HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-03-27, Page 7Roasted p R(w u1ar people., paekec smile c.% day., in aiitight cans revert 00. of Losses ofig Chicks By S, W: .(ripe ' 1 good vigo ous,:1}ealthy•chicks. Good Recent iigdres said>v that there are. anoubators are usually' obtained by o }ly about -56 chic is raised out of poultry. raisers, yet a great number= of e: ery 100 hatched, and this is on these people make the "penny wise" and 1'arius where there. exists abetter aver- ( pound foolish.' mistake of thinking ago of -poultry conditions, Many they can make a brooder at home quite I,oultry raises try to reduce their loss good enough to brood the small num- by "doctoring" sick and weakly chicks, ber of cliicits they raise.' Too: often They lose sight of the fact that for these home-made brooders do not keep the previous 9 or 10 months- the Stock the Proper temperitture nor supply -the these chicks were raised from had not ventilation necessary. Again, if ,.the.. the caro and attention necessary to brooding system is too small for,num produce sturdry-chickens, and so care ber of chickens notched there is•'apt aI breeding' Stock results -in chieltS to be "crowding," causing loes.though hatched 'with, weak constitutions, ,un`- suffocation. Coops :without floors for able to live under ordinary' Earn) con hen -hatched 'chicks' often. result in ditians. 'A strong, vigorous chicken, chilling the little birds. Chills usually with good blooding system, Gllean and bring along bowel trouble. proper feeling, should be easily raised The close confinement ofbaby chicks to maturity. The :greatest loss is ow-., Is often claimed to cause.leg weakness, ing to look of 'vitality,. wallah may be something which rarely is seen. in caused by poor parent s^toelr, Isoor chicks which are allowed on outside care of eggs before they are sot, or runs, ever for a few minutes, after they poor incubation.' On farms; where theare about a weeks; old. '.00 'Course, ;in fowl are allowed to forage for -them -11 stormy or wet weather this. is impos- seiVes most of the ,Year, there are, Bible, , therefore for euch occas4on s Many ziistakesrymade in breeding, the keep .sand or line litter on the Elder. fault often being due to both male and . Feed grain in drY •litter`•to induce es- female, The males, often late hatched,] ercise. Iteep brooder house well Yen- laelt vigor and are small .iu size, 339-4 titatod. Supply green feed such as d routedoats, p lettuce, green alfalfa or clover cuttings, cause such birds give a high percent age of fertility in eggs 'does by no means warrantthe assntmptian' that the chicks hatched will be sturdy. Good hens are allnost as important aS ,*good males.. For best results it is not wise to mate the entire flock, better pick out only the best females and Mate them to the best males procur- able. Never: mate cockerels and pul- lets, Never use hetes which have been sick and out of condition; Dowel treil- ble and diarrhoea are sometimes caused by infection of the eggs, there - tore l necessity c essity of not breedingfro= m any birds thus infected, The best of eggs may be ruined by faulty incuba- tion, not only artiflolal, but when broody hen is used. 1-t15ir hen Is flighty she should not be used. Nests should be in a place early 110cess01110, where water and toed are oonveniently obtained. Incubator chinks are just its strong as lion luatehed iR they are properly hatchet!. Too high or too wentian;'/• "Eternal vigilance" is the Low a temperature, not enough freak; price which mut be paid to reduce air, and wrong mois:ture'esnditiens; theloss to a inininouin. Careful feed are the moat :0000 on faults at weak and attention from the day ' the ;chicks from artificial incubation. Do ohiolts are hatched, for remember, away with these cadges and you hatch these chicks may eventually be the No matter how brooded the 'Chickens must be 'kept free from Vermin, must be kept dry, nlnst have plenty of exer- cise, and small birds s'1ould `not be allowed to run with. halt -grown ones, as the little chaps don't have a chance to get the proper amount of food it compelled to fight withmuch larger birds for it. Keep your baby chicks growing every minute .1111 they ma- ture, which can be done by proper feeding. Improper feeding is feeding teea s an andit W Itowt making chinks Rork for their meals Positively, do not feed elilcics before they are 48 hours old. Thie yolk of the egg pro- vides food for at lent that'Iength of time. Additional. feed la Over -loading p. small stomach and causes digestive troubles. To sum up the matter, Olio remedy for the great lees, o3 chicks le "pre. ' c Save Life Says l ttwwa Lady Varnlo Tells of Recovery From Complication of Trdtu- hies - Gives Tanlac Full Credit. 