HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-15, Page 5`T 1jRSDAI ', MA" • 15t1i, 1924.
i Interest to You
and Me
"They man who,Wants a garden fair,
.or small or very big, ii1th flowery
'laloolning here and there, mast' Bend
his back' and dig."
"It scarcely,: seems fair," 1 e-
inarks the Wetaskiwin JPin.es,
"that the local newspaper office
should be charged a business tax -for the privilege," of doing busi-
ne 'here when outside,printing ,
firms' are privileged to send their
agents to canvas the.busilless men
and obtain orders without having
to pay a; cent to obtain that pri-
vilege. The principle is wrong
and a change should be made
whereby,the travelling salesman
should be• compelled to pay a
"business tax in ,every, town he
doe's buoiness in, Without such
a tax the local printer starts out
with a`'•handicap that is 'difficult
to overcome."
This wouldn't seem so bad if the
local printer was even gtiven 'a chance
to compete. But he isn't; in many
eases, and the outside agent unloads
an order on the business Dian; the
size of which would have made him
gasp if even suggested by the local
• printer, :. If all, other citizens wee
as loyal to their town as the average
printer is the mail order `house and
outside concerns'. would do very lit-
-ble business in many of them.
87;,11}&§ +'t 6iry,;kl Plumeteel 65; E.
lte%..61 �u 1' it' 64 P Co1c 63;
n ap
els E.
C e63
a }
P o1 "��tp
Tompson 62, lYf.Bovey` 61 VVI
4lc0ool 01 H. Iive'rmore 59; D. Ste-
vens 58; F. Carter 58; W. Argent 56;
0 Watkins 54.
Failed in two subjects: ---M. Aiken -
head 63; D. Dewar 63; E. Trick"'"
59; Garnet Van -Horne 67; 13. Mar-
shall 57; A. Crittenden 56"; C Peck-
ett 55; Jr. Crieh 53 II Hunt 51; W.
Nelson 49; A. Turner '' 49.
Failed in three subjects:—C, Pep-
per* 49-;J: Caldwell 49; C. Glazier 47;
H. Cochrane '23.
Failed in' four; subjects:—R. Dale
52; A. Turner 48; M Ilwklns 47;
D. Glen 45; E. Ford 41;;;A. Rathwell
Failed in five subjects:—J. Yesbec
If your daughter is to be a June
:blade, and marry daughters are to •12e,
-no doubt, June (being the favorite
month for weddings, she is probably
now' wearing an engagement ring
bought in a Clinton shop and will, in
due'time, wear a plain wedding band
bought in the same shop, or perhaps
do a r'ival's shop,; if the young man
wishes to divide his trade. The News -
"Record can supply the wedding sta-
tionery and Town Cleric Macpherson,
although never having had any oc-
casion to: use such a document him,
self, can supply the license at the
every lowest price. All the 'wedding
toggery, which is so dear to, the heart
of women, can be bought sof Clinton
dealers, and it to be preshmed 'that
her 'trousseau will contain ,many
pairs of Clinton made hosiery, not
only of Harris -Knit silk but of Wear -
well silk and wool, 'wool, and cotton,
• brands which are known for their ex
cellence of quality. Her bridal bou-
quet may be ordered through J..Cun-
Inghame;,florist, and the wedding de-
corations may be, arranged by Miss
' Cnninghame, whose artistic touch
'works 'magic with flowers and trail-
ing. vines. There are six resident
clergymen here, any one of whom' can
-perform;'she ceremony. ,The tickets for
their wedding trip may be bought of
either Mr. W. Jackson or Mr. J. Rens-
'ford and when they gaily spin down
King' street to, the station, with an
'old shoe and s, tin can tied to their
auto wheel, the whole- town will waft
;; good ~wishes after them. The next
:issue of The News -Record will, of
course contain a glowing account of
--elle charming event.
