The Clinton News Record, 1924-04-03, Page 2D. NIcTACGART
-en al Banking 'BusinesstrAflaCt.
61. No Discounted,' Drafts issned.
terest Allowed on Deposits. Sale
otes 'Purchased, "
Notary Pubita,rConveYancer.
Finenelal. Real ,Esisto and, Fire tn.
.111rauce Agent. Re resenting 14 Fire
Inenrance coinuantes.
Divisioncourt Office. Clinton.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc,
Office, liours:,-1.80 to 3.30 mum T•ss
to 9.00 p.m. Sundays, 1230 to 1,.30 p.m
Other home by eppointment only. ,
Office and Residence — Victorie St.
is, resuming praettse at tids residence.
office 11oure:--0 to 10 tem. and 1 to 3
Pari. Suedays, 3 co 2 p.m.: for con
Ofliee Deere
lee to 3.30 mm. 7.30 to 9.00 p.m.
Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m.
Othenhours by appointment.
Office, 23.8W Residence, 2183
Office and es Iderlee:
Huron ltreet Clinton, Out.
Phone 60
(Formerly occupied by the tate Dr.
O. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.
Pr. A. Newton. Brady Bayfield
Graduate Dublin University, Ireland,
Late Extern Assistant Master, Ro-
tunda Hospital for Women and Chil-
dren, Dublin.
Office at residence lately occupied
by Mrs. Parsons.
Hours 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7
Sundays 1 to 2 p.m.
1de person who really knows his
cat has a great advantage over an-
other. Watch the regular breathing
of Your cat when he is asleep—of each
cat when it is at rest. Let it be a
habit to notice this be of,
great use to You some time in detect-
ing the first sign of sickness.
KNOW hote e/leh cat's eyes look when
he 18 well. When,a healthy cat with
bright, roand oyes does not ripen them
wide, when fully awake, hunt for the
When he stays down on the floor or
under furniture instead of jumping;
up on something as usual, watch
If a normal eat becomes careless
about hie personal appearance. and
does not clean Up after eating; if he
becomes untidy and doce not use a
clean sanitary pan as ueual, there
sueely is something the matter.
If, in ordinary weather, he does not
play e8 usual, what is the reason?
If he does not want to eat at meal
time there certainly is something
wrong with him or with the food. Find
out what is the trouble. Think, be
sensible, act quickly and remember
that a well-fed cat which was in good
condition until symptoms of sickness,
is net hurt in the least by going with-
eel- food tor a day or so if his stom-
ach needs
. TIP s.
• Graduate Royal College ot Dental. Sur-
geons and Toronto University
Has office hours at Bayfield in old
Post Office Building, Menden, Wed.
needier', Friday and Saturday from 1
to 6,80 p.m..
Tuesday, 'Thursciarand Saturday
10 to 12 a.m.' 2 to 5 p.m., 7 th 9 p.m.
Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday.
1.0 to 12 ame, 2 to 5 pm, 7009 p.m.
Phone ss Clinton, Ont.
ConVeyancer, Notary Pubile, Commis.
'loner, eto.
District Agent
The Ontario and Equitable Life
alid Accident Insurance Co.
etanci to form a lnrge circle, without
:joining hands. The odd player who
it,' stands in the centre. The circle
players commence tho game by chant-
ing the following words:
"Now lame tagger, give u, chase;
Catch one quick to take your place."
At the final word they all run off, and
the lame tagger follows in chase. As
soon as he -manages to touch one of
the other players, that player must
place his hand" on the spot wbere he
was touched and run after the others
until he is successful in tagging some
one else, The original taggem3oms
those who are being pursued.
It will happen that sometimes the
tagger will be holding his own shoul-
der, elbow or side, and even, havd to
hold one leg and hop on the other.
This form of "tag" is therefore very
popular with children, owing to the
merriment etrused.
Duck on a Rock: Each player has
a large, smooth, round" ston_e about
five or six inches in diameter called
his duck" which he' keeps pernnarientlY.
The rock a boulder, stump or block
on lever- ground. Tne dead line is
drawn thrctugh the rock and another,
parallel, fifteen feet away for a firing
line. The person that is "it'! (ex'
keeper) perches his duck on the rook.
