HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-08, Page 5p;. restto you and me guile eontrary eW does your garden, grow?> With gpad rich soil and sweat' and toil d <i willingriess'to hoe" " -Oil News. Have you noticed that 14lay 24th ".thi year comes en Saturday? Tough _luck for the schoolboy, cheating him. ant or a holiday. They "say now 'hat women wore ;corsets before ,Bing Tut's time. This 'seems to give'a black eye to the old belief that women'.s, fashions are for - over 'changing., The ,SL, Thomas Tined--Jodrnal :,says: "Man putts in half his time ha -r- ening his muscles and -the other half hardening his ai'ter es." • Now is the season to get in a few good strokes at the former, ma.aK The Small will case was settled in Toronto last week; each party getting' :, a nice little sum of cash. . Still, the amount was somewhat smaller than would have been the case had the set- tlement been made sooner. y:. ,;` Toronto is under Daylight. Saving time again, having pushed its cpeks on, ,Saturday night. Toronto -seems to tie devoted to daylight saving, whe- =.ther it makes good use of the daylight thus saved is another question. "Britain and Russia, if allied," says Trotzity, "could rule Europe' Just so, But how is, the alliance to be brought about, will Russia come up to ' Britain's high level? It is incon- • cejvable that Britain should descend to Russia's, - At Ottawa interest during the past week has-been' centred la the work of ''the Private Bills Committee,' rather than in- the work of 'Parliament it - ?self. Indeed, it is a long time since • any :legislation has aroused as much - - interest as the Church 'Union Bill, -which has been before the Private Bills Committee since Wednesday of last week. Canada grows the best wheat in the world: This is no idle boast, .it is a plain statement of factyand it-com mands- the best ,price on the world :market for the manufacture of fine flour, Just recently the United States Government put an extra. duty • • on the importation of -Canadian wheat making the duty 42 cents per bush- el. , " This of course puts a damper -upon the importation of Canadian. • wheat and cuts off the market -of the 'United' States to a great extent, al- though the millers there want the • •Canadian hard wheat to mix with their own for the :manufacture of flour. It has been demonstrated just recently that much of the No. 1 .Canadian wheat shipped through Un, ited States ports to Great Britain "`has not when tested measured up to its label and it is suspected that in •going through it has somehow been tampered with, some Bard wheat be- ing withdrawn and seine of, inferior <quality being substituted. This, if allowed to go on, will have the effect of spoiling our market for hard • wheat. We should as far as possl- ;hie ship front our own ports and the Government of the United. States should be appealed to to, protect our shipments, going through their ports in bond. Mucji of our wheat is also • shipped to the United -States mills to be ground, not to -be sold in the CJn- ited States but exported to Britain. Thus Canadian farmers are working to supply th6 great mills of the menu- facturing'centres across .the interne- " tionai nterna-"tional. boundary with raw materia: and to build; up a world market for 'their flout, . This wheat should be ground in Canada, employing our own labor, instead of shipping it after the raw materials to help"work it up. lJn- 'less Canada wakes up to the fact that it is up to her to build up her own country she will;, eventually wake up -'to find herself in very truth a "hewer .'of wood and drawer of water" to her great and enterprising neighbor to tthe south. Stir nerh ll Mr. T. E. Mason has been very i11 'for the past week.. His condition was Considered so serious that a special- 1st was called in but he is now some- what improved and it is hoped he will 