HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-04-03, Page 5To every cash "myth nser of Enamel are, Alunuiauitt ware, Paints, or Varnish, en a . Th ur. Fri., , nd Sat., April -3rd 4th and 5th A useful ,household article; for either the roan or roman v See our iiii.indows-for Specials •ALSO Conte' in Friday and Saturda April p 1 .4th:'and 5th. andtie. •,Paint and: Varnish denoe ti' s our' s anon Your time will ,lie well snout, Everybody welcome, whether you buy or not. GENERAL HARDWARE '.TELEPHONE 63: PLUMBING AND HEATING CBI-NsAMEL STORE 11 111111IIUII11111181l l Il1U11illllll1l11101UUI11111111111111I11llilillllli111111111111II1111 IIIIIIII111111'1111111111111I11l1311111111II11. rHUIRSD1 APRIL 3rd 1024'• rhe, . Olin News-Recoi'd Of Interest to Yon,: and 'Vie love of money is the roo' itsBoston. Herald, Anybody who expected it to be a nice, balmy day on April lst was bad y. fooled. Those of us who in Ontario rshouldn't throw siones at Washington :until our 0 1 slate is cleaned up. The Signal is 'awing to boost the S 4 .pansy as the emblematic, flower for ,Goderich, We don't wish to be Batty. ,atall, but isn't the pansy too modest a bloom to be truly emblematic 01 Goderieh' :The Ontario Private 'Bills Com- niittee seems inclined to,malce over the Church ` Union` Bill. The State' would resent the Church.. interfering in its affairs, the Church may as ser. ;souzsly resent the State interfering in • its affairs, The storm of Saturday and Son- ,day was somewhat disappointing and discouraging_ to those of U. who were:, confidently • expecting spring 'but no particular damage was done in these _parts. The storm was, however, the worst seen in years in Minnesota and other States of the Union. Match damage was done; and several lives were lost, if A. McCausland's lead on the +'Church;' Union question is no truer than on the prohibition question, His. opinion of the merits of union was i'lot asked nor was the committee room the place to air it, 7f entified' to vote on it he had thatrivilege, but his speech before the 'Private Bills Committee was entirely out of order,' -Indeed, most of the discus- sion was wide of the mark. ''.here is soanmething wrong with the system if it is true, as it is stated, that of $18,000,000 spent by the.Sol- •diers' Civil Reestablishment ' $6,000,- 000 was' .paid in salaries, $8,000,000 .in administration and only $4,000,000 :actually went' to help the soldiers, When the people of Cana'Sa pay out then taxes to assist in the reestab- ilishMent in civil- life- of the soldiers ,'the idea' is^to' aetually assist, the sol- diers, not to create fat jobs for civil- aans, • 'The ' News -Record editor is rich•this 'week, having received through the mails from senieone._who 'evidently. 'knew how much we needed it, a bank :note for' one hundred thousand -Ger- man marks. It is said to be genuine and, in 1914 would have .been worth '$25,000. We're only sorry it didn't ;come our way at that time:: • We,inay .keep it until it is again' worth the paper it is printed on or we may be. 