HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-03-20, Page 5v11SDA ,'MARCH 20th, 192
'ti i :Clinton
'tereSt to Yttt
ie ljoried about the Prance om,.
dales. TIe
shouldn't mount a horse:,
gain until he learns to ride,
Sometimes men break into ii bank
to take money out but the other night
, a ztan up :at Hepworth smashed a
bank window in 'or•d'er to -put some
money' in,
Spend your dollar in Clinton and it
'will come bade to you occasionally fot`
a lil,le visit. Send it to a mail-order
'house in a distant city and that's the.
last you'll see of it,
,r That half million odd, spent to prove
that Hydro = is all right, wouldn't
bring down Ontario's deficit much but,
it would have been something, and
"Molly littles male' mi muckle."-
"The man who leaves his overcoat
in the church vtstibulo bee true Chris-
tian faith."„ remarks an exchange.
We've often thought must he also'
,feel rather, shivery, when he puts, it
on again at the close of the service.
The Milverton Sun, owned' and ed-
iced by Malcolm MeBeth, is about to
'be iimoded into a fine, ,new building,
The,building' ,was formally "opened
the other night when the Milverton
Orchestra entertained about one hun-
dred guests at an , At -Home;`
Last week this- "Page"- asked, "In
what way does a Scotchniati differ
:Crgm a canoe?" A Scotehman sends
this answer ''"My experience of a ea-'
noe Is, that it is a very unsteady, un-
reliable and untrustworthy .craft,
whose specialty, as yob say, is tip-
ping; •Scotchrnen I have' known have
been mostly steady, reliable and
trustworthy, generally managing to
'keep their heads above water•."—Ox-
illia Packet..•
The Scotsman neglected to mention
'the 'other difference. • He's .usually
.against .tipping.
Sir James 'Cantlie, a London antis,
arity, says the warming pan and_the
nightcap are the two secrets of health.
'Sir James says fhb use of a warming
pan, beloved of our grandfathers,
warms 'up . a cold bed which has ab-
sorbed a certain; dampness during the
'day and so prevents rheumatism, and
nightcap --Sir .James means the
flannel nightcap,. not the• kind you
:mire up in a glass :prevents deafness
and makes. for. Health. Sir James
'has tried; both and is said to be as
supple as 'a youth of twenty, although
he' is. near seventy-three, . and able to;.
dance with the youngest,
"Why'•should'Canada send millions,
,of dollars' over to Uncle, Sam for early
fruits and vegetable?" asks an' ex-
•change. It may be, that. Canada
spends'tUo =eh on 'early fruits and
-vegetables but usually it is spentfor
fruits we' cannot grow in Canada and
fruits and vegetables are gobd for the
health, , It is certainly more sensible
for Canada to sendmillioris of dollars
into -'flit" Ylni.ted States fon :peodue c'
which :we cannot 'grow here than it
is to send like Millions for coal which
sve'do produce in 'Canada. This eosin-
"try thould'supply its own people with
..,.bite: own' Products as far as possible
then bus ,the things we cannot- pro-
"duce from' our neighbors and in turn
sell them the things they, cannot pro-
' •duce.But it should be as far as
- ''possible• finished products which we
send across the line, however.
Mr. and Mrs Rnbert Clerk and Mr.
and 'Mrs.. D. Tudor attended the ` fu-
neral of the latter's uncle, Mr, Jas,
,Graham, in Clinton on Friday.
- Miss. Phoebe' Wakefield is'spending
:a couple of weeks withfriends in
The, funeral of the late Mr., Wm,
'..Sinitliivas held on Wednesday, from
the residence of Mr. Win. Hugill to
.the Constance cemetery, Deceased
leaves a wife: fie was 90 years old,
, Mr. '
Smith was a member theOr-
ange :L e at Winthrop
for a number.
sof years. - -
Mm Archie. Radford has bought a
store` at Whitechurch.
