HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-08, Page 1k1
c 253 Year
01111E, TO rllkiVN
hen a big program of sports will be given.
Wheat $1.00.
Buckwheat Ixeat 76c.
Barley 55c.
tarts wit
eak.is aloha
,A 4
hail game far, forenoon
Oats 45e,
Eggs 16c to 21e•
Bci ter 25c to2`
Batter rc.
Live Hogs, -$7,00 to $7.75,
bring it to us acid we will repair it properly for you, on its first visit.
to our store. We know how We have:had the,. experience, and we
do it right. If your .tine piece is not'woith repairing we will tell
you. And one prices for repairs are moderate,' considering the
satisfactory "way the week • is clone, J'
Jeweller and Optician
Phone 174w
Residence 174J
toMeet Every Requirement
The electric range is not a-
lone for the large family or the
family with Diesels. 'tis not
for any particular class of peo-
ple, but for, every home, large
or small, where electric power is
available, There is a: McClary's
range for every household re.
quirement — every wanted ea.
pecity and at a mice which
brings ;it within the' reach of ev-
eryone. It is not a case of how
much an electric range costs,
but how much it costs you to be
without one,
Call at the Hydro Shop and
see this lose of electric•range,
For Every
a Suit
with extra pair of 'trousers and wear ,
them alternately and you'll fairly
slouble the life of the Suit and always
•be neatly dressed.
We Are Silowin
an extensive range of 'Men's; Young
Men's and First Longs in Iight and
dark tweed, well tailored and in "up- •
to -date" models at . $22,50, $25.00,
$28.00 and 830.0¢
The Raincoat
The modern Raincoat does not con-`
fine its -usefulness to rainy days. Our
Raincoats, while 'being waterproof,
have a style to them that snake -them
as serviceable for an Overcoat as for:
a Raincoat:
The fabrics are neat colorings in
Tweeds and Gabardines with or with-':
• out belts. They also make an ideal
Motor Coat at $7.50, $10,00; $15.0(3.
$20,90`' and $22.50.
Rev. C. C. Armour of Toronto 0 onto has..
a heart -"
and Unanimous 5 mots
s ca 11
to, 'the church at '"Brucefield. The
Presbytery' meets m Clinton, on Tuee-'
day. and," an case the call is 'accepted;
arrangements will- be made , for his
II1I 11
The Goderich,District W.M,S,_in
nual meeting will be held in Seaforlh
oe Wednesday 01 next week: e
The meeting of Goderich Methodist
District will take place in Goderieh
on Wednesday and Thursday, May
21st and 22nd,
Salvation Army
Mother's Day May 11th.
, Y 10 a.m.,
Sunday school; 11 ems., IIoliness meet-
ing; 3 p.m., "The Praise of Mother,"
7:30 p.m., The Love of Mother."
:All Scouts out on parade', Friday.
The house to house canvass for the
Self Denial campaign.will start Mon,.
St. Paul's Church'.
The rector's subject next Sunday
evening will be "The Vindication of.
The regular monthly meeting of the.
Ladies' 'Guild was held in the Parise
hall' Iast.,Monday evening; the presi-
dent, Mrs, F. Hovey, in the their. The
refreshments were in charge of Mrs.
Guy Hicks, Mrs, W. L. Johnson and
Miss Lovett.
Baptist Church
Next Sunday, "Mother's Day," and
"Go-to=Sunday-sehool-Day." A cor-
dial invitation is extended to parents'
and' friends' of the scholars' to attend
the special Sunday school service at
2:30 pan. , • •
Special "Mother's Day" service and
sermon by the pastor at 7 p,in, Wear
your flower; ,
Prayer ineeting Wednesday evening
at 8. All. invited.
The Mission Circle will meet in the
church vestry on Thursday, this after-
noon, at 3 p.01. Visitors welcome.
Willis Church
The congregationis looking forward
with expectation to the 'a1rniyrsary
services, to be held next Sunday'. Rev,
Robert Laird, D:D„ of Toronto, the
Treasurer of our General Assembly,
will preach both morning and evening,.
Dr. Laird fills a Targe place in the
life -of the whole Church and will,
bring us, helpful and inspiring mes-
sages,`" We heartily invite any who.
mayo Wish, °•h
Y to come and i worship
with us. d Slit
Tho monthly meeting of the VOX.
S. will be heldtat thehome, of Mrs.
B, R. Higgins, on Thursday; May
15th, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Axon .ana
Mrs. Hearn will read papers.