'dead by that time. But to think that onlya few months age some people `'were , crazy enough to • invest ;in Gen; man marks' in the Nope of nuakiug' .some easy .honey. Tuckersmith Township Council 'Minutes: A meeting of 'the Council was held in the town half 'Seaforth, on Saturday March 29th. Communications were read,' from the Department of highways, stating -that in order that the Township sue- 'ceed in seeuting the Provincial grant • 'on Highways, the Council nnlst ap- point a competent road overseer, and maintain a continuous systen of road improvement. From the Mayor of Seafogth, re- -questing that a' definite answer be gieen in regard to the appointment of Trustees in aeeordance with the' 'Hospital legacy. , A grant of $25.00 each, was given to aid' the'Seaforth, Clinton and Ilen- sall Spring Shows. By-law 62 was .passed, to borrow "112000.00 from the Canadian Bank of 'Commerce for. current expenditure. The Council at the request`. of the "Board of Health, Instructed the Clerk to again warn the public of their du- ties in regard to conumunetcable dis- eases, and the penalties for, non-eom- nliance, before any action be taken,' as reports have been received by the 'Board of violations of the regulations, Also the 'Clerk was instructed to. •advertise foran operator of the stone =crushe z for the -emit -1.g season. The fol3 wing telephoue.'aceounts wore passed: Mwlsons Bank, ex - ',change $4.69 George Layton, audit- ing '$25.00; Thos. Forsyth, auditing, `$25.10; Stromberg-Carlson Co., ma- 'terial, $48.13; H. Dalrymple, salary i •$135.00; J. B, Mustard,:Postge $15.00 z."]e"Bel) Telephone Co,, L.D. Tolls $300.00, The 'Council adjourned to meet on 'Satnrday April 12th at 2 o'clock pm. 'when they will consider the report of the;engneer on the Dill D. F. McGregor, Clerk. Chevrolet Car For Sale. A. Baby Grand Chevrolet car, ,near Ty new. Price reasonable. ' Mrs, W. T. Grieve, at 1Vlton Wiltse'S, R. ,R, No,• 4, Clinton, Phone 12 on 619, 48=1, Mime, Baking Silo At the Hydro Shod on Saturday af- tern;ootApri1' 19th,' at 2`80, under the auspices of the Baptist church fFa- dies';Aid. 48-2,• Auction Sale 01 house and lot and household. effects, Princess street east, on Sat- urday, April bili, at, 2 p•in., eonisist- ing of the following: Bell eman; kit- eben cabinet; kitchen cupboard par- lor suite; lounge; dresser; bed springs mattress; round table; drop leaf ta74,1e; 2 sideboards, writing desk; Ii - , penial Oxford" stove, nearly new; 2 toilet sets; 4 dozen sealers; o:1 cloth and other articles. Also a comfort- able six room brick cottage' will be offered :Cor sale at the same time and place if not sold before, Terms-, Household affects cash.' On property of purchase- money per cent. 0 on 10 1 y day' el sale balance in 80 days, `:Mrs. Jas, Graham, Proprietress, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Marriages IIARRISON -. ]111 1Q21x S' At'the home,' of the zlde s; „pa tints, on March; 26th, by the Rev. Dz Perrie of Wingham, Annie' M., daughter of •Mr, and,, -Mrs. John. A. Menzies of East it"awanosh to Albert Harri- son of..MIcKIllop, BRAtiFORD-SHIELDS-At Kitch- enrer, on March' 24th, by Rev. W:' W. Lynn;; Nellie Muriel,' daughter' of Mr, and .Mrs. Thomas ;Shields, to Bert, second son of Mr and, Mrs, George Bradford, both of Goderieh. BENJ,4MIN-FOWLER=At the Vic- toria' street .parsonage, Goderich, on Mareh 20th, by Rev;. John W. Hedley, Olive Irene Fowler, of Col- borne township; to William Benja- inin. of Ashfield township. SCIIOENTIAL - S In Clinton. on Mar,' 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin •Schoenhals, a son, CARNOCIIAN,In Clinton Hospital, on March. 