HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-04-24, Page 1„"•-•• • ,.. , ! , . 4 N O. 22511. , s' TOK., ONTAH10e, THUKISHAY, APL 24th. i1924 THE ir'10iViE PAPE -1)nn pi 'al ASIS for Cli/Tton Hosie 'y Butt Ca,stings , Lfulj 1.11.111 Pati-onxze CIi>l�t®� Merclia.nts— MARICETS Oats 45c. -- Wbeat $1,Q0, • Butter 25, to 27c. "Buck -wheal 75e. • Eggs fee. to •22c Barley 55c. . , LH ive ogs $7.00 tO17.50. EitilS-11, pains, we should say, by Mr. Harold Turner ot Tuckersmith. It is most complete in every respect and might, So -ed , , judging, from ,the outside, take its our "D 0 1 l'S Ho s 0,” Whi ch is On exhibi- place beside Queen IVIary's famous tion at the Emmire Exhibition opened 2ree cart :at Wembley yesterday. This house' ice is equipped with certain articles of YQT.1 SEEN IT? A very neat and well -constructed "dell's liotisb" is on exhibition in the window of the C. Grocers this week. It was Made, with infinite, 401r- bring it to us and we will repair it properly for you, on its first visit to our store. We know how. . We have had the experience, and we do it right. If your ;Hine piece is not -worth repairing we will tell you. And our prices for repairs are moderate, considering the satisfactory way the work is done. 0 . Jeweller and Optician Yiethia Phone 1'74w Residence 1145 ...•191•11.4.1. nj:tleieldlistutiOe'maakefTriteprie6aelisticct,ci.• s acAoltiiPlel' I of 'young dolls tumbling about on the green in front of it. "SAFETY.FIRST" ` The play,'"Safety.F.irst" was put on in, the toNvii hall on Tuesday evening 'Under he uspices of the Huron Cen- tral Agricultural AsSociation. It 'is a ihree-act comedy with a caste of ,Ten and created a lot of a- rosement from start to finish. The •scene opened showing a sit- ting V00m in the home of the Mont- goindrys and Mabel Montgomery in a. state bordering, on the hysteribaluew. big to the fact that her husband had 'gone out with a friend the evening before and had not returned. ' Her new Irish maid, Mary Ann, was very sympathetic but she seemed to recall a great many harrowing incidents where husbands had met with acci- dents and was convinced something terrible had happened. While the young wife is 'still in this state of worry Elmer Flannel,,,a college boy. and cousin of her husband, comes iu and announces that he has given up his studies, taken a position as ticket - seller at a picture show and is going to marry Zuleika, a young Turkish girl. 'While Mabel Montgomery and her sister,Virginia_ Bridger, who is engaged to Jerry, , are at the 1,1OliCe Ottion trying to get some informa- tion, Jack Montgornezy and his friend Jeery, come home. They have had a bad night and are, moreover, rather afraid of complications. • Jack 15 especially worried as to how he can explain things 'fa his wife. .While they are stilt discussing this Detective McNutt comes to arrest the pair for getting into a row and kickinett pole ice officer, bringing with him Zuleika to identify. them. They are informed that they will have to spend a anontb in „Igaol and when the ladies arrive -they are told that they have been ap- phinted delegates to a .Shriners' eon- arention in Florida, Mr.„1VIeNutt and Zuleika ace introduced as friends. of Jack who are going to Florida on their wedding trip. .While they aro away word comes that they have -been washed overboard end are drowned, and the ladies are in great dietress, ,On the arrival •home of the two friends the ladies ard out ehoosing a monument and get a shook to find Jack ,end Jerry very much entre and in possession of the house when they return from their melancholy errands They basic to do some explaining of course, as to thole escape but they .ens to tbe getting along very well- hntil complications arise when Aboe Ben Mocha, father of Zuleika, eomee demanding 'somebody's blood for 'the abduction of his