The social•' evening held in the
church on Monday, the 17th, took the
'form' of an frith night. Several songs
and a play were given, also a contest
and some instrumental -music. All
enjoyed themselves.
Mrs. Emmerson Smith was called
le Hensel]. 1
sal on Saturday` lastowing
to the severe illness of her mother,
`Mrs, L. •Desjardine, who passed away
on Sunday morning. Mrs. Desjardine
had been in failing• health for some
months; but able to be about. She
called on friends on .the previous
Thursday, 811e leaves her' husband
and one son,'. Herbert of the Zurich
road and two daughters •Mrs: Smith
•of Kippen and Mrs. Meyers of Man.
The funeral was held on Wednesday,
interment taking place at Grand Bend
<cemetery. She was a lady, whom it
was a pleasure to meet and her pass-
ing is''a severe loss to her husband
'and family and the community.
Rev. J. J. Durant of Varna will
,give an illustrated lecture .on 'Monday
evening next in the Methodist church
his subject will he: "Newfoundland",
where the Rev: gentleman `spent many
pears, There' will also be' readings
etc. i It proinises to, be educational
.as well as entertaining.
Mrs, Thos: Butt and Mrs, :Root,
'Daynmamr visited in Clinton. with their
parents, Mr;: and Mrs. 'Glazler, this
Mr.Fulton, of Streetsville, who
spent 'the winter
'with his daughter,
at the manse, left on Tuesday ;for
Toronto where he will,visit for a
couple- of v eeks bofore going
to his
.heme,S• t:•
Mr.; dis ds,-McClymout was called
'to Loidtn on Saturday lastowing to
the illness of Ms's. McCIymont who
was visiting there. Ho returned ea
A•foiidayq the lady (being, considerably
bettox r
Miss'Guice Love ' dsughter 'f 'M ,.
1, n i
Robert Love, left last week for Lon-
don, ,,,,there she entered is hospital to
t in as is mire,
The farmers tire preparing for their
usual syrup'making',anon r tis m'wo�
might mention Mr. James Mustard
and Mr. Alex. Monteith and several
ethers, who go into it very extensive-
ly. If snow and frost will help the
ran we have had abundance of it,:
Mi•i A. McGregor is suffering from
an attack of shingles.
ountti News
Miss'- Edna Iiibborn, of Blyth, who
yt ,
has been in Ilainiilton for sonic time
clerking for Henry Johnston,, a former
resident of Blyth, and Robert Wallace
who was a delegate to the L.O.L.
provincial convention at , Brantford
were quietly married in 1laiiulton last
week. .:-The balmy couple arrived
home oh Saturday night and a recep-
tion was tendered then atthe home
of the bride's mother. For the pres-
ent they will reside 'on the groom's
farm in Morris. The' best wishes' of
a 'large host oi;,friends go with thein
to their home:
Elizabeth McKay, relict of the late
Alex, Hunter; of Brussels, ,'died ' at
the home of her son-in-law,' Dr. Jas.
Moore, Listowel, on Friday and the,
remains were.rbrought to -Brussels on
l\fonday'foe interment, service, being
held at the home 6f David Walker.
Deceased was in her 77th year. 41c':
Hunter, 'who 'was•a well-known eon,
veyancer and division Court clerk died
at Brussels. about 20 years ago. •Two.
sons and :two daughters survive.
'Miss.Lilly Mdcpherson.of'"Goderich
received word last week of the death
oiler mother. Mrs. John Macpherson
of Fine'al.
A number of officials of the C.P.R.
visited Goderich recently and discus-
sad with' members of the .,council and
heads of :manufacturing concerns the
matter of better train accommodation..
Boat service 'was 'also discussed and
Goderich may be made a port of call
for one passenger boat.
