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The Clinton News Record, 1924-05-01, Page 4
COOPEWS 'STORE TVl'3EYIN5`",,,.,'" 1 i ) c t c t ,. e 1 € h g b I D a h r `$ t �i v i e a - e a Il s1 d SI dee ili d U; eaia'ifnl ' '' { The neat cies'--''" ssortreeitt 1•t it s Needlework rrive ew 9 3alffet sets, Pr ate'iaBs b Cusiiioit centres Scarfs . Trays o all -Needlework t ' the t . o see 13t; models W T -COOPER CLINTON UNIVERSITY An excellent opportunity teachers to advance their standing. General B.A. B.A. courses, offerea. English, Mathematics, Languages, Political Economy • 4atar l Sciences -24 courses. Social wed athletic ro atir'throa the entire sixweeks- brakes the Stitnnier:. Session as e] ht l f foh is ta !e y Splendid new '" vera[tsBuildings cu-, .,. pled this summer. ' 'f `�':�w 7• r L Per r Fo <rmata mtt r rr n a la�� the nett h Director, Dr:. 0 or K. P. X. ryevtlle Registrar. n F.flu I�' to all academic and Honor Astronomy,London, History, and hour S ..:.:. „�. , mey "/i L dl ; -•tfi d a Il � a- '% S k' _ pi a n i' ST - r - it �- •p �1- 'i - =a C ,.r`''at" �" - ,ac=^.-.-. RN Sur/triter ?t 11 • t ', ::k 4 s Vit' a'� r. 9, a. 6 � i i er. ;+•F IIIITARIO June {"SLA.g El r��4•: h5, fl 1 - t,- School Ontario. 30 ,,b 1 6 s C- ' . _ ,}�.s�.a'' i - r' - r5 o. to 9. .3• �,`,.9 x .. r n ."J• �r• ` "S�, 4 • +.: u $ M1 1 y` fl 1: c i • i{ 1 l • t`' S:,:,end We sell and stuffs DOMINION ter, m f5 Will the fat counters -but ixix Your of the of our our prices STORE 9 ; c ' F - �0 6- 1,.' ,. rya td TVI. ,ney • .Where Go The Farthest land at mighty lean prices, 300 storesare filled with are light. Shope and prove it. 4'^._ The quality at your t: "" xY.� �a.�. It shelves food. ! nearest ` r , Our Own Bakery is equipped .to produce the finest bakery products in Canada, Our Cake being' particularly delightful. WRAPPED BREAD - CHER1ZY' CAKE (full 135 -lb. loaf). y 15(worth 50c lb.), lb. 9C 2 for ' - VALENCIA CAKE ..21c J 2LLY ROLLS ` . »dsr lb. : . - - 4• - t ' SOVEREIGN BRAND WALRUS -BRAND ! SOCKEYE• -Ole_ COHOE SALMON, 91"'' SALMON, 1.1b. tin - e)'JC 2,4 -Ib, tin, 2 for - • -4.04C CROSSED FISH SOVEREIGN BRAND - e� (in olive ail or .317_ SOCKEYE Vi, SALMON, ii -1b, tin ' C tomato sauce,), 2 for 66 R l! 3l ! SHIRRIk'FtS PURE ORANGE MARMALADEr�p 4 -Ib. tin - - IVC SHIRRIFF'S PURE ORANGE 'MARMALADE 1db: jar - .. -Q.Q; SHIRRII+F'S `JELLY POWDERS (All flavors), 3 pkts. LuC RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY JAM, 4-lli. Glass Jar 8 rift,C - FRESH MILLED ROLLED' 5. Ibs, TOY SAIL PEANUT BUTTER EVAPORATEDI APRICOTS but meaty), - WATER GLASS - Ni.t.9� _ _ I Ac sy l -G..C'; . 79C E l i f z ' IS -Oz. SEEDED and SEEDLESS 29C RAr i s pkts 4Ns2 _. P . PURE QUEBEC OATS o� MAPLE SYRUP _ -45JC' No, 10 tin - MAPLE SiTGAiz" 25c Cake - _ (small, �j��++ MACHINE -SLICED 2 lbs. -2a�gc BACON, Ib. - - Il A R C MEbLLO -' The following items are partidularly appropriate for your Spring Housecleaning. SOAP CHIPS • alp . GRI15-RITE 2 for -Lon CLOTHES PINSE MOP.SPICKS; ap®yC Pkt. - -- - _IUC each tAlee+ll ALL LAUNDRY '^ ' • -P GOOD, STRONGdr)C iqd SOAPS -tyAC BROOMS, 4 -string 10 bars "` - E.`a CLOTHES LINESgp LITE (For'fine •� ,,. 50 ft - - - '-2UC` laundering) -- WE SELL • TO SATISFY n .q, i d For quick and and good CarmoteClearPloor goes ontk g quickly. q Y be.s. arse there blending or thinning '... 857 any. Use it as.it the oan.Yt'is Si' tste nc� all . Yd, everycan-:+.� is standard. Carmote Clear nisi-' gives a that endures. It and waterproof. the grain of the AA' oris work Varnish Itsaves time s is, never any comes in the samecon- througha., an n and. FIoor Var. shining finish. is walkproof Clinton It brings out r wood. a'a'' IIx ,; t,; t , i u. 4 , _S' '+ ," -. :*7l''•, 14,}y , s. t r• Hardware Furniture .ri�!;; < K ., W� ..9 �. aF t .9 , ,ht '"4 n•'Vn� , '� , ®®'.. a a „ ,.; s „. k+'""6tt"r: ,-,� .. ..: ' q •+r :. _iia t. +t t . 