Ontario Street 'Church
.Morning classes meet at ten o'cl°oek,'
Morning' subject: "Mother." We
want every another as faras possible
e t
presn at
our mother's service.
i At. the evening service the instal-
ation of the League officers, followed
by a message to the young people.
The Quarterly Board will meet on
Friday night at 8, • o
The Junior League are holding a
p srete
eon Friday nda
y at seven o'-
clock. The; parents are -invited..
Next Sunday will be observed as
"Mother's Day" in the Sunday'sehooI.,
Dr. Brown will address the mothers,
Mothers are requested to bring their
babies.. 'A eolleetion will, 'be taken for
the starving children of 'Gre'ece.
The Young Peoples' League has ap-
pointed the following ofFicees for the
coating year:. -
-President; Miss Eva. R. Carter.
1st Vice: L. Merrell.
2nd Vice; Miss Katherine Beaton,
3rd Vice:. Clayton Noma -louse.
4th Vice: Miss Helen Rodaway.
Secretary: Miss Grace Malden.'
Cor. Secretary: Miss Margaret, Ball
Treasurer: Miss 'Myrtle Powell.
Piapistc Miss Carol Evans.
Wesley Church
The 'Brotherhood meeting on Sun-
day at .ten o'clock will discuss the
subject "Doing Things Well," which
will be introduced by Mr. H. W.
The pastor's merging subject wilt
be: "A Mother's Place in the Home
and Nation," Evehing: "Polished
On Tuesday evening the last meet-
ing , of the quarterly board for the
Conference year was held. Encour-
aging reports were received from the
several departments, Mr, J. A. Ir-
win -was appointed delegate to the
May District Meeting to be held in
Goderieh on the 21st and 22nd'inst.,
Mr, A. J. Tyndall, alternate, A
bonus of $150 was voted to the pastor,
Next Sunday will be •observed as
"Mother's Day, which is this year
linked up with "Go -to -Sunday -school -
Sunday," by a special program. at the
Sunday sehool session. It is expect-
ed that both mothers and children will
take part:in.the interesting program,
`A cordial invitation is extended to all
interested in Sunday sehool work, and
especially the parents, to be present,
On Friday evening the election of
°Pricers for the, Junior League toots
place: •
5'lesictent: Helen Nediger,
1stBrenton Hellyar, "
•Secret•ti a: Irene Nash,
Dorothy h
y Cornish.
1st 1 eadee: Benson Cortes.
2n0 Lender: Teelen Manning.
3rd Leader: Dorothy Nash,
Rennet: Esther Trewartha,
The last ntee in
t g of the e Home of xe _wind
School Club b forh
t ey ear will be
next Tuesday evening, May 1.3th,'in
the Public school. At 7:30 there will
be election of officers for the next
year and at eighto'clock the Rev, J.
8, Hogg will give an interesting and
nstructive report,of the Educational
Association convention, recently held
in Toronto, at which he was a dele-
gate. Trustees,;tea°hers_and par-
ents should make a'point of attending
this meeting.
The town council hadavery short
meeting on Monday evening, Iittle
business of -importance coming before
it. '
All members were, present, with
the exception of elouncillor Rozell,
Mayor Jackson in the chair.
A communication was react from
the secretary of the Canadian Under-
writers' Assoriation,'aceo?.npanying ,a
report of the last inspection made last
December. The -inspector's report
was not entirely satisfactory and he
made several suggestions of improve.
tnents. He recommended ' that "the
fire brigade be raised from fifteen to,
twenty 'inen and arrangements be
made for some of the men to sleep in
the fire hall; that there should be an
engtineer on duty all the time at the
power house; that 4 -itch water mains
should be replaced by mains' 6'inches
in diameter; that dead ends,, which
seem to abound particularly in the
west side of the town, should be plac
ed in -circulation that: additional hy-
drants should be installed in the ?oust-,
ness section; that a ladder truck`
should be provided with. an extensioai
ladder long enough to allow firemen
to easily reach the top of the highest
mercantile buildings that four client
ical extinguishers'shoyed be available
instead of three and should be sent
out with,first appliance to respond to
alarm in business section; that the
fire hall .should be kept heated and
the fire extinguishers be kept there,
instead of in the police office, On
motion of Reeve Middleton and Coun-
cillor Paisley the repeat was filed.
