HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-04-17, Page 4COOPER'S' STORE NEyVS These are'Bust] Dags In the Wall Paper Department About 1500 Rolls is Paper are placed on sale this week at ballY rice and less They are small lots with, enough for two, or three rooms but all are good quality and good designs. 8c to 2Sc per roll' Air :"'aper Trimmed Free Clinton New Record< b iGO 0 "dei; Fi i�E - w CLINTON �ern�eraa='. s'a�eaz ��jj bM Yd a� p.ss and B More policy is "strictly case—and as utile Cash as possible: - Try a' DOMINION STORE. You willfind P will helpyou spend less and buy more quality Groceries. i?I:.OVISYON NEW CHEESE•aLAYLMER-PEAS (Finest Canad'n) 1b. 2mlIC 2 No. 4 Size, 2 tins •-29C KRAFT CHEESE, _41 C' AYLMER'CORN _29c lb. - . �✓ BACK BACON, AXLMER �$� Canadian. ib -38C TOMATOES; tin (Sliced)),, lb. : meal Made at Our LEMON SNAPS _21C lb; - •� CHERRY CAKE rya9SC lb. - Own Bakery FRUIT & CHERRY 'U% CAKE, lb,-ra .- JELLY ROLLS 2 for -4/0‘- BACON, Machine Stores Open PICNIC HAMS - Sliced, lb. - Wednesday (Small Size), 1b." Afternoon, Thursday and Saturday Until 11 p.m. Closed All Day Friday • • FISH CHOICE COHOE CHOICE SOCKEYE SALMON, 1-1b. tin -22C SALMON, 1-1b.. tin C SALMOSOCKEYE �3s) BRUNSWICK C SARDINES, '4 tins CHOICE COHOE • • SALMON, • %z -lb. RICHMELLO COFFEE, %z -1b. tui -3e�t: RICHMELLO ��C COCOA, /z -1b. tin LARGE, MEATY PRUNES,` 40/50, 2lbs, 29C SWEET MIXED PICKLES �C (large bottle) MAPLE SYRUP, q� No.,10 tin 5$1.99 CARNATION MILK, �$ 16 -oz. can, 3 tins for a7IC BUTTERSCOTCH, -894; lb. - - . - LICORICE, , All Sorts, lb. - -39c MIXED NUTS _40c ..22c -25c -19c RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY r� JAM, 4.1t h Glass Jar ®9C EASTER EGGS (Marshmallow or ScPURE ORANGE sD MARMALADE, 3 -ib. tin - - - LIQUII• AMMONIA - - CHARM 2 for - - 1VIASON JAR. OLIVES- - No. 5 QUEEN OLIVES, 2 for - Cream), each ..49c -22c -25c _39c -254: ' t7 Lit radesboro Miss Helen;Qutinn, who has ''been visiting in Toronto and Cleveland for the past six weeks, returned home on Wednesday. • 1Vir". Charles Hall of St. M uys,spent Sunday with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, IVTrs Townsend of Brantford visited with, Mrs. (Dr.) Young and lVThS. F. Woods last week. Mrs, John Fingland left on Tuesday to spend Easter with her daughters in Toronto, 'The regular monthly meeting of the local 'Masonic -aiodge was held on Mon- day evening. e - Mies Anne Abery left on Thursday to spend the Easter- holidgys with friend • in £Iamilton." Quite a number from this vicinity attended the meeting. held in, the in- terest or Church tJniO , ui tfie Wesley' Caretakers salarti Interest 'on note, .... Bal, on,hatd March 1, 1924,'. 75.0e) 18.00 8'2,00 $418.61 JOHN FINGLAND, • Treasurer, Constance The 'many friends of Mrs. John Mann will be sorry to hear that she i is; very poorly, but we hope soon to report that she is better. Mr. andMrs. Russel Marks of Brus- sels were callers in oto' -village on Sat.- Mrs. atMr . D. -Weir as 'visiting her hus- bands friends in'Winghaln fora week or so. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur and family of Goderich were visitors at the home of the lady's father,, Mr. Janes' Mann, Methodist church,, Clinton, on,Monday and 'also at Mrs. Niekleso'n's on Sun- last. day. Mr, Jaynes Mann bought a cow A special Easter service wGlod heldFri- from Mr,' McArthur- of Goderich oite inthe C D n. w Hall on Good Fin day last week and brought it home on day at 8 p.m)�, when an address on Tuesday; the Easter. .'Message, illustrated by -views, will be given, A- very sudden `death occurred at limelight the home of Mr. Ben Riley on Tues - The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian church was held in the church on Fri- day, when his mother, Mrs: John Ri- afternoon of last week.:' The ley Passed away.' Mrs, Riley hadtop. day visiting,at her son's for a few " Thoughts" was excel- been . Easter lents g „ re aria to return to and wa n g days sp Mrs. 1VPcV ittie Y with S. lentlJohnitwit byher home'. on the second when' she 1VIrS,, John Beattie;and Mrs. Lew Watt also gave very interesting readings, .:was suddenly stricken and died 'with-. ltir. John Radford, accompanied by. in an hoer. The late Mrs. Riley was Mr. R. Townsend,; drove to Goderioh` before her marriage Mary Elizabeth on Friday afternoon to secure auto Mann, ''daughter of the Tato Robert licenses for the .coming year. Mr. Mann.