HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-03-13, Page 6he votie on t}ie uudget irt�;t
' 41.44tttle t11e;'gove,nnie
4r•zty-of forty!.SeVen
"enter' says'
.ir dt wird lie. is a,' n,
id in lay sof the Wei. rne;nexiele trig'
ge#ieratien is ereetix tyill•naite post
teivty slluddex ,Ili that'case; to„a-
vod;,a slru2ldei', ;este ity has;onl'•tq
doaie,to Ciintoit:to ,xeside,
O a G no
sh b a ;c a n o
w,a ,. e ante rtY t , u on
°,Saturti'ay -1'a;,t. Oshawa's smayor is
W''''J Trtokbut we ,suppose.tfiea'e was
no'thmg ti ielry about the •;nutting of
O'sha wa).h to: the 1iSt ; of cities. We
�loongtatulato;'Ontario'e yotumgeet 'city.
There ts, itsis claiined, a,pelpet-nal
Sanbeth on .the;earth. , The Greeks
olteert10 Monday,, then Persians Tues.
ditty;' the- Assyrians: ; Wednesday, the
-EgYpti ins Thursday; the Turks Fri
•day, the Jews Saturdety.and Christians
Surx'day. .
At last theworm has turned.The
Senate," which has'bedn threatened
'with "reform" for years, always by
:therpalty which is mit or just barely
'"in," has -now suggested vraysof re-
forming the Rouse of Commons, •
The late .Provincial Governtie •
must have been 'a bit careless in the
handling "of money when it could put
$12;000,000 or so in a wrong column
• •arid never'. iotice it. Leader Doherty
Said, when the error ivas pointed out
to hint, that it "didn't really make any.
difference.' Most of us would like
to feel, however, that the placing' of
,Such a Iarge sum of money was, a very
.serious concern on the part of our
Robert Forke, leader of the Pro
•:gressives, will introduce the Chureh-
:Union -Bill in the Dominion Perna-
' lneint. Mr..Forke says he is a un-
ionist'but that he will see that the bill
•protects the interests of the anti-
, unionists before it is submitted'to the
' hoose. It is a non-partymeasure and it
Is in his capacity of a private member
rather than that"of leader of a group
that he has consented to introduce the
bill. Naturally, no attempt will be
• made' to have the Progressives line
-upfor the passage of the bill.
':One Heintz Hickman,, a patient in
a Philadelphia hospital, has created
:sonie•exeitenient by claiming that he
was on, 'the U-boat which sunk the
Hainlishixe; the British ship on which
Lord ICitchener lost his life in 1916.
Bp' taid the captain of the boat, on
ivhich,hewas a .machinist, received, in-
:structions from German naval i
quarters that the British connmisteder
. Was on, the Hampshire and that the
boat was to be sunk at any cost. Un-
fortunately for the success of this
man's 'story, which has brought hint
•a momentary publicity, it lies been
proven to the satisfaction of British
naval' sten •that the Hampshire was
not torpedoed but that it struck a
mine. This is ;but another of the
"Kitchener stories" of which 'we've
heard aplenty since 1936'
. m * * m
"They seam to be gettng good roads
in some parts of the United States
-at too high a local cost," remarks The
•Toronto Star. "Five hundred small
± tins in Arkansas were recently solo
sit auction to satisfy unpaid taxes for
highway 'improvements."
"We have to have good roads," is
'the remark' one hears frequently. Butt
it is usually an owner of an automo-
bile, and as a rule one who doesn't
use his ear strictly for,business, who
-makes the remark. Panniers need
good toads but they are not the ones
who are crying out for thein. It is
'the motorists who demand them and
it were as well for Ontario not to
mortgage its future too heavily to
:satisfy that insistent ery. The far -
mens of Ontario have been tip against
it 'during the past few years ..but
':when all's said and done the farmers
eof Ontario are in a better position
' than are the great majority of far -
niers in the TJnited States. A, mighty
+•effort should be made to keep -and
improve=that position.