The others stand and fire their ducks
from, the fixing line. They relent net
touch them with their hands when
they are beyond the dead line. If one
does, the keeper can tad him (unless
he reaches the firing line) and send
him to do duty amkeeper at the rock.
They can coax their ducks with their
feet up to the dead line, not beyond,
then watch for a chance to dodge back
to the firing line where they are safe
at all tines. If the duck is knooked
Off by any one- at the firing line the
keeper is powerless until his duck is
replaced. Meanwhile the players hae
their ducks and are safe at the firing
Newspaper Race (relay or not):
Each contestant is given two news-
papers, one for each foot. He places
ono newspaper in front of him _and
stelae on it with the right foot. He
then places the Other for his left foot,
and s� on, being allowed le step only
on newspapers. The contestant last
to a given location. and back to the
starting point loses the race.
Lame Tag: All the players but one
Canada's Fuel Problems and Their Solution
Work of Dominion Fuel Board on Different Phrases of Ques-
tion—Need of Substitutes for Anthracite — Part
Played by Water -Power.
A sculptor iN -shown adding the fi
Which wol'e guardians to the tomb of
Britleth lanpire along wine
tomb. •----
nIshieg touches to models et stettues
Ring Tut. They will be seen at tho
an exact full-slzo reproduction or the
Called "Your Grace" in His-
• toric Palace Where Mary
• Queen of Scots Held
While the great national fuel prob. Canada in 1923. ..thergo,es last October
itun facing Camea is a supply of fuel could, be contractee for at $1.75 'P81
for what has been called the. "Acute long. ton from Wales to- Mt/Meant
_Feel Area," embracing Ontario and against $4.40 from PinneyIvarde, to
Part of Quebec, the seriouenesei of the Montreal. Although at the mine the
sit -nation for the present he0 to do Weleh coal was the higher in price,
with se supply,of domestic fuel for tine this was fully offset Mt its better
particular region anti with the fact quality. The Chairman of the Fuel
that (hie enmity ia b-eing drawn from Board alas been assured that the nueite;.
o small area ,in Pennsylvania where merit of Bridal coal to Canada would
tise neserves of coal are not large and likely be permanent, The largest an-
exhansteen l In. sight. In spite of the Roselle proaucing, company in Great
fact that about oneeixth of the world's: Britainhas arranged for a branch in
coal sepply lies within th,e Dominion, Montreal An important eepect of this
over ,one -half of elm mount lased in movement is. its, tenttency to lower
this eoulltre- (varying froM 29 to 35 freight rates bY.Petyvialug return car=
million tons annually) is being ineportt goes, for ehips carrying Canadian plai-
ce from the United States. It wee to duce to 13ritain.
meet this situation that the Dominion. Wood.--Inadditionth the subetitates
Fuel Board Parte into existence lie above enumeratell, an investigation is
November; 1922. being made to d,eterraine the eXtent tO
Canada is faced, with a number at whioli Canadian hardwoods Call be
Problems, some of lOoa,l, eolith of made use of tor fuel purpoace. At pre -
national importaace. For example, sent, wooe comprises one-quarter of
bh.e fuel consented in the Dominion ani
miniunte toadmat one cord per head of
Other inveetigatons.—Other ¥-
ues.ef proinis,e -being investigated are
pelverized fuel for lotometives end
power -plants, and the eystem of dem
tral beating- plants,
Water Power.—No statement or the
feel- problem of Canada. itt. complete
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
iMmediate arrangoluents can be made
for Saltie Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satistactioe
clinton, Ont. -
General Fire and Life insurance, Agent
for Hartford Weestorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance, Huron and.lfiric end Cana-
da 'trust Braids. Appointments made
to meet parties at ,Bracetield, Varna
and Hayfield. Thong 57.
The fticKitiop Yiutud
Fire Insurance Comnany
Head Office. Seaforth, Ont.
Ibesident. James eetniolly, Codenleb;
Vice...lames Evans, Bettie -wood; sec.,
Treasurer, Tbos, E Haya Seated/a
Directors: George McCartnee, Sea.
forth; D. la McGregor. Seafortb; ee
Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seath-rth:
03. eicEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
Burled; ; John Itenneweir. Iirocilungen•
• Jae Coenolly, Goderich,
A g en ts; Alex.- Lence, Clin ton . J W.
