HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-15, Page 7fee
v wa 1` c•,'d
€ rid extra good" i$'
Provincial Damsel of Health„Ontrario
tbr. Middleton will basted to .answer questions on :Public Health fna°:
tore through this column. ,e,ddress'1t1u at Spadini,. House, $padfRa
Crescent, Toronto
Goitre in its simple form can bo Localities near the sea are usually
c red; and iodine is believed 'to be thei free frohi goitre, due, it is believed,
cute, The great obstacle in the way to the people, using sea -foods, both
o a widespread. and persistent use animal and vegetable, which in their
of iodine taken internally is because turn draw their ,iodine supply from
it is se unpalatable, Among school the sea water. In factthe salt deriv-
children where goitre is especially ed from sea water will in its natural
prevalent the taking of iodineshould state :supply enougte iodine to supply
become a routine. The amount re- the needs a£ the thyroid gland and
gulred'to supply the needs of the body prevent goitre.
and prevent an enlargement of the( Statistics prove that -,females, are
thyroid gland is very small.But it more liable; to goitre than males in
Is- also very unpleasant to the taste the proportion of 10 to 4. Most cases
and hence children simply won't keep occur from about 11 to 17 years of
up the treatment long enough to make age, but it is often common during
It effective. Dr. Kimball of Cleveland pregnancy.: '
who has made extensive studies of It is now believed that if a pregnant
goitre and its treatment, recommends woman takes sufficient iodine during
the giving of iodine in the, form of a the months preceding the birth of her
chocolate covered wafer or tablet eon --child, that child will not develop
baffling 10 milligrams of iodine. This goitre. -
provides a medicine pleasant to the Older theories in respect to the
taste, and yet with an adequate am- cause of simple goitre, such as the
ount of iodine, one tablet taken once drinking of water contaminated with
a week throughout the year beingsuf- sewage or containing too much cal-
effect the col np ba-
ncient"to control the disease, and in clam or to theec of u
reat of eases to brie cillus are o longer held to be suffi-
g the
about a:reduction in the size ofe n
tient reasons for the occurrence of
thyroid gland, goitre. A. lack of the 'normal iodine
supply seems the most probable cause.
In Switzerland, in the most goitre
districts, Klinger, a Swiss physician, To airlsltdlllotlleC.
foIIowing the leu& of other scientists,
instituted the use of iodine in the At nix oteloek in the evening,
treatment of school children with The time for lullabies, •
goitre, The results' were astonishing. My son` lay on myrnother's Iap
In the canton of St. Gallenwhich in with sleepy, sleepy eyes!
January, 1919, showed. 87.6 per cent.0 drowsy, little nanny boy,
of all .school children goitrous .had
in January, 1922; effected a reduction With sleepy, sleepy oyes;
of.18.1 per cent.I heard her sing and rock him,
In 1917 Marine and Kimball inti- And the cloak of the swaYing chair,
tuted routine iodine treatment among And the old dear cadence 01 the words
school children in; kron, 0., both as.
Came softly down the stair,
a �ireventive and curative measure,
(vita great success, and the treatment a ail the years had vaafehed,'
has been applied. in other cities and All folly, greed`; and stain --
localities since that date.'The old, chi
song, the creaking: chair,
Goitre is of world-wide distribution
end is confined largely to inland local -
The dearest arms again!
ides not necessarily mountainous. Ili 0 lucky little nanny boy
Canada the disease is particularly To feel those' arms again(
noted in New Brunswick, Quebec, Christopher Morley.
Ontario, in the Northwest Provinces
and hi the mountain sections of Brit= If you divorce capital and labor,,
ilk Columbia. capital is hoarded and labor starves,
"As 8- Stomach Medicine and `tortured me end 'I was almost frantic
Tonic --Tar lac is Certainly from baMy who had used manaao
Wonderful,” Saya Brock -'with fine results, persuaded me to try
vile Lady. it, too, and It proved .to be just what
T needed. Six bottles helped me back
Adding her voice to, the theaaands Itohealthand strength and I also gain -
who are praising Tanlaa for the re-
ed 12 pounds That was two years
covert' of their health and strength,ago and I have felt fine ever since. As
Mrs. Margaret Cranker, 84 Louis St., a stomach medicine and tonic Tanlac
Brookville, one, soya: is eertainry'.wonderful."