Forms 2A aiid 2B—Passed in all
subjects: --M. Moon 83; E. Johnson,
78 C. Livermore"' 78; P. Bolton '77;
II: Harris 77; M. Grealis 76; E. ,Mc-
Ewen"' '75; - F. Schoenhals '74; ;E,
Stanbury 72; I.`Rowclifke 72; E. ICyle
69; B, Smith 69 3. Gibbings 68;,11.
Jervis 67; E. Sampson 67; 0. 'Fergu-
son 65; 'J. Falconer 65; W. Glazier
63;' V,, Gould 63; H Cox'*' 63.
Failed in one subject. -R. Ball 69;
D. 'S'cotchmer.69; A. -Johns 69; R.
Jackson' 68; 0. Moon 65; Z. Salter
62; P;1`Biggin 59; E.`Cartwright ""
I'aile'"rl hi 'two subjects:—I`. Mathe-
son 67; J. Hellyar 62; H. Venner 58;
R. Elliott 57.
(Failed in three subjects: P7 Glew
56; 0. Jading 49; R.' Mason"'''''' 48;
W Lee 48.
Failed 'hi four subjects: PI, Grealis
52; D. Streets 50; F: Fowler 46 L.
Crich" 42.
Form '1—Passed in all subjects:—
D. Durnin 82; F. Rorke 76; L. Cook
75; E. Cook 73; C. Gould '72; F. Hul-
ler 71; G. 'Stook" 71; V. Watkins"'.•
70; A. Lyons 70; C. Vanilorne 69; 1•
Govrer*** 69; K. Johnston 68; A.
Caldwell 67; E. Epps*** 67; W.
Mulch 66;B; Walter 63; H. Langford
63; R. Johnston 63; M. Watkins 57;
H, Hawkins 56.
'Failed in one subject:—A.' Judd 67;
M. Vanllorme 66; W. Flynn 63; D.
Kennedy 61; N. Taylor 54; N. Cowan
Failed "in two subjects:—"N. Cools
59; J. Mutch 58; L. Castle 58; M.
McBrien 56; L. Moorhouse 55;.. L.
McKnight 52.
Failed in four subjects:—.G. : Cole-
man' 47; J. Levis 45; .0. Ball 37.
Failed' l five stibjeets:--I.-Dodds
49; P:, Colclough 39.
But while they' are away there is
much that can be done for their com-
- 'fort and happiness by the family and
friends at home. The house, the new
hone which is to be eats lised, may
have been built or remodeled by Olin
ton, contractors, decorated by Clinton'
decorators and furnished, from- eel -
lar to '.garret, '6 y.- the'Clinton Furni-
ture Co•, with some assistance from
the several hardware shops and dry -
goods stores and wired and lighted by
the Hydro people. The latest in
plumbing will be supplied by Cain-
•ton plumbers, and, if any .grey cas-
tings are ateecled.'the Huron Castings
Company may be called on. ' A
ton -made piano in the living o0na
--would make a` ince wedding present
from Dad. . A bag of family flour,
:or two bags, bread and pastry, made
:in the Clinton Mills, should Ibe stow --
ed in the pantry, also some butter
from. the Clinton Creamery should be
included in the ardor of groceries
which is sent in readines for the ar-
rival of the young couple to their
very _ own. home. And last, but not
'by any means least, a receipt on the
'-table for a year's subscription to ,The
-News-Record, The People's , Paper,
-Would seem .to ensure the young -pee-•
-sale the best sort of a start on the
way' `to happiness 'and prosperity in
-their journey through life together.
'Who'ar'eto be the June brides in.nOlin-
-ten ?
Fh i Clinton News-Eeeorr(1
Ada Steep (absent). -
Sr. 2nd;—Glen, ,. Colclough; 'Davi
Hodge;. "Thos Chuter,
Jr 2nd Alboit Durrant Thomp
son,,.Colclough; Alvin Elliott; Vera
Steep; Elliott Chuter.
lst:—Doris. Ginter; Harold , Dur-
Primer;—Gertrude Me"Linchey; Wal-
ter Johnston; Willie Austin,'
Jr. Primer: -Muriel Elliott; Lloyd
Johnston; Elmer Johnston; Lilkiat
Number on roll 36, average atten-
dance:34:' -F. M. Welsh, Teacher:
RAITIIB3',—In Auburn, on May 3rd,
to' Mr.,,and Mrs. Earl Raithby, a
MITCHELL—In Windsor, on April.