Teo, Coderleh; Ed. Hincinay. sea.
forth; W. Chesney. Egmondville; u.
G. Jarreuth, Bredhagen.
Any monee to be paid in may be
paid to Moorish Clothing Co, Clinton,
or Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to affect lusurance
or transact other business win be
promptly attended to Ma application to
any ot the above officers adcireseed to
their respective poet offie. Lessee
tha coal at Vancouver Island hes the
compatIon of the &them fuel o11 from
California, Mexico', mid .Peru; Alberto
is forced to find adequate markets for
her surplus coal production; the prob-
lem in, Saskatchewan ie the utilization
of her great ligelte nods; that of NOW
Brunswick hew beet to iniee the thin
seams and make the griateet possible
recevery; Neve Scotia problem is •
that cit submarine mining and increass tekingrinto coasid,eration the
in the :production to supply the east- development et the watermowere of
by a man named (meting • from. the
Dulte's heirs in, 1792, Out that sem- is
still baing pald regularly Lo,.Hosling'S
Although, during Stanley Baldwin's
tenure of the Prerniei7Ship; the Labor-
ites •asked questions concerning the
grant of $500000 made to,Field Mar.
shot Berl Heig for Ins services in the
world .war, Prinee Minieter .Maction-
fetal .Gevernment has not signaled 'Mine
intention of reduicing the peusien of
Lord Haig or °thee army or navy chief -
tVhen laodiii.otte:)rorgy: tLI °rid
11 ,
You :Iit°t'ta3.1,:.i*h(1, f)4
dini,Sitityyles close -ft), you i; dieet,,a d
Iso leo no .
s'Atead, ot mine Ino. sbLil SO1 Y
head yleats
All lilalfiter of wisdom (to bit yo0 015
Ole nee 9" lad.
"And. wliat,il yen. me•
The Star ,of Bethlehem.
One oe the problemsthat have fateinated astronomers is the nature ot
the miraculous Star of Bethlehem,
Holyrood Palace, where. Mary Queen 'w°
ill, was Seen le the Emit when
ehrifit WA& born. Some have believed
of Scots. fraunted her virtue's end- her
frailties; in the sixteenth eeutury 0511 that it wee what is called a "nova," or
new titan caused by the collision or
where her am:eatery, David Razzio, was
murdered In 1566,1s to have a new
tenant in "Jamie" Drown, Scotelt Lab.
orite, whose appointment as Lord High
Commlesioner to the General Assem-
bly of the Church of Scotland was an-
nounced recently, says a London des-
patch. '
• The eupointee says that his wife,
wile was .a former mull girl, "just
seabed" when she heard Ole news, but
Brawn, who worked in the mines from
the time he wae 12 years old till he
was 41, beginning as a pit boy, striae
when he hes been a mine union offle
seen the star 801110 two years before,
cial and a member of the Order of the -since he ordered his soldiers to slay
British Empire, ,took the honor stoical- all'ehadren two yearn old and under.
ly enough,saying inthntled 00 abate What astronomical phenomena, then
Ole talirs et. his o rO ool liS's
of its,
tietitions theold laiye mid 1110111
'wand:tits:11r I' a me •-
I -le ; tells you 'of something lie 'can't
• (lithe rnalie out' "
A bit oi life's problems lie's nuzzled
He abent; .
leoles hi yonr ,ftice with lioliet in
his eyes;
NoW, utat do you think, mother?"
-laddie bey eries'
near approach of tWO "dark stars,"
With the oorre,sponding flaming into
brilliancy that would folio* such an
event. There is a ,chance, however,
that it was the reitult, not of eiteh a
oelestial crash, but ef a "conjunction"
of, two or more planets., On this sub=
ject the Mentor says:
,A.coording to the-Romart chronology
Use birth of Jesue probably occurred
In 749 A.U.C. (aline urbis cendetae,
which means "in the year atter the
City [Rome] was built"). Apparently
the Magi told Herod that they had
ern provinces; while that of Ontario
ana western Quebec, ait above stated,
le to secure substitutes for alma toutr
and a halt million tone of antheacite
new imported from the 'United States.