‘Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Townshend have
.moved ;to their new home, the faun
sof the late. Reeve Lindsay, and have
.beooine nicely*
settled. '•
The funeral ,took place on Thursday
:last of Walliatn P. Munnings, son of
Mr: and Mrs. Robt. W. Munriings of
the Huron road, interment being made
tint -Colborne cemetery, W. 1'. Mlun-
.zings Went overseas with the 161st
battalion and served in France with
"the 18th, taking part in many of the
big battles in, which the Canadians
• participated. He was wounded in
.August 1918`and spent a few weeks
.at the rear but was up at Mons again
'when the armistice was signed. He
,afterwards spent about three months
in hospital in England and later as
'Guelph : butpartially recovered and.
:had takenup his work as a traveller.
.burs Health failed; however ,and for
the past three years he has been at
Byron Sanitarium, where ,he died on
tMarch and, He was, in his thirtieth
year -and is survived by his parents,
two !brothers and one sister: A. R.
Munnings of London and E. R. and
,Miss Mabel Munnings :of Toronto,
Much .regret isfrit at his early pas -
•sing and his parents and friends have
-the sympathy of the whole communi-
The eduncii inet on Monday, March
31 d, pur5uant'to:adjoinIunent. No
action was taken re A. Mclhran's bill
for read dragging,
The letter, frons the Hydro Electric
.;Association regarding ',St. Lawrence
.development was lfiled; also one .front
"the Ontarie .Munieiy,al Association
`regarding snetnbership and fees.
Councillor ,wer
So,, by introduced the
ue rrqn'of
.a grant to Goderich (
Fair Sent fie' it receives CroverntrieM
Mid 'the Question • was dropped. '
The olinplaint lie-cuittirr:: tiiiibei"ot'
the higliwal*'waq' looked ito and- it'
-aras,lnund ]lI a7; for• anyone to crit
%trees. On the road ;Withont'the'content•
the,-genherl 44eques . for 'prix.
`alego of akittrtig '•1
IVIi+.y T s Churcltili agarix �itervnewe'd
:rhe eontaxl,xe stderopd-feilee. the
;matter. de' lei. t ct+o1•until ieondittues
are +i,averable fox;. vrewvinc Che situ t
• .
Reeve ° ` Gizsn 'C' tui i1
q� euly
a i I Boa Su ei lilt ilei " ,
d p e lr L"minersan•
'we e apppinted to test and,; if deemed
suitable, nuraltase two ,s aaall grade,'iis.
of the,.,Donainigti; Road, aehine?
•o. , tn'l '
e t
s a .4.' ofd,
Ire , c n1er1., t e
,lin ad-.
joutnedio'meet ori Moeda:, A rfl
Thoinnsoh, Clerk;
. (Inten
led for la 'Nva.
Mr. and Tt s, Ross Tichibourne aiid
little dau$'htet,-Marie, .of the".4th coil -
G. Goderich townshzp .visyr an
•day last Week at the stoma of Mi arid'
G.. Sheppard,
and Mrs, Johp R; Sheppaicl'of
Mackhi, Sask,, spentlas1, week at the.
home of lulr. and M'rs, G,•Sheppard.
MILLER -MARSHALL -In`', Clinton,
on March 11th,"by the Rev, A: A,
Holies; Olive Mabel, only dangle -
ter oI -Mr. and 1Virs. William Mar-
shall of 'Clinton, to Norman Well-
ington'Miller, elder son of: Mr,"and
Mrs., James :Miller not" Goderich'
township. -
tory, .Exeter, on: Feb. 27th, by the
Rev. A. A. - Trtunper, Christopher
.Dipney, of Stephen to Arabella'.
Wareing of the same tpwnship, late
of England.