'That I ani alive and in good health to -day I-uan attribute to nothing but Tamed," le the remarkable statement recently made by Mrs. lava Varalo, 233 Cumberland 'St,, Ottawa, Ontario, Can- ada, For two long years 1 suffered ter- ribly !min indigestion, 000811pation, extreme nervous/assay sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart,' almost con- tinuouis elek headaches and shortnees of breath, until life seemed a burden to me and 1 had given up hopes of ever regaining my health. "But Tanlac helped me the very first day I took it, end now after using seven bottles my health and strength are as fine as can be, and everyone remarks how well I look, I' eat hearti- ly, my food digests just perfectly, my nerves are steady, I sleep sound, MY heart never troubles me and work is like play. Really, the way the treat- ment restored me to perfect health seems almost miraculous, Tanlac Is simply grana." 'Pardue is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Take Taoism Vegetable Pills. CHEVlOJn°LET Brings Motoring Enjoyment to Every Canadian ILT OW great the service done for the Canes dian People by Chevrolet cannot be estimated. Bow great the . benefits it has brought to them is beyond iaun3an ability to reckon. It hasprovidedthein, at a cost unequalled in motor 'om, with a means to speed up business, to incase wealth, to better health, to bring friends closer and to open up every part of the whole country to every Canadian. The fine quality, strength; endurance and full equipment provided by Chevrolet cannot be. purchased for so little money anywhere' else. Moreover, the owner of a Chevrolet finds a further satisfaction in the savings effected day by day as he drives his car. No other car built can be run or maintained as cheaply as Chevrolet. Chevrolet cars are built in- Canada by Cana- dian workmen. Every dollar you pay not only buys agood-looking, ' comfortable car, but helps build up, a strong Canadian industry. 0-119 sk About The G.01,A.C. Deferred Payment Plan tical, Thatspeetationa Chevrolet Motor Company pf Canada, Limited Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited Oshawa and Winnipeg /Dealers Wanted in Territories' Not Adequately Covered. breeders you ,are gclug to depend on, a11d'n•utt leave Grery chance, to mature into. weltdeveloped, vigorous pullets. sad coclOereis. • Attitudes. I have ben noisy over little Joys; Nosy as P]nglish sparrows in their nisi " And querulous and 000110ul at small griefs,',: And aches that spoiled my day; But I` have known a great exultau•t joy,' Alii suddenly -1 grow so very sti11— Tityt 1 was like 1119• Inirrored lake at Or a 124gli tower au a 11111. And "I have'known--i}aye known a hurt so deep -- That eep—That. quietly=--withouta moan or. cry,. I have .:trod' still ---aloof as a white star— And watched my own self die. —Grape Noll Crowell. lien Up You. to _ Brace up to Lifo• 10 will lash Yeti, - It will give you many ablow; But brace up! Don't let it smash you --i it's up to you—you know! Be master yourself, nor allow it The smallest advantage to ,gain; Dra^oe up to Life and avow it Shall never: o'er you bold a rein. It will muni you --and pelt you -and beat you, If you give it a bit of a show; It will harass-- and drive you and 'Cheat' you, But We all up to you—you know! It's much On the way that you view it; Though seemingly full of strife. It's up to you, if you but knew it— The good tliat you get out of Life! -Idali Tho a . 1. m s HEALTHY HEALTHCHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and during its }waking hours is never cross but always happY and laughing. It is play the sickly child thatte erase and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they -are cross and cry a great deal, give themBaby's s Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again, The Tablets area mild but thorough laxative which regulate the betel%, sweeten the stone ao11, banish eonstipatlon, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free frpm opiates and may be given 1a tite new-born babe with perfect safety. The new sales tax will not increase the price of Baby's Own T9'blets, as the company pays . the tax, You can still obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer se 26 Dents a box, or. by mail, post paid, from the Dr. Wil- liams'' Medicine Co Brockville, Out. Becomes an Instrument of Death "I play the saxophone just to 9111 t inn." "Well, in your heeds, it certainly be. comes an instrument of death." WOMEN CAN DYE AlyY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn; Faded Things New for 15 cents. Diamond -Dyes Don't wonder whether you can dye or that successfully, because' perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia. mond