HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-03-06, Page 5IRSD ^ k, MAil;CH lith. ;1924
Th t Clinton News -Record
Of Interest to You
and Wife
T;f Canada continues exporting'
iraw materials she will of necessity
also have to continue exporting her
;young men and women.
Well, you must admit at, Ieast that
"Honest James' 'Murdock was for-
tanate, anyway in getting his money
out of the Ilond Sank before it fail=
It xi expected," remarks The Toi
onto Star, "that 9ntat'io will produce
82,,000,000 worth of gold •per- month
year. - It is a lot of wealth, still,,
the„hens of Canada preduced.848,000-
-do worth of eggs last year.”
specialist' it reported as si4ing
Ghat if we were obliged to, subsist
entirely upon a diet of spinach we
should have no more wars. Ile does-,.
• n't seem, to be iaking,into considers-
tion the awful row father would kick
'Pp if he were confronted with a'eon-
i:MIM' diet of spinach.
If the Canadian National 11ailwgys
are as shrewd and persistent in seek-
ing bargains in other lines as they.
:are in seeking free publicity we do
not wonder', that they are beginning
to even up their balance. If The
News -Record published all the "copy"
supplied by the railways it would''
have: to curtail much local news or
paid advertising to accommodate it.'
Mr. and Mrs. Wei. Douglas a
tended the funeral of Mrs.,'Dougla
uncle in London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watts of Clint
visited friends, in:Brucefleld last we
Mrs. Lorne Forest spent the we
end with friends in Clinton.
Miss A..McDonald, teacher of
Parr` Line school, is til.
There is quite an epidemic of me
ales hereabouts „but it is hoped th
with ease on the part of all concern
it will soon be over.
The teachers and`offiicers of th
Brucefleld Sunday'school decided
• ask the members of the senior class
• to. present the mtssionary`topic at th
close of Vie lesson period one Sunda
each 'month. Last Sunday two; youn
men from the Beater: class gave talk
on missions which were much appr
A reception in honor of Mr. Hu
Gilmore and bride was held one even
lug'last week, when a large gathe
ing of friends, and relatives spent
most enjoyable evening,•
!Miss Bell Beattie of, Clinton, wit
Miss;M, B. Swan and. Miss A.,peatti
spent a few days in. London visiting
. also calling on Mr. Andrew Beatti
who is seriously' ill in Victoria Hos
.pita],' following aoperation.
Mrs. How of Port Elgin, sister
Mrs. "(Rev.) McIntosh, was- a visit
at the manse lase week.
Mist Mary Gibson is ill and uhd
"the doctor's care.
Miss Grace and Messrs. Wilfee
and Wallace Ross entertained a kegnumber of their friends in Welk
ehall on Frday evening. All spent
most'. enjoyable time,
, • Mrs. Ben Kaiser. who as been ii
• with measles, is now consalesing,
Nurse • Fannie McKenzie, ,has g'on
to London to take a position iii Byro
Mr, and Mrs, -Dave Beattie of Lon
• don were week -end visitors with their
many friends here.
Mr, Ross Scott of the Hay Station-
,.aeyCo., London, spent Sunday at his
home here.
A number of the members of the
Kelly Circle met in the parlor of the
church on Wednesday evening. This
being the annual packing' of a box
for St, Christopher Home, Articles
•-of clothing, all. in good condition, 8
• quilts and a supply of good things dor
their pantry, toonumerous nuerous to men-
ltion. r Some 'years ago Rev, D. C.
McGregor of London addressed the
Circle and asked the members at that
time to send to.that' home' knowing
it to be a worthy object, since that
many boxes have been sent, this be-
ing the second this year,
Friday, March 7th, will be'observed
'by the women of tire.. congregation
'in prayer for - world wide missions.
Service commences at 2:30.
Mr. Gordon Elliot got a severe
kick front 'a horse 'Saturday. • His
sister, Beth, also had the misfortune
to dislocate her shoulder while play-
ing in the barn. Dr, Ross was called
and put it back in place„both are im-
Mr. D. McDonald of the London
road is not enjoying very good health
:at present:
Mr; A. T. Scott is progressing fa-
.vorably and is receiving calls from
his many friends.
The members of the Choral Society
-met for practise Monday evening with
a, goodly number in attendance. A
cordial invitation.is extended to all
former members to be 'present at our
next praotise.