Births -
WILSON -At Sarnia, on March. 6th,
to Mr. and Mrs, N. T. Wilson, a - Hay For Sale
- A quantity of alfalfa hay, $9 per
ton in barn. Apply to Fentvicic Stew-
art, R. R. No, '5, Clinton. Phone 12-
620, Clinton central.,
es,, a•
•: taken ' of the • liiglt �ateeni sin °
wh]eh you are thetli held; in this;t'iein-'
my ", ; . •
a.:� d„,,1� p Gra Ver` „both' nxade
:suitable repliee3 and as'''r null ns.,,
McFarl.ar}e•- th rnitghy
l ±, sunders and
)1O\' to ',entertain the, Yount lreopl4;
a ^vory, pleasant evening was spent,,
rn .games, nue -and; dancing • ,
,lglr"s, J "11IeGatsin, of :thins township
fell :on, the stair's xn her .own home: re
cently :and fiaetured.her'.arnm.'
A' feel - there -wee and lie saved his
reeks,",eben as yott and I; but he took
took them out of the, old strong" box
When, .a 'salesman ',celled with ' some
wild -cat stocks, and the fool' was
stropped down:to his sacks, even as
The Board of health •eft Clinton at:
,u,meeting secein1Y ,de01dpti . that ow-
ing- to Smallpox, Mea'sle's, Scarlet Fe-
ver and Whooping Cough being ,;Pre-
valent ;'in nearby -towns and villages
to issue this warning to the residents
of Clinton.
These who have riot recently ibeen
vaccinated against Smallpox, get done
now. Those intending, visiting .oi,
entertaining visitors' from a distance.
take every precaution as to disinfect
tion'and contagion'and if,possible de
lay these functions to a later date
when these diseases'' become -less pre.
tvalent also avoid attendance` where
crowds are :congested, •
Should any syinptoins of any of:.
these diseases present.thetnselves, uo
tify the Health amithorities at once.
3. W. SHAW, M.O.II, D.L.'MAC-
PHERSON, Secretary,
daughter, -Alma Fern. ,
GRAHAM -In Clinton, on March 11th
James Graham, in his 82nd' year.
ACHESON-At Goderich, on March
8th, Sara M, Acheson, Widowofthe
late Williten Acheson. '
MUNNfNGS-At Byron on Mar. 3rd,•,
William P. Munnings, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Munnings of the
Huron road in his 30th year.
'nosh on March 10th, James Hick-
ingbottom, in his 78th year.
CARDIFF -'In Brussels, on'Mar. 3rd,
• Milani James Cardiff, aged 67
years, 7 months and 16 days..
McKillop. Township
Messrs. Grieve and Hart are busily
engaged snow ploughing the roads.
No doubt they will niiake an Al job
of it.
Mr. John Howes' hone is another
under quarantine for the measles, His
daughter, Elisdbeth is recovering
'from at attack this week.
Mr, Milton Steward has been hauI-
ing loose hay to Seaforth the past
week and has no •trouble getj ing
ready sale fox it.
XV. T. E. Hays is expecting a car
load of cattle from Winnipeg, any
Mr. Joe Bart' is working at the
flax mill sinlie it started.
The Messrs. SIart brothers are cut-
ting wood for Mr. George Aberhems
the past couple of weeks or so.
(From another .correspondent)
On Friday evening, February 29th,
about forty friends and neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Grieve met at the
home of Mr. ai,d Mrs, Robert Maar,.
lane and presented them with a beau-
tiful library tehle, Messrs. Will
Beattie and Robert Dodds made the
presentation while Miss Dinah Staples
read the following address:
"To Mr. and Mrs. Wm.- Grieve:-.
We, as friends and neighbors,' have
gathered here this evening to spend a
few pleasant hours with you before
your departure fron our neighbor-
hood. • While among us we have al-
ways found you both willing to take
part in all social affairs. We re-
gretted to hear that you were leaving
our midst. but will look forward to
the time when you may be among
us again, We ask you to accept this
library table, not for its value, but
House': Fur Sale
Brick house, on Princess street, 9
and summonkitchen, town wa-
ter, also soft water in kitchen, cement
basement, furnace; electric -light. ',•`s
acre garden, with small fruits; stable.
Apply tie Miss Mabel Bothwell, Varna
Phone 33-606, Clinton central. 45-tf.