3. w and Company a sem -sea yN xi • tseel The 'E'etor Times, haa:th0 Yolloyv' ing' to si y about .formes Kippen tti- LOM-; `Word has `.:conte to Nt. and_. Mrs.W. ,H Johnston of , the safe ar:' rival of then son. Freeborn, and fain' Els in Watheroo, Western Australia. They sailed irom'Neit York, Feb.711, going via the Panama Canal and reachedi Christ Church, N • - z New ,curiae, Marcih 14th where they spent a plea sant two necks with Mrs. Johnston's parents and friends; rfhey,arliyed Gy atleroo-•last Thursday, `the 1,:7th iarttOefieid, , 'Mr,- Ross, Scott motored up from London Saturday, afternoon and spent. Sunday it his home here,•, Miss M. E. Swan spent Sunday at.. the nonie of'Miss'Gr'ace Ross in Stan-' ey. ' 'Quite ''a number . attended the fur era_ M •, r oE. i. ',I. Murdock, T-lensall".. which took_place Tuesday afternoon. to Exeter.` • Bev. W. D, McIntosh is here toda 'bi ilii•y o his furniture. • npf re- to' Milton, inhere he expects to reside in future, Ni-, L. Newart, a former C.N.R. a.. gent, and Mi•s. Newart. called oe friends in Brucefield recently, 'Mr. J. G. Kaiser- of our village, who has sold out his 'business here, is busy preparing for his sale of household goods and other articles to -morrow, and the family are making ready' for then trip to California. The many -. friends Of .Mr. Kaiser are sorry this family is leaving town as they' -have always resided in our village.Wie wish them a safe and pleasant jour- ney. Mr. A. T. Scott, who is improving, was pleased to have a call from Dr, Gunn, Lawyer Bryclone and Mr. Fras- erof Clintonl on Tuesday aftern 00:1. The Choral Society c e members t n n el • y b s ve• Y le pleasantly entertained at the `home of Mr, and Mrs, W. Elliott. Monday ev- ening of this Week,. Music and cons - enmity singing, also, games were en- toyed by all., Refreshments were af- terwards '.served and'all'retired to their home at, an . early hour, with thanks to their host and hostess who Do gladly entertained them, . Mr. George Swan, C.N.R., agent. and Mrs. Swan, spent last week -vis- iting friends in Toronto and Hamil- ton, Mrs. D. Rouatt' spent a few days last week visiting her daughter, nurse" Rhea Rouatt and also attending -the graduation exereises at St,. Joseph's Hospital training class, London, Miss Emma McDonald of Palermo who has been spending the Easter va_ cation at her home here, has returned to take up her duties again. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Collins and Master'Harry, also Mr. and Mrs, A. McKenzie' of the .village and Mrs. Moore motored to London and Spring - bank, visiting Nurse Fanny McKenzie and other friends in the city. Per, and Mrs. J. ;Beattie and Miss Plorence of. Seaforth, accompanied. by the Misses Bell and AIite Beattie of the Vogue Millinery, Clinton, visited at the home of Mrs. A, T. Scott and Ether friends of the village: ' S S. GREYTIOUND. EXCURSION TO DETROIT The White Star Line anneunees the big annual low fare: excursion on the Steamer Greyhound from Goderich to Detroit and return. The Greyhound will Ieave Goderich Tuesday, June 10,, .30 am. (R.T,) toadyingDetroit 5:00 A fti11 day and a half will' be given 111 excursionists in Detroit, the re - urn departure being, as usual, Thurs- fay at 1:00 n.m. The trio to Detroit is a triost de- ightful one, aerossitalte-Huron, down he beautiful St. 'Clair River, through 11. CIair Fiats, the "Venice of Amer_ ca" to Lake S. Clair and the great. )ettoit River., . The fate is so low and the aecomo rations of the Greyhound so comfort - 'hie, that everyone -who can arrange o do so, should enjoy this annual op >ortunity to visit Detroit. the fourth ity of the United States, and one ,:of he world's greatest industrial centres A mooniight will be run out of xoderich at 8:30. Monday everting,. kith good Music' for`deneing""on the Aper deck, and there will be other. ntartainment in the • ship's main abin, It win be good ,news for baseball ails' to •learn that the New York 'auks will be playing the Detroit Ti- ers at Navini Field, Detroit on-Wed-- esday, June 11th, and this will be a reat4harce to see Babe Ruth of the Sew Mork team arid' Ty Cobb' of the, igers, besidas other*'famnous players I ' both chubs. 