21st, to M. and Mrs, J. G. Carnochan, of Tuckersmith, a daughter, GINN-Tn •Goderich *township, on 26th,, to "Mr. and Mrs. George Ginn Births • a daughter. AMENT=Tn Brussels, oft 4March 25th to Mr: and Mrs, Scott Arnert, a son -Philip George, GILMOUR-10 Seattle,; Wash„ oil February 7th; to Mr: and Mrs, Joe A. Gilmour, a ' ,daughter. -Mary Jane Elizabeth.' `' Deretlls." WAT;KINS-In Goderich township, 'on April lst, Joseph Henry Watkins, in his 50th year.. '- GARRETT-In Hullett, on March 22nd, Jean Christina; daughter of. Mr. M and Mrs. ;Alvanley Garrett, aged 2 months -and 2 weeks. McKAY-In Hullett, on March 26th,. Anne Thomson, widow of the Iate Joseph. MacKay;, formerly of Los Angeles, `California. Homemade Baking Sale A. sale of all sorts of home cooking will be held in the Hydro Shop on the afternoon of Thursday, April 17th under the auspices of the Girls'. Club of Willis Church, Sale etthree o'- clock. 48-2,. Bed Coucld For Sale Single bed -couch. Apply to Mrs. W. W. Cook, Maple street. , 48=2-p. Turkey Gobbler For Sale" 4 good,; year-old turkey gobbler. Apply to Orville Dale, R. R. Noe 4, :Clinton. Phone' 22 en. 247'§eafoath` central, : 48"t£ Seed Potatoes and Hay For Sale A quantity of Dooley and Irish Cobbler potatoes, suitable for seed, also some alfalfa hay. Apply to John Jacob, manager Huron County home. 48-tf. Tenders Wanted By the Council of the Township of Tuckersnnith,for the position` of oper- ator of the stone cnueber for the sea.. son 1924,:'to "be paid by' the day. Ten - dors to be in by the 12th' of April to D. F. McGregor, Clerk, .Seaforth. House For Sale 6 -room frame house on the earner of Rattenbury and Shipley streets, in good 'repair. Apply to R, Tasker. 48-1-p,: For Sale Seven room frame house on Victor- ia street, electric light town'water, a. good garden and hen house.' .Apply -Stirling Dempsey. 48-tf. For Sale Quantity 'of good timothy seed, email quantity 'of elover geed. Also can take some cattle for pasture, B. Waldron, Phone 11.629,Bruce£ield. 48-4-p EGGS. FOR HATCHING From bred -to -lay White Wyan, dottes. • Pep (I)`Consists of tell (Martin Dorcas Strain) headed by a :•.beautiful .Martie cockerel from a 225 -250 -egg' hen, Eggs from this pen $3 per 15. lien (II) --In this peat are well -matured .April hatched pul- lets, -whose sire , was 'hatched from a setting from .Martin's Special Dor- cas pens 25.82." A splendid vigorous eock (Fisher's egg -a -day strain) that. proved to be a good breeder Last year,. heads th is pe.•E ggs�1 .50 per I' guarantee ten fertile eggs per setts ing-Apply to Lucy R. Woods, Bay"' field, Ont. 48-9 Auction ;Sale Of farm stock and,inipleinents, The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by, public auction at lot 35, Concession 18, Goderich tp. 2i milegwest of.Clinton on 'Monday, April 140; commencing at 1• 'o'clock sharp, the following:' Horses -Agri- cultural mare rising 6; mare, aged; agricultural mare rising 5, agricultur- al gelding rising 9. Cattle -Black cow rising 7 years, fresh March 6;;. red cow rising 6 years, fresh 'March 7 red cow 'rising 8 years due Sept. 1; red heifer, rising 3, due April 20th;' calf, 0 months; 2 black calves rising 1 year; 2 spring calves; about'SS,hens 1 inuD2 years old; 5,ducks, 1 year old. Implements -F. W. haj. rake, 10 fin; Fiost & Wood mower, Frost & Wood cultivator, combined; Patter- son seed drill; set'3-section harrows; F. W.• steel .roller; 2 •scufei•'ers; F. W. plow No, 21; Clinton fanning mill; cutting box, suitable for engine; root. pulper; 6 -ft. steel- pig trough; high wagon; low wagon; hay rack; cutter; boggy; set 01. sleighs: light wagon; road cart; stoneboat; Delaval cream sepaxator-; gravel box; pig rack for wagon .box; wagon box; set double harness; set single. harness; 8 collars; dozen grain bags; 2 logging, chains; about0• 1 bast g of iuo :toes;; quantity of planks; Happy Thought; refuge; Daisy churn; invalid chair on wheels shovels, forlts, etc. Terms -All sums oC $10 and under, cash, over that a, mount 8 months,ereclit given on fur- nishing approved joint notes, or, a clic- couzzi, of 4 her cent. eillowad for cash, "Evn thtn t z t e sol as r' n o b o mist r has old his,:farm, ileline Sh4rma'i; Proprietor.'