The H.F..W.O. members are busy
practising for a Iittle play they ,in-
tend giving later.
Mrs. %i,'•Snell has a flock of early
chickens, with the emphasis on, the
early,; These birds should be early
layers neict fall, if they can be kept
from "laying.” down and dying before
the spring warmth arrives.
Messrs. J. J. Biggins and N. Le.
beau had some stock at the Purebred.
'Stock, Sale at W6ngham last week.
Mr. George. Campbell is loading a
sear of turnips at Clinton` this week,
Cidprich Te`awnshnp
mi.,. Bert Trto artha bought a band-
Seme team of -horses last'. week, ono.
from Mr, Herb Lamphrey and the
other from Mr. James Flukes', of
Goderich. We con eatulate Mr.
Trewartha on his purchase,
Mr.Ed. harness :who has been rut-
ing a produce businorsat Windsor,
as decided to 'itetut n to Exeter,
Miss Margaret Coopss'; who holds a
good position in London, was Immo
with her parents over -the :week -end;
Word was received of the death of
Mr. Thos. 1V1'cClymont of London, who
for many years was a business man
of this village, for upwegd`s of thirty
years carried on a blacksmith bust-'
nese and was considered an expert
mechanic, He had lived in London
with his daughter, -Mrs. Russel Croz-
ier, since' he retired front business,
Five sons and two slaughters sue.
vire. IIe was a Methodist in re-
ligion. ; Mrs. MeClymont pre -deceas-
ed him. - The funeral took place on~
Tuesday,' interment' at London. Mr.
Metlymont, as long.as his health per_
nutted Made frequent visits, here `at
the home of his son,•James, and with
other relatives.
Mrs. Edwards of Tday ; ;township,
near Mensal]. is visiting this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ja}nes Mus-
Mr. Jas; McClymont and daughter,
Mrs. Verne Terryberry. left. on Mon-
day for London to be present at the
funeral of the late. Mt Thos; McOly-'
Mrs. Robt,' Cooper is under the.
doctor's care atpeesent -
Mr, and 'Kra._ Abe' Forsythe enter..
tanned their friends to ,an old time
dance on Monday evening.
Mrs. ii. Jarrott, who was some
time ago operated on for' cataract of
the eye, has returned to the hospital
for fuetherr treatment. ,
The W' :M.'S, . 'of St. Andrew's,
church reet'this week at the.botne
of Mrs. John Sinclair' of the fifth
concession of Tuckerrsmith. The piesi-
dent, Mrs. W. W. Cooper, presided.
Miss LuellaJarrott of the town line
is confined -to the house, , suffering
from scarlet fever.
McKillop Township
Tuesday'srain would •cheer, up
many a housewife, as a number were
out of soft water:
Mr. W. Drover's three children are
down with the measles
Mr. H. Kellar repaired his barn
ohe day last week as the front siding
was out of order` on account' of the
foundation having fallen outward.
Messrs. John Howes and Chester
Henderson are busy cutting wood for
W, Hartiry 'at' the outskirts of Sea..
forth. Mr. 'Iiartry . is one of the
lucky townsmen, having a few acres
of hardwood near his dwelling, ,
llniiilett Township
'The' following is ;the report of the
Separate school No. 2 Hullett for the
month of February, the names are
in order of merit: Sr. 4th—Mar-
garet Flynn, Clement Reynolds, Tena
Flynn, Rose Reynolds,
Pr. 4th—Mary Reynolds, Tim CAT -
.Sr. 3rd=Edna Flynn.
Pc. 3rd :Elizabeth Morrison, Mar-
garet Carbeirt Harry Reynolds, Theo,
Flynn, Agnes Carbert; Gerald Brown,
;2nd -Jim Reynolds; .Earl Reynolds,
,Agnes Morrison.
--M, FLYNN, ,Teacher
The Winghant Band has been re-
or'`ganized with the following officer's:
President, Mayor Willis; Vice, N. L.
Fry; Treasurer, Reeve Meilrbbon;
Secretary, ' C. R. Wilkinson; Execu-
tive, C. H. McLean, P. Johnston, A.
Kingston, T. H. Gibson.
MORGAN--CREE—At" the Manse,.
Clinton, on March 6th, by the Rev.
