HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-28, Page 7en eee eoIe xy adulterant Gg offs DUCAT Y DR. J..i. MIDDLETON t'tra,vinestO hoard. of ttoalth, Ontario loton'w111-be glad to massae; questions en Publig Health mat,•: thrCu,gli this ealnrae, Address fiina at Bpadleu house, Spadini& eat: Toront€e. vet', the scourge of. child he ;increase. There wore ported -during the month 1„324;; with 13 deaths. month 'of, January, 192'8, my 308 cases, so' the num this, year has more than of contact is the only to. prevent" -scarlet fever, ildren at-home and away as the morn severe case; 'and the virulence of disease builds up with, in- creased. prevalence, In other, words, the more a disease spreads the more serious;nee the cases of it that occur. Scarlet fever is infectious to the very last stage of the disease, and mueh-of it is spread by the .careless person irho ventures abroad before complete recovery.; The regulations of the Pro- vincial Board of Health of Ontario require a quarantine period of 10 days for contacts, and in the ease of pa - The,fret-,bos liet4 tulle And ,et erz w; Our gate 'And try thea CB'hen, be FVii1 bis: Yea, °apYoun$ a Sorbets pian and had. o young 4athers'.:dres .. lan 1 1 C tltem the firf t ULn never seem • Too soon the:'etamaa' it the man, Naelu;IQugsr, stop, ea•ch'laxger word, Leech 'in,dieatos; seen or heard;;. Of later y ears,'maturer growth t 1 A happy nignai to :hem • both. • Btit, ah, ,the last-bornt. Time, too Swift Too quickly down the stream we drift, Too early babyhood is pant; .0h, ',leave the baby at our breast` A tittle tenger, there to rest; • Too•; brief the days; too short the mile, - Oh, let ue keep the last a while! —Aouglzt's MalIoeh, eon, ST..V•: S D .CE Shows Through a Twitching of the Miiscleg of Face and Limbs. hildren in the household. e dieeaae belongs to the tients^auarantine period'of 35 days Chorea, or as it Is more generally ✓ born ailments, and an from, appearance: of rash,' providing! known; St„ Vitus dance, is a trouble di the scharges ' from nose; throat or that', usually attacks young children, is tune may be expected, to a minimum by prompt cases. The school room t medium for spreading , hence any child .having gestion of a rash, a cold. particularly. `damaging in its effects rout; • should be, kept at• on the kidneye, and mach” Bright's permission to return is: Diaeaee of later life may Ise attributed a competent pllysican, to scarlet fever contracted in child- eess of scarlet fever lies hood. Theeo are from two to four that it is extremely Sri- deathe in every 100 cases of scarlet ild cases, known as scar- fever. Exercise precautions so that ently pass unnoticed. Yet your child may not be :numbered infection just as potently among -the victims. ears are all, cleared, up. After effects from scarlet fever, such as deafness and arrested develop- ment often follow. . The disease is With 1 The BOY FSatti k to Patrol Leaders. By anA'S,Mev you leaders, draw up your 1 the fire." in camp, molten things were wrong, and I don't suppose the S. M. liked having to give it to you. 'Ile only did it et tidally, he le Still your friend. As you know; before I gained my wood. badge, I had to go through a course -of train-, ing at camp. Weall took turns at be- ing P. L. and Second. If things •were. put up to the mark the Deputy Camp Chief 'blew up the Leader, but that did not make .any difference to their "per- sonal friendship -it wee all in a day'a work. I hope that some day I may amigo my red• plume for a green one. If so, I shall want to keep an ,A1 troop lbw many of you have seri:going, to de that I shalt have to point fit about your jab as a out mistakes and shall expect the lead- er? Do you realize that ere to take it.ail in good part.. great dual to de with the Then what about ,your Seconds? he character of the ale or Mae it ever struck you what mtaer- who go to mike up your able job they have got? You knew they can't run the a ro f in their ir owne members of the Patrol ion to show them the way, way because they are not. best, but I pathfinder' brazing. thethey .must be Prepared•to takecharge m to