HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-22, Page 2ItT eTiG nT bleTAGGARI BlIOS BANKERS BtIrdang But lime trareneta tad. Notea Discounted, Drafts fueled: Interest 'Allowed on Deposits. Bale Potes Purchaama H. T. ItA.NCE Notary Public, Conveyancer,. ritiancial, Real Estate and Fire In. sturance Agent. Representing 14 Flfe &nuance' eonapaniee. Division Court Office, Olinton. . W. ellYDONE Garrister, Solicitor, Netary et°, SLOAN BLOCK - CLINTON • J. C. CANDIER MCA Liaara I-1.30 to 3:30 P.m., 7.80 'jai 9.00 pre, Sundaye, 12.80 to 1.110 p.M. Other /mitre by appointment only. Office end Residence 'Victoria St. DR. WOODS Is resuming practise at'bia• rep idenees 10111ce liburs:---4 to /0 am, and 1 to 2 rtni• Sun{faYe, a'to 2 mins tor con. . Imitation. ' DR. H. S. BRowN, Lnc.c. Mice Iloure 1.30 to BM p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 ram. • Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 pme Other hours by appointment• . Plumes Office, 21.8W , liesidence, 2183 DR. PERCIVAL HEARK, OfEcoaeard; Residence: Huron Gtreet °Ulf, ; Phone 69 .- „.(Forrnerly occupied by -the late. Dr. 0. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.. Boys and QfrIs BUDYARD, , kIPI,DN'C-_SCOUT- 11 ovsr -MASTER.' It w because of his ipteitest in the, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of England and the Boy' and. Girl Scouta of -America that Scout' Master Oud- yard Kipling recently made hao 0 book the stories ef tenacious purpose, endurance, and high -hearted courage, printed, many of them for the firbt time in "Land and Sea Tales." • In the preface he gives his young friends this yard stick for' measuring success: Now, though your Body be mis- shapen, blind, Lame, feverish, lacking substance, power or skill Certaia it is that, men can school the Mind To school the sickliest Body to lier As many have done, -whose glory blazes still ke mighty fires in meanest lanterns lit: . Wherefore, we pray the crippled, weak and ill - Be fit -be fit! In mind at first be fit! 1)r. A. Newton Brady Bayfield Graduate Dublin University, Ireland. Late Extern Assistant Master, Ro- 'kande Hospital for Women and Chil- dren, Dublin. • • Office at residence lately occupied by Miss Parsons. • Hours 0 to 10 a.m., 6 to '7 'P.1,34L " Sundays 1 to 2 p.m. DR.'A. M. HEIST osteopathic _physician Licentiate -Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Acute „ and. chronic diseases treated. Spinal adhistments given to remove the cause •,00 dio4Oe. At* the Graham House, Clinton,- every -Tuesday forenoon. • G. S. ATKINSON D.1),S„ Graduate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons and Torento Univeraiti • DENTAL SURGEON Ulla' °face hours at Bayfield in old Post (Mace Building; Monday, Wed- nesday; Friday and Saturday from 1 to 5.36 pan. 1 and Yrben us „ tangle al ter -.several riais, e threw down his pencil in ,diegust and wont out to plaY hull. , "That old thing is too bard anYWaY,' he told himself. "1 will Ifirve Sis shoW me how to, de it to -night. always 1,11115 a 'won- der at workin examples." • Sis obligingly 'did as requested, and Fred handed in the solved problem as .Tohn didn't find' the problem easy either, -but he was not,in she habit of letting things get the best of him if he could possibly help -it. After sev- eral failures,' he, too, WADI OtIt to Play ball. The problem was never quite out of his mind, and after supper he tried it again, and again he had What he was sure wee the correct, solution because he could now see it all so clearly. "Well," he said with great satisfaction, "that was a tough one, but I got it just the same." And he might have added with truth,,"I got it. It cfidn't get me." ' So it went on, Fred slipping • and sliding over all difficulties in any way that was the eaSiest and the least ex- ertion for himself, while John met and overcame each new obstacle more easily because he had conquered the last. • Fred never seemed to realize that hard work is the mother of pod luck, and that no one who -neglects thelittle