A-contuiunication from the Ontario
Motor League was, on motion of
Cbancillors Paisley and 'Tohnston, ale
so filed. • •
-Chairman Middleton of the street
committee reported the repairing of
the street bvsilni at a cost of $85,,0±
the repairing of street roller wheels
at a cost of 838, of the advertising
for tenders for street gravelling; re-
commended various improvements, as
grading on: Raglan, Rattenbuwy, etc.,
that the request of residents on Jo-.
seph street for-erushed steno in front
nto ert r
ed tha
sthe street committee arrangefor
rebuilding :of Victoria street, which
will be done' under the direction or
the county engiMer; that the pus.
chase be 'rade of 6000 gaIloiis of tar.
via B, date of shipment to "be fixed
later; that we have • delivered at the
back of the town hall 100 loads o3
sand' pit from Fred Watts and that,
as it is found possible to open and
use gravel from the town pit, that
those tendering for, supplying of gra,:
e be asked to change their tenders
accordingly, corrected tenders to ba
in by May 9th; _that stop signals be
placed on the silent policeman. The
report was adopted.
. The following' tenders- were read
foe drawing of" gravel: L. Taunter, $1
per '
y from
n all
a s
L. y or Miss
Johnston's pit; T; H. Gook, 9be,, per
yard, Tyndell's pit; W. Steep $1.50
per yard,; Miss Johnston'- pit; A. E.
Durnin 70c Per yard, gravel at, 15c.
per Yard,
On motion of Councillors Johnston
and Livermore it was decided to pub
chase twenty tons of coal for the.
heating of anunieipal buildings, at
cost of $16 per ton, from E. Ward.
Chairman Paisley of the finance
nnittee, who usually 'comes, across
with a report each month, no inatter
who fails, presented. the following:
Street Acement
Pay Sheet for April .. ..$37.50
R• Bell Threshing, and Engine
Co., working on Roller
Freight on 33000111 , 38.85
Bletcric Light Account 85
; street lights, April ..157.00
Property Recount '
Pay Sheet for: April 2.75
P. U, C. Lighting : hall 6.64
D. E, Closet'Aceotult.
J. Steep, salary for April .... 70.00
Cemetery Account
R. Bunter salary for Aaril
Pay sheet 'for April I 72.50'
. • • 2.50
Salaries Account
D. L. Macpherson -"3, 'months • ,175,00
L.' Stong, salary the April :. 70.83,
Greens, salary for April ...: 54.17
'y � Printing Account:
4V. I -I. •Kerr & Son' ; .... 3.0
Grants_ Account 0
W. UIVI, Aiken Tent for B• room12.50
Fire and Water A .
C. lighting hospital
L. Rueter: team at fire
W. �3urton; team at -fire , 6.00
M. MC wen rubber ` boots .. 3.75
1V. M. Aiken straps ••.50
Board of Health Account
W. H. Kerr & 8on, printing , 4.50'
W. R. S. Itolmes. disinfectant 1.75
Charity Account
E. Graclis meal for tramp
Bell. Telei11101e Ac• • • . 40
.;, Account
Rent � and account •4,67.
L. Stong, market scales 25.30
IIall sent ,, ., 5001)
Dog Tax .. , ,'38.00
R. hunter; sale of lot
Care h nel'oetuity ;,
field to which she will he returning :in.
2158.50 August, .
The Dramatic Society, of St, Paul's
Church repeated their play, "The Ad-
ventures of Grandpa," to a full house
last Thursday evening, The general
opinion was that the players improv
ed, if .possible, upon theirPint oer
formance. At any rate, there wtis
not a dull moment fc•oili start to fin-
ish, and the audience 'was kept in
roars of laughter. The part of Tod
Bunter, which had been taken ley
Mr, Bert Slonran, was played by Mr.
Bert Marshall. Where the perfor-'a'
mance of all -was so creditable it 1a
almost iniossible tosingle out any
members of the east for ' special
Thee is._a town bylaw against bi- The sports will start off with a
cycle riding on the sidewalks:' ' The
baseball �•ame it 'the
. 4 t forenoon and,
of v
n Wish hea S to
there i li
� I a
v is_
o be 'baseball 1s
_(b eball
severe but they intend' to enforce -this e thete
bylaw' as the habit or riding on the tern rucefi and a football rn teams
the Eryediiott' and I�inburn teams will
sidewalks is a dangerotte one. It is ,1?e played off.
hoped this hint will be sufficient war-
ning Ed anyone who has been iiidulg- Ctbe •• attz'a ^ie are being phenol
Mg in this practise. and the clay will be wound up with a
grand Concert before the grandstand.
