The Clinton News Record, 1924-05-08, Page 6By ,1ZAf 'TU' VC'RK `I'dA�LbLE
�fl thud Leen i.; l wV lee ee0i Fretanie,
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OUR INDOOR TOILET. with , whippedor plain sweetened
The most annoying feature for woe cream,
men who- live in the country, is the Bran drown Bread -1 c. bran,,,i e.
evil -smelling; unsanitary (and that sour milk, 15e. raisins, 1 tap. molase-
means disease -breeding) out -door es, 3s c. sugar, 1 c. flour, 1 tsp. soda,.
toilet. Where there are email chil- et tsp. salt,
dren, it is especially inconvenient in Mix' together bran, sour milk and
winter., And it is horrible and un- raisins. Add molasses, sugar,- and
healthy, for many reasons, winter flour' which have -been sifted with the
and summer. - soda and salt, Put the mixture. into.
4. We have overcome, this annoyanee a. greased ' can; cover tightly„and
by installing -a standard flush toilet Stet= for :three hours.
without . the prohibitive cost” of a Bean Griddle Cakes—1 c, bran, 1
water system. _ Wo expect to have the c. flour, 1 there` sugar, 2 tsp. baking
latter soon but -we have had the use ,powder, 35 tap. salt,, i egg, le5e.
of the toilet for three years, while milk, 1 -tbsp. melted shortening.
Waitingfor the more expensiveequip- Mix and sift ,flour; sugar, baking
Went,' which can be added without the powder, salt; add bran. Combe
loss of the equipment already in With milk and add to the; dry-ingred-
place, lents, Add melted shortening. Beat
Money was very scarce with, us thoroughly and bake on a hot griddle.,
when we }Wade the venture but we Bran Muffins -2 tbsp.' shortening,
achieved the apparently- impossible 3 c. sugar, 1 egg, 1, c. sour milk, 1 e.
by following this plan: bran,,1 c. flour, 35 tsp. soda, lie tbsp.
Our small income was hs'.Jgeted salt.
and after carefully consldering.,the Cream 'shortening .and - sugar to -
various expenses, we found that,by gether,'add: egg. Mix, and sift flour,
extra economy in _`sone items, for a soda, and salt. To the' creamed, mix -
period of three months, we could save ture add bran, then, mills, alternately
one-half of the cost of the toilet. We with- sifted dry ingredients. Pour into
determined to make our little garden greased" muffin tins and bake, in a
yield a surplus, which we could sell Moderate' oven (850 deg Fahrenheit)
and thus raise the remaining -half. for -20 minutes This; should make 12
Here,) a- record of 'actual produce large muffins. If sweet milk is used
raised ,and sold from our kitchen -gar- instead of sour replace the 3's tap. of
den.` We planted extra seed of the soda with 2 taps. of baking'powder.
s'e'etables demanded in our locality Raisins or dates may be added to the
and `matured everything very early, muffins as desired.
getting the top prices.
3 bushels string beans ,..... , $7.50.
2 bushels 'very early harvest
• apples 4.00
10 bushels plums 8.50
Cucumber pickles 6.00
G bushels tomatoes 5.00
12 doz. ears Golden Bantam corn 3:00
"When ktearta command
Pram r>vind:1'0w gayest ceuas
ised "topay it, -In•a fety Jaye 'We'll'
rellint in ;veattlt.°'
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