There is isa reason to believe that the
binding of sueh subetitutes,woulcl be re-
garded at all by the Melted States as
an unfriendly set, but rather the con-
trary rin view tiof the near exhaustion
nothing of the ancient dignities and
ceremonies of the effice, which, for
250 years, has been reeerved for the
Scottish aristocracy, prineipally betted
merle. Neverthelean many Scottish curs,only once in 'eight hundred years
nobles must have gasped, too.
tira take piece no less than three
As the representative of King GeOrge times inetA.U.C. 747. Astronomers so-
ot the General Assembly Brown hits mit the fabt. All auelett studeets of
the privilege of dwelling for a. fort- the Stare would uetice such an extra.
night or so, or ae long es the Assembly ordinary phenomenon. In the follow -
is in eession, in Holyrood, the palece Ing year (A.U.C. 738) another planet,
of the royal Stuarte; end during his Marc, Joined in the conjunction. '
'residence there is entitlell to big gun mepler, the great European astrono-
salutee and an escort of -cavalry. He neer, noted that extraordinary phen-
will be called "Your Grace," as 'will ornenon 1 n1603-4 anti found that when
Mrs. Brawn, but he says that when the the three planets came together a brit-
stete dutiesi are over he will revert to limit and peculiarly colored milky star
every clay life and to his familiar was Visible 'between lupiter and_ Ste -
name, "Jamie," going back to hie lit- turn. Going ,back twice eight heaped
tle miner's cottage of two mores and years would panne the eonJunction at
kitchen, or "but. an' ben,".in Ann -bank. the thee ot Christ's birth. So Kepler
on -Ayr, where he has dwelt with hie suggesbed • that the misty star had
wife fOr thirty -firm yeere. But wline probable appeared in the Same dream-
stancest at that time.
Another remarkable coincidence
Mimes from the astronomical tables of
the Chinese. The appearance of a
misty star is noted, and the Chinese
calculated Rs fent • appearance in
February, 750 A.U.C., which in rill
probability be Just the time when the
Magineft Jerusalem for Betblehem.
And you --you must give hitis tlie high-
est arra beet
Of all that 19 in you; Inc mothers, are
Willi.g.rand intuition If right and of
of all thatis noble ILIA helmet and
strong, '
And en tee long atter, wheat you leave
grown grey, . The curiosity, it seeme, was amen.
And medic' boys Just at the noon of he had tees heads-, with third <Bet
hie ease ,. Mow both handsonae. Hie OP° MO,
In all his life's, greatness you will still ,speae - Spenteh, ' French end hias
be a link , and c,oulil carry tie 'a ,dialogue is
For often he'll -Wonder "what mother each other or Sing duetn, 050 ino
would thfnk?" "--- ,, , singing in 'Eleglishiand one in Span,
Earthquake W:-----aifS Pared
- —i-lirav Brown, or in French 05 vioe versa. Marco.'
.• T Id • St t
0 o nee S.' , e . the two =utile could Converse et
Eighteen homeless. NvalfS bot _ Mine time with. Spanish, French .
from• tetinilitaglillilgu:e:t1In:eie-7111:111:gllwa,.eixiTtpelelden2:01,e9ijyy0toVaerti:11
their psretsts during- the contrision of
'the September ,earqualte and fireere. 17,t Wihliyte'ula4let enfreomxleselvrree'13°.e*
cently were tratseortedethrough the
"There's no use epecifyieg a martle
'streets of Tokio by automobile in the man or 'mending upon.tritles he an
hope that they might be rddognized by
fair of euch importance: I'll tell
relatives or friends. • - I what I will do. As seen as yet b
, That night there was refieing In
ot. Your eureoeity to me, and I find
tWO Sapanese home,s when a bay the man is and -can doWhat YOU
learteen and an eight-yeanold lad yoll Illity hire a wagon and the Moe
lwere recognized by relativee .and re- cart twine you can anti in New Y
and I. will go with you to the TM
States Sub -Treasury building at
corner of Wall and. Nassau streets
load on eat the silvereeoin tha wt
reduced to poverty anti le employe4 as can earry end the hoists can drag.'
