HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-03-13, Page 8Folks who wiut ,the very best use RED ROE .ORANGE' PEKOE T. EA `' TIN BY DR. J. J.' IUlIDDLETON. Provincial ucard.ot Health, Or, Middleton will, be glad" to answer questions on Public Health mate tars through this column. Address him at olpedina''Rouse, Spading Crescent, Toronto. . If sensible men and women through -,l Whatever the cause, sickness r.. out this province could realize what' sults and we should know that it costs an expense sickness' is to therconi -us dearly not only as individuals but triunity it would open their eyes. They as a community and nation. would then in all' probability seek , In the realm of industry, something some means to combat and. reduce this of the, loss through sickness Can be heavy expenditure which not only put in tangible form by :explaining takes its toll in money, but in human that approximately 3,300,000 ,work - suffering and human life. The aver -days per year are lost, through die - age man•or woman without facts and ability by the 500,000 industrial work- ,/ figures cannot,be expected to know ore in Ontario. Of course a consider - What a bill the community has to face able amount of this loss is due to. every year for sickness, and the worst' accidents of various kinds, but never - feature' of the whole thing is'that theless sickness takes a - heavy toll, much of this sickness is preventable. And now comes statistics from Bug - All classes of the community:suffer laud showing what an ' expense sick- rrom preventable 'diseases, and I fleas is to the British people. Here is mean this In a very broad' sense to what the' despatch says: 'Ill health include all those cases of ill -health made heavy demands 'luring the past that one sees and meets with as a' 12 months, persons with health insur- result of lack of attention and lack of edflosing 19,500,000 weeks' of work. treatment in early life. People will; Adding those who are not insured, often wonder why a person dies sad -:experts say the total would reach 80; denly, when in the ordinary course of 000,000 weeks of work lost to the events he or she should have still country `through. 111 -health of the many years of life before the cbmple-'working population. At an average tion of the allotted `three score and wage of $10,per week, the figures ten. If one inquires back into thee mean $800,000,000 a year. person's history, it will often be found t. The same conditions apply to Can - that they have had physical defects in, ads, though'of course to ;a lesser de - early life that;went untreated. He gree on account of our smaller .ppopu- or she may have had ,diseased `tonsils lation, But the point to beemphasiz- that for a long time poisoned the ed is that if the public can be brought blood and produced "rheumatism," to realize the financial and economic with sometimes heart disease result -I loss sustained by preventable ill -health ing. Or he or she may have had- an energetic public opinion will. sup - scarlet fever that developed into one -sport the, Government in its efforts to • ilhritis or kidney disease and so led to'teduce, preventable ill -health both in an impaired and ;weakened state of childhood and. adult life and so bring 'health. Or again, pneumonia or tub -(about not only .a reduction in expends- erculosis is" often' the aftermath of time for sickness, but a raising of the what' was thought to: be re simple case.health standards among all classes of. of measles, . I the community. i ERYE RESTORED HEADACHE GONE J sstreme,Cold Might Erid Polar Flight. ' Just how cold is- It at tiro North Pole? It the" temperature is lower than 45 degrees below zero -`Capt. Ytoeld Amundson's postponed attempt to cross it.in:an airplane is: likely to tail when and if he attempts it, tier man; pilots 'nay, aithodgh that degree of cold would, hardly make a Manitoba farmer bring• out his earmuffs, Forty. YIP Iit R WEATHER 17,009 Miles for a Elrade. A Canadian ',recently crossed two OND.salE IIJI� ONES Greek curl and an heetnnrb ite‘k marry, a; Greek gSrliaud.tako iter, Uaele'with higj. .: oto Olsngway in the i'Oodote No. th-West. The journey to Greece and back ex- Our C tt n' las wini.ors aro exceeding• -tend'71, d over 17,000, miles f4:0- nd cost near- ly pard on'!the' befit, of little ones. ly X1,004 ' Tho weather is, often so, severe that t n 000,1 mora .trying journay was: ino mother cannot take the little .One undertakers by a', Russian who had