethere to us. The' problems confronting the Japanese people and Government are much greater than they have been 00aecoun clients tof l ate pending for a `Christian message • to be give n in the;-goveen- Brent schools ond'e a' week, but Japan is far from being a Christian nation. There are not more than. 225,000 Christians in a landof -seventy. mil- lion. " Many of them realize religion with their .beadsbut not with then' hearts, ' There are however, many enoouraging' by-products of Chris- tianity. Anxious to emulate' the wes- tern nations the nation ,has taken hold of the social service idea and the save the ehildt•en work, The ed ftdationl depaetnnents"are quite de- motalized"'at present" oneacceunt` oS' the earthquake. Japan, is a land of contradictions, changing from old Ja pan to new Japan. They, haven't man suffrage yet, but' a meeting ,was held recently in a theatre, which was filled to overfiowing,,to advocate neer veinal suffrage, :which shows they'' are striving after" things they have seen in foreign lands if they have not actually tasted then?,'. The leaven of Cliyistiani•eyis at wort[ in so many ,ways that; ono cannot tabulate' tabniate'.tli Lipari is fast becoming an idistrial nation. ' Thirty years ago there were 30,000 people employed in factories now there al'e 21 million, hilt toe muoh child labor is employed and conditions regarding' sanitation and mor;dTs are not what they shonld be. ,Fathers will sell ;their girls "to pay their deets'os' educate a brother, :the prices ranging• up to $400. -There is more romance than reality, she said about the .beauty of the Geisha girls anti the flower festivals, ` There is so,, much squalor and drunkenness at the annual 'festival that i women are afraid d to go out to see the cherry ! blossoms. :Che teen insist e th ;sin P right to la r n t play.and drink and sinlr thein faittilies to the lowest depths. There is a, great, o'ieningi work ninon the- fat ox '" t r y k^ is r ••TtTiss'Courtice ad - nnri ited Cto g -,&ale Yn a'knoathenf=temple,' ere was no other adequate ne et odatian Ath t C •IOSe � this er 11. ntrpSt'interest- ing a lore t ss the ni' s ofMe .g . E: Ch n p urn's ,S oda :school clay •ave a "beautiful missionarypageant`ns6 enti-' Bed, `Oh Zionr 11ast ' e, Mrs. .. ti i D. Bright ansiMr eieriel 'Willis' proved capable accompanists. Nlarraages TAYLOR—LUCAS--.irz ) Clinton, on May 21st, by the Rev,"A. A. Ilohties Annie .Mar erecta, younger daugh- te of Mr. and Mrs A.' Lncas, to John'Stewart Taylor, elder son' of. Mr. and Mars. George Taylor; all of'. Clinton. •TAThe BALL--Io'I3uileJt, on May 16011, to, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Ball, a daugh- ter. Deaths STEVENS=In Stanley township, on M!ay 18th, Walter J. Stevens. ORR—In Stanley township, on May 15th, Sarah.Orr. ' 1!AYLOR At Goderich, on: May 20th, Lillian Mary; beloved wife of Di'. Alexander Taylor. Funeral private. Oct Thursday afternoon. Friends will kindly send no flowers, LAING--At Sac City,_fowe, on` may 20th, Elizabeth Jackson, ,wife of Mr.. W., B. Laing, aged 64 years. Private funeral from the .home of Mi. W. Jackson on' Satnrday,oMay 24th, at 2:30. Cansta ice The lecture and entertainment held in the church on Monday evening was fairly well' attended. Rev, Mr, Chys dale of Exeter was the Iecturer.. The program donsisted of a reading e by Mrs. W�y``tt, . of Harloek and solos by Miss Heiyitt of Harlohk,• and Misses Dunalda Adams and Helen Button. The lecture- was entitled, "Canada me Land W e Love." - We are very sorry to ,report that Mrs. Fowler of Fowler's corner, has hada stroke. We; hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Alex., McDonald and family of Seaforth spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Ernest Adapts. Mrs. David" Weir left on Tuesday , for het home- in Kinslow, Sask„ are - 'ter a. visit with, hen brothers, Edwin alto Wm. Britton, and other friends. Messrs. Andrew - Snell,.gowned Armstrong and ,Peter Lindsay ship- ped a ear load of cattle to Toronto. They accompanied then and returned on Monday. evening. 113rucetield. The. many friends of Mrs. Mellen- zie of this village •will be sorry to 1ear'n that she is now undergoing treatuieni in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. McKenzie has not been enjoy - leg the 'best` of health for some months but'it is lapped she will soot* begin to amend. Mrs. John' Smith of Wingham and Mrs. 3. "Morrison of Belgrave were week -end guests a the home of Mes. H. Berry. Mr, S. B. Kaiser antifamily, start ed on Wednesday morning on their long motor trip to California. They, expect to go to . Mrs. Kaiser's .bro- ther, Mr,' J. Payne near Kansas City, first. The family will lb much mis- sed in the community. Mr. Raiser., has been a resident of Brumfield. for fifty years. 