HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-05-01, Page 8wlixgto? a I'rTetCs=Iteienrd
cHrnfstb Y,
Silver or Cut Class is the most sRlitable. It is more satisfactory
will be appreciated as is always in good taste
We invite ie
e'i€Isped' o r collection of Silver, Celt glass; etc.,
Wadding and Engagement Rings,
Watches, Clocks an Wrist Watches
ewetler and Optician•
orner eery
Next Hovey'a`Drug Store
' .Ocer.tel, Priced
In buying a new, Suit or extra Trousers the -first thing to consider
is "Will they give Satisfaction?" and the next is "Are they fairly:
/priced?" -
6 e otstnag
Spring.—"The th
Quality and• Style-alon• with 1Vroderat Prices are the u a idin
features Of each of on:: new Models of Men's and Boys Suits for.
• Bestfor the rice.
We have Men's Suits from $14.00 to $30:00 made in new snappy
Sport Models for the young men and in the more conservative models
for inose elderly men.
.Boys!. Suits from $5:00 up
Men's special Order Suits 'from. $25 up
Coil% in and let us show you these suits the values will surprise you.
PHONE. 25.
The Man Who Knows
good clothes when he sees thein,
knows that theywere made at
this establishment. If you have
not, as yet picked out your
Spring Suit, come to us, as we
have all the latest novelties and
designs, and can make up a suit
which will be un to the minute
in every respect.
Davis & Herman
C ES About
Your Paiiiting ceds
e Anys4e Gnam%
give your out.
ofdete furniture
that new -style
Qin el finish
We also carry a complete line
of Brandram Henderson Paints
and Varnishes
Sun Varnish and
Sun Varnish Stains
Also a complete lime of
Brushes, Linseed Oil and
We ready for all orders of 'spring work, Papering, :Painting
and decorating. We have a large assortment of papers and we ask
you to, see our books before buying.
Yon -will save moniey by ordering your -paper from us.
All work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
Orders left with h 1ti4'xs. R t
ob . Armstrong, Huron street •ill re-
ceive prompt ; attention, PHONE23 tin 6 r 2
is gathered everything that is dearer
and test in 1'le. Ilome is tY.e e
'rem 'which all ;the vaned conco n
and business ofaiie startiortin. -
thing 'that" can contribute to the beau-
ty and comfort and peace of Homo is
deservinP of attention aiid thought.
In this direction let wall paper enter
your thoughts: Our, new spring stock
twill soon be ready for your inspection.
T .- air or
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
Mrs. ' S.: S. Cooper' returned Satur
-day-from Toronto.
Mrs; E. Wendorfvisited her people in
Chesley last week.
Miss Ethel Holmes returned to Alma
College on Monday. • •_
Miss Bessie Porter of Londesbodo was
in, town on Tuesday.
bliss Norma Bentley of London is
spending a week in town. •
Miss Ruth`1\2 Math of Inglewood; was
in town over the week -end.
Mia J: A. Ford has returned from e.
fortnight's visit in Peterboro.
Mr. H. B. Chant was in 'London on
Tuesday attending a Shriner meet. -
Mrs. MeBride of Toronto has beenvis-
iting her,,parepts, Mr. and Mrs. D,
45. Gruff_
Mrs. 3'. L. ICerr and little Miss Mary.
• Helen visited 'with Brussels friends
last week.
Mr. Jack Bawden returned Monday to
resume his studies : at Hamilton
Miss Daisy Mediger returned to Ham-
ilten . on Monday to resume hex
' studies at Normal.
,Miss Bernice Priestly. of Ailsa Craig
has Ibeeu. the guest this week oe
:Mrs.. W. T. Herman.
• Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Harness attend
ed the funeral of the late Curtiee
Harness of Exeter last week.
'Mr. and' Mrs. E.. .D. McPhedran of
Rockwood spent Easter with the
latter's sister,. Mrs. .A. P. Johns.
Miss Jean Lindsay has returnedto
her sehoel'duties near Sarnia, after
ten days vacation at her home here.
'Mr:. A, $'. Johns spentlast week' in
Toronto as a delegate to the O.E,A,
He also visited friends at Port Cre
Rev. J. E. I ogg and Mr. 33. R. Hig-
gins are in Woodstock this week at:
tending the Synod of London and°
• Hamilton.
Mrs. J. E. Brooks of Mitchell is here
this week; being called home owing
to. the aeeident of her brother, J.
E. Cantelon.
Mrs. It, A, Leonard of Castle Rock,
B,C., is hereat present • visiting her.
brothers, Magistrate Sr J. and C.
A. Andrews.
Miss Bessie Lindsay who is attend-
ing Stratford Normal, returned
Tuesday having spent the Easter
'holidays at home.
