HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-03-20, Page 7i' andextra`goad Li the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY T.8 is T l �1+. I N BY DR J. J.,MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, ()reuse x. D;ild(leton wilt be glad'to answer questions on Public Health cast. tors through this column. Address ,him. at Lipaditia House, Spadlne rcgcent, Toronto. lteard a bird sin: oh so sweet, The Sweetest hong 1 ever heard; could- not rest, I could not'slecp, Tlntil I had that singing bird.• - ;aught it, and 1 brought it home, I put ,t m acade.to tame; 13ut when I had it for my own The song of it'v rs not the Cant What was there that 1 missed 1 could not tell . & sot it free, Par now the little song oi it Could not delight tile'heart at ole. Sur onec its tiny wings were free: It flew oat glaidiy front the door;', And oh; the th:abbing notes it sang, Wei those that it had Snag, before. RHEUMATIC PEOPLE CAN FIND RELIEF Smallpox is raising its ugly hart in Windsor at the present ;time an threatening the :lives and hearth o the people of the Border Citic Th disease is in 0 virulent form,; several deaths' already having been reported and many cases being of a particular- andthough he shows a few pocks is I d�able to be up and about. ,The other f i cases were his son and his son's wife, 1 norther ane vaccinated. , The wife is e; particularly 'ill with confluent small: ;pox and may die; The evidence -is p11 the satne, vaccination is the only sure preventative of smallpox. Every ef5ort is being put forth by tfin municipal and provincial/tether- les to check the spo'ead of the dut- brcak. The Provanciai ,'Board of Health has sent down officials, nurses ", and vaccines €ind' are giving every assistance possible to the local health authorities... A conference has just been held at Spadina House, Toronto, where the Health'Offheers of the Bor- der, Cities conferred with the Chief Officer of Health' as to the best means of combating this dreadful scourge Vaccination ea every person in the community is the only, hope of stamp- ing out the epidemic eompletely. .As long es there area people unvaccinated so long will cases continue to develop. Vaccination has already proved its :worth. -'Every person who has died Of smallpox in Windsor so far•, has not been vaccinated. Every case of smallpox that has developed .has not, been vaccinated within the past twelve years. In Windsor the original case of smallpoxc peeved fatal. The wife of the unfortunate man has developed confluent smallpox and is still very ill.' The wife's sister has died of haemorrhagic smallpox. Neither one of these had been vaccinated. On the other hand, this woman's little girl, ten years old, was vaccinated . five 'yenta ago and has not contracted the disease although equally exposed to the infection. What could be plainer? Surely evert/ unbiased person has to admit that there must be some virtue in the. process of vaccination. The. evidence is tell ie its .favor. Three' cases have broken eat in Arnherstbur'g, One la an old nein g6 years or age who was vaccinated over 60 years ago. ' Hie case is very mild t�dbM Ilad ! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN -Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab- by by Garment or Drapery. Estill 15 -cent pacitage of "Diamond Dyes", contains directions so 'simple that any woman can dye or tint any old, worn, faded thing new, even if aide has never dyed before. Choose_ any color at drug store. His Magnanimity. "My 'hired man is a' queer feller, laid Farmer Fwnbleggte. 