Miss Beatrice Larkin of Seafortb,
Who recently underwent' an ,operation,
is at the manse ,with her parents,
Rev. Dr: and Mrs. Larkin, recuperat-
Thomas 'Sweet, a respected resi-
dent of Exeter, died last week athis
home there.. He had been in failing
health''for seine years and 'since Jan-
uary last.` had .been'- confined to his.
bed . •
'Miss I� altie ,Saunders of Exeter
was.unite•in marriage in' James St,~
Methodist' church on Wednesday Of
last week to Mr. Christian heckler,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Beckley of
Usborne township, The newly wed-
ded pair will reside in Iowa. 'r
A rumour was started somehow
that L. F. Binkley,'a former resident.
of Wingham, had been shot by a wo
man in Hamilton. The rumor, it ap-
pears, was unfounded and Mr. Binkley
is offering' a reward of $1000 for in•
formation that will prove the source
of the rumour.
street parsonage, by Rev,. W, E.
Donnelly, on March 12th, Christian
Beeliler, of Usborne tp., to Miss
)Catherine Sanders, of the seine
GIBBINGS—In Clinton, on' March
20th, Sarah E. Townsend, wife of'
Mr R. J'.;Gibbiigs, aged 62 Tears.
CURTIN Ia Tuckersmith, on March
8th, Martin Curtin, aged 65' years,
GRIEVEL-In • Seaforth, on March:
12th 'Christens Grieve, aged- 70
HIBBERT: In Auburn on March 17th
Evelyn Bill, wife of Mr. Frank Rib.
ACILESON-In Goderich oa March
8th, Sarah M. Harries; 'widow, of
the late William Acheson.
Old Papers and Rubbers
Houaeholders aro requested to save
theirold papers rs and i'
n •abbots for
Home .and School Club, which 'will
make a 'deflection of sande in May.
Stable to Rent
A 3 -stall stable,suitable for horses
and rage or as• a garage. Possession
any time, 46-1=p.
Girl Wanted_
To go to London—For General
Housework. Must be able to gook
and be experienced. .. No washing,
good home, high wages with increase
from -time to time ; and; permanent
position to . capable girl. •References
required. '.'`Post office •box 672,'Lon-'
don, Ont, 46-1.
Farm For Sale or TO Rent
Lot No. 11, concession 5, Stanley,
100 acres, with •extra good 'franc •
house and. good barns and stabling,;
Well watered, orchard, ten acres of
valuable bush, good fencing. ' Apply
to Mrs. Elgie, owner, or to W. Bry
done, Clinton. 46-2.
Horses For Sale
The tmndersiened has a number ;of
horses for disposal', inCluding drivers,
work horses and colts. Apply: to N.
W. -Woods, Bayfield, Ont. 46-1..
Breese For: Sale''::
Good work horse, apply to H. Mc-
Clinchey, Box 304, hayfield. 46-I.
Houses For Rent
Two houses for tent with town wa-
ter. One has double perler with .Cold-
ing doors and electric lights. Apply
to A. Cantelon, Phone 222,` 46-tf.
Two. Farms For Salo or ILant
Southh 1f
a of lot 77, Maitland eon.,
Goderich t'ownship,55 acres; frame
house, hank harms, drive she'd, and pig
Pen A'sbr
ing creek traverses
Also'w,esthalC'oi lot 78,:'adjoin
ing'; the latter'plaee, comprising' about
75acres having' a
'sP rte.creel,
for pasture' land.' Will'
bo sold or rented together or separ-
ately on reasonable terms. Apply.
t �'a"t
o come 73ed td baa twit t 1
a gli, On„
Few a-Rewcxrp:
24 A
',Send your+application form;
properly Riled rout :;with; re-
quired money order. •
This is our third year issu-.
ring licenses and we are.giv-
lag' the public service,
—Postage 10c. extra.—
Issuer-: of >"menses
It is supposed in Clinton, • on Sat-
urdajs, a gold necklace with pendant.
Finder' kindly leave at News -Record
off'i'ce,' Small, reward, Mrs. E,. Yen.
