HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-04-03, Page 8Clintons News-,. eteord ,1NTON'S Ll%.1DING , 1A,W1 LLT? Y STORE •; are jycs. We can fit you with the Glasses you need EYES TESTED FREE and SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED aeweiler and. Optician Meld Hovey's Drug Stord r Around the Home is gathered everything that is'dearest and host, in Iife, Home is the center from which all the varied concerns and business of Iiie start forth. Any thing that can contribute to the bead ty and comfort and peace of Home ne deserving o:l attention and thought. In this cliff�eetiou let wall paper, enter: your thoughts, Olio: new spring stock: will soon be ready for your inspection.' Tile IC D. _Fair Oft Often the Cheapest ---Always the Best. u li ty Clothes Moderately Priced In buying a new Suit or extra Trousers the first thing to consider is "Well they give Satisfaction ?" and the next is "Are they fairly priced?„ , Quality and Style along with Moderate Prices are the outstanding features of each -of our new Models of Men's and Boys Suits foe Spring.—"The Best for. the Price." We have Men's Suits from $14:00 to 530.00 made in new snappy Sport. Models for the young nien and in the niore'conservative models for more elderly' men. Boys' Suits from $5,00 up _ - Men's Special Order Suits from $25 up Colne in and let tis show you these suits the values will surprise you. Plumsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS PHONE 25: 'OItE BUSINESS` wiser -On EAster Morning j 1 You'll be glad if you are wear- ing a ear-ing"a 'well -tailored suit, becom- ing in color, individual in style, el yet developed along fashion's.. MD newest lines and of the approv- DDa ed spring textiles. D .i In wishing', for yon Easter: 0 joy, we invite your continued patronage. DC:J0=061Z12r Davis & Herman . VETERAN TAILORS a . PHONE 224-W . i mmnnunwmionmuui,i - Mrs, George Roberton was in London on Friday. . Miss Helen Roberton was ire Stratford :on ,Saturday. Mr. John Ford has been visiting his_ son in Geneve. Miss Edna McCaughey was in Strat- ford on Monday. Miss Zetta •Bawden visited friends in-- London n-London last week.. Mr. Wilson Rath of Stratford was home over the week -end. Mr. T.- Callander is spending a week or so with Fullerton friends. Mrs. 4Dr3 Axon and Master Fred are visiting. the former's 'home in Chesley. Mrs. (Dr.)'Gunn has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cross of Detroit. 'Mr. and Mrs, Rouse of Hamilton have •been visiting their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn. of town. Misses Dorothy Jervis and Emily Hunter were home from Stratford. • Normal for the week -end. Mis. S. S. Cooper.; who has been in Toronto for thet peat few Weeks, is expected home tomorrow. Mrs. (Dr.) Roberts and little Miss. Roslyn left yesterday morning to join Dr. Roberts in Toronto. Principal: N. Geddes of the Public school spent the week -end at the home of his parents at Belgrave. Mr. Gifford Beaton of Ottawa has been visiting at his home in town, owing to the illness of his mother. Mrs. Joseph Jervis was in Goderich last week attending the funeral of her uncle, the .late George Green. Mrs. A. Lucas hoe returned from , Brantford, •where'she was attending the funeral hof her sister, Mrs. H. Waldron.. Mr. • and Mrs.' Carl,Malt and little Miss Muriel of Alendale are vis- iting in Clinton and vicinity for a couple of weel£s. Me. Wee. Henry left i\tonday for the 'west, . where he will take charge of his farm near IC,indersiey. Mrs, Henry .lend childi;en will follow in 'a few weeks, Messrs. George and Fred Hanley were in Goderieh on Friday, attending the funeral of their grandfather, the mate George Green, ,who died at the home of his, daughter at Sault Ste. Marie et the age of ninety-four years. Mrt. A. E. Rumball was in Wingham `last week owing to the illness of her aunt, Mrs. Scott, whose death occurred on Wednesday of last week. ege. Se -Rands of town and Mr. W • Rands .of Hullett are ne- phews. District Representative Stothete, G. W. Layton of, the London Road and J. Laporte of Stephen "ettendepa meeting of the Directors of the Bean .Growers' Cooperative Market- ing Association at ,Ridgetown on Saturday. • Mr. Foster- Gibbings left Monday Morning an' his return trip to I{in- dersley,.Sask., having been called home on 'account `of 'the' dee-thee! his mother, Mr. Gibbings spent a day or so with Oollingwood friends on his way, Hohnesvmlle The following account of the fun- eral of the late D, B. CaIbick is taken from a Hamilton paper. Mr., Calbicic was born in this township and was well known here. He was a brother- in-law. of Miss S. Acheson: ' - "Winona, March 20th, --The funeral of D. B. Oaibick, which was largely attended, took place on Wednesday afternoon. Among' those piesent were the following;Methodtst Minis tees: Revs, T. J. Smith, Geo. W. Hew. itt, CIark F. Logan and leant. J. Bran- don of Hamilton and Rev. J.. Austin Jackson of Stoney Creek: At the seiVice.'