The Clinton News Record, 1924-04-17, Page 8r'( T IU RSDAY,'APRID h, 1924: i' ' CLINTON'S LEADING "JEWELLRY STOR OUT at' yes 1.1 We canfit you with ` the Glasses you .need EYES TESTED FREE and SCIENTIFICALLY 'FITTEiD R. H INSON Next Hovey'a Drug Store Jeweller and Optician ua1i y Clothes„ Modera e1 r Priced In buying a new Suit or extra Trousers the first thing to consider is "Well they .give Satisfaction?" and the next is '"Are they fairly Priced 1" Quality and Style along with Moderate Prices are the outstanding features of eacID of our new Models of Men's and Beys Suits for Spring.—"The Best for. the Pricey • We have Men's Suits' from $14.04 to $30.00' made in new snappy Sport Models for the young men and in the more conservative models for more elderly men. Boys' Suits from $5.00 up Men's special Order Suits from $25 up Come in and let us show you these suits the values witl smpriseyou. . 111011. Plumsteel Bros. PIIONE 25, SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS I On Easter Morning JJ fsi -J_ - You'll be glad if you are wear- ing a well -tailored suit, beeoin- ing in t;olor,"individual in style, -- yet developed along fashion's MO ? 'iE newest lines and of the .approv- a00 c ed spring textiles. 0 :r In wishing 'for you Easter Ijoy, we invite your continued patronage.:. 'CUL. c D AL IDC"= cluzat�\ cx S Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W 1 r al scinilt STs tient 1.Lelam' die Aa ' e fo'name/ 4 give your out - of -dote rurnifure tha4 new -style enla enol - finish We also carry a complete line of Brandram Henderson Paints and Varnishes 'Sun Varnish and Sun Varnish Stains Also`a complete line of Brushes,Linseed Oil and Turpentine Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING LOOK! • We are ready for all orders of spring work, Papering, Painting and decorating. We have a large assortment of papers and We„,...ask you to see our books before buying. • You will save money by ordering your paper. frons :us. All work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Orders left with Mrs. Rob -t. Armstrong,' Huron street will .re- ceive prompt attention. PHONE 234 ring 2 KAY .a POTTER Around the Home is gathered everything that is dearest and best in life, '-Ilome is the center from whirb all the, yii'ied concerns and business oflife start forth. Any- thing that can contribute to the beau- ty and comfort and peace of Home is deserving of attention and though's. Ili this direction let wall paper enter your thoughts. Our. new spring stock', will,soon be ready for your inspection. Tile NV. B. FairCO: Often the CheapestG--Always the Best .rtagnnmmusy Miss .Stone -will spend the Eastertide at heeehoine in Essex. Mr. and Mrs. Iddo. Crich are visiting -in Hamilton this -week. Mrs. J. A. Ford' is in Peterborough for the Easter vacation. • Miss Bertha Ralnras .of Toronto, is home for the Easter vacation. Miss Mary MsMurehie of Toronto is home for the Easter vacation. Miss A. Emigh of Blyth was the guest for a few days last week of the Misses Bawden. Miss M. Taylor of Goderieh spent a few days over the week -end as the guest of Mrs. Saville. Mr. C. P. Shepherd- of the Maisons Bank, St. Thomas, spent the week- end at his home in town. Miss Ward leaves in themorningfor Cher home at Rockville, Maryland, to spend. the Easter vacation. Father Gaffney is }n London this weekassisting in serviege in con- nection with Passion Week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ford attended the funeral of the former's'aunt, Mrs, Edward Acheson,in Goderich on Fri- day. Miss Ennna Southcmbe of Niagara Falls is an. Eastertide guest with Mrs. T. J. Watt of Rattentury st., west. Miss Clete Forts of the staff of Alma College, St. Thomas, is spending the Easter vacation at her home in Miss Beanie Morrish left yesterday to spend the Eastertide at the home of her uncle, Mr. Ogle Cooper of Col- lingwood. Mrs. A. J. Henderson of Lansing, Mich., visited at the home of her another, Mrs. -James Shepherd, over - the week -end Miss `'Wrinnifred Hunt of Toronto is expected to spend Easter in town as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. W, Greig