MAY NOT ALWAYS WARM Clinton will be a good place to spend
On the 9th of May last year we Allay 24th, i 924,
had a'niee little fall of snow, a couple SOME BIG• MUITPIHIES
of inches, anyway. A snowfall in '
May is not such an unusual, occur- lift, A. Cantelon on Tuesday show-
may at all. We had snowfalls in ed: The he 'Oleo r a basket of w -
May 190-7-8-9-10-11-12 10'-17.23, ten tatoes, the Ulster variety, grown in
years of the twenty-four, since the his own garden last • season which
new century 'came in. In 1916 ,six would be hard to beat for size. Ten
inches: of snow fell, The latest snow- an then weighed over twelve pounds
fall was in 1907, when we had snow and five ounces, - Mr. Cantelon says
on May 27th. :. they are very prolific, also
• Sonic people seam to be so1aewhat ,
(discouraged because we :have had so Sl RAYING DEMONSTRATIONS
little warm weather this .year bet we Mr. Johnston of Collingwood is
hale' never had a fathine yet and even here this week assisting the district
a slight snowfall in May doesn't mean ,representative, S. B. Stothers, with.
that "we shall have a sunimerless year. spraying demonstrations in _ Huron •
A BUSINESS CHANGE county: . Yesterday they operated in
the orchard of Mr. R. R. Sloan, today
A deal is being negotiated between they. go 0p to Colborne township and'
Mr. W. H. Rivers. Clinton, and Mr, 'tomorrow they go up .to the orchard'
0. J. Reddy, Arcona,' by which' if the of Mr. George Laithwaite.
deal goes through, the Clinton bale-
, business will be exchanged for
drug 'store at: Arcane'. A baking ' Hydro played a little joke on the
business can also be operated' in con local commission when 2± went off
neetion with it, so that Mr. Rivers' like a shot; as when somebody blows
well known ability in that line can be out a candle, just when festivities
exercised; Mr, Rivers came here from ;Ile.2eattheirheightatthepublicre-
Septeinber -the-Lake a year ago last ption yesterdayevening,ItcameSeptember and he has uzade quite a again in a couple of minutes. The
success of his venture. Isere an¢ interruption, was not local and the
his removal :10 matter for regret. superintendent did not know where
He will, no doubt, make an.�qual:sic- the trouble occurred.
cess of a larger enterprise and if he '
decides to leave town the citizens will CO1IING. BACK. TO TOWN
wish him continued prospesi'iy:,
SOME ''OF IT SOLD Mrs. J. C Mci4'Iath has purchased the
Mr. 8, S. Coopem bought the east residence of Mr. John Johnston, Mary
street, and will get possession about
building 'of the Jac
esMfg. Corn- midsummer. Mrs. McMath's many
pang at the safe Tuuesddaa y, thee lower friends in Clinton are glad that she
fiat being used by the Clinton Club, and her family will again be citizen -
the upper flat by the Company, The of the town, . My, and Mrs•. John -
building was not said. The sten will take a cottage at Bayfield-
furnitura, move machinery,. .motors, ere:, for the sinmeer, Mrs. Johnston no.
richwas moved here from e. onode- having been in the best of health for
rich factory, was sold at 12e, the
Brantford. The manager of the coma'
some time,
dollar to the Kitchen Overall Co., of, amen LOOK AT IT.
Party carne up to buy a couple of n1a- Good morning, dear reader! Have
chines>aytd when he saw how cheaply you looked at your label lately? It•
it was going he took the• t Bole lot, a will, indicate to ;you whether Potty
car ,load, ,;,,,•e, subscription is paid to 'date, or,in etO-
Mr. Cooper will continue to relit' vance as it should be. Our list has
the building he acquired, the Club ie- been corrected up to May 8rd and
ntaining as tenants, .probably, and the
any subscriber who finds his label
proprietors of the Harris-Ifctit Silk does„not correspond with payments ea,
take y tal it
their present requested uested to advise se us.
quarters ,being somewhat +'ramped, keep our records correct and will ap-
,The Clintdn factory is; still intact, preeiatethe assistance of our friends,
There is some talk of a easuntpt on 02
activities, which it heaped will take ICBEP DOWN THE DUST
place, but at present nothing definite 'Ihe streets were swept tip last Fele
can be said.