29th, to Mo. and Mrs. E. Mitchell,
a son, -Albert .Ramsay.
IIILL—In 'Toronto, on. May 9th, as
result of an accident, Hugh H. Hill,
of Auburn, aged 62 years.'
Tiger Catsup, 14 ounce, special 20c,
cur' hppetito. Try a bottle of out p
1 lb. Sliced Bacon . .25c. 18 Cakes Castile Soap 2G
..,4 c. 4.�barsNat11a Soap`. c..
.3 lb, Pail of'Lard , 9 P
2 Groper Soaps
10 Bars of Laundry Soap .......48c.,
bli. '. ...2oc
10c. 3 Packages of Ammonia • „25c.
1 Ili Bulk Cocoa .... , .. „ '
2 Cans. of Peas 00 Coln •. •:35c•r-3 Packages Pearine ,....
Come to Commercial Inn
e 24th
When visiting Clinton onth.
try the Conlmero al Inn, the late Hos-
pital building,•' Vi oi'ia street, -meals
35c. Furnished or furnished rooms
Wire ale` s
tea 0
for rent. Terms 54-1-u,
McCallum. :
For Sale
House and lot on East street. Tering
easy. , Apply to James Livermore;
Clinton, .ho-R..B. Sheppard, 89 Wilson
Ave.; London, Ontario, 54-2-p.
� 11,01111 001111f l0i4l11.+It3 . (ll4i m.roille11a010111ul la 1pIfu 1 ores lAlildls.
J,i rir.
We have any kind of paint
you wish to buy
for inside or outside decorations
Paints, Oils and Varnishes
Wanted to Rent
':Small house or cottage from July.
1st. Rent to be reasonable, might
consider one, furnished,' or partly fur-
nished. Write . Drawer B, Clinton. -
For Sale
Royal Purple Barred Rock pullets,
eight weeks old. - None better on the
centinentr at $15 per dozen for de-
livery June 1st. 10 per cent. of pur-
chase price with order, to be refund-
ed at our expense if order cannot be
filled. Balance C.O.D. Unless or-
ders for at least fifteen dozen are re-
ceived none will be sold. All orders
must be in by May 23rd. J. E.
1VLoKinley, Zurich, Ont. 54-1
Stanley Township
Miss Freda Talbot of Stratford
spent the week -end at her home on
the Sauble line. ,
Sorry to report that Mr. Wait. Tay-'
for has been under' the weather for
the past week.
Mr. Chester Nicholson has pur-
chased •a new Ford touring car. -
Quite' a number' of aur Stanley
sports attended the grand concert in
the town ,hall, Zurich, on Friday last.
The entertainment was real good and
everyone seemed to enjoy it.
The following is the report for the
month of April for S., S. No, 6:
Sr. 4th: -Irene Joy'';jlon; Jack Ray.
mond; Irene :Chuter.' Mabel Pilgrim;
Clayton Elliott; Millard Robertson.
•3r. 4th-:3ean Johnston; Jean Fos-
ter; Margaret Johnston; Rachel him -
sten. '
Sr.:tidr-Hazel Steep; Orrin 13 -ow -
son; Gordon Raymond (absent).
Jr. 3rd✓—Mari" Ohuter; John Dur-
rant; Audrey Johnston; Ruth Elliott;
The •Ontario Government has sent
out notice to eaehrinspectorate that
en excursion will be taken to Nor-
thern Ontario,` during the month of
August, as' in 1921 and 1922. The
following are the eonditions of the
C. , C. 1. REPORT.
Head girl' in the school—Marjorie
Lyon 83% (8 papers). Head boy in
the school= -Robert Hunter 91.5% (11
papers) Neither ` of ' these pupils
was: absent for any ;examinations.
