HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-15, Page 8'111=5411111=111131111¢111100E11318419107., CLINTON'S LEADING JEWE LRY STORE Oe Sri: iteefeeeteeeeeet, Clinton l'41eAlt's.Rectlral • estesietreeeire-eeet "..14 ,1` iittret; tkr'it" sir, v. - I . t- -rtrtits'ttitte vort, ' .15 get`t.itli4e r "'rife" r. ,k 4. tt` ilver or Cut Class is the most -suitable. It is norelsatisfactory and will be appfeciated as it is always in good taste ' 1 ... ° e'invite you to inspect our collection of Silver, Cut glass, etc., Wedding and Ertgagement Rings, WatChes, Clocks and Wrist Watches 11-10 H 4.5CifNSON aewellex and Optielau . Next Hovey's Drug Store , . •-• ,..,111.10110114111.1111.11111111.1.110,1 veenameceveseeemsereareesteal Home gathered everytItit2e. Diet le dearest and hest in life. Timm, is the center from wIlich all the varied concerns and business of liee start•forth. Any- , thing that can eontribute to the beau- ty and comfort and peace of home is deserving of attention and thought. In this direction ,let wall paper enter your thee:gilts, One neve'spring stock will soon be ready for your inspection. The W Fair Go Often ,the Cheapeste-eAlvitays the }that wk aittPlices -Nay ilett0171* . .03 Our frestii, stock assures you of se- curing just the Gold. Seal Corigo.,) • leum Rug you want at big money saving' prices.' immilimu 14111 Eittoi ,11111 Plu steel Bros. SMALL PROFITS , PHONE 25, MORE BUSINESS MENZIIMMESIMINUIIIIV mime 41111111•1•111111141•1111Y•mmolemenz• mow -The Man Who Knows good clothes when he sees them, knows that they were made at this establishment: If you have not as yet ° picked out your -Spring Suit, come to us, as 'we have ail the latest novelties and designs, and can make Up a suit Whieh will' he tue to the minute M every 'respect', 1 COME AND INVESTIGATE. WE INVITE YOUR • PATRONAGE . . Davis Herttiteitt VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W • iisli Us Yoiir at;,. tio ra Anyttge, qive ycour out. _cof.dute furniture An* MINI -style enturoci finish We also cavi a complete line or^.-,-LeMeasr,Ixec.rox ma of Brandram Henderson Paints and Varnishes Sun Varnisli and Sun Varnish Stains Also a complete line of - Brushes, Linseed Oil and Turpentine Sutter & Perdue HAPDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING LOOK!! ragomiarasseimsremoso We are ready for all orders of spring work, Papering, Painting and decoxating. We have a large assortment of papers and we ask you to see our books before buying. You will save money by ordering your paper Froin us. All work Guaranteed. Prices veasonable. Orders left with Nies, Roht. Armstrong, Heron street will re- ceive prompt attention. PHONE 234 ring 2 KAY & POTTER Miss Susie ,Sloinan spent last week- end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller, Jr., spent Monday in London. Miss Leota Harland of Guelph is the 'guest of Miss 1VIadelon Shaw. Mrs. W. Robb, of Audley is vsiting her son, Mr. A. J. Morrish of town, Mr. Dayton Graybill of Toronto is Nis,- iting Mr.. 'Willie C. ,Cooper this week Miss Teen Hogg has returned from a visit ofS'everal weeks with. Detroit friends. ' Miss Sadie. Anderson of Forest -spent the ,week -end as the guest of Miss Ruth Dale. • Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Carter and little son, Lloyd, spent the week -end with Ethel friends. ' lies. J. Southoombe of Port Union is at present visiting her sister, Miss Washington. , • Miss Margaret Davies, Deaconess el -Chicago, is ,spending 3 vaeation,at her tome in town. Mese Bartliffe- returned to Tor- ' onto on Saturday after spending several weeks at 'her home in town. Messrs. vale Dale and Coleneo Sal- ter motored to Forest. and spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. Blythe Anderson. ' ' '• • ' Me R. H. Johnston returned' Idst week from a trip to Kirkland Lake. He will probably locate there in the near future. • Mr. Haery Hunt of Galt was in town for a few hours yesterday on his way to dodericli, where he will spend a few days. Mr. and Mies. We E. Hoy anclefami- ly spent Sunday 'with the fornier's father in Morris township and with Mr. T. Dolman of Hullett. Rev. C. Llewellyn Bilkey and My., C. G. Middleton have been in London this week attending the Synod. Mr. • Middretoii was the lay -delegate. Mrs. W. Doherty, who has been vis- itbig her daughter, 'Mese S. • Ketothorne of Whitby, for the past couple' of months, has returned home. , Mrs. James Livermore and Miss Ka- thleen visited relativesand friends in London last week." . Mr. tier-' more motored down on Sendayeind they returned with hiin. Mr. and yrs. N. Ball, Mr. Douglas M. W. Sheppard, gr. and Mrs. 0. Lovett, Mr. W. II. Ball, Mr. 11`, kibbert and ,Mr.. Whiter Mair attended tbefuheral of the late -H. 11. Hill of Auburn en Mon- day last. • Reeve A..' -Neel), Deputy -Reeve J. Hays and Clerk H. Eilber of Ste- phen were in town yeesterda.y at tending a meeting ef representa- tiyes called together to coneUlt with Provincial Highways Inspec- tor R. C. leluir. Dr. and Mts. Clarence Copp of Tor- onto 