521-1, NOT LIKE A' CLAM Clams live to themselves. You can- ot. You, link lives with ,your neigh- bors across the street, across the province, across the. continent. You re influenced " by what he wants, bays, uses, enjoys. When enough of your neighbors want, buy, ns e, enjoy the same thing, Y begin to see advertisements' about. t --advertisements to arouse you to iuiilar use and enjoyment, They peint lowing, truthful ti rf 1picture;'--try g g, to get Y interested in, what will really in - crest you.. , Continuous, .courteous infornzatioe. s ours a t a minute's Yours glance. Style, le b Y ariety, prise, where obtained. That ninute's glance may mean.tkie dlil'er- nce between buying unworthy wares Wel the best. ' You don't want to be like aclam-: nen in your judgments, ' • Read the dvertisments and be gelded gl}iy • oth S§' choice. - Whenthey choose some- ing again and again, it; 'must be • Miss Janet Speirs of Gerrie' was �u,nd dead' in ibed at the• American :oter Brussels, where she was em-, loved, "bn "Sunday inolnhng.." Tt is apposed that she 'had taken a fit uring the night, •being 'subject to reit seizures, and had smothered (shed clothing • �s< T 'HON. ARRTTLLR ft"• AN 'DEAD Ir. 'Jot "Meighan,'faiher of the Rt, tion Arthur Meiyhan, died at his home in Otta WOon Saturday eveyifng xtza e 1111160•of ti equate of months Ile was seyeiitY-eight years of age Ile lived and farmed near St. Marys for manly year's and duly moved -to Oitawa'a Sew years 'ago. Ex -Prem- ier IlIci;ghzjr was presiding at a gai;h ering. at the Canadian Club, Montreal, when the news reached him of his. fa-. tier's"'death, s The ,meeting was'ad- jeurned out of respect to -.dd Llsighan CAN 'WITHDRAW DIR CT FRoin POSTOFFICE SAYINGS BANK The Post Office Department has "Wade :arrangements and givenin- struatious to ncstmasters of Savings Bank offices that depositors may withdraw any amount up to 525 with- out having to make 'application to Ottawa, as has been the practise up to this time. When .an account is opened at an office the depositor Is' given a pass hook and transactions can be made subsequently at any of the other Savings Banl. offices in Can- ada without a transfer of aceoniit, For .this reason it has been required that 'the ,depositor snake application' to the Department at Ottawa, when a withdrawal was required. This has now been 'changed, but the sum is lint ited to 525 and.,the postmaster i5 warned to 'allow withdrawal 'only to persons well known to him or those who can produce proper identification. THE DRY. ERA RA She was rather'a nice old lady, of tho older Toronto type and 'when she laughed "there was none of the flap- per's giggle about it, -She laughed from pure Mirth—without affectation —and one i no• hesitate a n did o ask tt c what she wa slaub 'm g about "Why,itjust was over this litre memorandum 'book," she said, "My husband gave it to me,the,year before' g he died, You see it was a sterling., silver ease, made for a lady to carry and' on :the papers that fit it is ft.*. tice that 1 snay'have more of the abs to go inside at any time by calling up a telephone. number. There is noth- ing .on the outside to show that my husband did not huy'the case itself. In fact, as you see, there is my own monogram." "Well," asked some one, "why all the excitement and all the laughter?" "Beeause," answered the old' lady, "it came , from tt brewery and the brewery has gone out of business. How am I ever going to get rny'little book fillet_ again '1Darn prohibition, anyway:), C,untg Mr. I'h LeBeas of the Huron road, near' Seaforth, delivered • to, tli' lEg- tnondville butcher the other day an eleven months . old (baby beef which weighed ' 900 lbs. ' Blyth Methodists are just closing a very seceessfuI and happy year, under the 'Pastorate of the