Pass' mark in each paper is 5099
Naves of those writing on 'less than
-three -papers- are not published.
indicates absence for one paper. "
.absence 2or'two papers.' F* absence
Tor three papers. 'r ,
"Upper School—Passed in all sub-
jects:—R. hunter 91;.R, IIigginsa` 89;
G. Ferguson 84; L. Nediger 82; G.
Snyder'81; F. Johnston 79; B. Salter
77; F. Centelon 75; W. Grant 73; K.
Beaton'' 70; A. Colnhe' 67; J. Thomp-
`son' 67; A. Reid 66;'0. Shipley 57.
Failed in one subject: ---V
• strong"` 70; M, R. Stewart 66; M. Mc-
Connell 65; B. Combe` 60; R. Middle --
ton : 58; G. Srnith. 57; G. R. Thomp-
' 0071 55.
Failed in two subjects:—G. Church.
111 53.. •
Failed in i 'three`subjects:--- J. Hig-
gins : 53; K. Rorke 52; 3. Woods 49.'
Failed in .four subjects—F..
re000 59,
Middle,:School--Passers in all 'sub.,
jects: I. Fraser ° $6; M I. -yon 83;'
C T9yans 81; E. llal guts 79; D,
Trewartha 79; L Paisley 76;K. Mc-
Taggart 76; l~. Hurter '75; R Carter:
75; ";D Cochrane 73;;P Snydei 73;
E. '4iellYntei 73 J. M Loren' 73,
..Jean Fraser' 72;, II. Richards 72;
E.'Ilogg 71; L. Boyce 71 (a'bselit-7'
, iiaper1); L. Levy 70; D. Glazier 70;
E Atkinson 69; Greta '/ anHorne 69;.
3a4140Fraser"," 69; M. Thohrpsor*",
I aw!enee 691. LSnell '.681 S.
,acrett 67; 3. Mossop_"65; 'G.14 non
1;< a McNeil 64; F. Reid 63;-W.
0y,ey 62; K,,Taylor 59; II,"Cook 58,
Failed in one sahject., E:,„ tiaras
Truck For Salo
A half -ton Ford truck, ingood con-
dition. A bttrgain for. quick G4 2
Apply to Earl Crich.
Sale of Household Effects
I have still left a bedroom suite,
with mattress and springs,, 2 parlor
chairs, dining table and chairs, couch
,sewing machine in good condition,
kitchen table and a cook stove ,in
good cd'ndition which will be sold rea-
sonably. Want to sell this week,
call any day. Terms:, cash. E.
McTavish, Fulton street. •54-1-p.
1. Each' inspectorate is ' entitled
to send twodelegates—either male
or female. '
2. The round trip will cost Fifty-
five dollars ($65,00). ' This will pro-
vide for the ticket, heals, taxi fares
for' side trips etc., etc,—(tips except -
3. Delegates must send (as soon
as appointed) a deposit of Twenty-
five dollars to the Secretary, Mr. C.
G. Fraser, 10 Sylvan Ave., Toronto.
This will be returned if the delegate
later findsimpossible to' go.
4. Delegates, are supposed to' take
notes ,by iihe way and give a report.
of the trip it the next meeting of
the convention.
`Triose desiring to' go on the trip,
should notify the local Secretary, Mr.
G. -S. Howard, .Exeter, who, with the
Executive Committee of the Associa-
.tion, will consider the applications:
and notify those appointed.
°I'r a Loaf
At'To�r Gr®cers ar dlelsvere
Assorted Flavors 39c lb ,
Good Bread
.sal, V
VENNE 'rElectrician
ns Fans and other
Electric [8.an es, Fixtures,�-Bulbs, Ito ,
• Appliances
Wiring and Repairs. Phone 151w
Special Sale of 1VIi11inery
A special sale of Ladies and Child-
ren's Hats, Friday and Saturday
and 17th of May. 54-1,
I. A. Beattie.,
srof Sale
Writing desk, double bed, mattress
and springs, also single mattress. A.