'He credits the cewa with honing more sense than @dee• got himself,"' "That so?" replied a friend. "Yes. At milking time he sets on a etooll and waits a Werth for the claws: to bank op to him ene at a time. They haven't 'done go yet, batt lie says just give 'em opportuhity to think it over and they will." • Minard's Liniment for Dandruff, The natives of Turkey- have some ingenious methods' of telling the time, One is by observing the eyes of a cat. Early in the me rtng,and evening the pupils are zee,,... At -certain. hours they 410o ovat; nt, 0000 they .are but a narrow slit. F'S PEOPLE SAY Ai UJ Tttt LAC "If it had not been for Taralac I would still be a sick, dis«. couraged woman; for nothing else seemed to do any good," says i4rs. Edward Gibbs. %+'t:," All the %elvertising in .the world and all the salon efforts con'thineti could not have male the great success for pAIyI,AC teat hare been attained, un- lessthis, reconstructive -tonic possess- ed merit of the greatest degree. Over 40 Million Bottles' of Taniao have been sold and the dement/ lioKday is greater than ever before That TANLAO possesses merit and ha;s. brought menet to hundreds, of thousands of persons le attested by the great number of testimonials that have been received lay the°,company from people in eovery state of the Union and every province of Canada,.. 'There are aver 10e,000 retch e'tatements on file with the ooanmany, all ringleg with, sin. oars amiss 'for TANLAC and what it hats. aeconlgilshCd, ' Hero ere excerpts. front so few of the 100,000 statements on els: Mrs. Edward Gibbs., Laareas¢ar, "For 2 years lndigesltlon deprived me roe nearly all tha.pleuatire of living, Tf it had neaten for TANLAC I would , attil4 he a Welt anal dlsceu.raged'woman, ter nothing else seemed to do me any good." Mrs, Mary A. Beneon, Stoatile, Wash.: "Folllowieg an oai8mation dug etomech end nerves seemed to give way and I berente aimoslt helpless. As a last re- tort I tolad TANLAC. I began to, int - prove from the very first, gained 09 lbs,, and today arm feeling nag" 0. E. Moore, Kansas' Clty, Mo•: "My stomach seemed to pain me constant- ly, 'mood oaeinnd to do me elo good, I Would bloat up hv1(k, gas, lost my strength, atoll could not Mem or rest, 1 wet on titre downgrade all the thine. Taniao corrected my troubles' and put me in excellent shape Th0naa5 Lucas, Peterbioro, -Ontario: "Well, sir, buying 'TANLA° was the beset investment I aver made, tor, it built up my health rind strength' to where I hsvelet a complaint lit' the world." Mr, and Mrs. POSCphe A: I mike, De- troit, Mieh.:. "For mote than a year, our three children, age 2, 4 and 0; had been et, beaked and lifeless thatwe were' 'worried about them. Their stomachs were upset, appetites poor,, the color had left tluetr cheeks, their iiighte wore restless' and during the day they would Just mope around, tak- ing no interest in play or anything olga, They began to improve with the first , dose of TANLAC, . and today there are no 1air'e healthy children in Detroit," Tanlac is iter sale by all good drug- gists, over 40 minim' bottles sold. Aeoept no sathstitnte, Take Tarlac Vegetable Pills. —Abigail C>I'esdo fieseet Perils The famous scientist, Ptoses R.. Wallace who .once asked what Was the most dangerous, beast •lie had en- countered in the course of his tropical traveler'. Thosigh he 'had roamed' through the haihuts of the jaguar, the peecafy and ,theiant ala aconda, he, declared that: he was ,most, afraid -of tiro wild• bee. `ICiplina'jtas a-e'tary about the terror of the wild bee, .when it is .numbered by countless millit)ps, which give.: a graphic picture of what that danger can mean, There are certain species of auts, both in Afr ioo: and South America, be fore the melee of which. nothing'can live. •The fiercest a.nd-s'trongeset and meet agile,beasts must give Way to 'them, Though, many...theusandb of 'd'eaths are, attributed to snake: bites in India, evecY : rear, this mortality -is alight ea/neared with the toll tadten of human life by malarial mosquitoes in various parts of the world, Had the neiglhbor- llooceet the Panama Canal been infest- ed with ' •lfons' and: tigers, the worry would have gone on merrily, bat' the aweul .mortality caused, by these tiny insects defeated its first builders. Soath Africa has suffered from loousts• a thousand time& more :than it ever suffered by reason of all the wild beasts within its bordejt. chine Their • Bitot W illialns' Peak Pills. •I1.1'lcumad,'seml attuning oomph; waren the blood is clogged 'w'111a ianpurities, th a' setting' -up an inflammation of the'. muscles. and joints. Cold or w weather may - surf ,the tortures of rhe inlatlsm,, but it Is not the ca4Ys•eas tas-°nOP sulpposeed. Prue cause is thin or impure Wood.