The Clinton News Record, 1924-04-17, Page 7rSYTRIC S
No.. al -
.Bend 'a \rU atoll
Veit t
r e try the .kmes g2 c' da—
The Harp.
Tne harp was one of f.ho favorite
e ]n 1; 11010100 011200g ni0 't of the
1. 1101;1) i a: Although very primi-
rim -
tive to begirt .with,.. it wns.: improved
little by little, and more ' and more
strings were from time u bane adder
'to' it Trio' ordinary harp, sometimes
called line bi Da'xtl's tarp, Which is
played sitting er : standing,:- and of
which the strings are plucked by the
fingers of both hands, h'as. o, range,.
nOazl5 equa1 to the..p ano• The hall
tOnco were o.lgivaxli plodneeed shy
piiessing the thuiiib against. the neck
ole the strings dr us1ng look',.'The:utse
of pedals for this purpose first Came in
ha 1520, fire, and laterseven, tieing the
number.: The pedals ale, alsoused to
produce different tone, qualities, and
to make the tone louder' or softer.
Old au it is, however, the Harp is one
Of the least complete of instruments
of to -day., -
Ote• `a�lMight- - ave -Seeger.
Our 11)1001t-have>beens lie all. al Wag
The road of life;- the plans, gone wrong
Because we did not chance Ib do
Some certain dings some ce0011in way,
The dreams that never dui conic
The loves that died, or went atatray.
Not merely c
lY � u.,ga:acconilillshstl mark
Our p Ogre through tlio dawn and
Our failures also we recall,
Not only smiles out 'also tears;
They are the mileposts atter all,
Gray peaks that rise h.bout'the years.
Ahd memory brings a 5.iaasure still,
As memory nearly always will; ,
The sweetest'ltours we ever know
Are not' When victory we' wild,
But when we sit, the fire'burnetl bolt;
And think of things that might have,
—Douglas ;Malloch.
. Magma wash daypleasant
HE hardest part of wash-day,
rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, has
given way to the new method of
soaking the clothes clean with Rinso.
This . wonderful new soap gently
loosens the dirt and a thorough
rinsing leaves things white and
glistening as, you never could get
there before.
Only spots where the dirt' is ground -
in, such as neck bands, cuff edges,
and the like need a light rubbing.,
and a little dry, Rinso rubbed on
these spots quickly makes the dirt
Rinso is sold by all grocers
and department stores
'lust use Rinso ivhete
fou used to use bar
soap— for soaking,
boiling, or in your.
washing machine,
r lea; l`1^;n;a:
LJ,t� ,�S
not only
did°you know that' mustard to ti'only�
gives more • zest and goaordigestion?
but also stimulates y illy t sada
Because it aids- assirn
'nourishment to food,
tsar, tIPF"' '�:-r,w '•1ety�a 'ace b ,o.:.. ,*• . , ..�
Why tui Women Want.
Busy` women want SNP Enameled rare
because it' will bring food to the boil' almost'
twice as fast as all -metal utensils, and com-
pletes the Booking ' sooner. A woman can
wash SMP; Enameled Ware utensils faster
than uteaisils that have' to 'be 'scrubbed
and scoured.
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of
early -grey enamel inside and out. Diamond
are, three coats, light blue and white out-
side white linings Crystal Ware, three
roots, Pure white' inside and . out, with Royal'
Blue edging.
oa cA,gr
vnn fh1Eg7 E'IA1S, PRODUCTS CO iaMrrcu -'
1<10111 Secretary Ddg 11' '11, 11011<s -h<.
auat returned ,from at visit tosgnne 0
0117 faX north Troops .ard it is though
our brother Scouts- Icade d: 115 101011'
will be- interested n learning leo
Scouting is shaping in these (.11111111
; T7se Harsh Pz rga .ave
d11`a1L li All €rIl Need,
Na` ins—but not 1' glair well.
111!t i, the `'a} intim, 11,010.:fee1 tu,`• ),a5ay ` tired, appetite
flckio,0011) Umos Jo1110 ma.and a
v, l reeling cl' dan,esaion. 1 1 il.p'' '0,
4 nta'1ons may: appear eu the shin, or
there may be 'i lvu g.:6 p ill1unsatisin
or oeu,._lgili. Any oat'"tl.eoe indicate
that the bleed as cut 'of, -or,l1r ,:stat the'
indoor 11te <11 winter lta0 left its, 1110010
upon you and may 00aily develop auto
more' serious rtrouble.