details of the work he has to do can go on to bigger work -and expect to do it any beater. - Many times some difficulty. which John had overcome, or some knowl- edge which he had gained in a small undertaking, reached over and helped hitt out in more important work with- out his realizing it. It is work that counts even more than genius end as John was always at it, he went steadily ahead while Fred was slowly slipping backward. Years later, Fred with run-down, heels, shabby 'Clothes, and a general feeling of injury and disgust at the Way the world had treated him, stood on the sidewalk and waMited John, his former schoohnate, radinting suc- cess and. prosperity, ride along in an automobile of expensive make. --"Well;" Fred eould have been heard to exclaim enviously, "what do you think of that? Some people have all the luck." -May Dittmar. And, though your Sfdrit-seem uncouth or small, Stubboin as clay or shifting as the sand, Strengthen the Body, and the Body • shall Strengthen the Spirit till she take command; As a bold rider bring's hie horse in hand At the tall fence, with voice and heel arid bit,' And leaps ,while all the field are at a stand. Be fit -be fit! In body next be fit! Nothing on earth -no arts, no gifts, nor graces- Nosfame, no wealth --outweighs the • want of it. . This is the Law whjch every law em- braces- • Be fit -he fit! In mind and body be fit! DR W R NIMMO • ' CHIROPRACTOFt CLINTON-. , Tuesday, Thursday and- Saturday 1Q to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m • SEAFORTH- Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday. 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m., '7; to 9 p.m. Phone 68 - Clinton, Ont. CHARLES 8- HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commis- • alone,, ate. RMA.I., ESTATE AND INSURANCE U RON, ST RkET.' - • CLINTON M. T. CORLESS CLINTON, ONT. District Agent' The Ontario and Equitable Life and Accident Inautance Co. LUCK AND PLUCK. John and Fred each had the same problem to solve before the algebra class e After pwn look ;lb& MeaOfyteavel eome tin/ ,yeaes < a Wu's' sontewinit''di:iersobi'to What „ft is le -day.: The;sphed .this febt-powerje-Chiele IS fOniMiles 'per hour but free.frorit engine troeble no I aow-ente, and it'inathi no difference whether, they passed, on the.right or the left. WhEtt.46 "Beyer 205?" What is" "Bayer 206?" -Therm years ago sleeping sielcnees was •the scourge ef the Tropics, and no specific was known for it, • The credit of the discovery of what is call- ed -"Bayer 205" belongs. to a German chemical firm of Bayer, and hi the lat- ter part of 1901 the ..British Govern - meat gave two pernath ecientists Per- missidn to make extensive experi- ments on patiersts eeffering froth this terrible Sickness in. Northeni Rho- desia. ; • . The result has proved that the new teniedy greatly surpasses any other in effectiveness, and while it Is too early to say that it is a permanent amd in- variable cure, it is not saying too mUch to declaissi that it represents e great advance in that direction, Nearly two hundred natives have come under observation and experi- merit, and the results have been re- markable. One British officer was in the last stages of , the disease, anti must have succumbed to it had he not been treated with' 'Baer 205" at the Hamburg Institute for Tropical Dis- oaths, Not only was he cured, but at Ike present tints 1m la in normal health. ^ • Crecodiles in Zoos. • West WaWaHogh MUttIel Fire IngUrettge Co. • Established 1878 President, Sohn A. McKenzie, Kincar- • dine; Vice -President, H. L. Saikeld, Goderich; Secretary, Thoe. G. Allen, Dungannon, Total amount trf insur- ance nearly $12,000,000. In ten years number of policies; have increased ; from 2,700 to 4,500. • Flat rate of $2 per 81080. Cash on. hand 621,000, H. L. Salkeld • Goderich, iant. J. Turner, Clinton, Local Agent • GEORGE ELLIOTT' • Licensed ;pestilence', „for the County • of Huron.' • 'Correspondence promptly anivrered, Immediate arrangemeate can be' made tor Sales -Date at The NewfoRecord. Clintomdi by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R. 'HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. • General Fire and Life Insurance. Agent, • for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, A.utomobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erre and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to Meet parties at Brucefield, 'Varna and Banfield: 'Phone 57. Young crocodiles of different. sizes have to have seperate nerserles in zoos, otherwise the smaller ones are often- attacked and bullied by their larger. relatives: -ff Simply Killing. 1Viistress-"So you are taken • with tiro buteher,"alary?" Maida -"Indeed X ain, ma'am -he's ,sinsply - Watch the Oil Tank. If for any reason the oil -supply tank on a inotor-car engine has been allow- ed to ,become dry, after aefining, it is a Wise precaution to make sure the pump ie working properly. Other- wise, an air lock rimy form at SOMe pont in the oiteupply line, preventing the pump from functioning -as it should,' and burned -out bearings or sowed cylinders may retaalt. " The 1403011 the _ Kinghaherg Talight By Henri Marnler Translated by Williena L. McPherson Fou ICho was's. mandarin who •hatl absorbed academic' wisdoin • from a Study of the anCient:inasters. But never having lived among men and having come in confect only with the- thanghts • Of philosophers, • who had &wished , generatiene' ego, ,he olo'sed in dealing with' the difficultiee of daily existence air altogether naive and childish intelligence. He had been for many yearfl librarian to the Viceroy in Canton. At Sixty- he re- tired to his native. village oil the banks of the Blue • I • to it.' But I fear that`you may waste it and,that you will then no longer be able to stipport go. We are too old now, my wife and I, to earn our own The young mea protested and swore that they', would always Support the aged couple, But all iu vain. • Full of gratitude to the Diyine Maa. ter,' who by the example of the birds had taught him ao wisp a lesson; the bld scholar had a tablet of lacquer made and huag it- In the miniature 'pa- goda at the foot of the mango tree. He inscribed' on' it, in gold letters, these worde:' •• "In oupporting children ilie love of pacents 15 AS bound 16es as the sea. In supPorting .parent.s the piety of children ,does not last a day Walking on Fire. The rite of fire:vsalitiag, known among the natives of Tahiti as nmuti, oSupplks a' Since tho greatest' resource of any nation. ,is the efficiency and initiative of ite people, lhe nationalhealth upon which these, qualitiesaro hatied Is of the utmost inmertance. In, safeguard lug the:physieal well-being of the nee pIe , of Canada, %the.partnient',o Health operates in Many different di recti n One of the im )ort.nt 0 most/ a lines of its activities 10 an Mepectien Esi.uotehspealittet(s)sotaateoiso,7p,y1: atartt.110e..%1,e8 oif .f.00d ,111 srePT:71.1- , tise.if,'eegjeoradne awbiumnieclasennei:noefstsa.e hAelstiti,o;olgolal • 1.11-yirKuritghellAtneees-L.Elroug" produced in Canada it is necessary, in Tithe weite.fer ne0501, anti, le Is order that the Oonsumbie may be as- thet regulatory measures be enforced, ways wnich nien hsve marked the , YeyY in.,teieStIng to StadY the different sured of the quality of thee products, es, drew a line about 'it, representing the fleeting mInnen'ts. 'Primitive peoples fixed a pole or stick le the ground and Thio work le diVided into three class - (1) Inspection of foods which may course of the shadow it cast from sun - become dangerous to public health if rise to sunset, , contaminated,. •, In other parts of' lad vveria in the (2)' Analysis of ,food- auspected of same stage of development, people 'wilful adulteration. used a kind 60 hemp or grass feee (31 Prote,etion of um consumer from which they demeaned And knotted in fraud by mitibramling and misleading regular spaces. When this was light-. ed, the slowly and regularly ereepieg sparkteld Of- the flight of time. Alfred the Great had wax candles, twelve Weller high:marked in notelm$ to tell of the foitr henrs' • that ee,eh candle burned. SoMe of the 1VIalitys to -day use ascrude, apparatus whirr'', has probably.been in vogue for almost 5,000 years. It is called the water - clock and Is simply„ a small, dIati or round bowl with a 'sena hole in the. bottom 'Whom this is placed in a tub of water, it gradually beeomerr full and sinks. It always takes the. eame lengthof time for this to occur. 