.1', E. Hogg, Isabelle Enphemia,
;elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Lockhart J. Cree, tg. Thomas"Wil-
liens Morgan, all of Clinton,
manse,, Clinton, on March, 3rd, by
the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Florence'
B. MacDonald of Goderich to Don-
ald H. Graham of Detroit, ,
LINDSAY—In,loving memory of
Laura PerduLindsay, who died
four years agp, March 4, 1920.
"Deep in our heart lies a picture, •
Of a Ioved one laid to rest.
On memory's frame' we will' keep it,
Because she was one of the best.
Friends may think we have forgotten,
When at times they see us smile,
But they little know the heartache,
That the smile hide's all the while."
Mother and Children
Card of Thanks
The Clinton Hockey Club extends
a hearty:cote of thanks to the young
ladies for their excellent work in
making such a large suocess of the
Carnival for the Club. There is
no doubt it takes the girls to make
these things Successful.
For Sale
Team of colts, 2 years olcl; team
work horses, , 6 years old; 8 young
pigs, G weeks old; 8 chunks, 3 months
old; 2 York brood ,sows; also seed
beans. Ed; Johnston, Route 4, Clin-
ton, Phone 6. on 636. 44-1.
Save . Your Rummage
The Girle' Auxiliary intend having
a sale of rummage in the spring' and
would be 'glad if the housewives'would.
put'aside articles they are willing to
donate to same and have them ready
when asked for';
Social At Varna
The Presbyterian •congregation o£
Varna purpose holding a St. Patrick
Social on Monday, March 17th in the
Township hall. Two plays, "Mrs,
Sullivan's Tea," and "How the Story
Grew," are to be presented by the
Hayfield people.. • Lunch will be serv-
ed :from G to 8 porn.
Cattle_ and Cockerels
2o uoApril; ws d in g Farxaw cows
:3 -year-old Shorthorn bull, also a num,
bar of white Leghorn cockerels. Agply
John Macdonald, R. R. No, 1, Clin-
linton,Phone 31.638.• 44-1-p
• Card -of Thanks
The brothers and sisters of the` late'
Mise. Mercers desire to- thank their
many -friends for their 'kindness add
sympathy, in their for,
persons' found "talking about my
business or tresspassing :on my pro-
perty will -be prosecuted according to
law. . r -Fred Stirling, .14.sein.
/Singer Sewing Machines
Faintly, Electric and D. R. Styles.
Also some second-hand machines,
good as new, Old machines taken
as part payment, ' Easy -teems, It
will pay you to look these over -before
buying' elsewhere. Repairing and.
parts :foe all makes of machines.-
Earl Steen. Jan. 1; 1924'
Suring '4Vlteat For Sale
A quantity of Wild Goose Spring
wheat. Apply 'to Oswald Ginn, R.
R, No. 1, Goderich, Phone, 16-603.
Auction Sale
Of faun stock and implements,• The.
undersigned has received instructions
to sell by public auction at lot 41, con-
cession 1, Tuckersmith, Huron road,
east, ,adjoining Clinton, on Thursday,
March 13 commencing at 122;30 o'clock
sharp, the following': HORSES=
Heavy mare 8 years old; bay gelding
rising 5; driving snare 8 years old;
team snatched grays, snare andgeld-
ing rising 6; driving horse, 7 years;'
brown, mare 4 years old. 'CATTLE
-140 ' head including 7 : cows all to
freshen in' front 2 to 6 weeks; cow
freshened Jan, 26; aged farrow cow;
farrow cow With calf at foot; 6 young
cows rising 3' all freshened during the
early ,winter'; 2 heifers rising 3` 4
heifers rising 2;;2 heifers 14 months;
,6 steers rising 2; 4 calves rising 1;
2 ' harvest calves; 4 winter calves;
pure bred Durham • bull, 2 years; 50
pure bred rock pulletts. IMPLE-
MENTS -M -H. binder 7 'ft. cut, gobd
as new; lef,.-H.. 11 row disc and fer-
tilizer drill, nearly new; M. -H: mow-
er 7 .ft. 'cut; M. H disc harrow;
spring tooth cultivator land rollers;'
2 sets double harness and collars;
turnip sower; Oliver twin riding plow
Oliver gang plow; M, -H, single,
riding plow; M . -II . walking plow;
M, -H. two row corn cultivatorbean,
attachments; Deering horse rake, 12
foot; scales 1200 lb. capacity; 2 hunt-
•ber wagons; pulper; fanning • mill;
pair Manitoba sleighs; Portland cut-
ter; De Laval No. 15 cream separa-
tor; pig crate; 'Bell cutting box; hay
rack; one horse smiler; • 8 distribu-
tion silo 'fines; woven wire 'stretcher;
set five -section harrows, new; gravel
box; quantity of lumber and dry wood
quantity of hay in the mow; 200 bush-
els of oats'; 100 bushels of wheat;
50 bushels of barley; few bags of
potatoes; 1920 model Ford car in
good 'condition; ;cabinet Symphonola,
nearly new with 40 records and a
few other articles. Lunch' at noon
for those Corning front a distance.