A. Howson,
Private Sale of Household Effects
I will 3011 several articles of house-
hold furniture, including a large'sized.
Quebec heater, only used' one season,
a white enamelled iron bedstead, with
springs, and other articles. Call any
afternoon or evening. Mrs. F; French
King street... • 53-1,
Chevrolet Car For Sale
A Baby Grand Chevrolet tar,'near-
ry new, 4 new tires last year. Price
reasonable. Apply Milton Wiltse, R.
R. No, 5, Clinton. Phone 12 on 619
Auto Car For Sale
`1n fair condition; good engine, eight
outside. tires. _ For $100, apply A.
Court of Revision
For the Township of Stanley.
Notice is hereby given that' a
Court of Revision will he held in the
Township hall, Varna, on" Monday,
the 26th day. of -May, 1924, at the
hour of 10:30 o'clock in 'the^ lore -
noon, the purpose of hearing and,
determining ' complaints against the
Assessment Roll of the said Town-
ship for 1924. Persons having
business, with the ,said Court' ' Will
Please ‘attend at the Sh.ul+;time and
place without further notice. --J,
E. Harnwell, Township Clerk, Varna.
Varna,. May 1;th, 1024. 54.2..
Court of Revision
• We Pau Cash
Our plant is now complete and we solicit your shipments of eggs
whether large or small. Come and see them graded. ,
We buy livepoultry twelve months' of the year. It will pay you,
to advise us what you have to sell. At present -market old Hens,
old Roosters, late hatched and spur Chickens. -
A11 our eggs are bought on Government grades and all poultry
according to size and quality. 'We are li4re to, serve you.
Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited
N. W.. Trewartha, Manager. Clinton Branch
Day Phone 190 Night Phone 214 W
To Rent
Desirable house, large garden, 2
utiles from Holmesvill, on the Mait-
land river. .Gcod'bass fishing. Sur_
mediate possession. Also pasture
land river flats and high land. For
particulars apply to 0. R. Forster R.
R. No. 2,. Clinton. Phone 169 Col-
borne . Telephone System, Carlow
Seed Potatoes and Hay For Sale
A quantity of Dooley and Irish
Cobbler potatoes, suitable, for seed,
also some alfalfa hay. Apply to John.
Jacob, -manager. Huron County Home,
Farm For Sale
Composed of parts of Park Lots H,
I, -K, L. -and 3Vf lying east ,of the Lon..
don -Huron and Bruce Railway right
of way, a portion of Erie street and
that part of township tot`'number one
in, the Huron road concession of the
township of 'Goderich, lying south• of
the Buffalo and' Lake Huron Railway
right of -way and west of Isaac street,
containing in all 52 acres more or.
Less, save and except the. Northeaster-
ly portion thereof containing . two
acres more or less on which is erected
a flax hill. •
IL 1Struthers, Prop. G. Elliott, Agent:
For 'the Village 62 Bayfield
Notice is%i hereby given that a Court;
of Revision will he held in'.:the town.
hall, Bayfield, ori Monday, May 26th,'
dt 8- o'clock in the evening', for the
purpose of: -hearing and determining
com6laints against„the Assessment'
Roll of the said villa e..200/1924.
Persons. hong }j>j5ines5 ati; the • said
Court will please: attend at tine' said
time and place without ,further
Cite. —I -I. W. Erwin Clerk. Bay -
Auld, May 14th, 19,24 ., 54-2.
TNG IS E ` .`
For -the • Carden
For •'_':abg Chicks
01.311' SEEDS GROW
Office Phone 199
Night 141 and 129
i I'� I III 1111111
t��l IItd1Y98(1111II0111111 P81111pIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIII ItlII 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll11111111111111111111 dI ullllltllllll11111118111 If III I I
11111(111LII111111IIII11111111I1111118lli@l(I IilI
Notice to
Egg Proal cors
The 'Egg. Pool is in operation. Pro_,
duetion is large and quality is at its
best. April and Mayeggs are the very
finest to »ut in cold storage to be sold
at the top of the market in the fall.'