Miss Helen Patt Miss Irene Bennan
and Mr. Fred Ward of London were'
the guests on Sunday of Mr. any
.Mrs. J. J. McCaughey; '
Mr, and Mrs. Frank MacGreger and
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Mair visited res
Gently at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs,
W. L. Mair of Clinton.
Mrs. W. A.'Aiteheson of Orangeville
spent the Easter vacation period as
-the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. D. • Steep. She returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. P. F, Gillies and Miss Marion
of Kitchener spent the Easter va-
cation Week at the home of the for-
mer's parents, Magistrateand Mrs.
S.'0'. Andrews,
Miss Loretta McCaughey of Toronto
was here over the week -end, ,corns
ing up to attend the wedding of
her cousin, Miss Edna J. McCaugh-
ey, on Monday.
Miss Clete Ford, who spent the, Rae'
tervaeation at her bonne in ,town,.
returned to St. Thomas on Monday
to resume her duties: as a` member.
of Alma College staff. .
Rev. Dr. Colin Fletcher of Hensall
who preached in Willis church on
Sunday last, was the guest while in
a town' of the Rev. 3. E. and Mrs.
Hogg at the manse,
Mrs. Howard Brnnsdonand Misses
,Qlaire and Irene of Blyth spent a'
few days over the week -end at the
home . of the lady's parents, Mr.
and..Mrs. W. L. Mair.
Mr. George Cook, who recently re-
turned from Europe, where he has
been doing business for the Robert
Simpson Co, Toronto, was in town
for a couple of days last week,
Mrs.,;Kearns,'who has been spending
the winter with a niece, Mrs. Car-
penter of Buffalo, is visiting friends
in Clinton this week, ` She is at
present the guest of Mrs. Wm. A.
Mrs. J. T. Crich of town, Mr. and
Mrs. J G. Gibbingsof Hullett and
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Bali of Tuckers
smith attended the,funeral of the
late John Murdock of Hensel' ort
Mr. Frank McCaughey of Toronto vis-
ited at the home of his parents over
the week -end, conning 'up to attend
the wedding of his sister, Miss Ed-
na, which tools- Place in St. Joseph's
church on Monday morning,
bliss Mary Mail' of Maple: Lake, Hal-
iburton county, spent the Easter:va-
cation at the honneof -her parents,
Mu and ML•s.• W. L. Mair: 'She
also spent a couple of days with her
Sister; Mrs, Froward Brunsdon or
as attracted many busy shoppers, you do' not need to wait
The prices and bargainsare all waiting for you. Quick service
and cheap prices
A paper parcel bag given away to all .purchasers in our new
department Friday and Saturday.- Come early and secure a ba
General. `delivery for telephone and regular orders as usual
No extra charge for deliverery. Kindly order early.,
Beginning in May we will be closed Wednesday afternoons
(excepting week of a holiday) hill September
Specials for the - eek�end
Oranges sweet and juicy
Grataulated sugar .
Special black tea .
10 Jbs •Rolledoats
Jelly powder all flavors
McLareh's 23c
Grape Fruit. 3 for -25c
10•, barssoap
per'•doz 29c
10 ib $1.00
per 'ib 48c
3 for 25c
2 pkgs corn flakes 37c
Hursleytea per ib 65c
Fresh salmon troutt
Cash 4& Carru
. •
2 Deliveries .: ® 0
1011.011111101011•11n Immineareep
flydro Shop Anhiversary
To the Public
To celebrate our first Anniversary
Yui►"are invited to be present at our reception
to be held in the Hydro Shop on Wednesday
Afternoon and Evening, May 7th,
from 3 to 6, and''7 to 10 o'clock p.m.
Light refreshments will be served
HYbRO SHOP, Clinton
The annual meeting of the Ladies'
Aid was held on Thursday afternoon,
The following—officers were elected fox.
the year: President, Mrs. Ernest A-
dams; Vice, Mrs. Ben Snell; Con -Set.,
Kra. Joe Riley; ;Treasimer, Mrs. C.
Mrs. T. Pollard is spending a few
days with her mother in Clinton.
Mr. Radford had his furniture mov-
ed to Whitechurch last week.
Miss Martha Cook returned here on
Mr. Soe, Riley now sports a new
Hulllett Township
Mr; and Mrs. -John Hesselwood were
sadly bereft last week when their se-
cond son, Harold Leslie, was called a-
way. He was a kind' little fellow and
a very patient sufferer. On being
asked how he felt he always answdx
ed "A little batter.". He always en-
quired of friends, especially�;of the
minister and doctor, when they would
be here again. The funeral took place
Thursday afternoon to Clinton ceme-
tery, service a+,the ' house and grave.
being conducted by Rev. James Abery
in his usual sympathetic manner. The.
pallbearers were E. and 5, Fairservies
L. Knox and P, Dunlop. Funeral was
largely' attended. Some from a dis-
tance were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill and
Miss Davis of:BemniIler, Mr. and Mrs.