day and an awful dust was kicked up
CELEBRATED ANINIVE�iSARY in the process. Wouldn't it be possi-
Tho Clinton Public Utilities ble to sprinkle the streets before this
Coin= sweeping operation? No doubt muds
Mission Celebrated the first anniver- dirt is gathered hnd removed, but e
sary of the opening of the Hydro Shop lot is just 'scattered 'about to alight
b holding It
do a
g reception ti
P On f
Or the '
ect'•• ina different
tens of Clinton and vicinityr i business lofa it ithe
afternoon and evening. yesterday trhe
and streets places along
The shop was ver ho eke of the street swept. Good
y prettily decor- housekeepers males it a rule to raise
-ted with flowers and plants and In as little dust as possible when dean--
the evening also with colored lights, iiig. i
fancy lamps, etc. The various uses
of electricity were demonstrated to GIVE THEM EVERY ASSISTANCE
nterested and visitors were
served, with waffles and maple syrup, Commenting upon the report of the
fire inspector the other night Clerk
toast and coffee, all of --which were
prepared by electricity,. while the visi- Macpherson :said inspectors would is
tor stood by and searched the- opera ways find . something wrong, that's
tion, what they go out looking for, but that
Mrs, Chant, Mrs, Gibbiegs, Mrs.' Clinton was in a •fatter position as re-
Steepe, Kra: Hawkins, Mrs, Stothers, ..girds fire fighting appliances than al. I3awden and others assisted #n most any town in this .part of the
serving.'' country, "A fire gets very little
Wednesday being the first half heli- headway in Clinton, now,” he remark
day, a large number of ;business men ed. This is true. ,Clinton is well
002110 in: and all.afternoon and even- Served both with ttcechaeleal devices
ing• the short was full of an interested and by her volunteer brigade. And
crowd of citieeiis:•if it is possible to supply this brigade
with any , appliances which A BIRTHDAi' SiJRPRISE PARTY ch wouldmake their' work easier or more. ea.
An interesting and pleasant event festive it ought to be done.
tools. place Friday evening last, at the SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS
home of Mrs. W. S. Downs, newly
,elected •president of the W.M.S.' oe Mr. Willis' C. Cooper, only son of
Ontario Street church, being a birth- Mr, and Mrs, A. T.. Cooper of town,
day ,'surprise in honor of Miss Sybil has passed with honours his final year
Courtice, missionary to Japan, now in architecture in connection with the
on furlough at her l%oilce' in town, School of Applied Science, Toronto,
who registered :another milestone 131 resultsof which were, published on
]ler life en that date. Thursday, and also won the bronze
Those present 'aa cozltributin • to- medal offered, by the Toronto'? rchi-
ward the success of the ocrasioit were tectural Guild. Mr. Cooper's former
the -members of the executive of the ally school and old friends,goner-
t'0'.M.5, including also the retiring ally congratulate Min upon his "sue••
members, The table was tastily de-• -cess,
eorated teeth daffodils and violets: Af Mr.Visilfrid'W. Tanner has won his
ter' partaking of a • very dainty supper; B • A, at Kingston, coining out, in the
the occasion was taken advantage of. hos-tour list. Mr. s,-Wrn `is a son -in-
to present ,Miss-Cotzrtiee, ;on 'behalf of lav ,.of .Mr, and free m. Walker of
the W.M,S., with' 226 toward a fund town and has. on frequent ooene
which she is raising for the;purposo visited taken in Clinton, He has akea
of establishing a circulating library position as teacher for the remainder,
girls: The'.presenta.
for Japanese of the school ter,
' m
tion. was tirade by MI's, 0„ 5.' Hawke
and Ms's. Kennedy in a few suitable SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON R.R.
words, followed with short, speeches
by each `of tire` ladies present. Mae E. Bill of .Auburn and A. Tun -
Miss Conrtice although taken ney of Blyth were very badly injure
much by surprise was able to respoua ed yesterday while working on the
and in a=few well chosen words OX"
ilway. ,A number of the men had
andiPressed her sincere thanks for the been distributing ties, using a gase-
eontribution fora line jigger. On their return trip the
purpose t. ' she driver, of the jigger' noticed that one
Bias very "100011 on her heart. of the ties
The beautiful birthday ;cake which track e11 is had. rolled avoid
on :the
d n Order` to avoid trilsuig it
graced the table, was donated by Mr. he jammed on: the -brakes and three
Rivers. ' Another donation was cake; of the mien, Messrs, Hill, iTt0n ey and
from Miss W. O'Neil, A social hour Laced, taken unawares, were thrown
followed the stainer : and presentation. ,violently. off. Messrs, Hill and
Rev, C. J" and Mrs, 111'ooi'houso be- 'Tunney:were .very seriouslyin'urec
,in,a present the former took the o 7 l -
p the fif:iien s back it is reared lta,
1 unite of expressing the good Inc been lnolcen lie was removed
wishes of the congregation. ' toward to Toronto. thisnosbiing, Mr. Ti,,
thea reiwese,ntattve in the foreign
The store recently vacated by Mr,
W. M. Aiken, between Hawkins &
Miller and Hellyai's jewel'ery, has
been taken and a new bakery will 'bees
started there.