'continue to amend until he regains his usual good health. The ,Unity Club ,will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Welsh' on •Tuesday: next, May 13th, Iielltt Township brigs. :Thomas Tighe passed away :yesterday after a very short illness. ,,She suffered a stroke on Tuesday and, never rallied. The funeral ,takes place tomorrow -forenoon, at half past• nine from .St, Joseph's church, Clin- .ton, Further particulars next week: -.Cotintj News 'Rev. (Capt.) Edwards of the Lie - towel Methodist church,- formerly ast rthe Seaforth `f e o o Sof rth church, is ill. His friend hoping are hap ng that his re- covers will not be delayed. Mrs. 0, M. Chowen and family moved from Brussels to Kincardine' .last week to lour her husband, who is the C.N.R. agent there, having been prothoted from Brussels about "a leionth ago. 1 Mrs. Rose, mother of Councillor' .Rose".0,,f Brussels, died on Sunday last.: ,She had .been an invalid for $eine, :years, -. Canadine Pacific Railway, Change of Time Effective i 1 Sunday, Ia 8-th. 1924 , Iniportant change in train cheduies y ill i e ix acre hull- particular - froom W. Jad his A,ent',C'P:R.: 53-2j Births IRUTHERS-In Toronto 'on May 202, to Dr. and Mrs. R. G. bttu- thei`s, of Henan, China, on furlough at 23 Aberdeen Club, Bain Ave„ Toronto, a daughter. JONES ---At the rectory. Gerrie,, on April 27th, to Rev. and Mrs. R. S • Jones, a son, Robert Norman, ROBERTSON -In Goderich, on May 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Howard' Ro- bertson, "(formerly Miss Jessie, Ford), a daughter,—Helen Margin.. et Robertson. Death s TIGHE—In Hulleot township, on'�'Cay 7th, Margaret Quigley, wife of Mr. Thomas Tighe. CHURCHILL --l1 Goderich township, on -May 8th, Thomas Churchill, ag- ed 82 'years. IN MEMORIAM In' loving memory of Mrs. R, Pen - hale, who flied one year ago, May 7th, 1923:' "We watched her suffer day by day, It caused us utter grief, To see her slowly pine away But could notgive relief Longnights, long, days,' she bore her Bain, To .wait for cure, but all in vain, Till God himself knew what was best He took her home and gave her rest, For all of us she did her best • God 'grant to her eternal rest. She lives in our hearts, she'll ever die We hope to meet her by and by. -Her Family IN MEMORIAM CALTON—In, loving inemory of my dear husband, Charles :Calton, who departed life. May 9th, 1922. "A Precious , one from us is gone, .A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our hone, • Which never can be filled. God in His wisdom has recalled The boon his Ieve has given; And though the body.moulders here, The soul is safe an heaven." —His Wife. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL- WAYS EARNINGS The gross earnings. of the Canadian National Railways, for the week end- ing April 30, 1924 were $5,957,318.00 being an increase of $245,283.41 over ;the corresponding period of 1923. The gross'eltrnings of•the Canadian National Railways from January 1 So April 30, 1924 have been 875,838,721, being :an increase of $1,088,644.50 as compared with the Corresponding per- iod of 1923. HOGG GRADING REPORT FOR HURON COUNTY.FOR THE WEEK ENDINGIIAYIST Clin, Endes- ton bore 1697 58 40 439 29 lb 892 : 20 19. 48 1 Total Selects Thick Smooth Heavies Extra heavies • " - 2 Shop Hogs •'16S 2 : 2 Lights and Feeders 25 1 Sows No, 1 2 Bows No. 2 48 Stags ._ 8 Music Pupils Wanted I am prepared to take a few more music pupils. Pupils prepared for both London and Toronto Conserva- tory exams. Elsie Hibbert. 53-1-p. For Sale Writing desk,double bbd, nsattress and springs, also single inattress. A. A. Howson. • For Sale Pea beans, suitable for seed, these beans are partly. colored but were not sprouted: I tested them and 91 out of 100 showed strong growth. Price $1.40 per, bushel. Ed. Johnston, R. 11.'WNo, 4, Clinton. Phone 3 on 636. 