Do not dose yourseli' with purgatives,
as many peepde do, in'the hope` that,
you can put y,5vr blond right. Piuma
-Liens gallop through t3)e �> Olein an
11 cohort Instead 01, giying strength
Any doctor'will, tea you 'that this i
true. W1 -at you need lir. the spring is
a tonic that will enrich the blood and
am the,nelv+es, Dr.. WPdi�iasns'
s Pinsk Pills do this sgieedlly safely and
sur.ety, 10vee-y doe of this medicine
holps'to enr'ic'h the blood, which clears
the skin, strengthens, the appetite and
makes tired, degrresssd ,men, women
and phiidren-bright, active.and strong
Henry R. 111. Tiobinsoii, Cruickshank,;
Sass:., says:—" MZy blood was out of'
order and I was' nervous. - and 'run
dowi."1 got ,a supply of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills' and after' taking them for
awhile tlreyafully restored my health.
r ani now feeling fine and have no hesi
talion in recommending these gills to
all, who ars feeling unwell."
You can ',get.these pi11s1 through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 50
cents to box'from The Dr: Williams'
Medicine Co., Broekvillei;'Ont. `
Ile, first w110100to remove tne.tlsi1z_vl-
1Y agoepted idea that up there it Is
the "Frozen Noi'tih," It is. a wond511111
00nnt1'y 05 1plent1111 fermis, 'forests of
the finest timber, m11)00 ell gold, 'si1-
ver,..coppe., 1100., a. veritable "flowing
with trtilk and 1rm cy land, ready- to
receive, a lair%e iuilne01:be, and
nndoubt fly p.c.sscassing a great, future
Scouting has gotten a firm grip
there anti 1s ready for all fulure'ex-
teaisionand demand
in Lh-lloybury the ravages 'of the
fire are still seen and felt•. ;Scout
have labored under groat' diffxcultie
since,=htving:,lcst uniform, records
their ni'eeting place, in fact every
thing hitt thein' "*111 to conquer." ',ate
and cut for real Scouting along the'
'PIiis is
not an infallible ts'iel..
To sone folks it is-artremely puz-
zling but to others it presents no
illusion 'atall.- However, in every
party thereare two or three per-
sons who 'find it perplexing, So it
is worth knowing.
s A. watch is hold asin Figure 1.
The finger' tips are brought close.
together (Fig. 2),,,.anci thein re-
turned to the position of Figure 0.
This is repeated, the hands acting
just as if the watch was being
NO -known linos, of woodcraft, camp
mg, etc:, and much more will' bo heard
of them.
Among the Gold.
It is, a tang 0011 thence to Tinireins,
of gold faire, for here wd have the
largest -gold mine in, the world. :Our
representative' arrived "two hours. late
on account of en -gine breakdown, but
was not in the town three minutes
betc•re he,was• made'to feel 'perfectly
"at home".by receiving the familiar
Scouts 'salute;'tt reminder always of,
Mir threefold promise. Alter meeting
the Troop it'was felt 'Timmins, lies
every -reason to be proud of this' group
of future citizens possessing hearts of
gold, Plans were laid for further ex-
tension of Scout* here.
The' Pulp Town. —
Found our Seoutmaster'at Iroquois
Palls unfortunately 111, but splendid
meeting arranged with about fifty boys
by Frank Bliss, A.S.11t., and late of
One week previously the troop had
the privilege of seeing the whole pro-
cess of paper making from the logs
being felled, transported, cut up,
crashed; and'manufactuied into ne ve-
print. -
. Monteith, Matheson, and, Elk Lake
were each visited and public meetings
conducted. One little Reiloiv at the
latter place was Caught talking In.his
sleep at night,- swing, . "Grandpa, S
knew What the Cub's eaiute is, it's
with' the two fingers, like this:' Ev'i-
dently the Sunday afternoon meeting
with Scouts and Gillis made an 'in-
gression en him. There is the 'pro-
mise of good Cubbing all round.