daughter and the ladies learn that the Turkish.girl ha$ been absent too, and that she is not married to McNutt. IVIabel's mother insists upon a separation and the eerie are taken"to her home and the 'men are forbidden the house. They are very ' unhappy and Jack and Mabel - plan to elope; ,Terry dieguised as Mc- Nutt explains a- few things Co' the mother and later leaves a note for iVfabel from Jack telling her he Will be waiting for her at a certain hen that night. This is found by Mary Ann, the maid,who is MaNutt'e sweetheart, and she, thinking it is from him climbs down the ladder into Jaek's arms. ' • The household is a - rotted, all come out tp see what the trouble is and in due time everything is explained and all are happse Elmer and Zuleika in the meantiMe having been married. • Mr. M. T. Corless takerthe role of Sack Montgomery and makes a great success of the roll of the devoted bus nervous ,husband. Mr. Arthur Groves is equally .successful as ,Terry Arnold, who feels that he can,"explain". mat- ters to anybody and --whose motto is "safety fitst." Mr. 0. II. Venner is seen to advantage as McNutt, the de- tective, and sweetheart of Mary Ann. Ms'. Hall Farnham takes she part of Elmer Flannel,. the college boy who is in love with the Turkish maiden and whose courseof true love didn't .ran at all smoothly for some time; Mr t). A. Andrew's _portrayal of "The Terxible Turk," ;the •father of Zuleika, was sufficiently realistic, Mies Belle Ireland played the role of Jack's wife and 'aia" it well, as she always does her part on- the stage; Mrs. Frank -Gdew, ab Virginia, was graceful and natural; Mrs. McIVI-urray played the part of the proud mother to perfec- tion; IVIiss Barbara Melver made a very eller/nine Zuleika, indeed, and one didn't' wonder poor Elmer lost hid .heart to he, while Mrs. 0. L. Pais- 'ley's acting as Mary Ann, who had one of the heaviest parts •in the play, ivas exceedingly well done. She kept the house laughing most oe the time, The scene in the last act, the gar- den at Mee. Barrington Bridger's home, was very well arranged, indeed, eor a temporaroaand amateur ar rangement. e -- Het -went the filet' and second act Miss" IVIeriOn Gibbings sang a Salo, tvhiele was heartily encored. As there are so many who for one reaSon or another could not see tbe play -on Tuesday night it hasibeen de- railed to roPeat it en SaturclaV even- ing, at eight o'clecic. Sea an adver- tiernent on another page of, this is., .0106•11210111Mamosmno911.1[Sgmael.Mstalcrencetkosame•Cas AIWEMANSMearoisumselnememme•Mela•Manocotts... The Laun-Dry-Ette Way of Washing I -Weans—. wim No, hand rinsing a " No hand bluing iiine= No buttons broken ""---- No hooks bent No fasteners jammed No red hands , No hard -to -iron creases • No vvringer and no extra tubs IjIrouldn't yoU like to wash the Laun-Dry-EtteWay? Phone or cal'• ' 'USE YOUR OWN UTILITY• — IT PAY'S "If ahem a wringer if inet LavtpDry-•Etio • ilikEUM14 electric achiri VIA% ki S, A5fl.pRri W lir WRINGER 111YDRO SHOP, Clinton Spring outfitting is ready. No man or oy will want to appear these spring days in the suit or hat he has worn all Winter. It is time for spring gar- ments and wehave just what you need Come and See What is New Your visit will be both profitable and inteesting. You will see Cloth- ing for Men and Boys that will please You. You will see Correct Hats and Caps imala thetiewshades and styles. You will see Spring' Outfitting that is 'handsome, stylish, exclusive and different. Now is the time to select your Spring Outfit for the Choosing will never be better • • E MI10[11311 CLOTHING CO. 1 FRIDAY'S BITISICAIX A" musicale -was oiveu in Ontario Street Church on Mod )Fridav after- noon under the auSpices4of-.he Gips' Auxiliary, _Se proceeds, goirig toward their hospital fund. • The program Which wa in keeping with the Sacredness- o± the clay, con- sisted of (Mee beautifully executed organ solos by' Mrs. E. We,falorf; vocal solo, "0 Sacred IItad," by Miss Ann Stewart; a duet,, "Hark, Hark, My Soul," by Revs. J. 1.1, -Hogg and C .1.4ewellyn Billtey; vocal solo, "He way Daspisecl," by Miis Mary lVfaelVIorch- ie, and a vocal Solo, "The Agony" by Mr.