53-1-p. Private Sale of Household Effects I will sell several articles of house- hold furniture,' including a large sired Quebec heater, only used one' season, a white enamelled iron bedstead, with springs, and other;' articles. Call any afternoon, or evening. Mrs, 1'. French Bing street. ' . 53-1. Entertainment at Kippen On Monday evening, May 19th, the Blyth Olatoriai Society will present h "Belshazzar," the Grand Oratoria Belshazzar in St Andrews Church, under the auspi- ces of the Young People's Society. 50 artists St gorgeous costumes. Ad- mission 50c., children 35c 53-1. Tenders Wanted For painting -barns and outbuild- ings.: For further particulars apply at ' News -Record 'office: 93-1, Department Will Assist Farmers In view of the fact that Toronto markets ° are going to discriminate a- gainst 'buck lambs to the extent of 42.00 percwt. the Department of Ags, rimdture is willing to assist farmers wishing --to have 'their Iambs docked and castrated. We have help, which will he''available and will be glad`to assist in the nextfew'Wceks, in work of this kind. Apply to local repro• sentative, Chevrolet` Car For Sale A , near- ly Grand Chevrolet car, i ear- ly new; 4 new tires last year. Pricy reasonable' Apply Milton Wiltse1 R. R. No. 5, Clinton.. Phone 12 on 610 55-tf. Spraying Material Small quantities of lime' -sulphur' for spraying mnay be obtained by far- mers desiring. it. from S. B., Stothers' District 'Representative. 53-1. -Vlusic Lessons Miss claed•1404er 'Anderton is ',PI en pianoforte a sonable. torr 13-620; effi- Prof. essons hbkao Private Sale`. of ,Household Effec�_. 1 have na number of household ef- fects ;— fuse pre; Dishes, ,:Kitchen Utensils Etc which will be -sold• pritaately 'at -cottage,, Corner of Fulton and Dunlop Streets Tuesdag, Mau 113th Come early to get first choice. Terms: `Cash. 1 . r McTAVISH 52 u Notice to Egg Producers The Egg -Pool -is X111 operation. Pro-, auction is large and quality is ain its best. April and May egg's are the very. finest to tint in cold storage tobe sold' at the top of the market in the falIil Support your ' own ..organization, TRUCK CALLS MONDAY AND THURSDAY of each week at ID, L, - MITTEL'S STORE. For information regarding Egg Pool, apply to Frank Powell or E. Lo Mittell. Work Wanted I will gb out by.the day as house- keepers' helper, Mrs. M. Ford, Wil liar street. Auto Car For Sale In fair condition; good engine, eight: outside tires. Por $100, apply A. Cantelon. ,e- 52 -ti; Buil. For Sale • .: Choice Hereford Bull, eleven months old, for 'sale. Apply Howard Clark, Clinton, Phone 42-606." 52-2-p. Pasture Pasture for fifty head of cattle for -season: 'Plenty of water.. M. G. Itansford. 52-2. Play The play, "A. Dream -That Came True," will be given in the town hall, Clinton on Monday, evening,'11fay:12th by the League of James street church, Exeter, under the auspices of Ontario street .clturoli, Clinton:' Admission 86c. and 25c. 52-2. To Rent Desirable house, large garden, 2 miles from Holmesvill, on the Mait- land river. Good bass fishing._ Ins. mediate possession. AIso pasture land, river flats and high land. For Particulars apply to O. R. Forster R. R. No, 2, Clinton. Phone 169. CoI- borne Telephone System, Carlow 52-3, Eggs For hatching Barred Rdbks leaded by 'males from W. J. Johnston's pen., Meaford, Ont,; prize winners for 4 consecutive years', in Ottawa- egg -laying' aontests, Price $1,25 per 15, $3.50 per 50 eggs, Frank Weekes, Varna, Phone 31-622. 48-6 Seed Potatoes and Hay For Sale .4 quantity of Dooley and Irish Cobbler potatoes, suitable for seed, also some alfalfa hay. Apply to John Jacob, manager Huron County Horne. 