HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-08, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELL R1 STORE
r the Sprin
ilver or Cut Class is the most -suitable. It is more!satisfactory
and will be appreciated as it is alivays in good' taste
We invite you to inspect our collection of Silver, Cut glass, etc.,
sledding and Engagement' Rings,
Watches, Clocks and Wrist -Watches
Around the
is gathered everything that is dea<ert:.
and best in life. Home is Lhe center
from which all the varied concerns
and business 6f life start forth, .Any-
thing that can contribute to the beau-
ty and comfort and peace of Home ,is
deserving of at'tentiOn. and thought.'
In this direction let wall paper enter
your thoughts. Our newspring stock
will soon,be ready for your inspection.
and _Optician
H J 't?1H NSO.
Next' Hovey's Drug Storei
Trio W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best;
Our fresh stock assures you of se.
curing just the Gold Seal Congo-`,
Ileum ; Rug you want at big money
saying prices.
1 IIIIII INIII I I I I:t I.1111ijiNl I I I I I 111111
Pluthsteel Brosv
The Man
Who Knows
good clothes when 1ie sees thein,
knows that they were made at
this establishment. If you have
not as yet picked oak your
Sprang Suit, come to us, as we
have all the latest novelties and
designs, and can make up a suit
which will be up to the minute
in every respect.
Davis & Herman
.r:uxtrm auhutummmalttl
r11'"I` l6rpl0r
Miss Maud Torrance has return ed
from a visit, to Toronto.
Mr. Fred Wallis of the Toronto Uni-
versity is home for the .vacation.
Mrs. Brugeman of Chesiey spent the
week -end with her daughter, Mrs.
E, Wendorf.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Foster of Gode.
rich visited !Clinton friends over
the week -end.
-Miss Burgess and Miss Nash of Tor-
onto were the week -end guests of
Miss Jule Bartliff.'
Mrs. Andrew'Porter of Goderich
ited her sister, Mrs. A. J. Tyndall,
of town, last week
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aitken and`Master
Gordon spent a part of last week'
visiting Hamilton relatives. •
Miss Etta McBrien of the Free Press'
office, staff, London; spent the
week -end at her home in town.
Miss Ward returned last week from
her home at Rockville, Maryland,
where she spent the Easter vaca-
Mr•. R. H. Johnston is visiting rela-
tives at Elk Lake this week. lie
may ,discontinue his business hare
and locate up there.
Messrs. H. W. Gould, G. E. Hall,
T. Hardy, T. J. Managhan and. 3.
L. Heard attended church parade
with the .Seaforth Odd"Fellows at
Egniondville Presbyterian church
on Sunday evening 'last.
Mr. T. R. and Miss 'Mary Jenkins
and Mrs. Erratt of .Auburn motor-
ed , to London en Sunday to visit
their brother, Mr, . E. J. Jenkins,
who was not well, Mrs. Erratt
remained for a couple of days.
Mrs, R. E. Manning and Mrs. Weir
atoLccompanieondon dlast Mseekr. Wk. And N.cSUllclay 1Mlanning
Mr. R. E. Manning, Mr. H. B.
Mauling and Miss Helen' motored
down, Spent thiS day and brought.
thein back in the evening.
Dr. Aubrey' Crich, of Seaferth, who
has :teen practising dentistry in
Calec:bbidet for seine months, has
accepted a stab position in his,
(Bros. Hospital, Rochester, Minn,
Dr. Crich is a Sen of Mr. W. A.
Crich of Seaforth and a nephew of:
Mrs. Howard Fowler of Clinton.
IVfiss Beatrice , Jervis, who has been
taring for her another for the past.
couple of months Or so; has return-
ed to Toronto to resume her posi-
tion. Mrs, Jervii3 has improved
very ntueh but is not yet fully re-
covered. Her friends are hoping;
that she will soon be well again.
Snit /US
9'e 4ng-..e6 cname%
give your aut
e dtitte furniture
:that new -style
ennrneI finish
We also carry a complete line
of Brandram Henderson Paints
and Varnishes
, Sun Varnish and
Sun Varnish Stains
Also a complete line of
Brushes, Linseed Oil and
Sutter Sc
We are ready for aII orders of spring work, Papering, Painting
and decorating. We have a large assortment ofa Pers and ask
p p w e h
you to see our books before, buying.