'The. ;ancient Egyptiane knew the . water - clock and the British Museum porisess- ee ono inscribed. 'with . the, mime of Alexander the Great. ; The great sun -dial of Alias, mens, tithed in the Bible, must have beea used air early as 719 B.C. No one knows how -cid' the sand-glasfr is, It probably originated in one of the des- ert countries -Egypt, or Babylonia. " A Week of Sundayss. legislation more complete. The ad- Most people know that the original rahrietratiOn of the Act was placed un- Sabbath Day of 'the Fifth Command - der the Federal Department of Health meat corresponds to Our Saturday, and forms one of the Important tune- the seventh day of the week. The tions of that betty. I•earlY Obriatiens, however, Made the In the, organization of its ferces the following day the sacred day of the Department of X-lealth bas divided the week; calling it the Lord's Day, be - Dominion into twenty-six districts cause it was ot:the Morning after Use with a :stet( oO; 'as may inspectors. jewish Sabbath. that'Christ rose from The main laboratories are at. Ottatia, the dead. ; • - while branch laboratorieS are main.; It -is 'a Curious fact . that there le thined at lialifex, Montreel, Winnipeg quith an important "Sunday," so to and Vaheouver.' There are sealer in- speak, for every day of the week. in specters ,et the five cities above named addition to the two,mentioned ;already and at Toronto; and food and drug in- 1Vionday is the Greek Sabbath, Tees- speetors at Sydney,- St, John, Quebec day' the Persians Wednesday the As - City, Sat. liyireinthe, Terouto, Hairillo; avian, Thitriale,Y the Egyptian, and ton, Guelph, London, Shdltury, Fort Friday the Turkish. coLl. A wo p4 ia'flt gia'16°S.titii thrc„„ A dav works bard and sleeps well. 3. grateful woman writee: " eaeneetly recommead all women wh wish to be made neW, on who' tT) 'troubled with that tired feeling, to •take Hood's Sarsaparilla. it wonderfully relieved me oi Split etemmeh; :distress and belcbinpg." • Get.1.-lood'a,,qud only Hood es Ilaa , Heaven having failed to bless hie &Scribed and explained in a -pampli- union, F011 Kil0 had Se heirs only let issued by the Amerthan Museum three nephews, who awaited 'with eyni-- of Natural History. ' cal impatience the moment When they The ceremony is performed by a ehould enjoy, tho property which lie priest for the purpOse-of insuring good had amaseed. • He had sought vainly crepe, and coasiStaof ;walking 'several by example and precept to teach them times with nait'ed feet over bed of indifference to perishable possessiens stones which have been heated • until and the oultheatien 'of -Virtue. He had. red by a fire froni beneath. A ehallew, told them all.tho old legends in whiah pit, two feet deep, is dng. Wood is the'immemorial wisdom 'or tho rice placed in thabottopa of the pit atid on •Was embodied. But nothing interested it are arranged about two hundred them except pleasure-thesmiles of round stones in ttv.ii Or three leyerit, women, garnhling and wine. Wood is lighted and burned about One aping day Fou Kho WAS seated four hours beneath the stones, until in his garden, followirg with his*eyes- they are ' ' tlre hitainous • arabesques ' designed natiyes appear_ bearing poles above"the majestid, river by the flight nearly fittems feet, length. Thee of a Connie- of kingfighers. • Suddenly are ''used to thrist aside the., top layer the old scholar heard ,the _sand -Of the of stons. • The performers, at times walk. crackle behind him. turned thrust the poles through AO' the fire, his head and saw Lis thre'e nephews where