Pigs For Sale
3 Yorkshire sows,,,one to farrow in.
March 2 to farrow in April also 7
little pigs, all registered. Phone 33-W.
F. W. Andrews, Clinton. 45-tf,
See This Play •
Conte to Walker's Hall, Brucefield,
on Friday evening, March 21st, at *8
o'cloclt to see the play, "I Can't Af-
ford It." • Admission 25c. ,. 45-2.
House For Sale
• 6 -room house on Frederick street;
good garden and outbuildings; in
good condition, Mrs. Ii, H: McCool,
Goderich, or W. Brydone, Clinton.,
Stock -Reducing Auction Sale
Of farm stook and implements. The
undersigned auctioneer has received
instructions froiii Mr. 3. D. Elsley to
sell by ptblic,.auetion on lot 29, con-
cession 12, lrallett, oomnencing at 1
o'clock On Monday, March 17th, the
following, that is to say; Horses --
Gray horse, 7• years old; bay horse, 7
years old;' bay mare, 6 years old; bay
carriage team 4 and 7 years old, good
to work or drive. Cattle-grey'cow,
7,years, due Oct, 5; red cow, 7 years,
due April 30; grey cow 6 years, due
Sept, 12; black cow, 6 years, due. Oct.
9. These cows are all guaranteed to
be in calf. 3 black heifers, rising 2
years old; 2 Hereford heifers, rising
2 years old; 2 Hereford steers, rising
2 years old; 2 Hereford steers, 1 year
old; 4 heifers, 2 years; 4 steer calves;.
young- Polled Angus bull, 11 months
old. Pigs -Sow, 6 weeks gone, 7
sholts, 7 young pigs 6 weeks old, 1
brood sow. Implements -Set plots
harness; 2 collars; 3 new half collars
pair of team halters; hair of sleig;:s
flat rack; single riding plow with foot
lift; pair horse power clippers; tank
pump. Terms -All purchases of $10
and under, cash. Over that 'amount
12 months' credit on approved joint
notes.-' 4 per cent. off for cash on
credit amotintas. Thos. Gundry, Aua.
tioneer. J. D. Elsley, Proprietor.,
Clinton iortioultura! Society
Premium List for 1924:
Premium 1. 'One rose selected :from the following:
Frau Karl Druschki, His Majesty, Aaron Ward, White
!Killarney, Radiance.
Climbing -Crimson Rambler, Dorothy Perkins,
Three :Dahlias
Gladiolus Bulbs
The Canadian Horticulturist
3 Japauese Iris
3 Tuberous Begonias
10. Lilac.'
11. Althea -Rose of Sharon
12. Plants, etc„ John Cuninghanie
13., 3Hyaeinths
14. 8 Tuli»s
,15. 7 Dafi'odils
The -Society will notuarante
g' ee deliver of, Spring '
less this list is returned by March 30 y pie[niums"vn
1Vlernbers may order additional
premiums at 85p. each ox $ for`$1.
112enbershipFee, $1.00,
Member's ,Name , .., . ; ,
v zopposite the,;
F;`. JENEINS President
Premiums t a
s wiIl:;not be
;laws Solo's store::*
Premium 2,
One year.
H. I
elrvered but can be, obtainedc at W
', `Jelin
00)7 store'pfrers you i+q>Stihty ogdsat'lilre`ka,ncl` erlet ,lige. poi es.` Pro ytee. •• ,FEW iSFECIAt, " T . ; m
1Q .bars Naptha Soap
110,b4s''Latindry -Soap
1 pear
line 1t, g 1'. t e
Calz s' Ca t
,$ a o s ole°So
NOTI6-Our ctedit.ei9 tonne s
H x.
meet of their accounts ,.
JQ IN$ 1
.68c lbs B'ullt Cohoa4& •25e 2''lbs, Gist' er Sna s . I +
n , 2ao.
stlfie.8,:lb.. of Pere Lard: 1 0
R 0:.
ick Tea..
are re quested, to attend prom tl . to. settle -
p Y
, s�
,. O'aR:
.., fir. GROCERY '
or Saturday•
Neilson s Chocolates'
• Asorted Flavor
s eu.,lb 39e•
R K1SG `
Cakes •Buns Etc.