- She is survived by her Ines- Radford' fifty-two licenses. band, one eon, at whose home she purchased died, and one daughter, Elizabeth, at The Women's Institute Held 'their regular meeting on Thursday, April home. The funeral takes place this 10th,'which was well attended; about afternoon from the home of Mr. Ben forty -taro being Present. The meet- Riley to Constance cemetery. ing was opened by singing' The lila- ple Leaf" followed by short prayer by Miss L. Brigham. The unfinished business was transacted; following this was en excellent paper' on "The Beauties of Friendship," given by Mrs. George Moon. A short program followed, consisting of community singing and a reading'by Mrs: J. Man- ning, which was enjoyed liy all prey- eat. A few minutes of social inter- course then all repaired to the base- ment, where lunch was served, Mrs. J. Manning,'Mrs. W. Brunsdon and Miss L. Barr being hostesses. The following is a statement of Community Hall which will be of in- terest to many of our readers: Receipts from January 1st 1923, to March 31st: 1924: Bal. on hand Jan. 1, 1923....$ 2820, Social Evenings • , • 278.01 Playsand tax (An'sm't. tax) 27,60 Church conceits, ete., , . , , 19.00 Public 'meetings , . .. , 27.80 Women's Institute grant . 30.00 Rent from_ `U F„O, '. ...... 8.00 ii SAFETY FIRST” Town Hall, Clinton, on , Tuesday, April 22nd at .8 porn. Under the auspices of the Huron Central Agricultural Society TIME:—TO-DAY PLACEt-IN THE SUBURBS OF A LARGE CITY. SYNOPSIS ACT xx.—Sitting room in Jaok's home in the suburbs. Jack and Jerry have been absent from home all night. The new lrish Maid is full of sympathy butsheimagines a crime hasbeen committed. Elmer, the college boy, drops in and announces his engagement to Zuleika. The Terrible Turk seeks Jack Montgomery. Jack and Jerry return after a horrible night. They are pursued tby Mc- Nutt and Zuleika.- Jack Jerry and Zuleika are ,arrested and sentenced to thirty days in jail. Id order to keep the disgrace from their relatives they pretend they ,are going to the Shriners' Convention in Florida:' ACT IL -Same scene, a month later. Jack and Jeriy''are reported drowned at sea. They know nothing of this and when the thirty days expire they return to the ladies full of enthusiasm about, Florida. This complicates matters. The fact that Zuleika was absent for the same length of time causes th}e ladies to think that she accompanied the men to Florida, and they decide to have nothing more to do with them. ACT IIT. -Mrs. Bridger's garden, three weeks later. Jerry, disguised as McNutt, helps to straighten out the tangle. Jack plans to, eloper with' Mabel but gets Mary Ann instead. All become re- conciled and return to their former happiness. - NOTE.—The eurtaie will be lowered a few moments durih act to indicate a lapse of three hours. GOD SAVE THE KING Doors Open at 7:30. .Program at 8:00. 1> ADMISSION: 25e. and 350. ,PLAN AT FAIR'S STORE COME AND IIELP 2IIE SPRING" SHOW. 50 1 g the third $418.61 Expenditures Lighting Hall .. , ::... ...$. 40.00 Work and material ` 32.15 Fuel '. ... ... 115.75 Amusement tax . 46.88 Ex. for Supper; and, Concert. , • 30.33 • 1.1. DA APRIL Lith, 1;124 eta nieg Township Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor and Sam- ily wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their' kindness in bung inti loads of oats .and also for nun} erous,other kindnesses. The Milburn football 'club, which did such fine work last season, has again been organized with the follow- ing officers: I•Ion.-President, W. Car- ter; president; James Medd; secre- tary; John Ferguson; managing coin, inittee: J. Ferguson, B. Stevenson and M. : Adams. The boys areaal- ready. getting irrto practise and ex- pect a successful season. TON :GHQ me Tomorrow Alright NEI Tablets stop sick headaches relieve bilious attacks, tone and regulate tho eliminative organs, makeyou feel fine. "Better Than PlIls For Liver Ills" FREE SAMPLE AT HOYE,Y'S DRUG STORE, CLINTON Huliett Township Mr. Wm. Hunter fell from a load of hay on Tuesday and was somewhat badly injured. .His friends hope his injuries will not prove serious. Mrs. Thomas O'Connor was in Goderich over the week -end visiting relatives. 