HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-04-03, Page 7GE QUALITY makes Idmore ,. f ' 'f,I)UCATiON • 'VIII) ,LE' TON of Health, Ontario sr questions on "Pub110-•Ilealth rat, 'est, bin at Spadina House, ileums give any definite information, because there are no available statistics on the I subject, and besides, it would be diffi- i cult to associate the one with the other as cause and effect. However I ob- tained the opinion of a prominent phy- sician who was especially interested in the subjectof cancer,; and he gave;. his opinion as follows: --First: There 'is considerable difference of opinion that cancer has in reality increased, but even if it aero so it would be fin-. possible to attribute this to any one factorsilree the cause of cancer is unknown, 'Second: It has been sug- gested that the alleged increase of cancer hag coincided with intensive production by , machinery, commonly ;associated, as it is, with a compara- tively :sedentary life' of the operators. Third: One might hazard •such ' an- other seggeetion nother'suggestion as the poisoning of the air of cities by carbon monoxide i fumes from the exhaust of motors with its deterioration or lowering of health. Fourth; The "wearing out" 'of our body cells due to the greater .intensity of modern life inducing a much earlier pre-semile state which we know is conducive to malignant disease. Fifth: Notwithstanding that serums and vaccines have been—used for more, than thirty years, no single Case -has been reported associating their use with cancer. Sixth: Coley's Fluid, as you know, has been used for at least thirty years for the treatment o£ sarcoma. So it would seem as far as our present knowledge goes that serum inoculation is not associated in any way with the cense of cancer. 11 -Known People The Jew asked: "Then I'll be: asieell —unconscious -41M . you'll • get this tooth out?" "Yes!" The dew' took all ,.the money out of his pockets. "Don't trouble to pay me now," teatd the dentist. "I'm not going to," said the Jew, "I vont to count my money before 'I go to sleep." ' Tliie is one, of a number ot stories collected by Me, Harry Fuentes, the caricaturist, who settee that in his ex- perience Jews do not resent stories told against themselves.. The , one quoted above, says. Mr. Furnkies was flrst told to hire by a Jew. TEETHING TROUBLES • Baby's teething time is , a time of worry end anxiety to moat mothers. The little ones ,beooret cross; peevish theft ,little stomach becomes deranged and constipation and colic sets in. To matte the teething periodeasy en baby the eliomach and .bowels must be kept sweet and regular. This can be done by the bee sof Baby's : Own Tablets— the ideal laxative for little ones.. The Tobiets are n: afire relief for all the miner •tililtents et childhood such as constipation, <colic, indigestion, colds and simple fetters. They always do good -never ham. The Tablets are sold by medicine doalea's or by mall at 25 ciente a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Miss Mlllionlieicks "But you are penniless." Oholly Reticent—"Brit if you marry ,nue I'll have a hundred dollars at least. I have a bet ofthatamount you'll mar- ry. the:"., I The Casal' of Toruelailteayo There aro employee, who are al•t ayn complaining of Chair rlo v a& va.nce, 1'hsy;:.oan't sec wiry thoY da not get ahead as others tet:',... Thev:.. woull .noiiablY be surprised toicnow that ,:.an unfortunate disposition' is lcooping, them back. - I have known of a nun). lot Instances where em- ployees have either been, dlecliliged or kept from promotion Because of tholr touchi'n.ego, or extreme sensitive,, acs's, their resentment of'any'oriticisin or faultfinding. Employees who can'ti "stand the gaff" don't stand a very good chance of adbanconrent. Thane• who fly,` into a rage or show offense at ever' little reflection on their work are never like ly to get very Inc. As a natter of fact employers are afraid of a hair-trlggor temper -which goes off, at the slightest provocation, They ,lmow that it doesn't go with a cool, level 'head, and sound judgment, and these are the things they ai-e look- ing for. The Tacit of .amiability has stood in the way of advancement of many an employee who has wondered why he has not gotten ahead more rrptdiy 0. Sr Marden. 