follow. I and carry out 'the 'Leader's ideas vasa little fellow in the should be be away at any. time. So'. eisa a little how- to thought "give them a chance to do a bit' as they aro he future , as we called diem, to be'' t ut re Patrol Leaders. Yen leaders are yeti; patrol's repro - Scouts. in your "Patrols a ver •a a court t l' ideas nd ou as important people' to get to know your 'patrol's ideas and eople to bo feared, 'Th#1 .gent ti t th and-th'ay will say friar, a bring them forward, as it is by discuss- ing nets ideas that we feen go- ahead is.eo,because the P. 1a: + rtm. rsonal example is a great and improve•eursekves, a is almost out and it's la Leader Is elude at obWell, the rimey- time we wen •r argues oe parade, ono L 00,0a, night Geed his patrol to be a poor i bight; all-. ember your actions are• commented upon bY' t re dollowisWEATHER You. Your STO P ATHE and week- end . Patrol e thine that go to prove stripes on your uniform ard.eign of true leader- overing up a holo or two. trot nights 'develop into se;" or do you get some Are your camps real HARD ON BABY The stormy, blustery weather which we have daring February and Merck is extremely hard on children. Condi- tions make It necessary for the moth- s or merely a time of er to keep them in the house. They are eftenrconfined to overheated, bad- ra might appear , b - a ly ventilated rooms and oateli colds •which rack their whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house. and an occasional dose given the baby ' to keep- he etorriaeh and bowels working regularly. This 'will not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the•brighter days come along. Tito Tablets are sold by medicine dealers er byr mail ' at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. f anlmai, who gives up a liday with meals Served nice soft bed to sleep on, number of high •apirltod 1 and has all the worry: ability of looking after y out late at night look- teen, he spends'time and 'a good tithe to what the "A band of bare kneed ow -boy'. hats., and staves s."' What pay does he Some ,people may con- liarmless lunatic to be 11, the best way you lead- ' him Is: by slowing that trusted to do your job , M. le prese'ttt er not. Iy bitten, with Scoutitis oma S. M. some day, and . L.'s to give you loyalty It counts a lot to- . M.'e peace of mind to he is called sway, his ot take advantage and writ carry on -with their don't suppose' you liked p you hacl that morning :te • Radio Map of and the 'Tatted howirig all Broad- tationg, giving Call kid Locations, w Eaton, Edition him 15c ATON C t a . tB .0aima13q The Westbound Train. The westbound train goesroarin •through the night; H rest til Forms; sprawl In the d ljnay coach chairs, The Pulman curtains ripple in the light, . The smoker rooks" and reeks with hazy airs; • The brakeman lurches through the swaying gloom, The postai clerks work swiftly at the mails, • The porter dozes In tate dressing, room, The engineer peers sharply down the rafts, The whirling wheels repeat a rhythmic beat, Culvert and cut and bridge go cry- ing past; Streams, towns, trees, farme and fields on flying feet Glide by like ghosts, astounded and aghast; And from the sky the silent stars look down Upon this'anail-Biro speed from, town to town. ---Kirke Mechem. Of the temb Ro al Plain - the y fly Duke of York ie the hest bil Hard player, although he : is left - though older People , may be- nfi feted with it, Its most common 8y -diatoms are a „twitching of the muscles of the late and, 'MOS.' As- the ,dieease pro - greases the tcgitciling'takee the term of spasms in winch the"jerking mo- tion may be confined to the head, or all the limbs may be affected. 1F'ree guently the 'patient is unable to hold anything .in the, hands dor to walk steadily. In severe.cases the speech Is often affected.- The disease 413 due deb to :.ility of the nerves •and relief cense,/ thrauglt en enriched blood :aup- piy,.'Which feeda and strengthens the nerves. Dr. William& Pink Pills have been Most successful in reaching thin t b rotz Ie through their. 