"Tankte Is suck :ra.-grand, good meg. : aniac is • far eats by all good drug -
eine and has done ed•mudb; for me that gists: Accept no substitute. Over 40
I will .praise it, Following a spell of million bottles gold:.
typhoid fever, two Yearn ago, I was
jut a shadow of myself -and. remained Tlaulee Vegetable Pills, for oanstipa^
eo weak 1 couldn't walk :across the tion, made and, recommended by the
floor. Stomach pains And backache manufacturers' of TANLAC.
D1trtKeen's'Musts/ea . Wash water to e
'consistency tenc of ii -'cess isobtained.' is desired mix e
'until the desired .
gf a milder maustard rashly for every
milk. Mix
; meal,
Cir S
Save money by using SMP Bnarp
eled Ware cooking vessels They use
less fuel. To satisfy yourself try this'.'.
eonvhacing test in your kitchen. Take
an S .P Enameled Sauce Pan and one
of equal size made of aluminum, tin
or other metal. Into each pour two
quarts of cold water. Place each sauce
pan over the Ore. The mater in the
,SVP Enameled SaucePan will be boil-
ing merrily when the water in, the
other it -just beginnihig "to Slimmer.
Save your money. ,•Ilse
,11rhellcetalitetea y i-ielp
Yon aro all tianderness,oh.gent.1oa141zi
I know Yeada not love one, You are:
23oth from, hot passion y
trills :
Anil sickly sentiment.
With comfort when thening shall
To`1ltnle-hollows for a place to"sleep;''...
Leaving the'weariness of day behind
•As the day names: Then the hews of
SteYmi down and hring',t;ray asps of
fog glial rest
Like floating veils of :tulle across the
Of souse caul virgin: And there 1 no
Bxeeni a gentle radiance that fills '
You with' all tenderness, oh placid.
—ltolfs Taumphrios:
g tt11:tt
What Mothers Should Do as
:' Their Daughters Approach
Wbiman hood.
If growing girls are to became well-
developed, healthy women, their,
health must be carefully guarded.
Mothers 1311'o111d not ignore` their un-
settled moods or the various .troubles
that tell of approaching womanhood.
It is an important time of life. Whore,
pallor, headache, baelcache or other
signs of anaemia are evident you must
provide the sufferer with, the surest
means of making new•blood.
Remember, paleebloodless girls need,
plenty of nourishment, plenty of sleep,
and regular open-air exercise. Bot to
save the bloodless sufferer sire must
have new blood—and nothing meet's
the case so well, as Dr. Williams'' Pink
T he&e Pitts increase the supply
of new,
red d blood • they stimulate t
uta a the
appetite and relieve the wearyback
and .limbs; thus they -restore; health
and charm; and bring to anaemic girls.
the rosy cheeks and `bright eyes, of
strong, happy girlhood.
You can get these piIle through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50
cents a box horn The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
And She Got it, of Course.
tr Mrs. Nulywed-"The .ox tali I got
from you last week was simply fine."
Butcher — "Glad you're .pleased,
Mrs. Nulywed—"Yes, quite pleased,
you` may give me another fretathe
sanie di - it You will,', ,
Danger of Blow Torch.
Do not pertrjit painters' to burn off
old paint with a torch. There 'are
several Inexpensive liquid paint re-
movers on the market which will do
the work better. Warn plumbers' and;
repair' men to exercise every precau-
tion in using blow .torches or heaters
about a building. Carelessness of
workmen has caused many .fires. Our
church wasp -recently sat on fire -glen a
blow torch, used' en the bottom of a
doer, ignited .paper on the other side.
-C. P. S.
Chapped' Hands or Face
Cured by one application at MEDORA
CREAM, Leaves skin smooth and vel -
TOW, Used.. exclusively in' Toronto
General kloapital for ten years. Ask
Your druggist for 50c bottle and pre -
terve your youthful complexion, or
sent postpaid .on receipt of 500.-
00.4. A. MacDonald, Phm.B,, 34 Hogarth
Ave., Toronto.
Where-tl"io Deer Keopt Ile stionti
We are frequently askee about ;the
agent given out by the deer, It ish-
eated in the foot. If the hoof le separ-
ated a little pocket 1s, found containing
a pasty Substance, the odor ofwhich
resembles that of rank cheese. This
substance works out onthe hot
f and
leaves its scent on the ground. If a
deer is hard pressed by hounds he will
take to water, and running In it for
some distance the odor will be so
thoroughly washed' our of the Boot
that ne scent:: will be 'left on the
ground, and consequently the dogs
will bo unable to follow.
Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab-
by Garment or Drapery.
QsA Pace of looe`ei:datn ,and si, t esr t avir1Sf'e.e
Three >iw,i. ea PtAsi Svala Itwa canal of
esz14y rrey8tr�cppef ltheebkntan4 iat;wOiltaedn
tads, Qeystttlrtime,,tb4o.
• !" haga idtot'filelga ;Ind out, filth Royal 3nhel
✓,G't2 -''- 'jo1 ni
•r" �
Each 15 -cent package of "Diamond
Dyes" contains directions • so simple
that any woman can dye or tint any
old, worn, faded thing new, even if she
has never dyed before. Choose any
color at drug stare,
Footpaths of vied soon become wide
i4lnard's Liniment* Neale Cuts,
That which is to be established once
for all should be considered long.
sili'tOd M ss
itS tElen$EJ
!Dunn,. BEATTTICULL•Y .0`LtFr ,
.1L dmrded wool; sample, enough light
comforter; one dollar. Woollen Willis,
Georgetown, Ont.
laying strains, Barred Rocks,
Rhode- Island Reda, y yc_nclottes, 't20
a hundred. Safe arrival guaranteed,
Chas..Oillesple, Balsam, Dot,'
All Hail to the Great Outdoors
Spring's here! The Red Gods aro
Calling from the big open spaces oder.
Ing Mthe freedom of all out-of-doors.
Come! Hit the trails leading to' health
and happiness.
Head for: the old stamping grounds
which just a few weeks ago were cov-
ered with ice and snow, What -a
chitnge,. Ilverything is budding and
throbbing with life. Pussy -Willow buds
are swelling and the'grassy elopes are
turning green-
Listont Sounds like a robin. Sshl
Yes, brat's- our old friend: returned:
from his winter quarters. 'See here!
Some more acquaintances: ' wood
anemone, trillium, Canada lily, and
violets. What a wonderful time to be
Sing and' Se Happy:
A merry song on the trait lightens
the heart and the pack; as well. That
Canadian Camp Fire Song Book of
yours has in it the, finest collection of
Sceuty songs' you can find anywhere.
Sing some:of them as you hike along.
With -a camera In, a hiker
is ''prepared" to take some fine plc -
tures, a similar; opportunity for which
may not present itself Por another
A series' of pictures taken of the.
same tree or scene at different times•
Will help to record the various stages-
of leaf development and plant growth,
Seriously' Speaking.
When you take you7-81retswim 'this
year, it might be your lest. now come?
wast this. . You may be out -of prac-
tice, especially i e, asp c ally when getting Into icy
water, and And yourself In trou
ble be-
fore you •realize it. ' What happens in.
so man oases—the
y sella in the old
-town chapel toll their last for a fool-
ish boy who took a chance. Better
wait until thiags warm up a bit This
Is the time to prepare yourself for that
emergency which might arise. Look
up the Proficiency Badge Examiner in
Swimming or the Royal Life -Saving,
Society Examiner and .have him help
you qualify tor the Junior Life Sailing
requirements, atter which you are eh -
titled to wear the Junior Life Saving
emblem on your suit- Better this
badge an yourself than a hero medal
on the other fellow who risked his
own life trying to save Yen; from 'a
wahery grave. Be a life saver yourself
by practicing Safety. First and in the
meantime learn to be a safe swimmer`:
While the subject of caution is still.
warm, 1et'e.take-time to consider First
Aid preparedness. Dad's shaving atlek
tube, a soap container or an empty to.
bacco can fitted with a few articles
will serve in an emergency, The kit
should contain some Iodine, roller
bandages . (kept' sterile), •• adhesive
tape, aromatic spirits, of ammonia,
vaeelene, and a pair of tweezers. Read
again Chapter VI: on Prevention and
Treatment of Accidents• in your Boy
Scout Handbook, • •
Do not be, like the bell that answers
every pull and has but one note.
famin's Liniment for Dandruf.
Th -'least force suffices to break
what is,already cracked.