& E. Doherty. • Quite a number took advantage oi the opportunity of hearing these nus-' teal numbers, so well executed. AGED PIONEER DIES Gottleib Merner of'Zurich died on. Monday at the great age of ninety- three years,. He was,born in Berne, Switzerland, in 1830, and came with His parents to Canada when 'about 'seven years of age. In 1856 he Carrie Id Huron county, fountlingethe vill- age` of Berne, now Blake. ,here he carried on the buiiness of tanning and tithe): linee of business for Maley years. He is survived by seven sons and two daughters.. Two of -the sons are J. a. Merrier of Seaforth, ex-M.P.; for South Huron and E. F. Mernee, of Hayfield, formerly of Clinton. The 'late Senator Merner of New Hamburg was a brother. The funeral takee, place this afternoon to the !Breese/ Line cemetery, on the coiner, of htold homeatead. AMONG THE CHURCHES / Ontario, Street Church R. A, Parkirison of Bayfield will preach at the morning service on Sunday. The pastor will preach in the evening, -when the Odd Fellows will attend service. • Wesley Church Brothethood meeting at ten o'clock Sunday morning. The subject for discussion, "Does Science Refute a Belief 10 God ?" will be introduced by Mr. D, A. Andrew. "The pastor's morning subjeet will be: "The Life Which is life, Indeed." Evening: "The Kingdom of God." Willis Church The W.M,t. held thele Easter Thankofferiiig meeting .Air Thursday evening last. Mrs, Telford of Blyth gave an interesting address on "What We, as Werner; Owe to Cheist," eon- erasting in a very graphic manner the life of women in our land with that ef women in non-christiat lands. Ex- cellent Solos were sung by Mgs. Hearn and Miss" Mary R. Stewart! A very profitable hour was spent. Salvation Army 10 a.m. Sunday school 11 a.m., Hol- iness meeting; 3 pan. praise meeting; 7:30 p.ni. Salvation meeting. Self-DeniaI week will be *served May litE to May lkith to assist others In need. In the Chile Horne, London, 38 ehildren have been fed and clothed all the year round, think of the cost of this. The Array has 143 Homes of this kind. Women handed over be the Salya- then Army from the polite murt, 313; meals given to ex -prisoners, 10,951, beds given'2,607. You 8511 help this -work during self- denial week. This is your opportun- ity. The Salvation !Army for the next year's work must have $280,000. LITTLE LOCALS • Mr. Frank Hibbert of Auburn has taken a ! pesition in Albert Lovett's greerY T"h'O'Neil's are busy this week putting in a self -serve department- 10 their grocery store. Mr. W. J. Nediger took the house- hold effects of Mr. C. P. Shepherd 10 St, Thomas on Monday. W. Jenkins and Son have put up a new awning, which will shade thein 'rebore the hot rays ol tlie suri, when it gets hot. Mr. and Bees. D. Se•Cluff and fam- ily whose home was leurned kit week, are occupying the residence of Mr, A. IVIcGarva for a few weeks. •• • Miss Viola Cook was hostess yes. terclay evening at a .granite shower for Miss Edna McCaughey. A. very jolly time was spent by the yoUng la- . A very.successful euchre and dance took place ie St Joseph's parish hall on Monday eveninge-e A good Crowd attended and a pleasant time is re- ported. Mr. Harry ,Bartliff has been looking after jolmson and Co's. business- dur- ing the absence of Mr. W. L. Johnson who is visiting his mother and bro- ther at Chimiawa. • Mr. Albert Lovett has taken pos- session of the grocery at the north end of the town, recently purchased CrO111. Mr, J. McKenzie. We bid 1VIra Lovett 'and family welcome to Clin- toe. Clinton Lodge No. 83 will 'celebrate the one -hundred -and -fifth anniversary of Odd Fellowship in Canada by at- tending divine service in Ontario Street Chureh on Senday eveniug, Owing to an accident Mr, Knight of the Pember Stores, Ltd Toronto-, who' • was..to have visited Clinton yesterday, had to Postpone his visit. Ile wiil • be at the Rattenbury House on yeed- nesdey, MO:y, 7th. See ad. on another I. 0. 