Poultry 'and. Eggs
It will pay all producers to get irstouch with us when they have
poultry or eggs to sell.
Write, phone or ca11 at our office for quotations. Poultry bought
live weight according to sire and quality.
Eggs, bought according, to Government grading,
Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited
... Montreal, Quebec.
Day Phone 190. Manager, Clinton Branch Night Phone 214w
C. FL, VENNER, Electrician-
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Phone r5lw
Wiring and Repairs.
Farm Hand Wanted •
Experienced farm hand, at once,
single man, by yeatror season. Chas.
E. Elliott, Clinton. 45-1ep,
Seed Oats For Salo
Sheffield Standard, 55 bushels and
feed pats, barley mixed in, Pe per
bushel. Apply John IL Hyde, lot 8
concession 2, =Stanley; phone 11 on 86
Hensail, 45.2
Pie Social
The annual Pie Social will be given
in the Community Hall, Londesboro
on March 20th, under the auspices of
the Women's Institute, A play is
being prepared by the young peoplo
of the community entitled ' A Little
Clodhopper;" Everylbocly welcome,
come and enjoy a good supper and
program. For further particulars
see bills. - 45-1.
Farm For Sale -or Rent •
65 acres, lot 35. on the 1311 con.
of Goderich township. Goods:frame
house and bank barn. .Also "a (bay
filly, rising 4, not '.broke, J. Sher-
man, R. R. No. 3, CIintdn. • 46-2.
Home Made Cooking Sale
The Ladies' Aid of Ontario Street
Methodist church will Bold a, sale of
home made cooking at .Mr. II.
Vitae's grocery store on Friday af-
ternoon, March 21st, at 3 o'clock, 45-2.
Farms For Sale
West half of lot 22 ,and south half
of lot 23, except railway part, con-
cession 9, IIulle
tt township,
in all98
acres more or less. Convenientlyrlo-
eated near Clinton and Londesboro.
Good soil, good frame house, bank
barn, good well, river at back of farm.
Reasonable price for quick sale. Ap-
ply William • Stevens, -William St.;
Clinton. 45-tf,
Persons found talking; about my
business or tresspassing on my pro-
perty will be prosecuted: according to
law: • -Fred Stirling. 44-2+•p.
Singer Sewing Machines •
Family, Electric and D. It. Styles.
Also some second-hand machines,
good as new. Old machines taken
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you-to:look these over before
buying elsewhere.. 'Repairing and
parts for all makes of maohines.
Earl Steep, Jan. 1, 1824
Farm ,to Rent,
On Huron road east adjoining Clin,
ton, 128 acres, first eless':buiidings,
good 'clay land, well watered.; Ap-
ply on the premisee to; Wm. Henry,
Clinton, R. R. No, 4, Phone 14.617
Farm For Sale
Being lot 17 :and part 18 on the
8th •cenceSsien•of':Ilullett, 81% acres,
also s 50 acres on the 9th :of Hallett,
The'buildings are all good.;` W. II,
Hest, Londesboro, proprietor. 42-6-18,
`'Raw x'nts Waacte
Mink and coon are lower`in price,
but still a good price, Fox and 'white
weasel are higher, S,nri
will be about sameas last year+, per-
hops higher 31t `A. FTovey. . 41-t1,
Auction Sale
Cf farm stock and; implements,:
The undersigned auctioneer has re=
calved instructions to sell by public
auction at Lot 19, concession 10, Hul-
lett, 1% miles east of Londesboro on
Wednesday, March 19th, oonmtene-
ing al one o'clock sharp, the follow-
EORSES--Heavy draft team.