You will save money by ordering your paper from us,
All 'work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
n bre.
Orders left with x
Armstrong, Huron street will re
rorn ,t attention. PRONE p 1 L N1 234 ring 2
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Grieve motored
OM ' from Gross Ile, Mieh., :last
±week and spent the week -end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hag-
ler, On Tuesday morning they left
on their return j9nrney, Mr, and
Mrs. BagIsag. accompanying. them.
Mi. and Mrs. BagIer will spend the
summer in Michigan, two of thou
daughters being located there, and
as Mrs. Hagler has not been in very
good health for" some time • it Is
hoped the change will be beneficial
to her.
Stanieli Township
Mr. Clifford Scotehmer of Detroit
spent the week -end under the par-
ental roof. •
Mr. James McGee, who spent the
past -week Ai home, has returned to
Miss Freda Talbot, who spent her
holidays at home has returned to
Stratford. •
Mr. `Lorne Epps spent Sunday with
friends at Bayfield.
, Mr, Bert Wiley of Michigan was
the guest of Mr. David Scotcbiner
last week,
Misses Betty and Mary. Stewart
spent a few days last week at the
home of Mr. John Curring of Blyth,
returning home on Sunday.
Mr. Harvey Stewart of Kingston
University has gone to. Port .Colborne,
for the summer, „after spending a
short visit at his home in ,Stanley.
Mr. James McFarlane has resumed
his studies at • the Hemphill motor
school in Toronto having had to conte
home 'before his course was finished
on account of: illness.
Mn, Cliff Stewart motored to Blyth
on Sunday.
Miss Edna Alexander of, Toronto is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Innis
and, expects. to spend the summer
Miss Edna Reid was hone to Wal-
ton for,the week -end,
The ladies of the' community met'
on Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs, Ed. Glen, sr. A;'pleasant
time was spent, the hostess served
i Ai
We have just received a full`consi Trent of
goods, for mother's day. These are the,finest packcanned'
of� v�get .•
ables.and fruits that an be obtained and are beautiful goods.
We are sole, agents. See our assortment in north window and.
in our Groceteria
'Apex 'Canned Corn per tin , .. , .. .. , 25e.
Apex French Peas, per tin 25e.
Apex Canned Beets, per tin . . ..... •30c.
Apex_ Canned Pinapple Tid Bits , .... . .. . . . . . . 35e..
Apex Canned Apricots : 30e.
Apex Canned Peaches .:.. 30c„
pex.anned Grape Fruit, sections . , , lOc.
Apex Canned .Marmalade .. , .. 5e,'
Apex Canned Tomatoes, Pears and Pineapple in Glass...
At this time of the yeai•"ntother's fruit, is hound to
be getting low. What would please her more for Mo-
ther's Day- than a can of Apex Fruit i or a box of "Smile
s'n Chuckles?."
Call and inspect our Groceteria Specials., - You need not
buy unless you so. wisli. All goods are priced and you ,gre
welcome to come in and inspect them. For this week -end:
11 lbs, of Granult t
only�lAaed Sugar for ;; ... . , , .. , $1.00
. h to a customer.
Iiursle§ Tea, per lb
Peameal Backs 29e.
Back Bacon; per lb.'
Jellied Tongue, per lb..
Jellied Ilock
10 lbs. Rolled Oats ,...q5. .:
10 'Bars' of Soap,any kind 725.
Kindly order telephone and regular orders early in the
day. Commencing -May 1st we will be closed Wednesday
afternoons excepting holiday weeks
Cash & Carrg
2 Deliveries
Goderich Township
Last week notice was given of the
death, of Mrs. Alexander Co; a very
highly esteemed resident of this town-
ship. The deceased lady, whose mai-
den name was Eleanor McKee, was
born and brought up in the township,
being a •daughter of the late Cornel-
ius McIfee of the 4th' concession.' She
was one of a family ,of nines of whose
only two remain, two sisters, Mrs,
Richard Porter of Wingham and Mrs.