Support your own organization.
THURSDAY. of each week at E. L.
MITTEL'S STORE. For information
regarding Egg Pool, apply to
Frank Powell or
E0 L. Mittell'
Baby Chicks for Sale
From `free range bred -to -lay single
comb White Leghorns and Barred
Rocks. Leghorn $15.00 per hundred
Barred 'Rocks $20.00 per hundred.
Our breeding stock are all from heavy
laying strains.
E. J. Trewartha
'Phone 22-611. 50-tf.
We have a supply of , Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
Phone 155. Huron Street.
Singer Sewing Machines
Family, .Electric and D. R. Styles.
Also some second-hand machines,
good as new. Old machines taken .
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you to look these over before
buying • elsewhere. - Repairing and
harts for all makes of machines.
`Earl Steep., Jan. 1, 1924
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re'.
paired.,' Woolen goods dry cleaned,”
Rooms over Heard's barber shops
W. J. Jago. 8341'
From bred -to -lay White Wyan
dotter. Pen (I) --Consists of ten
(Martin Dorcas Strain) headed by
a beautifill Martin cockerelfromlromh a
225 -250 -egg hen. , Eggs
pen $3 per 15. Pen (II)—In this pen
are well natured April hatched pul-
lets, whose sire was hatched from
a setting from Martin's Special Dor-
cas pens 25-32. A d endid vigorous
cock (Fisher's egg Y ) that
proved to be a good breeder last year,
heads this .pen. Eggs $1.50 per 15. I
guarantee- ten fertile eggs per sett-'
ing.—Apply to Lucy R. Woods, Bay-
field, Ont. 48-9
House For Sale
6-roorii • hoose on Frederick street;
good garden and outbuildings;
good condition.' Mrs. II. H. IVIcceol,
Goderich; -or W. Brydone, Clinton.:
For 'Sale
New Massey -Harris steel roller, •9
ft.; Massey-llarzis 11 -hoe' fertilizer
drill, nearly new. Apply to A. Ro-
bertson, Varna, • -' 51-22.
1$ouse For Salo
Comfortable fl'anre h Ou3 e 0n'North
Street; -half acre of ground.• All
kinds of fruit. Small stable, town '.
water iia house. 1t.abert' P. Fisher.
Just What You've Been Waiting For!
Annual STR. GREYHOUN >!,' Excursion
Blouse For Sale
Cottage 'on Huron street,roomy and
in good repair, 14 acre of garden.
Small barn on place. Possession at
once. Also a buggy and cutting box,
Happy Thought range and a sliding
bed couch for sale: Apply. to Miss
B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 39-tf.
Honor uraduate Carey Jones' Na:.
tional School of Auctioneering, Chi.
cago. Special course taken in.'°Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
chandise and .Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction assured. Write or wire,
Oscar K1opp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
98. 88-tf-192aa
$ round trip' One way®t+!� roaa
ill .
This is an event 'that'comes but once -a year-- don't miss Take this.
restful, tfui balm lake ride, to Detroit—visit the arnusetnents, the great indus. -
trial factories; and you can "shop there, too. There'll be music, dancing
and appetizing meals aboard. Be on deck with all the home folk.
On Tuesday, June 10, the Steamer
- greyhound will lenCroderlch; at r:
't 9;30 a. -m„ stopping }ce Ot Port Huron.
rri n Detroit. at
5m: and a Va g
+t- Wedn0 p.esdm.ay
Remninand rrtuningleto er
w Wednesday and day, i June
GodcrkI Thursday, June .12th.
d 1®mmO, p"ll
ro�i mit
44-'0.11114.1 r
sill I 1 1 Try MP
ill ,urn
P • See Ty ;Cobb
and• Babe Ruth
The New York 'Yankees and ,De-
troitTigers will battle for base ball
honors at Navin: Field, Detroit, on
Wednesday, June 11. This is your
opportunity to seethe two greatest
stare ofbaseball in action—Ty
Cobb and Babe Ruth,
Last trip to Detroit leaves Godariel .