Fin. le thlt coupon and' We'. will mai( es in a
plain seated eivatcpe.otlr folder. on-Wtdtline rind,
send married.) Haden) lntortaattoh. raeeiaa's,
2L2. Yonne .at. Toronto,
. maralutecamannecesainomossiAddrou
Say Insist('
For Pain -. - Headache
Neuralgia Rtidurnatisn-i
Lumbago °Colds
is Accept only a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Randy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
aspires is the trade clerk (registeted' In
Canada) or buyer Manufacture Of .Mono
ecetleeeldcater of Willey"! Lodi
It Isn't possibleteobuTi d
a bet$er halo moWex'
Awn. SA•fA:tu' FJ
9marh Mowershave •
proved their auptiriority
vheroveromns Is, $rawrca .
Easy tanitintl,liain,
auttlny} atutabselutebr
ataxic -Mai r ,
1SSUE No. 13—'28
A Travei1er'1 Tate.
"Yes," e traveller, "I
some 'excitinsoldg theaperi0nces in Ruealabad.
Fdrhaps the worst affair happened one
night when 1 was ten miles from my
home, -I discovered that my sleigh
was being, followed by ot pack of
wolves. i fired blindly into the pack,
killing one of the wolves. To my re-
lief, the others stopped to; devour him,
and in this way.f. was able to gala ' an
But boon they were on my stent
I fired again, with the same,gesult. I
kept on firing until finally there was
only one; wolf following my sleigh,
with hungry eyes fixed en me in an-
ticipation of the supper he was going
to make of me,''
The friend,, who had, listened thus
far to the thrilling story, interjected a
lengh,. and said, "Why, man; according
to my reckoning, that •Iast wolf must
have hiid all the' other wolves Inside
of him."
'Well; yes, now I ,think o1 It, that
'Inst wole did wobble a bit"
Mrs. Dawld Gagne, St. Godfrey, Que.,
writes.:—"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for my three little ones and
have toured them such an excellent
medicine that'1'always. keep them on
hand and would strongly advise all
other mothers to do the same thing."
The Tablets are a mild but thorough.
laxative which quickly relieve consti-
pation and indigestion; break up colds
and simple fevers: and promote that
healthful refreshing sleep • which
snakes the baby thrive. They are -sold
by all mediclne dealers or by mall at
25 cents, a box, from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, e
What you do not want' is dear at
a farthing.
Ask for Minard o and take no ether:
Subdue eireumatencea to yourself;
not yourself to circumstances
We want YOUR Cream., We pay
highest. pries. We impel, , cans,
Make, daily returne. - To obtain
best results write now forcans to
Bees on Farm
Nothing pays better when properly
managed. Send for our catalogue
of beekeepers' supplies. Expert ad.
vice freely given.:
Ruddy Manufacturing Coe Ltd.
Brantford - • Ont.
- Bad Marko,
Irate,' MVIether—"What do you mean
by saying my boy has 'atme of the
oharaCteristics' of the German?"
Teacher-"I-mrely wanted to indi-
cant that he has too many bad marks."
Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Donilntan Expcesa-Money Orders.
Opportunity_ is often lost by
Keep Mineral's Liniment in the house.
Grief ".decreases where it has no-
thing by which it can increase.
2806 Dundas W.; ,Toronto
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
WritoMo.l oCO,aleaec,f, 8yeCa,,Book
For sure relief apply Minard's
daily. nlxcelnent for • buntline.
When the winds fail, take to the
oars.. ,
a®N TROU 410
Face Broke Out l
u n Pim-
ples, Were Disfiguring.
Extremely ,Sore, •
"My•facc, broke mit in amass of
pimitips Ogg overa very annoying
asp wail std-,4iefl rin The. int-:
pies were oniall, hardgred Iumpaat
li at, but irty^reaaed, in- size and
smtno to a head. Tho pmpiplee were
mxtromely node and 'sender, and' 1
warn uglymuch 4lltcouragcd.
" I read ail advertisement for en-
flame Soap' and Ointment and sent
for a free sample, I put -gamed
more, and after using, two cakes of
Cutfcura $nap, together with the
Cuticpra•Olntment, 1. vms heafed',"
(Bladed). Miss Alberta ltifooe, Salt
Springs Sta., Nova Scotia..
Fa*plurpose-of,e toilet
andsor t
a h Cey uticur o
aS a
1n intent
n Talcum excellent ru nt.'