Pigs For Sale
A nunnber of Yorkshire pigs, ready
in two weeks, .Will have seine :later,-
also. - Fred W. `Watts, Raglan street,
Clinton, Phone 149. 46,1-p,
Seed Oats For Sale
I have a'quarntity of about 200 bus,
of.good'clean seed ''oats for sale. Ap-
ply to" Wm A:':Tliaekaberry; con. 11,
lot 34, Goderich township. 46-1-p.
Seed- Barley. For Sale
A quantity of ,good six -rowed bar-
ley, O.A.C., No, 21, Apply C. E. Wise,,
phone 24 on 605 Clinton, central. R,
R.` No. 3, Clinton. 46-tf.
Ford Cars For.; Sale.
2 Ford cars, one mounted with areo
cushion tires. In good running' or-
der. Apply to W. L. Petters, Clin-
ton. ; ' 46-tf,
Auction 'Sale;
Of farm stock and implements. The
undersigned has received instructions
,to sell .by public auction' at lot 17,
concession 8, Stanley, Babylon.line,
2s4 miles 'southwest of _ Varna, on
Wednesday, 'March '26th, estnemeneing
at 12"o'clock sharp the following:
sHORSES—Agricultural gelding. 8 yrs.
agricultural mare '7 years;; 'agricultur-
al,gelding 7 years; agricnituralantar'e
5 'years: black' Pereheron: gelding, 3
years; good work horse; driver, 11
years; quiet 'and reliable., - CATTLE
—Fresh cow, 6 years, calf at foot;
fresh cow, 4 -years, calf ro foot; cow
'7 due April 1; cow 7' years due in
April; cow 4 years due inn April; cow
9 years due in; May; cow 6 years due
in May; heifer 3 years dice May; cow
4 years, milking, due Sept.; cow. 8 yrs.
due .in Sept:; 5 heifers rising 2; 2
steers rising 2; 2 yearling calves;
pure bred Shorthorn :bull, 11 menthe.
PIGS -4' York "sows due in May;
about 1,,25 hens, IMPLEMENTS--
8 ft. Deering .binder; 13=disc M. -H.-
drill; .Deering cern binder; M. -I.
manure 'spreader; G ft. Deering Mew-
er; steel land roller, Deering cultiva-
tor; Deering hay loader; 'M: H. disc;
5 -section diamond harrows; 2 farm
wagons; Cockshutt 2 -furrow riding
plow; gravel boot 2 Fluery walking
plows; 'rubber tire .tap buggy steel.
tire top' buggy; Portlandcutter; light
wagon; etftting box;•'Gould,. Shapley
as Muir gas' engine, 35. horsepower,
in good running order; 2 Clinton fan-
ning Mills; set 2000 lb. Renfrew
scales; wheelbarrow; bag truck; whif-
Iletroes; neckyoke; set double breech-
ing teach harness; - plow harness;
single harness; shovels, forks,etc.;
aoLaval cream separator; -sugar' ket-
ital steel range; 'coal heater; wood
heater; Peninsular coal heater, new;
New Perfection .4 burner coal oil
stove; Daisy churn; washing machine
Coimgoleum rug 31,./x4; :a,quantity of
linoleum; organs 2 cupboards; 2 bur-
eaus; •2
ur-eaus;•2 wooden' beds; iron bed; mat-
tresses and springs; child's'iron bed;:
extension table; falling -leaf tabs .2
n g table;
kitchen couches;.2 parlor couches; 8
kitchen chairs, Singer' sewing ma-
chine; copper boiler, new; quantity 'of
stove • pipes; gSaniteware; fruit jars;'
crockery, and other articles, TERMS`
—All sums of $10 and under, cash;
over that amount 8 months credit On
approved joint Notes ordiscount of.