they burst hate flame, convey- ing the idea that the heat ot the stories removed ciaused the fire, • The prieet appears bearlag a large spray of ti leaves In. his hands. He, passes about the fire; tittering a sort of incantation tor protection; then, heating the nearest Stones three times ,with the ti levee, proceeds with due dignity, but, it must be admitted, rath- er hurriedly, Over the eentre of the pile, As he walks he hi followed by those disciples who have courage to make the attempt under his directions-. The spectitele ot tlie fire -walker Is a very interesting one, leasulueli as an apparent impossibility Is nerformed with each evident lack ot injury. A close examination, however, show- ed that the stones used- were basalt, of volcanic origin, the moat noticeable feature of which is Ith nen-conducti- bility. It was forted that a stonecoulcl be heated rod -hot at the end while the other end remained comparatively cool. However, this feature does not appear to trouble the nativeawho re- gards the ceremony with the greatest reverence. MOtheT. There must be trillium now within wood And star Rowers too; The small white violets by the pond's deep rim Are Pearled with dew. And ferns unroll -their feathery fronds kingfishers peeping in the tree,s on again the river bank and .saw th.e parents From sphagnum bed, fly in haste to the hest, Their blue Ana rosy twin flowers in. 11r -wood hook Their splendors shed. I can go back Pup. find each sweet sar- Of slilrrriinse• gtime grace Jest. where last year and every' year Very .near the hone°, in the bamboo nf trees vrhich overhung the 13lue River, I knew eath wildwood place, a couple of. kingfishers had bitilt their . ' fragile home. In die warm' and omn- But these Soft handa fined with early forts.ble nest twe• fledglings, .rvitls. big .fiawers yellow beaks, turned their hes.des alma Wait irie no more, and clamored all day; long for food. Bark are her windows sand grass - The old men earbfully detached the grown her padre- . nest and placed it, the. two. young Grass by the long -closed floor. - birds -still Inc it, he a cage ef elerater bamboo sticks which he suspended 0 hands- beloved, fragrant with Warily amid the brarielticsi -deeds EyerY day, eett:tel 011 410' bench Through all life`s ways! where his nevi -tetra :bad come* to find Shall I not meet your pitying touch him, he Could evateh,'the parents who , again _ flew tip to Otto . or the cage and Some da' of days? b-r,c'etalgiii:ilts,f'?cttlitetooldhLialintiteh0o5u104.t, "love It is' a faith which life were poor with - their 'offspring. :Oven in captivity • oaunitia When the little birds bad grown and That I shall find them beckoning me they de not abandon Glom.' (Grace for dailv hours) Eternal'. Blowers. --Bertha' Marie Cleveland, in Yeuth's Companion. approaching with smiling faces., "Dear uncle," saidthe eldest, "after having greeted you with all proper re- spect, we wish to discuss a matter which concerns your welfare. 'We ot, tea reproach duraelves--my brothers and Is -for leaving you to care- for mit affairir alone when we'could light- en your labor. That woula be only a slight evidetrce 00 otte filial love and of orir gratitlide." . -- • "My nephews, I am deeply touched by your solicitude," the Mandarin ans. wered. "I do feel old and feeble. But I have sane- scruples about confiding to you the management of my affairs, which would be a heavy task for your inexperience." "My uncle," the yonirg man replied, .Iat hi bur duty ,not, to allow you to -wear yours,elt out Any longer, striae you have near you young and active nephews, whom the'sgods have given YOU in order that they -may serve you. Did not Confucius say that after Sixty the wise Man ought, to relinquish the empty cares of daily life and conse- crate himself, entfrOy tp lcuovviedge of truth? So, it yeti have confidence in us) turn -over your property to us and we will -manage it. We will M- . creasalt by our thonomy and indastry and we will aupport you -you and your wI,te-tsS it Is our titity to do." -Tho.old manreflected in silence. He said to himself that:. it 'wes -doubtlees right to do something •of the sort. At this Moment he heard some little Serving one's own passions is, the greatest slavery, Does It Pay to be Patient? 