0. F. DELLGA1ES At the regular meeting of the 1.0, 0.1P. lodge on Tuesday night Messrs. W. Mutch and IL W. Gould were looted to attend the. Grand Lodge, and Messrs. J. W. Moore and G. E. Hall to attend the District. meeting.. - HALL—CREWS On. Thursday afternoon, in the ves- try of Elder Street Baptist Church, Toronto, Rev. W. A. Cameron officiat- ing, the marriage took place of Nor- ma Ann, daughter of „Mr. P. B. Crews of Toronto, formerly of .`Clinton, to 'Samuel H. Hall, son of IVIr. and Mrs. H. L. Hall of Hamilton. ,Immediate- ly after- the ceremony the bride 'and •grooin left for New Yotk. CN• AGRICULTURAL COMMITTED, Mr. N. W. Trewartha, M.P.P., foe South Huron, lies been 'appointed a member of the Legislature Committee to ,study methods of improving agri- ' cultural conditions in the province, geeing attention tQ marketing and transportation. Mr. Trewartha is ehairneeels of the House Agricultural • Committee and, having been reared to agriculture, he's a good than for the position. HURON EXECUTIVE MEETS An executive meeting of the Huron County Social Service Connell was )lield in Clinton on Monday and, on ' motion of Dr. Je A. Irwin 'of Wing - ham, seconded by A. M. Robertson of Goderich, a resolution was passed ex- -peessing satisfaction with- the work-' in' of the Ontario Temperance Act, • Setting forth the nianeradvantages ac- cruing fromti, its enforcement and re- commending that the matter be not now opened un again. The last clause of the -resolution, whichis too lengthy to print, in full, reads as follows: • "Therefore, resolved, that this Ex- ecutive Committee representing the various Municipalities of' the County, inform the Premier of Ontario, that it is our opinion, that at present, thee is no popular demand from our people that a Plebeecite Shall be ta- ken on the question, with the attend- ant expenee, confttsion to business and other interference with the con- duct of affairs. That the immediate need of the community is for the Government 'and its members to give every p.ossible assistance to the eers charged with the enforcement of the Temperance Acts, and to use every available means of preventing the brewers and distillers of the Pro-, vince from supplyhig the illicit traffic," and also clisehntinue the licenses to Ontario wineries to make intoxicating wines for beverage purposes. That this organization shall continue to use its influence to have the citizens of our county give all Poseible help in carrying on the campaign of • as to .the evils of the Hoe twat and the benefits of prohiesitiohe and also give personal help to the local officers ohaiged with the respon- sibilityof enforcieg the Temperanee That copies of this resolution be Sent to the Premier of the Province, the local members and the press," - MIT. STOTTIEHS' FIGURES The following is a report from the Goderich Signal of an address given at a banquet held in that town recently under the auspices .of the Lions Club t Stothers, in elle of the meet in- teresting speeches of the evening, dis- classed the possibilities of raising farm products in Huron county, for boat shipment from Coderich to Fort William and Dultithe or Detroit and Cleveland, mentioning in this connec- tion apples, honey, hay, beam and po- tatoes: , There were today; 12,000 acres of orchard in the county,' of which 4,000 acres were in Goderich and Colborne townships. If each acre yielded only fifty