'syeafpc action on the blood, which it enriches and purifies, The' following instance will show, what Pr.' Williams' Pink Pills pan do in this trouble.' Mrs. 8. i+], �iaklns, Parry 'Harbor, Ont„ 'says;'- As a young girl I was badly stricken With St. Vitus dance, My parents tried severs] medicines- but without avail. steadily' growing ,worse and could'.0cart els walk without falling. I had to quit school and had no control 01 my nerves Or actions,- B'Inally a ;Mightier advised the use of Dr. Wa- llin/is' Pink PlAs, and the use of these for ,'a Couple of iuontha• restored. me, and have eh v ad'n no k:'at#a c of the trou bie since. 1 hat'e,•however, taken the pill8'at"different times dace, when. I felt out o1 aorto; and find them 5Ii"you claim for them if-gti'en afairefrial," You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ,through an ydenial'. in incident,: or by •mail at .60 gents a box from The:Dr. 4Villitc)ae' 1Sdedicine Cop Brockville, Ontario. Oldest Dated Hand vriting Discovered at Ur. . a The authorities of the British Mus- eum attach great' importance to are- port from C. L. Woolley, leeder.of the 'expedition sent jointly by the museum and "the University of Pennsylvania, disclosing their discovery ot Ur -Of the- Ohaldeea of as example of the, oldest dated specimen of handwriting, says 'a London despatch, The main body of workmen had beta engaged is clearing the Zigguat- at or staged, tower, whose" ruing dom- inate the plain of Ur. Describing the contents of a small. temple excavated during ; the first mirth, the report Says: "Such fieri •'would have been, in- deed, noteworthy to whatever period they belonged, but these are the more surprising, in that they are the oldest /volts of art in metal yet known, "A ms•rble tablet was discovered -in- scribed in .Sumerian which reeordS that this was the temple of the God- dess Ninkhurag, built in her honer by the Ming of 11r, Aanlpadda, son of King ,Mesonnipa;ddo., tQse latter la known to us, from king lists drawn up about 2,000 years before Christ, as a ruler of the first dynasty:of Ur. `Tahoeat • its': face value, -the Su. merian `chronology would assign • our statues and ;olio to a date somawhore about ''4000•years before Christ; eve of that chronology has, to be modifi we can yet say that aur month's won has given 'its Abe oldest dated exams of man's handwriting and the tildes known triumphs of the art Of Tub Claim" • Poor Business.. "Oh, 'robe!". distreasedly: cried Mrs, Sagg. "The baby has swallowed a quarter!" Well," replied Tobe Sagg, of Sandy Mush, pacifyiugly, "X don't reckon, 'ell things considered, it will pay us to take him to the, doctor i;u town to get It, took out" a The Pioneer in Canada. Thirty-two years ago the now: lam- ous "SALADA"'Tea was placed on the market in: metal packages, ' SALAIIA," was the pioneer :package tea Ina Gene - «a. Immediately its. superior flavor and parity won for it a great popu- larity that has been growing ever Since, Itis 651)1 a.1151l5 different and a little bettor than';ordinarr tea, nfi,h FlEtl,ryr � ra�#i"?iKts?I; ',r A6a1 r a7ppq,. i , renser t0fi3 nowFa lhay} lalxlllri ten t ioneilly troy in g t 0i t}I. • f3he: because hoeate Eilaekheade end t#OAS, ,s,* ". Ip : triltiblgMfk ; V0 ro-' s )SttperfinartsaHr gates 9iVVartM 4te ' fore er, tfbS diairork. ` 'Cynic f 11SC4r'1 Y yi iy} t16 g t- ,f nter#! ."!2t.!' T ottte: Lst:.1� Y1L14:R74�a�1'. `he ' arlishiilg. Egg An egg fel shown and' is placed in a small paper •bag: The ma•: glean.; makes mysterious passes over, the bag and then -presses the bag smaller and snialler. The egg vanishes. The bag is opened and inside of it a handkerchief is found. , The bag: and egg' are preparetio for the trick; Tite bag Is made o two bags, one insideof the other. Oqe side of the openings of the two bags axe pouted. together. It is thus possible to piateaa•,*blect either la: the Inr4er bag, or between ` the two- bags. The egg is pre-,; pared- by,puacbing g entail` pin- hole In both ends ot the egg and blowing the contents Out.' The: egg should be, permitted to dry -before presenting ate -trick. The• bandkgrctile , a silk one, is ip the inner bag et the start. The ,agtt' 1e placed between the two bags. The magician, should ask an- obliging friend to play mss.: terious muaie while he is doing the trick. The object of the mush's le to' drown the 'sound of the crushing ,of the egg shot. If ise.openhng between the two beige is treated with mucilage `just before presenting thetriek, the opetting May be closed in the act of twisting tip the month of the bag. (Oitp this Get andpester with outer: of the series, in. a scrapbook.) 