D. Bean of Carlow; Mrs; Bert Jack-
son and Francis and Harry of Morris♦.
Mr. and Mrs. Hesselwood wish to
extend to their neighbors their sin-
cere thanks for their many kindness-
es'shown thein in their hour of sorrow
and at the funeral.
Tuckersrnitn Township
1 e4 I
From the St. Thomas Tim we clip
the -following regarding the death of
the another of Mrs, W. Crich:
"Mrs. McDonald, widow of the late
A. D. MpDonald, a former resident 01
St. Thomas, died on Thursday night at
the horns of her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Cook, :1,090 Viniewood Avenue, Detroit.
Mrs. McDonald was 77 years; of age
The Horne and School Club ask for
papers, magazines catalogues, books
(with or without 'board backs), rib -
hers (nicely cleaned), elean.xag car-
pets, • rags:, Bndly tie magazines
sepamately with strong cord.By hav-
ing everything in good form for hand-
ling g work d collectors is simpli-
fied. Be ready for 10 a.m. SATUR
DAY, MAY 10th. 51-2.
"30 days hard labor," said the mag..
istrate. "Just a minute, your wor-
ship," and an officer in uniform steps
forward and holds' a quiet converse -
tion with the magistrate and other
court officials. The story is simple
and oft repeated, just a lad. in ^this
ease from N Got into fast
company, gambled, took money from
employers, hoped to win and pay it
back; found out, arrested and jailed.
0f course he's sorry. The officer has
sized him ' up, believes he has the
stuff to make a pian of, knows that`
a jail sentence may only harden him
and start him toward continued crim-
inality. The officer in uniform royal
the Salvation Arany Probationer. 13y
manly counsel, supervision end pray-
er he enables the lad to regain eon
trol of himleelf and get another start,
free from the stigma of a prison sen-
Self -Denial will help those who give
as well as those who receive.'
and had resided in Detroit ever since
the death of her husband, who passes'
away quite suddenlywhirs iii Aylmer,
where his duties as collector „for the
St. Thomas Journal, had call,d hhn,
Mrs, Charles Layton of Hamilton and
Mrs. W, Crich of Tuckorsinith are al-
so . daughters of Mrs, McDonald, The
remains are being brought to 8s. -
Thomas for burial on Saturday, the
funeral taking place on the arrival
of M.C.R.' train No. 30, at 12:15 noon
Rev. D. C. Soules, Pastor of Anna
Street Presbyterian Church of which
congregation the, family was eroinin-
ently identified while in the city, Wilt
have oharae of the services." '
Some Day the Sun Will Shine
and you will be Busy House-cleaning
but in the meantime it will, pay you to look over our specials in
I{roehlet Chesterfield Suites, Davenport Beds in Tapestry. and Lea.•
therette all guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction, giving a beautis.
fur living room thrift as well as bedroom if necessary.
You may need new Beds, Springs or Matresses. We have some
real special prices on the Old Reliable (Simmons) Products which
are built for sleep so why not enjoy comfort..
We are headquarters for Rugs in Congoleum and Carpet, also
Linoleum and Oil Cloth in all the best patterns.
Hardware Department
We are sole agents for the celebrated Sherwin Williams, Out-
side and Inside paints Varnishes and Stains, the famous Campbell
Floor Enamels and Liquid Granite for floors, linoleums, etc.
We have a full stock of Farm and Garden' Tools and the Taylor.
Forbes Lawn Mowers all sizes, and. prices. -
Just received a . carload of Brantford Roofing, Slab Slate, Red
and Green, Roll Roofing at all prices. Consult us before purchasing,
Courtesy and Prompt Delivery
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co.
Furniture Phone: 104
Hardware 195
A number of good` used cars for sale including:
2 Ford, 1 -ton trucks.
• 2 1921 Ford Touring Cars with starters anti eleetrict lights.
1919 Ford Touring, with starter and electric lights.
1918 McLaughlin Master Six, in first class condition.
1920 Chevrolet Baby Grand, repainted and in first class condition.
Also a munrber of "490" used Chevrolet cars in good condition.
A full line of Cockshutt Implements
Call in before purchasing
n'e .LAI:
, e lOt
I'IiONLS: 189W:''and 189J.
Eg Request
St. Paul's Dramatic Society will re-
peat the three -act farce
The Adventures of Gcaatdpa"
Thursdaa, Mai 1st
AT 8 p.m.
The farce is said by .competent ori
ties to'be the beat ever presented here
by amateur players. Tickets 35e.
and 50c. Plant. c t Fair's, Phelan's
Worlc has commenced, on the addi-
tion to the .Collegiate building in
in one pound sections, price 25';es
per; section.
Free delivery in Clinton.
Shipments made of not less t
24 sections, express extra.,,
• Orders may be left at The Ne
Record offlco.
near C.N.R. Depot