- :tubbing with : lin: n. nherits or applying hot (ipplications may give relief, but that is all; the pains are soon blolt again. You hoist treat the trouble through the blood to geg. rid of it, The value of Dr:,WII- hanns' Pink Pills in cases oaf.. this'"kin ia prayed by.. the following statome Miss 11largaset: M.�Cullen writing c behalf of her glue -di -anther, Mrs. McEwen, Oruilstown Qose 1ys,—"M granrlulcltiver,now 85 yearn of age, wa EASY : N. are, elegy U. PLUG GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard tier -baby against colds nethieg•o of equal Baby's• Own Tablets The Tablets are a mild laxative that will Iceep the little one's' stomach and newels working reguiarly, - It is a ref cognized fact .that where the stomach and, bows% are in good order that colds will not .exist; that the health of •tholittle one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy,' The flew salsa tax will not lnereas'ethe erica of Baby's Own Teblotg, as the company pays tee tax, You *100 sItll obtain the 'Athlete through any` mediellie dealer at 25 Dents a box, or by nail, post wee, .from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . Tactful. The gen1'us ee a eertaiin Arkansas editor elsow;ed itself recently when he pi'in;tad the fohlewhng news item in, the loge/ merlins of lee paper "Miss 'Beulah. Bleailr, a Bateavilge belle of ,twenty sluunoiss le-vieilting. her twin brother, ttge thirty -testa.!" .Z "Standby” fares. For use with this' and other :des - vette and to serve with tea, or at lunch- eon eiin may bake these, attractive "standby" cartes lasteed of the usual cookies: These get their name 'be- .cause they aims the housewdfe'sl "stand- by" --they can ire, kept en hand always; and, .instead cf getting stale, they im- prove with age. ereain- three-tivartenst of a cup of butter and thew gradually mild a trine MI of brown' sugar.. Beat two eggs well andstir them up. Sift together a cup and a half of flour, a.'teaspoon 'of cinnamon, equemter teeepoon of doyen and half a teas/race of nutmeg "(this' last may be • omitted; i4 deaSted), and add these" to the other ingredients. Then stem : -in a cup of ssieellllass raisins an'd hog a dour; of chapped nutlsh Place tole batter '• by spoonfuls. on shallow greased :•e1larnlele11 lIlare bak- ing panes and boite:until brawn, Pat's Wish. • $old Pat—"a wish I was half Tow and hall irisle instead of being all Irish." . Why lethat?" asked obystander: "Become," explained' Pat, an Trish- ualr is always„wantiln' half a dollar ail'. a Jew Maori' has one.” GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL -35-Cent "Danderizaer" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected hair. The averaga-sized.Canadian family's potato' bill is $26.00 a year. Thatwnrrantstheuse ofae eelalpot, Here it is. The SMP Potato Pot. The ideal thing - Pill with water'. throughthe•spout without removing: covee. Note hour, the brindle locks the cover on. You can drafts oiP water leaving' potatoes mealyand dry witligut s idling�1otatoes or' scalding hands.' Selling at low la Joe± in Hardware find general Otores. Note the teade mark, en the pot. Be sure you get ded �yY 'Arse : 4aioites t _ • oa10 c q. two lit of ,tires drone jrii �ttbtt ini,- anti hits, Wets, hite linter, a frpat�wgrlii 4 byte. and, whits pure White white linins oaty ilt 9° these sarin nitre whirr inaidn nnu, aYal„Alun adq!ae.: ttnst"g'•l'iMit'r£tf. P2apotudrs 1u. hair? tes�A,in,esei. *Olttotrro WINOlpee 1.70 A gleaoy ach k - of luxuriant haesir. full of gloss; los• tre'aud life short- ly follows a genu, the toning, up of. " neglected scalps with dependable "Danderdine," Falling. h a f r, poking scalp and. rho dandruff Ts cprrected 'immediately. Thin, dee wispy or fading hair is quickly invig- orated. taking on .new strength, color. and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic — not sticicy or greasy'. Any drugstore, The weight of the earth is estimat- es to amount to 6,000,000,000,000,000,- 000 (six trillion) tons. 