is merely your connnission as
or Thin auid Arater791
Yon awed Hood's Sarsaparilla 14
You tan tell by the way yett feel!
enaltetyour blood eichred and pulel
timeline with !teeth for (1V4try Orgd11,1
'You need It if weak and tired da
iu andeday eut, if veer appetite ib
poor, sleep nu re fa' e ny,
humors ' boils ereptione serbfulal
•rheumatism, lieaducheS, nervou0
nrostration. It is seemly wonderin
to give strength to your -whole body
11 is agreeable., pleasant; mei con{
venient to take, and embodies 0
long -tried and foetid -true formula,
byproducts than aol -,pitincipal en
The chief value of rints,le in to ma
worth while by its, power be aron
deep spiritual satisfaction. -
Barnum Was No Fool.
• Barnum at the end of Iris first
Years of his career w,a,s, Itnowif t
world ever,as an exhibitor and roto
purchaser or all sorts of sineloelli
But he always k .:r4P just what be v
buying; he wee no fool. Tere qu
from Mr, W: R. Werner's biograpby
the great ehowman:
One day a Man rushed int -o the in
earn office ann. ,aelted how much
num would Pay for the greatest'01
catty ov,ee exhibited' anywhere by
one. Barmeno aeked. tor -carticul
occurred for .4,07.0. 747? '
• The.most remarkable -conjunctiou. of
planets—that of Jupiter aild Saturn in
the constellation ef Pisces, Whin
the Donfinione From 1886 to 3,913 the
total coal consumption of, Canada in-
creased in a fairly regular manner in
proportion to the populatiott and in
191.3 the total finst exceodea 30,000,000
tons. In 1921 the total wae less than
in 1913 and in 1222 it was, 12 per cent,
lower than in .1921. it bit shown by
careful analyeis that the state:entry or
slightly decreeeing totol is due to the
of Ole eupply. The Dominthe lruel increasing use of water-co,war. While
Board found Cleat coneiderable pro- the populatien in,eretthed. 20 per cent
Wbere Your Newt neetlinge are,
glees had already been made •thwards In ten years the esie of water -power in ilas susPendea—Or ift- on the, Peint of Or sink 'on soft wing to th,e Wood
9 seletion, The governitent ot Alber- induserytnereased
a 254 per centin the sugliendindatheec munifIcent allow-
ta. Undertook a cerepaign four years Annie time, . it would take about 29,-- ances granted a century or two ago to e ,
note(' military arid talliel " 1/1VSY, ''-'11 strong and to gled,
t s b-tielte her veal ne Manitoba 000,000' tone of coal to peodute the as manY
hereon whose heir's havweinee enjoy- SO' care-frekand young, ,
„ , ill So tiegling wilet life to be lived •
at Holyrood he wl11 keep royal etate
and hold levee, like the dukes and
eerie who have oreeeded him.
To Maintain Traditions.
"Just because a Socialist, the tenaut
of a e10 a year minege cottage, has
been given the °Mae 10 doesn't mean
thatnany of the -old dignities and tree
&dons will be departed from," said
Brown. "Fit a strong believ.ei• inenain-
taining ancient -dignities of office, I'm
going to show Scotland, mid England
en Well, that a Socialist and miner
can do things Properly and, maintain
Menne tredttions." lie Mould enter-
tain extensively, he added.
Goal miners are' now represented In
three 'prominent ectremepial posts, for
sucli the Treasurer of thte Royal
Househ.old and the Coraptoller of the
Household used to be. But if the La-
bor GO'VeTIIMalt And Itplrle of Its mem-
bers have perpetuated eertain tradi-
tions, they, have aa abruptli tedireee
ated othms, for they have lost little
time in proving then tney . are ito re-
speotoes ot petsions. The Goverment
Little Brown Bird.
0 little brown bird in the rein.,
In the 'serape ram of spring,
How you carry the youth et the world
In the bend of your Wing!
For you the long day is for song
And the night is, for sleep--
Wita never a sunrise too -seen
Or a midnight too deep!