. '= 0, II, 'Elliott, Auction, tier. Tivilieht Musicale A twilight anu.>ieale will be given, under- the auspices of the-Girls';Atix_ iliar$5, in Ontario' Street church, on Good Fridy, April 18th,; from four to five ' o'clock, 'Admission 25e. •48-3 Will Repeat Play , •St, Paul's Dramatic'' Society will re- peat their play, "The Adventures of Grandpa/' in the town hall on' Tues- day, April 20th, 48-1, Eggs'For Hatching - Bar•red Racks .headed by •males front W..3. Johnston's pen.,. MVleaford, Ont,, prize winners' for 4 consecutive years in`,Ottawa egg -laying; contests, Price $1,25 per 15, $3.50 per 50 eggs. Frank Weekes, Varna, ;Phone 3.1-622. Maple Syrup Getbyour ,order•in early this spying, > $2.50 per gallon, Phone 33 -W. -F. IW: Andrews, Clinton. , . . 47-tf, Sale of Work The ladies' of the Baptist Mission Circle will hold u a sale of `,`;Tome Work," including .tone baking, oandy and fancy 'work, at the home' of .1VIrs. Aitken, Victoria street, on Tuesday, April 8th, beginning at 2;30 pm. A ten cent tea,will be served. 47-2 PaSture Farms to. Rent Pasture farms, containing lee ,acres lots 33 and 37, concession 6, Goderich township. 'Apply Mrs. Walter Wes_ ton, 11. 'R,' No, 2, 'Bayfield: Phone 1.3-600.' 47-tf Young Bull For Sale. Polled Angus ,bull, 1,4 months old. Apply to John Harvey, Londesbor'o, 4'Phone'10-28 Blyth Central, 47-3 Clover'Seed For Sale 'Red clover and yellow sweet clover seed. Apply to Frank Tyndall, R. R. No. i4, Clinton Phone, 33 on 636, :Clfnto n central. 4 47-1. Car For Sale A Ford car, .good as new. Rea- son for selling,' owner going west. Won. Henry. Clinton. Phone 4 on 617. 47-L Organ For Sale ` A 6 -octave piano case organ, in good condition. x Apply to George Phelan, Rattenbury street, Clinton. 47-3-p,. House For Sale Comfortable frame house on North street, town }water,• electric lights.,,. Good garden with fruit trees, barn. Suitable for retired farmer. Mrs: M. Argent. • 47-t1•, Muskrat Skins Wanted' I have an order from ra manufae- turerin New York and can pay as much as any tellable dealer in Tor- onto or other cities and can pay more than travelling dealers.. Get my prices before you sell, -H. A. Hovey, Clinton, 'Phone 89. 47-tf, Cottage For Sale - Good, -comfortable six -room brick cottage, in good repair, on Princess St., east. Apply to Geo. II, Elliott, Phone 208, 47-tf. Bulls For Service 3 Shorthorn bulls, 16: months old, s standard breeding, front good milking strain. • .Apply to James. Snell and Son, Clinton. Phone 2 on 641, Clin- ton eentral. 47-tf: Seed Grain For Sale, A quantity of oats and peas suit- able for seed. Apply to J. K. Noble, Clinton. Phone 3 on 617, Clinton Central. 47-1-p Clover Seed For Sale A. small quantity of good alsike seed, also some timothy Seed, Apply to B. Itathwellt-'11. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 16 00 "606, Clinton central. 