Rev. A, C. Tiffin. They had `a ' congregational meeting one evening recently at which reports were read from the different depart - plants., Joseph Sproat, an old resident of Egmondhplle, died at the home of Mr. Jaines Anderson of Mortis recently at the age "of eighty-three, years. He had been a timber scaler in his young manhood ani_ had spent nsany years in New Ontario. C. L. Moore, .a well-known citizen of Goderich, died last week. He came to •Canada andspade' his honte in Goderich •as manager of the Dominion Road .Machine Cb,, which 'positionhe hold until 1922i when owing to .ill - health he was obliged to resign.. On his'retirement he was tendered eyban- quet by the staff and presented, with a gold -headed cane. He was but fifty-nine years of age and his death zs ?rt>ligtk x�tile�i `�'e ±1af a'ulli^, spit ted ✓lit3 e in rer0719 stelfptG lus l ody shlnhi ebrn ode- rich :icemeter The sehciol •room of the .Methodist church, Bros I ac, which ch was partially restcoved by fire recently, is being fitted Up .fox $0111365 until the eb trch proper canebe' restored..., The coligre_ gati0„ has been using: the Anglican c ui' h elf but a n w rector has been appointed and' Anglican services will be . i`e gamier, The illarriage to`olc 'place in St. George church Goderich, on Wed- nosday of last week Of Sophia Selina, daughter of• Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ruddock and George" Henry, eldest son of .YIr, and Mrs. Fred' W. Bowra, The:R,ev, S. S. Hardy officiated. The .' young eou Ie will reside m Goderl., , Will YQtuig'of the vicinity of Pori Albert was knocked down by kcal: while crossing the road and had his Mg' broken and got a .general,shalcing J. A. Williams cried at his home at Zurich on Saturday after a short ill- nessin his 75thyoar. Ileresigned as postmaster of Seaforth about a Year ago and returned, to Zurich to live. He is'survivecl by three sons and three daughters,' +,T. L., and R. W., of. Zurich, and Calvin of Buffalo; Mrs. (Rev.) 'Whiteside, of Manitoba, and Misses Ethel and Eva' at home. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL- WAYS EARNINGS The` gross earnings of the Canadian National Railways for the Week end- ing April 211924 were 54,277,760.00 beinga, decrease of 5709,215.90 over the corresponding period of 1923. The gross earnings of the Car edian National Railways from January 1 to April pr21 1924; have been 569,576,403 beingincrease an rn ase of 51,233,827.91 as eompared with the c ones ondin$. per - .,rod of 1923. BEESWAX, 11017V OBTAINED (Experimental S'arnrs Note) Beeswax, 'the natural secretion of certain °'lands situated in ;the abdo- men :of, honey bees and produced chiefly by the younger members of the hive is used extensively in the manufacture of many products such es harness oils, polish, lubricants;, candles, floor -wax, ` It is also used by electricians, pattern makers" and dentists. Thegreater part of the wax produced, however, is used by beekeepers • in the manufacture 61 Be 'e And Happy —and You have Natuids greatest ggii t. Nature's t..el.,. Remedy-_`NaTablats) o vegetable laxative tones the organs and relieves Constipation, Eiliousnesu, - Sick Headaches. renewing that vigor and goad reel. Ing so necessary to being well and banes': Med for Over Got a28e. „71 d+*+ 30 Ycora .Box..!' .,,_"'>';°y,, q � Chips off f'he ®9d Bloc 1,13 JUNIORS®Litt_©p is The earno tit—in one-third doges, tend-coatod. For r childran'd ¢dupe. said Gs Your Drugslst - FREE SAMPLE AT HOVE'Y'S DRUG STORE, CLINTON • '` • T Every When, a man needs a car "for many jobs he turns instinctively, to the Ford touring car. Prirnarily,,the Ford tour- ing is a family car and as such has estab- lished a splendid reputation for service and de pendability, i3ut its useful- ness does hbtend tlz re. - You will 'find- the Ford touring doing every job that•cars'have ever been Used lois-mak- ing the quick run to town: on :urgent erands—taking. produce to market and supplies back home— (loins everything; infect, that a util- ity car is called upon, to do. And it does them' allq uickl o Y, ec .'