'Their friends wish them success, • The meeting of the Brueefieid branch ofthe .Bible Society held here on Tuesday proved' interesting i i estn instructive. Mr. Smith: gave a fine address on his work in China and Japan, whore he spent some years,. The views on China were particular- ly fine. Mr. Smith says a' portion of the scriptures, t p ,rnhsowntongue, is givento every immigrant landing on our shores. The ordination and ,induction of the Rev. C. , G. Armour into the charge: here will take place on Tues- day next,' May 27th, at half past two, The Rev. J. Moore of Strathroe will preach here on Sunday. Mr. G. L. Brackenbury, principal of the Wingham High school, was suc- cessful last week in winning his M. A. degree from .Kingston- University,` R. I. Eggs For Hatching Rhode Island eggs, 50c. per settings of 15. Apply to, George Mann, R Ie. No. 4, Clinton, Phone 14 on 636. Seee. Statement Not Correct' Tt is rumored ,that I haere accused Thomas Beattie of burning over my grass. This is. not correct. Wnt. Addison. 55-1-p Ground Flax SeedForSale - We have a quantity of ground flax seed, $2 ,per bushel., Wm. McDon- ald, 'R. R. No, 2, Bayfield. Phone 15-603. "- 55-3 Notice of Closing Through the courtesy of the 'Dis- trict Superintendent of Mail Service , the- postoffiee at Hoimesviho will be closed each;`Wedneeday afternoon at 2:40, after the arrival of the 2:20 train going east. A. J. Courtice, 55-1 Auction Sale' Df eousehold effects on property 1 P ty of D, S. Chaff, William Street o i Sa t urday, May 31st, at 2 i.m, the fol- lowing: One oalc dining room suite; leather couch; :Edison, (Yi'ahogany) phonograph and records; library to hie, mission oak; two iron beds; and springs; kitchen table. ,and chains; three-burner Perfection oil stove with gaen; lcitchen coel, eange; odd tables, chairs, blinds,' electric fixtures; l 'pic- tures anicl small _ na 1 drticle..r too mime - obs De Mention, ° cash. Ds S. bluff, ixc.r, Tel to s Vro irietor ` f. 1 ll. Elliott,-X 'Auctioneer. 5 1 ["h a Minton News -Rev d_ your appetite. 1 lb, Sliced BdC011 31 bP n d o L o . 2 1b: Ginger eSnape , 1 lb BulkCocoa 2 Cans of Pers of Cor ti AT ABOUT ottie of one, Tiger,`Catsup, eclat 20e, 25c , 85c, Cakes 'Castile Soap ,. 2a .19c ,4 eer's Naptha Soap . 25e L Bars of Laundry t d Soap ap 48e. ,106 d Paclea ns e of. 'is rax a n no t-° .'•••250, ...3ec 3i• r or .. ,, P clot,,,,, l,earl,no .;; .. .....,,,,r.` OUR STORE IS YOUR STORE IIGIIEST PRICES • FOR PRODUCE JOHNSC N &A CtYS GROCERY Phone 111 PR PT SERVICE B13& iSTOR STORE FOR EVFRYBODg -- Tr a Loaf At Your Croeer:3 or de'livered S CHOCOLATES • A orted°:F aver Good Brea. p� d S Cak •s - Cookies F. e BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 FI.' :VEER 'Electrician . ElectrtR an es, Fixtures Bulbs, Fans and other Appliances ' ' . Wiring and Repairs. ;. g hone 15 i ementagemara We Pap Cash EGOS Our plant is now complete and we solicit your shipments ofeggs whether iarge or small. Come 'and see thein graded. POULTRY We buy live poultry twelve months of the year. 'It willay you to advise us' -what you have to sell, At`present, market old Hens "' old Roosters. Iate hatched and spur Chickens. CONDITIONS - • All our eggs are bought on Government grades and all poultry according to site and quality. We "are, here to serve you. Guinn L ii lois .Co., Limited READ OFFICE. MONTREAL, QUEBEC N. itifr- Trewartha, Manager Cliiirat®ra Branch Day Phone100 Night Phone 214 W easetto NEW GRE Having taken over the greenhouse of the late Thos. Cottle we are now in a leosition to supply' a full line of either Vegetable or Flower Plants. Tomato—Bonnie, hest,. Chalks Early Jewel, Stone (Hain Crop), also a few large plants in single pots, Cabbage --Early. Winningatadt, Copenhagen Market. Cauliflower—Early Snowball. Geraniums—For; bedding or potting. Sslvia'-•In pots ,for transplgnting, Pansies—Field grown, .2 year plants. Asters—Aster Mums, Queen of the Market, .Hearts ofr France, Giant Ostrich, Victoria mixed. SEED CORN White Cap Improved ail., No. 1 Government • Rape. - varieties also Garden _ ...., n..