4 per cent, for cash. GUARANTEE'
—Any cow sold` to be with, calf and
proving not to .be ,within 30 days of
time of sales 15 pei cent, of purchaser
price will he refunded. . W: J. Johns
Ston and' G L Reid, Proprietors. Gem -
IL Elliott; Atlgtiuireer; 46-1.
House For Sale•,
Brick House, on Princess; street, 9
rooms and summer kitchen;'town was
ter, also soft water in kitchen, cement
basement, furnace,. eleetric'light. '.
acre garden, with small fruits; stable.
:Apply to Miss Mabel Ratliwell, Varna
Phone 33-606, `-Clinton central. 45-tf,
• See This Play
Come to Walker's Hall,'Brucefield,
on Friday evening, March: 21st, •at 8
o'clock to see the play, "I Can't Af
fold It." Admission 25c. 45-2.
House For Sale.
6 -mono house on Frederick street;"
good • garden and outbuildings;
good 'condition, 'Mrs. Il Ii. McCool;-
Gocicrieh, or W. Brydone,''Clinton.
Seed Oats Tor Sale
Sheffield Standard,5
S Id 5 bushels and
feed oats, barley mixed in, 50e per
bushel. _' Apply 'John H. Ilyde, lot
concession 2, Stanley; phone 11 on 86
lIensall. : 45-2
Earns For Sale or Rent
65 acres, lot 35 on the 13th coin
of Goderich township, Geed frame
house and bank barn. Also a bay
filly, rising' 4, not broke, , 4. iSher-
man, iran, R. 'R, No. 3, Clinton, r<• 45-2.
Biome Made Cooling S ale
The 'Ladies' Aid of Ontaii'o Street'
Methodist church will h'okentil sato Of..
home , made coating at i'irUlrr, H
Wiltse's or. r � = o
grocery y stoi on L'tidayai;;
tx;rnoon; March 21st, at 3'o'elock, 46-2;
SHAT ?' `.
ocmr store ors'yoii; .is quality goods at',: live and let • live prices. 'Prompt
10 bars Naptha Soap ,68e,2 jhs, , Bulk Cocoa ....25e `.
10' bars I airndr•y Soap ..: , ,4Se2, lbs. Ginger Snaps', , , . , .. ...25c
2 pkgs. Pearlme,15c5 lb. of Pure'a
' ",c,�s Castile
., ,'.. Lard ..., ...:..,$1,00'
3 ' Cakes of a ti Soap , ..... 25c 1 lb. of -Black Tea , i .: , .............70
NOTE—Our credit customers are requested 'to attend promptly ,to settle-
ment of their accounts. •
JOHN'SC N & CO'S 'GROb RY Phone_ til(
=Eggs and Poultry
We are -in a position -o'. lee allyour p t to yon r eggs no matter how large
or how small a quantity you have for sale, Enquire regularly for
9O ®Ott Hens ' and ' ,:rollers Wanted
for delivery in May. and June. We are`look:ne for high ;prices as
long through these months. Now is the tin o, to lay Four plans for
producing broilers. Information gladly given, Write,phone or
call personally.
Eggs elided 'according ,to'Geyernutent St`ndard.
Poultry bought according to weight and quality
ir�9. �,i81 bits ci CfV:?.a9 'Li°r
MontrealQuebec." ''
Day Phone 100 Manager,, Clinton Branch • Night Phone 214w
ited ..
C H. ; VENN•ER Electrician
;Electric Ranges, Fixtures,, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other:
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone t5Jw
Piano Bargain
, An upright pia'ao in first class condition. Brand new instrument
Five year guarantee. '- A duet bench goes with piano. No chance to lose
Price only $375. Apply to F. A. PLASIKETT, Princess Street. 464.
Two storey s Brick House on
corner lot 12Ox240 feet
Newly painted and" papered throughout. .Electric lights, Town
water, and,Cellar. hi fine condition. Owner leaving town
46-t.f '
Society' O '•
n a�t,�eilltura�
�Pr, aur .List for 1924 ■
Preshiurri 1 . ,One rose: select'od from the following;
•Erin:.Karl aza/sehki, His Majesty, °Acton Ward, White
:Killarney, Radiance.'