'IRIPPE! .Apely Minard's to throat ani chest, Also inhale. Mina'rd's gives meek relief. This is, an easy and very effect- , trick and requlres no skill and very little' practicer nt• Ask half a donee e^ectators to n loan'you,.ha!f a doyen coins: Put A. them in ahat. Ask that one of y the coins be selectedand that each spectator examine it carefully and Ili ' that it then be placed in the hat. Note ntay be taken of the date or it may be merited., Y When the coin has been placed in the hat, you Will put your hand in the hat and take out the coin 5 selected, n The secret'le this When you 'borrowed the Coins you ',placedc' them on a' mantlepiece, a stone: topped table or,somewhere where' they will get a chance to be very slightly -'chilled. The Coin ex- amined �by, ,the spectators becomes'_ warm from so much handling rind you will have little difficulty in Melting it out of the others in the Irat tOltp-thea nut and: paste: it, with -other of the reties, in a scraeboola) seine Years ago, a great sufferer fro rheumatism. She tried many rem dies, but found none float dill her an geoid 'until she boga.n, -using Dr. W11• •linins' Pinar Pills. These she Used for Some Monttls; until every trace o rheumatism disappeared. Since' the she has taken the pills at intervals, and they have kept her in the best -of health. It is marvellous how well and active my grandmutlror:ie. She cooked the dinnee for the threshers 1aet fall, one sato. gives: the credit foa' hergood health to Dr. Williamrs''P,ink P119sa'She is anxious) that here exper esnee• with tees sipiendtd en,edicine be given, for the beneiit'et others." - IP gleno are suffering Sram any trou- ble ,due to peer on• watery blood Dr. Williams' Pink' Pitts will help ;e0u. Sala•by medicine dealers eyeayieisere; or seat by men at 60, cents. a box by - writing 'The Dr. Williainse Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. A Noisy Affair. A dear old lady from' the country travelled to London to: see her' married daughter, end returned with stories' of her wonderful experiences, - London was enveloped in fog during the first' two or three days of her visit,, and as hear bedroom looked out upon the railway she was• troubled by the fog signals.. She came down to break- fast reakfast' after her first restless night 'and 1u0utred the cause of the strange bang - ins she had heard so often during the Souls -of darkness. abet. thatwas due to the fog," ex pinned her son-in-Iaw. Her visit over, she returned, to the country, full of` the wouderful,sighlts and sounds' of bondee life. "Did you 0000 Loniten fog, granny?" tented ono of her •listeners, 'Aye, that 1 did,,' replied graying; "and I heard 'un, too!" "Heard 'un, granny?" exclaimed an- other' listener, "bIod didst hear a fog? "Who was the reply, "Lonnen fog hain't like ours, Avery now and then it gees orf rvl' a rare bang." • Lift Off—No .Pain nEEZONE qtlitirri? Dosan't 'hurt one bit! ' Drop a little "11'teozone" an an aching' corn, in- stantly that corn Mope hurting, Hien shortly you 1158 it right off with fingers, a Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few 'cents, sufficient to remeye every Treed *1010, sett Doan, or corn between the toe$4 and the foot calluses, without styrene:10 e,' tntrttat ou The longest ski slide in, the world was opened recently in Sweden. It is sixty miles from end to end. Payment for articles advertised In this column should be made with Do-, minion Ilxprees Money,orders—•a safe way of sending money by mail. A mole Bari 'undertnine th'e strong- est rampart.' Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Classified :Advertisements 001;GROWEf1$•--COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply George%ivn Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Charges batteries in 10 minutes. Gallon free to •Agents. Radioiite Co., St. Paul, Minn. seeds for le Ped county la note0'.700 Its hien-auhlltr cod,. 