48-tf• Patin For Sale Composed of parts of Park Lots II, r, K, L, and M lying east of the Lon_ don Huron and Bruce Railway right of way, a portion of Erie street and that part of township .lot number one In the Huron Toad concession of the township of Goderich, lying south of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway right of .way and west of Isaac street, containing in all 52 acres more ox less, save and except the Northeaster- ly portion thereof containing two acres more or less on which is erected a flax mill. II. Struthers, Prop, G. Elliott,. Agent 51-4, Mortgage Sale Unde and by virtue of the Powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time Of sale there will' be offered for sale by public autelon by George Benny El- liott, Auctioneer, at the 'Council Chamber, Clinton, on Saturday, ,May.. .10th, 1924, at the hour of 3 o'clock p.m., the .following property: The south half of lot number 36 and the north half of lot number '3'7 both in the 13th Concession 0l the township of Goderich in the county of Huron, containing each by admeasure went 40 acres of land be the same more or less, . , The property contains 50 acres of arable land and 30 acres of bush: land stocked principally with cedar. The soil' is loam. Terms 10' per cent, of, purchase money on day of sale; bal- ance in 30 days. Terms may be ar- ranged, - Sale subject to reserve bid. YCon- ditions and particulars may be ob tained frons the undersigned. 'Dated • at Clinton this 22n clay yof April, 1924. W. Brydone, Solicitor for Vendor. ` G. H. Elliott, Auction ser. i 51-3 Bulls For' Servles 3 Shorthorn bulls, 16 months old, standard d breed'm g,'Cron.good milking n g strain, Apply to, James Snell and Son, Clinton. Phone 2 on 641, Clin- ton central. 47-tf. Douse For Sale 6-roam hopse onFrederick F e x'le street; good garden and outbuildings; in good conditiSn. Firs. II. II. McCool, Goderich, or W. Brycione, •Clinton. 45-tf. For Sale New Massey -Harris steel roller, 9 ft.; Massey-H-arris 11 -hoe fertilizer drill, nearly new. ' Apply to A, Ro- bertson, Varna. 51-1,f:. Pasture for 'Cattle A limited number of cattle will be. taken for pasture. Good grass plenty of, water Jobe} lI5i'x, Lor�desboro, Phone 32-640 '('litxthn `central.. 51-2. OUP appetite. Try a 1 1b. Sliced Bacon .. 3 lb. Pail of Lard • 2 ib. Ginger Snaps 1 lb Bulk Cocoa_: 2 Cans of Peas or Coin HAT ABOUT bottle oL our Ti1;er ,Catsup, 14 ounce,` `spseial 20e,' 25c. 8 Calces. Castile Soap .25c.' tine. 4 bars Naptlia. Soap , 25c, 10c. 1i1P leases oSundry Soap 35c. 3 Packagese minonia' .' 25o Pallure OUR STORE' IS YOUR STORE HIGHEST` PRICES FOR PRODUCE JO} NSC N' &:• C;Q'S GROCERY Phone tit PROMPT SERVICE "` TIDE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Trg a Loaf At Your Grocers or delivered NEILSON' S CHOCOLATES' Assorted flavors 39c lb Good -Bread . Cakes Cookies Buns F. J. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER wwwWWassww WN & CO. Phone 1 C. .' VENNE , E1ectriciax Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other `° Appliances Wiring and Repairs. EGGS We Pau Cash Phone 15Iw Our plant is pow complete and we solicit your shipments of 0ggs whether large or small,. • Come and see them graded, POULTRY We buy live poultry twelve months of the year. It will pay you to advise us what you have to Sell. At present, market old Hens,. old Roosters. late hatched and spur Chickens. .CONDITION All our eggs are bought on Government grades amid all poultry according to size and quality. We. are hereto serve you. Gunn, Langlois & .Co., Limit d HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUEBEC N. W. Trewartha, Manager Clinton ranch Day Phone 190 -^,o Night Phone 214 W SP !NG IS HERE For the C., den PEAS, BEANS AND CORN IN:I3ULK *PEAS, AND FLOUR SEEDS. IRISH COBBLER AND GOLD COIN POTATOBS FERTILIZER IN BULK OR CARTONS GIPPS PILLS FOR PANTS r DUTCH SETS, 'BULBS AND PLANTS For 13aby Chicks BABY CHICK SCRATCH FEED BLATCEFORD'S •CHICK MASH iPINHEAD OATMEAL. ROLLED OATS WATER 'FOUNTS AND FEED HOPPERS OUR SEEDS .GROW W, JENKINS Ei SON Office Phone 109 Night 141 and 129 Just: Wliat You've Been Waiting For! Annual '' GREYHOpp D Excursion Leaving Goderich and return. aP troit I round trip . $2a25 One way This is an event that comes but once a year—don't miss itl Take this restful, balmy lake ride td Detroit -visit tile amusements, the great indus- trial factories; and you can shop there, too. '?There'll be music, dancing and appetizing meals aboard. 