0.- E FORTI . E2FORTII SPRING FAIR. PRIZE WINNERS The list of prize winners at the Seaforth Spring Fair is as follows: Aged Clyde stallion—Mr, Cohyu- houn, PIitchell Thos. Coulson, Blyth. Percher on stallion—J. J. I{weir, Mitchell. Agricultural class, brood mare in f lE 1 Sproat Kippen• W S Brbtcefieid. It was decided at the last meeting of the W.M,S. to re -open the Mission Rand in May. Miss Janet Aikenhead was appointed president and Miss Pearl Douglas; vice, Other officers and committees will be 'appointed la- ter. The ladies of the :congregation are' asked r for; their special .Easter offering on Sunday next. The Rev. Mr. - Martin of Long Bran- ch will preach on Sunday next. Mrs. Rohner has moved intpi'Mr. Jackson's house•• Mrs. Fred Tonilineeo's many friends are pleased to see her out again after her recent illness.. • • kl 1J A little Charm and hot water snakes shining, sanitary pots and pans. Use it eyery day 2 for ' 25c ,F all ISMINEESSAIMEMZSZECIOOT od COUuttd News The annual' meeting of the Seaforth Golf' and Country Club was held in the Carnegie Library Hall recently. There was a good attendance ' of members present and the reports oa ar showed that the Club is strong both Broadfoot, Seaforth; filly :or gelding'; 1921, Robert Doig, Seaforth; W. Ross, Clinton; filly 'or gelding, 923 W. 1 Black, IP., SSeaforth Alex.ex. Sim son r Seaforth Team in harness—D. Fotheringham Brucefield;"J. C. Costello, West Monc- i dent, Thomas Dodds; President, "G. ton l D. McTaggart; 1st Vice President, 3'. in nuinbers and financially, the sum of 8156.80 having . been ,carried over after the payment of all indebtedness.' Thefollowin8 officers were 'elected:— Patron R. E. Cresswell; Horn Presi- Heavy draft class; team in;harnesa I G. Millen; 2nd -`Vice President, O. -A. Sinclair, W. Nett, Hoggart Bros. Neil; Secretary, R. M, Jones; Tree - brood snare, Broadfoot Bros.; foal, 1922, Broadfoot Bros.;' sweepstakes, A. Sinclair. Porcheron'team—W. Patrick. Standard 'bred stallion—John Deck- surer, Miss K. E. Herr; Captain, J. C. Greig; Vies •Captain, F. S. Savauge; Grounds Committee, G. D. McTaggart N. Bissonette,, F. S. -Savauge, R. M. Jones; 'W. E. Southgate; Handicap- pers, Captain, Vice Captain and R. er,le Roadster—W. Caldwell, IiiM. Jones; Auditors, Vice Captain, R. Single pr M. Jones; Auditors, J..G. Mullen, W. pen; C. J. Dale & Sons. G. .Spencer; Entertainment. -Commit- Carriage horse—Dr. H. Ii. Ross, tee, J. J. Huggard, W. E. Southgate, Seaforth; W. Ilyde, Hensel'. - k', Rankin, N. Bissonette, Charles Roadster team—W. Murphy, Blyth, Stewart. - WEEKLY HOG GRADING REPORT FOR HURON COUNTY Be'd., L'Ibo. Total • 2198 43 130 Selects "*608 14 34 'Thiele Smooth 1168 22 78 Heavies 108 5- 5 Extra Heavies 2 1, Shop Hogs 162 1 Lights and Feeders 94 11 Roughs - 7 Sows No. 1 • 32 Sows No. 2 • 7 1 Stags 7 1 It is understood of eourse that the thick. smooth grade .isthe one com- manding the ,highest price,, with the exception of the selects. Mr. Ronald MoKenzie left here last Capt. W. Ferguson, who spent the week for Chicago, where he has taken winter withhis family in Egmond- a ,position as second engineer 'on a ville, left last week for ` Detroit' to freight boat. . His friends with him join his boat, success. L Dorothy Currie, the sixteen -year- The play entitled "Valley Farm," old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Currie of East Wawanosh, died on April 3rd after st somewhat protrac- ted illness. given by the young people of S. S. No: .9. Tuekersinitlt ;in Walker's;hall Was much enjuyed,,by all present, all the pasts being well taken. The young people very generously gave half the proceeds towards the'ehurch' shed fund. • Tuckersmith Township • Over one hundred friends and , neighbors gathered at . the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lou Eb,erhart one even-: ing last week to spend e. social even- ing with them before they moved to their new hone in. Seaforth. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Eberhart were made the recipients of a silver shaving set; -a beautiful ivory dres- sing set, and a handsome purse, 0071- taining some .money, for Miss Irene. The address was read by Mr, . John McNay, and the presentation made by. Robert Agar and William Kerr, on behalf' of those present, /P f: " j, POMC '°OOR PA t1 T THE•Lowe BROTHERS COMP"' dR3h a 102, lain art alma Wog tin 5au . A,1,unA, 1oeUMTa Does There are two outstanding features . about this Porch Floor Paint. One is that it is SPECIALLY made for Porch Floors—and combines a hard durable finish with a clean lustrous -appearance. The other is, that- two pints will go as far as three pints of ordinary of so called cheap paint -assuring the consumer Floor . Look ? _ of Best Results and a cone siderable saving on the cost of material.' The reason is to be found in the quality of the' ingredients used and the fineness to which they are ground by powerful machine'',' ery. It is easily applied, Brien quickly, and can be had ire six harmonious shades,, \o PORCH 'FLOOR PAINT This Porch Floor Paint is a product of The Lowe Brother* Company, Toronto, manufacturers of the well known quail products, "High Standard" Liquid Paint and'Melletene Fla Wall Paints. Sold exclusively, byl awkins 8b-IVIiller, Clinton Miss Angelina Dancey, whose death occurred at Montreal last week, was, buried from. the home of her brother, CONTRIBUTIONS FOR LEPERS The following' amounts were re- ceived for hnd forwarded to ."The Mis- sion to. Lepers," Toronto, from the Interdenominational Day of Prayer conducted by the W.M. Societies., of Huron Presbyterial,. on March 7th last: Auburn $7,00; Bayfield $3.25; Blyth $16,00; Brimfield $11.45; Blake $5.00; Clinton $7.12; Exeter $14.50; Goderich .$10.80; Grand Bend $3:50; Flillsgreen $1,40; Kirkton $8.50; Kip - pen $3.12; Leeburn $4.02; Londesboro and Barns $19.31;; M'eKillop. $7.25; Smith's Hill $4.00; Thames •Road $3.50. Total $124.72.. ' Mrs. W. R. Alp Interdenominational Secretary. cer 4.4. ,. ,U,,... Mr, L. E. Daueey of Goderich, on Thursday last, interment being made in Goderich cemetery. Tladwin Gardner of Exeter, a sev- enteen -year -0d boy eventeen-year-oldboy who was wonting in a grocery store in Detroit, was, shot. and killed' by a, bandit who entered the store. His brother, Mr. M. E. Gardner, went over; immediately on hearing ofthe fatality. 1, _plase at the The marriage' too g last "week of. Miss. manse, Exeter Christina Dougall' of the Londpn road, near Hensall, and Mr. Orville T, Tay ler. A town band has been organized in Goderieh itnd last week, in order to interest the town father's, gave a lit- tle concert, before the members of the council. J. A. Miller's store at : Uinghain was broken into, on Thursday night last and about 870 in cash and a quail. tity of clothing taken. Hensall spring' show tools place on Tuesday, bringing' out a good crowd. The exhibit wasnot very, large but the quality was excellent both in cat- tle and horses. The winners in the boys' judging competition were: L. Foster, Gordon Elliott, B. TClopp, Roy Soldan, and Foster Pepper. 51160110 Al! Clean Seen and Unseen SURPRISE does more than wash a garment so that it looks clean: It dissolves hidden inn-) purities without injury to color or fabric, and leaves the garment thoroughly- cleansed: ave ordere' your Spring is here and the finest xnotoring days of the year are but a few weeks away. A Ford cat offers a splendid means of relallation after the hard grind of the day's work. More than that, it gives your family a -means of enjoyment and opens the way to many forms of recreation ii the open air. And it enables' all of you to enjoy the convenience of motor transportatign at all times. 5.i you are planning" to drive a car this spring we cannot urge too strongly the advvisabilitybbf placing your order for, immediate delivery. o b. Ford, Ontario (,o,ernh,entTaxes Extra Electric Starling and'" Lighting Egnit mcnl $85,00 eztra." civ lee See Any Authorized Ford Dealer