5 Morality. We cannot kindle when we with The fire that in the heart resides, The spirit bloweth and ie'atill, in' mystery our aopl /ditties; Put 'tasks In hours of insight willed, Can be through haute a1 gloom fol. filled, Wath .aching hands and bleeding feet, 1'ye dig and heap, lay atone " on stouts; We bear' the burden, and the heat ' Of the long day, and wish 'tikere Not till the hours of dight return Aid we have built do we discern,' —Matthew Arnold (1822-1888). !Mother! Give Sick' Child `. "California Fig Syrup" Harmicaa Laxative 'for a eiiloue, Constipated Baby, or Child, L Constipated, b!t- houS, feverish, or Mick, colic Babies and Children lova to take genuine 'California ' P i g Syrup." Noother laxative regulates the tender ,little bowels to nicely. It sweetens the stomach and stares the liver and bowels acting without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say, "California" .to your druggist: and avoid counterfeits! insist upon genuine 'California rig Syrup" whish. eonteina• "dlreetioiu: Nights. When conies the night of ofdreanh-in` And I go counting Reee, - 8 wish we lived in Greenland, And we were Makin—Ms. Before I know, the evening Had vaniabed:like a song. That's, why rd be in Greenland, n Where eiglhta are six nionths•long. 1 ed --Edgar Daniel Kramer. It INDIGESTION,• GAS, al STOMACIUTROUBLE A False:Alarm. Although `the snow unmelted'1c•y, And spring seemed far, BO for away; Although the wind with whistle shrill Had all of bleak Docemher'e chill, L heard' ;bled mail, boldly spoken, And winter's spell, I knew, was broken, Or so I thought. And then, a Omelet The call came from a cuckoo clock. Ii, ;3'.. Among the queer trades ,`'or women nieniiene5 in the now Lender, Dire= they are; beer -can maker; ` chimney sweep, cyole maker, locksmith, Lind. die;, arid whaeiw lght, iboep Miitaed'e Lin/meet int tli "Pipe's Diapepsin" the sinickest, surest 'relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, • sournests, or stomach dietress'caused. `by.acidity. 4 tow tablets give' almost iinntedfato stomach rellef. Correct your atom/telt and dlgestlou 'now, for a few cents. ])ruggists sell millions of packages of. Pape's Dlapepsin. 4. Poach motorcycle is equipped with a water:cooled engine, Ole radi- ator ,and circulation System taking up but little room. ' Ask for Minard'a and take no other. In, one voyage an', American liner carried no, fewer than eight stow- aways,,one of whom confessed that it was his eighth stolon trip aeross the 'Atlantis: &TER ; Por BOYS mnd (Ai RLS of . school ago. Specially oe. looted for Immigration to Canada. h'urtitor information apply The Salvation ,' :;tin 1 297 George St. ` `trr€>litea i017tQV�Pr; e etately:homes of'1l;Itglan5i liow beautiful they,-otnndl .8.jx,ldat their tall ancestral trete, O er all :tile pleasant land Tlrr, dear aeroas rials; gr•;erusrtyz Peilnd eranigh, tirade ,and weeny gheam;.t. And-tile'swan gilder: past tbeus wlti the' found iii- some :rejric ug ate -Some The merry Homes:•ot Ungland! 'Around their beartha by night, • What giadeome loofa 'el beim ehold lave Met Iri the ruddy Ifghtt There woman's vatee `news forth iu sena, 0r lips move tunefully along ' Some gloriane Page of Old. Tile cottage, Homes of lEnglendi ' thousands on her plains, They aro smiling o'er the. olive,' breaks, - And round the hamlet -rands: •Through, glowing oreh'nrda forth Mary peel, Leach from its nook of leaves, And leariess there 'tho lowly, sleep, , 'An the:bi-ds beneath' the eaves. .The ' drop, fair Hosea of Iiinglandl Long, long, On hutand hall, May hearts.ot native preof be rased, `To guard each:haliowed walls And green "for ever be the groves, : And bright the