-conducted in the home by the Rev. A. C. Eddy, pastor of the Methodist church, Pastor F. W. itol- linrake of Ebenezer- Tabernacle,' Hamilton, referred feelingly to the long friendship which' he had enjoyed. with the deaceased, and gave an affec- tionate tribute to the excellence of. his "Christian life and the worthyex- ample lie had set. ' A letter of sym- pathy was also read front Rev. Thom- as, Boyd, a former pastor. During the• service beautiful and appropriate vocal solos were rendered by. Mr. G. N. Croaker of Brantford." The floral tributes included a wreath from the Fruitland Methodist .Church Ladies' Aid Sunday School and Adult' Bible Class sprays .from the Quarter- ly official :board and Hamilton con- ference Ligiueit's Association; wreath from E. D. Smith Sc Solis, Ltd.,; sprays from the 34th troop of'Haia-' iltoii Boy ,Scouts: and Me. and, Mrs, kloweed .Smith, tuligs Froin Mr. Prow- atal Bertarm and pillow .Frani the fain- fly:, Interment took plane in the Stoney Creek, ,Cemetery, the following; acting c it Ts About Hog Nee A oglie 4n9-4:23 Cnamra qiv±, your out, ®g o1k.'"�e (uirn tura thiskt aeric -style' .sem finish We also carry a complete' line of Brandr"am Henderson Paints and Varnishes Sun Varnish and Sun Varnish Stains 'Also a complete line of Brushes, Linseed Oil and Turpentine Sutter & Perdue ' HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC' WIRING egnsmolgoarsaanalomwer We are ready for all orders of spring work, Papering, Painting and dccoiating. We have a large assortment of papers and we, ask you to see our books 'before buying. Yon will save money by ordering your paper from .us; All work Guaranteed. Prices reaseeable. Orders left with Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, Ilueon street will re - •0 prompt attention PHONE a ` 234 ring 2 dtmtftsvokNogootta Easter Egg '' a° elll g fast See our.rge Assortment of Easter Eggs and Large Florida grape fruit California Oranges dor 29c Radishes per bunch 8c, Green Onions per bunch 5c Leaf lettuce. per bunch 10e New Cabbage per lb 10c. 5 lbs Corn Meal 10 lbs Rolled Oats 4 lbs Breakfast Fo 1-3 1b pail Lard 3 Jelly ?owders 2 lbs Dates 25c Tomato Soup 10e 21b cooking Figs 25c 10 Bars soap -72c Tea. Tea Special value- 48c Hursiey. extra 65c Our Own PQ 2 lbs Pru 2 lbs Sun Thousand Island salad dressing Heinz Chutney . 35c and sweet Cream j (mixedequal parts) 2 Shreaded wheat 2 Corn Flakes ` 10 lbs Gran. sugar Peanut Butter One Cake of Gold Soap for 2 Ivory Flakes 1"Ivory Bar lc 25c 5c 31c (Cash 41k�) , �ajrrg O'Neil G/ �1eli lig+ri`is... \(•• T• '160#00004vimmiwivemoiloomomitootetivam"AvisAftwwwwwtoa •as pallbearers:' Alex; Clark, J. D. Bridgman, J, W, Hamilton; J. B. Van- Duzer, 3, B. Pettit: and Chas, Latins. bury. To the bereaved Widow, the son,. Harold, the blethers, Thomas of Vancouver and Samuel of Chelliwacic, B.O., the sister,,;Miss Jane •Calbiek of tnnisfore,' Alta., 'and the other rela- tives the eympathy of the community is extended. ;Mrs. Fred. Potterreturned from Ni- agara -last week; , She went down to see her mother, who was quite i11. Mr. Osbaldeston has had a gang of Men on digging out the'drifts on the Provincial Highway, which makes a big improvement. Mi. and Mrs, A, Jervis spent the week -end in Goderich. Me, ' CIarence Potter hae treated himself to a Ford car. Black .birds and crows have been seen in our village; which is a sure sign of spring. • John Cudmore, C,N,R, section. foreman, sports a -Ford car. Mi'. Walter Westin, who has been sick, is not getting elong,'•as evell as his 'many friends would like to see.. Mr. John Glicidon, who spent; the winter ,under the Parental Toot, re- turned to;his home in Saskatchewan, last week. "•" ' Varna p. Rev. J. J, Durrant will give an iL lustrated talk on Newfoundland in the Methodist church on Friday evening. 'On the evening- of March 241h, guests to the number' of about seven- ty-five gathered at the home of Mfrs. Samuel Johnston of the Babylon line, t'o "spend e social evening with her and her son William, before their re. nioval to- Flint, Mich. During the evening the following address was read and Mrs.