3%01 herd Boum nra 0tom Ont., 1s 1061,44,-15' 04. ors otra of this dlettleC It has largo Quitman, of Grimm, 05,1100101 r: d ' 5PuaiCt elf roe, nor Cl ct hislh0, 'went. Crosars. Tlmotby, eta.. wbl,L Are 11 'Wrest, to fa mets, auy 5100 10 an, *1,0 10t,, Wolin nt alae fr oMica,: list, PEcs. 60027 notion. nramntan. Ontario on arty anteloal 100trunt61t olt forboekla1 AL niZlmuslet a:rom ppto. '�hlawNl beacnty,�Rtt F01ti"020 L COsr and aeithau1 nay opllgatlon on your , ut ataie ptnnituy 251 ie ttuwaot,go0 own. ,.;Orb on, P.0, 0711 1 nip C:..Vaalda; or Bart 0,tdwal '- Hiiyan�u at.. 6,0041 . Br6ok-Trout,:for l .Drools troth fry fgalmq tonne 1110 'pnawrtott from hr11d trent, guarantscd loan d and -avenue. For ;Ann delivery, 70 per thousand; 0.0.0., ebc1Lurniu -00 orde, *coated for lona tt , 0505, 1V lvnrton )book Tout 001010oryt . liempleo Mips,dougerm Bounty, Ontario, alielhurno 0t51(5n,: 1,, G -0. another, 'proptletor, Beware of Imitations! Unless you sea the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets con are not getting the genuine' Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and 'pre, seribed by physicians . over twenty- three years for. CoIds;. Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Eat% unbroken package con tains proven -directions. Randy boxes of twelve tablets post few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100, Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of MonoaOeticacidester of Salicylicaei'd,' While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer 'Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp• ed with Choir general trade mark, the "Bayer Cress:" e Tering of a miser is to 'dig a trench in the. sea. 0 Ask for elinard'o and take no other. Misfortunes tall us what fortune is. tial f raccomtutictaiia a thorn* from the manu- tuelure[f 111a nw. a i n as on t ha t o at he r, ntf 11, hllx rt,p 3 tininit r , II vlr i+lde to tL 1 sooi•4 ino, 5lu-to Ira dloh,socoves,,emde "G`et fret Alnddla Cnt,�li,e at full coil. IcKrluRob-kitCifnarts. A sq,tlir salactor entrance. Price' includes all '- lumtes net to fit t "hfihcbt eater interior, woodwork, aiding. flooring, win.. •dove, doors, glace, calnto, hardware. natio, roofing. with coincide inotructiane and draws trigs. Freight paid to your: station. Permanent r'toe000—NOT PORTAOLYI. Ham styles t.* chomp from. Write 0odny 5 o nee Moan. 410010tt Aladdin Catalog No.,A2e3 Tarte Canadian A!adrlihn Co.; Liahitel; AtaJdia dtstedins. Toronto. Ont. $15.:60 Bugs this. GriffitlTeam Outfit (;1(1woot al Fort William) 000 17ain5 Brant ache, Trete% aunt' h'oie Ho❑a4-':ham., Ham, etreps, Plow Palls, x0110 ,Ganda and nelhts Gompiato (or 2,Noroos• CAN You beat Itf h'441•14014 busk 710O'0110' id.,4 doom hurting at a p lac tllit 10 500 it Carel coon-._ eon) Mattel se v1co. lot;5 peso 50 mall .beyond nucsttcn that 0000 mum Isere bit as geld as 1051105. rttlr0are Story° Ivaco aro Analog the Gr1Rlth Tem Obltlt a great Icon,' ltd Uro far If UP), n105)1115, Inar05517g -50155 of. doaartr.. Order an Outfitt0 day mice ;Io (or 51.0 wert)01 -bort wllllaru). GraDth'a (fleet Roppa Traces only, per Hilt of four, hit17 heelchains, ;0 (nr 10,00 nest of tforo Wllua n), Or)8lI, a Gland Yoko adios, toreview loather P .e strops,. trl,o'coundeio WW1 05,0 pod 0040,, ;I.50 pet Oslo f(r 4115 feat. of Vert W11ram). (a 1aLr Cl,alot na t 6an)i)5 reit, raise d1c 4t write for 1001114.1' Q���?, GU -Watch. at,. s•-`.rs°e. J Stretford, ani. 15 50-3 d Lawless Proceeding. The teacher was giving the claw 100tn0e on "gamete."