For Yell every pool is the sky,
• Breaking clouds. cirasing through, --
A heaven so Instant and near
1'h -at you bathe In ite bitten --
And your's, is the freed.= to rise
To seine eong-hatinted star
far both kinds%of impOrted coal. Its horse:power now developed annually
.measure of success cat be neon from, in Canada nue at $10 a toe thisoiepre-
the fact that while elauttoba then 478,- sents 100,00o,000. iha for the hydro.
582 tons of American anthracite in electric,. development in QUebec and
1919, this amount. had fatten to 100,063 Ontirieo, theee previncee would require
Ions in 1923 ne. the Beet e:ecellent ineikt then twice tear -present ninny
turned to the parents, whom they had
not Been for more 0110a five months.
One bad lived with an uncle who was
proprietor Of a boolebinding establish-
ment before the quake, but who is now
O Janitor. The father of the boy of
eight years loot everything and is liv-
ing Metre° lodging provided by le Jap-
anese philanthropic organization."
'But the other sixteen, Who joyously
had dettartea on the'expedition oe the
asiiimistiozi that they were to be re='
united with the fathers and motbers
and antlers and brothere who,ia they
harl. not seen since the disaster, re-
turned Sad .eyed. to Reinanzake Church,
where they have been cared for since'
S.eptember 1. •
Each automobile lead.. of refugee
children carded a banner with the in-
scription "Lost Children," and at eaelt
street corner M the district where tne
children Were suppooed to hone been
I maks Gerrie for the curt*,
A Chicken Riddle.
• Shee.ewhy de you °paint the i
of -a chicken coop?"
He—"To keep the hens from pi
the grain out of the wood."
. King crabe, found mostly of
islands of Japan, -measure front
tO 5 feet from tip to tip of their
claWS." The 'largest ever mule having been 19 feet
tip to tip.
"Snoring can be cured by m
foundtheeeeldents were suilimond by an operation on the an• pas.
megaphone to attempt to identify the says a well known scientist.
earthquake foundlings.
Several of the unfortuuate ohlidrea
are too young to even remember their
num es, anti -will grow Without know-
ledge of their families, who may be
living In some other part ef Japan,
whence they migrated la'the terrible
days just following the quake and fire.
Chief Value of Music.
In tits,cuseing music in relation te
like, &rye an exchange, very little ditte
been tale about it$ erect as a thera-
peutic agent or as a sharpener of the Advertising aates--Transiont
tlYmalsTlielr°1t2uairtz.141: • tirenifeourts6rs1t0 inese:rttuireePearndn01
Iiinestelitnecitts. e fTelei et oophoiebt
of the indiedual, confluues Ole paper, per llne tor eacb gubsequen
Because of the feet that Lite study Of- tion. Saudi advertisements
meth requires keen concentration,
and that made iteellt admees deeiro
able emotional states, the indivieuare
intelthetual life is often found to in-
crease in offthieney; his physical pro -
ceases to function more effectiyely;
and his sotial attitude to approach
Mob nearer the ideal embodioeidg?botrir„
oomenientiment "LeVe thy n
117 -C ---
Terms of Subscription—$2.0e De
In advance, to 0auedian atilt
$2:50 to the U.S, or other
countries. No Duper discoe
gall all arrears are paid un
the option ot the publisher
date to which ever! subscrip
paid le denoted on the label.
exceed oue Melo midi as
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc..
once tor 85 cents, and Athol),
' quent insertion 15 cents.
Communications Intended fo
cation must, as a guarantee
talth, be accompanied by the i
Ole writer.
(1, E. HAIL, al 01
His religious attitude, too, sometimes •
cenfornes more elo.s,ely to the thought,
"Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God,
with all thy heart, with all thy seal
and With all thy ;strength" tts a remit
of contaot with musk,.
leineic must not; however, be thought
,of. princieelly Itereind trainer, as a
therimentic flgaitt, oe es et religious oe
+socializing twice. Rs prime feedlot is
to :arouse in man a. 1110Te highly opirit-
ear r aboat .5 000 '
Aml e:illt emege to bo Krug, . ual attitude as a result of a definitely
ed len a, , ag
lia,eiricienafillttrt6nto be
01_01-11:ed, o'rr6 „0,:." ' (3 Tnitioule,s erthoewnhebairrttl lei ,e;hiteh H,y.i,ciiluarg_hettit •settattiLettaioetireenacat iliooirodealn db3.bosiclochuseanofzttbtio.