Dyes!' even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all eb'1. Ora. Direottons in each package. , The greatest offence :against virtue is to speak ill of _it. Minard's Liniment Heals Cuts. It is the end that Crowns,, not the fight,; BROKEN IN HEAL After An 'Attack of nflocnza,-- -- health Now Restored. nal writing to tell you .What Dr. Williams' Pink Pillshave done for m0," slays Mrs. J. ii. Oulton, D!rdale, :17am. "A few, years ago I was in a bad- ly rundown condition, so much so that I was subject to fainting spells which would .100ve ine in such• a condition . that I could hardly go about. Then'I wasstricken with influenza, wiiclr was epide^mit 'at: that time, and this still further weakened me, and throughout the whole winter I remained In this condition. I was constantly taking doctor's medicine, but as it did not se 0m to help me, -My -another advised me to try Dr Williams' .Pink Pills, and I got a couple, of boxes to start on, 1 When these were deue I seemed to ri feed an ilrithrovement.aud I got a far -1 thersupply to continue the treatment,! I took 'in all about a dozen bones, and by that time I was .in the hest of health and had gained.in weight. My faith in Dr. 'Williams' 'Pink = -Pills is now unbounded, and'I keep a supply on -hand and take them occasionally if I -'am not feeling quite well. I often recomaneud-themto:others, and cannot praise them enough -tor restoring my _ Dr. Williams' Pink" Pills are useful 1 in all cases where the blood is thin and watery as their mission is to build up and purity the blood. 'That is why�t they..giya new strength and vigor after an attack of influenza, and; it is also) the reason why they are beneficial In nervous disorders,: neuralgia; rhea; matism and that oonddtion' generally described as all run down," • You can :get the pills from your druggist, 01' by, mail at 60 cents' a box from .The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, i BrocL-ville,: Ont. And He's Too Smart to Do That Visitor—"Well, Johnny, I guess a dime looks 111re a dollar to you?" Johnny—"Not 'less I held it right smack up against my' eye it don't!" His ]fearing Restored. ` The _Invisible car drum invented by A. 0. Leonard,' which is a ,miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en tirely out of ,sight, 1s" restoring the hearing of hundreds of people In New York city. Mr, .Leonard tweeted this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does title- so successfully that no elle could tell he is a deaf man, It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for information to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437; 70 Fifth avenue, New' Vork city, µ'i11 be given a prompt reply, advt • He that runs in the dark may well stumble. Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. tOoligoseMIMMicitainsill INVENTIONS, -Send for list of lneentiona wanted by hionufae: tures, go:Immo have bean made front daip10 Ideas. "Patent Protection". booklet on rootlet.: HAIQOLD C. SHIPMAN & CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS • OTt9W,t -C955nn Brook Treuf orale %rook ' tient fry tealme tontinalls) °painted from Mad trout, ruoreatood "cath.r and vIgorolis. 10, Aprli denr°ly, 30 per thousand, .1 .0,13:. Sholbnrnu No orders ac,05Md for leen thou 1.000. walynrton brook grout Ilatcllary, lloralntro 31111,, nutterin 1^olmtl•. 0010rlb. SholbUrao station, I ..(1 A. Serothoz, Oroprlat0r. rle1 Tr�.SlCCniall ri,� frith batt h the'nice igE�d�at7l ;tFSY.. cnn -have that blotfan ooR7parntnnenni' 50010091 bI t1 plyite whioh h ranierion:. rho 0011 ctio n trcann,09 Oro, 90 nate arp0rlotico, Satisfaction assured,: Wo trhnt all non -contagions Skin, Benip, iIna. and Complexional';t0,011,, by mail, 00051,1 "X" and consultation tree.. 1VO0I, thins particulars. HISCOTT INSTITUTE,. LIMITED, 1 -ID 8,11-0 o St., Toronto, . Lift Off -No Pain! After Dishwashing! A PAN 6y�' ..., ITALIAN- BALM -is simply wonderful., for keeping the hands l eautifelly" ;white and , soft :and smooth, Positively pre- , vents,redness and chapping. Dee it at once after washing dishes,. and note the improvement of Keep a bottle handy by tire kitchen sink SY TRICKS No. If1123 A. 'Simple Problem For this puzzle, two Iced pen-: ells, a playing card and a half dollar aro used. The playing card is placed on the unsharpened end Of dile of the pencils, On the card, directly over the end of the pencil, the halt dollar is placed. The problem Is to remove the playing card without removing the coin. ' The first part: of the'trick 1e to' ` place the coin so that 10 will stay In -position -after -the, card is re Ynoved. That is not very difficult. To remove'' the, card, strike the edge of• the card with the other pencil so that p t 3t will ay away. If the card Is struck a straight blow, 1t will, slip, from under the coin .and the triek will be accomplished, ((lip' this out end 'paste 00, islik other of the aeries, in a scrapbook.) Philanthropic.