TERMS—All sums of $15 and under,
cash; over that amount 11 months
credit onapproved joint notes or a
discount of 6 per cent. for cash. W.
Henry, Proprietor: G. 0'. Layton,
Clerk. G, H. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
• Of farm stock and implements:
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction at Lot 19, concession 10,•Hul-
lett, 1% miles east of Londesboro on
Wednesday,' March 19th, commenc-
ing at one o'clock sharp, the follow..
HORSES—Heavy draft team,
CATTLE -2 cows, 5' years, supposed
to be in calf; cow 3 years, supposed
to be in calf; heifer with calf at foot;
8, 3 year old fat steers; 2; 2 year old
fat steers; 3, 2 year old steers; 2
year old heifer; yearling heifer; 2
spring calves. HOGS—Yorkshire
hog 1 year old; Yorkshire sow; ` 11
chunks about 150 lbs.; 2 Yorkshire
sows dueApell 15. Machinery—
M.-H. binder, new, 6 ft. cut; Frost &
Wood mower, 6 .ft. cut; M. -H, disc;
three section harrows; Fluery walk-
ing plow; Oliver riding plow; scu ier;
potato digger; horse rake; . drill and
cultivator combined; M. -H. mower;
M. -H. cultivator; lawn mower; quan-
tity inch lumber and rock elm plank;
2 waggons; double • waggon box; bob
sleigh and wood rack; cutter; gravel
box; hay rack; hay fork, car, ropes
and pulleys; set double harness; fan-
ning mill; root pulper; wild oat sep-
arator; cream separator, new; .weigh
scales 600 lbs.; steel oil drum; 24 ft.
ladder; 'forks; shovels; chains and
other articles; about 40 hens and
roosters, GRAIN. Quantity of oats
4 bushels of. red clover seed. HOUSE-
HOLD EFFECTS-Raymondsewing
machine; cools stove; New Perfection
oil stove; table; chairs; , clock, etc.
Everything to be sold without reserve
as proprietor has sold his farm,
TERMS -All sums of $10 and under
cash; over that amount 12 months
credit on; approved joint notes.or dis-
count of 5 per cent. for cash. George
McVittie, clerk. W. H, Moon, pro-
prietor'. G. H. Elliott, auctioneer.
In the estate of Mary Cooper, 'de.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate .of Mary 'Cooper,' late of the
town of Clinton in ::.the.County of
Huron, widow, deceased, who died on
or about the 25th day of January 1923
are required to deliver to. Albert
`Thomas Cooper the executor of the
said estate or his solicitor on or be -
for the- 15th day of March 1924, a full
statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof, and the no. -
Sure of the securities, if any, held by
them, all drily verified by affiddvit.
And take notice that after the said
last mentioned date the said executor
will proceed to distribute the estate
of the saiddeceased amongst the per-
sons entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims as he shall have
received clue notice and in accordance
Dated et Clinton, -. this 22nd day of
February,. A',D. 1924.
tV. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the' said executor,
our store offers you is quality goods at live and let live pricer. Prompt,
10 bars Nantha Soap , ,68'2 lbs. Bulk, Cocoa Pie
10 bars Laundry Soap ., ,., 48e2 lbs. Ginger Snips „,....,.....26e
2 pkgs. Pearline 1nc'5 lb. of Pure Lard ... . , , ,81.00
8 Cakes of Castile Soap „25ci lb. of Black Tea „ .. . ...70
NOTE—Our credit customers are pe quested. to attence promptly to settles,
mer,.,. oi, their accounts,
JORNSC ,l .& ,co'S' GROCERY Phone 111
For Saturday Ordy
Neilson's ,Chocolates
'Assorted Flavors, per lb 39e
Bread Cakes Buns Etc.
8' q' J.
: __N D Ca
Phone 1
Poultry and Eggs .