e the
gr'ent of -a $10,000 annilitY elnaci° t° llow can you carry the hope of the tilde, wilfell once waaaad, to raise the
George'Brydgee (Baron Rotleey), corm world. ' general level of his life to a higher
work wlig done est the joint Peat teem. or cold, wilicb in 1021 was 13,690,000 i"nclel'in-C11-'1°t , c'r 116 L".‘Va.111 Is- In Lb° bend,of your wine! • plane, Al noes (Mtge ttre valuable,
1 i en who trium lieu over , , i. 1 0 considered rather es
inittee ot the ,Dominion and Centre tellS. 11 1-s en-eel:111T intent that cone tench, flie am ee —Isobel Ecelestone Meteleare but they eine
Geier:intent& Prodllein a domestic sinners of anthracite should. recognize the Prete% fleet in a eunning engage"
fuel out of peat, whtch offers:II:partial the necessity of at once taking.up the 'tent ending en 1.2, 17821 after
d n being- off 'Dominica in ' Unell Salesn.en.
Salesmen (tenet, ln :Minty, in train-
ing mid method, bet ell of them
w o eucceet pay a meet as much at.
tention to the "don'ts" as to the "dos'
of salesmanehip. 'fere are the
don'ts" of a famous :tales organiza-
ts for substitute for anthracite in furnaces question et eecuring enbetetutee, be. three ays g ,
in the Spring and fall and for kitehen cause of rho certainty et the ultimate the Weet Indies. Thereby the admiral
use all the year round, exhaust'on of anthracite eupelios and saved Jamaica fer the British end
After a survey of the whole problem by reasme of the feet that it is a euinee the prestige of the French fleet.
the Fuel Board decided to a I a. et change which cannot be made in a The present Lord Rodney elgLth Bar -
to ehe. urgent phase of replacing the montb or a year.
on, is now ferming ill Canada, encl. has
remainder af the anthracite by a fuel i ----ea.-- been aweeteed, a final grant of 8e10,000,
bringing the pension up to da.te with
suitable for domestic perpeees. Tbe ' ten years' bonus. When this fine Par -
substitutes pre-,entIng themeelves
. Went 18 made the..I3r1tish Treasury -
will have revrarded ,the first lore's ser -
The Fuels of Alberte.—Some et these vices to the extent of $1,620,000.
hall already peeved satisfaceory for do-
mestic.. purposes end coula be produced.
In ;inflict (may Mere (plant' t I es. 'Phe
question hero is one of the cost, of
transportation entirely. '
By-preluct Oche.- .Tlits would per -
inspected by the Director wee 11ve. mit the nee re New Brunswick and
nearest tbeeeene. Nova Sr c I in, bituminous coals. Where
intelligently used this has proved a
hotter .donrestic Nei then anteramte,
041 4W1 It is Considered that 111'Plants Were
' built by gas companinaat peints, vehere
TIME TALTLII it would he eommercially feasible lo
• °iterate, coke would displace from 215
'Orates will arrive at and depart from t 35 •eettt. o -f ths t t I sttLl,raobtii emidav Settee' Treehee—"Why clid
Clinton ae fellows! • imported, 11 was ttn11011/1Ced by tbe the snake giyo an apple to Ere?"
Buffele and Gedorloh Div, president of the Britlell Empire Steel Young Anterie,e---et emilllose 11 waS
Coins' East, depart 6.25 am. Corporetion that inie company intena- his way or saying that lie hail no
That Popular song.
/ 2.52 P'°1' ed to leuild 0 coke plant in Montreal
Oofthtl 'crest ,Itz, , 11.10 Am _
and exteml the use of coke into, the
ar. 6.08 de). 6.51 p.m. provinces of -Quebec and ,Ontateo.
° ' ..."' 10'04 P'111* Teete are now being made at Hamilton
London, Huron dc Bruce Dla,
from selectee coal front the Maritime
Going Souni, sr, 7,56 sip 7.5,6 aen,
If the population of South Africa
goes on increasing in the present
ralio, within the next fifty years the
white 'population will have grown to
" ....a:4 A" ,t1/15 ' .Britisth 'Alithranite.-4261,959 toe. :of ,4,000,000, while. the blacks will liltin-
g "Ta'" teritielg Antheacite were Intported lent Imr 27,000,000.