` . "Doctor. Pillsbury is very moderate in his charges, is he not?" "Oh, yes!" replied . old Gaunton Grimm. "Ile does' his best to bring Ili- Hess within the, reach of all. YOU CANNOT JUDGE BY it is impossible to tell the qualityof tea by the appearance of the -leaf. A rough, coarse, unevenly lolled tea may taste muck better in the cup than. a closely rolled, well tipped tea that LOOKS much finer. The only way o be sure of getting tea of reliable quality 15 to buy a tea like "SALADA " whose goodness and purity are guar- anteed. Tightened the Tinfoil Loose battery terminals may be tightened tened b y using .-thin sliestf o tin- foil. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. A German investigator ' who has been studying butter says that the choicest and freshest of it will take on a disagreeable taste if exposed even for ten tninntes to sunlight. He believes that light is quite as harmful to butter asstrong odors are end ad- vises dealers and housekeepers to bear the fact in "mind. Use Efts IaR1TATL-1S BY SUN.WIND,DIIST &CINDERS 81109131ENDED &See/ Dr DRC0015r5 4.o1'r0CIANg WIUte 704 rasa 008 .Alta 0004 Whitt; CO,CRIrA00o44 �n TCCO abs FOUR Twin. SEALED i1 adermrg era al ltiywaldam %da ir,�uler ''101 Chum araiper ahogn4ram an earmark 740 ireeuyy tin7oll (Phe heaiiy' prenilla paper...A to briing, you the fail richness and Ineillow sweetness of this— a`i,. C' 1 Manufactured by IMPERIALTOHACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED' Unfortunate Man! - it used to becamfnon for English- men who have trouble with their "nitches!" to own costly mansions, but the warr has changed aid that along with much e111^e—which makes the heli loWingstary credible . ' .. Two Americans • met at a London garden party. Said the first, "To look at thet Eagigsitman you'd think he was a traanp, wouldn't you?" "Well, I knew foe a feint that he hasn't a- place be e.a.n oa11 'home," re- plied the second dryly. "Nonsense! Why, his' mansion in Landon 10—J' "Sumptuous, you were going to say? Yes, but he calls it "ome: " Beware of Imitation extomionolotiottarmitrenomeiatowire SAI., TIME AND WO"1:K /USE MORE— Concentrated beef -goodness, easily imparted to dozens of dishes making them more tasty and nutritious, In tins of 4, 30, 60anct100. unwed you see the name 'Bayer Cross" on package or oh tablets You are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions, andpre- scribed -. by physician$ over twenty- three years for Colds ' ffeadache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Bandy boxes of twelve tablets coat few cents. Drug. gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaaidester of Salieyllcacld. While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the 'Tab- lets of Bayer Company will, be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross" $15.00 Buys this Griffith Teatn Outfit. (618 • west. of. Fort wi0taa) CarloCant rloing Chet Lobo Trace. Plant Y*3in *0001. 00moe.. HAMStmpe. ta() rano, Dolly Bands and 5010017,. Complete for 2 001r0s. �. CAN you boat it?. '0110 wholo Met - 8017 and of a team homes at'a p ice ihaL make 11 po real cam - amyl Ae11101 MOO teeth 11a0e prayed. blond Question .fMet repo :yearn every hit h° wolf a0 loather. Farman evory- 00a. art Smith& Pto Prlflith Teas: Outfit o great poen, m 1110 foo.of tiro moodily Menacing igloo of loather. (goer 0n. 0,11016 to•da?.. Vries $10 tar !e *oat. of Fore William), . Grllat9'* Giant Roe tram only, per tat of four, 'with -noel chains, 46: (or 60 o wase of Fort William). Prlfilh'e' Giant Yoko; 1100,,, to repined the: 5010 ptr01-e, 10 re muplclr telt!, 00001 d. 01 den, 10 E0 par pat? (or $I35 lr nt of'tort w"lino), f yo0r dea0r can't .0100? you, order direct, wrtto for tomo.+. ��(mQ,�__� 60 Watarteo-St `SSf9n8 Stratford, Ont. • i a fat Ont ruho ens direct'fmm thpa� mums. IOos mile! inb.i;ni11. titiin',la 1n O,l nc,,T: !0:4 rp41,00m,With Sao ry.)fadde kee'nc^me Va a -Dunci Colonial NIt1, 101 5x31-• 0 3370, 91 1,,, 08orae 000 "'0, �, aaehcn, 01 9 tt0- ,'aomh beth anC,,11 1 0 Noche, 't0irth;iadr aeWrtltllFea(!. frim includes all kinbe9' notto ati htebest Irgeeade Interior woodwork. aiding, seethe. win.. •dowe. ,doaro,. glass. paintO, bardoers, nails, roofing. with cant rete InatnIotIone and draw, inn. %height pall to Tout station.' Pornsonpat icemen -NOT POIETAHLI9. Mans'- Asko to .chooao from: Write War far -_•11088 tdsx0r. /tnelnn Ataddln Catalan No. 11200 The Canadian Aladdin Co., Limn?ed;' Aladdin Handing, Toronto. Ont. Lok