Mention should also be made o8 the
excellent progress being made in
Scenting in Thornloe, Charlton, Co-
balt, C,iroux Lake, as well as the pros-
pects at New Liskeard, Bnglehart, and
North Cobalt,
.A real climax to this northern tour
was reached at North Bay, when some-
ondefifty Scouts warmed their toes at the
Council fire.: ]tour with Mr.
Sones.. supervising the 'stoking. This
was followed by Father and Son.ban-
quet with the Mayor and elite of the
town present. Interesting s)leeches
were given, new Oolnmittee elected,
the anneal report presented, diming
which period the guest of the evening
h1Pd to perform "Senate Pace" to the
railway station, preoeded by Scouts
transporting bias grips, 'Which "goad
turn" 'enabled him to just breathlessly
scramble on the train not Otto minute
too soon. •
The trip covered over one thousand
maw, and sixteen Troops and Packs
were looked •up, and encouraged. The
aftermath of thought is that the North
11 a great country for Scouting aativi-
ties, particularly along limes of
-waft, reader's will rejoice to know
the boys with their leaders are as
keen as cur eonthern brothers, end de-
termined to make the beat of Fvliat op-
portunities are theirs. Wouldn't it be
fine for Scouting if some of oar [south.
ern Troops linked en with one up
North and exchanged ideas, , letters;
cottfldees. c '
nHeadquarters tluarters would
be glad• to facilitate such is plan.
Careful research made In recent
years le the study of dietetics has.
shown the great importance to the
human system 'of purity and uniform
quality in>foode. Itie'a great blessing
that today so many delicious foods as
well as tea. and coffee cart be procured
in tins and sealed nietalotclrbges.'
"SALADA" Tea .was one of the first'
pure food. protuets- to become widely.:
popular in Canada. The flavour -pre -
5i -wing aluminum package keeps the
`tea fresh'end delicious. Skilful blend:i
ing maintains the quality absolutely'
One -Roomed -House.
Tike odd Jest about the Trishnean who,
it he wgnted to go from tate kitchen in-
to the parlor of his humbl-e home, "just
stayed' where he was," ,is. being trans-
lated, into reality.
A Berlin architecthas • erected in the
suburbs four novel houses, the object
being to economize space':
In 'reality .each house :merely con-
sists of one large roomy at the end Oaf
which 1s, an arrangement .similar to
circular moving stage.
This is divided into three sections',
one containing the essentials- of a kit,
chaen, another the essentials. of a -bed-
room, and the third those of a recep-
tion -room, Thus, for .example, in a
'moment the kitchen can be transform-
ed into a reception room or the latter
into is bedroom.
The public appears to view the idea
'with some doubt; for despite the short-
age of houses only one of these new
buildings has obtained a tenant.
'The Spring is a •time : of anxiety to
mothers who hive ,little' ones in. the
home. Conditions. make it necessary
to keep the baby indoors. ITe is often
confined to overheated, badly :venti-
lated'rooaus and catches colds whish
rack hie whole system; To guard.
against this. a box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets should, be kept bit the house and
an-occasitiii'al dose given the baby to
keep his stomach • anti bowels working
regularly. This will.: prevent• colds.
constipation or colic and keep baby
well. The Tablets are .saold by meds
eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont. '
The Organist's ' Opportunity.
Every organist•sliould be- a leader or
leading factor for the advancement of
music in his community; independent-,
ly and outside of his, ehurc'h. While
his roeition in the church should have
a carton value to any outside musical
work in which he may be engaged, Ire
shoui'd aid the cause of htuske through
any other available channels.
So many things are pssible, .and
there are so many ways of going at
them. Ile' should, in co-operation with
other enthusiasts, organize a ohorusa
or singing club. it matters not wheth-
er it be of men, women, children, or
all three combined, so long as• It la' or
value to the community.
Organists • and pianists '>whe have
never done this type of work and are
not sure they could, will find out that,.
Net as they play music in three and
four parts on the piano or organ, and
listen to each voice in lea correct re- '
teflon to the other for the proper
blendingof the parts, they can do the
same with voices. If. you have not
done it and want to learna how, go to
it and you will succeed.
Adversity is the only scale that
eve 'the correct Fvet ht of out• friend
fr g s g s
Re*riting the,'Eible.