Climbing—Crimson Rambler, Dorothy Perkins.
PrenmipiS 2. Hydrangea Paniculatat',,'.
• 3. : Peony .
4.' Three 'Dahlias
A. Spir.•ea
6. Gladiolus •Bulbs.,
'7. The Canadian. Horticulturist,. One••year.
8, 3 Japanese Iris
9, 3 Tuberous Begonias
10. ''ialac'`
11. Althea;Rose of -Sharon '
12. Plants;, etc., John Cuninghame::
114•3. ' S 3 IlyacimlthsTotS's'
15: 7 Daffodils
The Society will not guarantee delivery of Spring pr'emiums un''
less this list is returned 'by March 30.
Members niay order additional premiums• at 35c, each or 3 for $1.
Membership Fee, $1.00,
Mark your selection opposite the numbers,
Address, . , .. ,
F. JENKINS, President II. R. SHARP, 'Secretary
Premiums will not be delivered but can be' obtained at W. Jen-
kins Se Son's store. ;;
Hay, For Sale
A nantit of alfalfa" hay $ 9 er
�! Y $ p
to `i e
13 n barn, APPly fie_ P n,vicIc'Stew�
art, li: li, No.. fie Clinton. PhonLl'12-
620, Clinton gerttr•gl. •
Faun For Sale
• West half of lot 22 and south,half
of; lot 23, ',exucept railway part, •con
z .
cession 9, attest Township, •irr all 95
acres more or less. Conveniently lo-
cated near Clinton and Londesboro.
Good' ser)., `il•ood frame house;': bank
rna`itod well riper at back of farm.
9•Sr ee: for quick sale., rlpa
i'.ttisevens, Wililiama Se,
little liigv8$iall regi
F. W. I.ndresa; •Clllito
rI flmh,11 Mahn WIh111 Sills IO1(14110ISASP 111oIII IIlelhalIWIl,islatitheWillhlhlIh@I11I111111111!ilIIIA'''pi!
'IIIIWlmlii1 �I
Are still offering Polarine Motor Oil at 31,00 per gallon. Pre
pare for your euuuner car 'driving by' buying 'at once, as all,,motor
oils leave advanced in price during the past week.
Call iii' and see
the only real Quebec. Cook on 'the mai-ket. Burns 18 inch wood and
has an 18 by 20 inch oven. •
Also see
burns one third, less oil with greater heat than any i
the market. nX ro t thei oil stove on
We are, the exclusive agents in Clinton for both these stoves, See
• 'the March copy of the Ladies' Home Journal for the advantages of
the Neseo'Oil Stove over all"others.: We willbe pleased
-thein the you, •p ased to show
III d III IllllllilIlilil S1111h111111111111111111111111111lllilllllil lllhh Ili
We have a supplq of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
E. WARD ' '
Phone 155. Huron Street.
Farm to Rent
On. Huron road, east adjoining Clin-
ton, 128 acres, , first -class: buildings,
good clay land, well watered. ' Ap-
ply on the premises to Wm. Henry,
Clinton, R. R. No. 4.. Phone 14-617'
Farm For Sale
Being lot 17 and part 18 on the
8th concession of Huilett, 81% acres,
also 60 acres ore the 9th of Hallett,
The buildings are all good. W. H.
Hesk, Lendesboro, proprietor. 42-6-p.
Raw Furs Wanted -
Mink and coon are lower in price,
but still a good price.' 'Fox and white
weasel are higher. Spring muskrat
will- be about same as last year, per-
haps higher. H. A. Hovey.' 41-tf.
House For. Sale or Rent
8 -room frame house on Victoria at.
Electric" light, town water: " Large
garden with some fruit trees: Apply
to Geo. H. bllliott., 22-tf.