and children of Toronto 'are 'here for the Easter- tide. Mrs. Greig and ehildren will remail for a fortnight. Miss Ethel Holmes of Alma College is spending the vacation at ,the home of her parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holines, Wesley parson- -age. Mr. 3. E. Doherty was in Wingham Jest night assisting as bass soloist • in the presentation of "The Cruei- fixion," Iby the choir of St. Paul's chnuch. Mr. W. J. Drupe of Grimsby, Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge who visited the local lodge' en Tues- day, was the guest while in town of Dr. J. W. Shaw. Miss Dorothy Rorke of Alma College, St. Thomas, is spending the Easter vacatida at her home in town.. She has as her ' guest Miss Jean Dinwoodie, also a student at Alma. Rev, Canon Gunne of- London was in town on Monday and shook hande - with many old friends. Ha camo .. up to .assist "in. the services at the funeral of the Iate Mrs. Thompson. Miss Delle O'Neil, who` has ..been • spending the winter with her part encs in Florida has returned home . and'. after the Easter . vacation will resume her teaching; duties in Ter - onto. Mrs. D. 3. Gilbbinge, who agcompan- ied her mother, Mrs. Andrews, to Akron, Ohio, a fortnight ago,has returned after a vary pleasant vis- it with her brother, Mr. R. R. An- drews. Mrs. Fulton of Yale, Mich., and Miss W. E. Thompson of Toronto were called home last week owing to the illness and . subsequent death' of their mother, the : late Mrs. R. Thompson. Miss Edna Rodaway, who has spent the past two weeks with her par- • eats on Alffiert street, -returned to, Chicago • on Tuesday ' to take . up her duties as dietitian in Cook County Hospital. Mrs. Livermore, Sr., whospent the winter in Toronto with her song re- turned hone Thursday, evening last. Mrs.„ Livermore celebrated her eightieth birthday on February 14, but she carries her years easily and enjoys gold. health, Messrs: Oliver Johnston and T. T. Murphy, former citizens of Clinton but now residents of Goderich; were in town on Tuesday. They came down to attend the bigMasonie ga- thering held here that day and the banquet in the evening. Rev, J. G. Miller, at present pastor of St. PauI'i Presbyterian Church, Brandon, recently had the degree of D.D. conferred on him by the Man- itoba College. Mr, Miller will be remembered as a temporary resi- dent of Clinton, he having supplied. the pulpit o1 Willis Church for one &unmroi, during the pastorate of Rev. Dr, Sl ewart. A few suggestions for your Easter Breakfast How about Florida Grape Fruit - 3 for 25c - Breakfast Bacon, Maple Leaf Pea Meal Backs per lb 34c' and of course .you'll have Eggs for your Easter Breakfast, grader and the price will be right We have a new Jelly; it is called rambleberry; Pineapple Tmarmalade O'Neil's best coffee small jai° 40c 40c per lb 60c Special for Easter 10 lbs Granulated sugar .. $1.00 Special price by the bag Hursely tea ` per lb 65c 10 bars Gold soap 72c 10 bars P. Ee,G. soap 72c Corn Flakes 2 pkgs 23c 3 Jelly Powder 25c Oranges per 'doz 29c Good black tea . ib 48c 4 lbs Breakfast food 25c 5 lbs Corn meal 25c 10 lbs Rolled Oats 37c 2 pkgs Seeded Raisins 25c 2 pkgs Seedless Raisins 25c Smiles 'n Chuckles per ib 60c. Maraschino cherries per lb 49c New Cabbage Special Jim Crow mixed chocolates - 39c Rosy red tomatoes, Head and leaf lettuce, New Carrots Celery . Fresh: Halibut T ell Cash & Carrg 2 Def iveries Phone 48 MOLAUGHLIN and CHEVROLET CARS f Special Ilargains 1-USEJICARS A. number of good used cars for sale including: 2 Ford, 1 -ton trucks. 2 1921 Ford Touring Cars' with starters and eleetriet lights. 1919 Ford Touring; with starter and electric lights. 1918 McLaughlin Master Six, in first-class condition. 1'924 Chevrolet Baby Grand, repainted and in first class condition. Also a number of "490" used Chevrolet cars in good condition. A full line of Cockshutt Implements Call in before purchasing IMINIINIMMIWONOMM JH B. LAVIS Dealet . PHONES: 189W. and 1893. ZMNIC, a3r� Request St. Paul's Dramatic Society will re- peat the three -act farce " The Adventures of Grandpa IN THE TOWN HALL, ON Thtarsdag, Mag AT 8 p.m. ° The farie is said by competent sol- stice to be the best ever presented here by amateur players, Tickets 350. and 60c. 