0.1111E TREAT SAFE AND EFFICIENT Ailing People Made Strong by Pr. Williant.s' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one thing; and do It well, They build up the blood, increasing the number of red -corpuscles, AS this is done the blood becomes a richer rod and is able to carry Afore oxygen, the great eup- porter of human life. As the blood im- proves In quality, the tissuee of the body are better nourished and the functions of the body are better per- formed. This. is the, reason Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills • have bean so suc- cessful in the: treatment of diseases due to poor, thin blood, and it is also the reason why they are en suceeesful in building up strength after fevers and acute diseases. Among those who have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. with great advantage is. Mrs. Helene. B. Taylor, Hanover, ,Ont„ who sayse "Not long ago I wee critically 111. The trouble started with anaemia and a. run-down system, and 'ended .with pleurisy. I was confined to my bed for three months and three doctors. were in attendance at different times'. My life was despaired of, and I was practically living on (Mottos' medicine, because I could not east. My friends did not expect me to recover. During my girlhood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had brought -lire through a severe at- tack of anaemia, and my mother urged that i should try thein again. The doctor could not understand 'why we wanted to try these pills, but we .de- cided to do so.. After taking six boxes a decided change was taking place. I was aotually getting hungry and anxi- ous to live,. After ueing tinelne boxes a miracle was worked." •I could walk and felt niy strength •coming bank, and people on all sides were asking what was helping me, and we were not slow in telling thein it was 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pillet. With any health fully re- atored through the see of these pills I am a'etrilting exalflple of what this, wonderful medicine can do, and now I never pee a pale or §,icklylookhrg girl or woman that 6 do not feel like going up to her and asking why she doe not Mite Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these Mlle through any dealer in medicine, or 'by mall at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medielne-Go., Brookville Ont. " Spruces. Little greeh spruces Are counting on their fingers, On. a' million fingers Gemmed with early dew, All their flagrant uses, Blessed Joy that lingers. Summer time, winter time, The whole year through. 1. Breathe a m'illi'on praises, Little green chorus! dlt lialn us, -Wt raeq mat lain itl,,t iftemish. Ptul uenentiy rdnale1 .by r.luntLotyaln, n1 to1, it pogy t ly it it r;" Irrvilruentu Over..' 30 yab" srP rienle Sails; c. srn7lrcd.: t1o': 1,036 ;ill unn-canU�¢luno: ek!n, 0�alt iinfr'ynd-L'onnlczlol .Y tronnl,.9 ty Irun. 000511 "1( and conurultutlan trne. WIlle caving putinUltsr,._ RISCO TT INSTITUT0, I-it,IT0.n. 610 001,11 St,,. Terolito. - , EASY TRICKS rmo, `883. 'A RoyalFlusi Shake your spicy thankfulness, Through the golden aid! Eve -living -phrases Echo in and o'er us,' Snelling us our blessoriness, Urging us to prayer: Abbie Farwell'Brown. Vacuum Street cleaner, Dustless' ;street sweeping has been accomplished in a'Weetern city where a tank shaped' machine cleans one kindred _blocks a day. • it operates by gasoline and hag Otte pian to drive it, Revolving brooms loo,'seu .the dirt„ B vacuum inlet draws the refuse into containers built in the machine. The woman who knows how to man- age a man never lets him know it, - Why the Baby. Bellowed. Wolf Cub—"Man, I' think the baby swallowed that little bell. Shall.' I ehalto her and, see?" 1st Hamilton Has`Good Genie. A panne iu nrap reading and' drawing topped'the lirogramme at a recent- meeting .of the crack 1st IlamIltou Troop, and 'woe followed by a game' in '-which discs were arranged on squared paper. In the latter game the boys. were given two seconds; to look at the arrangement of the discs, after witch