7 Dorothy Dix Points Out Cases Where Endurance is a Vice. Not long ago I made a leng journey. drove them along it when they failed On the train was a woman with a big, to go along it ot theli.•'own accord. strong child who fretted and cried and Whenever you heir is cbild talking whines1 until there wasn't another pas- iiiimulently to its parents, whenever sexism, who didn't feel like ;getting up, you see a girl flout lier,mother'e opini- ons, and a boy treat his father with contempt; whenever you see hulking, lazy; young people who let their par' 01115 "tell to support them, yeti behold the work of a patient moiler. ,,,11e0010 they were tirree months Old they, knew that patient mailer would walk them . , till che drelmed if they howled loud add apanking the youngster, All except the mother. She exhaust- ed herself trying to amuse the child. Sho•played games with it. She told it stories. Still the fretting, 'and the Whining ,' and the erying went on, yet ;never a cross word nor a black look did she give it. "Isn't the patience of -mothers the most wonderful thing In the world?" said -a man to me. It is," I replied, "and it is aleo. tho most idiotic thing in the world." ' The Mothers That Matter. ' The man looked surprised. "You hare been admiring that woman for- herpatience with' that bad child," I went on. "Hai it occurred tA) you that if she had beeo an impatient woman, With a, strong right hand, 41111e amid with one spankliave ateved herself and us from the annoyance thee has made this, journey a nightmare? Indeed, if she had been an impatient Mother she would not have had peblicly to correet the child, for she would have brofight It up to behave itself and consider the comforts and eights of other People," We are always lauding -patient mothers who make doermats of them- selves for their children, but these are not the mothers -who procluce flue sons' and daughters. The men and '794 nen who amount to something in,the "world have net had meek, patient mothers. They have had Mothers with grit who set aeertain ideals -Vetere them and !led their , offspring to llicon, They have not had Mothers who overlooked every fault, and condoi;e0 every weak- ness. They have had Irma -nets 'vitro would net tolerate any foolishness, mothers who pointed out the road of duty and righteousness to them and Thi-IVIcKiiop Mutual' Fire Insurance Coinpany Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. • D1RECTO.RY: Presidont, Janice Connolly, Goderich; Vico, James Evans, Beechwood; Seca Treasurer, Thos. hl. Hays, Seafortla Direr -gore': George McCartney, Sea. forth; 1). P. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Welton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; W. Metinen, Clinton; Robert: Ferries, lIarlock; John Benneweir,'Srodhagen; sise, Connolly, Goderleh. _Agents: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; 3, W. Yeo, Goderich; Ed, I-Iinehray, Sea forth; W. Chesney, Egniondvillo; R. 0. jarrauth, Brodhagen. Any money to be, paid in may- he paid te MooriSk Clothing Oa, Clinton, or at Cat's GreeerY, Coderich, Parties fleSiring to affeet Insurance or tranoact other businese will bEt • promptly attended to on application to ArlY of the above officers addressee to • 'their respective poet piece: LOSSOS Inspected by the Director who •livea eareS scene. ;0 enough. By the time they were twen- ty they' were convinced: that at was waste '01 politeness to treat patient mother -decently, and that she really, 'enjoyed. working hM lingers to the bone in order that they' might, live In - idleness, - And patient wities get the same sort. of reward as the patient mother, Disi yen ever know a patient wife who had a husband 'who really 'Med 'her or treated her decently? You -never did. The patient wife never reforms a bad