barrels, there would be 000,000 'barregal-fe The fruit in- dustry hacl suffered during the past .few years said the speaker, but he be_ lived it would be rejuvenated. As far back as 1896 Huron Bounty had grown 200,00b lerirrels of ap. Ples,• One million pounds a hgneSr were prodeced• in Iluron einnity each year, said Mr f Stothers. A splendid mar- ket for this partieular product Was largely lost to the producer In Wes- tern Ontario through prohibitive mil freight rates. There was a depend- able market for hay in Detroit, Cleve- land and Buffalo, and again boat_ freight from Goderich would prove"of inestimable value to Huron county farmers. Huron county in raising between 125,000 and 150,000 bushels of beans, stood third among the counties of the Province in this can- nection. ' The bean crop of Rerun •Was'raised within a radius of thirty miles of the town of Goderich. There -was, too, the right kind of land in Huroneounty necessary for the good growth ,otatoes he large quanti- ties. In closing, Mr. Stothers expressed himself as satisfied and confident that if Huron county farmers were given the opportunity of freighting their produce on a haat, out of Godealeh, to points west and south,"ample busineas could be secured from them. Londesboro , Mrs. Arthur Jamieson is spending Easter week in Toronto and BuiTa19 TI , TWomen's Institute will meet in the hall on Thursday, May let. A short program will he given. Mises, Alberta Snell and Mee. Harry Little are appointed to give life sketches of a couple of Canadian authors. Fol lowing this will be an eleetiOn of COTS i'01' the coming -year. Hosteses:: IiIjs „Lavinia Paighain, Mrs. Earnest Adams and Mrs. llifoulitain. Peop/e You know ars, TiTalter Manning is in Toronto this weak. Miss Gladys Chovven o± `Toronto was home for -Easter. Mrs. James Martin has returned af, ter ss visit in Toronto, Miss Alice Sloman of Toronto Was home over theholiday. Miss `Annie Lawrence of Cayuga came home for the holidays, • Miss Marlorie Beaton of. Huntsville is heme forths holidays. Rolbert 'Beacom Spent the week- end with London. friends. Miss AminesWalker of Kingston is an Easter visitor in town. alass NOrIlla Bentley' of Leondon was in town for the week,end. " Gibbings of Ravenna is home for the Easter time. Miss jean -Hogg left Tuesday for De- e troit for a fetnight's visite Miss Maude -Livermore of Toronto came up for the week -end. Miss Sybil Proctor of Goderich visit- ed friends in tawn this week. Mr. Mervin Elliott of Sudbury spent the Eastetide at his home here. (Ver. Chas. Hovey of Strathroy spent the week -end at his home m town. Miss L. Gibbings of Toronto was home over the holiday and week- end.' - • . Mr. Jack Hawden of Hamilton Nor- mal is spending the holidays at home. •' Misses Sadie and Winnie Deeper of St. Catharines are home for the holidays. Miss Agnes Combe has been spending the holiday Relied, with St. Thomas relatives. Mx. Erskine Evans of the 'University, Toronto, came home for the vaca- tion period. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Greig and son of London spent Easter' with Clin- ton. relatives. IV/aster Duncan •Cartwright is visit- ing his uncle, Mr. J. G. Oartetright of Londeshore. and Mrs. Thos. lelcCartney spent , the holiday and' • -week-end with Wroxeter friends: Mr. and Mrs. Quinnell of Detroit have !been visiting the lady's nict. ther, Mrs. M. Argent. Misses Grace and Gladys Mason of • Constance are with their aunt, MTS. Martin, for the holidays. Mrs. Thos. Fulford and two sons, Ar- thur and Earl, visited London friends over Geed Friday. Kr. W. 133. Erwin is in Toronto' this week attending the meetings of the Educational Association. 1Vlr. W. G, Strong of Kingston, former principal of the Clinton Public school, is in town this week. Misees Ruth and Beth Cartwright are speeding a fiw day.4 with their mint, Mrs. Andrew of Auburn. Min Jessie O'Neil of the' ITCtehertee Collegiate staff is spending the va. 