each patrol went back to its own center and tried to place similar diens in, the same ordea' . an atber squares.' In. this the Ravens and the Oieta tied. • A Strenuous Task. Custom@; -"Sixty `cants seems 'very high for eggs. Idaven't you any ,cheap- Or ones?" Scout Poultry Farmer—"No, ma'am, I'm sorry I haven't. You, see it's very expensive preducing'them. Ono egg is a whole stay's work for a hen•" Semite in Safety Work. The Boy Scouts 'are co-operating with the Ontario Safety League, in ac- cident scident prevention work. A recent in- stance is their activity, in broadcast- ing a •Safety League- warning about Cm danger people, and particularly children, were •exposing'•themrelves• to in climbing out on the'grea.t ice hum mocks formed along the shores of the Great Lakes this -winter. At spine points Scouts with lariat ropes patrol- led the shores where these formations were particularly attractive to the venturesome., - As He Understood. Patrol Leader—"Beat expands and cold contraetes. Give me an example." Tenderfoot "in summer the days are very ,long;' while in winter they are short,". - What Scouting le. . Baden-Powell ear:. "Scouting is, a game in which elder brolbers can give their younger brothers healthy en- vironment . and encourage them .to healthy activities such as will help to 'develop citizenship. "Its strongest appeal-' is 'through Nature Study and'Wooderaft. It deals with the individbial and not with the. company. It ral es intellectual as well as purell: physical or purely moral qualities. At first it used to aim for these. ends—now .1iy, experience •It is known that where preperlx ,bandied,. if gains them." Service. Recruit—„The. Scoutmaster says I am to get my uniform froth you.” Quartennaeter - "Surd; Buddy. How will , you 'have it --too laarge, or too small?" He Wondered. Bill sparrow—"Great Scott, I'd 1 ke to seethe bird that eata thoetevverms!"ea. WHERE THE BEST TEA GROWS. The tea plant flourishes best en the well drained aide of a mountain in a country where there is plenty of mots - tare and a warm emu. Certain parte pit Oeylou, India. and Sava are ideal for the growing of dole:lone tea,` Bailee from th'ese.,ceuntrles "come . the finest. vat•tetie5, "SALADA" is a blend of the uhoieest qualifies grown, 10 these, the three most, famous tea-growleg coun- tries in the. world, • The greatest known depth of the sea is said to be 82,088 ft., about 40 miles north of one of the Philfppine " Islands. At this point the 'Ocean bot - 'tour iyotildbe about eleven, and a half Mlles lower than the top .of Mount Everest. Minard'a Liniment tor Dandruff. }tom"ve the royal flush in dia- mo ids from a pack of cards and toe 11 em under your belt at the rear. Give the remaining cards (00 not suggest that the pack is not complete), to a spectator, and Balt him to shuffle them. Then held then behind your back, Ask a spectator to '-montion which color he, prefers. If he says' "red" ask him which suit he pre- fers. IG he says -"diamonds". you are ready for the rest of, the trick. However, it he says "black," you will have to say: "Theo that leaves the red cards for 'the trick. Which of the red'. suits, hearts or diamonds, do you prefer? If he says "diamonds" you are ready for the rest of the trick.-' If he says "hearts," you will say: "Then that leaves the diamonds for the trick." You will observe that the spectator really has no choice -although if. the thing isdone in "a snappy manner he will not suspect tills. While you have been "talking you •have takenthe royal flush frpm under your belt aid •put them on the -top pt the pack. Ask the 'spectator what hand, ifhe, were playing poker, he would most lilte to have. The answer in- variably will be "The royal aegis,. of course." As hespeaks, hand him the five cards: you•had hidden with the Comment: "Well, here it IsP' (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) • Reader Takes Newer Form of Iron'®Fee!s Years Younger "Six weeks agoI sews special offer in the paper telling how thousands of peo- pie grow old in looks -and energy long before they are really.old in years, be- cause, 'as examinations by'physdoians have shown, an :enormouas number of