iiotvory ead, Where first the child's glad spirit loves Its eountry and`!ta'Gedf Beware of Zanitationa Y, • Unless you see .the nttiige "Sayer Cross',' on ,package' Or on tablets You are not getting the• genuine Bayer As- pirin, proved'a fe b :millions and pre. scribed by physicians over twenty- three years for Colds• .ileadaohe Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Nebralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package' 00n- M:has proven' directions:' ilandy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- giats also sell bottles of 24 and 104: Aaplrin is the trade, mark (registered ia: Canada) of Bayer Manufactiue of. Monoaoeticacidester of Sa]icylicacid.I While it le: well known that Aspirin means Bayer Mantnfacture, to aaslnt the pubiio against imitations, the Tab. Jets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their•general trade mark the "Bayer Cross." Only one child Out of every three in London reeeivos any educattoft be- yond that provided by the elementary schools. Minard's Liniment Heals Cute. Sieves woven of- bronze wire and used in the testing of the fineness of content have 40,000 holes to the square inch: Take No C:harice That na4 two aAs he rear. -youe'. horde oauoet gat ewer , Iron - the • .Safety snap on rho Safely -Oat-• $5r.. Shat Now paok to pre•wnr aloes : aaenk Conaploto: for 1rt sante) 00 gents. wort. 01 Bert 81711iato. Snare only soil :nt C cent, doth. Bot Jour protection• the Setter rtelte0 Shank • fA now unbolted with blue thread. Pinning -through it, 1.01.1 on the patine. They .0001 a0. m000, ' send a :poet rot hose, ,for boost. or ol,51, holue, allowing the n,wc,t looney -eating 'bowie Q,['.,Q a, Water•9tn Ar^ --or -'' Sltdford,; ant.:. BABY CHICKS . Queen City Hatchery, .Breeder and distributer of ]iuelcy,'healthy Chicks and Ducks; ten• varieties, Write for catalogue': and : price Bet 2 Llnsmore Creeeent, Toronto, Ont. MORTCACE LIFTERS 139 Egg Hot Water lnctibators g Four 0uarentaad 5relght, isti•' to your surest ' nn- Atadon; WO la .C=4% ;05.daay'll,e.r.red cedar..b¢aua... tIA7u ;paltaorpd Wry, and durably ahtahed.: with double mass door, 00,610 want with, air 00100.:5iswo :;apnea tool, ,blpped. aat np.rcady'5,, uta 3 170. Es! Notwetor Ineptetar Cunrplolo $18,70 100 Clrtok arooder with Iffoupatoh - 520.2E 100 n°4 Canoeing Oral etroutor ,,,.. gtthat 20 amen y -tour' yOat'e a 0,71 a0o. tax pond that acro ti warg 1l, 110y;:ln i00lt7',th., way other afro reoak, 1024 ip0Upattr:and poutuy aak.loguo Uoaut!- ru117 lnusirOt¢d,PrlW.. •ooiour platm:'(00e, t, n.,.. Road, inohbator pant,. aociawoad, 'anC j1GrSAVii PUZZLE; Pon, ant ILO"Edd Send iozar: 9yrappoira from To Oaee Limited y05.L 5Conrolnah Sr., Moubool olatetattmottt pia'iira v Aia.I.Z',aper being yyoii Sie gaail- richness old mellow ,weetaileits'of'thQs--- 717213acco Mbnufactue•ed by • 'IMP3I2IALTOSACCO: CA.•OF CANADA 1.IMI`mo- Darla Woinen.M deTsi A day ;when dark women may- be-. 00010 Pair: at will and fair women dark 1a foreebadowed ley revelations of new gland ekporimenta made by'Dr..Wlui- frod Cuilis, ""Extractions from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a'pea-Mend gland at the base of the brain," said l)r. Cellia, "changed the saiady eglgr of afrog to pttch-bleek, It is within the range of possibility that blondes may be transformed• one day- to brun- ettes and brunettes to blondes 0 they wip'ry5.. e mayy even nee' black mea turned to white," added Dr. Oullia, "but'tltere will be danger in this, for the ooloriug of the individual is Nature's proteo= themagainst the sone and rigours of itis native climate." WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded 'things New for 15 cents. Diamond m and Dyes Don't wonder whether you can dye or 'tint suaoesafully, because perleat home dyeing is guaranteed' with "Dia- mond Dyes" even'. if you have. never dyed berero, 'Druggists have all col- ors.. Directions in each, package. W` . Iondon's'husiest.apot for traffic is lyde Park Corner, where, on aft aver- age day, 80,000 vehicles pace between the hours of 8 ani.' and 8 p.m. Buy. your out-of-towtt supplies with. Dominion