CATTLE -2 cows, 5 years, supposed
to be in calf: cow 3 years, supposed
to be in calf; heifer with calf at foot;
3, 3 year Old fat steers; 2, 2 year old
fat steers; 3, 2 year old steers; 2
year Old' heifer; yearling heifer; 2
spring calves. HOGS -Yorkshire
hog 1 year old; 'Yorkshire sow; 11
Chunks about 150 lbs.; 2 Yorkshire
sows due April 15. Machinery-
IVI.-H, binder, new, 6 ft. cut; Frost &
Wood mower, 6 ft, cut; M, -H, disc;
three section harrows; Finery walk-
ing plow; Oliver riding plow; scuflier;
potato digger; horse rake; drill and
Cultivator combined; M, -H, mower;
M. -H. ouitivator; lawn mower; quan-
tity inch lumber and rock elm plank;
2 waggons; double waggon box; bob
sleigh and wood reek; cutter; gravel
box; hay rack; hay fork, car, ropes
and pulleys; set double harness; fan-
ning mill; root pulper; wild eat sep-
arator; cream separator, new; weigh
scales 600 lbs.; steel oil drum; 24 ft,
ladder; forks; shovels; chains and
other articles; about 40 hens and
roosters. GRAIN -Quantity of oats
4 bushelsof red clover seed. HOUSE-
HOLD EFFECTS -Raymond sewing
machine; cook stove; New Perfection
oil stove; table; chairs; clock,' etc.
Everything to be sold without reserve
as proprietor has sold his farina
_TERMS -All sums of $10 and under•
cash; over that amount 12 months
credit on approved joint notes or dis-
count of 5 Per cent. for cash. George
McVittie, clerk: W. 11. Moon; pro-
prietor: G. H. Elliott, auctioneer,
in the estate of Mary Cooper, de
NOTICE, is hereby given that all
persons having eiahns against the
estate of Mary Cooper, late of • the
town of Clinton in the, County of
Iluron, widow, deceased, who died on
or about the 25th day of January1023
are required tot'deliver to Albert
Thomas Cooper the executor of the
said estate or his' solicitor on or be-
for the 15th day of March 1924, afull
statement of their •claims together
with partiddlars thereof, and the:na-
ture of the securities, if any, held by,
there, all duly verified by •affidavit.
And take notice that after the said
last mentioned date the said executor
Will proceed to distribute the estate
of the said deceased amongst the per-
sons entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims as he shall have
received due notice and ;itt accordance
therewith. , -
gated:'at Clinton this 122n '
d day` of
p'ebrimax A.D-. 92' ..Ien.li�lns i�
�, 1 4,; Son
W. D
�+?'' lVE 'Clint `
ix a re. FLO $ iiftTXt 'Fran
Solicitor for the sill executor •
Itlall ` 1r J.. 4 3 Lo lit B•14T4tos • 19q 11e0dom®0
If 111
1111111111111 I
11111111 1111 111111111111111111 1111111 111
R S�
I. A D
Are still ofiering,;Polaame`11V1btox.0i1 at $12:'00 e
'are•,i, ne tisn13 ra
p fp ,your, snmxoer'ear,.dxi"in .... .,, ,_
Y„ g b.Y ihaYtng;aAt,once . s"all.
gill li°a1'eadvaricetl�.in''p'ri'eq.dirin � , a yx?xotbr,
g the la;<tstw�;glz:,:
1' a
t x
n rd o
s e,
the only. real"QuebecCook>on th
has' a • 18 :b , 20'1 c - the' market.. Bores 18 inch 4vood and
�A• .. Y � lr Coen, A, *
Also see
oil with' tea
ter heat t a
n any other oil st
ove en -
burns one third les
the market.
We are the exclusiveents in
ag Clinton for both tires
the March copy of the Ladies' Home Journal for the d stoves, See
vantages -of
the Neeco 011 Stove over', all others, , We will .be pleased to show
them to you.
Illih1111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillili1111I11111111111111111(111111111111111111Illh1IIllIl111111111111111hIlllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
Alberta Coal
Phone 155 Ifuron, Street
Spring Wheat For Sale
A quantity of Wild Goose Sprung
wheat. Apply to Oswald Ginn, R:
R. No. 1, Goderich. " Phone 10-603.
House For Sale or Rent •
8 -room frame house on Victoria st.