„Y,_. me.,oe-el LeanWisconsin No. 7, Bayley, Golden Glow, g, Conrptoes Early. Our stock is Standard and of a choice duality, iAdso Millet, Sorghum and Evert Essex Mangers and Turnips in' practically ;all Seeds. BULBS Gladiolus' bulbs just in from Holland. Come early and get your choice, , , All named varieties. BABY CHICK SUPPLIES -Blahf tc o r ds C]ie k Mash ' G hiak Scratch.t cl Feed, C htc k' Grit,. Pin- head batOatmeal, Rolled.0ats, FeedFopporsand Water Founts. W TT O43ioe Phone 199 Night 141 and, 129 .MEETING OF' HURON COUNTY COUNCIL"- The OUNCIL`Trine Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'- clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the Sed clay of June 1924. All ac_ counts. against the County'Ynust be in the hands of the Clerk not pater, than Monday preceding the meeting, of Council. GEO. W. HCIMA%T County Clerk. Goderich May 1Sth,:1924.-" Eggs for Batching From Single Comb White Leghorn 0•A• C. stook, bred -to -lay. 50c. per setting of 1e eggs or $3.00 per 100. Esther Trewartha, CIinton, Phone 214-w. 55-2, For Sale: House .and lot' on East' street. Terms easy. Apply to James Livermore, Clinton; or Re B. Sheppard, 80 Wilson_ Ave., Bonndon, Ontario. 54_2-P% Wanted to Rent Small: house or cottage from Jul 1st. Rent to be reasonable, might consider one furnished, or partly Our- nished. Write Drawer B, Clinton. 54.2-p. Auto Car• For Sale I it In ,fa condition rod- engine, , g oeight outside tires. For $100, applyA, Cantelon, G2 -ti. For -Sale'. ° New' ltI sse �= a y I3nrris steel roller; ,9 ft.; hlassey=Ileeris' 11 -hoe •'fertilizer drill, nearly, ,/yew., A Pply to 4A.� Rp bertson;`Varna, '' 51-tf .louse For Sale "b -room house on,Frederick street good garden and outbuildings; in good condition. ' Mrs. H, H. McCool, G,ode,ich, or W. Brydone, Clinton. 45-02. Court of Revision Fd r the Township of Stanley' Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held in the Township' hall, Varna, on *1Aonday, the 26th day of May, 1924, at the hour. .of 10::30o'clock in the fete noon, fen the purefose -of hearing and determining ;.complaints against the Assessment Roll of: the said. Town- ship for 1924. Persons having business with the said Court will please attend, at the: said time • and place without further notice. - —3. E. 1-Iarnwell, Tow -A -ship' Clerk, Varna. Varna, May 14th, 0924. 54-2. Court of Revcsiou For the. Villa e of Ba fi 1 g y o d:,; Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will 1,0 held:in the town hall, Bayfield, on .Monday, May 26th, at 8 o'clock in the evening for the. purpose of hearing and 'determining' complaints:against-the" Asseesmens Boil of the said. ;village " for 1924. Persons having business at the a,s id Court will' please' attend at the said time e ,and place, 'wibhcut further no-. tire, li Erwin, Clerk. Bay- . field, May 14th, 1924. 1 l IPn111III II11, I , I Supertest Podt Cannot be Eiceiled Supertest Gasoline Supertest Coal Oil Polariue Motor ail Try Them alad"•ie 32c gal 30c gal $1.00 Convinced ,7.1. No more smoky chimneys and every particle of oil burns' out of lamps and avoids burning wicks GENERAL HARDWARE TELEPHONE 53. Elsunanunuansummagimigs PLUMBING AND HEATING • CHI-NAMEL STORE 110111.11$4110119114/1111111101 Notice to Egg Producers The Egg Pool is in operation. Pro- duction es large and quality is at its best. April; and May eggs are the very finest to put in cold storage to be sold at; the top: 'of the market in the fall. Support your own . 'organization. TRUCK CALLS MONDAY AND THURSDAY of each week at E. L. MITTEL'S STORE. For information regarding Egg Pool, apply to Frank Powell or E. L.Mittel' Baby Chicks for Sale From free range bred -to -lay single comb White Leghorn and Barred Rocks. Leghorns $15.00: per hundred Barred Rocks $20.00 per hundred. Our breeding stock are all from heavy laying strains. - E. J. TreWartha INGLENOOK POULTRY YARDS PhoneHOLMHSVILLE 22-611. 50-tf. DR. McGINNES, Chiropractor of Wingham will be at the Rattan - bury House, Clinton, on Monday andThursday forenoons, from 9 to 12 each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully Handled. 55.1. Rouse For'Sale Comfortable frame house on North street, half 'acre of ground. All kinds of fruit.. Small stable, town water in house. Robert P. Fisher, 87-tf. House Por Sale Cottage on Huron street, roomy and in good repair, 31. icre of garden: Small barn on place, Possession at once. Also a. buggy and cutting .box, Happy. Thought range and a sliding; bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 39 tf. TITE PURE BRED'CLYDESDALE STALLION GENERAL MILLER NO. 21163 Will stand for the season 1924,at. the following places commencing,. Monday, May 19th. MONDAY—Will lease his own stable, lot 18, •eoncession 3, ffullett at noon, go west 2 miles to base line then. north to Londesboro hotel stalbld' for night. . • TUESDAY —South on Gravel road 2% miles them. east We • miles and southtp his own stable for noon.