47-2-p. Auction Sale Of farm, farm stock and iniplemnents. The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction' at Iot 9, concession 2, Stanley township, 2 miles west of IX1ppen,, on Tuesday, April 8, commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the follpwing: Hoses -Grey Perehelon mare 9 yrs; black Percheron mare 9 years; black Perch- eron gelding 3` years; Iblackeepercher- on full. .two years'; driver, quiet and "reliable,' 'good third'horse., Cattle-- Cow attle-Cow 4 pears freshene'd in February; cow 5 years due to freshen in Oct.; oow, 8 years; heifer 3 years; heifer 2 years; steer 2 years; 3 yearling stem's' 2 calves. Pigs -Sow with litter two weeks old; 5 chunks., Implements- IlleCorniick binder; McCarinick mow- er; McCormick horse 'rake; cuetivtj- tor: seed drill; roller; set discs; 4- seetion harrows; muffler; turnip drill; 2 walking, . plows; cutting box; set sleighs; Clinthn fanning mill and bag- ger; wagori and box; gravel box; hay rack; stock rack; root pulpee• hog crate; democrat; with pole; road cart; open buggy; set team harness; set plow harness; set single harness; 2 horse collars; logging:chain; block and rope wire stretcher; workbench and• vise; DeLeval Bream separator, Daisy -chain, large;; washing machine;, y' bandies of shingles; quantity of lumber; Quantity of hay'4nd potatoes glass cupboard and other household effects; ,forks; shovels and other ar- ticles, Positively ho reserve as pro- prietor .giving ui farming owing to ill health. Terms -A11 sums of $10 and under, cash; ;over that a- mount 10 months credit g+iven'on ap:. proved joint notes, or a discount ot, 4 per cent. allowed for dash. ;'Des - c; iption of Farm -The farm consists of 100 acres, on which is erected a good bank barn 40x86 ft. cement floor good concrete house hard and soft water, good furnace wth, full sized', basement; niodern,conveuiences. Farm' is well watered with ..ring creek ani: 2 wells, 10 acres good hush, mostly maple, 101, acres fall wheat. 'Good young orchard,' 25 acres tall plowed,. well underdrained and in a high state of cultivation. Terms on Farm -10 percent, of purchase price down on clay of sale, balance eau be arranged e easy a.,y terms. Farm sold subject to reserve hid. Walter J. Stevens, Proprietor, 0. II, Elliott, Auctioneer. A�4.�lV1�rA.7'. iminsamminusiounssessommussisessssuissisiossuisminuessussivssiesasiss i A Barrel of Fresh Ginger; Snaps Special Prlice$ lbs for 25cts. Still have a few. Soap Deals left. 1 Cake of Gold Soap for 1 et, ASK TJS ,IOW? IIIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE ,. OUR STORE IS YOUR STORE JOHNSC Iii & CO'S. GROCERY C RY Phcln Hi PROMPT SERVICN; THE STORE' FOR-"RVER YBODY; Eggs anal Poultry We are_in a position to take all your eggs no matter how e or how small a large o quantity yen have for 'salol Enquire iegulaxly for prices..' a • >i®;Ooo kens and `::rollers Wanted - for„deliveiy m May and June. We are look'ng for high prices a- long through these months. Now is the time to lay your plans for producing broilers. Information gladly given. Write, phone or call personally, , Eggs graded according to Governntient Standard. Poultry;bought according to weight and. quality 1. LIIrrlL Co.irtgaiis Limited ed Montreal, 'Quebec., • . �) q��,y�r �a gy�y ARTA rr��g /� I.W ... YY@1... H a., liar iN@.+ AR 1 RA Day Phone 120 Manager, Clinton Branch Night Phone 214w wn3s. ire Whole Wheat" White dry a Loaf NEILSON'S ICE Cream , Choc.olates i • J. BROWN ?CO. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 C. H. VE'JNER, Electrician ' Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and repairs. Phone 151w 55, FOR SALE Two storey Brick House on corner lot 120s240 feet .A REAL BARGAIN Newly palnte4 and papered throughout. Electric lights,' Town. water, and4Cellar. Infine condition. Owner leaving town TERMS OR CASH TO SUIT 46-t.f , THOMAS L. WILSON, Clinton 1 Relii' Nifty Counts el In Seeds more than anything else reliability counts. What is more exasperating, than, after you have spent time,, money and la- ber on Seeds, to have nothing to show for your trouble. Whether for field or garden you may rely on our stock as the best, We have proeured the highest grades possible and the rea- sonable prices will surprise you. CLOVER AND GRASSES ALFALFA --Ontario Grown, Peel' County. . . RED CLOVER TIMOTHY ALSII{E SWEET GLOVER -Yellow and White Blossom, BLUE GRAS'S ORCPIARD GRASS LAWN` GRASS SEED GRAIN S]333ID OATS-0.A.C. 72 and Banner. BARLEY -Two- and Six Rowed. PF6A SOOSE WHEAT EAT BUCKWH';EAT GARDEN SUPPLIES BEANS CORN w • PEAS -In Bulk. FLOWER AND 'VEGETABLE SEEDS 114 PACKETS BULBS AND GARDEN FERTILIZER "BUY YOUR SEEDS NOW" PEA BEANS q _ EN INS, a SON `Office Phone 199 Night 141 and 129 uas+O.aaa .,....... mamsmansilarOW Shoes I .el To em sold out in three weeks. this Big Sale is included my' entire stock Men and Won, eIsand-Shoes ' `Boots � I and Children s Footwear, To' be sold at a discount that will clean offar shelve during this �s dun x g sale, starting , Frida tt`,rota 9 To Seturd u; April 10th - ,laving decided to reduce the stock I have cut the prices so low that it will pay you well to buy now THE EARLY BUYER GETS.BEST .,Cfil010E No Goods en"'A i eoval A41 Goods Cash durin • Sale 11. g WILLMk Boots and Shoes BARRY p' Opposite PostofTice 0.101!gIIOU++,I ll5I5011lllul5111011111101IUI111115WIullh, l I iu3l+,Itn'Illi•IIn10 1b.O 111,100011H IIIUI111UIIOUI I flatchingEggs for Sale E'ggs from; ,bred -to -lay Barred Rooks and Single -Combo White Leg - horns. 65c. for setting "of 13 or $4 per 100 eggs. Frank Tngtndali R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Phone 3$-636,. Clinton Central- • 48-tf. Notice to Stationery and Hoisting Engineers Engineers' ' examinations 'rani.l be conducted at the Goderich Collegiate Institute, Goderich, Thursday, April 17 conunencing at 9 a.m. , Mr. Scott, -Examiner. • 48-1 Automobile Owners get your Markers\ and Permits for 1924 from W. MacVicar Goderich J • • Box 414 48-1. -Houses For Rent Two houses for rent with town wa- ter. One has double parlor with fold- ing doors and electric lights. A,pply to A..Oantelon. Phone 222. - 46-tf, Two Farris For Sale or Rent South half of lot' 77, Maitland con,, Goderich township, 55 acres, frame house, bank barn, drive shed, and pig pen. A spring creek traverse§ the :farm. Also west half of,lot 78, adjoin- ing the latter place, comprising about 75 acres, having a spring creek in it and suitable for pasture land. Will be sold or rented together or separ- ately on reasonable terms. - Apply to Jeanne Bedard, Courtwright, Ont. 46-4.; Ford Cars For Sale 2 Ford cars, one mounted with areo cushion tires. In good' running or- der. Apply to W. L. Peffers, Clin- ton. 46-tf. House For Sale Brick house on Princess street, 7 rooms and summer •kitchen, town wa- ter, also soft water in kitchen, cement basement, ,furnace, electric light. V4 acre garden, with email fruits stable. Apply to Miss Mabel Ratwe1{ Varna Phone 83-606, Clinton central, 45-tf. House For Sale 6 -room house on Frederick street; good garden and outbuildings; in good condition.,. IVirs, II. IT. McCpol, Goderich, or W. Brydone, Clinton. • 45-tf." Hay For Sale A quantity of alfalfa 11p�aay, $9 per. ton in barn. Apply oto Fenwick Stew- art, R, R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 12- 620, CEinton.central. • Farm For Sale • West half .of lot; .22 and south -half of lot 23, "except railway part, con- cession 9, I$ullett township, in all 90 acres more en less. Conveniently lo- cated near Clinton and Londesboro. Goole soil, 'goodframe house, bank ba?n, good well, river at back of farm. Reasonableprice for Ouicic sale. Ap. ply William Stevens, William 'St., Clinton. 