The most wonderful manuscript
Bible in the world is owned by a. Mr.
possell, of Montreal. With', infinite
patience he Carried out thio, great work
With his ,own hand,
Mr.' Russell, who is a Presbyterian,
said that his main object in attempting
such a task was to leave some ardor -
gettable and tangible'memorita'of him-
self for his family,' `
, The work, whioh is won-derfully dome
-in a style .of half writing , and half
printing, was perorined at. "odd mo-
nre•nts of spare time, and took twenty-
two years; to eomgitetel
The New Teetlimen.t takes up 471
pages', with double columns on each
page, and was written without a single
error, or omission. In ail, there are
1;5117 page,s.,'
Among the distinctive features of
this wonderfrtl hook are the title:pagos,
. which aro,exquisi'tely illuminated, . the
• delicate:penmanship, and the Band-
tome morocoo binding. The weight af'
the Bible is about eighteen pounds, and --
it cantainlran autograph of the Prince
..of Wales, who showed gieat interest
in it when be wee li Montreal.
Ask for Mtnard'r anis tako no other%
nlgh•Sneed shorthand
- cane., Uo 'roomed 111 togs
Shortho tone, el7cas cost, had
N1111 leo worm in ybnr
own Home, threugh .oar Carrc,00rnionee 'Course, Mon
111 a -Scheel. reeltions wale en, our Graduates in
'•speed and aaauraty,—, Write for- 01050 particulars,:
307 Manning Chambers
Toronto, Ont.
'fo many people, -tlie optical 11-
lu sion 15 perfect, 1110 watch ap-
pearing just as Wit were bent and
straightened, As has been said,
oilierfolks are unable to see any-
thing of an illusive nature ':in - it.
(Clip thls out and paste it. with.
01110.0 oithe series. in soranbook.).
Beware of Imitations!
Unless you seethe "Bayer Cross" on
pa•Ckage or en, tablets you are not get-
ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved
safe by millions and ,prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colds - Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis, Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain .
Accept "Bayer Tablets. of Aspirin"
only. Bach unbroken package eon -
tains proven directions, Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade. mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufaoture of
illonoacetioacidesten of SalfeyIicacitl,.
While itis well known that Aspirin
means Bayer
to assistst
the public against imitations, the Tab.
lets of Bayer Company will be etatnped
with their gtneral trade mark,,' tfte
"Bayer Cro's's."
Here is a simple method of cleaning
a saucepan in which milk has been
boiled, 'After pouring out the boiling
milk, replace the did before the steam`
has time to escape, and allow- the
saucepan to cool. Then put the pan
in cold water to soak. It can be clean-
ed quickly and easily,
Mlnard'a Liniment tor Dandruff.
4100,000 for Wembley.
The Empire Exhibition" and Stadium
at Wembley Park have been assessed
at &I00,000 for local rating purposes.
We want MOUE. Cream. We ply
highest price. We supply cans.
Make dailyreturns. eturns. T o obtain
best results write now for cans to
ttilA�yy k,
* - ..,AWood
It is n'tpossiiletobuild
abetterlawrimemrr' ..
Than' aMs'., 'e
5martls blowers have
• prov0edtheir superloriiy
tvltetwvertapeIs &OITA
Easy rtrluttnt,ke0nr
ctdh nd artd absotirtejy .
Asn sous fiedan4AaE MAIa
is one of those pure food products that is so
good and popular that it is known and, used
from one end of Canada to the other.
"Crown Brand," the original Corn
Syrup, is the favorite because of its.
flavour and unquestioned quality:
Accept no substitutes.
Behind the windows of her eyes
The odder. generations sat,
Cool, greedy and, alert and wise,
With caution of, the springing cat.
Her little white hands had no claws:
Tsat' one who Spolcie with her could
seer . ..
But some old, instinct made'me pause
Watchful, when she spoke to me,
—Louise Driscoll.
Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab•
by Garment or Drapery.
Each 15 -cent package of "Diasiuond
Dyes" contains directions so simple
that any woman can dye or tint any
old, worn, faded thing new, even if she
has never dyed before. Choose any
color at drug store.
He hath no treed of property whiff
knows not how to spend it,
Keep Minatd'a Liniment In the house
The hypocrite has the look of - an
archbishop and the heart of a miller.