'Plant at Fair's. Phelan's Orchestra. Goderich Township Mr. Hared Whitmore of Hamilton is spending the Easter holidays with his .;parents, 1V1r. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore of this township.. Miss Alice Corey, daughter of Councillor and Mrs. II. Corey, has re- turned from Vancouver, where she has been for the past couple of years. Clara,, daughter of Mr. Andrew Mc- Guire, died on Saturday Iast and .was buried from .St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, on Monday. A former resident of this township passed away in Goderich on Wednes- day of last week in the person of Mary Ann Lindsay, widow of the late. Edward Acheson. The funeral took place to Maitland cemetery on Fri- day. - Base Line Mr: Joseph Cooper ,has taken pos- session of the Venter farm,: which he recently purchased,: and Mr. George Cooper of the Halstead place. `.TIe neighbors welcome them to the com- munity. The annual meeting of the Unity Club, which bad... been postponed on account of the roads, was held last week at the home of Mrs. J. -Fergu- son, when the following officers: Were re -appointed: Hon, -President: Mrs. H. Murphy; president, Mrs. W. Mor_ rill; secretary. Mrs. W. D, Connell; treasurer, Mrs. W. Stevens; buying coininittee, Mrs, L. Weir, Mrs, 3, 3, A bakery is to be started in Zurich by Mr. E. Boehler,, Dance. and Euchre. in Knitting Club Rome, Over the -Maisons Bank Lawn Bowling Euchre and Dance I Fri. Evening April 25 8 p. m. Admission 40c 4-2. SEE1FS SWEET PEAS Plant early fo get good results. Eekford's Mix 15c. per ounce. Spencer's Mix, 16e,' per half ounce. SIMMER'S. VEGETABLE SEEDS A limited -.number of packets, while. they. last 9c. -each or 3 for 25c. Special for Easter Rhododendrons Easter Lillies- Rambler Roses Edith Cavell hoses Calcetorarias Spirea Hydrangeas, etc. You are invited to see,our Easter display. a unity home Phones: FLORIST 'lower Shop 31, House 176w 49-5-2 IMMIRSIOIMBEINSZIEMIP IIIIMISIORIMPIVINUMMISIONIMINI BeFurniture Department ea I , By selecting your Linoleum, Oil Cloths, Congoleum and Lino - leu= Rugs before the spring rush crones we will gladly keep anything you may require until yourare ready for them. We also have a Iarge stock of Carpet Rugs in Axminster, Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry, giving you a great range both in Quality and price to select from. • We. always carry a large stock of Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room Suites, in fact anything you inay want in Furniture, So it will pay to call and look. around. In the Hardware Department• we have a full stock of Floor Enamels and Floor Paint, Varnish and Stains in all colors. For a beautiful wall finish vise "MIIRESCO," - Can be used suc- cessfully on plastered walls or wall paper. To those malting maple syrup remember we are here with a large stock of Sap Buckets, and •Spouts. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. • TIIE-STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 The .,faun -Dry -Este Way of 'Wafshing Means—. No hand rinsing No hand bluing. No buttons broken No hooks bent No fasteners jammed No red hands: No hard -too -iron creases No wringer and no extra tubs Wouldn't you like to wash the Laun-Dry •Ette Way.? Phone or ce11. • "If a has a;vr$ng,rit!sal a - 14/ BH -DR "1E electric. Washing • machine' WAS,,ANTU oRIiNOI x;11 USE YOUR OWN, UTILITY, , IT PAYS easoiszoinciacquarrommanosmomorinvemporaosmaarromataat .HYDRO SHOP Clint,n Euchre C6ntest The Euchre Contest of the season will be held in St. Joseh's Parish Hall —ON___ Mon. evening Apr 21 commencing at 5:30. Lranch and Otd Time, dance. Phelan's Orheestra, Admission 50e, PURE COMB HONEY. FOR SALE CLOVER, HONEY in one pound' section's, price 25 centsm per section. Free delivery in Clinton. Shipments made of not less than 24 .sections, express extra. Orders May be left at. The News' Record office. IRVI G BROTfIERS 'APIARY near'C;N.R. Depot CLINTON, ONTARIO. 36-tfa