• " 11,18: tame '
May Cut Grant to Nelson Heirs. ,
,The two other pensiote which may
be terminated similarly are greets of
$25000 annually to Vice -Admiral Lord
Nelson, bero of Trafalgar and his
heirs, dating C1,01)1'1805; and $14;400
annually to the heirs of Frederic Ar-
mand Dike cif Schamberg, exdVlarsbal
of France and, Engleph General, for his
servieee under William of Orange as
commander -in -Chief of the expedition
Lo Ireland. against 'Carnes II. in 1688,
wand' ended witlehlavictorioas death
in the battle of the Boyne in 1690.
But before that he had received a For-
togneee pension, of .05,000, and the.
.FIouee, of Conueone had voted him
g.1.00,000 to dolneenstMe for the loss
of his French eetates, which bad been
taken from him by Louis XIV.. Thie
sem, howswer, he tarred ever to Wil-
liam of Orange. for militare- pur-
Mates." '
Tine grant of the H2,880 was re-
duced to 2360 when it was purcbsteed
1. Don't fail to seat the "proepect"
properly. •,
' 2. Don't poinl your finger or pencil
et hem .
:j. .teft awkwardly on your
4, Don't have a calendar on the wale
It may lenient hen of an appointment
or a n etc fallieg due.
5. Don't put yeas- feet -on hie Cliair.
G. Don't Smoke.
7. lemet, slap • him en. tee knee el'
Poke him with yam finger. ,
3, Don't chew gum or tobacco.
9, ' Donn ,tellrfen ny stories.
10. Don't talk fast; go easy and. Epp
that the "preepeet" enderstands what
you say amide•,
It Happened In 79.
A party of touriste, Was about to be
steered through the ruins of Pompeii,
The gaide began hin lecture by say-
. "Pompeii was destroyed by eruption
"Ohl" ,exclaimed tne lady from the
Middle West "Just eight years after
the Chicago fire!"
West Wawanosh
Insurance Co.
Established 1878
Preektent, John A. MeKenzi
dine; Vice -President, H. L
Godard); 'Seerebary, Thoe,
Dnagannon. Total amount
ance nearly $12,000,000in
nuiener eit, policies have
'Item 2,700 to -4,500, Fut
per $1000, Cash on hand
Phone or write
H. L. Stilkeld Oode
"No more headache for you. --take these"
nowt jure "smother" the headache without removing th0 001110.
Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet.. They not only cure
the be:Macho but give yea a buoyant, healthful feeihur because theY
thee (ha liver, sweeten the ea:mulch and cleanthe bowels. Try them.
All Diussisti, sSe., sr by outil
Tomato, Oct. 13
vielfSue:cessron 1eYurs,
., What these mon have 1oo, 5tt5 000 d� I 15 , Ts
Road Those Asoan,nf tit home yptt ate molly mtister tbe.setrets of sane 01
Slot!. of Success • Star Salesmen. Whotever your experience bee been--
, ,,,,,y -T;$,17,...,6. ,ou may he doing now—whether or hot you thinlc 'you
11 • wondara
,-, 1, • 510 ansvor thie question: Are you nmbliimprto earn
yea T Then Bet in touch with NM at oncel I will pre.,
. Um R__Ma, WithIRdh ROAR or olellsation that you can easily boom
'VA r. Salomon, 1 will ahoy, yen bow the Sideentanship Tr
Ere° Employment Servict of ton hi, 55. A. will help
uticeost lirSellinft. .
$16,000 A Year Selling Set
,n,a tarrote of SW Nataarnapahlp ad taintht ty tho N. 5.
enable,' thawpda,Riatoat ovaralght, to kayo 5,11,1for over 0!
matt mall pay of blhuRalley jabh 001 lagd Po0ohere,,n*g*'. No matte
Rao nova PoiniR th011 o/ co
e 5llitle ON, MI R hlg 3 t , 0
0111 50 11110
National Sa esmen a rem! et Asset
nneolonn grNE 3S2 foeooto, Ont