husband, It is the impatient wo- man with a heavy hand and a rough tongue W111) makes the -slaekre go to work, because he knows that silo Will throw him onto of tlse house if Ito Tbe adulteration of food and' clings and the fraudulent labelling et Ogee procitzets are not practices brought about by our present elVilimation. Nor fire they characteristic of Canada alone. From the earliest ;ninth all civilized conntries have load to deal with food adulterators: However, feod adulteration; has now .become a, -thin - plicated art priCtised Isi sorne" 6the11 under skilled and scientific advice: To cope with such a situation it is neces- sary to have well-equipped laborator- ies staffed with experienced chensists. 'Aet of 1875. • - Canada early took action in respect to the protection of the food supply and in 1875 an Act to Prevent the Adulteration of Food was passed. In 1906 it was followed by the Adultera- tion Act, • both measures, With their -amendments, serving a useful purpose. The sections of the Adulteration Act dealing with food and drugs were re- pealed in 1920 anci the;Food and Drugs Act passed with a view to makingthe the and green feathers glistened in the sun like living emeralds. • The old scholar asked his nephews for,three months in which to oonsider their proposition, Mviting them ,to re- turn early in the autumn., It is the impatient woman who re: fuses to tolerate drunkenness, who would drag a philanderer into the DI. vorce Court, who braces up weaklings into behaviegthemselves, because they are afiald hf the strong woman at home. It is tlie impatimot woman who domande her share of \the family in. come'who. gets it, and her betsbanias respect inl,o the bargain. , So it goes through life. It is the ine patient peoele who will not endure tyranny who make themselves free, 11 i$ the patient people who nevei; get anywhere.' who never have anything, who neVer achieve anything. Where- fore I say that patience is, not a vir- tue; that it is a vice! 13randen,- Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Nelson, a'nd Preglacial- and Manicipal health,' authorities, witrch deal with' supplies of water and milk,. and the Departluent'-ol Agriculture,- Whigh 13 priniarlly concerned with the produc- tion of food and its preparation fer market, co-operate with the Depart- ment bf Health in the solution of, own - Mon probleins. Work of Inspection. The arnount of work performed by inspecaors and ohernifits may be real- ized. by in examination et the follow- ing table which coniprises liivestlga- t1on'for an average.monthr- Premises visited by inspectors: - manufacturers of food, 84; wholesale grocers, 62; retail grocers, 548; mann- tacturers Of drugs, 52; retail drug. gists, 282; general -stores, 52; confec- tioners, 22; butchere, 116; total ha spectiens, -1,182. - • In the month under review there were 16 coniplaints received, 78 warn- ings given, 33 importations held and examined, and -4 importations destroy- ed. These latter consisted of 11 bags of nutmegs, 74 gallons of orange pulp, 14 5 -gallon pails Of pickles, and 91 bag8aif walntIts nieregthemonth saniplei of the fol- lowing articles Were collected and ex- amined; butter, beans, caramels, mot- ive, cocoa, camPhomit,d oll, caned lob- sters and herrings, cream, cider,. cloves, "diabetic flour, ginger, glycerine, hydrogen peroxide, headache powders, honey, jam, lime water, molasses, mealcated wines, maple syrup, olive oil, lard,- pepper, sausages, seldlitz powders, mineral water, sweet spirits of nitre; tincture' of iodine, vanilla extraet. . in' the furtherance of this work the Department of Realth.loolta to the co. operation of ahe public. Apparent deficiencies in the quality of food shouist be brought to the attention of the inspectors of food and drugs, who SO; far as peesible, Investigate every, complaint received. Not only 1,1 the food produced in Canada subject to -.careful inspection but equal vigilance Is shown with imported foods. Ship - Assents coming into Canada, if found defective, are -not