It will pay all producers to get in touch with us when they have
poultry or eggs to sell. •
Write, phone or. call at our office -for quotations. Poultry bought
live weight according -to size and quality:
Eggs bought according to Government Fading,
Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited
Montreal, Quebec. ei
N. W. 'T R R v ii A, R T H
Day Phone 190 Manager, Clinton Branch Night Phone 214w
House for' : Sale
1% storey frame house, 8 rooms, Sitting room, dining' room, kitchen
and hall' on lower floor, 3 bed rooms and: hall up stairs, , good
shed at rear, good seller, town water, exterior' newly painted
good sized lot with fruit trees and plenty of room, for garden
Situated, at south end of Fulton ; Street, Possession given at once
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone }'5Iwr
Farm to Rent
On Huron road east adjoining Clin-
ton, 128 acres, first class buildings,
good clay land, well watered. Ap-
ply on the premises to Wm. Henry,.'
Clinton, R. It, No, 4,. Phone 14-617
,Notice to Dog Owners '
Owners of dogs in the town of
Clinton will please take notice that
all dogs must be registered at the
constable's office and tags for the
present year procured from the un-
dersigned forthwith, --- L. STONG,
Chief Constable, , 43-2.
Home Made Cooking Sale
The Home and School Club will hold
a sale of home-made cooking in the
Hydro' Shop on Friday afternoon,
March 14 at 3 o'clock. Proceeds to
go for practical school purposes.
Farm For Sale
Being lot 17 and part 18 on the
8th concession' of Huilett, 81% acres,
also 50 acres on the 9th of Kellett.
The buildings are all good. W. H:
Heels, Londesboro; proprietor. 42-6-p.
Raw' Furs Wanted
Mink and coon are lower in price,
but still a good price. Fox and white
weasel are higher. Spring musk as
will be about same as last year, per-
haps higher. H, A. Royey. 414f.,
Auction Sale
Of Horses, cattle and pigs, at
Walker's barn, E ueefield, on Friday,
March 7th at 1:30.sharp, the follow -
mg: Horses—Span 'of matched heavy
draft filly and gelding, 5 and 7 years.
old, weight' 3100 lbs. Cattle—Thor-
oughbred registered cow Queen -160-
821,e six year old due. April '12th; 8;
young, cows due in March; 7 young
cows due in April; 5 young cows due
in May; Jersey cow 4 years old, due
April 15th; Airshire cow freshened
February 1st, calf at foot; 5 farrow
cows mincing; $ young Durham:.
calves, Pigs—Sow with 7 pigs 2
weeks old; sow due time of sale.
Guarantee—Any cow sold'. to be with
calf and proving not to be within 30
days of. date -of sale 15 per cent. of
purchase . pried will" be .refunded.
Terns—All 'sums of $10 and under,
cash, over that amount six months 1
credit; given en'Iuenishing approved
joint notes ora discount of 1 per cent,
straight allowed for cash on credit;
amounts.' Geo, H. Elliott, Auction-
eer. George Layton, Cleric. Tur-
ner and ;Holland, Proprietors. 43-2.
A clean-up on -all 'lines
of Men's, Women's
and Children's
50c a pair up
10 per cent off for spot
cash on new stock
Sale ends March 15th I
No Co c ds Exchanged
or Returned
r,--! •
Fur Sale
Filly rising 4, sired •by ' Glenrae,.
Frame Powell, R. R. No. 3, phone.
2.607,. Clintons 43-2.
House For Sale or Rent
8 -room frame house on Victoria st.
Electric light, town water: Large
garden with some fruit trees. Apply
to Geo, II. Elliott. • 22-tfl
Seed Oats
. A quantity of "Empire," variety, ab-
solutely clean, apply to Elmer Web-
ster, Varna. Phone 13-622. 40-5-p.
Farm For Sale
• Lots 26 and 31, Bayfield concession
Goderich township, containing 212,
acres., Lot 26. 112 acres containing
2 storey brick house, 2 barns each 36x
56 also straw shed. 15 acres hard-`
wood bush,' spring•ereek, running
year round. 5% miles front Clinton,
1% miles from Varna, '11. M. Be.'
livery, telephone. Lot 31 contains 96
acres, with fraine barn .36x60, all in .
grass. Will be, sold eeparately or
together. Apply Isaac Rathweil''
Verge, cl ,.. - 38-tf.e,