Careworn; nerve -exhausted' women need Bitro•Phospbate, a pure organic phosphate dispensed by druggists that New York and Paris physicians pre- scribe to Increase weight and strength and to revive youthftl•1 looks and feel. Ings. Price $1 .per pkge, Arrow Chemical Co, 26 Front- qt. " Dant, FEET SORE Rub every night with Minerd'e 01 relieves inflammation, soothes and ' heals. - Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on en aching ; corn, in- stantly that cora•ateps hurting, then ehortiyyou lift it right off with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to reinoVi every hard corn, soft corn, 00 earn between the tees, and Ike foot calluses, without oorevegs or irritation. Many people leo not realize that the most oxhnuottng of all work le housework and the bare of children. Many a woman who should bo Ile the primo of life'finds her str, ngtlt sone, her nerves unstrung. and; is weak, worn ont and run down wit pofathoneo, thin,worwk, atery blood from rho strain In !al en h etyma, went you noel is 001ne- thilla 00 put, more iron info your blood. Nurrite Iten contains' iron like the Iron in opinnola, lonti s and apples, and. like the :iron in you • blood. You will bo astonished at how much better you fool often in oven .,few days. Tryteirin NexatedIron for two wooka, lll and you whoe color condo habit to gout+ Ups Hud chocks,you will not be so easily upset by trlflos, and host of ail, you 1,411 Lod -that von have 11010 strength _an energy and endurance .for 'your duly: tAS1rS; ,tiV •.li aired druaglafo, When sending money by mall use Dominion kixpress Money Orders. Safer than sending bills; Ask for. Mlnard'u and take no other. Classified Advertisett'tents l'Airy OOLGROWERS—COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. 1OR SALE= -PANNING hum Ai wire and zinc screening, all sizes; ror priees,•write J. A. Graham, 201 Langlois Ave., Windsor, Ont.. is the qudckeet and best relief for. paine 19 the back and the many other ,indications of lcldney trouble. Sold for 60 yearso Satisfaction in every bottle, At your druggist, or direct from WARNER'S `SAFE' Ri4MEC!ES C0. Toronto ' S0 How to Prevent Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, has no dope or strong ingredients; it chases 'away indigestion,, biliousness and constipation. Can be had at any. drug store." Get the genuine at your drugplst,' 'l ECZEMA IN RASH HANDS Fingers Cracked. ea. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heats. "Eczema began with a rash on my hands and I could riot put my kends in watet. It grew worse every day and my hands and fingers all cracked which made them covered with eruptions. I lost sleep with the itching. "The trouble lasted three months before r heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment the eczema woe healed." (Signed) Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 398 iiighered St., Moncton, NerrBrunswick. F`or every purpose of the toilet and . bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment. and 'ralcgin are wonderfully good, game!' aaolaTree bys Hatt AAddrena 07 o,,ghram.. !ted, 009 00, raol St, w" Eioatrea." 501,1 era:,y. wbetm 8005:50, alnlmanitars!, 0o, Tolcarn ng. 18 "Culioura lone ebav00 without snug, YOUNGDAUGHTER MADE WELL Mother Tells How Her Daughter Suffered and Was Made Well by Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound Vancouver B. C.—" My daughter left young girl w�io has been having severe pains and weak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lost her apppetite. Through an older daughter who had heard of a woman who was taking it for the same trouble, we were told' of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com hound, My daughter has been taking it far several months and is quite all right now. Xt has done all it was represented to do and we have told a number or friends about it. I am never wfthod a bottle of it in the house, for X myself take it for that weals, tired, worn-oist feeling which sometimes comes to us a3 I $nd It is building me up and Istron,�g' recommend it Mermen who are su60e 4 in sol and myriaughter have."- re, J. eMcDogALn, 2947 26th , Ave. East,' Vancouver, B. C. Fromthe age of twelve a girl needs all the care a thoughtful mother eat give 'Manyel woman has suffered years of pain and Misery—thevictim of thoughts, lessnessar Igm:wenrsof- the 'mother whe should have guided het during this time. If she complains of headaches, paine in the bade and lower lip lbs, or if you, notice a slowness,ef thought; nervous+ nem or irritability on the part of youkb daughter make life easier for ber, Lydia 11; Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com pound 18 especially adapted for suds r0 11115O2y di iSOUF No. 12 'Id. 1,