allowed to enter. The aim of the Federal Department of'Health is 00 500 that the quality' of h te-fiftel supplied te the people of the Dominion is unserpassed by that ot any oilier country and that Canadians axe not defrauded by the purehase of were strong enough -to fly Inc released them. Meanwhile he had captured the pareale and put them in the cage. But he never saw tho young 011GS bring 00011 to the parents. At the end of a IAA' days lie famed the two king- fishers clead or hunger itt 2110 Cage in which, for two months, they had brought food. every day to their calla - The three menthe " which the old Scholar had reserved for reflection had passed and the fresh'-wincl of autumn scattered the dried leaves of the bans - h005. In tlse' gray and lowering 'sky triangular-shaped flocks of: migratory birde haetenect toward, the sunny re- gions to south. One morning, as the old man was dreaming in the garden his nephews arrived to Oak him what he had de. cidcd to do. In. answer Pon Kilo told them 013000 the Itingliehere. Then he a'Yeu wish me, my-deat ChildrOn, to divide my -property amoeg you. Be- lieve Inc, I have Aso desire to hold 051 'The Comieg Education. "How can I teach your children -gentle. Andfmercy‘to the wChlt, 'and reverenee for lile, Wlien by your laws, your actione and yodr $peech, Yon coatradict 'the very things I teeeli? e-Lougrellow. Often, the follts who seem to have the least to he thankful :for are hap- pier and more' geateful than those win) are more favored.' Blood flows through the bones of very young children altnost .as freely as through, the veinS. life how long to the wretched how short to the happy! ' - CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLINTON. ONTARIO TeIrnmitodovfauSeurptor!Pctaionrainanderreslarea: 12.60 to tho 13.8 or other foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears aro paid unless at Ore option of the pilblisher. The date to which evert subscription Is paid is denoted on the label, Advertising Ratee-Transient after. • threments, 10 cents per nonpareil line for first insertion. and 6 cents per line for each subsequent insets hon. Small advertlaements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 85 cents, and each Rubes,. quent'ilmertion 15 cents. Communications intended for publt ;cation must as it guarantee of good faith, be accompanietrby the name of tho 39, plutuiitieerto.Proz H. MARK, Allure, CA N Aofif s TIME TABL.E Tnalne will arrive at and delimit from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderieh Div. Going East, depart 6.25 a.m. . 2.52 p.m. ening West ar. 11.10 AUL " ar, 6.08 dp. 6.51 p.m. r sr, 10.04 p.m. London, Nuron & Bruce Div. Going South, ar, 7.56 rip 7.56 a.m. 4.15 p.m. Going NOVI, degazt• 11.05, You ehoulcl ahvays keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver remote on the shelf. The little fOlk so often need a rnild and safe cathartie and they -do appreciate Chamberlain's initead of nauseoue elle and mixtures, Fon p tom soh troubles and constipation, give One just before going to bed. All druggist., 25e, or send to . CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO lb zirecessC 11 enwittreo What:these teen !lava done, you can itt In year spare time at home yoy can Wily :neater the'secrets of'selling that Melte Star Salesmen. Whatever your experience has heen--witatever sweat be doing now -,whether or put you Clinic you ean pat answer' this question; Aro You ainbitieue to earn 550,005 g year? Then get in teeth With mo at once! I will Prove to you Walieut'eost or obligation that you can easily beeenle a Star . aalesman, I will shoe/ yeti hoW the aelesinivaihip Training And Free Employment Service Of the 10, 5. T. A. will help you to quiek eueccs. in Selling. ' - Si 0,000. A Year Selling Secrets ' ta.tic.itt S,*. has n'albr4talraTOr..1.11,111:',12v611,t,v2;?1,11/"re11•0.1L';',°,fig,°.f,V,,;','':,„?. ttio fold cisining drake ree's,"Pie relerc 1145' t'a . National SalesinienTe,'Tt'ainitig' Associatioz higr. -' Ibex '36 P.2?2,....„, • I '•