- a — "Now, children," alto said, "it lee the law of gravity that keeps us on this ''But, please, teaeht e," itemised one small child, "how did we stick ea be- fore the law was passed?" illinArefevatiiitifflinyi New Eyes put see can Promote g• 1°1 ' v"`, Clearencalibyeendillog YOUR EttauilitrgdrIgnfirl7 ff,f��,�j 1.WHUMU,IMMPII Mama nuosno oar?. ATONES -always satis4 the housewift. EVERVVIBMItt 1111 CANADA Kg THEM ICY Zig= IN SOUPS, STEWS, gravies, aavoury dishes, and in hundreds of different ways Oxo beef cubes will make food more tasty ahd nutritious. CUBES Elderly Peo0e Need Moie To Give A -sided Strength, Vitality, and Greater Pow - er of Resistance ' Against Disease. IRON as constantly especially toward the period of middle leaving the, body, — age and srou must make up for this • iron deficiency if you want to escape disease and be atrong and well.' When the iron in your'bleod runs lour, eigns of ,.old age creep into your nystern. If there in not enough iron circulating the blood -stream becomes thin, pale and watery, the body weak and run- down. le etch cases ordinary iron - containing -foods seldom. supply a sufficient quantity of this important element to medic up for the waste ao that many phyoiclane now ,Idlianited ;Iron—which tontaina iron like the Iron in yOur Need, largo number of peOple who Oro weak and ill Meg nen in then blend. 1( you ere not sure of your own condition, go to your doctor end have him. take your blood-eount. air seCchico PM, stand or els. Make EholblIoN1 Ali test yourself: See how long you ens Werlr or 1,tint foryou001, firs:grain tablas of ,l,frare,ted Iron throe times per 'day after motile for tIVO CVOCkti. Then toot yOUt stronath agelo and sea how much you have gained, By en:lolling the blood and <meeting tho nerves, rebuilds the weakened beams end halos to instill reneged thei-gr find pea, or into ,,tbe whole system, Nitrated Iron lo Cozily deSindinted, &sett not injure the teeth, dunk, thorn black nor Minot the easeful and entirely satisfactory romolue to every Where might to• master justice.ig Servant. • Minarde Liniment Heals Cuts. The meteor fallen to the earth is but a stone. leeeneoneaseneeseeoeceneept , Banished iA druggist says: "For nearly thirty years 1 have recommended Ithe Extract of Roots, knowe as ' Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, for arresting end permanently relieving constipation and Ind: - (motion. It is titn old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work: 30 drops thrice daily. Get the genuine at your druggist. aesoneeefseceeetsissonseosea YON' T DO CATAIIIIIIAL DEAFNESS Mohr have hadeurprialtia relief feadn Catarrhal Dastriess` Head Notate. Ringing la Oa Ears sod Heart Colds LeoriarIugar (0i1 eery effective, Jurst tub Itientek or' the oars sad Insert in noatrIlii Oar solo iseerYwhera 81.25' totdar abut upon roquont 70 *mete For Lasting.Fragrance There is nothing better than Cuticura Talcum for powder- ing and perftuning the skin. It appeals to the rnost fastidious because of its fine, smooth telt- ttite and delicate fragrance. Sasp2Se. Oletasent2.1 edge, Talcum 25e. Sold liard..hol led, 344 St. Paid Sk. W... Montreal. tioura Soap shaves without mut. 171ELP FOR YOUNG WOMEN Mrs. Flohnberg Tells How Lydia E.PinkhainWegetable Conapound Helped Her Viking, Aita.—"From the timeewaa 15 years old I would get such sick feel- s in the lower pert of my abdomen fo owed by cramps and vomiting, This kept me from my work (I help my par - ants on the ,farm) as I usually had to go to bed for the rest of the,day. Or he eimes I would have to walk the floor. I suffered in. this way until a friend in - ()Deed Die tO try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compounsi. I have heti very satisfactory results so far and am reg. °amending the Vegetable Compound to my friends. I surely am glad / tried it for I. feel like a different person lew that I don 't have these troubles. "s Letters like this establish the meritg of Lydia E. PinithaMei Vegetable Come yound. They tell of the relief from SUCh. pains and ailments after taking it. g4 Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Come contains no narcotic or earrefel drugs, and today heeds the record of being the, moreseccessful remedy for femile ia this country, .and thousands of 'vela If you doubt that Lydia E.Pinicham'S Vegetable Coinpound will holp_yone write to the Lydia E. Pinkhani leeed.• eine Co., Cobeerg, Ontario, for Mee' Pinkbanes private teet-boolt and kart more about it, aa iteeie 11—Te. •