'cation time at her home In tOWD. bliss plisse Watkins is spending the Easter vacation with her grendfge there Me. W. Jenleins of Lorleshora: and yrs. W, L. Johnston and . children are yisitingwith the far- mer's mother and brother at Chip; pawa. . ldiss Bernice Pennell of Stratford is epending- _ the Easter holidays et the home of. her annt, Mrs. W. S. Downs.• ' Mrs. W. W, Trewartha accompanied her husband to Toronto last Nveek and was present for the closing of the Legislature. , Me. J. W. Treleaven of Timmins was .in town on Monday; leaving os -Tuesday for Torontai to attend the meetings of the -Educational Aisoe elation. r Mrs. Weir of Detroit, who Lias been Visiting hew bother in London for the past couple of weeks, is nolo the guest of her -brother, Mr, R. E. • 1VIanning of town. • • Miss Edna .Wasman ofe Toronto and Miss Ethyle Wasman of South Por- cupine spent the holidast and week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs: J. F. Virasman, •Kiss Dorothy Rorke leaves this aftek noon for Woodstock to visit IVfise Dinwooclie, who leas with her Met week, -before' returning to their studies at Alma. • - Miss E. McMath of Toronto has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha of town, and other relas tives in the vicinite, during the Easter ,vacatien time. . Misses 'dean and Mary C,hidley have been Raster visitors at their home in town. Miss Jean returned to Toronto Tuesday morning' -but MiSS Mary is remaining for the week, Constance Among 'those from a distance who 'attended the fuceeraL of the late 'ides. Solin.Riiey were: IVIreViem. Riley, 'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamont anci,11/1/. and Mrs, <Tames Mann from Brussels„ Mr, John Riley of Tuckersmith. Miss Myrtle Lawson and Miss Irene Carter of Toronto ,speet a- few days with- their parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Lawson and, Mr. and Ma's. W. Carter. Miss 'Vera Adams from Near Ot- tawa, Miss Beulah Scott of St. Cath- arines, Miss Violet Scott from Strat- ford and Miss, Mable Livingeton spent holidays at their homes here. Miss / Meetha Cook of Goderich township sent a week with her sis- ter, His, Joe, Riley. :Mrs. Gore of Hamilton spent the Easter holidays with her ;nether, Mrs. Thnell and her sister, Mrs, COiclough. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson a2±0. family- of 'Brussels snent a ,Cew daye with friends an and sound the village. • Miss Rogerson of Tuakersmith le visiting her Must,. Miss Vine Bogert 5022, and other Meads." • aUlaeEd A representative of a new • COM-, mercial life-pres'erver cons ucted me demonstration of the improced rub-. her, water -proof and cold-liroof asuit, by swimming and diving in the har- bor from the docks here on Thursday last., The demonstrator proved that the cold water caused no discomfort to the person clothed in the cosy suit, Sev.eral well known citizens tried out the experiment, hut the clemontrator did not encourage Perry Ferguson to put. the suit on as it was believed by many that such would be impossible for that imposing person to do. The representative stated that osier 10,000 people had worn the suit and, it was still in ,,good condition. One can sit -on the water, stand upright, lie down„ • float or swim, troas' oh/Is legs, and smoke with ease and perfect comfort,. The shit is abscilettely water -proof ' and self -inflating, but is said to be safe when devoid of air and floatsthe body of the hopeless eewimmee. A considerable crowd were witnesses of the demonstration.