'visited with the foriner's par - auto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Copp, and ois sister, Mrs. ,T. Doheety, dur- ing the past week. Dr. Copp is • forging to the front in his profes- sion in Toronto, his specialty being ehildrens diseases. ; Rev. Rather Gaffney was in Londoe last week, being called thither i owe • ing to the death of his sister, Mrs. George N. Edwards. The funeral' was held from the home of ehe de- ceased's father, Mr. Joseph Gaff- ney of Logan township, to St. Bridget's ohne& and Mitchell cern: etery on Saturday afternoon. Miss Ethel M. Doherty, who has been superintendent of the Holyoke Ci- ty (Mass.) Hospital for a number of years, has resigned her position and sailed on Sunday for England on an extended trip. This is Miss Doherty's first real vacation since she started her training in 1906 and her old Clinton friends will eertain- ly wish her a very pleasant one. A great many are taking a trip to England 'this year, not only fpm other parts of the Empire, but from the United States, the great Em- pire Exhibition at Wembley being one. of the attractions. - Mr. and Mrs. John Lutton left Fri- day Menthe for Toronto, Where they expected to spend a day, then going on to Ottawa for a few day and sail today from Quebec, by S.S. lefontlaurier, for BeLfest, N. Ire- land. ,Mr. and Mos. Lutton have been residing in Clinton for over two years and daring, that time have won many warm friends, who regret their departure. They al- so became much attached to Cana- da and wy yeture. If they do, however, it will peohaltly'ee to lo- cate in Winnipeg where a binder twine factory is to be located. Mr. ,T,Utton is a flax expert. . Mr. and Mis Lutton will ,always. find the latchstring' hanging on the onside of the door when they return to Clinton, eitlareti140 THURSDAY, ItAY leth, 10'2 eumeemeameasasessatuars tete ell s eit Grocery roceteria If you- have not 'already secured a shopping bag, call and • secure one in our Groceteria 1)epartmerit. For tile week -end specials 11 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 10 lbs Rolled (C)ats. 37c, to one customer - 10 Bars soap 72c Hursley 'Tea per ib 58c McLaren's Brown's.Bread Sc` Jelly powder 3 for 25c We are agents for Apex Canned Goods, Apex corn, tin '25c -,APEC Apex Grape Fruit Apex French. peas 25c FRUIT Sections 40c .Apex Beets 30c AND Apex Apricots 30c " Pineapple tid bits 35c VEGETABLES. Apex Peaches. 30c In our Fruit Department this week we strongly talk Pine. - apple to you. If You wiSh. to secure Large teautiful Pineapples at reasonable prices, 25c, 30c and 35c, Special price by the • dozen. ' Leave your order with us, noir We will have small Pines next week at smaller prices, but if you wish large'ones order early Oranges, our usual week -end special per doz 29c Bananas, Tomatoes, Celery 1Cash Carrg . . ',.., i , 2 Deliveri - s . , . e IlitAW*104 , *WV '''. OthridiattoltArhu IMINIMINNSIMmInsaismISAViamstems, 4......M.seonistesawmes•araesserms•nen..r• estillghollse Rallge Display ' . The beatitiful, large, porcelain' enamelled oyen of the Westing- house Eleetrie Range is a mas- teepieee of etfteieney. • °It has two heating units' or 1900 watts capacity for baking, roasting broiliege DII1UNG :THE WEEK COM- MDNOING WITH MAY 26th, IVIRS, BUTTRUM, A PROFES- SIONAL ClnilF, will give a working demonstra- tion of this range at the hydro Shop, Clinton, to 'which the pub- lic is invited. ' • — USE YOUR OWN UTILITY — IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Clinton MOLIIMIND•tplallanitalEamckstostax.stel. ••••••••••*eareasseowswelmAnow•temeNNT torivomere., seemearbegareirs-em CURT & SHIPLEY ' The springtime of the seasons is heve, eatere is bedding out in all its glory, and it is our wish that for,everyone it may mature into a bounteous harvest, and afford generous ,reburns for the season's e, (We thank ali our patrons for their much appreciated business during the past and we solioit continuance of same, whieh, we teel sure, P411 be annually satittfactoese . We take this eopportunity to confine a, report that we have pure chased the Smyth property, at present occupied by Mr. M. *Joedani who was given first :opportunity to purchase bat decline& the offer. Out atquieition of this building is, primarily,,to supply our im- . mediate requirements for a residence, as we are obliged to venate, owing to the fact that the house we now occupy has been sold. A groeery business will 'be operated in this ;building for the ac- commedation of all who find it convenient mad desirable. We shell also eonteinue beeibees at'onr present location, in the future as in the ease. Quality,eseiviee,loW Peices And courteous treatment tie all will predominate our 'business policy, as in the past: . THE C. & S. GROCERS Phoite 125 II The Brussels •Post last week had the following obituary notice of an aunt of the Rev, W. A. Walden of Mr. Walden; attended the funeral on Tuesday of last week:. "Lett Sunday afternoon Mrs. John Rose 'answered the summons that knows no denial and gave up the