MAMA* 8.,bcords.„Watt .,,(+:elan Canadta�
Da of
anon, ► P e, nos zl;, aro hm2
rci1c'o Soy l' , new afirma s' ticawrSo;
I• Try"�out^'now-93iavrna Stick.
TellsWomenllowShe Was Restored
to Perfect Health by Lydia E.
Pinlihampa Vegetable Compbuui
Winnipeg, Man,—" I cannot speak
too highly of what Lydia E. Pinkham'e
Vegetable Corn.
pound has: done tor 1
me, Twas a nervous
wreck and fust had
to force myself to do ;
my work. Even the
dren playing made
mefeei as must
scream if thif eyI did
not get away from
me. I could not even
Speak right to my
husband. The doctor
said he could donothindforrne. My hus;
band's mother advised me to take the
Vegetable Compound and I started it at
once. I was able to do my work once'
more and it Was a pleasure, not a bur.'
den. Now I have a lIne.bouncing `baby,
and am able to nurse her and enjoy den
ing my work. I Cannot help recent - t
mending larch a medicine, and anyone
seeing -nae before I took it, and seeing
me now,can
see what it does for me.I
am y too pleased for you to use my
testimonial."—Mrs. 'EMILY DAVIS, 721
McGee Street, Winnipeg, Mae.
cAPI \ MoaEY
Money in Your Stockitng!
Money: in Your Purse !
Money In the Bank l
dot ss our Agent Sell ourf, &E. Superfae
Healerytoyo,rfrlend,, neighbours and -
Acquaintances, . r
Thoworit Is eszyeThe goods sellthenisetves.
Any woman will et once recognize the high
pt.tlt? of I3 &Ehosiery This detect' hosiery
is not generally obtninsbdetect'lelocnliy. 'therefore,
people are anxious to bay from Cur agent*,
Housewives who need more ready 'hash,
schoolgirls with books hod dreesec to bey,
teachers, men or wohlen, any one can sell
a &.E Hosiery end make money. At the wale
• tune they don real favor to their customer,.
Write To.day.
U. a E. iliUMNCTIJWNU 00. (D.pt. B.)
Loudon C sdario
Lydia E. Pinkham'e Private Text.
Book upon "Ailments Peculiar' ted
Women "will be sent; you . free upon
request. Write to the Lydia E, Pinkhans
Medicine Co., Cohourg, Ont. This book
contains valuable information. O
-s ,J
Blue '` ell Bred
An Exclusively Agricultural Corumodity Distributed Direct : Front the Factory --By the
Farmer—To the Farmer
Be Loyal!
Binder' Twine Is a com-
modity whloh the farmer is
entitled to et first edit.
Everypheaf tied witty U.
F.O.; 'Blue Bell” Twine helps
to reduce the price to you
and to advance, the welfare of
your own Orgahization.•
Order Now !.
With' this announcement of
•our pilose ,we urge, you to
place.your•order as early as
Possible. You- can de thid
with the utmost confidence
that we positively guarantee
to meet all oompetitlon. Don't
allow yourself to be tied up
to some, other firm at any
Wholesale Prices.
U.F.O. Blue Bell, ,650 ft.. , .. , , . $14.00 per 100 lbs.
U.E.O. Blue Bell, 600 ft...: .. , .. • ..... 13.55 per 100 lbs.
(These prices include sales tax) r
DELIVERY—The price is' delivered to your station in lots of 300 pounds or oyer;
less quantities, f.o.b. our warehouse Montreal.
QUANTITY •DISCOUNTS -1/4 cent:, per pound reduction will be allowed on
carload lots (24,000 lbs. or more), %s cent per pound reduction will be allowed on lots.
of 10,000, lis. or more. .
TERMS ---Net cash, sight draft attached to Bill of Lading.
IMPORTANT-NOTICE—In order to continue to handle Binder Twine and to maintain equitable ,
prices( as we have been doing during the past four or five years, It is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that y;
eltttor with your nearest club eoorotary or mad direct to Head Office. 0011 GUARAI'ITEE ON PRICE f
The United ar rxers Ci -a per ative Coap Limited
Sole .Distributing Twine Agents for • Belfast 1 opeworks, Limited, Ireland.
109 Qebtge `StreetF
Phone ]9s,( carr t3161.TORONTO
..: � Soso ; sw ^ s. : . 1