Friday, June 13, 9:30 a. m.
out of..Goderich
Monday, - June 9
5:30:p. rat,
Adults 50e ,Children'25e '
Ti -oy' this do8ghtfut three hour
es, oil. beautiful', Lotto; Huron.
FiazeEe trance or4testra1 oboard,i*R, 10114E
, I,
Orders taken at residence. Phone 111
Well. germinated Seed Corn hard
to buy this year, look at gliading on
bags before buying and buy nothing
but No. 1 Govt. Standard. .We have
a very complete stock andourpries
is low for this year.
Have, just received a carload of:
salt. • Special prices on large quan-
Wecarrya complete line of Tor-
onto Asphalt Roofing, before buying
you will find it to, your advantage to
see our line and compare it with
others. Remember there is as much
difference in roofing as there is in
cedar shingles. We believed we have
the.best -and can prove it to you.
Timbthy,;Allfalia, ;Red Clover,
Alsike, Blue Grass, Orchard Grass,
and Sweat Clover always in stock.
Pratts and Blatchfords Buttermilk
Marsh; Royal Purple and Pioneer
' Foods. Garden Seeds in hulk,
Mangers and Turnips. Our stock
is complete and twenty years exper-
ience always at your service.
Will stand for the season 1924 at
the following places commencing,
Monday, May 19th.'
MONDAY—Will leave his own stable,
lot 18, concession 3, Huliett 92 noon,
go west 2 miles to base line then
north to Londesboro hotel stable
for night.
TUESDAY —South on Gravel road .
2i/a miles• then east Ws miles and
south to his own stable for noon.
WEDNESDAY --Leave home noon and
go Illy way of Clinton west on Bay-
field road to 9th concession of Gode-
rich township then north to George
Proctor's for night. '
THURSDAY—East via Hohnesville
and Huron Road to his own stable
for noon.
FRIDAY—Leave home "noon go east
to hivingston's school house then
south 2% miles and west to Han-
ley's corner London Road and, north
home :for night.
SATURDAY -At .Graham House Clin-
ton from 9 a.m. to 5 pan.:
To insure in foal 412 payable when
marc is known to be in foal. Mares
not returned regularly to the horse
will be charged full insurance price
whether in foal or not. Parties dis-
posing of mares before foaling time
will be charged full insurance. All
accidents at risk of owner's of mares.
ar �.
Breeders cannot go wrong in pa-
tronizing thio horse as he is an A,:1.
Individual, has the very best of breed-
ing, both Sire and Dam imported. This:.
horse, while only in work horse condi-
Mon weighs a tori now. The only
difference from a financial standpoint.
in bro,eding, to this horse in this, you
raise the big cleangelding.that brings
from $275 to 8300 - in any kind of
time: Breed to the small horse and
you get something you have to look
for a buyer at around '$7531
m P$"o.iietor,
Phone 3 on 636, R. R. No. � 4, Clinton.
Phone 123 9
Flour and Feed Merchants and
' Grain Buyers
Ehuslea Chick Farm
ry,aby Chicks
S. C. White Leghorn, Barred Ply-
mouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode+Island Reds -
S. C. Mottled, Aneonas.
Agent ' for Wishbone Valveless
Brooder and Model coal burning
La MITTELL, Clinton
Phone: Office, 236r2. Residence 213r3.
The demand for our butter is 1*.
To supply this demand we regni*
more cream.
.We request you to whip as, yetut -;
cream., .
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, ')accurate tests yin11 '
prompt service.
Our firth is known to :you and needif'
no further recommend.
We"pay all express charges, farm.'
iso deft= cans and pay twice omen,:
faiaer infocma�
Write for d or ari•
tl �•t 'the' r
f T