ems out for an airing. The.conOverheat is :gra io`tty, United States.: He heard five degrees below zero, e ahrenll ce that baby is;confined to overheated, that'his sweetheart in Russia :was in veteran he wan pilau'- recall,' once badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and danger front the Bolsheviks: Immedi stopped the war in one sectol•'`1'hen no° becomes'cross and peevish. Baby's;ately' he"•"sert, sail for Chinas,. • Thence other :elaments: or -eartlaiy. agencies Own T4ablets should :•bo' given to keep' he travelled overland,. mostly on foot could do it, 'and therefore• it to likely' the little one -healthy, They; are a i across Siberia, to his sweetheart's to stop Amuttdsen. mild laxative which regulate the'+.home in European Russia, where. he kbr.ly in 1917, they recall, rho Car- stomach and bowels and thus, prevent was abio;to 1•eeaeaLl her, 'The journey mans " were striving to regain some colds. 'The, Tablets are sold by modi-,i occupied eight months. trenches` iu rite vast swamps_ between ciao dealers or by moil at 25 cents a Long journeys• to: get married crane. Mitau`and Riga,. which had been taken box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 'times have one lected-'endings, e- Co., Brookville, Ont. ',r Uy the Russia's in a Christmas silr- giz'l.who called several thousands oY prise attack, The operations were : ninled to marry her lover. changed her cdn,stantly being slowed up by, the cold ' Wake Up Your, Mind, mink on the' way. 'The unlucky man., until''ii. bitterest clay 'came on Febr- what is,your "thinitfng deiith?" Now I was one 'of 150 bacahelors exiled In a nary 3. On that day, despite the in- and again, in political controversy es -settlement where there were few tense cold, airplanes started for an at- tack, but were soon forced to land, as the oil tress in the engines. Motor e= cars with' ammunition, tractors draw- ing, -gnus and the 'hydraulic recoil me- chanism of the guns ail were, frozen solid. In the meantime the same thing happened od the Russian side,and the battle which had beenplanned to be an intensive One simply froze up. The pilots believe • that the same' fate aright overtake Amundsen, •- How- ever, it ise the 'general' 'belief that in July the telnper'atere.' -at. the North Polo Is somewhat higher than 45' de- grees below`itero. A Cxrateful Letter From a Well Known Vancouver Nurse.. "in the summer of 1922," says Mrs. Mary Hill, of 81st Avenue West, Van- eeelvex,.B;G,, "I jlecawe very anxious about my young daughter's health.. -She was . attending a Commercial 'school, and between her close study and exceptionally hot weather ehe:be- oamo:very much run down. I noticed. thatshe looked white and seemed con- stantly tired, was depressed over her studies, and irritable and peevish about the house. I got several tonics —*shad heard well spoken of, but they did not teem to help her. At this stage an advertisement of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills, telling of a similar case, was brought to my attention, and I decided to give this medicine a trial. You may judge of my surprise and de- light when I noticed an improvement In her condition, almost before the first box was finished, She continued taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tot some time, gaining. In health and strength. Her headaches, backaches and depression disappeared, and she again looked' well and happy. She ills sines, I am glad to say, ltept,'perfectly well and passed her examinations with credit. I must bees \rgrrisd more than I • knew over my daughter's health, for though `X -have earned my living as a maternity nurse for the past 12 years, tree the most trying cases did net seem to exhaust me . until Iast fall, when seeneed to give out suddenly. I became se nervous that I had to de- cline work, and •I suffered from head- aches and a constant feeling of de - emotion, I attributed sly condition to the fact that T was 'entering a eel -Heal time of life. It was my daughter who, suggested that Dr. Williams'•Pink Pills might do me as, Much good as they bad done her, and after a faithful, use of them for a time this proved to be the case. My nerves regained their .,steadiness, and my general health im- proved so ranch that I felt `able to un- dertake my nursing duties again. I. have taken the pills occasionally since, and thanks to the have, been able to stand the:atraiu of my work splendidly and still feel as well as, ever. I am very