- N,uggip ssn,, -�cii, riom tallyctorily.and 140 matterwhereyou Sgtisfa, ,'A 1ive of drive your' car, the nearest service ole fest car for work tion is always ao Ford . service stauon.- and recreation.' F. 0. B. Ford, Ontario 4445, ' Taxes extra. Et,e-i, elarting and IIg/ling egateeeel. $83 extra. See Any Authorized Ford Deal' RAcrI CSPtS, Yen arse so little aisd achieve se strath. A tablespoon io a large >taab 'of clothes. 2d Grocers for25c at alli comb foundation. As wax is worthmore than three' times as riiucli,ne1' pound as honey, every particle produced in the apiary: should be saved. Imran apiary rum for extracted honey the greater part of the wax will be from. cappings m `s while a large amount can be obtain: ed from. 'broken of discarded 'copibs and nieces of burr: combs scraped from the hives and frames duzing the tis a certain amount of impurities are present in the wax as taken from the apiary it is necessary to adopt some method of rendering or:extrac ., ing the wax pare. Two methods aro in general use, one by using, the heat from the Sun and: the other by. means of" artificial heat. 'Rendering wax by means of the solar wax extractor is a slow process and only suitable for small amounts of cappings or pieces of new comb. For a large amount of cappipgs and new comb most of thewax can be e xtracte d b melting ng it in hot water -`and then allowing wrn,- g rt to cool. The wax being the lighter will rise to the top and,harden„ For old combs that have been used in the brood chamber or contain pol- len, it will be necessary 'to use pres- sure• to separate the wax from the refuse. Several good hot water nibs presses are. on the Market and any one, of thein will soon pay for itself 1n, a' i• fax sized apiary. The combs are first placed in a tank containing hot water 'and thoro ghl melted. A Lg Y. sheet of burlap or some similar ma- terial is spread over the bottom rack of the-peess and two or three gallon o of the molte is : u n mass s poured into it, The edges of the burlap are then folded over evenly and another rack placed on top of it. The Press 18 then filled with boiling water. The top rack is then pressed down by means. of a screwand the wax forced out of the cheese in the burlap. It is well to release < the screw once or twine during the operation so that the refuse becomes well saturated with the hot water and then to press again. The wax being fighter than water will float and can be run off into moulds. 'Some presses are fitted. with three racks s: that three echeeses' can be 'pressed at on P d e turn e.m I' thea' de- tails on ie dei. rli n g wax can be ob- tained from Experimental Farm But- rerun No, 26, on "Bees and How to beep Thein." This bulletin can be had from the, Publications Branch, Department: 'of` Agriculture, Ott'awa',.: Ont.—G. B. -Gooderham, Dominion Apiarist: 0 F Every Use About the H use For washing floors and lino- leum—washing woodwork and windows—for the many uses about . the house --- SURPRISE wears- well— washes well in any water .and.. is soft on the hands. 1 T OWE BROTHERS' "High Standard" Paints are the snost`economical and practical sold: Because of their fine grinding -'by powerlul mach - Y) iner - th uric e purity of the materials used. and the care with which they are_rnade., They are extreme- ly durable, spread farther and are more easily applied than a so-called "cheap" paint. Lowe Brothersmakea quality paint for every pur- pose. Whether you wish to redecorate your whole houser `. a One or two rooms; do over your floors or your porch,we can supply you with the rightt paint for the job.- AINTS avl , h 1'SIRS Waren you are ready to paint, call in, and see us. We have color cards and some very interesting in forination reserved for you It will show you how to save hone',„ o'n''your'paint purchases. ,Sold exclusively 6y: " 1i 11 011