- WEDNESDAY --Leave homenoon and go by ,way of Clinton west on Bay- field road to 9th concession of Gode- rich township then :meth to George Proctor's for night. THURSDAY—East via Ixolmesvlle and Huron Road to his own stable for noon. FRIDAYLeave home noon go east to.Livingston's" school house then south 2?4 miles and west to Ilan- ley's corner London Road and north '.tome for night., SATURDAY-Atraha G m house Clin- ton from .9 am. to 5 p:nz. TERMS To insure in foal 112,payable when snare is known to be in foal. Mares not returned regularly to the horse will be charged full insurance price whether in foal or not. Parties dis posing of mares; before foaling time' will bo charged full insurance. All accidents at risk of owners of ?nares., Breeclei's cannot go "wrong, in pa- tronizing this horse' as heis; an A. 1. individual, has the very best of breed - ling, both -Sire and Dam imported. This mese, while only in work horse condi- tion weighs a ton now, The duly 'difference from a financial standpoint in breeding: to tide horse .ie this you raise the hig,clean gelding that bii from $275 g g ngf 7 to $300 , in any -kind of bines., Breed to the email horse and you get something you, have to look for ab buyer t a, r Y around n 76; , d$ ED:, JOHNSTON, _P to 'ot rn or Pho. ne 3.0 G3G ' n R. R. 0 , .4'"Chiffon. N �.r. ,.x, a .:rrfill4. COAD We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut. and Soft. • Also some good dry' slabs. Leave ,orders at residence, E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. Singer Sewing Machines. Family, Electric and D. l...:Styles. Also some second-hand machines, good as new. Old machines taken as part •payment. Easy terms. It will pay you to look these over before ',beefing elsewhere. Repairing and parts for all makes of maohines. Earl Steep, Jan. 1, 1924 Clothes Cleaned' and Pressed • Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned., Rooms'over Heard's • barber shop. W. J. Jago. '--83-tfi' AUCTION1ueER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na.+ tional School of Auctioneering, Chi eago. Special course taken in Pure Bred, Live Stook,' Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat. isfaetion • assured., Write or dire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 93. •88-tf-1923 C *A NUT. STOVE & . EGG ` ALWAYS ON RAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER Orders taken .at residence: Phone 1111 SEED CORN: Well germinated Seed Corn` hard to 'buy this year, look at grading on before buying and buy nothing but No. 1 Govt. Standard. We have-er' a very complete stock and our price - is low for this year. SALT Have just received a carload of salt. Special prices on large gnarl- titles. • .:OOF°INC We carry a complete lone of Tor-, onto Aspfialt Roofing, before buying You wiIl find it to advantage your dvant ge to see our line and compare it with others. Remember there is as much difference ie roofing as there 18 in cedar shingles. We believed we have the best andean prove it to you. Ti moth Y, Al falfa , 1I ed • i over 'Alsite> Blue �rass Orchard Grass, and Sweet Clover always in stock. -Traits and Blatchfords Buttermilk Marsh; Royal Purple and Pioneer Chick Foods. Garden Seeds in hulk,. Mangels and Turnips. Our stock is complete and twenty years exper- lence always at your, service. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 ) Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers E ius lea Chick Farm , and Hatchery ' abu Chicks S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Ply- mouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode Island Reds S. C. Mottled Anconas, • Agent for Wishbone Valveless Brooder and . Medel coal burning Brooders. ELM ITTELL9 Clinton Phone: Office 236r2. Residence 213r3. CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter is ' fid. creasing, To supply thie demand we r equia more cream. We request you to ship us youri creams: We .guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, )accurte testa land prompt. service., Our firm is known to you end need no further recommend. We pay all express .charges, furn- ish cream cans sand. a Bwice id .month. pity �`'c Write to. for Wm oaN fort& cr Inform*. 'ton to the . RE SEAPORT/II csitaixisaT : .