grateful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and am thankful . to leave found such, a reliable medicine for use in my home, and I can conscientiously re- commend it to any suffering woman or girl : coming under -my care or in- ilueuce." . You can set these pills from any medicine dealer or by snail at Geo a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ho,, BBrooke:11le, Ont. , —w r The Change. The snow conies softlysiftfng down -O'er mead and meadow, tarn and town, lint, somehow, it doesn't' seem to me To be: as white:as it used to be, It's not, eo deep and not so cold ' ".fie anew wars in the days of x14 4 Mho wind that drives it does' not rear pis wind did in the•days'of yore. •--Tennyeee d'. Oast, and plenty of them overy tuonMh i o the year if you will 'rear chicks,' teed and care for them es Instruct ml in our inenpeOsive, effeoidve Coldhelt Poultry Course, given by - mail under the direction+of the ex- pert poultrymen, Geo,' N. Miller and Prof, 0. if.;Graham.' Partial" yers gladly mailed, Write $hay's i Ouitry School, 46 Bloor Mita Toronto s ..nenm stat iesilttataen15P4b9.neterfeeAETed ¢nAei EASY TRICKS No. 829 False. Magic For the amateur trickster prac- tical jokes are very usefu . They enable him to effectively turn the subject when some 'inquisitive (spectator wants to know the se- cret.of one of his pet tricks. They are useful in silencing that annoy -- log individual who is only too ready to tell, how every trick is done. A good stunt is to tell a :meats- ' tor' that it he will clasp his hands according to your directions and will utter certain magical words he . willbe unable to leave the room without unclasping his 'hands. This is done by causing the victim. -to CYapp . his hands around a piano leg. Another stunt is to ask a epee - 'enter to select any earl he Iikes from the pack. Make the selec- tion of It as complicated as pos- sible and add all of the details possible. Put the victim to et Iot of trouble, making notes, cofllting Cards, etc. When the victim has paid for exposing your pet trick, say to him. "What card did you select?". He will give the name of: the caret and you will say, solemnly: "That is correct." Then go on with another' trick hoping that the victim: will not resent the practical joke too much. fOlip this eat and paste it with: other 07 the series, in is del•apbook,)' THE REASON FOR ALUMINUM. Because tea deteriorates very rapid- ly if exposed to Or many tests and ex- periments have been :mate to find an efficient means of packing it so aa.'to preserve the. flavor. The "SALADA" Tea:, Company drat used lead packages but some years ego adopted aluminum foil, aluminum being more durable and lighter than lead, besides, of course, being absolutely sanitary and air -tight. This method of packing is admitted to bethe most effective known to pre-. serve the flavor of tea. All "SALADA." is sold la air -tight aluminum .pack -- ages, Ile' -."Darling, I'd die for you," Sha ---"Well, t let might help, know I wouldn't niar'3'y' the beat leving.,e an Mother! "Give Sick Child California FIg- Syrup Harmless Laxative for a Bilious,, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, bile Mee, feverish, or sick; colic•Babies and Children Iove to take genuine California Pig g Syrup." No other laxative regulates the tender little bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting without grip- ing. Contains no narcotics or sooth- ing drugs. Say "California!' to your druggist .and avoid counterfeits i In- sist upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions, seeso 451, You Know What "It's as cold as --as---" "yes, just as in summer'lte as hot as—aa--" "Yes, that's it." Beware of Irriitationsl Unitise you see the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As - Mein proved safe by millions and .pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- three years for - Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis - Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Mayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken ...package eon - tone proven directions. Hetndy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also kali bottles of 24 and -100: Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada)' of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaoidester of SalfcyIicacid'. While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the -public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp. ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer ,Cross." There are 40,000 unemployed boys and girls in' London. Mineed'a Liniment Heals Cuts. If Columbu''s had started sailing for the sun hi an aeroplane instead of for the new world which he discovered he would just begin tb be gettilig under way about this time -,400 years later. It would only take ;a little less than 100,000 years at the rate of 60 miles an' ,lour to reach the nearest star. ea - Young Vier and Wonien Who may aiilietee with pimples and blackheads or any other facial blemish or akin trouble, are invited' to -writs us, Tor 35 years We have bean auceessftolly:' treetieg ' Skin, Seale, Hair and Complexional Trou- blat, :lncludieg Superfinous• Hair, alleles, Warts; eta We manufacture the Princess Toilet Preparations, Booklet "If" mailed free. 'HISOOTT'iiVBTITLITE LIMITSo 61D College St., Toronto mexrRnneMmre,,,: .va n.O ,APuAd•Rm,.....*.RSRfM1M.:' pecially, one man describes another.as a "shallow thinker." The expression, if justified, means. that the protea$ of thinking has been too quick,, This, that, and the other factor, have not been considered,. It may not -bethat the :shallow thinker could net think deeply, ff he liked, "Shallow, thinking" may be due merely to mental laziness, In some cases, too, conceit is re sponsible. We have snob a -good,oiiin- don of ourselves that we think that our shallow thinking is as good as the deeper thinking of °tilers! ' But many of us, though not atall conceited1 are still "shallow' thinkers." The sure and certaineway to become a deep thinkers. is- to do what a runner does -he asps all his lungs! The ma- jorftyof us' only use a portion all our Iives, save en those rare occasions, in running, when we have get "our ascend wind." This merely .paean that, for ante; we have brought the whole of our lungs into action!, We are breathing deeply, and not shallowly. To think deeply we must bring all our brain power into action, and that is done by going on thinking! There always comes a time while we are thinking out something when we tire. There seems nothing more to do then but ceeecethinking:and accept the con- clusions we have arrived at But if we went on we should bring ell our grey matter into play. Deep thinking would then begin. We should plumb mental .depths we never thought we possessed. And just as deep breathing becomes a habit from practice, so would' deep thinking. Not to think deeply is;jeet as bad in the, battle of life as it would be if, in warfare, a commander with heavy guns didn't use them. WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint • Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia- mond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have„ ell col- ors, Directions hi each package. A map more than 200 feet long, claimed to be the. largest In the world, was recently exhibited in London. - Avoid loss when sending money by mail—Use Dominion Express Money Orders—the safe, convenient, iueapem, sive way. To lose a friend is to grow old a little. Keep !Venereal; Liniment In the houeo. The best recipe for a long life is to forget one's age. Seeds, f sir Sale Peel'. County IS soled for Ito blah-ayollty' erode reol aced noose, "nremeten, Ont.. la located lu the wry contra : of Ulla Mariat, it hue -large quantities of Grioitn. Porlegeted- ,:•d tesolol Alfalran. sled Clams. klalke, Sweet Clovers, Intnotty, eta, "blot aro Ella elreet to: rattan, say port, In any .also loft write et onto for price haft Peet. SLED Npope, Orumptoe, - OneMis ewsconswyouseinee.. IStS to ItCOMppplCfnhOmr di1ert from Sloe m u, ria di cQMil?. .ta , tabor. b, stir , V,klt ' gl011, 4 ph7 JII o,som with pan•' tris ,5n1,,g alto eC amdd . efid ineldd rel ,,antra, at•, frer nmd911t Cobb¢: Al ddineotnloeeonlaine seem dlflr ant pl I t of 1hl hbU�nl cmc inl,P°in�mr tntiur°nd, ino and., rrrhMroe' o, Malo lularoam. dIr(ti,00nco, -.tl 115 lore!t- both alepp t 1 rq e d tis Corr Meer tat vetm-plan wuh ew pl' lar rellancd At knit An10. iu tl Ctlle 1st ,slit fol trlit nil tPoCtS r000°ria �'I �.. ne w nt t, C era 5110 't w... �,omr. bath Nnrr, end c h s,O, e,el{{Tadd, Ctlipr etltret to white women. On fete ring of,her re- fusal, the other 149 bachelgre.petition- dined gthe, girl' not to return to England, but to choose a.husband, from among them. She did so, and the former fiance acted lis "best mal" at th'e wod- Much Cheaper.: Bug—"Why do you carry your house around en your back?" Snail --"'Cause it's cheaper tomove