Samuel Johnston ori%Laura, Sask. In
1873 she was married to the late Al
e-tander Cox and for twelve years'
they, residod On the •. 6th concession,
then moved to the Out line, where,
she spent the remainder of her earth-
ly life, ,She is survi4ed by four sons:
John As, •Herbert C.. Albert B. and
Wilfrid 3.; all within a mile of the
old homestead:, the latter living on it.
Mr. Cox died two years ago. Mrs.
Coic was a Methodist in religion, be-
ing a member of Bethel church. The
funeral took place on Meflnesday of
last week from her Iate residence to
Goderich cemetery. The services at
house and graveside were conducted
by the Rev. R. A. Parker of Bay-
field, who has been her pastor and had
visitedher during Iter,illness, assisted
by the Rev, W. A. Walden of Holmes.
ville.' Her• four sons carried the re.
mains of their fnotiter: to her last rest-
ing place beside her husband in Mait
land cemetery,
The annual meeting of the Londes-
boro branch of the Women's 'Insti-
tute was held in the conptrunity hall,
on Thursday, May 1st,' with an at-
tendance of thirty-four. A short
program was.given and the Yollpwing
officers were elected fon the coining
President: Miss L. Brigham.
1st Vice: Mrs. J. Manning.
2nd Vice: Mrs. W. Brunsdon.
Sec. -Treasurer: Miss L, Mains.
Pros Secretary: Miss S. Sampson.,
Organist: Mrs. E, Adams.
Assistant: Mrs. G. McVittie.
District Director: Mrs. P. "Manning.
Auditors: Mrs. Wells, Mrs. H. 145-
At the close of the meeting lunch
was served .by Mrs. D. Mountain,
Mrs. E. 'Adams, Miss L. Brigham,
which was much enjoyed' by all.
Mr, R. A. Asquith is spending the
week with his sister, Mrs. C. How-
Mr. Hanley of Orangeville was in
our village on a business trip this
Mrs. Ray Farrow and little daugh-
ter, Dorothy, left for Detroit on
Thursday, where her husband has ta-
ken a`position,.
The service next Sunday morning
in the °Presbyterian church will be in
keeping"with Mother's Day," A n10-
thers' choir will render music. There
will also be a service in the evening
et 7:50.
We welcome bis. and Mrs, W. L.
Robison, who moved into their
house >here last week,
!bliss '1, A, Blair and MTs. W. J.
Andrew, are in Toronto this week, at,.
Lending the graduation exercises at
the Methodfat'' National Training
Mr. R, Medd lost a number of -pigs
last week from poisoning.
The District Convention of She Wo -
non's MissionaO' Society is to, be
held.;'in" the Methodist ehnrch; Sea.
forth, on Wednesday, May 14th,
Will Present
Play in Clinton
The London' Road Dramatic Society
will present the 4 -act play, -
"I Can't Afford It"
in the
Town mall, Clinton
on the evening of
Friday, May 16th
Musical selections between acts
Admission 25c. Reserve Seats 355.
Plan at Fair's. Proceeds in aid of
Clinton Hospital
Mr. and, Mrs. Gidley of Blyth were
visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Pol-
lard's on Sunday. I
11lrsr.. Geo. Brown is visiting Mrs.
Mr, Evans of Detroit, formerly of
England, died'avery suddenly of pneu-
monia on Friday. The body was
brought to Burns church on Satur-
day, where a short service was held.
Re was- a brother of Mrs. Albert
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Dayment of
Iiippen were carders at Thos. Poly
lard's on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. James Attwood of Blenheim
was a visitor for few days with her
sister, Mrs,. John Mann. We aro
very glad to report she is improving,
though slowly.
Miss ,lean Elford of Ottawa is the
guest of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. A, J. Cotiee; Elfor'
parents are now in EurMissope.'` They
went over to attend the‘Empire
in England and also a poultry
Congress in "Spain, Mr. Elford being
Dominion Poultry' Husbandman.
Rev, W. A. Walden attended the
funeral of an aunt at Brussels yes
The Methodist quarterly . meeting
was held on Monday evening, fairly
satisfactory reports ,being presented,'
Mr. 18. J. Trewagtha, was appointed
delegate to the district meeting ill
Goderich on May 21stand22nd.
McKillop Townships
'Mr. George B. Eberhart lost a fine
spring colt last week.