13e on deck with all the home folk. On Tuesday, June 10, the Steamer Greyhound will leave Goderich at 5130 a m., stopping at Port Huron 1:30 p. in. and arriving Detroit at 5:30 p. m. Remain in Detroit over Wednesday and retprning, leave for Goderich Thursday, June 12th. ep• :" ^� 7Cy Cobb • i{ aired Rabe Ruth The New York 'Yankees sac De. troll. Tiger; will battle for base bell lip hdnoee at Navin. Viola, Detroit, on 1Wedneday„Jane 11. Tit is yourt n u�l 1 I rte oaprosrtountiste2aeeithetwotnr—tT,Y Cobb eeC Babe Ruth. Last trip to Detroit leaves Goderich Friday June 13, 9:30o. m. MOONLIGIIIT out of Goderich`” Monaday,'June 9 8:30 }a. nn . . • Adults 50c ` Chiidreu 25c Eaioy th o delightful threehour saul•.:oa beautiful Latrelour n ' F,riret's ore dance esaboard,,, a _ h tea : 'VVI-11,1'tSTAR LINE a a udl100010001.4lttolfl11,1 s'NlrNlsh In 9i jM-{Ii<llei r tt't1 u, N:0 ;It l'(1I0ll I5lIle am( II 111 We have any kind of paint you wish for inside or outside decorations Paints, Oils as d Varnishes GENERAL HARDWARE TELEPHONE 53 PLUNLBING AND HEATING' OHI=NAMEL STORE 1191111111111111111(1(111111111IIIIII11111911IIII11p919111111111111111111111119111111111111 IIIIIIIIII1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI1(IIIIIII11111111Iiilli11ll4,11 raiouiceuaent MR. G. A. FRYFOGLE Panist and Violinist Wishes to announce that he will com- mence teaching in Clinton at an early date. Pupils prepared for Conser- vatory examinations. • Indructions in Saxaphone, Banjo and general orchestral playing. For • appointment write box 121, Wingham, or phone 85. 52-2 Baby Chicks for Sale From free range .bred -to -lay single comb White Leghorns and Barred Rocks. Leghorns $16.00 per hundred Barred Rocks 420.00 per ' hundred: Our breeding stock are all from heavy laying strains. - E. J. Trewartha INGLENOOK POULTRY YARDS HOLM'ESVII,LE Phone 22-611. 50-tf. EGGS FOR _HATCHING From bred -to -lay :White,dWyan dottes. Pen (I)—Consists' of ten (Martin Dorcas Strain) headed by a beautiful Martin cockerel from a 225 -250 -egg hen. Eggs from this pen $3 per 15. Pen (II) -In 'this . pen are well matured April hatched pul- lets, whose sire 'was hatched from a setting from Martin's Special Dor- cas .pens .25-32. 41. splendid vigorous cock (Fisher's egg -a -day strain) that prove& to -be a good breeder last year, heads this pen. Eggs $1.60 per 15. I guarantee -ten fertile eggs per sett- ing. --Apply to. Lucy R. Woods, Bay -- field, Ont. , 48-9 House For Sale Cottage on Huron street, roomy and in good repair, mo -i acre of garden. Small barn on place. Possession at once., Also 'a buggy and cutting box, Happy Thoughiirrange and a sliding bed Couch for sale. Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 89-tf. House For Sale Comfortable: frame house on North street, half Acre of ground. All kinds of fruit. . Small stable, town water in house. Robert P. Fisher. 37-tf. THE PURE BRED CLYDESDALE STALLION GENERAL MILLER NO. 21163 Will Stand for the season 1924 at the following places commencing, Monday, May 19th. ` MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, lot 18, concession 8, Hullett at noon, go west 2 miles to 'base line then north to Londesboro hotel, stable for night. TUESDAY —South on Grovel ,road 2% -miles then east 1% miles and south to his own stable for noon. WEDNESDAY --Leave home noon and go by way of Clinton west on Bay- fieldroad to eth concession of -Godo- rich township then north to George Proctor's for night. THURSDAY= --East via Holmesville and Huron