than pray rent!" STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "P.apees Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness or Mlnard's Liniment for; Dandruff. stomach distress caused by acidity. A ' few tablets give• almost immediate A sense of humor is one way to stomach relief. Correct your annum h heaven. ' and' digestion now for a few cents, Druggists sell millions of packages of Papa's Diapepsin.,. Sea k pay . which keeps the t'ob, in Its original con � ei ns. n 72 A Roston man has offered a prize of M $50 for a nicer name than 'fold maid" tquc to designate aT required , spinster. It is re uired ; I that this word Should "describe the' of b single t e g state of woman as a condition — of triumph ratherthan defeat." 'No- thing. could be simpler. The word ob- viously,is acoffbusban d. �I Work is impossible if one is not prepared for work. Ask for Mlnard't and take no other. The chief delight in, beauty is lost if there is none to share it. No remedy can cure all all. meats of the hw Well body, but an immense number of pee. pie Duffer from aches, pains and die - real etroubleoit lack ofiron in the blood. Itis the iron in your blood that enabler you to get the nourishment out of your food. Without iron your food merely posses through you with. outdoing yowl aygood; ypti don't get the strength out of it. There 14 ono univers- ally known tonic that has helped thousands because It contains iron like the iron. infresh vegetables and like the iron in your blood, NUXATED IRON sn eminent physioian'e best blood preeeriptioe, standardized. It is recent - mended forallariitelnieand run-down conditions, It has helped thousands of others. It should help „post druei for it at tome' Classified Advertisements FOR BALE � T OOLGROWERS, YOUR OWN ed for yarn orf bla ketsor exchang- ed Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. FOR�OuR EYES Wholesome cleansing $utreshing liana Strap le ono the. Dimon. Glick Chrome Leather, mesa SDCeIR1Ure. Tone rp. then Mane u 1 ru ordtn n, So, .55esn, and .. y eoftr Rndpi ahlo. Sock atyour septets, �ho aaon't itw 460 for sampin (9001n the aril,' _ 8 tl n poetrerd n for book of ptehta Speataai helps ohoen,wfalt the newer monept elfw aerie gzpp� ����� 00 Water St. doilu ., Stratford, Ont, A2 .til' got,sa Cooking Uses. For soups, sauces, gravies, savoury dishes, Meat jellies, beef tea, and restoring the flavor tolei'tovcrdiehes. too eel mt us; en Iv Ste ted Te eta w get the des we me Co wo X TIM hal po u one fri After Dishwashing! tT LOA''f 'a""t1L is simply, wonderful for keeping the hands beautifully white and soft and smooth. Positively pre - emits redness and chapping. Ilse it: at once after washing dishes, and note the improvement of your hands. Keep a bottle handy by the kitchen stink Stron Nerves Pure organic phosphate, known to most dailggists as Bitro-Phosphate, is what nerve -exhausted, tired -out people must have to regain nerve, force and energy. That's' why W's guaranteed, Price $1. per pkge,) Arrow Chemical Coe 25 Front St. Hest, Torentte,'Ont. It X g Relieves Llyspepsi M.D. edbiees: "Persona who rot 4 a suffer from severe indigestion and conetll tion should take et - tel ter each meal and at bedtime, fit - rt teen to thirty drops of the Ex- ee tract of Roots known to ;the Drug £ 5 Trade as "Mother Selgei'e Gum - ties Syrup." • Get.the Genuine at your`drugglet, MATCHES Remember to ask1hr Eddy? when you order matches ON iw,z zValtYwiea,� • . IN CAJSADA ho Th sol Pa Po Cal of tt 0 LUMBAGO Rub the stiffparts with Min. Bird's. it cense pain, relieves atifrnepas Iron will pee tl In hardware stf see it on cheat only on housed quality, yet s because of the cacti year. Choope ceoklh carry: this fri Enameled W ttr surface. Heat parts ne metal ails acid re -act'. 1yvi Coionlot l44{'',lda • e:/� tnWe 1pta ¢t arrbt��ttMr, NE; lull 1111'nei1c1% CS atlptS 01,1 I a ro m,:-ee amr,p,i •�el Inilr>?l1; 'En�'rrneCt trent 14 a iteuled. --- 1' - sa taicte3id e11 lembat ut to, tfI.:i hitihftbt 'tic" lfooto,r wool sorir tsdi oNre,. vrth tpa, dwda, rtgaa, paints. fon , Halle, dl,tr, wills camyltte iNatntrtlne Set drattt,:° ova, Rrel/tilt p■id to your atntlom`ramtanenk{ emao—'tfpT VORTABGsn. Man atylee tot. •hoots (torn. writ,. tette? tar ,PRF;r !toner.: dermis teladdire Cefelns ,. °the Canadian held"ala CO. il )u'tlq�de &,,,,40n.ilohtt.sa.?.lcartiotRNa- V4 Thrco ftelphest earfy grey ens, Ware, three co. ®idea -white lin feats, pure whit /Blue edging 1091.10 Na,'I0.-»!04,