Express Mousy Orders: Toothbrushes and mirrors ,ares un- known ' on Porto 'Sento 'And, off 'Madeira.' Minard's Liniment for ' Dandruff. The discovery of things which here- tofore have been hidden to you, is what Mikes life worth living. NIGHT & MORWMG Cr' �EtoEn P YOUR OUR YES LEAN HEALTHY tr ewe ern sees 8000•ASalNtoacateaewel levee „e?l To upp tthe ste fit , In r aria r�f��a ,: n�ww (Rb tt6 is a " dt� A d Cr E 'Eddy's make 120 matches a® Jo i nits Ache Minard's will ease the pain an atifftess.' The old reliable remedie 1 A to DISH ,SMP; LIQ M simply wonderful for keeping the handy beautifully white and ;soft and smooth. Positively pre- vents redness and chapping. 'Goo ft: at ouoo after washing dishes rand note tic, improvement o� your hands. 4oee 0 1)ottie handy by the kitchen sink Sameness makes life monotonaue,; Vary your interests and .you will add ' antero- - C.lassifed Advertisement* FOR SALE.. ' *''v' QQOLGROWERS, YOUR OWI wool ,manufactured or exchang. ed for.. yard, or, -blankets. Woollen Mills,' Georgetown, t)fitario, 1 ADIES'WANT.ED TO DO PLAIN' Fziil light sewing at home, whole or spare mei Pay, work gent any distance, cha'rg'esaid, Sand stamp for particulars, National Manufacturing Co:, •Montreal. Rheumatic eahns: Aro relieved In a few days by. taking 30 drops of Mother sei- ses Syrup aftermade and on retiring. it dleaotves the lime and -acid accumulation in the mueolea and Jolnta,so these .de- posits can be expelled,. thus re. !loving pain .and soreness, ' Set-- gel'e Syru'p, alto known as Sex. treat.: of R'ootd,"`oontalns no dope nor other ottanp drugs to kill or mask the ho pale of rheumatism or iumbatgo; it removes the cause. 'Ask yOUr Drug9late 1Y s 11 ,you are :wash, .and nee -Vote/ let your druggist supply you withBitroa Phosphate. It' 14 guaranteed to ire crease 'weight anti strength andre, store energy, vigor and' nerve forge. Price $1 per „Pkgs...Arrow Chemical Co., 25'Front St: East, "Toronto, Ont. ACNE ON FACE CUTICURA HEALS Hard, Large and Red Pim- ples. ItehingWas Terrible, • 'tiled been troubled all .my life„ with acne on my face. My: forehead was a mass of pimpled.: They were bard, large and (' red, and the itghing was tnoettentble. My ewe was disfigured. I sent fora free:. sample of 0uticura'Soap t +<% and Ointment and after using' them got instant- retieb. t bought more, and after using two calms of Cuticura Soap, and three boxes of Cutkcura Dint- nse t f was healed." (Signed)" (i: a : Miller, Box 14, Marshall, Wash„ Jan. 9, 1922, Use Odious for every=day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soapsobthe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. • lmpb550abyrW,l, Aoo:''vc,T00m- . r1005e,.50500, alnt0005Mend 60, Taltol,15b0, gElirCuticura , EXCRUCATNG PWINS,. CRAMPS Entirely Remedied by Lydia. E. Pinkhatia's Vegetable Compound Eberts,Ont, .'¢Istarted with cramps and bearing=down pains at the age of eleven•years and I would gat po nervous I. could hardly atay in bed, and I bad such pains than would scream, and my another would Calk the doctor to give me something to take. At eighteen I mar. tied„ arid have four health childre• but I Still have pains in my ri� ht side, I: am a farmer's wife with Mere work than I am able to do. I have taken threw bottles of 'Lydia E..Pinkhanh's Vege- table Compound and I feel that it is belpingnie'every day. My dieter -in-law, who has been taking your medicine fop some time and uses your Sanative Wash told tee about it and I reeomnrgreai; ieliead' oi now," as 1have received from it."—Mre. NSi tioe Yolrr, le. R. h lberts, Ont. - Lydia 18.: Pinkchatn's Vegetable Come. pound is a medicine for ailments comb mon to women. It 'has been used to Ouch troubles for neatly fifty years, an thousands of women have found robe as did Mrs. Yott, by taking tide splenili medicine. , If you are snft'eriniwfro,Yt irregularity; painful. tunes, nervousness, headache backache or Melancholia, ora should at once begin to take Lydia 15, Pfnlchamto Vegetable Compound. It is excellent to strengthen the system tad help to perm form its func-ts,.ns with ease and rope larityo ee 15511)18 r10,6-524,: -