Electric light, g •h
t town water. Large
garden with some fruit trees. Apply
to Geo. H. Elliott. . 22-tf.
Farm For Sale
Lots 26 and 31, Bayfield concession
Goderieb township, containing 212
acres. Lot 26, 112 acres containing
2 storey brick house, 2 barns each 36x
56 also straw shed. 15 acres hard-
wood bush, spring creek, running
year round. VA miles from Clinton,
1r miles from Varna, R. M. De-
livery, telephone.- Lot 81 contains 90
acres, with frame barn 36x60, '411 in
grass. Will be sold separately or
together. :Apply Isaac Rathwell.
Varna. 38-tf,
House For Sale
Cottage on Huron street, roomy and
in good repair, 31 acre of garden.
Small barn on place. Possession at
once, Also a buggy and cutting (box,
Happy Thought range and a sliding
bed couch for sale. Apply' to Miss
B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 89-tf.
Logs Wanted
Good hemlock logs, cut 12,- 14 and
16 feet long, also good basswood any
length; delivered in our mill yard at
Bayfield, McEwen Bros., Bayfield.
house For Salo.
Comfortable frame house on North
street, half acre of ground. A11
kinds of fruit. Small stable, town
water in house. Robert P. Fisher,
Frame house on Albert street, CIin-
ton, with one quarter of an aero gar-
den with fruit' trees, for sale. Ap-
ply to Mrs, -Phos. Lee, R. R. No. 2,
Clinton; Phone 15 on 604, Clinton
central. • 10-tf
Custom Sawing
Custom sawing will be dondin. Hay-
field during the , winter months, at
Thomas Wallis', 4 concession Gode-
rich township in the spring and also
in Clinton.
Five a $ $
a kle
Frere Jewel
Pi Crust
.. arch
Fine Gronnd and
egged, •.
Singer Sewing Machine
Family, EIectric and D. R. Styles
Also some second-hand machines,
good as new.
Old machines taken 'as part payment
Easy Terms.
It will pay you to look these over"
before paying elsewhere,
January 1,,1924
Orders taken at residence, Parona 170
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na-
tional School of Auetioneering, Obi•
cage. Special course taken in Pura
Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in.
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction assured. Write or wire,
Oscar Kropp, Zurich, Ont, Phone 18-
93. 8$-tf-1928
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired.. Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J. Jago•. '-83-tf
MI". Farmer
Is there anything you want in the
way of Flour, Feed or Stock Food?
We have carload Bran, Shorts, Wheat
Screenings and Flour, special prices
on large quantities for cash.
Are your hens laying? We make
a specialty of laying meals and, in-
gredients such as Beef Serap, Char-
coal, Alfalfa Meal and Poultry Tonics
have also acquired considerable in-
formation on this subject through en-
quiries from successful poultry men
same being always at your disposal.
We pay highest prices on grains
such as Barley, Oats, Wheat, Buck-
wheat and Peas.
Tankage, O'Cairn, O'Haniny Feed,,
Oil Cake, Oatmeal, Salt, Baled Hay,
Hess, Royal Purple, Pratts, Wode-
house Conditioners, Five Roses, Pur-
ity, Five Jewels, Havelock and North
Star flours always in stock. Have
also acquired agency of Acme Stock
Conditioner, the only conditioner we
know of with a guarantee from death.
by disease. We are at your service
anything you desire that we haven't
in stock we will order for you.
Phone 128 121
Flour and Feed Merchants and J
Grain Buyers
Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers
Sewing Machines
;. 011 and repairs
Sharples Separators
Blatchford's Calf Meal
E. L. illiTTELLI Clinton
Store Vacated by J. E. Johnson
The demand for our butter is be,
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship us yowl
We guarantee you the Hi hes-;
g 4
Market Prices, 'accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs>
no further recommend.
We pay all express eh
'p a>`ges, Earn:'
isb cream; cans and pay Wee each
Write t 'for dr f �
atrt ex Worm**
tion to the
A • At: MARS'- a .K- 4Glr, .,t•