Farm' For Sale`
Lots 26 and 81, Bayfield concession
Goderich township, containing 212
acres. Lot 26, 112 acres containing
2 storey brick house, 2 barns each 36x
56 also straw shed. 15 acres hard-
wood bush, spring creek, :rm uing
year round. 51/4 miles from Clinton,
11 miles •from Varna,
livery, telephone. Lot 31 contains 96
acres, with frame barn 36x60; all in
grass. Will be sold separately or
together, Apply Isaac Rathwell
Varna. 38 -ti,
House For Sale
Cottage on Huron street, roomy and
in good repair, 1 'acre of garden.
Small rain on place. Possession at
once. Also a buggy and cutting 'box,
Happy Thought range and a sliding
bed couch for sale. . Apply to Miss
B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street, 39-tf.
Logs Wanted
Good hemlock logs, cut 12, 14 and
16 feet long, also good basswood any
length; delivered in our mill yard at
Bayfield, McEwen Bros., Bayfield,
House For Sale
Comfortable frame house on North
street, half acre of ground. ..All
kinds of fruit. Small stable, town
waterin house. Robert P. Fisher,
37 Vit.
Frame house on Albert street, Clin-
ton, with one quarter of anacre gar-
den with fruit • trees, for sale, Ap-
ply to Mrs, .Thos. Lee, R. R. No. 2,,
Clinton; Phone 16 on 604, Clinton
central 1O=tS
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re.
paired.,. Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop.
'W. 3. Jago, 88,t1
(Ontario Grown)
Red Cl 'e ver'
(Banner and O.A,C.,72)
(2 and 6 Rowed)
r en Seeds
W. Jenkins ei Son
I�luanest Elevator 199,, Rottideneh 7141
Singer Sewing Machines
B'aml + •' Elecarc• and D. R. StiyIes..
Also some secondlhand machines,.
good as new. Old machines taken
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you to book these over before
buying elsewhere. Repairing and.
parts for all makes of machines.
Earl. Steep. Jan: 1, 1924
Honor Graduate Carey Jones'
tional' School of Auctioneering, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real. Estate, :Mer-
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market: Sat-
isfaction assured. Write or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
98. •-B8-tf-1925
NUT, STOVE S$ EGG fi fi#
Orders taken at residence. Phone, 115
Cease Sawing
Custom sawing will be done in Bay-
field during the winter months, at
Thomas Wallis', 4 concession Gode-
rich township in the spring and also
in Clinton,
We have just received our early
shipment of Timothy, Red Clover, Al-
siice, Alfalfa 'and Blue Grass. Buy-
ing these early got better prices than
we can get now -and so are offering
special prices for the mat.• of this
month. Our - Alfalfa is Ontario Var-
iegated, grown in Peel county, where
they have made a specialty of this
variety for the past four years and
it has given the verybest of results..
The Red Clover and Alsike are from
the same . district also.
Have, justa
earIoad of
these feeds, Good quality and fair
prices. •
Oyster Shell, Groff, Beef Soraps,
Ground Charcoal, Tankage, Oil Cake,
Oat Meal, Ground Corn, Five Roses,
Purity, and North Star flours, Hess
Royal. Purple, Pratts and Woodehouse
Tonics and Royal Purple Calf Meal.
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
Mao issuers of Hunters di Trapper's
Sewing Machines
-x on and repairs
ar es Separators
�la pl
Blatchford's Calf Meal
E. L. MITTELL, Clinton!
Store Vacated by 3. E. Johnson
The demand for our butter is In.
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship un yens
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, }Rewrote toots and
Our firm is known to .you and iaeed
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, fugn..
ish cream
cans and pay twine ascii
Write for cans or further' iefnc'mnn.
tion to the I'
THE ,iuAFO'bdTII' CICEf3.AI.'Br,'IS, k
I „_ 0 'as, EARlR, • 11&AWAGIi`uig®:__i''.