People do not have enough iron in their blood.. I have beau taking Nuxated Iron for two weeks: the restate aro simply astounding. . The roses have come back in my lips* and cheeks, and I can consciously sa'y that I Leel ben year's younger." The above is a typical hypothetical case showing the -result that,have been achieved by a great many people since we etrtrted this "satisfaction or money hack" offer on Nuxated Iran. We will make you the Hanle guarantee. If, after taking the two weeks' treat- ment of Nuxated Iron, you do not feel and look years younger, we will promptly refund .your money. pall at once for a bottle of Nuxated Iron at'adty good drug store. Hearthside Hint. If you stir an open fire in a grate and bring fresh coals to the front, it gives out a warner glow. Itis the same way with the nun, Says.0, G.. Abbot, in charge of the astrophysical laboratory of the Smithsonian Institu- tion., The so-called' etln spats are pro- duced by a stirring, of the sun's outer layer: By comparing measurement of solar radiation with photographs of the sun he has found .that there is an in- areaae 1'n heat radiated by the sun on the same day that- sun spots form, grow or are brought into view ob. the visible diedt of the sun by rotation. The Dizzy Whirl We commend to the natural philoso- phers this original view of a common phenomenon. It was found in the ex- aminatien paper of a youthful eoholar who was ambitious' of being admitter to the upper class in high school: "The.earth rovblvea on its own axis three hundred and sixty-five times. in twenty-four hours. This rapid mutton throtlgh spade catisee its. sidesto per- spire; tills 'moisture is called tow."' s. Keep Minard's Liniment in the ho000. In ourselves we suffer for the stets we commit; in our conununities, lee suffer for the sins we permit. LUNCH COUNTER CARS ON NATIONAL 'I' baileys Tanlac really saved my life when I totik'it after the Fin about a year sago oontlnued Mr. Rikort, "for the 8tttaek left nos 20 pounds ere in weight;; and unable to Mari over in. my b©d without assistance. . I tell you, I thought my time lied surely come, "But, thanks to my wife's insist. tame, I kept ou taping Tanlag till 1 Wee able tie do all my work again, had back all my lout weight, and I've been feeling yertete younger• ever eines). len always tolling toy friends about Tan - lac, 4 don't say too much for t." Tetirlrc is for tale by all good drug. elate. Acueptno subs:AO:Ie. over 90. trillion bottles told, 0 Taneeo Vegeta ie. kills, LUNCH' COUNTER' CARS ON NATIONAL Lttnclr counter cars widen will Caro for the needs Of passengers in the colonist, Rrst ciama and tourist ears of the main line trains, Who'd* 1101 desire to use the regular dining ears, have been placed in service between Winnipeg teal Toronto by the. Canadian National. Railways, The aviggestion oP to lunch Counter ram 'ivas mato by Me. Walter Pratt, General blaalagel ot. Dining, Sleeping and Parlor Carrs and of Wcltels, Beware of Imitations! Unless you ace tilt' name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Ace. virtu proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physietaus, over twenty three years. for Colds`' Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia "• Pain. Pain Accept, "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con• tains proven directions. Bandy boxes of twelve' tablets coat' few cents. Drug- gists alsp sell bottlos'of.24:and 100, Aspirin is the trade mark (registered I in Canada) or Bayer Manufacture ot l,Ionoaceticacidester' of Salicyllcacld.' White it is well known that Aspirin means -'Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against Imitations, the Tab• lets' of Boyer Company will bo stamp. with 4their general trade mark, the "Bayer Ctosn." The•Vanlehing White. I'1n a6rald there will soon be no White popple iu l0urope." 'You're joking why?" "Becaume all those who haven't turned Red are decidedly blue." WOMEN CAN DYE ANY • GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. ' Diamond Dyes Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint *successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia- mond Dyes" evenif you have never dyed before. Druggists have all col - cm Directions in each package. o Love does not . always want to please, sometimes itwants to hurt. Ask for Minard's acid take no other, The enemies of life are prettiness, narrowness and selfishness. WHEN IN TORONTO VISIT THE' Royal Ontario Museum 202 Oloor Et. 