- Johnston was present- ed with a carie and she and her• son were presented with a purse: "To Mrs, Johnston and Mr. William, Johnston; Dear Friends:—We, your friends and neighbours, are glad to have th,@ opportunity of gathering together this evening to meet yob, but we. are sorry that it -must be the occasion foe bidding you good-bye. ' You have set. an inspiring example inasmuch as you were always ready to offer what as- sistance you were able in times of sickness as well as on other occasions. We have always enjoyed your pres- ence here in our community and also recall the tnahy pleasant hours spent together, ,through 'which you.. have. made many friendships, the memory of which can never fade away. And we feel that wherever you may locate' you Will make as Many friendships as you have here. We ask you .to ac- cept these reminders of our: goodwil1. and join in wishing you health, pros- perity and the blessing of'Gnd for many years to conic,• Signed on be- half of friends and, neighbours, William' Marshall, Roy Dawson," After? the presentation 'MTs. John- ston very suitably moiled, thanking the friends for their kindness and al. so wishieg_them many years of healt}i and happiness, WOULD CUT DOWN .CABIN•ET Sir. George Foster" who has been lit more cabinets than any living Can-, adian, and Who has observed the working of gove::nniont machinery' for. nearly 'CiCty years,- urges reduction of the -cabinet, 1 -le would abolish trite Department of the Secretary -of State, merge Customs and Finance, combine Public works. Marine and Fi,>hovines`and, Railways and Canale. add Soldier,' Civil Reestablishment tb Defence, and attach the Solicitor - General office to ,7u tiee, PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER HONEY'. in bite pound sections, price 25 cents, per section. Free delivery in Clinton. ' Shipments made of not less than 24 sections, express extra. Orders may be left at The News - Record office. IRVING BROTHERSIAPIARY . near C.N,R. Depot CLINTON, ONTARIO. 36-tf, Base, 'Lille - The Unity Club will meet next 'rues - :day . afternoon at the home of Mrs. ".lames Ferguson, on the 16th. All ,inentbers'fire urgently requested to be present. L Misst•Annie Nott of''1oronto visited tMrs. 'W,. D. Connell last week. The ladies were old schoolmates and, had not inch for nmny years. Mre. McBrien is visiting her dough ter, Mrs. Albert .Lovett. The schoolmates and teacher of Miss Thelma Lovett presented her with a Bible the other day, prior to her departure from the community, Mr. Wilfred Penfound has taken possession of the farm he rented from Mi, Thomas Mair and is getting nice, ly settled. Mr. Albert Lovett had a verysue- oesiful. sale on Monday. • Stanleg Township Mrs. Robert Armstrong of Clinton has sold her farm on the Goshen line to Me. Roy :McBride of Hay town- ship, end on Thursday, last she had an auction sale which proved' very suc- cessful: Mr. McBride is welcomed' to the township. My, Charles - Scotehmer, had the misfortune to have his, thumb broken while running his gasoline engine one day last week. • Mr- William Johnston of the Baby- lon line had a very successful auc- tion sale last week., He and his mo- ther intend, moving to FIint, Mich,', Their many friends. wish "then see - cess j their .new home. Master Oliver Steckle, son of Mr. aed Mrs. Steeple of the. Bronson, 'un- derwent • an' :operation -in the London Hospital last weelc. Olivet is doing as well es could` be expected Mr. William Taylor.'spent the week- end 'in Toronto.. fullett`Township. , The following is the report for the month of March of the Separate school, No. 2, Hullett. The names are in order of merit: Sr. 4th—Margaret Flynn; Clement Reynolds; Tena ' Flynn; Rose IRey- niolds. Jr. 4th—Mary Reynolds; Tim Cat beet.: Sr. arc.,Edna Flynn. JSP, 3rd. ---Margaret Carbert; Ger- ald Brown,Agnes Carbest-aand Eliz- abeth Morrison, equal; 'I-Iarrp Rey. nnids;Theo, Flynn. l.st.-jinn Reynolds; Agnee Morri- son; Ea -1 'Reynolds,w•14. FLYNN, Teacher, Furniture By selecting your LinoIeums, leutn Rugs before the spring rush you may require until you are read stock of Carpet Rugs in Axtninste giving you a great range both in Q 'We 41ways carry a large st Chesterfield Suites, Dining. Room want in Furniture. So it will pal Ill the Hardwa eve have a full stock of Floor Il na Stains in all colors. For a beautiful wall finish use cessfully on plastered walls or wa To, those ,staking Maple syrup large stock of Sap Buckets, and Clinton Hardware THIiI STORES W Furniture Phone: 104 The Latin -Dry- 0 0.0 naso eriagar i isn'fp n' Ltl'Ary<Btte electric tNtLtikarn • machin USE YOUR 0 ITT .4 O 1Vi'eKIBLOP YOUNG MAN WEDS EAST WAWANOSIZ YOUNG LADY A nuiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday of last week at `the home of'Mr. and DRS, J. A, Menzies of :Gast Wawanesh-when their daughter, Miss Annie M., was united to Mr.. Albeit Harrison of Mc1illop. The Rev. De. Perrie, pastor of ,St.. Andrew's church, Wingham, performed the ceremony After the signing of the register and when the young peoplehad received the congratulation of those present, a dainty woddiug feast was partaken of and, later Mr. and Mrs.` Harrison lett for their new home en the second con- cession of McKillop, The young cou- ple have the sincere good wishes of.