Mr. Harold Kilty, a former Clin-
ton boy; was operated `on•in the Gen-
eral Hospital; Toronto for appendi•.
citis last week. At last' reports he
was doing very well.
‘-'heYesterday was observed as the first
Wednesday half holiday of the sea-
son, all the groceries, thepostoffice
and most of the other places of busi-
ness being closed.
Mrs. McLaughlin, who has been. in
the Clinton hospital for several weeks
past, has so far recovered as to be
able to ietnen to her home. It is
hoped her improvement will continue,
The Sherlock Manning Company has
bought out the stock of the Foster-
Armstrong Co., Kitchener, and will
work it up in London. and. Clinton fac-
tories, They also acquired the Mtn-
adian right to manufacture. •
As arranged last year, Clinton is
to have a Chautauqua this summer,
again, the Girls' Auxiliary being res-
pansible for bringing it. The dates-
are Monday,, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, 'July 7-8-6-10,
Thomas . Churchill 'a Well -Known
.Resident ofGoderich Township,
lnstantl Killed
Y in Auto
Accident This
A. terrible accident happened this
Morning at the base lite crossing
of here
when a s
freight train struck a car.' driven by
Mr. W. Churchill, of Goderieh teen: -
ship, killing his father Mr. T. Cher-.
chill, instantly and seriously injuring
himself. - The car was completely
smashed being thrown through a
fence, Mo. Churchill was one of the
'oddest residents rof Goderieh Towne
ship, and his tragic death is keenly
regretted by a" very large circle of
friends and 'neighbors. At -tune of
writing Mr,
. W. Churchill is i
r '
sous condition. `
The regular meeting 02 'the Kelly
was held Thursday afternoon
hest. The devotionals part of the
meeting was taken by Mrs, Thomas
Campbell and Mrs, A. McQueen, Af_
ter singing hymn 373 the roll call was
responded to by twenty-one' ladies
The minutes'' of the April meeting
were read by the secretary, Mrs. T.
Chapman, Mrs. R. D. Watson gave
a very excellent ' eondenced reading
from the study book "Beadtiful Isle"
telling of the courage in life and
death of that unique missionary, Geo. ,
Leslie Mol{ay, and the many touching
incidents of hisr;Iife and work ie. far
Formosa., Mrs, George Baird read
an article - from Current Events on
the Churches' work, which was very '
good. Miss M. E. Swan, '.vho rep-
resented the Circle as a delegate at
the ninth annual meeting lit the On-
tario Provincial Society, held in Knox
'Church, Hamilton in Apiil,' brought
home a full report, : She attended
every meeting and thought it an in-
Spiration to all present to see tliose
devoted women front all pacts 02 On-
tario, in the address of welcome 'inn
the Presidents' address, Mrs. J. D.
Walker of Toronto and others telling
of ways and means .to advance mis—
sionary work and alsotelling of the
great need of the .comfort of well
equipped jlospitals for the relief of
the sick and suffering•: She told of
the contingent of twelve missionare
res: which has been sent'out by the
Presbyterian Church to the foreign
field, the largest number that has
ever been sent at one'tittie• The re-
port was listened to throughout with
deep interest, e
Mr. Ross Scott and Mr. Campbell
of the Hay Stationery. Co., motored
up from London Monday evening and
attended a masonic meeting, and ban-
quet given. in . Sea'forth.
Mr. Rex, Mills called on •
the village Monday.
i friends in
Mr. 3 C. Kaiser's .
s11e, which took
place last week was well -attended anti
good prices were realized, brr:Iiais_
or and fancily intend leaving for Cal-
ifornia next week,
Miss i4I. Tough asspending a few
weeps with her cousin, Mrs, Jasnee
Acheson of McKiIlope
Tine congregational meeting' held in
the Un
i ion church
was rely largely attended. A most
lntaninnous call was extended to Rev.
ncy is a brother of Mr. Von of C G. Aemour' o.0 Toronto, a recent
town and lulu Hill 1, a brotherin-haw graduate of •Ilnox Collog•e, to become
of Mr. 5. Ball. pastor,.