Public school meeting was held at
Roxboro school one evening last week
in order to elect a new trustee t?b hl)
,the vacancy caused by bus. Lour Vier -
hart's having moved to Seaforth. Mr,a
F. Coleman was unanimously elected
to finish the term.
Mr. T. E. Hays bought a bunch 05
grass cattle from Mr: John Scott the
first bC this weep.
Messrs, Hart a
nd McGowan have
both: been' hauling brick with their
teams in Seaforth, cleating the Main
street'o' t laying for the la ui q.> the new road.
Mr. Robert Daymond, u'., who was
helliiitg Mr. John Herr with his seed -
mg, has returned to sgl'ioo1 again.
The Maitland Bank cemetery Conn
inittee have had,, a couple of acres of
Some Day the Stin Will Shine
and you will be Busy • House-cleaning
but in the meantime it will pay you to look over our. specials in
Icroehler Chesterfield Suites, Davenport Beds in Tapestry and Lea-
therette all guaranteed: to give absolute Satisfaction, giving a beauti-
ful living room suite as well as bedroom if necessary.
You may need new Beds, Springs or Matresses, We have some
real special prices on the Old Reliable (Sniintons) Products 'which
are built for 'sleep so wry not enjoy comfort,
We are headquarters for Bugs in Congoleum and' Carpet, also'
Linoleum, and Oil Cloth in all the best patterns.
Hardware Department
We'are sole agents for the celebrated Sherwin Williams, Out-
side and Inside paints Varnishes and Stains, the famous Campbell
Floor' Enamels and Liquid Granite for floors, linoleums, etc.
We have a full stook of Fane and Garden Tooa• and the Taylor -
Forbes Lawn Mowers all sizes and prices.
Justreceived a carload of Brantford Roofing, Slab Slate, Red
and Green, Roll Roofing at all prices. Consult us before purchasing.
Courtesy and Prompt Delivery
Clint n Hardware and Furniture Co.
urniture Phone: 104
Hardware 195
C A' p i N COAL
After several years of interrupted service -our Old Line Coal
!Companies,. the D. L. & W", and'D, & H, are,:now shipping us coal
regularly, and coal.of superior quality to anything that has been re-
ceived in Ontario for years. •
are now on, and while it is warm these days let it reining you. that ,
when' Summer comes "Winter is sure to•;follow.'
PIace your order with the firm that has always made a special
effort to supply what you want when you want it, whether Winter or
Sumner, much or little,: Egg or Stove. _
We can give you service; on -any of the following:
Grate oke
gg Pocahonias
Stove Domestic Lump
Chestnut : Cannel
Pea Coal Smithing
We also have on hand a fresh carload of CANADA CEMENT
and a variety of choice WOOD.
At BRTJCEFIJLI) YARD we have in stock Chestnut;. Stove,.
Coke, Cement,.. Lumber and Shingles:
nnoceopied land ploughed, which they
intend to level' and' seed down fresh
ready for future sale,
it pFeen
°"rho Sroung Peoples' Club of St,
Andrews church intend to have an
anniversary on Sunday, dray 18±15,
Rev. Ili', Alp of Auburn Will be the
preacher. On Monday Blyth Orator.
teal Society will give their 'grand Or-
atorio, "Belshazzar'
bit' and Mis, W:'18..,Cooper, who
have lived riust'north of the village,
intend moving 'ti London to reside.
The .Sacrainent of the Lord's. Sup-
per was observed in the Jiethodist
church Sunday afternoon. A large
congregation was.presentfrom Varna.
and 'Goshen. '
Mrs. A. Petrie, of Toronto is the:
guest of her pother, Mrs. A. Me -
Miss a. McKenzie 02 Goderic, town
Ship is visiting with her brother, Mr.
A. McKenzie,
Mr. and Mrs: Peter Bowes have
been recent visitors, with members of
-their fancily at Bruceileld.
A number of the people of Kippen.
are•oin� into the;
g g growing of encuut-,
hers on large scale, a good price
benig odered by a leading first.
Mr. '1'.'. W. Butts has purchased the.
residence of the late Geo.-Mcl4ayriand
has taken Possession.
Miss Mabel Whiteman, who spent'
some time in Toronto bah returned,.