earthly home to enter the House of -Many Mansions. She passed away at the home of her son Councillor Walter Rose, Frederick street, Brue- eels in her 75th year. She was born in Ripley locality, her maiden name being Jane Green, and was united in marriage to the late John Rose 'over 51 years ago. -Her husband prede- ceased her by 40 years., The family located in Mitchell vicinity, afterward moving into town. The eubject of this notice was an invalid for about eight yeare from nerve exhaustion and had not 'possessed the power of speech fee seven years ieing confined Lo eed nearly all the ftime. It is nearly six sleeve sine; deceased and her daughter, Ida becietine residents el iteseittseeteett town, During the 'beg period ot helplessness the mother was tenderly and constantly cared for by Mies 'Rose, who performed her onerous du- ties -so well the mother's life was, no doubt, extended for 'years. It wee a heroine' part all right Diet was paid in affection and patience to- ward one who no doubt appreciated it even if not able to say so. -Other surviving. members of- the farily are' Welter Rose, Of town, anal Mrs, Jea- ter, Kincardine,' three sons died in infancy and a daughters Emma is al- so deceased. To brothers of 1Vers. Rose, Walter and Richard Green, of Rainy River, are living, the former being Well known' here and in Weng - ham, where he spent a number of years.? The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon, conducted hy. Rev. Mr. Clarke, deaceased's pastor, assis- ted by Rev. Mr. Walden, a relative of the eamily. Miss I-lings- ton sang the appropriate solo en- titled, "The Homeland," Pallbear- ers were A. C. Banker, George Mc- Nichol, W. S. McCracken, R. F. Down - Some Day the Sun Will Shine • and you will be Busy Housecleaning but in the meantime it will pay you to look over our specials in Kroehler Chesterfield Suites, Davenport Beds in Tapestry and Lea- therette all guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction, giviug a beauti- ful living room suite as well as bedroom if necessary.. You may need new Beds, Springs or Distresses. We have some real specia/ prices, on the Old Reliable (Simmons) Products which are built for sleep so why„not enjoy comfort We are headquarters for Rugs in Cortgoleum and Carpet, also Linoleum and 011 Cloth in all the best patterns. Hardware Department We are sole agents for the celebrated Sher -win Williams, Out- • side and Inside paint Varnishes and Stains, the famous Campbell Floor Enamels and Liquid granite for floors, linplemns, etc. We have a full stock of raTM and Garden Tools and the Tayldr- Forbes Lawn Mowers all sizesgand prices. - Just received a carload of.2rantfprd Roofing, Sla,V' Slate, Red and Green, Roll Roofing at all prmes. Consult us before purchasing. Courtesy and Prompt Delivery ,Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. THE STORES WITH :A. STOCK • Furniture Phone: 104, Hardware 195 SCRANTON COAL After seveyal .years of inteertepted service our ' Old Line „Coal GompanieS, the D. L. & W; and D. & H. are now shipping Its coal regularly, and coal of superior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in Ontario he years, SUMMER PRICES are now on, and wtile it is warm these days let it remind you hat when Summer comes Winter is sure to follew. !LET US HAVE TOUR ORDER Place Youe'order with the firm that lias always made a special .effort to zupply what you want when you want it, whether Winter or Summer, much or little, Egg or Stove. We Can give you service on any of the following - Grate Coke Egg Pocahontas. Stove Domestic Lump Chestnut Cannel Pea Coal Stnithing We also have onehand a fresh carload of CANADA CEMENT and a variety of 'choice wcmp. At BRUCEFIELD YARD we have in stock Chestnut, Stove, Coke, Cement, Lumber and Shingles, . Jnm B. Mustard Coal .Co. ing, W. II. Maunders and W. II. 'Kerr. Interment was made in the fan-iiIy plot, Woodland cemetery,„ Mit- chell, alongside her partner in lieti. The subject of this notice was posses- sed of many excellent qualities ot head- elle heart and passed thrciegh the long years of her invalidism with a resignation and patience. that was most marked., It was a happy relief when the call carne and she went to her reward. The town.Council placed a beautiful wreath on the casket sympathy with their brother Council- lor," James Powell el Tuenberey died last week after an attack of heare ENGLISH AS SHE IS WRIT Town Commissioner Bissett last week received the follewing letter eosted at Hay the writer evidently' - having the welfare of the town at heart: "Netifacion With Regards to e Dangerous Hole In the Ground Right, In Front of the Door Way of 'The Land Lady's Place Now I think This should be attended To at Once as The, Tennent Pays her Renteancl Deseevee. her Dues and ;Better Treatment.Nov' Wee Please See to this and have it' filled in as the Top of the Sistern has. ' Fell hi and Leaves a Bad 'iota which Is very Dangerous at Night to Any Person going In or Oen. "Rttten By One That Saw the Rola. There,"—Exeter Times.