The king who fights his people
fights himself.
Toronto Properties
We specialize in Manufacturing and
Store properties, -Dwelling IJouses,
and+City and Suburban Building Lots.
Amo you centenoplating' buying in
Toronto, on have you lands here for
sale? •
Why not avail yourself of our service?
Kent Bldg. 156 Yongo St., Toronto
ees on Farm
Nothing pays better when properly
managed. Send for our catalogue
of beekeepers' supplies. Expert ad-
vise freely given.
Ruddy Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Brantford -• Ont.
Minard's soothes and; heals
strained ligaments and sore
"Sad breath Is a sign 05 decayed
teeth, foul stomach or unclean,
bowels." if your teeth are good,
look to your digestive organs at .
ohne. Get Seleel's Curative
Syrup.'at 'druggists, 15',00 30
drops after, meals, clean up:your
food passage and atop the bad
breath odor. Do. not buy substi-
tutes. Get the genuine.'
A' Soothing Rticetlyer Penetrating OH
that has beoaght protnpt,relief tt, bhn-
dreda aulie5iao franc rats"rhal dean'
head nnlsoo, tllicborglo)10'`I tchlng. earn.
Just rub it back of the earnand inhere In
"a0stnln, Por Sale Pverywhero, 01,25.
intoiusfied doacriptiyp foldat
pont upon roquegt
As®. i cannrd;,inc, 70 Stir Ave., l0exyl(erlsi
To Chahge Leap -Year Day?
This year may be the last February
leap day. The International Fixed
Calendar League heves to persuade
the league of natigne' to enforce an in-
ternational change, which would :put
into effect the league's four-week
months and would transfer leap day to
June 29.
Remit by 'Dominion Express Money
Order. if lost or stolen you get your
He whogoes out to hunt deer some,
times rouses tigers.
Mlnard's Liniment Heals Cut*.
Striving to better, oft we mai
What's well.
- A. reason forrefusing is never!
wanting to an avaricious man..
Classified Advertisements .
carded wool; sample, enough light
oomforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills,
Georgetown, Ont.
Easy Now to Lase
a Pound a Day
—In tbla deb/Midi, simple way. Na drupe, no -
dangerous thyroids, ao book-broakfn0 exercises, no
maesaplag. Nrlte for tree manila of Alasood,r's
Reducing Vltnmiaes. ALleXAND1:n 1A11010AT011.
1510, 415 Bohan 331ds., 'Toronto, Oat.
Refreshes Tired Eyes
Write MurineCo ChtGoilofotEyeCaretogk
Keep Your Hands Soft
and White With Cuticula
The daily use oi.tha Soap, with
occasional touches of the Ointment,
is very effective for keeping the
bands soft and smooth. For red,
rough or sore hands: On retiring
bathe in hotwdter and Cuticura Soap,
dry, end rub in Cuticura Ointment.
sas,25c, Oioteeat2Sasd50e. T,dwa125a.'Sold
throughouttheDefnihion. Canadilinbecot:
Lo,•au, Limited, 344 St. Peal St., W. Neutral.
Soar, 'fumes a'P'.aeri 'Cuticure shes witiaout tang.
Tells How Lydia E.Pinkhana's
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
River Desert, Que. =-" Iused to have a
severe 5h11 10 my, side, I would be un-
able to walk fast- and could not stand.
for any length of time to do my, ironing
or washing,- but. I. would have to lie
down to eat relief from the pain, I
had' this for about two years., then a
friend told me 06 try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound as she had
had good results. I certainly got good
results from it, too, as the last time 1
had a pore side was Last May and I have
not had it since. I am also :glad of
havmgg food nursing for my baby, and
think it is'your medicine that helped
me in this wa . '-Iiirs, L. IT. BUDGE,
River Desert, Quebec.
If you are suffering' from the tortures
of a displacement, irregularities, back-
ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain
in the side you should lose no time in
trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, •
Lydia N. Pinkham's Private Text-
Boolr upon " Ailments Peculiar to Wo-
men "will be sent you free upon request.
'Write for it to the Lydia E. Pinkhans
Medicine Co, Cobourg, Ontario. This
book contains valuable information that
every woniaashould know.
ISSUE No. 15•---'24.