Road to his own stable for noon, 0' FRIDAY—Leave home noon go, east to Livingston's school house then south 2% miles and west to Han- ley's corner London Road and north home for night, SATURDAY -At Grahoun House 'Clin- ton from 9 a.m. to 5 pan. TERMS ' To insure in foal, $12 payable When mare is known to be in foal,, ; Mares not re sur o t ne .re regularly to the horso g y h Iso will he charged full insurance price whether in foal .or not, Parties dis- posing' of mares before 'foaling time will be charged full insurance. All accidents at risk of owners of mans. Breeders cannot go wrong in Pa- tronizing this horse as he is an A. 1, individual; has the very best' of breed-„ ing, both,Sire and Dani imported. This horse, while only in work horse condi- tion weighs a ton now. The only difference from a financial Standpoint in breeding to this horse in this, you raise the big' clean elding that brings' from 8275'to 5300 in any kind of times. Breed to the small 1i rte': and •fou get something yeHave to i.00lc Eo3!-abuer'a y at round 875, ED. JOHN -ST ON, ` Proprietor, �r'Phone 3 021 636, R. R. No, 4,` Clinton. 53-4. COAL . We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut and Soft. Also some -good dry slabs. Leave orders at residence. E. WARD Phone' 155. Huron Street. Singer Sewing Machines gamily, Electric and D. R. Styles. Also some second-hand machines, good as news{ 01d machines tarsen as part payment. Easy terms. It will pay you to lookthese over before^ buying elsewhere.' Repairing and parts for all makes of machines. Earl Steep. Jan. 1, 1925 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re.. paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned., Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. 3. Jago. • AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na. tional School of Auctioneering, Chi• cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Elopp, Zurich, Ont, Phone 11)- 93. - —88-58-1923 COAL NUT, ,STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON IIAND N„ FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 R. 4. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 11t We have just received our early shipment of Timothy, Red Clover, .A1- sike, Alfalfa and Blue Grass. Buy- ing these early got better prje„es.than We can get now 'and so are ff'ering special prices for the rest of this month. Our Alfalfa is Ontario Var. legated, grown in ` ,Peel County, We have made a specialty of this variety for the past four years and it hasgiven the very best of results, The Red • Clover and Aleike are from the same district also. - BRAN. SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS Have just received a carload of these feeds. Good quality and fair prices. ALWAYS ON HAND Oyster Shell, Gramm, Beef Scraps, Ground Charcoal, Tankage, Oil Cake,. Oat Meal, Ground Corn, Five Roses, Purity, and North Star flours. Hess Royal Purple, Pratte and. Woodehouse Tonics and Royal Purple Calf' Meal.:. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers'. Also issuers of Hunters & Trapper* licenbes Eliuslea Chick Farm and Hatcher' Y a.hh Chicks • S. C. White Leghorns, Barred 'Ply- mouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode Island Reds 5 C. Mottled Anconas.., ' Agent for, Wishbone Valveless Brooder and Model eoal burning Brooders. - E. L. MITTELL, Clinton Phone:. OfAee 236r2., Residence 213raa CREAM WANTED! Then Gema d for Our butter a b �1• creasing. ' To supply this' deniund wesrequird more ereanl.'. We request you to ship us you*,;: cream. ' We guarantee you the Highest.- Market Prices,. }accurate ' tests and prompt service. a Our firm is known to you and neerlrt no further recommend. We pay all express, charges, furn. ish cream cane and- pay twice eacl1 month. Write fior bans er further infornma=- tion to the • T SEArowito "1;k1.;urAssE rt't " R i :40 ,..