- Mr. Robert Orr, a to merchante was very seriously injured on 'Satur- day last, while assisting e in prepare.. tions for Dr. Wood's sale. Mr. Orr was leading out a fractious melt assisted by two other men with renes when suddenly the horse bolted and kicked sideways inflicting an 'ugly wound en one side of the victines head just above the en and' in the vicinity of the temple, which neces- sitated the use of several stitches. One artery was grazed and other very significant damage done to .the scalp and blood vessels which makes it necessary for- the injured Man to lie absolutely still for several days. Dr. Newton -Brady, a local physician, is in attendance. Had the colt been shod, death -would no doubt have been instantaneous. Mr. Orr is -well known and respected and his malty friende are mech concerned over ,his welfare. He is engaged in the flour, feed and provision business in Hayfield. Dr. Woods' sale took place Satura day afternoon, and was a great clean - rip of everything offered, Geo. IL Elliott, Clinton, was the auctioneer. , On Friday evening, April 25t15 a aplendid entertainthent is being pees.. ented to the public in the town hall here.. • Two chosen committees will vie with each other in patting on a very interesting concert program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, short ilays and other features. Everyone's welcome and the win- ning side will receive recognition by lodges. Ie is believed a very pleas. ant surprise is in store for the aud- ience which will witness tilt novel program ansi much expectant enthuse lam is rife the community. The Rev. C. S. Moorhouse, Pastor of Ontario Street Methodist Church, Clinton, will conduct the gearterly sacramental service, in the eapacaty of,, circuit eeperintendent, at Hayfield IVIethodist church on Sunday morning April 27th al llo'clock. R. A. Parke - bison, the pastor at Bayfield, will ex.. change 'with Mr. Idoorhouse. 2 Mrs, Alexander Cosi of Portere • Hill is very seriously ill. On Sun- day her condition was so serious in the morning that life was almost des. Paired Of, bat she rallied marvellous - ly and by evening was quite bright. Doctor Shaw of Clinton is giving median attention. The many friends of Miss Freida Talbot, who is attending Stratford Normal are glad to know -that she is convalescing after a serious attaela • of diptheria. • Floirnesville The funeral of the late Dr, Thomas 0, Holmes, a retired Captain in the United States Army, who died at his ' hdme, 129 ;Webb Aveime, Detroit, on Wednesday, of last week, took' place from his home on Saturday, with in. torment in Roseland 1VIamsoletun, Dr, EToltnes, •who is survived by his we, dow, 'Mrs. Sarah M. Holmes, a son, Dr. Alfred W. llohnee, and two daughters, Mrs. S. Watson and Miss Estelle Holmes, was born in Holniesville, 11won county, Ontario in 1847 being a son -.of the late John Elohnes, one of the pioneers of the district. He received his education at Victoria College, Cohourg, and le. ter graduated in medicine and sur. gory from Bellevue College, New York city. He did graduate Work • later at McGill University, Montreal. At one time Dr. Holmes was city, physician in New York -,and later he had charge of the Nursery and"Child'a Hospital on Staten Islaed. He went to Detroit 82 years ago. Dr. Holmes served in the Spanish-American War. He had been in ,failing health for spine time. He only recently rettirna ed from. Florida, where he had scents the wnter. He Is survived by tone brother and three sisters: Mr, Y. It Holmes and Miss l-loltees a Plantes- . e and Mrs. Leech and Ides. Howell af Goderich.. Miss •Relines went to Detroit eer the funeral. • Hallett Township Ilduch'eympathy is felt for Mr, and Hrs. Jelin Ilesselwood in the loss 0E their little eon, Leslie, aged sovea years, who died on Tuesday, The little lad had been ailing for SO1111s tin heart trouble being the eall$Q.. tie InlifOred from a stroke of light,. Meg ZOOM time ago and it is thought that this affected the heart. The funeral takes place this afternoon, te Clinton tenietery, . J.,i., 4 4 4