45-tf. House For Sale or Rent 8"room frame house on Victoria st. Electric light, town water. Large garden with some fruit trees. Apply. to Geo. H E11fett.: 22-tf. ,Molise For Sale Cottage on Huron street, room and g Y in good repair, Ye acre of garden. Small, barn " Son place, Possession at once. Also a buggy and cutting box, Happy 'Thought range and a sliding bed couch for sale. Apply to Muss 13. Cantelon, 'Rattenbury Street. 39-tf, HOuSe Fol. Sale Comfortable frame house on. North street, half acre of ground. All kinds of fruit. Small stable, town water in house. Robert P. Fisher. 37•,tf, COM We have a supply of Furnace, Stove; Nut and Soft. Also some' good dry- slabs. ryslabs. Leave orders at residence. E. WARD ' Phone 155, Huron Street. Singer Sewing Machines Family, Eleetric and D. R. Styles. Also some second-hand machines, good as new, 01d maehines taken as part payment. ` Easy terms. It uyi11 pay you to look these over before buying elsewhere. Repairing and parts for all makes of machines. Earl Steep. Jan. 1, 1924 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired„ . Woolen goods dry cleaned.; Rooms over Heard's , barber shop,, W. J, Jago, 1-•83-tif AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na. tional School of Auctioneering, Ghi eago. Special, course taken in , Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Form Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-. 93. -88-tf-1923 COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R.... MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 1118 SEEDS We have just received our early- shipment arlyshipuient of Timothy, Red Clover, Al- s,ke, Alfalfa and Blue Grass. Buy- ing these early got better prices than 'I we can geb bow and so are offering special prices for the rest ofthis month. Our Alfalfa is Ontario- Var_ negated, grown in Peel County. We have made a specialty ;ofthis variety for the past four years and it has given the very best of results. The Red •Clover and Alsike are from the same district.. also, BRAN. SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS Have just received a •carload of prithese feeds. Good quality and fair ces. ALWAYS ON HAND Oyster Shell, Grist, Beef Scraps, Ground. Charcoal, Tankage, Oil Cake, Oat -Meal, Ground Corn, Five Roses, Purity, and North Stun flours. Hess Royal Purple, Pratts and Woodehouse Tonics and Royal Purple 'Calf Mbal. J. A. FORD & SON ' Flour and Feed Merchants and '1 GraiPhonne Buyer18 zs Alco issuers of Hunter: & Trapperit - licenses Elmslea Chick Farm and Hatchery ' alp hicks S. C. White Leghorn, Barred Ply- mouth Rqcics S. C. Rhode Island Reds S. C. Mottled Anconas. - Agent for Wishbone Valveless Brooder and ..Model coal burning Brooders. , E. L MITTEL Clinton Phone: Office 236r2, Residence 213x3, CREAM' WANTED!, -The demand fog our butter Is. . r �. creasing. To supply this` demand we require) more cream. We request youto ship its y0113 dream- . We guaranteeyou "t a -;Hi y h ghesA Market Prices,' laccurate tests anti. prompt service. Our firm is known too e y uandn odgi. no further recommend.' , We pay all 'express charges, 'furn- ish cream cans tent pay twice each month. Write to for- run ' ca or fusi;Iter internee., tion to -the TEE SBAFORTI.I CR,14Arezzax- „ ., RAMS. , r , kd.Ap1Rt i