'Watt,. Neer Avenue Road. Larval permanent. oahtbitlon in - Canada. Arcbaoolaio, eooloay. tlIsorolam', 1 alaeentnlear, 2oolaay. 0pen dally t0 a.m. to 0 min.;- Sunday afternoons and Tln,rsdaY ereulnaa. Boor. DV. and Church Dare. Direct Subscription' Service. Careful and intelligent attention given to all inquiries regarding your favorite publication from England, United States•or Canada. Or mail us -the re- newaleen.the magazines or'papers you tow receive. We will tend tiro bill at lowest prices later. Htgheat'references. i The Holden Browne Company '50 Richmond Street West Toronto AMAZING VALUES— - REMNANTS From Warehouse, Fox's Indigo Serge, Pure Wool, Navy Bine, Black, 50 inches $1.50 yard postpaid. Remnants only 1 to 414 «da Mail order now. Money bank guarantee. ' Mill Distributors, 807 5t. Paul West, Moittreal. ROOFING We sell METAL' .SHINGLES and CORRUGATED GALVANIZED SHEETS direct to. CONSUMERS at Vb111,Y LOW prices. Write for particulars. THE GORDON ROOFING CO. 724 Spadina Ave. Toronto. WEBSTER MAGNETOS PARTS and SERVICE Auto Starter and Generator Repair Company. 589A Vonge St. - Toronto How to Purify the Blood "Fifteen to thirty drops. of Ex- tract of Root, commonly called Mather Sclgel'o Curatives Syrup,. may, he taken in water with menls and at bedtime, for 1nd1 geotlon, constipation and bad blood. Persistence In this treat- ment will give .permanent relief In nearly every case." Got the genuine at your druggist. CUTS Minard's mases inflammation, .soothes cued hails mita and bl'uisee. There are 8,114 dairy factories in Canada. The value of the products is placed at $111,924,01'7. • When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion HxpvosS Money Order, 'If you will not give up you cannot be beaten. Minerd's Liniment Heals Cutty The unfailing mark of strength is patience. Classified Advertisements OOLGROWERS—COTTS AND Rejects' accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. i/ Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful WrheMurine Co.,Chtngo,forEyeCareBook JIGSAW PUZZLE etas TIDE C1HIILYb i''` EN. Just-- Send ust-Send four serappeIs from CUB S To Oro Iimited, 292 Lamina SStt., Monntraol.. ea! Sf i1 Trou les With Cuticura If yen aro troubled with pimpled, blackheads, redness, roughness,: itching and burning, which disfig- ure is lggure your complexion and skin, Cud - cum Soap and Ointment will do muchto help you. Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations.' Soop25a..Oh,tmoor25ax,150e, Talcutge. Sold throughout thetomin on. CanadianDepot: CGmlcuSt. Pod St., wiWen:raL un Alyea -_. up BEFORE � " Y BABY CA E Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sydenham, Ont, "I took your medicine before my baby wae•born,attd it was a great help tome aril waa very poorly until I had started to take it. I tust felt as though I wan' tired out all he time and would have weak, faint spells. My nerves would bother menu--. til I could get little rest, night or daii I was told by a friend to take Lydia 16,, Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound, and Y only took a few bottles and it helped me Wonderfully. 1, would recommend it tq any woman. I :am doing what I can recommend this good Medicine, I'ts lend that littlebook yousent.Me Wanone I can°help. You can with the Brea eat bf pleasure use my name in regard the 'Vegetable Compound if it will bel others take it."—Mrs. HARVEY M GAN, Sydenham, Ont, It is remarkable bow many cases/mall been reported similar to this one. Maxx Women are poorly at such ,times antra 'Into a weakened, run-down coi}diti 8 when it is essential to, the rho er, web as the child, that her Steen kept up. Lydia E. Pinkham'et Vegetab o Lo pound is an, exceilen:t team fOR mother at this time. It 10 prop from medicinal roots and lterbs ail not containany.harmful drug,gs.tt,'s taiken In safety by tho nur n i ill» IncUt No, 13---'54,